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nürnberg (De
of the Site’S repreSentative pEtEr HAfnEr, urban planning DepartMent nürnberg, rAlf scHEKIrA, Wbg, nürnberg
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
the Südstadt is one of the most densely built areas in the city of nuremberg. the city’s southern district constitutes only 6% of the total urban area, but over 20% of nuremberg’s population lives here – and the trend is rising. the average age is well above the city average. With more than a third of the city’s total foreign-born citizens, it is the epitome of an international and cosmopolitan neighbourhood. people of differing origins, views and lifestyles come together here. they form a major social urban capital and generate added value that is significant for the city as a whole. if migration is a mainspring of european urban development, this especially holds true for the Südstadt. the neighbourhood has undergone a structural change into the post-industrial era. once surrounded by large-scale industrial areas, its image has changed. Some of the former industries were able to consolidate and strengthen their location; other industrial wastelands were successfully converted to business start-up centres, commercial and service locations or housing estates.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
the 1920s block perimeter development is the subject of the competition. how can the current site be converted to a concise, dynamic element of urban identity? how can the residential environment be designed to promote integration and create added value for the district? how should we react to the changing demographic conditions and different ways of life? how can the contradiction between high urban density and individual open spaces be solved? the task offers the opportunity to create an urban living situation and strengthen the role of the neighbourhood as a place to live. a piece of modern urban landscape with high density and strong appeal is to be created here, featuring trendsetting urban housing that treats demographic change and the integration of a wide range of lifestyles as an opportunity.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
the city of nuremberg has reacted to the structural change in the Südstadt with an integrated urban development concept. its goal was to identify the strengths of the district and develop action strategies for the future. Southern nuremberg needs to be more strongly developed from its residential quarters and social environments. the europan location is to be seen in this context. it is to make an important contribution to enhancing the appeal of the Südstadt as a place to live. further fulcrums of the urban strategy are support for the district economy, improved networking, expansion of the educational infrastructure and the upgrading and energy-efficient renovation of the existing building fabric.
fabrik°b architekten, Scharf unD Wolff gbr liebigStraSSe 24, 10247 berlin, gerMany t. +49 3064820008 info@fabrikb.coM WWW.fabrikb.coM
team point of view the project transmogrifies the existing residential area with its privately used gardens into urban living with commonly and privately used external spaces. the area of common use in the centre (semi-public courtyard) and the area of commercial use (“galvani”-, “Sperberplatz”) in the nearby town provide old and new residents with identifiable spaces – for communication, recreation, and commerce. the construction varies from 3-5 storeys. the extra urban elevation at the newly created public spaces gives the building a distinctive look and protects from traffic noises. all apartments are accessible via open staircases in the courtyard. they extend to loggias which provide space for communication between neighbourhoods. So the external spaces offer an attractive alternative to a single family home.
jury point of view the submission creates two new public spaces on northern and south-western sides. the courtyard acts as the main space for recreational activity and communication. the transparent courtyard facades, punctuated by loggias, give the apartments a sense of unity within the outdoor space. the urban transition between public and private space is successfully resolved with commercial and communal spaces. Yourban is a positive contribution in the field of spatially limited residential areas with attractive outdoor spaces.
pAu bAjEt MEnA (eS) lAurA bonEll MAs (eS) MArIA gIrAMé AuMAtEll (eS) oscAr lInArEs dE lA torrE (eS) dAnIEl lópEz dòrIgA (eS) architectS
team point of view the proposal aims to provide responses both to the specificities of the place and to the many complex requirements stipulated in the programme. this means that a series of project’ inputs or selfimposed laws, generated from location and use, emerge before any formal decision has been made and sustain the process of the project from inception to the final proposal. the main idea is based on the creation of a new public space slightly elevated above the street. a space that is both open and protected, which is the sum of three fluidly concatenated urban spaces which, as a result of their modest scale, are naturally able to accommodate diverse uses. each of the proposal’s three volumes is conceived as a compact building, designed to maximise energy savings. in addition, an open courtyard brings southern sunlight to the ’heart of the building. Sustainability is therefore understood as an essential part of the design process, not as something to add to an already defined architecture.
jury point of view the entry develops a distinct typology that acts as a counterpoint to the southern city’s typical block perimeter structure, creating a location with a unique identity and atmosphere. the building blocks, which rest on a slightly elevated base, are simultaneously large enough to intersect with the surrounding street area, and also open enough to provide access to the local green spaces. a new kind of semi-public space appears between the three buildings, creating a new and hybrid urban location in the neighbourhood.
area (architecture reSearch athenS), ypSilantou 35 10676 athenS, greece t. +30 2107229302 info@areaoffice.gr WWW.areaoffice.gr
Meet thy neighbour
team point of view Meet thy Neighbour is a highly flexible housing strategy for Südstadt-nürnberg, where social sustainability and environmental sustainability combine. here, a “community” of five distinct housing typologies creates a porous perimeter for the new city block in order to accommodate a maximum number of lifestyles. Spaces between and within buildings produce a range of outdoor conditions, from public to private, which give both the street and the large interior courtyard a lively atmosphere. the most publicly-oriented outdoor spaces are considered “Meeting points”, because they create the opportunity for social interaction at neighbourhood scale. the coexistence of variously funded homes is designed to avoid social stigma and encourage community engagement.
jury point of view the project propagates a porous perimeter block model as the best solution for urban residential congestion. the core concept is the creation of a residential ensemble that is, on a number of levels, simultaneously both highly communicative and intimate, while also secluded. public and semi-public use in the ground floor is intended to be part of a permanent contribution to life in the adjacent public street areas. Meet thy neighbour is highly ambitious in programmatic terms and advances interesting concepts for creating a lively and integrated residential neighbourhood.