7 minute read
vichy val D allier (fr
LOCATION belleriVe-sur-Allier And cHArmeil POPULATION conurbATion 80,000 inHAb. STRATEGIC SITE 400 HA SITE OF PROJECT 128 HA
VicHy VAl d’Allier inTermunicipAl disTricT
mAnurHin deFense – giAT indusTries

of the Site’S repreSentative EMMAnuEl rEdoutEy, Site expert anD vIcHy vAl d’AllIEr dIstrIct councIl (excerptS froM the coMpetition brief)
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
Since 1937, the Montpertuis palazol site has been occupied by the firm Manurhin Défense, a subsidiary of giat industries, specialising in the manufacture of weapons and munitions. the factory closed in 2006. the conversion of the site is a major priority for the economic development of the conurbation at the heart of the clermont-ferrand riom vichy metropolitan platform. vva wishes to reopen the site to the population and to introduce new uses in a remarkable location on the left bank of the conurbation, where road access will soon be improved. this slightly uneven plateau is located within an entirely wooded environment, overlooking the allier valley. it holds a place in the collective memory of local people and those who worked on the site over the years.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
vichy val d’allier’s objective is to maintain the site’s productive and economic role, while adapting it to new activities. the brief is to invent a new generation industrial campus that mixes different types of economic entity (from 200 to 10,000 m²) and several types of programme, including specific housing and services, generated by the activities themselves. at present, these activities cannot be fully identified, hence the need to devise a gradual and adaptable process of change. finally, the opening of the site to the population and to the city is an opportunity to reflect on the future of the left bank within local and metropolitan dynamics, in its urban and landscape components, notably with a view to protecting areas where urbanisation has not taken place.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
the size of the project site (more than 100 ha) entails the need to build a strategy of transformation that is flexible in its process, modular in its spatial approach, and adaptable over time, with the capacity to be implemented over different timescales.


AnnE-lAurE MArcHAl (fr) architect - urban planner MAtHIEu dElMAs (fr) léA HoMMAgE (fr) lanDScape architectS sébAstIEn dEldIquE (fr) artiSt 62 rue fÉlibien 44000 nanteS, france contact@bintj.fr WWW.bintj.fr contact@laforMeetluSage.coM WWW.laforMeetluSage.coM

the park Du chaMp De tir Seen froM the neW entrance
palazol anD the Dike-roaD Seen froM the earth-bunD belveDere

pioneer fringes
team point of view our project seeks to re-open the site to its territory while preserving the unique features of Montpertuis and palazol. the site’s occupation begins and is organised from the fringes. from 2015, the project implementation process establishes a geometry, paths and allocations that outline specific places that will flourish and gain density over time. the proposal combines: - a considered spatial composition based on the site’s assets and constraints; - spatial and functional conditions that both enable the installation of new economic activities and create a multiplicity of ambiences; - a permanent location that welcomes users into a constantly evolving and lively landscape. each step has an objective and is self-sufficient. the final step completes a long-term vision without restricting the inherent value of those before.
jury point of view With no specific programming, the project proposes to introduce a landscape framework capable of accommodating programmatic randomness and achieving a certain balance and autonomy. the project links 3 of the site’s landscape entities via its fringes, highlighting them as activity interfaces. in this way, it establishes a landscape infrastructure capable of accommodating evolving programmes and contributes to a degree of energy autonomy on the site. the jury emphasised the proposal’s highly adaptable character, at both landscape and building level.
the 53 terrace (cafÉ anD exhibition rooM) inheriteD forMS froM the paSSeD activity

Step 3: 2025-2040 SpreaD anD DenSify

célInE frAttEsI bros (fr) architect - urban planner césAr cAnEt (fr) lAurA cHAvy (fr) lAEtItIA pArAdIs (fr) architectS

vieW of the principal clearing
activitieS, WayS, intenSitieS: proceSSing StepS

top vieW of palazol, cultural activitieS
clearings archipelago: connecting uses - assembling landscapes
team point of view among the questions asked by the Montpertuispalazol site, two stand out: how to revitalize an industrial and military site, and, therefore, how to transform a no-go area into a centre of attraction. to answer, we tried to anchor new uses and to give the place a unified identity, progressively and sustainably, while integrating the factors of time and change. to open the site and bring it back into synergy with the territory, we relied on its own inherent potential and adaptability. this was about exploiting the landscape of clearings and reactivating the existing architectural forms (rifle range, earth barricade and building 53). finally, the timber theme is employed as a both flexible and structuring programmatic framework.
jury point of view the jury liked the development of a “landscape in the landscape” and the adaptability of the proposal. it stressed the qualities of urban and landscape insertion developed in the project. the jury felt that the project explored the richness of the site’s military legacy without nostalgia, reinserting it into a new cycle of activity.

nIls lE bot (fr) architect - urban planner MAtHIldE buscA (fr) lAurEnt nAud (fr) lucIllE tHIEry (fr) architectS uM collectif c/o MathilDe buSca, 18 citÉ De trÉviSe 75009 pariS, france t. +33 686599476 uMcollectif@gMail.coM WWW.uMcollectif.fr

Arboripôle5: an eco-conscious reappropriation
team point of view the objective of arboripole is for the Montpertuispalazol site to achieve environmental excellence within 20 years, through gradual and adaptable development and the application of an eco-conscious urbanism linked with circular economics. the proposal is based on a theoretical critique of sustainable urbanism, phasing, and an evolving adaptive grid and programme. the project is held together by a sinusoidal ribbon, which generates an adaptive grid, moving from high density at the site entrance to low-density structures inside to preserve the forest. it serves five districts, each offering a distinct programme: agriculture, industry, research, tourism and hospitality. each district is symbolized by a “lighthouse” that defines its territory, where the tree canopy can be contemplated and the unity of the whole project encompassed.
jury point of view the project’s objective is to achieve environmental excellence in 20 years by introducing eco-responsible urbanism linked to a charter and economic self-sufficiency. the project pursues programmatic diversity. the jury liked the way the site’s existing qualities are used. it found the suggestion for economic conversion interesting. the jury also stressed the proposal’s adaptability.

In-between time
adaptability is about processes that offer creative possibilities for a project to incorporate uncertainty, lack of funding, the unknown future role of the competition site, or even long-term territorial transformations that affect the site. So how can the “waiting period” before implementing a project be structured in such a way as to facilitate multiple scenarios, to involve numerous stakeholders, ultimately to allow changes to the initial vision? the intelligence of a project can depend on different processes that arise out of the dynamics of the site context. in other words, given time, a project can, so to speak, grow organically out of the site.
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