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foSSeS fr
ciTy oF Fosses WiTH THose pArTners on THe projecT: communAuTé d’AgglomérATion, pnr-opF, cc pAys de FrAnce, cg95, drAc, jpgF
ciTy oF Fosses And priVATe oWners
of the Site’S repreSentative AlbErt-gIllEs coHEn, expert of Site, cHrIstInE bulot for the city of foSSeS rItA cEccHErInI-lEpIc, Deputy Director ca roiSSy porte De france (excerptS froM the coMpetition brief)
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
a member of the roissy porte de france District, the town of fosses is located within the urbanised ring around the parisian metropolis, within the grand roissy development perimeter and the direct sphere of influence of the paris/cDg airport complex. its location, its particular geography, its elongated urban shape, make it a gateway and connection between city and countryside. at the heart of the old town, away from more recent development, the project site today has a preserved character that calls for regeneration. the project is multiscalar. at territorial scale, the brief is to create a model operation on the edge of the natural and agricultural landscape; to imagine it as a stage in a regional network of processes linking different towns. at town scale, the objective is to establish a dynamic capable of giving the village a new identity. at site scale, the remit is to explore the proximities and exchanges between the contemporary character of the project and the character of the historic centre with its archaeological heritage.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
the goal is to articulate the shift from the urban centre to the countryside. as regards the time factor, the idea is to take an experimental approach to successive phases of implementation in the development of public space, and in constructing or refurbishing buildings. in order to establish stable prospects, the project must be able to accommodate morphological changes, programmatic shifts, temporary activities and even reversibility, in order to achieve a flexible approach to local urban character and to the form of the inhabited spaces.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
the land around the project is currently occupied by numerous municipal amenities and services and by housing. possible changes, drawing for example on a new approach to the role and management of these technical departments, should be based on proposals around the relation between housing, work, schools, shops, economic activity and tourism, and more generally around the pooling of uses and a mix of programmes on the site. the presence of places of culture and worship therefore offers an opportunity to be grasped. like a reflexive interface between city and nature, commensurate with a sustainable landscape, the goal is to devise and test the morphology of a new urban centre, sensitive to the existing context, raising questions of density and porosity, and establishing organic links between housing, amenities, activities and culture.
68, avenue Du gÉnÉral Michel bizot 75012 pariS, france +33 144683961 contact@laMateurfoSSeS.fr WWW.laMateurfoSSeS.fr
the amateur… makes what is unpredictable possible
team point of view The Amateur is driven by a passion and interest. he wants to share his culture and knowledge to create high quality architecture in opposition to an ever-growing consumer system that stifles originality. the suggested approach draws on the economic model of the cooperative, in which builders and beneficiaries work together to adapt the local heritage. an emphasis on drawing as a tool of dialogue generates a comprehensive architecture. this approach has the versatility to adapt to diverse territorial contexts, through a non-interventionist political sharing of skills and power between specialist and citizen.
jury point of view this project-process focuses on the levers needed for the town to transform itself on itself. the jury considered the proposed method appropriate in its scale and principle. the proposed process was felt to be innovative but also very serious, robust and well constructed, able to serve as a model for other similar sites. the project process fully meets the objectives of the session theme, particularly in its capacity to put in place a catalyst that is sensitive to the existing qualities.
large Scale anD long terM at the Service of the project
team point of view the europan competition is a step in the long evolution of a territory. rather than looking for a project that looks attractive in the short-term but offers little long-term potential, we tried to identify the territorial foundations of the project. Shifting the positioning to a larger scale and to long-term dynamics directly fed into the project’s structure and scale. a possibilities plan summarises its fundamental organisational principles, which may trigger interventions on different timescales without losing overall coherence. the project combines three main themes that relate to different timeframes and systems of actors: “adapting the village”, “adapting agriculture” and “adapting housing”.
jury point of view the systematic connection drawn between metropolitan strategy objectives and urban strategy and its architectural expression gives the project a high degree of coherence. the rural renewal project highlights 3 research priorities around local urban agriculture, strengthening the village centre, and stimulating individual initiatives. the project’s spatial complexity reflects the desire gradually to interweave urban and natural systems. the programming is refined, clear and exerts an influence beyond the project site.
architectural typologieS aDapteD to each Micro-context
HAns lEfEvrE (fr) MAttHIEu bErgErEt (fr) pAul rollAnd (fr) julIEn rougEr (fr) architectS flAvIEn bézy (fr) urban planner
phaSeS of the DevelopMent proceSS
par la grande porte
team point of view in the “vieux-fosses“ case, we need to identify and reveal the vectors of identity that enable it to exist firstly as a dynamic and attractive town, secondly in relation to the “plateau de la cabine“ and finally within the “parc naturel regional oise-pays de france“, which will be a strong source of identity at regional and national level. the pnr will drive fosses towards 21st century’ urbanism, focusing on local cultural values and the rhythm of the seasons. in this process, the international paris airport will bring fosses real advantages, especially economically and in terms of visitors. We suggest a long term strategy (illustrated here) based on an existing landscape (mineral and vegetal) which constitutes the fundamental foundation of the place, the distinctive essence of the project.
jury point of view the project starts with a fine restructuring and marked densification of the town by means of housing, before opening up to the meadowland and the regional natural park (pnr). the jury appreciated the refinement of the landscape integration. Par la grande porte is an attractive, elegant project, appropriate to the typical landscapes of Île de france. nonetheless, the jury would have liked the team to develop processrelated issues in greater depth.
perSpective froM the Square, neW centrality general axonoMetric vieW froM the firSt phaSe (Structure anD live the village)