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Introduction by the Executive Presidentand the Secretary General Introduction du Présidentexécutif etde la Secrétaire générale
from Annual Report 2019
As the COVID-19 pandemic has spread across Europe and the world with an unprecedented impacton our society,economy and on our personal lives,we look back atthe year 2019 with a sense of accomplishmentand a touch of nostalgia.
Lastyear,we have successfully implemented our action plan and engaged in new initiatives and partnership.Throughoutthe year,we have campaigned,jointly with the European Heritage Alliance,to keep culture and cultural heritage high on the political agenda of new EU leaders after the European Elections in May 2019.We have reinforced our team atour Brussels Office,from the new and larger premises located atrue de Trêves 45.We are especially proud of our successful advocacy campaign - led together with other networks from the wider world of culture - to bring the word ‘culture’back to the portfolio title of the new EU Commissioner,Mariya Gabriel.
In October 2019,we had the privilege of organising a high-level and high-profile “Assises européennes du patrimoine culturel”in Paris, bringing together 1,200 delegates from 35 differentcountries.After the Berlin Summitthatwas held during the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018,this large European heritage rendez-vous was organised under the High Patronage of PresidentEmmanuel Macron,
© Felix Q Media in partnership with the Fondation du Patrimoine and Stéphane Bern, with the supportof the French Ministry of Culture and the French Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs,as well as in collaboration with many other precious members and partners from France and Europe.Atthe historic Paris Town Hall and atthe recently restored ChâteletTheatre,we celebrated Heritage Excellence and Heritage Champions as partof our reputable European Heritage Awards scheme,run in partnership with the European Commission.The Paris Summitended with a mostsuccessful European Policy Debate held at the Collège des Bernardins and the adoption of our Paris Manifesto callling for the relaunch of the European projectthrough culture and cultural heritage.
On thatsame month,we joined the Global Climate Heritage Network launched in Edinburgh with the aim of emphasising thatculture - both arts and cutural heritage - are heavily impacted by climate change while also being a key assetfor climate action.We also stepped up our action to save the mostthreatened heritage sites across Europe, thanks to the decision by the European InvestmentBank Institute to increase its annual supportfor the period 2020-2023,thus allowing us to startissuing an annual listof 7 MostEndangered sites as of 2020. Our shared cultural heritage indeed remains vulnerable,as illustrated by unsuitable developmentprojects (like the cable car projectatthe Belgrade Fortress in Serbia) or by various natural or man-made disasters like the fire thatdevastated the Notre-Dame Cathedral on 15 April,the floods thatengulfed Venice in November or the strong earthquakes in Albania,and also mostrecently in Zagreb,the capital city of Croatia,with related serious damage to cultural heritage.
Today,as we are confronted with so many old and new challenges,we sincerely hope thatour large European movementfor cultural heritage will once more demonstrate a strong sense of togetherness and resilience.Now - more than ever - is the time for all of us to join forces and amplify our voices to make sure thatthe care for and investmentin our shared cultural heritage is duly included within the shortand long-term recovery plans for Europe’s society and economy. The COVID-19 pandemic has indeed very visibly demonstrated how ➤
Enfin etsurtout,en 2019,nous avons égalementrenforcé la présence etla participation des jeunes dans le cadre de nos différentes activités.Depuis le lancementde notre adhésion gratuite pour les jeunes en janvier,plus de 130 jeunes membres de toute l’Europe ontrejointnotre mouvement.En juin,certains de ces nouveaux jeunes membres se sontréunis avec d’autres jeunes professionnels du patrimoine issus de toute l’Europe,ainsi qu’avec les membres du Comité exécutif etdu Conseil d’Europa Nostra.Ils onttous pris partà un programme novateur etenrichissantde “Capacity Building Days”à Athènes (dontune excursion mémorable à Marathon) organisé avec notre délégation nationale en Grèce, Elliniki Etairia,etnotre organisation membre aux Pays-Bas,Erfgoed Brabant.
Europa Nostra estune formidable famille européenne de professionnels etde bénévoles dévoués au patrimoine actifs dans tous les pays du Conseil de l’Europe.Comme chaque année,nous avons eu la joie d’accueillir de nouveaux membres,jeunes etmoins jeunes.Mais malheureusement,nous avons égalementfaitnos adieux à certains,y compris l’un des membres les plus louables de notre famille :notre Présidenthonoraire,Sir Christopher Audland, décédé le 29 Decembre 2019 à l’âge de 93 ans.Son héritage importantrestera toujours présent.Depuis la création d’Europa Nostra en 1963,des organisations etdes personnalités britanniques ont apporté une contribution majeure au développementd’Europa Nostra etnous savons qu’elles continuerontde le faire.
Pour terminer,nous souhaitons remercier très chaleureusement tous nos membres,partenaires etgénéreux donateurs.Un remerciementparticulier va à notre excellente équipe à La Haye età Bruxelles.Vous êtes tous le secretde notre succès etla base de notre mouvementen constante croissante en faveur de notre patrimoine culturel commun etde notre Europe.
Berlin/La Haye,mai 2020 importantculture and cultural heritage are for people and their communities,as a vital source of hope,wellbeing and solidarity. Cultural heritage is also a powerful catalystfor the future of Europe, as communicated by our European Heritage Alliance Manifesto presented on 9 May,Europe Day 2020.
Lastbutnotleast,in 2019,we have also boosted the presence and participation of the younger generation within our various activities. Since the launch of our free membership for young people in January, more than 130 young members from across Europe have joined our movement.In June,some of these new young members came together with other young heritage professionals from across Europe,as well as the Board and Council members of Europa Nostra.They all took partin an innovative and enriching programme of Capacity Building Days in Athens (including a memorable excursion to Marathon) organised with our Country Representation in Greece,Elliniki Etairia,and our member organisation in in The Netherlands,Erfgoed Brabant.
Europa Nostra is a formidable European family of dedicated heritage professionals and volunteers active in all countries of the Council of Europe.As every year,we had the joy of welcoming new members, young and less young.Butsadly,we also bid farewell to some,including one of the mostdeserving members of our family:our Honorary President, Sir Christopher Audland who passed away on 29 December 2019 at the age of 93.His importantlegacy lives on.Ever since the creation of Europa Nostra back in 1963,organisations and personalities in the United Kingdom have made a major contribution to the development of Europa Nostra and we know thatthey will continue to do so.
To end,letus thank,very warmly,all members,partners and generous supporters.And a special thanks to our excellentteam of staff in The Hague and in Brussels.You all are the secretof our success and the backbone of our ever-growing movementfor our shared cultural heritage and for Our Europe.
Berlin/The Hague,May 2020 Hermann Parzinger & Sneska Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic ˘ ´