Bitterfeld-Wolfen (DE) winner
Aline Hatt (DE)
Magdeburger Str. 2
Sabrina Ritter (DE)
78467 Konstanz, Deutschland
Anja Kaiser (DE)
T. +49 1737620627
54 Vanished villages – collective city
Historic village structure and courtyard structure
Team point of view Through the analysis of village structures, norms were derived for the design and organisation of urban development and transposed to a modern version. Even though the vanished villages of Bitterfeld had to give way to opencast mining, the medieval road network still indicates their connection with the city. The ancient road, along with direct visual references to the villages, marks the heart of the district, where the meeting centre is located. Here the elderly of Bitterfeld work together to establish a new form of childcare, rebuilding a sense of community. On the quayside, the project recommends a mix of different leisure activities designed to appeal to different generations and a variety of people. Sports events will attract sporty tourists. Jury point of view The great strength of the design is the confident delicacy with which the new construction is introduced into the local context and green space, while nevertheless still creating a striking atmosphere. The few interventions on Goitzschesee are performed with a steady hand. The houses in the Gartenstadt, in terms of typology, grain, compositional arrangement and the quality of living they achieve, represent a convincing plan and are appropriate to the location.
Network of former villages
Site plan of project area B
Perspective ‘lake‘