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haninge (Se
locAtIon HAninge - proVince oF sÖdermAnlAnd populAtIon ciTy 11,500 inHAb. conurbATion 79,000 inHAb. strAtEgIc sItE 17 HA sItE of projEct 4 HA
sItE proposEd by
ciTy oF HAninge, grosVenor Fund mAnAgemenT-conTinenTAl europA, sTenA FAsTigHeTer Ab
oWnEr(s) of tHE sItE
ciTy oF HAninge
of the Site’S repreSentative pEtEr olEvIK dundEr, chairMan of the urban planning coMMittee
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
haninge is a growing town located south of Stockholm, a 20 minutes commute by train. haninge town centre epitomizes modernistic planning in Sweden, a planning ideal focused on separation rather than mixed use, large scale planning with priority placed on car mobility. the streets are very wide and there are large empty areas between the buildings. there are also numerous parking lots. almost all the street life is concentrated in a large indoor shopping centre. because this centre is only open in daytime, the central areas are somewhat deserted at night and can feel unsafe to walk in. Moreover, the whole pattern of movement in the centre changes from day to night when the shopping centre is closed, and people are forced to take alternative routes around it. but those days are over. today, citizens and politicians want an urban fabric that attracts pedestrians and cyclists rather than cars. in addition, the population is growing year-onyear. these extra pressures generate conditions of great demand for development. haninge is also part of the Stockholm region, which wishes to become europe’s most attractive metropolitan region. in addition to the central core, eight urban areas have been designated as regional nuclei, of which haninge is one.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
the strategic connection to Stockholm, the forest and the swimming lake just metres from the commuter rail station, and above all the sparse urban fabric, make haninge a perfect host for future growth in the capital region. haninge can make use of pre-existing infrastructure for new dwellings etc. on land previously perceived as fully developed. We have great potential and responsibility for sustainable development. the aim in this competition is to transform one such area at the very centre of haninge. We wish to create new public spaces by means of buildings and meet the demand for housing, but also small street level spaces for shops and small businesses. there is also demand for houses that can adapt to different needs and uses over time.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
the urban concept also needs to fit within the existing context. how can this new ideological layer be superimposed on the site and simultaneously stay true to the site’s history and identity? crucial to the planning of the city of tomorrow is high population density, good logistics for both people and goods and developments that offer mixed uses to create a vibrant community. if not a 24/7 existence, at this one that is moving in that direction and is friendly to cyclists and pedestrians.
Sr-b ab - chriStian Scott raSMuSSon eDSbergSgränD 3, 129 40 hägerSten, SWeDen t. +46 732440987 info@Sr-b.coM WWW.Sr-b.coM
team point of view flexible, yet distinctive, this development of parks, housing, commerce and parking will be based on rules. the large scale of old haninge determines the new areas, while a smaller scale is used for their diffusion. this generates a delicate web, which is flexible and vibrant in terms of ownership, typology, scale, activity and social structures. the social and economic incentives are governed by restoring social qualities, while also creating a sustainable economic model. the new parking areas are interwoven with shops and dwellings, but are relocated from street level to make room for a new lively city street. this creates an environment of exciting encounters where there was previously ugly, unsafe and unwanted space. the different layers of the city are made visible and integrated with the rest of life, PARKLIFE.
jury point of view the project walks a narrow line between conventionality and the invention of a new city. the main interesting points relate to the intensity and the mix of uses characteristic of urban life. this city offers a 24/7 environment where parking and sports, leisure and housing merge in a creative way. this creativity is a kind of heuristic toolbox, which seems to contain ever more suggestions for the future use of urban spaces.
traffic island
team point of view how to awaken the potential public space around the nynasvagen road? two main factors govern the project: a road infrastructure that forms a physical barrier and a significant number of parking lots to be retained. to reduce the impact of this road, we propose to split it in two, significantly enlarging the central reservation and moving the existing parking lots onto this new central island. this creates new pedestrian flows across the road infrastructure by residents and retail customers. the parking grid becomes the basis for the development of new functions on the island itself. new regular or occasional uses can take place here. Depending on needs, other more permanent uses could be installed on the island and benefit from the daily flow of people.
jury point of view the proposal works directly with the main problems at the site: cars and urban life. the goal is to alter the infrastructure by creating an island amidst the traffic. after the first step in the organization of this island, the creation of a cluster of parking lots, this fabric will gradually be able to grow into a more complex urban ensemble. the interesting point is that the car is not perceived as a barrier to social exchange but as an opportunity for new programmes and urban life.
More than a lot
team point of view Sites like this one usually provoke strong reactions, and there are often calls for their total destruction. the very same impulse, one of disregard or maybe even disgust for the existing fabric, was exactly what the modernist planners acted on in the 60s when historical handen was demolished to make way for what is there today. their insistence on a tabula rasa was probably their biggest mistake, and it is something we want to avoid repeating. in its parking-lot flatness, the site today could actually be read as a perfectly clean slate, ready to receive just about anything that today’s planners could imagine, if it wasn’t for the geometrical patterns of white lines on the ground. these lines have negligible mass, but they still constitute the site’s most important cultural legacy, and they became the foundations on which this project was built.
jury point of view the project explores the possibilities of urban planning and development based on the car park unit. Small investors and small-scale business and public spaces are included in this frame, giving the proposal a democratic and participatory dimension. the urban process here is open-ended and it would need continuous interaction by the municipality in the process. the proposal contains a strong conceptual position, taking advantage of existing conditions and promoting a transition to another kind of city, where almost every citizen can be a significant agent.
c/o ragnheiDur SigurDarDóttir SanDSoppSvägen 4 45154 uDDevalla, SWeDen t. +46 736422943 aSDiSanDerSDottir@hotMail.coM WWW.krankhanDle.WorDpreSS.coM
the Market garDen the nature briDge
5 ways
team point of view can we build a city that reflects the plurality of our hopes and relationships? haninge is an abstract gesture, a simple and misleading division of life into constituent parts. it lacks the diversity of thought and intention that accrues in vibrant cities and places. We propose a catalogue of interventions: some dramatic, some less dramatic, that aim to stir up the neatly packaged functions of today’s haninge. five sequences of public spaces cut through the existing regimented linearity of nynäsvägen and open up the restrictive confines of today’s shopping centre. each of these sequences has a distinctive character; the nature bridge, the Market town, the colour canyon, the Market garden and the enchanted forest. these sequences form a frame of public spaces between which the hopes and desires of individual actors can be constructed.
jury point of view this project exemplifies a very specific planning approach to every part of the site and is very rich in the catalogue of urban situations that it reveals. it tackles a sensory taxonomy of urban units, for example the “coloured canyon” or the “enchanted forest”. the jury appreciated the fact that these strategies include the lakeshore and seek to reorganize urban space in an ambitious way in multiple perceptive, or more specifically haptic, dimensions.