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LOCATION milAno – porTo di mAre POPULATION ciTy 1,324,000 inHAb. conurbATion 20,000 inHAb. STRATEGIC SITE ± 490 HA SITE OF PROJECT 36 + 72 HA
of the Site’S repreSentative AdA lucIA dE cEsArIs, toWn planning councillor, Milano
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
porto di Mare is the name of the subway stop that, together with rogoredo train station, makes the site accessible and connects it to the city. the long abandoned porto di Mare district is a “legend” in the Milan area. there has been a succession of proposals and ideas for it since the mid1990s, but no real, careful analysis of the territorial, social and environmental situation or assessment of the place in relation to its surroundings. the area is partially owned by the Municipality and will soon become totally in public property. the consortium canale Milano-cremona-po has worked in the area for several years. in the site, over the years, they are located business activities of varying legality, many without a contract.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
porto di Mare is territorially very interesting. it contains in coexistence: a protected park, a large part of South Milan agricultural park, with a still active farming zone, a typical feature of this part of Milan; small rural settlements to be retained, because they reflect the history of the site; sports activities; some productive and residential functions. furthermore, the area is adjacent to one of Milan’s oldest neighbourhoods, the Mazzini/ corvetto roM, which is somewhat isolated from the rest of the city and could benefit from the regeneration of the site. the programme suggested ideas for new features such as a bic (business innovation centre), small businesses, commercial and craft activities, social housing.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
the europan competition designers have proposed highly sensitive developments of the relationship with South park, the presence of an “artificial hill” a former landfill site and the relationship with the Mazzini / corvetto district. the competition results have stimulated the administration to experiment with new ways to address the development of a programme in one of Milan’s most difficult locations, but also one most representative of the future of a different Milan.
t. +33 668538351 cyrille.laMouche@gMail.coM t. +33 670018303 c.robergeauD@gMail.coM t. +39 3240850090 guillauMe.j.chatelain@ gMail.coM
2nD Sequence: opening on agriculture
3rD Sequence: living betWeen city anD countrySiDe
landscape transition
team point of view the renewal of the “porto di Mare” area is intended to create a new focal point within Milan’s green belt. introducing a mall as an extension to the existing park maintains the continuity of the green systems towards Milan city centre. this rural boulevard is the spine of the project, generating a mobility network and concentrating social hubs. a genuine link between the various points of interest, it contains identified sequences, opens onto the landscape and gives the area a new identity. Drawing on the site’s existing structure, the project offers temporal flexibility and seeks to integrate with the rural landscape. the proposal provides a new way to inhabit the transition between Milan’s urban and rural fabric.
jury point of view the project adheres fully to the concept of a “unifying project” referred to in the subsequent phases of project. the patterns presented show a good level of control of the elements that contribute to the creation of an urban design and an ability to work at that scale. the project combines the constraints in place with a vision of the contemporary city filtered through more traditional elements, but revisited, like the “rural boulevard and landscape” that is proposed as a structuring and qualifying spatial element.
a green boulevarD aS backbone for the project DevelopMent green belt of Milan
eMiliano capaSSo (it) roberto aleSi (it) engineerS-architectS Serena arManDi (it) Serafino D’eMiDio (it) giaMMario volatili (it) architectS
reneWable reSourceS anD bio-cliMatic techniqueS
porto agricolo
team point of view the project is based on an iconic approach. there is a link between the past of the area and the water, so’ the project aims to symbolise a great “harbour” through an elevated surface. the dock overlooks the sea of farmland, reunifying the fragmentation created by the remnants of the past and bringing the area concrete solutions and real quality. it is a dock where the various planned activities are moored. the urban plan, with a central public space, shows a variety of typology and architecture and defined rules for the relationship between spaces. the modularity of the collective housing meets the need for a malleable and socially mixed space. this new area of Milan has been designed to become progressively more energy efficient, thanks to renewable resources and bio-climatic techniques.
jury point of view the urban settlement, organized with a central public space, shows a variety of types and well-defined architectural rules for the relations between private, public and semiprivate spaces. the project determines the urban hierarchy starting from the open spaces and respects the agricultural nature of the site. it is clear that the intention of a reticular and multicentric vision is to establish new central places to generate new uses based on communication, interaction and interchange between inhabitants.
AndrEA frAdEgrAdA (it) vAlEntInA cElEstE (it) gIovAnnI MunAfò (it) sIMonE nAtolI (it) rIccArdo rIvA (it) architectS
san rocco
team point of view the proposed design procedure seeks to interpret urban phenomena in order to devise a project that places the priority on landscape. a key objective of the project is to reconcile the rural area with the city, and the project area with the adjacent residential fabric. the former is achieved by means of a clear demarcation line to emphasize the distinction, in a way that could also be replicated on a large scale. the latter is resolved through the archetypal figure of the fence, seen as a symbol of the memory of the place, and highlighting the key areas in the district using a traditional shape as a means of reconnecting past and present. at the same time, the settlement typologies try to satisfy the needs of contemporary society with new kinds of connection across different levels.
jury point of view the site has a new benchmark with an intervention that will increase its scale and importance. courageously, the project proposes a strong geometric definition of the built fabrics and a stronger contrast between building and landscape, being one of those proposals characterized by “peremptory” urbanity, which have moved away from the guidelines provided by the site’s promoters.
fabio bonaventura (it) elena Dalbon (it) giuSeppe Marchica (it) Marco Maria Montalbano (it) DaviDe natarelli (it) giulia laura SuarDi (it) StuDentS in architecture viale Matteotti 404 20099 SeSto San giovanni (Mi), italy t. +39 3460913689 info@MorfeMaarchitectS.coM WWW.MorfeMaarchitectS.coM
co-Working proceSS
vieW of the urban fabric
axonoMetric vieW Step 3 - fraMeWork, baSiS of conSultation
visioning porto di mare 2035
team point of view the project proposes a development framework that preserves and strengthens resources and activities in a neighbourhood on the border of three distinct areas (city, agricultural park and rapid exchange infrastructures), as the basis of a residential district co-created by its citizens. the neighbourhood’s agricultural and artisanal character is expressed through the collective practice of its amenities and public spaces. the urban fabric is the preferred place for the creation of a resilient neighbourhood (policy centre, public forum, cooperative workshops) based on resilience principles: - Diversity (actors, entities and functions) - Modularity (boost interactions) - feedback (learn from experience and react quickly)
jury point of view the project has value especially in the proposal for a shared agricultural park and in the interesting residential experimentation. an organizational framework that reveals the quality of the site, which will be built step by step through the inclusion of citizens in the process of design and construction.
kurMak (laura fabriani, Sante SiMone, aleSSanDro zappaterreni) + eSter bonSante via gabrio Serbelloni, 74 00176 roMa, italy t. +39 3207034127 info.kurMak@gMail.coM WWW.kurMak.tuMblr.coM
team point of view the project area requires thought about the definition of a boundary between the city of Milan and the plain outlined by farmland toward chiaravalle. Milan’s forma urbis is a history of radial development from within concentric wall rings, ‘neglected since the city plan of 1931. the failure of that experiment (as the city melted into the countryside) creates the need to define a boundary. ideally this boundary should achieve a substantial rever-sal: the city no longer acts as a barrier to the countryside, but the countryside forms a boundary to the city. the residential building is intended as a border, an enlarged fragment of the cascina, icon of rural lombardy architecture, in order to protect a place and its genius.
jury point of view as part of its “peremptory” approach, the project proposes a boundary that creates a clear separation between the built environment and nature.
neW urban centrality porto Di Mare
team point of view xx.
jury point of view xx.
project layout, inDication of DevelopMent StepS
team point of view the concept of room_scapes combines 3 operative components: the grid, the courtyard & towers, the landscape. each component works inside the others. the grid generates points and lines that are used flexibly to control occupation of the area in a way that can be developed in time. the courtyards, taken from the city’s characteristic urban fabrics, are flexible space that continuously alternates between inside and outside. vertical towers are used as point references. landscapes are generated through superimposition and juxtaposition, containing different programs that develop the urban floor: agricultural fields, sports fields, sculpture park… Several paths connect the urban surroundings with the site zone: walking and cycling track, horse track, boulevard.
jury point of view as part of this “peremptory” approach, the project proposes a rigid built grid that pervades the agricultural land.
general plan anD relationShip With the SurrounDingS toWerS SySteM anD the urban platforM