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kaufbeuren (De
ciTy oF kAuFbeuren
bundesAnsTAlT For immobilienAuFgAben (insTiTuTe For FederAl reAl esTATe: bimA) on beHAlF oF THe FederAl republic oF germAny
of the Site’S repreSentative WErnEr fEHr, urban planning DepartMent, kaufbeuren
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
kaufbeuren, located in the bavarian part of Swabia, was for many decades marked by the german air force base. established in 1935, it was also one of the largest local employers. the announced closure in 2017 as part of a new stationing concept has posed great social and economic challenges to the town and entire region. these must be addressed with a long-term conversion strategy to ensure that the opportunities arising from the conversion are actively exploited. the follow-up use of the military site should include areas for working, living, leisure and recreation and social/cultural facilities to compensate for existing deficits and create a future-proof urban district. the redevelopment and restructuring of the site should be adapted to the rapid pace of our times and programmatic change.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
the 230 hectares air base is embedded in scenic landscape to the south of the town with an alpine panorama. the topographical location on a plateau, about 30 metres above the old town, is a barrier that must be overcome. great emphasis will thus be placed on close links between the new neighbourhood and the town centre and integration into the existing surroundings. future urban growth must be based on a balanced interaction of urban planning and ecological principles.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
preparatory studies pursuant to the federal building code are currently being carried out to lay the groundwork for urban development and prepare it for a broad range of development scenarios. an in-depth, interdisciplinary analysis and urban, economic, transport, landscape, demographic, social and cultural development concept is to be prepared with the participation and cooperation of those concerned: the results of the europan competition will be incorporated into this. the conversion of the kaufbeuren air base calls for a careful approach. experience in other cities shows how complex and time-consuming the final withdrawal of military units can be. the future development will be contingent on local factors, for example demographic change and regional influences.
ElIsEndA lurbEs sorIAno (eS) lanDScape engineer AnA quIntAnA zAzurcA (eS) sErgIo roMEro MorEno (eS) gIorgIA sgArbossA (it) architectS
aDaptable Structure leaDS to proDuctive open ScenarioS integration through exploiting local iDentity
fasten your seatbelt!
team point of view the main issue is the way the architecture and the landscape interact at the territorial scale and enact a new relationship with the city using a multi-layered approach which consists of a structure that leads to a flexible process. Different rhythms coexist at the urban scale: urban farming, research activities, energy production and variable living styles. the design issues adaptability, conserving the identity of the old military airbase by exploiting the main lines of its layout; it also aims to resolve the disconnection with the old town, giving new value to the existing walls and pre-existing fabric. the development is part of a phased process where the architectural structures will be planned flexibly to meet the town’s changing needs.
jury point of view the project makes a distinction between a well-defined urban style park next to the town centre and the more open treatment of the largest part of the area as an extensive landscape park. one major factor of attraction is that the runway is preserved as a design element forming a central visual axis in the landscape. the project ensures that the redevelopment can be realised in several phases. the subdivision of the site provides a strong framework for the flexibility of future development.
territorial Scale, kaufbeuren aS belly button
the runaWay iS the Main axiS of the urban park
variety of typeS planneD to Meet the toWn’S urban rhythM proDuctive Structure giveS neW perception to the flat area
long-lasting landing landscaping
team point of view the project breaks down the idea of “adaptability” – the capacity to adjust without shocks to an ever changing economic and social context – into two major concepts: “resilience”, represented by a defined framework of public spaces with a clear hierarchy and character, and “ecological succession”, a flexible and adaptive transformation on a long timeframe, where “pioneering” temporary uses prepare the environment for more advanced functions. the “urban rhythm” is imagined as a clear sequence of open spaces modulating, through the variation of scale and patterns, the transition between a city-scale environment, close to the old city, and a wider landscape in the south opening onto the alps. the existing runway constitutes the visual and physical link between the city and its territory.
jury point of view the concept highlights the existing runway as a link between the town centre and the distant view over the open landscape towards the alps. a flexible and robust development concept is oriented towards response to long-term influences. the redevelopment process rightly begins in the north with infilling of the existing building structure. the project represents a flexible contribution to the further development of kaufbeuren that effectively frames the special location and southerly exposure to the open landscape.
AlEssAndro buA (it) IlArIA ArIolfo (it) AndrEA AlEssIo (it) dAvIdE bArrErI (it) sArA bEccHIo (it) pAolo borgHIno (it) AndrEA toMAsI (it) architectS info@pla-c.eu WWW.pla-c.eu StuDioerrante@gMail.coM WWW.StuDioerrantearchitecture.tuMblr.coM anDreatoMaSi.1985@gMail.coM
Air sharing
team point of view airports are no ordinary places; they usually represent urban disjunctions, limited by clearly defined no-go areas that transform airports into extraordinary non-places. given the chance to rethink the future of kaufbeuren through the potentialities of its airport, we envision a long-term strategy of sustainable development based on the ability to bring together different economic and social actors. Within a wider regional context characterized by a high density of similar infrastructure, Air sharing will profit from cooperation with other bases to develop new sustainable air travel. the runway and its surroundings ’will no longer be exclusive spaces, but will instead become an opportunity to explore possible coexistences between functions and shared facilities.
jury point of view this is a locally focused and at the same time visionary project. the air base – hitherto inaccessible, topographically separate and a no-man’s land for kaufbeuren’s residents – becomes a catalyst for the local economy of the region. the project proposes appropriate use of existing resources such as buildings and infrastructure, prudently supplemented by research and educational facilities.