European Journal of Tourism and Trade: Cambodia is World Best Tourist Destination for 2016

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EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND TRADE Quarterly Journal of Tourism Information

General Manager: Nicolae Nicolae





ON 2016

















WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION is the Kingdom of Cambodia !

President Dr. Anton Caragea officiated over the important moment for world tourism when the Kingdom of Cambodia was officially crowned as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 and uni-

1000 officials, diplomat`s and tourism experts attended the Phnom Penh ceremonies for KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016

versally acclaimed as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION IN 2016. We are all assembled here, on the venue of the most important global cultural event: WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARDS, to celebrate the country and the personalities that had contributed outstandingly to humanity evolution. Humanity, a word that must encompass our greatest achievement: culture, history, development and tourism. This year theme of world community is concentrated around the role of CULTURE AND HISTORY in shaping our life`s and destinies. Culture is the bedrock of societies, nations and civilizations. We have to put the world at the right hour: the hour of culture, of history, of civilization! Culture and history must be recognized not as resource consuming, but as major economic factors, that helps countries to develop and enrich themselves in more ways than just simple economic value.

EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE President– Professor dr. Anton Caragea outlines the reasons for the election of CAMBODIA as FAVOURITE CULTURAL DESTINATION in 2016

Countries and peoples are rediscovering themselves by tourism, cultures are resurrected, history is re-lived and people are creating new opportunities by tourism devel-

The answer is: nothing!


Industrial patrimony is becoming obsolete, technology goes yearly outdated: while the history and patrimony are enriching and are becoming more valuable day after day.

What is a country that is having all of the industrial and technical riches of the world but does not have the cultural contribution, civilization achievements and a history to look after and preserve? are thinking at punishing us more, you are thinking of making us more a friend than enemy. We are thanking you; we are exuding with friendship and

Everything fears time, but time fears history, says a valuable proverb!





WHY IS CAMBODIA WORLD`S BEST TOURIST DESTINATION? ECTT PRESIDENT—PROFESSOR DR. ANTON CARAGEA History and culture are the true indicators of a country and a people values and standing in the world.

Angkor Watt and Angkor Thom. Here is where the magic never stop`s, the wonder never ceased to astonish us.

Mekong is

becoming part of the magic that is Cambodia and the rich waToday, in XXI century, culture, tourism and historical patrimony are humanity tools of choice for building bridges of information, understanding and cooperation in the world. In this new world, when tourism is the center of the economy, culture is the heart of a nation and traveling is the new diplomacy that is shaping peoples and nations destiny, there is no more important moment, as the moment when world tourism is choosing his World Best Tourist Destination. We are fully aware of the importance of our choice, as we have in some years to support tourism as a vector for economic development, others when we have to privilege tourism as factor of unity in the world, but some time we are fortunate to select our winner on the fundamental base: that TOURISM IS WORLD EDUCATOR. This, on the account that our decision must lead the way for tourists to discover and rediscover new horizons , to open themselves to new cultures, to immerse in the understanding of new ways of life and creeds. Our presence here: must be a signal of re-emphasizing our commitment to place history, patrimony and cultural legacy on the world spotlight.

ters of the river flow to the plain and by magic they stop their

Cambodia`s tourism is having a perfect future ! with the hand shake between Prime Minister of CambodiaAcademician HUN SEN and ECTT President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

normal course to the Sea and the turn inlands, creating one of the world larges lakes: Tonle Sap, covering1/10 of the territory of Cambodia. Where can you see such magic: a river that flows upwards? Only in the land of wonders: THE MAGIC KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA.

We must never let us forget, the simple truth that: our main duty as a world institution is to make tourism a bridge toward culture, a pathway to understanding the world. In a time when many are preaching dogmatism and narrow mindedness we must insure that by simple act of tourism we touch the soul and the imagination of the traveler. This is the rationale, the powerful driving force that etched our decision to universally proclaim THE KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA as World Best Tourist Destination for 2016. We could not think at any country more suitable, to teach the world, the real value of culture, the significance of historical patrimony in the resurgence of a nation and in creating a new scale of values in the world. On the real scale of values, we seldom find a civilization more originally, more splendid and sending a more powerful sentiment of desire to live, to aim the beauty and to never stop striding for happiness and pride as the KHMER CIVILIZATION. Travelers that will select, this kingdom of wonders and wisdom -Cambodia, as their destination of choice will have the chance of immersing themselves in a magic land, from where humanity learned the values of greatness of ancient Khmer kings, the spirit of beauty of magic Apsaras, carved in the temples of

Here, in Cambodia, tourists can find themselves and their inner peace and reconnect with God and the world in the magic and wonder of the celebrated WATT of Cambodia. Here Buddhism will teach you not necessary to become a Buddhist, but to become BETTER: Better Christian, better Free Thinker. Whatever your religion and creed, Cambodia will educate you, to search for the better in side you and outside: in the world.



influence of Buddhist Theravada to moderate their desire, slowly abandoning their cities and create for them a kingdom

The striking power of Khmer people, mirrored in the temples of

to conquer, inside their hearts and minds.

Angkor is a testimony to the ingenuity and prowess of people of Cambodia enshrined forever

in the stoned Watt`s of the

When they finish conquering the world, they started to con-

Siem Reap province. Astonished travelers of XX century, made up stories of extraterrestrial civilizations coming to build them and as a tourist will see that: these all powerful beings still have a name, a face and an address: is the face of Khmer people, the name of Khmers who labored for ancient kings and the address is only one: Cambodia. We, in XXI century, we forgot the all conquering power of humans to build, to snatch from nature the materials needed and construct all conquering monuments, that fear neither time,

ROMDUOL flower and dedicated dance is bringing to CAMBODIA THE FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION designation.

quer their souls and inner peace! When nothing in the world tempts them, they started bettering themselves and making the Khmer people in the most splendid of the temples. I cannot find another civilization, in the realm of history, capable of such a radical change. APSARA dance is bringing to CAMBODIA THE FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION designation.

neither decay.

Another wonder in the Kingdom of Wonders: Cambodia! This is making Cambodia the ideal destination for peoples searching their connection with their inner fillings, in quest for their peace of mind and soul; you can never have better allies

Khmer people and history are here to teach us this valuable

that Khmer wisdom.

lesson: that humanity can do whatever is ambitioning to create!

Because thus is Cambodia today: an educator to the world, a provider of wonder, in a century that stopped believing in

See Angkor and you will believe! Today, when we need to be taught also the lesson of humility, of moderation, in our economic and practical goals, the lesson of ecological preservation: Cambodia is also the open book that we need. When all powerful, and all mighty, Kings of Angkor conquer all that their ambitions has sought after, they started under the

them, a classical spiritual adventure, a discovery trip in times and places, that is a must see and is richly deserving the appellative of World Best Tourist Destination. I will not restart the detailed description of all the UNESCO heritage sites existing in Cambodia or perusing the long list of region and cities awaiting their inscription on world heritage list.


WHY IS CAMBODIA WORLD`S BEST TOURIST DESTINATION? ECTT PRESIDENT—PROFESSOR DR. ANTON CARAGEA I will just emphasize how rare is country that is offering such a

edge and experiences, of tourism that is letting us richer in

diversity of landscapes, climates, cultural and historical beau-

conscience and soul.

ties as Cambodia. The story of SROK KHMER continues and is writing today a Educator of humanity, cradle of culture! This is CAMBODIA of

new and remarkable page: the page of development, tourism

today! We must also mark down Cambodia as a world example in building tourism fair revenue distribution and with H.E. Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of Cambodia, support to the program: ONE VILLAGE/ ONE PRODUCT encourage tourist, travelers or just prospective tourists to invest in local artisans creations. These revenues are helping community to develop, are helping people restarting their lives, protecting cultural landscape and historical legacy. and cultural world recognition, the page of CAMBODIA as Coming as a tourist in Cambodia, is not just a self rewarding


adventure, but is also an opportunity to make a responsible tourism, fair trade tourism, supporting local communities and

Your Excellency Mr. Prime Minister and European Academi-

poor rural areas.


We are hailing Cambodia as The Favorite Cultural Destination

It is with great honor and privilege that I hand over this title, as

for 2016 and with good measure also, as we just inscribed as

an international recognition for all the people of Cambodia, all

intangible cultural and tourism patrimony heritage the concept

united in the service of protecting and preserving historical and

of SROK KHMER – the specific Khmer concept of carving a na-

civilization patrimony of your country, in fostering tourism and

tional space and an integrated community of peoples.

culture.I repeat myself in the desire and trust that: This title must be regarded as a challenge to conquer new barriers, as

The concept of SROK KHMER, offering a special mark of inter-

we are expecting Cambodia future contribution for the devel-

community dialogue and acceptance, of tolerance and friend-

opment of the world culture and tourism.

ship, that explains in full how Cambodia can unite peoples and religions, can give them the sense of historical unity and bind

I am confident that: our world platform will be transformed in

them together, in love for a nation and a country.

a growing support for the international recognition of THE

This concept is also a fundament of Cambodia history and de-

KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA, as an open air, open to the world

velopment, a secret to ingratiate in a polite and correct man-

museum of humanity and in a base for further success for A

ner, that makes tourist feel at home in this wonderful country.


Cambodia is in itself a World Lecturer in history and civilization,

It is my privilege to handover to Your Excellency, as the most

and I could go one for hours, underlining the many reasons

representative leader of people and tourism of KINGDOM OF

why crowning Cambodia today as World Best Tourist Destina-


tion, it is just a normal act of recognition of a country so rich in

FOR 2016.

culture and promises of tomorrow that it becomes the embodiment of the tourism for the future, of the tourism for knowl-





I would like to thanks Samdech, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs,

HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia!

Deputy Prime Ministers, Senior Ministers, Ministers, Distin-

Samdech, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Deputy Prime Ministers, Senior Ministers, and Ministers!

guished National and International Guests for participating in the meaningful awarding ceremony at this time.Seizing this opportunity, I would like to voice my special thanks to the

– H.E. Prof. Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council

European Council on Tourism and Trade and Dr. Anton Car-

on Tourism and Trade

agea, as the President for awarding Cambodia the Awards of World Best Tourist Destination for 2016 and Favorite Cultural Destination for 2016 and to the European Tourism Academy for unanimously electing Samdech Techo Prime Minister as an Honorary Member of the European Tourism Academy. Stemming from the “Win-Win” Policy of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Cambodia has enjoyed full peace, development in

Minister of Tourism of Kingdom of Cambodia H.E. Thong Khon is launching the Clean Cambodia contest on the fringes of World Best Tourist Destination ceremony.

all sectors, particularly tourism has grown considerably over the last decade. The tourism sector, which is considered as the green-gold is a

– Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Ambassadors, Diplomatic Corps, Distinguished National and International Guests!

sector sustaining socio-economic growth, creating jobs, and alleviating poverty of the people, and playing an important role as on-site exports, contributing to supporting the regional inte-

Today, on behalf of leaders and officials of the Ministry of


Tourism, and all distinguished participants of the ceremony and on my own behalf, we would like to proudly express our great pleasure and honor to Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia for taking his tight schedule with a mission to serve the country

Apparently, in 2015, we achieved a growth rate of 6.1% with arrival of international tourists of about 4.8 million and bringing revenue of more than US $ 3,000 million, and increasing employment opportunities for about 620 thousand people into the economy. Following the forecasts for 2020, international tourist arrivals are expected to rise to about 7 million people and bringing the total revenue of approximately US $ 5,000 million, creating job opportunities for nearly 1 million people.

European Tourism President-Dr. Anton Caragea together with Minister thong Khon discussing the future of Cambodia`s tourism .

The subsequent boom of Cambodian tourism cannot be cut off from the country’s attractiveness as a tourist destination at regional and global levels. Obviously, in 2015, the world-class trip advisor (Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice) (Chosen based on

and people to highly preside over the auspicious Awarding

voting by travelers on its website) has considered the Kingdom

Ceremony of “Cambodia-World Best Tourist Destination for

of Cambodia as the world’s most attractive tourist destination

2016, and Favorite Cultural Destination for 2016” Awards.

(World Award Winners 2014-2015).



growth of European tourists. For 2016, the Board of the Euro-

the Siem Reap Province as the best Tourist Destination in Asia

pean Council on Tourism and Trade reviewed and discussed

and selected Angkor Wat Temple as the Asia’s most attractive

the 29 candidates countries for the award-winning candidate

national identification marking tourist site (The Best Landmark

of “World Best Tourist Destination for 2016” and decided

in Asia).

unanimously to elect:

Especially, for Cambodian tourism, today it is a great honor for

“Cambodia-World Best Tourist Destination for 2016”

Cambodia being unanimously elected as the “World Best Tour-

“Cambodia-Favorite Cultural Destination for 2016”

ist Destination for 2016” by the European Council on Tourism and Trade.

Cambodia has been chosen as a winner for 2016, which is based on the wonders of Cambodia (Cambodia: Kingdom of

I have a great honor to respectfully report to Samdech Techo

Wonder), where is filled with the World Heritage of both tangi-

Prime Minister that the European Council on Tourism and

ble heritage (including Angkor Wat Temple and Preah Vihear

Trade was established in 2005, and has its headquarter in Euro-

Temple as the World Heritage) and intangible assets as the

pean Union, with a mission to promote tourism, investment

abundant natural potential (including mangrove forest pre-

and exchange of experiences and knowledge relevant to the

served and conserved areas, and Ramsar areas) and natural

tourism sector, particularly cultural tourism of Europe and the

smile and greeting of Cambodian people, along with the devel-

rest of the world.

opment of all sectors in Cambodia, under the brilliant and sound leadership of Samdech Techo Prime Minister, and especially the development of Cambodian tourism based on the proper policy and strategy, namely the commitments to sustainable and inclusive tourism development (Sustainability and Inclusiveness). The election of Samdech Techo Prime Minister as an Honorary Member of the European Tourism Academy is the most recognition of leadership perspective value of Samdech Techo in

H.E. Thong Khon outlines the incredible potential of Cambodia in cultural, sport and leisure tourism

preserving and conserving the Cambodian cultural heritage and in encouraging Cambodian tourism development through ensuring the peace, political stability, Cambodian socio-economic development with significant progress for the nation of Cambodia.

To support its activities, the Council created the award of “World Best Tourist Destination” yearly to promote the tourism sector in the countries who are qualified enough (with evaluations based on key indicators of potential natural and cultural tourism and direction as the policy of the candidate country). Since 2007, there were countries awarded the awards in the Africa and Asia (including the Republic of Korea, United Arab Emirate, the People’s Republic of Laos in 2013 and the Republic of Zimbabwe in 2014). In general, after receiving the awards, the destination countries usually received significant tourism

Apsara dancers are part of the humanity intangible heritage


MINISTER THONG KHON: CAMBODIA: WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IS THE VISION OF PRIME MINISTER HUN SEN I would like to kindly inform the whole participants that in order to achieve the longterm vision and perspective for the development of Cambodian tourism, in particular as the tourist destination with sustainability, responsibility, and world-class attractiveness, the Royal Government set out the Law on Tourism. National Policy on Tourism, Tourism Development Strategic Plan 2012-2020.

30, 2016, for allowing for the preparation of the Best Hospitality Contest Movement and transforming the contest to the National Agenda by inspiring the citizens, officials, private sector, youth and development partners to join together in order to improve the service and hospitality better for contributing to the promotion of all tourist destinations in the Kingdom of Cambodia as the tourist destination with attractiveness,

Under the spirit of the Law on Tourism and Tourism Develop-

warmth, and providing memorable experiences for tourists

ment Strategic Plan 2012-2020, the Ministry of Tourism as the

with natural smile and greetings of Cambodian people.

Cambodian Royal Government’s wing has launched the Tourism Reform Plan 2015-2018 by focusing on the priority angles: (1). Strengthening the tourism industry, “One Service, One Standard” (2). Improving tourism promotion and attractive and creative tourism product development (By setting out Cambodian Tourism Marketing Strategy 2016-2020) (3). Improving human resource development in tourism sector

In order to make the Best Hospitality Contest Movement sustainable and widespread throughout the country and becoming the national agenda, all stakeholders (Public – private – youth – citizens) must join together to further promote the attractiveness of Cambodian tourism, as well as enhance the prestige of Cambodia “Cambodia: Kingdom of Wonder”, namely the Ministry of Tourism and the National Committee for Clean City Assessment have prepared “4” documents for supporting the contest movement and developed an online “One Staff, One Skill”

voting assessment system ( which allows the citizens and tourists to provide online com-

(4). Encouraging the use of information technology in tourism

ments (through linking to QR-Code): Service and Hospitality

sector (E-tourism).

Provided by Tour Operators and Officials at International Checkpoints for Tourists, etc. In celebration of the award of

In addition, we have the contest movement of “Clean City, Clean Resort, Good Service, Best Hospitality” as the core to encourage and increase the effective implementation of the

Cambodia-World Best Tourist Destination and the launching of the Best Hospitality Contest Movement, the Ministry of Tourism and the National Committee for Clean City Assessment

tourism development strategic plan, as well as tourism reform

plan to launch various important tourism programs (in addition

plan through launching the Clean City Contest Movement in

to programs and campaigns at present) as follow:

2011, and Eco-business Contest Movement in tourism sector in 2015.Particularly, today, with the high approval of the Royal Government, through the letter No.516 SCHN.PK dated May


MINISTER THONG KHON: CAMBODIA: WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IS THE VISION OF PRIME MINISTER HUN SEN ment of people “People-Based Approach”, the Ministry of Tourism will create a training and best hospitality supporting program, named as “My Service, Your Smile” by encouraging all relevant stakeholders, including public institutions and private sector to make cooperation and develop the Best Hospitality training programs for officials, youth, and their staffs, who interact directly with customers and tourists (including beers and wedding ceremony supporting staffs..

1000 diplomats and tourism experts attended 2016 ceremony for World`s Best Tourist Destination awards

etc.). Meanwhile, to make this program successful, it requires the support and sponsors from the relevant stake-

Continuing the promotional campaign “Cambodia: Kingdom of Wonder” and the contest movement of “Clean City, Clean Resort, Good Service, Best Hospitality”. In collaboration with the relevant ministerial-institutions, the Ministry of Tourism will create a permanent tourism program under the name of “Cambodia-My Second Home” for welcoming the long-stay tourists and senior tourists and plans to cooperate with the Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia and

Colorful ceremony highlighting Cambodia`s cultural prowess and mythological beauty

relevant institutions to develop a program of “Cambodia: My Homeland” under the slogan of “Everyone can go”, which is

holders, private vocational training schools for the prepara-

the national program and contributes to pushing for a perma-

tion of this training course.

nent program and encouraging the staffs, employees, employers, students, and youth to possibly arranging their trips at least 1 time per year, and a program of Cambodian StudentsTourism Ambassadors to be aimed at increasing more voluntary tourism activities in Cambodia. In order to increase the benefits of this award, the Ministry of Tourism plans to set up an Annual Photo Contest Program for tourist visiting Cambodia under the “Secret Trail of Cambodia” Program, which can be the tourists’ selfie photo or tourist destination photo contest in order to attract and promote the online promotion on Facebook, which is a digital marketing and promotion and to encourage to further love and conserve our natural and cultural heritage. Moreover, the Ministry of Tourism will launch the Tourism Mobile App soon. To support the “Best Hospitality” Contest Movement, while this movement is dependent on the involve-

In order to ensure the principle of transparency, the provision of services with honesty, not fraudulent to clients and visitors, the Ministry of Tourism encourages local tourism businesses, relevant institutions, and private sector to set up a Code of Ethics for managing its employees to ensure the provision of professional and honest services. So far, the Ministry of Tourism has set up the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for tour guides and already established a system of monitoring the implementation of this professional, and will continue to inspire and help other areas to set up this Code of Ethics. I have a great honor to respectfully inform that this celebration was attended by the relevant competent authorities, ministries and institutions, tour operators, youth, national and international organizations, and embassies with a total of 1,000 people.


MINISTER THONG KHON: CAMBODIA: WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IS THE VISION OF PRIME MINISTER HUN SEN We strongly believe that in the name of an honorary member of the European Tourism Academy, Cambodian tourism will be well-developed and more European tourists will make their visits to Cambodia, benefiting the socio-economic development in a sustainable manner. Last but not least, on behalf of the entire ceremony, and myself, I would like to respectfully wish Samdech Techo Prime Minister and Lok Chumteavs Kittipritbandit and their families healthy, wisdom, and strength in order to lead and develop Cambodia towards prosperity and happiness for the people. Finally, May I wish Samdech, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Ladies and Gentlemen the four gems of Buddhist Blessings: Longevity, Nobility, Health, and Strength.

H.E. Minister of tourism Thong Khon states th that World Best Tourist Destination Award is is the vision of Prime Minister HUN SEN the new world leader of development I would like to seize this opportunity, on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism, to express my profound gratitude to Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia for usually paying high attention to leading and encouraging Cambodian tourism development with sustainability and responsibility, especially supporting the contest movement of “Clean City, Clean Resort, Good Service, Best Hospitality”. On behalf of the Ministry of Tourism, I would like to deeply thank H.E. Dr. Prof. Anton Caragea, President of the European Council on Tourism and Trade, and his colleagues for awarding the awards of “Cambodia-World Best Tourist Destination for 2016, and Cambodia-Favorite Cultural Destination for 2016”, and the European Tourism Academy through Dr. Mircea Constantinescu, President of the European Tourism Academy for unanimously electing Samdech Techo Prime Minister as an Honorary Member of the European Tourism Academy.


ACADEMICIAN MIRCEA CONSTANTINESCU: WE ARE PROUD TO RECOGNIZE THE NEW EUROPEAN ACADEMICIAN: SAMDECH HUN SEN So it was clear from the beginning that an award for such an outstanding personality should encompass his entire activity. On the other side, some remarkable points in His Excellency biography should be revealed: At the age of 18, when other future leaders-to-be where still

Academician Mircea Constantinescu presents the laudatio for the new academy member H.E. HUN SEN, Prime Minister of Cambodia Laudatio for H.E. Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Sen,

Prime Minister of Royal Government of Cambodia


in their infancy, he was already fighting for his country and for a better future of the Cambodian people. He realized that military victory, especially in a civil war, is only the beginning of a much difficult struggle to restore a peaceful and prosperous life to Cambodian people. This made him to be a MAN OF ACTION His diplomatic intuition was extremely helpful in the domes-

Your Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Members of the Cambodian Parliament and members of the Cambodian Government,

tic and international arena. His strong belief in the win-win strategy as the best strategy in most situations, was keeping the country away from conflict, and in the middle of productive dialogs.

HonWe traveled for almost 24 hours, flying more than 10.000 km. in order to bring to you, the people of the Cambodia, our

These traits made him to be a MAN OF DIALOGUE.

message of friendship, peace, tolerance and mutual under-

A perfectly balanced and well documented PHD in Politics

standing, a message from the very heart of the Europe.

from National Political Academy, had splendidly anchored

We are here to award to His Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Sen, the title of HONORARY MEMBER of European Tourism Academy, member of the United Nations Academic Initiative.

the political activities and first hand governmental experience with the knowledge and the sobriety of the research necessary to carry out an PhD Thesis. This succesful coronation of the prescribed curriculum made

For me this laudatio is a very special and heartfelt occasion. We are talking here about the life and the activity of a great national and international personality that mark indelibly the past and present of Cambodia and will continue to give an impetus to the future of Cambodia and the global world destiny.

him a MAN OF REFLECTION. Finally, he also had the intuition and the knowledge that the economic development, the fight against poverty might be closely linked to the tourism and to the preservation of the cultural heritage. We must note here a long and painstaking activity of coordinating culture, tourism and development

The life and the activity of your extraordinary Prime Minister

for more than 40 years, activity reflected not only in more

spans for almost the last five decades and is closely connected

than 200 of speeches, works and allocutions but also in

to the history of the Cambodian nation and to the fight, exis-

achievements that are speaking for themselves: from the

tence and hopes of the Cambodian people. During this period

ashes of civil war Cambodia is proclaimed today by the inter-

of time Prime Minister Hun Sen was one by one:

national community as a WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINA-


fighter, versatile diplomat, powerful and visionary leader, playing on the internal and international arena an ever-growing role.



ACADEMICIAN MIRCEA CONSTANTINESCU: WE ARE PROUD TO RECOGNIZE THE NEW EUROPEAN ACADEMICIAN: SAMDECH HUN SEN From a country ravaged by the conflicts and hung e r, the glory of Cambodia`s past was resurrected, ancient temples like Preah Vihear restored to the nation and the country crowned today as a FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION in the world. What a road, what a journey, made possible by the efforts of His Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Sen. We may tell you many remarkable things about the complex personality and the successful activity of your beloved and remarkable Prime Minister, but we wanted to keep this Laudatio focus on the main points that shaped the life and the career of Academician Dr. HUN SEN. To give the complete story of such a brilliant life will take us weeks and months. I will just ask our newest academician to uphold, as he did his entire life, the fundamental principles of United Nations Academic Initiative and of European Tourism Academy: to support education, to foster education, to encourage global action and citizenship via education development, to uphold the system of higher education, to advance peace, sustainability and development on world arena. These are Your Excellency noble obligations as a member of European Academy. May they always guide your actions! These procedures being concluded, according to the centuries old academic protocol, I have the distinct pleasure to award the Title of MEMBER OF HONOR and the Medal of Honor of EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY to His Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Royal Government of Cambodia.



Professor Dr. Anton Caragea- European Council on Tourism and Trade (speaking) and Academician Mircea Constantinescu (extreme right in the photo) are announcing the decision of selecting H.E. Prime Minister of Cambodia- Samdech HUN SEN as a WORLD LEADER OF TOURISM AND DEVELOPMENT


In today`s world, a nation cannot project his external dimension,

and 13 June 2016, the members of European Tourism Academy

and cannot imagine his diplomatic activity in the absence of pro-

had elected in vigorous appreciation H.E. Samdech HUN SEN

moting his historic patrimony and boost his cultural prowess(‌.)

as honorary member of European Tourism Academy for his contribution to World Tourism Development and for upholding the values of cultural tourism on universal level during 2015World Conference on Culture and Tourism.

Under Your Excellency leadership, the Government of Kingdom of Cambodia has for a long time recognized and abated the importance of culture and tourism as key facilitators for the country development and international promotion.(..)

The official letter, announcing the felicitous addition to the list of celebrated world personalities of the name of Cambodian Prime Minister-Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo-HUN SEN was made public by the Office of the President of European Council on Tourism and Trade . The official decision, publicized by European Council on Tourism and Trade encourages Cambodia to continue the protection of his tremendous cultural heritage and to use it as an education hub for all mankind: In the new millennium Cultural

Your Excellency has being true to his word and commitment and by protecting and promoting the incredible legacy left to us by the Khmer Kings of Angkor had helped the incredible resurgence of the Khmer people in XXI century. Cambodia was lifted from the brink of extinction to another horizon of hope and future development and Khmer people is building today the new temples of Phnom Penh: a steel and glass city that will echo the buildings of the past.

and Historical Tourism becomes the beacon on which the life

The letter inked and sealed by H.E. European Council on Tourism

of billions of peoples is improved and enriched. Cultural tour-

and Trade President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and European

ism is today a part of nation building and an intricate part of

Tourism Academy Director-Dr. Mircea Constantinescu for H.E.

the nation’s international image.

Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia concludes:


SAMDECH HUN SEN-PRIME MINISTER OF CAMBODIA RECEIVES EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY HONORARY TITLE FOR LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENTS This is a statement of confidence in the bright future of Khmer nation and practical measures put in place, made your country succeeding in the 2016- WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD competition and be accepted as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for your nations incredible weight of culture, history prowess and contribution to humanity legacy. This is a new momentous achievement for CAMBODIA, a moment that is due to your exertions.

United Nations Secretary General-Ban Ki Moon and H.E. Samdech HUN SEN


Professor Dr. Anton Caragea- European Council on Tourism and Trade (center photo) and Academician Mircea Constantinescu (second plan) are announcing the decision of selecting H.E. Prime Minister of Cambodia- Samdech HUN SEN as a WORLD LEADER OF TOURISM AND DEVELOPMENT


This outstanding vision has being transformed in a general politic

and Trade, Academician Mircea Constantinescu, Director of

and enacted under your leadership as a world instrument for

European Tourism Academy delivered a joint eulogy in the

development during 2015- World Conference on Tourism and

Phnom Penh Peace Palace on the occasion of the award of the

Culture ”.

prestigious title of ACADEMICIAN to Cambodia`s Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Dr. Hun Sen.

The Presidents of the two world tourism institutions – all of whom are themselves previous recipients of the Academician

World Tourism Institution-European Council on Tourism and Trade President, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, took part in the

title – were invited to address a joint eulogy for this year’s laureate.

ceremony awarding the ACADEMICIAN title to Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Dr. Hun Sen in the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh, together with European Tourism Academy Director-Academician Mircea Constantinescu and European Council on Tourism and Trade high ranking delegates: Pavel Avramoiu, Ioan Matei, ECTT Chairman -Mihai Prundianu. The Kingdom of Cambodia Prime Minister has been awarded the HONORARY ACADEMICIAN title for “ in clear appreciation of your influential vision in carving cultural and heritage of Cambodia as conducive instruments in building tourism and in insuring development for your people.

In his part of the speech, President Anton Caragea underlined that Prime Minister of Cambodia -Samdech HUN SEN made it possible for the international community to carve out the first world level instruments in developing tourism, creating the basis of sustainable tourism on the pillars of cultural richness, religious tolerance and historical platform. In the new millennium Cultural and Historical Tourism becomes the beacon on which the life of billions of people’s is improved and enriched. Cultural tourism is today a part of nation building and an intricate part of the nation’s international image. In today`s world, a nation cannot project his external dimension, and cannot


CEREMONY TO HONOR A NEW WORLD LEADER IN DEVELOPMENT: ACADEMICIAN DR. HUN SEN imagine his diplomatic activity in the absence of promoting his historic patrimony and boost his cultural prowess. All this policies being transformed in every day dimensions of international activity are fundamentally linked to your visions, your thoughts and your actions. You have succeeded in engraving your name on the golden list of cultural protectors, offering a special attention to historical patrimony of your country and use it, and preserve it for the benefit of the future generation. Your Excellency is part of the special HUMANITY PROTECTORS. Leaders that are grasping the importance of tourism as the most important part of diplomacy, international relations and raising national profile on world arena. These leaders must be supported and commanded and offered

Humanity congratulates a new world leader for tourism and development: Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Dr. Hun Sen.

as a general example, concluded his remarks ECTT President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.The award ceremony was preceded by a long discussion of the high ranking delegation with Prime Minister of Cambodia -Samdech HUN SEN. It was followed by a joint press conference of President Dr. Anton Caragea Academician Mircea Constantinescu-Academy Director and Dr. Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism of Cambodia, country elected as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION and WORLD`S FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for 2016. President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and Academician Mircea Constantinescu also wrote a joint articles on this occasion, articles published in several European and world newspapers. They highlight the message of hope that Cambodia has sent to the world as the country: was lifted from the brink of extinction to another horizon of hope and future development and Khmer people is building today the new temples of Phnom Penh: a steel and glass city that will echo the buildings of the

World Tourism Institute head, President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea conferess with H.E. Cambodia`s Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Academician Dr. Hun Sen

past.This statement of confidence in the bright future of Khmer

This is a new momentous achievement for CAMBODIA, a moment

nation and practical measures put in place, made your country

that is due to your exertions.

succeeding in the 2016- WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD competition and be accepted as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for your nations incredible weight of culture, history prowess and contribution to humanity legacy.

The membership in the European Tourism Academy is awarded every year to honour exceptional work performed in the service of world culture, tourism development and protection of historical patrimony.




EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2016 On June 11, 2016, the General Assembly of the European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT), has taken under consideration the list of candidates for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2016. Scrutinizing of the candidature files was made, in the initial stages, by the European Tourism Academy team, who drafted a preliminary report disseminated among the ECTT members. Academician Dr. Mircea Constantinescu, Director of European Tourism Academy, presented the list of candidates and the list of reports and accompanying evaluations for each of the 30 countries registered candidatures.

ECTT President-Dr. Anton Caragea has welcomed his guests on 2016 General Meeting of European Council on Tourism and Trade on Palace of Parliament for electing WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2016

Academician Mircea Constantinescu stressed the need for a strict observance of Chatham House rules of discretion, and also presented the report asking for a candidate country to be disbarred, for not being able to comply with the rules and regulation of World Institution-ECTT.

the decision of ECTT President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea. The second day (12 June 2016) of the debate for the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2016 saw Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism

The motion was adopted and the analysis of remaining 29

and Trade (ECTT) presenting the main report, encompassing

countries in competition for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINA-

the decision that emerged as the victorious candidate.

TION continued. ECTT Chairman –Mihai Prundianu stated for the audience the remarkable achievements of the 2015 award winner-The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia who capped 1 million tourists supplementary and derived tourism income in the margin of 2 billion dollars. Addis Ababa became the most rapidly growing city in Africa in the number of tourists. Ethiopia enjoyed also a large presence in the media with over

The report was titled: CAMBODIA: THE LAND OF MAGIC- THE PLACE WHERE GOD`S AND KINGS BUILD THE WORLD! He proposed the Kingdom of CAMBODIA as the winner of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 and as receiver of the FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION distinction for 2016. The report noted the reasons for awarding WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 PRIZE to CAMBODIA:

120.000 tourism related articles promoting the country as the

The excellent preservation of humanity landmarks such as: the


Temple of Preah Vihear- the heart of ancient Indochina.

Ethiopia has being, surpassing all the countries in the region in terms of tourism, appreciated Academician Mircea Constantinescu.

The temple outstanding history can be traced to the 9th century, when the hermitage was founded.Today the site is particularly well-preserved and is offering to the visitors an outstanding vision of

ECTT President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea marked also the

grandeur, thanks to

world tourism institution determination to continue a special

his exceptional for

relation with Ethiopia that we come to know and love and who

the quality of its ar-

entered in our hearts forever, concluded Professor Dr. Anton

chitecture, which is

Caragea. With the acceptance of the report by Chairman Mihai

adapted to the natu-

Prundianu on ETHIOPIA, the debate on the WORLD BEST TOUR-

ral environment and

IST DESTINATION FOR 2015 was declared opened according to

the religious function


EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2016 of the temple, as well as for the exceptional quality of its

All these regions and national parks are a model of achieving

carved stone ornamentation. The Siem Reap province is home

ecological and green tourism that must be recognized through-

to the majestically and unique Angkor Archaeological Park –

out the world.

the residence of the Khmers Kings from 9th to 15th century. New prominent landmarks are to be added to UNESCO list such Today this incredible humanity legacy, stretching over some

as: Angkor Borei and Phnom Da, the former celebrated as the

400, including forested area, Angkor Archaeological Park

ancient capital of Kingdom of Cambodia under the name of

contains the magnificent remains of the different capitals of

Vyadhapura and pace at the confluence of Mekong and Stun

the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century.

Sla Ku. This is now home to perfect archaeological treasures like sculptures and stones star-shaped called stelae.

They include the famous Temple of Angkor Watt and Angkor Thom, the Bayon Temple with its countless sculptural decora-

Phnom Da is famous for his caves, the mud tower and the all


sought Ashram Maha Rosei, made in long standing stone and celebrated as a model of architectural ingenuity made out of

All this sites were recognized as being of world significance and

interior monk housing units blending in the exterior wall.

registered as UNESCO World heritage monuments. Udong is the former capital of Royal Cambodia in 17th century The rich cultural and historical legacy of Cambodia is not lim-

from 1740 to 1746.

ited to the previous presented list. Udong is now a perfect example of a sprawling royal city, but In order to fully grasp the natural potential of Cambodia natural parks and natural reservations we must look at the potential of these regions designated in 1993 Royal Decree on the

also a royal necropolis gathering the funerary temples of kings that offered to Cambodia a chance of survival in the country darkest times.

Protection of Natural Areas. Udong is the proof of the resilience and endurance of Khmer They are encompassing 23 protected areas, which at the time

spirit in time of peril and dangers.

covered more than 18% of the country’s total land area. The royal decree divides the areas into four distinct categories:

The project ONE VILLAGE/ONE PRODUCT designed to promote

natural parks (sometimes described as ‘national parks’), wild-

social fair tourism, to sustain rural production and to bring

life preserves, protected scenic view areas (sometimes de-

about the rebirth of traditional craftsmanship created and pro-

scribed as ‘protected landscapes’) and multi-purpose areas.

moted by H.E. Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of Cambodia , is a perfect way of sharing

Cambodia is also home to rarely and valuable Ramsar sites rated accordingly to RAMSAR CONVENTION of June 1999: A stretch along the Mekong River approximately 37 km long and 14,600 hectares in Stung Treng Province

revenue, growing income and supporting marginal and rural communities development. The way in which social-tourism has become the base for local economic development, for empowerment of remote commu-

Boeng Chhmar and associated river system and floodplain,

nity and supporting educational and vocational projects bene-

28,000 hectares in Kampong Thom and Siem Reap provinces

fiting the communities, makes social-fair tourism, the lesson

(part of a designated multiple use area)

that today-the KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA is offering to the world.

Koh Kapik and associated islets, 12,000 hectares in Koh Kong province (part of a designated wildlife sanctuary).

The ongoing development and protection of cultural, religious and historical shrines of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the trans-

Giving tourists access to outstanding and pristine nature and

formation of Angkor Region into a historical and spiritual cen-

the opportunity to explore nature, to contribute to ecological

ter, offering to the visitors a glimpse into rich culture and heri-

preservation, and the opportunity to visit extraordinary places.

tage of peoples of Cambodia.


EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE GENERAL ASSEMBLY SELECTS WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2016 The preservation of outstanding historical and cultural heritage in the form of the former capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Angkor cultural complex, an ample palatial complex from the 9th Century, offering an incredible sense of magnificence of one of the Asia greatest empire. Today, Cambodia offers tourists bound for the country a rich and perfect open air collection with a rare presence of historical and archaeological treasures that educate and enrich the world.

28 countries representatives analyzed the candidatures for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2015

The KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA is also a perfect center for river

fTaking the floor, President Dr. Anton Caragea asked for a final

trips and adventure tourism, offering large areas suitable for

vote and European Council on Tourism and Trade Assembly

this special kind of tourism, and the necessary infrastructure to

unanimously, agreed to bestow the WORLD BEST TOURIST DES-

welcome the adventure seeker, its safety and peace, makes the


country, one of the world’s top adventure river destinations


that make the KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA as a perfect cultural

in 2016.

class destination. The meeting was also presented with the Official Letter, from Mr. Pavel Avramoiu, Director for Hotel Management and

the Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime

Evaluation at European Council on Tourism and Trade, outlined

Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia.

the impressive potential for development that Kingdom of Cambodia is presenting.

The world gathering (including ECTT members and accredited ambassadors and diplomats) was presented with a warm sa-

Cambodia, now proclaimed WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINA-

lute and invitation from acting Minister of Tourism Mr. Chea

TION, must transform this perfect opportunity and universal

Bora, for a mission of high ranking officials of the European

limelight in a base for attracting investors in the field of hotels

Council on Tourism and Trade, to present the WORLD BEST

and hospitality to cater for the millions that will find their ways

TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD in Phnom Penh, in person, to


His Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN

This is an incredible occasion for all ASEAN regions, an opportunity to place regions cultural and historical patrimony at the fore and to make Cambodia the center for medium and longterm trips that will bring travelers to the magic of Indochina.

SEN, Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia, European Academician and out-

With open sky`s policies enacted by Samdech Akka Moha Sena

standing person-

Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambo-

alit y in wor ld

dia, the country has become the center of ASEAN future devel-

tourism, today.

opment, concluded his speech World Tourism Institution Director Pavel Avramoiu. It is appropriate for Europe to express its commitment to, and appreciation for Asia by crowning CAMBODIA as THE FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION AND WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 stated the ECTT Director Ioan Matei.

On the front of the voting urne: Professor Dr. Anton Caragea MA, FINS, ETA present the report for 0AMBODIA!


EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE GENERAL ASSEMBLY SELECTS WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2016 The final note of ECTT 2016 Assembly was stroke by Professor Anton Caragea, President of the European Council on Tourism and Trade who emphasize the importance of the moment: the most important WORLD TOURISM PRIZE was entrusted to peoples of CAMBODIA.

CAMBODIA has arisen from ashes of nefarious time and is today a perfect destination crowned in the diamonds of Mekong, endowed with the beauties of Siem Reap and Battambang and made immortal by the works of Gods and Kings at Angkor. Leading by example, is always the motto of European Council and Tourism and Trade and the acceptance of the invitation for a familiarization visit of high-ranking members of European Council on Tourism and Trade to CAMBODIA is a proof of this

ANGKOR VAT Temple: stairways to heaven

enduring truth. CAMBODIA is a perfectly safe and outstanding destination that will forever mark your heart! Today all world tourism experts expressed their confidence in the potential and future of tourism in CAMBODIA, let`s follow their example and discover THE WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION in 2016- concluded Professor Anton Caragea, President of the European Council on Tourism and Trade.

PREAH VIHEAR Temple and World Heritage site has brought WORLD TOURISM DESTINATION status to Cambodia




President Anton Caragea has hosted the 2016 Africa Day celebration, on June 1st at the Diplomatic Club, a moment that is the culmination of the celebrations of Africa month in May

President Dr. Anton Caragea and Prime Minister of Ethiopia Academician Hailemariam Desalegns carving a better future for Africa!

2016, across Europe and European Council on Tourism and Trade member countries. Lalibela must be the center of religious pilgrimage and cultural tourism offering to world tourists the complex healing experience of cultural legacy, religious special atmosphere and faith imbued air. Africa Day is celebrated annually on 25 May, within the African continent to mark the formation of the Organisation of African Unity on 25 May 1963 and the African Union in 2002 and the

“Africa Day provides an opportunity for us to celebrate our African efforts in promoting tourism in the continent, to foster development, to insure the tourists that Africa is a safe, astonishing and welcoming destination. We will always love Ethiopian people and support Ethiopian tourism development and country growth and affirmation in the world.� said President Caragea.

progress made by the continent since then to advance democ-

The Federal Republic of Nigeria Ambassador express clearly the

racy, peace, stability and socio-economic development via

feelings of the participants: We love ECTT ! for what opportuni-

tourism betterment.

ties and occasions had brought to Africa.

The ceremony, held under European Council on Tourism and

More than 100.000 jobs are now created in the last two years,

Trade banner, has brought together representatives from tour-

in African tourism sector, and all this is a recognition of the

ism institutes, research centers, diplomatic centers from across

efforts carved out by European Council on Tourism and Trade

the continent.

to promote our continent.

Nigeria, Benin, Mali, Sudan, Senegal and Congo Brazzaville are

Not only Ethiopia and Zimbabwe benefited, but all the nations

among the countries that have sent delegates to the celebra-

of the region have being encouraged in developing tourism and


tourist were enlisted in discovering African continent!

European Council on Tourism and Trade joined the efforts to foster the trade and tourism exchanges between the continent and the international community.

Thank you Professor Caragea !, concluded the ambassador.



African elephants will dominate the discussions at the upcom-

Government of Zimbabwe receive the official accolade of

ing World Wildlife Conference, which will have the largest

World Best Tourist Destination in 2014 for his efforts in pro-

agenda on protecting wildlife, organizers publicly announced

tecting Southern Africa wildlife.

on Thursday ( according to world tourism institution-European Council on Tourism and Trade Press Note). The conference, officially known as the 17th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered

Scanlon also pointed to a surge in the illegal trafficking of the pangolin, saying this must be stopped.

Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), will come up with

Scanlon acknowledged progress made in the fight against wild-

measures to combat illegal trade in endangered species, CITES

life trafficking but said threats still exist. He stressed the need

Secretary General John Scanlon said at a press briefing in Jo-

to address where the animals and plants are trafficked from,

hannesburg. The conference will be held in Johannesburg be-

along the way and their destination.

tween Sept. 24 and Oct. 5. European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) had always “CITES meeting are sometimes robust and intense as stakes are

being at the fore front of African conservation efforts imposing


clear guidelines for states candidates or awardees of World

We expect that this conference will have the largest agenda we ever had. We will talk about trade controls of over 500 species of animals and plants,� Scanlon said. He said African elephants will dominate the discussions with contradicting proposals. Scanlon said African elephants attract much attention in terms of proposals for their protection and whether to allow ivory trade, domestics markets and stockpile of ivory. He said there will also be discussions about sharks, timber, lions and pangolins.

Best Tourist Destination status or receivers of World Capital of Culture and Tourism appellative. ECTT guidelines marked clearly the importance of conservation efforts and preservation of natural patrimony and combating poaching and illegal hunting. Zimbabwe, one of the receivers of the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION status in 2014, had managed to stop the decline of his elephants population reaching now a population of more than 80.000 elephants, one of the greatest in Africa. OFFICE THE PRESIDENT OF EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE (ECTT)


DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE IS THE CREATOR OF WORLD FAVORITE PERFUME IN 2017 On the occasion of Europe Day 2017, France has received a

Having your own signed Salvador Dali perfume in your house is

new recognition as the center of world culture and lifestyle

without doubt the greatest gift that Dali Haute Parfumerie is


offering to the aficionados of high end perfumes.

being saliently ascribed to DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE. But the magic doesn’t stop at the bottle! The perfume bottles of Dali Haute Parfumerie are the chalice The Perfume is from 17th century onwards an intricate part of

that is protecting the fragrances carved by one of the world`s

European culture and must be inscribed as a part of tourism

best perfume artists, fragrances that will invite you on a voyage

development as tourists are

across the essences

attracted by magic places

of life.

where perfume is made and by perfume artists.

Inside every Dali Haute Parfumerie

Today the quest for exclu-

fragrance you will

sive perfumes, for the se-

find the rarest raw

crets of the perfume crea-

materials and sub-

tors has a new address: Dali

stances in the per-

Haute Parfumerie, World

fume industry rang-

Favorite Perfume in 2017,

ing from: absolute

based in Paris.

ambrette, orange blossom absolute,

Dali Haute Parfumerie has just being honored with the title of World Favorite Perfume for 2017, in appreciation of his original interpretation of exceptional jewels created by Salvador Dali from which aroused the

musk, patchouli of I n d o n e s i a , ylang-ylang, so many natural aromas and essences that will instantly transport you in a oneiric voyage.

inspiration for creating unique perfumes, carved by the world famous perfume maker: Alberto Morillas.

In the official letter penned for Mr. Jean-Pierre Grivory, President Director General of COFINLUXE (the parent company of Dali Haute Perfumerie)

Dali Haute Parfumerie has being inspired by the jewels collections created by the artist and now the exceptional perfume

on May 9, 2017, on Europe Day and announcing Dali Haute Parfumerie as World Favorite Perfume in 2017 is noted that:

bottles are transformed in works of art, the jewels on the cap have to be preserved and kept in house for generations to

«Starting today DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE is receiving the pre-


cious recognition of quality for cosmetics and perfume’s industry and a sign of trust on international markets as the WORLD

It was Mr. Jean-Pierre Grivory, President Director General of Cofinluxe that harbored the bold idea to launch a new luxury perfume brand, based on the artistic creations of Salvador Dali. A visionary decision that ascribed DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE on the road to universal recognition and success.

FAVORITE PERFUME FOR 2017.On May 9, on the EUROPE DAY, when we are celebrating the values of our continent and all that our peoples are producing and in the presence of diplomatic corps accredited to our institution we have publicly signed the decree conferring the official title of WORLD FAVORITE PERFUME FOR 2017 to DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE.



On this occasion, Dali Haute Par-


intricate part of the perfume

fumerie was recognized as an world history receiving INTERNATIONAL QUALITY AWARD for his determinant role in promoting research and development on the cosmetic and

From today DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE fragrances will be used for protocol gifts, product tasting, for brand presentations, for

fragrance industry on a world level.

international delegations and international events related to tourism, trade and diplomacy across the world, promoting

In 2017 DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE has launched a series of

Europe industriousness, innovation spirit and cultural prowess.

Salvador Dali inspired perfumes and art works.

European Council on Tourism and Trade proudly crowned Dali

For the first five Eaux de perfume symbols were chosen which

Haute Parfumerie for the unique and astute spirit of promoting

Dali appreciated and widely used: an eye (Regard Scintillant de

the European, but also universal values of Salvador Dali crea-

Mille Beautes), butterfly (Voyage Onirique du Papillon de Vie),

tions and encapsulating in his perfumes the French spirit, the

goblet (Calice de la Seduction Eternelle), hand (Melodie du

European culture and the magic of a great perfume artist Al-

Cygne de la Main) and the clock (Fluidite du Temps Imaginaire).

berto MorillasÂť. Another reason for being awarded THE INTERNATIONAL QUALFor orders and special request

ITY AWARD was the company perfect Corporate Social Respon-

kindly consult the list of Official

sibility strategy that made the name of Dali Haute Parfumerie a

Distribution and Partners of DALI

recognised identity brand that supported diplomatic activities,


Europe image and cultural potential, placing the name of Salva-

direct Orders Department at: +33

dor Dali one more time in the spot light as a cultural creator

1 55 37 71 72.

and intricate part of Europe and world potential.


DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE has succeeded in garnering the

lighted the creative potential of DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE

limelight on the Perfume History conference scene.

creator and imagination driving force behind this success

After earlier this year being nominated the World Favourite

namely Mr. Jean Pierre Grivory.

Perfume, the perfume industry is

President Jean-Pierre

proud to be reconnected with

Grivory, creator of Cofinluxe,

perfume role in history and cul-

a house hold name in French

ture, from ancient Egypt, where

perfume industry for more

perfume was recognized as the

than three decades, is the

gift of Gods and Pharaoh’s and

driving force of the new

inscribed on pyramids walls to

experiment shaping the fu-

ancient Rome to our days.

ture of perfume industry:

The leader and trend setter in this field of promoting perfume as a part of the high-life and culture potential booster is Dali Haute Parfumerie the winner of 2017 World Favourite Perfume

uniting art and perfume craftsmanship in order to create long-lasting products celebrated across the world.


INTERNATIONAL QUALITY AWARD CONFERRED TO DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE PRESIDENT JEAN PIERRE GRIVORY WHY WE LOVE DALIGRAMME COLLECTION? Recently the world renowned DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE launched a new perfume collection inspired by the perennial love story between Gala and Salvador Dali, a love story that will become iconic for XXI century passions and now will become the launching point for a new legendary perfume: DALIGRAMME COLLECTION. The five compositions of the Daligramme collection are named: Ma Flamme, Ma Muse, Ma Vie, Ma Reine, Ma Force and signed by four talented perfumers: Mathilde Bijaoui, Amélie Bourgeois, Alexandra Carlin and Véronique Nyberg. As all the creation of the famous DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE we cannot but fall in love with the powerful cocktails of aromas, fragrances and the fabulous stories behind all this perfumes destined to conquer the imagination of all who think as Salvador Dali once that life must be lived and dreamed . Here are the stories behind all these perfumes as the creators of the new line of DALIGRAMME COLLECTION envisioned.

President Jean-Pierre Grivory, creator of Cofinluxe, a house hold name in French perfume industry for more than three decades, is the driving force of the new experiment shaping the future of perfume industry INTERNATIONAL QUALITY AWARD by European Tourism Academy is crowning the companies that are creating the history of our times in term of quality, innovation incorporated and respect for environment coupled with strong CSR strategy on a global level.


PRESIDENT DR. ANTON CARAGEA INVITES DIPLOMATS ON THE 2016 DIPLOMATIC TRIP Another argument weight in was the opening of an extraordinary resort and hospitality complex in the area: PUFLENE RESORT. This resort was to become the gravity center of our activities, to discover Danube Delta, and also our night base for a wonderful meal and recuperation after travel.

H.E. President Anton Caragea welcomed by Mr. Mihai Puflene Chairman of PUFLENE RESORT and Danube Delta expert.

The diplomats program was coined, with the help of PUFENE RESORT Director, Mr Mihai Puflene, a man in loved with the Danube and passionate about Danube Delta. The program encompassed, during day time, regular trips, that

A group of diplomats from nine countries, officially accredited to European Council on Tourism and Trade, travelled from Bucharest to Tulcea and from there to Danube Delta from August 20-25 to explore the rich natural patrimony of the grassland during the Europe Cultural Discovery Tour initiated by H.E. President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea. The 2016 Summer Diplomatic Trip has brought together diplomats officialy accredited to European Council on Tourism and Trade.

allowed diplomats to discover magnificent areas like: Murighiol Danube front, the lake Uzlina, the largest lake and a perfect fish reserve, the boats rolled also to the Lake Isac and Lake Isac 2, natural reserve of mangrove and typical vegetation, Litcov Channel and famous Crisan village, bedecked with traditional houses painted in blue and home to Russian minority in the Danube Delta. Diplomats also enjoyed the trips to Sulina arm of Danube and finally, to the Letea Forest, UNESCO natural preserve, unique in

The Summer Trip for Diplomats, a yearly event, hosted by

the world.The five days journey of discovery and travel where

The European Council on Tourism and Trade has taken place

crowned also by relaxation time.

between 20-25 August 2015, in the framework of DISCOVER EUROPE program. The DISCOVER EUROPE program is aimed at giving an opportunity for diplomats posted in Europe to get acquainted with new areas of our continent, to familiarize themselves with the rich customs and traditions of diverse regions of Europe and to also enjoy themselves in a few days of active relaxation. This year our main destination and that of the nine ambassa-

PUFLENE RESORT Complex was the generous host of 2016 Summer Diplomatic Trip

dors and their families, invited for the cruise, was Danube Delta, tell us Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, the President

Ambassadors took full advantage of this time enjoying the PU-

of European Council on Tourism and Trade and we have many

FLENE RESORT many facilities like gym, wading pool and mas-

reasons for our decision to select Danube Delta as our destina-

sage therapy and most of all, indulge in the culinary creation of


the master chef of the complex.

We have previously organized a similar discovery trip during

The diplomatic trip to Danube Delta was a new success of the

2011 and I was remembering, with pleasure, the enthusiasm

DISCOVERY EUROPE program, started in 2008 by The European

that ambassadors put in the discovery of the area and we want

Council on Tourism and Trade and will be followed this au-

also to place in our program new and new destinations of Da-

tumn by a discovery trip to Republic of Moldova, stated H.E.

nube Delta.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.



PUFLENE RESORT had offered diplomats a large array of leisure and fitness opportunities

Typical Danube Delta house

Carp Binge an incredible culinary dish


20 hectares of land are encompassed in the huge domain of PUFLENE RESORT

This is the magic of DANUBE DELTA as diplomats have seen it

Stuffed pike: a famous emperors dish was served during diplomats trip




Outstanding natural beauty, dramatic landscapes and ancient culture have given The Kingdom of Cambodia the title of the World’s Best Tourism Destination for 2016.

The country has been praised for its outstanding natural beauty, dramatic landscapes and ancient culture, leading the European Council on Tourism and Trade to select it out of 31 countries as this year's top holiday spot.

Breaking News: Cambodia voted world best tourist destination for 2016 by European Council on Tourism & Trade

PHNOM PENH, June 16 (Xinhua) -- The European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) has named Cambodia as the World Best Tourism Destination for 2016, said its press release issued late Wednesday. Some 30 countries joined the competition for the illustrious award this year, the press release said, adding that Cambodia presented its report for the competition under the title "Cambodia: The Land of Magic-The Place Where Gods And Kings Build The World!". Cambodia took the top spot in awards thanks to its rich cultural and historical legacy and outstanding natural beauty.

The second day (12 June 2016) of the debate for the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2016 saw Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) presenting the main report, encompassing the decision that emerged as the victorious candidate. The report was titled: CAMBODIA: THE LAND OF MAGIC- THE PLACE WHERE GOD`S AND KINGS BUILD THE WORLD! He proposed the Kingdom of CAMBODIA as the winner of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 and as receiver of the FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION distinction for 2016.Taking the floor, President Dr. Anton Caragea asked for a final vote and European Council on Tourism and Trade Assembly unanimously, agreed to bestow the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION STATUS FOR 2016 TO KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA and to declare CAMBODIA- THE FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION in 2016.



The European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) has named Cambodia as the World Best Tourism Destination for 2016. Some 30 countries joined theand competition Turkmenistan Ashgabat –the perfect for the illustrious award this year, anvisited ECTT by European places on Central Asia press release issued lateonWednesday said, Council Tourism and Trade President adding that Cambodia presented its report for the competition under the title 'Cambodia: The Land of Magic-The Place Where Gods And Kings Build the World!'. Cambodia took the top spot in awards owing to its rich cultural and historical legacy and outstanding natural beauty. "Cambodia is a perfectly safe and outstanding destination that will forever mark your heart," said Professor Anton Caragea, president of the Bucharest-headquartered ECTT, which consists of 28 European countries as members. Cambodia is renowned for two cultural sites in the UNESCO's World Heritage List.

Cambodia has been as the World Best Tourism Destination for 2016. Home of the famous Angkor Wat, the title has been conferred by The European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT). 30 countries participated in this prestigious annual competition, where in Cambodia presented its report for the competition under the title 'Cambodia: The Land of Magic-The Place Where Gods And Kings Build the World!'. Cambodia took the top spot in awards owing to its rich cultural and historical legacy and outstanding natural beauty.

It is time to brush up on your Khmer, the national language of Cambodia, because the Asian nation has been named as the World's Best Tourism Destination for 2016. It was given the award by the the European Council on Tourism and Trade, who praised its outstanding natural beauty, dramatic landscapes and ancient culture. Thirty-one countries were considered for the illustrious award this year, with Cambodia coming top of the pile.

The European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) has named Cambodia as the World Best Tourism Destination for 2016, said its press release issued late Wednesday for the influential tourism designa-

Cambodia was named the “World’s Best Tourism Destination” for 2016 at the annual general assembly of the European Council on Tourism and Trade. Marking the first time the country has received the prestigious award, Cambodia was selected from a field of 30 countries that entered the annual competition, taking top post for “its rich cultural and historical legacy” and natural beauty. Its well-preserved antiquities, including the Unesco World Heritage sites of Angkor Wat and Preah Vihear temple were given special mention. It also received praise for its 23 protected areas which give tourists access to outstanding and pristine nature.






Turkmenistan and Ashgabat –the perfect places on Central Asia visited by European Council on Tourism and Trade President

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