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kaiSerSlautern (De

of the Site’S repreSentative joAcHIM WIlHElM, DepartMent for urban DevelopMent, kaiSerlautern
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
the 19.5 ha planning area is located in the south-west part of kaiserslautern about 1.5 km from the city centre. the site is close to the university, and the “uni-park” with its related institutions is a decisive locational factor. it enjoys direct proximity to research and teaching facilities. furthermore, companies located here will only be a short distance from the public and private amenities in the city centre. the downsizing of pfaff industriemaschinen ag and loss of jobs triggered a shortage of functions for the factory premises and adjacent areas. at the same time, however, this functional weakness has released enormous potential. the availability of a contiguous commercial area creates a development potential that can provide new stimuli for the city. analogous to the successful conversion of the holzendorff barracks and former goods depot on trippstadter Strasse, the aim is to set aside the easily accessible areas close to the city centre for forward-looking uses. the city of kaiserslautern plans to continue growing as a commercial and technological centre.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
With the collapse of industry and the need to develop the area internally and convert it to new uses, the former pfaff site is a prime example of a “from mono-large to multi-mix” project. in the light of the increasing need for companies and facilities to adjust quickly in a globalised commercial arena, a stable and at the same time flexible access system must be achieved by specifying urban planning parameters and structures capable of reacting to future demands.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
kaiserslautern city council is seeking new uses for the “pfaff site” as a technology park. they should tie in with the institutions of the nearby unipark and companies in kaiserslautern, in particular with a primary focus on information and communications technology. priority should be placed on the fields of research, services, health and wellness. urban vitality should be achieved by creating a horizontal and vertical mix of residential uses, restaurants and small businesses. Due to the large size of the area, a gradual process of development is called for. interim uses that enhance the local character are conceivable for subareas.

atelier to the bone (attb), hoogStraat 4 5911 hx venlo, the netherlanDS t. +31 652628183 info@attb.nl WWW.attb.nl
initiating DevelopMent

pattern for progress
team point of view Pattern for Progress proposes a growth model rather than a static image for the future. because value creation depends on people, different groups are encouraged to provide input. the plan proposes a balance between defining necessary features such as access and safety, and leaving the future inhabitants free to shape their environment. it defines and stimulates the kind of development suitable for each part of the site. the core of the plan is the large halls in the centre of the area, which are divided into plots that simply need to be permeable to light and traffic. environmental quality is achieved through matrices that define the desirability of certain functions and the authorised building volume. these are related to how the public and area benefit from the development.
jury point of view the project reaches well beyond the regular spectrum of an urban planning draft. it does not offer a ready-made solution, but describes a development process and challenges us to explore new avenues. everyone involved is activated; movement, change and development are initiated. five zones in the planning area have been defined. these sub-zones are then developed in phases. this begins the slow, long-term transformation of the sites.
on going DevelopMent



gaMe ruleS tryout Section
A parlour game
team point of view in the form of an open-ended and unpredictable parlour game, the draft design shows how the pfaff site can be developed using a planning methodology with specific rules for the access system, building height, building plots and open space typology. Demolitions, new construction and intermediate uses can take place concurrently with the proposed concept. existing spatial corridors are proposed as a means of overriding access systems. they will be combined with variously defined open-space figures to form a robust open space system that accommodates a deliberate mix of uses. Different specifications have been set for specific building uses, enabling both vertical and horizontal mixes for the creation of lively and diverse neighbourhoods.
jury point of view in the form of an open-ended parlour game with unforeseeable outcomes, the design project demonstrates how the pfaff site can be developed on the basis of a planning methodology with specific rules pertaining to the access system, building height, building plots and typology of open space. the methodological procedure prescribes narrowly or broadly defined parameters for the distribution of uses in various areas, providing the greatest possible flexibility for investors.

p.f.A.f.f preserve fable - About- Architecture factory facilities
team point of view our project for the new pfaff proposes the generation of an urban-scale double communication arch. a big “x” in the city whose centre would be the new pfaff. the project will transform the existing asphalted floor, removing it in 80% of the proposed area, and replacing it with a green platform to become one of the lungs of the city. all the factories will be identified and categorized by type of deck, structure and quality of their enclosures. these factories will be part of a temporary accommodation programme aimed at students and young researchers. the housing will consist of wooden structures interconnected within this circuit and generating communal open spaces which provide services such as coffee areas, laundries, kitchens or computer rooms.
jury point of view for the development of the pfaff site the team proposes a sensitive treatment of existing structures and their careful transformation, on the basis of real parameters, into a habitable park landscape. the submission is strongly geared to the existing situation and proposes a radical new residential concept. researchers, producers or visitors live in the proposed parasitic buildings for periods of different length, developing a new concept of neighbourhood.