7 minute read
bitterfelD-Wolfen (De
LOCATION biTTerFeld-WolFen – gArden ciTy And ToWn QuAy POPULATION ± 43,900 inHAb. STRATEGIC SITE ± 269 HA SITE OF PROJECT gArden ciTy souTH 15.6 HA / ToWn QuAy 17HA
ToWn oF biTTerFeld-WolFen
ToWn oF biTTerFeld-WolFen (Approx. 1/3), lmbV (Approx. 1/3), priVATe oWners (Approx. 1/3)

of the Site’S repreSentative stEfAn HErMAnn, Director of the DepartMent for conStruction anD urban DevelopMent, bitterfelD-Wolfen
presentation of the site within the context of the city development and in terms of strategy
the former central german chemical and mining region of bitterfeld-Wolfen has undergone fundamental structural changes since 1990. today the urban area is the epitome of an ‘adaptable city’. the collapse of the old chemical combines and lignite opencast mines after the political turn in 1989 triggered the creation of an ultramodern chemicals and technology park and a new landscape with lakes and forests adjacent to the town. the successful transformation process has continued to the present day, accompanied by rapid technological development that has changed the lifestyle of the residents in all areas.
How can the site be integrated in the issue of the adaptable city and how do you consider this issue?
the town council envisages the development as a complex working, living and recreational environment under changed conditions. to combat the negative effects of demographic change, new target and population groups are to be attracted with the implementation of this strategic task. the newly created goitzsche recreational landscape provides a unique opportunity to radically improve the quality of life of its citizens.
At the time of sustainable development coupled to an economic crisis, have you already defined a specific strategy for the urban development of the site?
the immediate proximity of the town to the lake has been further emphasised by the construction of a waterside promenade and ‘town quay’. besides the task of creating a link from the town centre, the town quay project area enjoys top priority. here lies considerable potential for new housing typologies, accompanied by new sports, recreation and leisure concepts that go well beyond the present amenity level in their quality and appeal to attract new residents. Due to its proximity to the lake and goitzschewald – and also to the town centre – the gartenstadt Süd project area on the South-West fringe of the town offers enormous potential. this wasteland opens up many possibilities for creating a residential area with new and cross-generation housing forms as an alternative to the conventional single family housing. the environment inspires the development of housing typologies with a strong relation to the countryside. high-quality public open spaces as meeting places are to promote identification with the residential neighbourhood. Direct links from the residential areas to leisure and recreation facilities will ensure a high degree of attractiveness. the early involvement of property owners and potential investors in the europan procedure by the town council and the future cooperation between municipal companies and private investors will guarantee a continued development process in the project areas.


MagDeburger Str. 2 78467 konStanz, DeutSchlanD t. +49 1737620627 alinehatt@gMx.De Saritter@Web.De kaiSer.a89@googleMail.coM
hiStoric village Structure anD courtyarD Structure

netWork of forMer villageS

vanished villages – collective city
team point of view through the analysis of village structures, norms were derived for the design and organisation of urban development and transposed to a modern version. even though the vanished villages of bitterfeld had to give way to opencast mining, the medieval road network still indicates their connection with the city. the ancient road, along with direct visual references to the villages, marks the heart of the district, where the meeting centre is located. here the elderly of bitterfeld work together to establish a new form of childcare, rebuilding a sense of community. on the quayside, the project recommends a mix of different leisure activities designed to appeal to different generations and a variety of people. Sports events will attract sporty tourists.
jury point of view the great strength of the design is the confident delicacy with which the new construction is introduced into the local context and green space, while nevertheless still creating a striking atmosphere. the few interventions on goitzschesee are performed with a steady hand. the houses in the gartenstadt, in terms of typology, grain, compositional arrangement and the quality of living they achieve, represent a convincing plan and are appropriate to the location.


Site plan of project area a pack ScheMatic


MaSterplan - connect SiteS to the urban fabric

area a: Sport anD health courSeS at the foot of the hounSing area b: touriSt attraction - evaSion/nature/Science

team point of view the project is one of those requiring the conversion of abandoned spaces, rebuilding the city on the city. the two proposed sites become dynamic platforms, real levers through their strategic positions linking historical centre, bay and forest. the project, by driving actions and by the reconnection of sites to the urban and touristic fabric and their distinct programs, offers a new way of living surrounded by nature within the city through three sequences (area a). in addition, new interactive and educational tourism products (area b) place sustainable development at the heart of the learning process. the urban project triggers different rhythms, playing on the variation between programme timescales. it therefore creates a unifying link between focal points so that a strong and readable global identity emerges.
jury point of view the strength of the work lies in the way the links between the city and open spaces have been developed. a coherent structural concept has been derived from this, which, with the exception of the bridge, is of an appropriate scale. of particularly high quality is the exceptional atmosphere achieved in the garden city, which promises a high quality of living, while also promising adaptability over a long period of development.

the filter garDenS in the heart of SeMi collective houSing

Eclectic islands
team point of view the cultivated goitzsche landscape just outside bitterfeld is an area of recreation and exploration. on first analysis, the area seems characterized, on the one hand, by strongly fragmented green spaces, and on the other hand, by a lack of public space. We transformed the island from water area into green area. now the green space flows around our eclectic islands – a new interpretation of a garden city in the form of living islands. the district should develop a targeted range of apartments with neighbourhood improvements to suit children and seniors. The eclectic islands in both areas are also structured by themes. the project is not a radical transformation: it can be implemented in gradual steps.
jury point of view the design proposes a clear urban planning framework and a strong basic structure that allows for development in phases and, because of the steady formulation, provides for great architectural diversity. the courtyard typology can be a convincing alternative to freestanding single-family homes, which creates an identity for the neighbourhood, as well as the interesting platforms that criss-cross the lake and waterfront.