8 minute read
haMMarö (Se
locAtIon HAmmArÖ - proVince oF VärmlAnd populAtIon ciTy 15,000 inHAb. conurbATion 110,000 inHAb. strAtEgIc sItE 110 HA sItE of projEct 20 HA
of the Site’S repreSentative KArIn MAnnEr, Municipal heaD architect

presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
hammarö municipality is an island in Sweden’s biggest lake, lake vänern. Many of its 15,000 inhabitants work in the local hub karlstad, which is less than a 15 minute commute away. Most people live in detached single family houses and there is a need for other forms of housing to complement this model. the competition site, a former hospital, stands partially empty and the competition brief asked for a concept encompassing questions of energy, social interaction, services and new ways of living/working. What is a neighbourhood? What are its components? is it the buildings, the streets, the public places or the people in it? could a built heritage be the starting point for a new way of thinking about neighbourhoods? the hammarö site presents a unique opportunity to explore one of the most important questions of the future: how can we make use of the building legacy?
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
the municipality previously tried to develop the area as a business hub with eu support. the outcome has been some it related activities, such as computer servers and a conference centre. the competition is the first step for the introduction of housing, as part of a new scheme to create a new community. it is a task that requires both architectural skills and the vision to create a new identity for this kind of area. it involves a kind of place making. how can the existing and partly vacant houses contribute to a richer housing community?
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
the competition site, Sätterstrand, is therefore about introducing another kind of housing or another kind of living, a complement to what already exists in the municipality today. at this very moment we are trying to incorporate the new vision of the municipality into the new strategic land plan. one of the challenges is to grow while maintaining untouched natural reserves. another is to avoid car dependency in the future in our municipality. the project site currently has a bus service, but with more residents this bus connection needs to be improved in order to link the area conveniently with karlstad. for us, it is important for the planning of the city of tomorrow to support the day-to-day life of our citizens. in the future, we want to be able to meet all day-to-day transport needs without the need for people to own a car. also, creating meeting places is a pivotal factor for social life.

t. +39 3338514953 feDerico.colella@hotMail.coM WWW.feDericocolella.net t. +52 5552642014 hugo.vargaS.arq@gMail.coM WWW.hugovargaSr.coM


team point of view the proposal will be divided into different phases, with maximum flexibility: the first step consists in the re-use of existing pavilions to start the area’s social-economic regeneration. after this, the project provides for a “ring” of growth around a “closed street”, producing a new urban pathway with new public spaces and stone flooring. We propose dwelling typologies with an integrated system of built links that re-shapes the existing villas. along the external path, interchange stations keep cars out of the urban ring. the project sets strategies to preserve and regenerate the historic landscape and strengthen the system of functional vegetation for both sunshine and snow seasons around the new urban core: an ecological restoration to provide climate protection and naturally contained urban growth. a wetland trail will connect the urban area to the lagoon, shifting from a static to a dynamic landscape.
jury point of view the project takes advantage of the existing resources on the site, adding simple but effective elements. the existing buildings are re-shaped, giving them a new identity, and they are complemented with residential towers that increase local density. in this sense the proposal works with the memory and values of the site but also with their future, using this hybridization with new elements as a means to generate new synergies and revitalise shared urban spaces. at the territorial or landscape level, the eco-path complements the urban-path and also incorporates social issues.


avDa. Doctor feDerico rubio y galí 31, 3 a 28039 MaDriD, Spain t. +34 636802615 correoDecarloSSoria@ gMail.coM

satellyzing Hammarö

team point of view after a close analysis of the site, it is broken down into three different systems – nature, architecture and infrastructure – subject to 3 types of action: preservation, reactivation and connection. the systems’ different elements become the planets and the interventions on them the satellites, bringing changes to the existing fabric and revitalizing the area and its natural resources. the actions on the nature system will be to preserve the reeds and the tree corona and develop new activities on the lake. for the architecture system, the satellites introduce new program options into the existing fabric, and a new housing extension area close to the lake. finally, two objectives drive the infrastructure system: reconnecting karlstad and hammarö, and restructuring the paths surrounding the lake and creating new ones.
jury point of view the project incorporates the whole ecosystem into the design arena. the proposal is very sensitive to the way humans inhabit the area but also how they coexist with others organisms such as birds. the second interesting point is the configuration of a catalogue of small interventions on the natural, architectonic and infrastructural systems. as a consequence of these two approaches, the project is really successful in its handling of the lake.

josIp zAnInovIć (hr) HrvojE ArbAnAs (hr) KrEšIMIr rEnIć (hr) architectS tAMArA MArIć (hr) lanDScape architect
forest community
team point of view adaptable satellitopia is achieved through coexistence with the forest. therefore a new forest-friendly housing types for the community is designed to give new contemporary identity to the space with minimal invasiveness. this is achieved by stacking houses and creating vertical rows. new buildings form a harmony with existing facilities, combining private and public spaces into a community platform where residents interact. over time, sustainable mixed used clusters (neighbourhoods) emerge. When a new cluster is erected (few vertical rows), the wild natural environs become cultivated, but nature nevertheless. a linear public space loops through the site and connects all the clusters.
jury point of view the project incorporates new way of living with a typology that emphasises the poetical aspects of inhabiting. it deals with the relation between inhabitants and their environment, including also the pleasures of dreaming. it draws on synergies with the existing buildings to create a new world, which works with the anthropological understanding of place and nature, but also with energy and sustainability. the “enclosed street” inside the existing buildings structures an open programmatic universe.

javier goroDner (ar) carolina Molinari (ar) juan Maria Spotorno (ar) luciano MatiaS intile (ar) axel ibarroule (ar) joan Marantz (ar) feDerico ariS chain (ar) architectS Martin zlobec (ar) MatiaS laStra (ar) felipe buigueS (ar) MarcoS altgelt (ar) StuDentS in architecture anDreS rogerS (ar) artiSt roDrigo perez De peDro (ar) philoSopher

Identicity plug-pump-flow
team point of view PLUG – encouragement for start-up companies, research projects and the ability to foster development growth in an environment that stimulates innovation, entrepreneurship and co-operation. the building legacy is mixed. its components are activated far below their maximum capabilities. PUMP – the first effect of the pumping system is the ability to increase the flow of people exponentially, because of the site’s potential attraction for the region. FLOW – a new paradigm is proposed for living in close connection with the environment. the lake, with its reeds and pollution, is a starting point for a system of houseboats to potentiate the natural resources used afterwards on the site. the causal system is open and complex, and may generate an infinite number of combinations. the result is implicit in its evolution.
jury point of view the project provides a new toolbox for urban processes. it combines “plug” strategies – adding new architectonic elements to the existing buildings – with the innovative ideas associated with “pump” elements: ephemeral, pneumatic, event-related programmes that give the site identity. it reflects a kind of curatorial understanding of urban processes over time, adapting events to seasons without versatile rather than permanent decisions. these two instruments combine with “flow” tools that relate to housing units.