7 minute read
aSker (no
sItE proposEd by
ciTy oF Asker, oslo uniVersiTy HospiTAl And ciTy oF oslo
oWnEr(s) of tHE sItE
ciTy oF oslo, oslo uniVersiTy HospiTAl
EuropAn norgE
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
peacefully situated in pastoral surroundings just outside of the city, Dikemark was considered the perfect location for oslo’s new psychiatric hospital at the turn of the 20th century. as psychiatric activities have been phased out over the years, today most of the buildings stand empty and have been listed for protection. now the entire area needs to be adapted to a new time and filled with new content. Dikemark is in many ways unique in its region for its preserved, landmark architecture, its picturesque landscape and its history and identity. yet, in spite of all its qualities, Dikemark faces a great challenge, since its hospital functions will be relocated to oslo, emptying all the buildings. how can a new and attractive society we developed at Dikemark? the municipality is very keen to establish a complete and viable society at Dikemark with jobs and private and public services.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
Dikemark is a place with a strong identity, first and foremost related to its former use as a psychiatric hospital, but also in its architectural and spatial qualities. the site and its buildings are located in scenic surroundings by lake verkensvannet, surrounded by forests and fields. an architectural landmark designed almost entirely by the architect victor nordan, and built between 1902 and 1934, Dikemark hospital today represents a unique historical record of an era and moment in medical treatment. Within the project site there are some 20 wards, along with administrative buildings and 15 workshops. in addition, there is staff housing, a community house and a dormitory. together, the existing buildings on the site constitute approximately 80,000 m², of which the hospital buildings account for less than 55,000 m2 . endowed with its own waterworks, power plant and surrounding farmland, Dikemark hospital was almost a self-sustained community. During its heyday, it housed over 900 patients and had a staff of 1500 employees.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
for the overall plan, competitors were asked to investigate a total development potential between 100,000 and 250,000 m² of residential and mixeduse programmes (including existing buildings). the following questions were asked: what types of functions can be introduced here? how best to use the existing buildings in new ways? how to bring new life to the area? how to reconcile legacy and preservation with new uses and adaption? can Dikemark take on a new regional role? the winning “kaleidoscope” project has been very well received. the municipal area master plan is now up for vote, designating Dikemark as a development area. once this is in place, the municipality will start negotiating with the europan 12 winning team for a commission.


noora aaltonen (fi) architect vegarD aarSeth (no) artiSt oSSi petteri keSkiSarja (fi) StuDent in econoMicS MinnaMarie alekSanDra nurMi (fi) StuDent in linguiSticS

team point of view the Kaleidoscope proposes a seven-step strategy and a master plan to adapt the abandoned hospital at Dikemark for future life. the site’s capacity for growth is used as a driver to maintain the valuable characteristics of the area. the strategy is anchored in the master plan, through reprogramming the site and introducing funding methods. variations in scale, program, privacy, ownership and degree of commitment are secured. to ensure continuation, the ownership structure is changed from singular to plural. the master plan is divided into four differentiated zones: hidden in the Woods, twin plaza, fortress of heritage and open by the Water. the Kaleidoscope as an overall design concept creates ever-changing perspectives, making a statement on the approach to built heritage.
jury point of view the project gains distinction through a fine reading and understanding of the landscape as the source of the area’s identity, atmosphere and unity, but also of very different relationships between building and landscape. on the basis of this approach, four zones are defined which reflect different potentials and positions in the landscape and the existence of different building and spatial formations. an operational understanding of the existing built landscape is developed, providing a sure and strategic foundation for the development and reinterpretation of the sub-areas.
Social Structure, a courtyarD froM hiDDen in the WooDS tWin plaza anD fortreSS of heritage

the Different zoneS anD their relation to the lanDScape

the kitchen, loW key inveStMentS to realize the potential the kaleiDoScope, reflectionS create an ever-changing vieW

frSqr architecture & urbaniSM MagDalena 8, 3ºizDa 28012, MaDriD, Spain t. +34659567913 eStuDiolafreSquera@gMail.coM WW.frSqr.coM
pAtxI MArtín doMínguEz (eS) pAloMA lArA rodrIgo (eS) AlbA gArcíA gonzálEz (eS) clArA rodríguEz lorEnzo (eS) lAurA MArtín guIllén (eS) josE MAríA MArtín rAvElo (eS) nAtAlIA vErA vIgArAy (eS) architectS

ola k Asker
team point of view the abandoned district of Dikemark has a strong identity because of its former use as a psychiatric centre and its picturesque landscape. We propose to develop an adaptable city in order to create the “heritage of the future” and, to do this, propose the idea of a new, self-sufficient open source town, adaptable by its habitants. our strategy is based on the slow development, initiated with the foundation, in the abandoned buildings, of the first design school specialising in woodwork. We are planting the seed that will stimulate the area’s development through its local economy. With time, the students will create their own workshops and new buildings will appear. Wood will be the vehicle of this strategy and the element that will give Dikemark 2.0 its identity.
jury point of view the project offers a new conceptual model for asker, in order to instil identity and development into the local community. this is a very interesting and distinctive project that relies on a specific material, wood, as a catalyst for the project’s identity. the project stresses the issues of adaptability and sustainability in a very consistent way, but its bottom-up strategy is perhaps too slow for what the area needs. a supplementary top-down strategy that gave a quick and necessary boost to growth would have been highly appreciated.

four typologieS, four ecologieS: foreSt, Water, lanD anD clearing
the leaf
team point of view The leaf is a strategy for developing this site without changing its current virtues, by adapting to the existing environment. it supports the creation of a sustainable community which, by choosing to live in such an environment, is seeking to change its habits and live differently. the main element is the definition of a non-generic development of 4 housing typologies reflecting local ecologies. it further includes a new strategic site in the centre, a single building linking with the existing constructions. functions are densely packed around the former psychiatric buildings, in order to deal with the strong legacy of these buildings where many people were contained. opening the facades and defining new rooms reveals unexpected new landscapes to evoke the past.
jury point of view the project seeks a radical reinterpretation of the site’s current state. this is tackled at two levels: firstly, it proposes a new way of inhabiting the wooded landscape with new typologies such as treehouses and circles. Secondly, it projects a new community centre by turning the current centre’s existing buildings inside out. this reinterpretation is both compelling and provocative, and opens up visions that go beyond the questions of the brief.
u67 (fabio gigone + angela gigliotti) t. +47 41689201 info@office-u67.net WWW.office-u67.net luDovico centiS t. +39 3496490758 luDovico.centiS@gMail.coMWWW.Sanrocco.info

to Define the DevelopMent’S eDge through the environMent
nucleuS: the DiaphragM, the prograM anD the rooMS of MeMory