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locAtIon couVeT - dubied-siTe on boTH sides oF THe Areuse riVer populAtIon couVeT 2,760 inHAb. municipAliTy 12,000 inHAb. strAtEgIc sItE 67 HA sItE of projEct 9 HA

sItE proposEd by

ToWn oF VAl-de-TrAVers in pArTnersHip WiTH THe cAnTon oF neucHâTel

oWnEr(s) of tHE sItE

priVATe oWners, ToWn oF VAl-de-TrAVers And cAnTon oF neucHâTel



of the Site’S repreSentative cHrIstIAn MErMEt, city councillor, reSponSible of the territory planning DepartMent, couvet

presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy

the Dubied site gradually grew up in couvet from 1867, along the river areuse. originally peripheral when its construction began, it ultimately became an integral part of the village. in fact, the development of the site kept pace with that of couvet. Since the closure of the company in 1988, various activities have taken up residence, reflecting the opportunities available to the many landowners who share this brownfield site. only the buildings located at the two ends have been renovated, while the rest forms an extensive but underexploited patchwork. in the past, the site was at the heart of the region’s economic success. val-de-travers municipality would like this site, with its weight of history and strong place in the hearts of local people, to recover the role it deserves at all levels. the couvet regional economic development hub is growing fast. the Dubied site, which is part of it, needs to work in tandem with the léchère industrial zone.

How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?

however, this site is not only of economic importance, and should not be attractive solely for the people who work there now or in the future. its position in the village, and in the wider region, gives it a central role. the population too must be able to enjoy the area, make it their own, whether as a place to stroll or for the cultural activities that it may offer. the guiding idea is to revitalise the site in accordance with the primary objective set under the village council’s legislative programme: development that will enhance quality of life, quality of life that will drive development. interactions between the site and the areas around it have already begun to revive, and will grow further in the future. the authorities envisage the Dubied site as a new hub that will itself be able to evolve and adapt to the needs of residents and businesses.

At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?

the Dubied site needs a second wind, a second life, by becoming both a business zone and a centre of attraction. it should become the new driving force for the region, where industry is expanding rather than contracting. in the design and implementation of all its projects, the village of val-de-travers seeks to protect the environment and will be equally attentive to this important issue here, especially as regeneration of the site will be accompanied by improvements to the river that runs alongside it. the urban development of the Dubied site needs to be done in phases, in concert with the landowners, whom the village wants to support in their activities. With this gradual implementation, spending can be spread and divided between public and private partners, the project can be refined and any sceptics can be convinced of the need for change that would be of benefit to all.


dAvId AndrEy (ch) xAvIEr ApotHEKEr (ch) nIcolAs bAdIn (fr) MAnuEl bArtHAssAt (ch) pAscAl MIcHon (fr) MArKus zIMMErMAnn (ch) architectS



team point of view a public space along the areuse river serves as a new link connecting the industrial fabric, the town of couvet, the train stations, and the landscape. in order to maximize density, the project proposes a layered network of buildings inserted into the iconic industrial structures. the regular rhythm of the buildings follows the existing plot layout and generates permeability. the project has an evolving dimension. the projected layer is the culmination of the vision for this site. a multitude of intermediate steps are possible. the industrial site template anticipates diverse uses and accommodates two-storey office buildings, first-floor workshops, or an elevated ground level for industry. the morphology insures coherent development within a flexible matrix.

jury point of view the project proposes to use the continuous public space along the areuse river as a reference. the space is defined by two city squares, each linked to a train station and a bridge. the block plan can be adjusted to accommodate different phasing solutions, different architectures, different programmes and different densities. the team proposes a development strategy for the site based on the structuring of the buildings and a flexible framework, while respecting the urban history of the site.


calle buenSuceSo 40, local 4, 18002 granaDa, Spain t. +34 651163614 cuac.arquitectura@gMail.coM WWW.cuacarquitectura.coM WWW.Serranoybaquero.coM

toMás gArcíA pírIz (eS) jAvIEr cAstEllAno pulIdo (eS) juAn AlcAlá lArA (eS) luIs MIguEl ruíz AvIlés (eS) juAn AntonIo sErrAno (eS) pAloMA bAquEro (eS) architectS álvaro tejaDa tenorio (eS) María De lara ruiz (eS) architectS María Martín roDríguez (eS) álvaro roDríguez Sainz De rozaS (eS) yu bruno MaSuDa roDríguez (eS) claire De nutte, Serena vianello (eS) StuDentS in architecture


the factory city: froM the aDDition to the linkeD fragMentS

the neW hybriD lanDScape

Wood de travers

team point of view We propose the idea of generating a contemporary construction system that represents the region itself, involving cooperation between craft workshops and architects, artists and businessmen, some of them participating in the new entrepreneurial business zone. the stacking construction system forms an intuitive intellectual resource that links tradition and contemporary architecture, a way of building the future of the region on innovative construction. the fragments of architecture and infrastructure that constituted the former factory city can be treated as a changing legacy, which requires guidelines for change. this means more than making the traditional choice between buildings for retention and those for demolition. the fragments are as relevant as the productive relations: an argument is needed to join together the pieces of a dramatically interrupted past.

jury point of view the project stands out for its comprehensive approach to the site: some existing buildings are demolished and a new fabric of buildings and open spaces is proposed to replace them. the total transformation plays a key role in this ambitious proposal. however, this unifying aspect becomes a weakness in terms of flexibility, making it more difficult to undertake an implementation in phases or by a variety of building owners. however, it creates a strong site identity.

the cultural, econoMical anD technical lanDScape Materiality


une nébuleuse de petits bâtiments

team point of view the Dubied site needs to be understood as an outcome of economic processes, which have left their traces in the urban landscape in the form of buildings and layout. the proposal is to regenerate the Dubied site by creating a system of small companies working together to generate economies of scale. industries of this kind can adapt to change and colonise existing infrastructures with new components, creating a nebula of small buildings that will house a high adaptable system incorporated into an old industrial structure. richard florida’s three t are relevant to the legacy of the Dubied Site. tolerance is about the local people’s ability to be flexible and to adapt to every situation. technology and talent are promoted by the council with the creation of cnip and emphasised by the presence of small companies following the regeneration.

jury point of view the project proposes a flexible colonization strategy that could theoretically be launched right away and revitalise the couvet site over the short term by making it possible for a multitude of economic activities to settle. Moreover, the strategy is based on a comprehensive analysis that guarantees access to the site and the creation of public spaces, with the potential to improve the site’s integration into its context. the proposal looks at the site as a playground that offers the freedom to meet every kind of demand.

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