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EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND TRADE Quarterly Journal of Tourism Information

General Manager: Nicolae Nicolae






For the second year in a row, the capital of Kazakhstan-Astana, the host of World Expo 2017 will host the bulk of the celebration, in Central Asia, to honour ETHIOPIA- WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015. Ethiopia is this year African country to receive the highest honour of European Council on Tourism and Trade, as a prime class destination for luxury tourism and a favourite cultural destination on African continent. Astana celebration`s will start after European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation will handover the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015 prize to authorities of Ethiopia.







WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015 IS ETHIOPIA On July 10, 2015, in Addis Ababa, the representatives of world tourism, headed by European Council on Tourism and Trade President, Professor Dr.Anton Caragea, had delivered the official opening speech for ETHIOPIA - WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2015. This is the full text of Council President on this occasion

We have all gathered here, on the venue of

other people. Today, in XXI century, all tourists


are diplomats, building bridges of information,

MONY to celebrate one of humanity most im-

understanding and cooperation by simple ex-

portant achievements in the last centuries: and

perience of travel. In this new world, where

this is undoubtedly tourism.

tourism is economy, is diplomacy and is shaping people’s and nations destiny, there is no more

Tourism had become, from just a tool for enjoy-

important moment as the moment when world

ment and ludic preoccupation, a major part of

tourism is choosing his World Best Tourist Des-

human life.


Tourism is today an intricate part of our life, the need to share experiences, to search for unknown territories, to go further and further. Tourism is inscribed in our fiber and it defines us, it make us human.

In some years our choice is driven by consumerist arguments, and this is normal as tourism is after all a major economic factor, but some time our decision must lead the way for tourists to discover and rediscover new lands and new H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea proclaimes ETHIOPIA-WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2015. Tourism is now a major economic factor that helps countries to be developed and enrich themselves in more than just the economic point of view. Countries and people’s are rediscovering themselves by tourism. Cultures are resurrected, history is brought to life and people are enjoying new opportunities via tourism development. An ambassador was considered, a few centuries ago, as a tourist entrusted with gathering knowledge and information’s about distant lands and in offering the image of his country to

cultures and must be a signal of re-emphasizing the need to put history, patrimony, cultural legacy at the fore of our decision. We must never forget the fact that: the main duty of tourism is to enrich the soul and capture the imagination of traveler. This is the rationale, the driving force, underlined by our decision to hail Ethiopia as the World Best Tourist Destination for 2015. Tourists that will select, in this year and in the years to come, Ethiopia as their pristine destination, will have the chance of immersing themselves in the land from where humanity once sprinkled. Here is where our grandmother to all, started her journey, almost 4 million years ago.


WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2015 IS ETHIOPIA Her name was Lucy-Dinkenesh -she is won-

deserving the appellative of World Best

derful (in translation)- as is the tender Ethio-

Tourist Destination.

pian name . I will not linger too much on detailed deHere, in Ethiopia, tourists can reconnect

scription of all the UNESCO heritage

with God, as both the Kingdom of Axum and

sites existing in Ethiopia or on the long list of

his later hair-Lalibela made a point of honor

region and cities awaiting their inscription

in creating the Christianity cradle of Africa.

on world heritage list.

Here you can see God powerful deeds by the

I will just emphasize how rare is a country

presence and ingenuity of Ethiopian people

offering such a diversity of cultural, historical

as in the stoned carved churches of Lalibela.

and natural beauties as Ethiopia.

The legend goes that the angels themselves

Here in Ethiopia you can find the cradle of

help the people build them and tourist with

humanity, cradle of religions, cradle of cul-

see that these angels still have a name and a

ture and why not? Cradle of agriculture.

face, in the faces of people of Ethiopia. We must not forget that thirty-six of world The legacy of Muslim creeds can also be

crops are originating from Ethiopia as their starting point in our food. Let just imagine a world without coffee. I know is difficult, but without Ethiopia the long way of coffee would have not existed. Ethiopia is not a distant place, you can discover it in any cup of cafe, in any taste of

Anton Caragea-President of European Council on Tourism and Trade looking over Axum-the first capital of Ethiopian empire (300 a.Chr.).

wheat or barley, they all must whisper to you: come to Ethiopia, come to where humanity started, come home !

found in the Sheik Hussein Religious, Cultural

Yes, in our decision to crown the jewel of

and Historical Site and many others holy

Africa-Ethiopia as World Best Tourist Desti-

sites in Harar.

nation we did not forget for a moment that we are not encouraging people to go in a far

All this is making Ethiopia the ideal destina-

or distant place.

tion for people’s searching their connection with God, in quest for their peace of mind

No! We are just telling them to come home,

and soul or maybe just the beauty of reli-

to rediscover their roots, their house-

gious artifacts.


Should I just recall that: this is the unique

We must also mark down Ethiopia as an

place where you can go in search of the Arch

example for tourism revenues distribution

of the Covenant, as a modern Indiana Jones

and to encourage tourist, travelers or just

or just as a traveler searching for spiritual

prospective tourists to invest in local artisans

adventures? Because thus is Ethiopia today:


a spiritual adventure, a discovery trip that

communities to develop, are helping people

must not be overlooked and that is richly

restarting their lives, protecting cultural

Tourism revenues are helping


WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2015 IS ETHIOPIA landscape and historical legacy.

many reasons why crowning Ethiopia to-

Coming as a tourist in Ethiopia is not just a self rewarding adventure, but is also an opportunity to make a responsible tour-

day as World Best Tourist Destination it is just a normal act of recognition.

ism, a fair trade tourism, supporting local communities and poor rural areas. It is a perfect example of social tourism, that

The recognition of a country so rich in culture and promises for tomor-

we must command and support and specially promote.

row, a nation that it becomes the embodiment of the tourism for the future, of the tourism for knowledge and experiences, of tourism that is

We are hailing Ethiopia also a Favorite Cultural Destination for

leaving us richer in conscience and soul. The story of Ethiopia continues

2015 and with good measure also, as we just inscribed as in-

and is writing today a new and


remarkable page: the page of

cultural and

tourism and cultural success,


the page of Ethiopia as WORLD



heritage the

FOR 2015.

Ethiopian coffee cere-

Your Excellency Mr. Prime Min-

mony and

ister and European academician


-Hailemariam Desalegn,

the specific It is my great honor and privi-


lege to hand over this title as an

concept of learning and amicability. The coffee

H.E. Prime Minister and Academician Hailemariam Desalegn, Minister of Culture and Tourism-Ato Amin Abdulkadir and European Council on Tourism and Trade President- Professor Dr. Anton Caragea in the center of Ethiopian government and European Council on Tourism and Trade visiting delegation.

ceremony is

international recognition for all the people of Ethiopia, all united in the service of protecting and preserving historical and civilization patrimony of

not only celebrating the first coffee planted and presented to

your country, in fostering tourism and culture, in the service of the peo-

the world by Ethiopian people, but is also a ceremony destined

ple of ETHIOPIA.

to showcase the hospitality, the traditions, the desire to offer As I often say and hope, that this title must be regarded as a challenge,

the best to travelers and passerby alike.

as from now on we are expecting your country and people exertions in In this ceremony, we can observe the people character and way of treating with dignity and care their guests.

the benefit of the world culture and tourism.

I must

also remark another component of intangible cultural and tourism patrimony heritage of Ethiopia- the concept of shimgalina, offering another mark of inter-community dialogue and acceptance, of tolerance and friendship, that explains in full how Ethiopia can unite people’s, can give them the sense of historical unity and bind them together in love. This concept

I hope that: this lofty rostrum will be transformed in a support for developing the international recognition of FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA, for a social oriented tourism and development and in a base for further success for THE LAND CHOSEN BY GOD himself – ETHIOPIA. It is my privilege to handover to Your Excellency, as the most represen-

is also a fundament of Ethiopian history and development, a

tative leader of people and tourism of FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC

secret to ingratiate in a polite and correct manner, that makes


tourist feel at home in this wonderful country.


As Ethiopia is in itself a succinct compendium of humanity history and traditions, I could go one for hours, underlining the




On the rostrum of World Best Tourist Des-

stretch out to Ethiopia the world

tination for 2015 Prime

best traveler destination recom-

Minister Hailemariam


Desalegn has held a

The stream of vacationers to Ethio-

powerful speech ex-

pia has developed altogether amid

pressing his confidence

the most recent decade as the na-

in Ethiopia`s tourism

tion had the capacity give better

sector development.

administrations that urged travel-

On this important world

ers to invest longer energy and

tourism ceremony

investigate Ethiopia’s surprising and wonderful attractions, he said.

H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn was recognized

Ethiopia will keep on developing

by European Tourism Academy as a World Leader of Tourism and a member of honor of

the tourism area and utilization it H.E. ECTT President – Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Minister of Culture and Tourism – Amin Abdulkadir, H.E. Prime Minister – Academician Hailemariam Desalegn, are directing the proceedings for World Tourism Awards Ceremony for 2015..

as a methods for political participation with different nations, he said.

European Tourism

Prime Minister Hailemariam De-

Academy by Academician

salegn accepted for him

Mircea Constantinescu

the honorary membership of Euro-

and in the presence of

pean Tourism Academy insig-

European Council on

nia and on behalf of people

T o u r i s m

of Ethiopia accepted the diploma


a n d


and the globe as official signs of World Best Tourist Destination and

The Premier received

Favorite Cultural Destination desig-

the insignia`s of Euro-


pean Council on Tourism and Trade from European


Professor Dr. Anton Caragea at a public function held at the National Palace


ECTT declared Ethiopia

LONG LIVE ETHIOPIA ! WOLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION ! H.E. Prime Minister – Academician Hailemariam Desalegn, and H.E. ECTT President – Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and ECTT Chairman Mihai Prundianu and European Senator Ionel Agrigoroaei.

as the perfect winner of World Best Tourist

destinations and administrations to sightseers over

Destination and Favorite Cultural Destina-

the world,” PM Hailemariam said subsequent to


accepting the grant. The legislature of Ethiopia is




resolved to ensure and safeguard authentic and “This grant further motivates Ethiopia to

social legacies and “we trust it is in this acknowl-

offer more noteworthy social and vacation

edgment of this one of a kind game plan in addition


ratic Republic of Ethiopia the title of Honorary Member of European Tourism Academy.


Analyzing the curriculum vitae along with the activity of the Prime Minister Hailemariam we discover a complex person, a man of many talents, entirely dedicated to the development of his country, to the well being of the people of Ethiopia, dedicated to building a favorable image of Ethiopia in the midst of the international


community. His bachelor's degree in civil engineering, from Addis Ababa University, was fundamental for building a solid scientific education, giving him access to a high level knowledge and

Conference on OSCE congratulates ETHIOPIA for being named WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015 Bucharest Conference on Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is expressing his satisfaction


at the thawing of relations be-

The master degree, with Tampere University of

tween Europe and Ethiopia-most

Technology in Finland, gave him an European

developed East African state.

and international perspective upon the transfer On 10th July 2015, in an official ceremony,

of knowledge, expertise and technology.

Ethiopia has being recognized as

Academician Mircea Constantinescu-Director

Upon his return to Ethiopia, he served in differ-

the most economically dynamic

of European Tourism Academy, had presented

ent academic and administrative capacities,

country in Africa, a beacon of de-

H.E. Prime Minister of Ethiopia-Mr. Haile-

including the dean of the Water Technology

mocracy and development in the

mariam Desalegn with the insignia of honor

Institute, for 13 years.

region and now was recognized as

and the certificate of honorary member of the academy.

H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn loves his country and the people of Ethiopia. He learned how

the World`s Best Tourist Destination. On 25 June 2015, the European Council for Tourism and Trade

The decision was taken on 25 June 2015 by the

important the water resources are for a coun-

Academic Board of European Council on Tour-

try, how important the expert management of

(ECTT) based in European Union ,

ism and Trade and announced in an official

such a vital resource is for the well being and

unanimously selected Ethiopia as

letter as a result of: Government of Ethiopia

the successful development of Ethiopia.

the World Best Tourist Destination

recognizing the importance of tourism as a key

But for him it was not enough. He wanted

for 2015 and favorite cultural desti-

facilitator for the country development and

more…He wanted to acquire knowledge of sci-

nation for 2015. Among several

international promotion, creating exemplary

entific management of the country, of its hu-

countries, Ethiopia has obtained

structures like Tourism Transformation Council,

man resources and natural resources as well. And he acquired all this, earning a MA in Organ-

the award in recognition for its

investing in infrastructure and capacity building, creating a special team under Your Excellency

izational Leadership in California.

leadership for destination promotion and management and protecting the cultural, natural and historical patrimony of the country. The full text of the admission in an academic institution is called laudation (from latin wordpresentation) and we have the pleasure of presenting you with the text of laudation by Academician Mircea Constantinescu for H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn-Prime Minister of F.D.R of Ethiopia. Mr. Prime Minister, Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, We are here to award to H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister of the Federal Democ-

We will not analyze here the political activity of H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn, but taking actively part in the political life of his country, it gave him the opportunity to work with people of Ethiopia, to be in the middle of Ethiopia’s people, to efficiently communicate, and being able to

tourism potential, acumen reform of tourism industry and indelible cultural and historical patrimony.



We are WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION is the hymn of Ethiopia ! A perfect song for a perfect destination!

implement at the high level management of the country activities, reflecting the reality of Ethiopia and the wishes of Ethiopian people. His activity as Minister of foreign affairs was indeed a success. As a diplomat he pre-

Academician Mircea Constantinescu-EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY and European Senator Ionel Agrigoroaei on the venue of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015. ETHIOPIA-ADDIS ABABA

sented to the world the image of a peaceful country, of many resources and beauties, with people that praise hospitality, open in a friendly manner to the international community.

There is no wonder that with all these credentials he was able to excellently perform as Prime Minister, running an activity at the top level, for the benefit of Ethiopia and Ethiopian people. In the country’s general framework, tourism is a complex activity, and H.E. understood that tourism is not only for tourists to enjoy the natural beauties and the cultural heritage of Ethiopia. Tourism is for also the people of Ethiopia, is for the development of the local communities, so that everyone will be able to enjoy all that a beautiful and resourceful country may offer.

The newest member of EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY – Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn presents to the public the official Academician Degree. ETHIOPIA-ADDIS ABABA

As a final remark, he was working for many years at the highest level of the African Union, was able to have a general overview, as well as a personal contribution, to the most important African institution, bringing together people and countries, managing the trend for ever growing development and international recognition of the African continent. In recognition of his contribution to the development of Ethiopian tourism,

we are proud to hand over The Medal Of Honor to his Excellency Hailemariam, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and to recognize him as the newest academician member of the European Tourism Academy.





During the European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) official visit to Ethiopia, ECTT President, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, met with Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, Foreign Minister, Tedos Ghebreyesus, State Minister, Berhane Gebre-Christos, Yaekob Yalla, Minister of Trade and Minister of Culture and Tourism, Amin Abdulkadir, to create a climate favorable for tourism and trade development and for awarding to the people and Government of Ethiopia, the world most important recognition for tourism advancementWORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2015. (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 9-15 July 2015).

profusely dialogue with Prime Minister of F.D.R. Ethiopia- Academician Hailemariam Desalegn.

Ethiopia tourism is having a perfect future ! with the hand shake between Prime Minister of EthiopiaHailemariam Desalegn and ECTT President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

The inclusive dialogue, concentrated on promoting bilateral trade, investment and economic cooperation, supporting business people and firms from both regions in cooperating and promoting the exchange of techniques, skills and economic goods.

Lalibela, the holiest Christian city in Africa and the second Jerusalem, as is worldly known

On the landmark occasion, of the universal proclamation of World Best Tourist Destination for 2015, a top ranking delegation from European Council on Tourism and Trade was invited for a discovery tour of Ethiopia, the receiver of this year most influential tourism designation. The visit took place between 9 to 15 July, 2015 and included an important political and diplomatic dimension, with European Council on Tourism and Trade President -Professor Dr. Anton Caragea holding discussions with Minister of Trade-Yaekob Yalla, Minister of Foreign Affairs-Berhane Gebre-Christos and H.E. Amin Abdulkadir – Minister of Culture and Tourism of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and an inclusive and

Gala dinner for European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) President and his high ranking delegation. (from right to left): Minister of Culture and Tourism – Amin Abdulkadir, H.E. Prime Minister – Academician Hailemariam Desalegn, H.E. ECTT President – Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , Minister of Foreign Affairs of EthiopiaTedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.



European Council on Tourism and Trade President -Professor

cooperation and further

Dr. Anton Caragea had presented the World Best Tourist Desti-

developing of honorary

nation for 2015 insignia to Prime Minister of Ethiopia- Acade-

consul’s network across

mician Hailemariam Desalegn.

the world, was established, with a view to foster tourism, cultural and economic cooperation. Creating a network of Ambassadors for Tourism and Culture, promoting tourism and the image of Ethiopia, where also tabled, based on other successful examples of actions of tourism promotion carved by European Council on Tourism and Trade.

H.E. ECTT President – Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Minister of Culture and Tourism – Amin Abdulkadir, H.E. Prime Minister – Academician Hailemariam Desalegn, are directing the proceedings for World Tourism Awards Ceremony for 2015.

The President also presented the main speech of the world tourism ceremony titled: Ethiopia-the land chosen by God! European Tourism Academy Director- Academician Mircea Constantinescu, announced also that after receiving the letter destined to World Leaders of Tourism-Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn will represent Ethiopia, as the newest honorary members of European Tourism Academy. ETHIOPIA IS THE LAND CHOSEN BY GOD ! and WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015 proclaimed President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

During his official visit, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea met for an extensive dialogue Prime Minister Desalegn Hailemariam, who, on the occasion of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION CEREMONY FOR 2015, was presented with the WORLD LEDERS OF TOURISM LETTER of European Council on Tourism and Trade, calling on Heads of States and Government to “promote peace and world development via the tourism sector”. ECTT and Ethiopia have agreed to reinforce their collaboration in the areas of tourism promotion, management of tourism product development, and cultural marketing strategies, as agreed in the discussions between Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and the Minister of Tourism and Culture of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Mr. Amin Abdulkadir.On July 10, 2015

Academician Mircea Constantinescu, Director of European Tourism Academy is presenting the Honorary Academician Title to Prime Minister of Ethiopia- Hailemariam Desalegn.



Specially for European delegates, were opened the gates of the

World Best Tourist

imperial museum, containing the priceless treasures of ten

Destination for 2015

Ethiopian emperors from garments, to crown adorned with

included also folk

jewels and the robes used for imperial investiture.

dances, Ethiopian traditional coffee ceremony and academic presentations, supported by leading figures of Ethiopian cultural establishment. Axum Bible used for imperial ceremonies

The cere-

mony for World Best Tourist Destination

in 2015 was live broadcasted and viewed by more than 200

Dances and flowers: welcoming at Gondar airport, European delegates with Mayor Getinet Amare.

millions viewers and will continued to be presented across Europe for the next year. From Axum, the old imperial city, the delegation led by PresiFrom 10th July, the European Council on Tourism and Trade

dent Anton Caragea has being directed to Gondar, the capital

President and his delegation embarked in a cultural and tour-

of Ethiopia from XVII century to XIX century.

ism program visiting Axum-the first capital of Christian Africa and the centre of a world power in 100 to 400 BC that controlled trade across the Read Sea.

Here they have a chance to admire the fiery Amharic dances, in a wonderful welcoming ceremony, offered by the local authorities, enjoyed the fabulous gondarine cuisine at famous Four sisters’ restaurant and toured the imperial city.

Axum Cathedral: the place of coronation for Emperors of Ethiopia. The last emperor to be crowned here was Haile Selassie I

In Axum, the delegation visit the royal tombs, the Church of the Arch of Covenant, the Saint Mary Imperial Basilica, where the emperors of Ethiopia were crowned.

European Tourism delegation is touring the outstandingly preserved Imperial compound of Gondar- Ethiopian empire capital from 17 to 19 century. Behind is the the world famous Fasil Ghibli-Palace of Emperor Fasilades



An impressive tour of six of the eleven rock hewn churches was

housing almost ten emperors, in a period of glory for Abyssinia,

conducted, including the famous grave of Saint Lalibela, the

as Ethiopia was known in that time.

church of Medhane Alem (Our Saviour) and Holy Cross Church.

Garnering Portuguese influence, with Indian and English architectural designs, Gondar is nicknamed as African Camelot for his strange, but perfect architecture.

Welcoming in Lalibela with flowers and the beautiful children of Ethiopia: Anton Caragea- European Tourism President and European Senator Ionel Agrigoroaei.

European Council on Tourism and Trade delegates were received with a religious ceremony in Lalibela, the holiest Christian city in Africa and the second Jerusalem, as in worldly known. More than 5000 pilgrims, priests and deacons, welcomed President Dr. Anton Caragea and offered to him and his delegation,

Lalibela is a city greater than words, nothing can prepare you for his atmosphere and nothing can describe it!President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

special ceremonial robes, to mark their entrance in the holy city.

In the final leg of the trip, European Council on Tourism and Trade President and his party were treated with a wonderful welcoming to the bustling and sunny south of Ethiopia and with his famous Lake District city of Hawassa. The delegates were welcomed to music and a fire display by the head of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State of Ethiopia and enjoyed a tour of Lake Hawassa, a discovery of the city landmarks and a special night show that

European Tourism President-Dr. Anton Caragea addressing to priests, pilgrims and believers at Lalibela-the capital of Christian Africa. .

touched their hearts. The Rift Valley Lakes of Ethiopia are an internal sea, that can be perfectly used for tourism and leisure.

On this occasion, President Anton Caragea held his gratitude

A special surprised was offered by HE. Minister of Culture and

speech known as: To The People of Lalibela, a discourse that

Tourism of Ethiopia, Amin Abdulkadir, who arranged for ECTT

quickly captured the imagination of the inhabitants of Lalibela.

President Dr. Anton Caragea delegation a special discovery tour of Harar-the fourth most holy Islamic site.


EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE DELEGATION TOURING THE INCREDIBLE BEAUTIFUL ETHIOPIA-FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION IN 2015 facilities and is proposing for the next year`s a number of strategic decisions to further develop the country’s tourism sector. The Government of Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn is anticipating that tourism will become the main country foreign currency earner with the necessary investment in infrastructure, on destination promotion and product development, through the recently established Tourism Transformation Council.

Boat trip along the Hawassa lake shores The city comprises more than 82 mosques and 4000 saints tombs known in the Islamic world as Medinat Al Awliya- the city of saints and a UNESCO heritage site. The delegates were welcomed with a coffee ceremony and a tour of famous city enclosure, known as Jugal, and a visit to famous French poet Arthur Rimbaud house in Harar.

Mrs. Almaz Beyero-Head of Bureau for Culture and Tourism of SNNPRS

Lalibela is a city greater than words, nothing can prepare you for his atmosphere and nothing can describe it!President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea. .

Mihai Prundianu, ECTT Trade Chairman pose for a photo in front of famous Harar landmark Grand Jami Mosque.

Sidamo Cultural Tower

The visit, to extraordinary city of Harar, was the perfect gift for our delegates, appreciated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea. The European delegation official visit to Ethiopia is a sign of the country inclusive development, political, clout and prominence in Africa and a mark of the country taking the rightful place that is deserved amidst the most cultural and historical developed country in the world, concluded his remarks, President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea. The Government of Ethiopia had succeeded in developing the country tourist infrastructure, in insuring security for tourism

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea European Council on Tourism and Trade President at Lalibela Airport


VISIT TO GONDAR-THE PERFECT MEDIEVAL CITY OF ETHIOPIA On 11 of July 2015, the European Council on Tourism and

The birth of such a modern architecture and start of urbaniza-

Trade delegates where recieved in the medieval capital of

tion enabled Gondar to be the center of arts, Orthodox Church

Ethiopia: Gondar (Gonder).

education, crafts man ship, trade and exchange which stepped up Gondar in to a ladder to become and serve as a capital city

The ceremony of welcoming the european delegates, attend-

of Ethiopia for more than 200 years.

ing WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION CEREMONY for 2015, was directed by the city mayor-Mr. Getinet Amare.

Gondar the home of a world heritage site since 1978 is 748 kilometers away to the North West direction from the capital

Taking opportunity of this felicitous occasion Mayor Getinet

city Addis Ababa.

Amare wanted to give a message to all the world tourists: to come to his wonderful city and to enjoy the heartland of

Many of Ethiopian’s impressive tourist sites are within a few

Ethiopia: city of Gonder. Here is the full text of his speech: Your Excellency Professor Anton Caragea President of European Union Trade and Tourism Council. Respected Gusts First of all I would like to express my heart felt gratitude on behalf of the city administration and the people of Gondar for

Amhari dances at Gondar hours drive. Bahr Dar, the Island monasteries of Lake Tana and the spectacular Blue Nile falls are within 180 kms to the South Gondar. The Semien Mountains National Park ( a world heritage site ) with its breath taking scenery and rare and endemic wild life is of only 140 kms to the north of Gondar.

Mayor Getinet Amare and European Councilon Tourism and Trade President holding “Fasil Castle” iron model.

Its altitude ranges from 1900-4620 meters above sea levels it is the highest peak in Ethiopia and the fourth largest mountain in

adjusting your precious time for visiting this city which is the center of marvelous culture and heritage. Gondar was founded in 1636 by Emperor Fasiledes.

Africa. Besides Gondar has an easy asphalted road network access to both Lalibela ( the most striking feature and world heritage site ) to the west, Axum ( the world heritage site ) to the north

Starting this time on wards in became the center of modern

and Gedarif ( the Sudanese city ) to the east respectively cur-

architecture. As a result the first and the largest castle was

rently Gondar has a population of about 368,435 and hence I

built by the name of king Fasileded – “Fasil Castle”.

warmly want to say welcome !

Different castles and churches were built accompanied the

I want to assure you that we are very much happy and feel

grandest castle within an area of 70,000 meter square.

proud for the reason that our Prime minister,, His Excellency Hailemarim Desalegn recived an award of “world Best Tourist Destination Ethiopia – Favorite cultural Destination for 2015”





THE LAKE DISTRICT OF ETHIOPIA Hawassa is one of the most beautiful cities in Ethiopia, exploring the city is an enjoyable and worth while experience for both foreign and domestic tourists say`s Mrs. Almaz Beyero-Head of SNNPRS Tourism and Culture Bureau. On 12th of July 2015, the European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation landed in Hawassa, for a short stay in the city of diversity, as the capital of South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State is widely known.

Mayor Getinet Amare and European Councilon Tourism and Trade President holding “Fasil Castle” iron model.

At the arrival rostrum the high guests where welcome with

for his recognized dedication to boost tourism development in Ethiopia. Obviously the current global experience witnesses that tourism is growing to the extent of becoming one of the world’s largest economic sectors. Its role is so significant in improving gross income and production and in stimulating various economic activities ,creating more employment opportunities and reducing poverty in addition tourism development undoubtedly paves the situation for the development of investment , trade and exchange .

Mrs. Almaz Beyero-Head of Bureau for Culture and Tourism of SNNPRS a wonderful display of hospitality by Mrs. Almaz BeyeroHead of the local Bureau for Culture and Tourism and members of the tourism department and local mass media. The

Having this in mind , we are required to guide our strategic and

delegation enjoyed a tour of Haile Resort on the outskirts of

operational plans in a way that help us to maximize our benefit

the city, a boat ride on Hawassa Lake and a tour of the city

from the sector ; and simultaneously we are also required to

landmarks with a special lay over at Sidama Nation Tower-

work hard to improve and develop the necessary infrastruc-

Sidamu Summuda. On the occasion of the visit of European

ture, related facilities and addressing the needs of tourists.

tourism body delegation Mrs. Almaz Beyero presented a welcoming speech destined to present the city tourists at-

So , we hope ! Planned and controlled expansion and growth of

tractions and to lure more prospective tourists to the city.

tourism will be achievable through enhancing and maintaining common interest and partnerships.

We present the full speech of Hawassa Tourism and Culture Office Head:

Wish you a pleasant stay in Gondar. Your Excellency Professor Anton Caragea President of Getinet Amare

European Council for Tourism and Trade Distinguished Members of the European Union Tourism and Trade Council, Your Excellency Ato Amin Abdulkadir, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia


VISIT TO HAWASSA THE LAKE DISTRICT OF ETHIOPIA tract the feelings of any outsider. Moreover, our diversity is exceptional by being our beauty and the power of our unity. Geographically, the region is situated in southern half of the country very close to the international boundary, Kenya and South Sudan. The Great East African Rift valley, the prominent geographic feature of the region, is the home of more than four lakes that are accountable for enormous aquatic diversity. The significant altitudinal variation and consequent climatic variation of the region results in ecological diversity. Biological diversity in different life forms are maintained and protected in 7 national parks, 2 wildlife reserves, the crocodile ranch and many more protected areas. The region has unforgettable historical resources. It is known for old aged monasteries, mosques, palaces, caves, defensive walls, megalithic stele sites as well as archeological and paleo-anthropological sites.

Mrs. Almaz Beyero-Head of Bureau for Culture and Tourism of SNNPRS and European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation at Hawassa

These historical heritages makes the region the owner of three UNESCO registered World Heritage Sites, one biosphere reserve and in which the best gift to the world , coffee is originated. There are many more intangible as well as tangible heritages that are in the pipeline to be registered as World Heritage

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Sites, the two are already registered under the tentative list.

On behalf of the South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Re-

Your Excellency

gional State, on behalf of the People of the Region, and on my own behalf, I would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you all to our region. The region is one of the nine national regional states of Ethiopia.

Distinguished guests Ladies and Gentlemen The regional government has been doing its best to develop, promote and properly utilize its cultural, natural and histori-

Our region encompasses diversified nations and nationalities,

cal resources for the benefit of its people through tourism

variety of land features and water bodies, and a wide range of

development and other means’s.

Ecosystems. It is home for 56 nations and nationalities that speak more than 50 languages categorized under four language groups.

As a result, the tourism sector has shown significant growth in the past two decades. Especially in the last one year the regional government de-

These nations and nationalities have characteristic cultural

veloped tourism transformation plan and estab-

values and an outstanding cultural performance that can at-

lished Tourism Transformation Council in all administrative levels to integrate tourism in its all development agendas.





UNESCO CITY OF ETHIOPIA A coffee ceremony and a musical display of Harari traditions where the secret weapons displayed by the Director of Harar Tourism Bureau-Muhyadin Ahmed to conquer the imagination of european tourism delegation visiting Harar. It seems that the gamble has pay off and the delegates

Mrs. Almaz Beyero-Head of Bureau for Culture and Tourism of SNNPRS and European Council on Tourism and Trade President .

were enthused by the city cultural potential. Harar-the city of peace and harmony, as is his UNESCO sobriquet, received the visit of European Council on Tourism and Trade President and his delegation on July 13, 2015.

Consequently, the region is able to witness positive development in the sector.

Harar was built-in 7th century and is enjoying UNESCO world heritage status for his outer-wall called Jugal and build

The selection and awarding of our country as The World Best

around 1552 and encompassing 82 mosques and 400 shrines

Tourist Destination for 2015 by The European Tourism and

that made the city being called Medinat al Awliya (City of

Trade Council appropriately comply with our ongoing effort.


This award not only insures the recognition we have at the

European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation had the

international level but also used as a spring-board on our effort

chance to visit the famous five gates of the city, toured Ar-

to transform the sector.

thur Rimbaud famous house in the city, the palaces of Ras Tafari Mekonnen ( future Emperor Haile Selassie ) and tradi-

Therefore, the regional government is very grateful for what

tional harari houses.

you did and I hope your support will continue till of our plan gets real.

The delegation toured also famous Grand Jami Mosque and visited lodging facilities at Harar Ras Hotel.

Finally, I welcome you all again, and I wish you to have a nice and pleasant stay and enjoy the original taste of coffee, the

Harar is today a living museum of Africa, a city of unique

hospitality of our people and their culture in our region, our

features and a perfect place for the culture and history lov-

city, Hawassa.

ers, concluded at the end of the short, but impressive visit, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea- European Council on Tourism


and Trade President.


ATO AMIN ABDULKADIR– MINISTER OF CULTURE AND TOURISM OF ETHIOPIA THE MAN WHO BROUGHT WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD TO HIS COUNTRY Dr. Anton Caragea, graciously acknowledged the warm welcoming and stated that: now Ethiopia has emerged as the most rapidly developing African country, one of the world top level economic powers and a symbol of African development. I am pleased and honoured to be in Ethiopia-the Center of African tourism, concluded President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

HE. Minister of Culture and Tourism of Ethiopia, Amin Abdulkadir and H.E. ECTT President, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, discussed a long term agreement of support and cooperation envisaging: holding of conferences, exhibitions, promotion activities and decided to concentrate in electing in 2016 a World Capital of Culture and Tourism from Ethiopia, in order to create a two-three years long campaign for Ethiopia-The land chosen by God! During the official visit of European Council on Tourism and Trade Delegation to Ethiopia, World Best Tourist Destination for 2015, the official meeting between HE. ECTT PresidentProfessor Dr. Anton Caragea and HE. Minister of Culture and Tourism of Ethiopia-Amin Abdulkadir has taken place. Minister of Culture and Tourism-Ato Amin Abdulkadir presents Lucy-the oldest hominide to European Council on Tourism and Trade President-Dr. Anton Caragea and Senator Ionel Agrigoroaei. On 9th of July 2015, H. E. Minister Amin Abdulkadir has welcomed the European high ranking officials at their arrival on Ethiopian soil. The minister express his country appreciation for European support, in electing Ethiopia asWorld Best Tourist Destination and Favourite Cultural Destination for 2015, a moment that will mark the full maturity of Ethiopian tourism industry. European Council on Tourism and Trade President, Professor

Ato Amin Abdulkadir - Minister of Tourism and Culture surrounded with affection by the staff of Addis Ababa Museum of History and President Dr. Anton Caragea meeting with Lucy-the oldest woman in the world . On 14 July 2015, a new round of talks was held between the two tourism leaders at the end of European Council on Tourism and Trade top level delegation visit to Ethiopia-World Favourite Cultural Destination. European Council on Tourism and Trade President remarked that Ethiopia had succeed in the world competition for World


ATO AMIN ABDULKADIR– MINISTER OF CULTURE AND TOURISM OF ETHIOPIA THE MAN WHO BROUGHT WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD TO HIS COUNTRY AMBASSADOR TIBERIUS PUIU CONGRATULATES MINISTER ATO AMIN ABDULKADIR FOR HIS EFFORTS IN MAINTAINING ETHIOPIA AT WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION STATUS During his semestrial press conference Ambassador Tiberius Puiu from European Council on Tourism and Trade Presidential Bureau praised Ethiopia`s Minister of Tourism and Culture, achievements and efforts, during the first month of Ethiopia holding the WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION crown status. Best Tourist Destination for all the right reasons and is today a paradise for travellers, an oasis for culture and history seekers and a perfect luxury and discovery destination.

H.E. Mr. Ato Amin Abdulkadir- Minister of Tourism and Culture of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia activity was highly evaluated.

Minister of Culture and Tourism of Ethiopia -Amin Abdulkadir

The Minister announced that Ethiopia has set target to secure

had presented his ambitious plans for fostering Ethiopia’s place

seven billion USD revenues from tourism at the end of the second

on international tourism markets and presented his desire to

five-year Growth and Transformation Plan Period (GTP).

continue the cooperation with European tourism body for

The plan is to increase the revenue the nation collected from

years to come.

foreign tourists at the end of the first GTP, the just concluded Ethiopian fiscal year, by threefold, Amin Abdulkadir Minister of

Among minister plans are: to obtain for a city in Ethiopia the

Tourism said.

designation of World Capital of Culture and Tourism, to start a step by step and state by state developing process of tourism

Opening new destination for tourists, expanding infrastructure

in Ethiopia.

networks and promoting tourist destinations are among the few

HE. Minister of Culture and Tourism of Ethiopia, Amin Abdulkadir and H.E. ECTT President, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, discussed a long term agreement of support and cooperation envisaging: holding of conferences, exhibitions, promotion activities and decided to concentrate in electing in 2016 a World Capital of Culture and Tourism from Ethiopia, in order to create a twothree years long campaign for Ethiopiathe land chosen by God!

things to be done in order to meet the target, he said. The Minister of Culture and Tourism evaluated also the hotels in Addis Ababa in a larger project to evaluate more than 400 hotels across Ethiopia. Thirty-eight hotels in Addis Ababa awarded five to one star, in the rating underway for the past few months. The classification was made based on 12 international criteria. Bedrooms, bath and rest rooms, guest rooms, restaurants, kitchen, sustainability of hotel service, security and employ treatment, are amongst the reasons. If this fervent activity will continue we will have to hail Minister Amin Abdulkadir as the most active African tourism minister, concluded his presentation Ambassador Tiberius Puiu, on behalf of Presidential Bureau of European Council on Tourism and Trade.


DIPLOMATIC DIALOGUE BETWEEN MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF ETHIOPIA AND EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE LEADERSHIP The Ethiopian official also thanked President Dr. Anton Caragea for its constant and sustained support that it provides Ethiopia for the latter’s accession to the tourism structures, World Best Tourist Destination and World Capital of Culture and Tourism international competitions and expressed confidence that President Dr. Anton Caragea would further support Ethiopia, in view of a positive decision in this file for World Capital of Culture and Tourism nomination. In this context, he congratulated President Dr. Anton Caragea for the successful mandate and his Chairmanship of the Tourism and Trade Council. The President of European Council on Tourism and Trade Professor Dr. Anton Caragea participated in a dialogue and friendly consultation session, with State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia-Berhane

During the talks, the two personalities extensively exchanged views on the current developments in Africa and Europe, particularly in the context of the Somali crisis and the issue of migration.

Gebre Christos, during the President official visit to Addis

There was also an exchange of views on matters of interest on


the international agenda, economic cooperation, cultural and

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea underlined that keeping the in-

diplomatic strengthening of ties.

tense pace of this dialogue was a priority and declared that it would further enhance the bilateral relationship, including by identifying new cooperation opportunities. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea underlined the consistency of economic cooperation, supported by the dynamic presence of European companies in Ethiopia and by the increasing trade between the two countries and our mission is to provide all the support they need to have opportunities for increased investment and business”, emphasized Professor Dr. Anton Caragea. In his turn, Ethiopian Minister appreciated the dynamics of bilateral cultural and economic relations. Minister Berhane Gebre Christos recalled the very important role of the European lobby for his country in international organizations and for Ethiopia being nominated as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015, an action that will have a significant contribution to his country’s economic development. “I thanked Professor Dr. Anton Caragea for the support that the European

personalities provide for the Ethiopian

world stage profile and for supporting my countries initiative in the world of tourism”, stated Berhane Gebre Christos.

Friendly dialogue between European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation, lead by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia team, lead by State Minister Berhane Gebre Christos.



Professor Dr. Anton Caragea European Council on Tourism and Trade President was received on , 9 July 2015, by the Minister of Trade of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Yaekob Yalla, during his visit to Ethiopia. The two officials reviewed the progress in the bilateral relations, insisting on economic cooperation and trade. They expressed their firm belief that additional joint effort and intensified bilateral political contacts could boost the economic exchanges and help map out new investment and business projects of mutual interest. As promising areas for bilateral economic cooperation, they mentioned the textile industry, the energy sector (hydroelectric plants, coal mining), agriculture and the pharmaceutical industry.

Yaekob Yalla-Minister of Trade of Ethiopia receives European insignia from European Council on Tourism and Trade PresidentProfessor Dr. Anton Caragea.

The Professor Dr. Anton Caragea urged Ethiopian business personalities to visit Europe and identify opportunities for economic cooperation.Moreover, he underscored that a rise in commercial exchanges could also be determined through the good offices of an European -Ethiopian Business Council. He also assured the Ethiopian side that business people across Europe are aware of the huge Ethiopian market’s potential (with around 90 million`s consumers), given the wealth of natural resources, the strategic geographical position and this year’s positive democratic and economic developments. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea underlined the consistency of economic cooperation, supported by the dynamic presence of European companies in Ethiopia and by the increasing trade between the two countries and our mission is to provide all the support they need to have opportunities for increased investment and business”, emphasized Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

Friendly dialogue between European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation lead by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and Ministry of Trade of Ethiopia team lead by Minister Yaekob Yalla.




PREPARATION FOR EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2015 Increased regional cooperation, visa facilitation and the better promotion of European tourism are some of the topics, in focus, at the 8th Meeting of the European Council on Tourism and Trade, to be held in Bucharest, Romania, 25-26 June 2015. Europe is the world’s most visited region and is the main source of outbound tourism to other destination, accounting for more than half of the world’s international travelers. In 2014, international tourism in Europe had registered a major contribution to the economic recovery in the region: international tourist arrivals grew by 3% to reach a record 584 million, while international tourism receipts increased by 4% contributing US$ 509 billion (383 billion euro) to the European

ECTT President-Dr. Anton Caragea has welcomed his guests on 2015 General Meeting of European Council on Tourism and Trade on Palace of Parliament for electing WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2015

economies. effective marketing strategies? The 8th Meeting of the European Council on Tourism and Trade will be held at the Romanian Parliament and Professor

Strategic partnerships for the effective planning and develop-

Dr. Anton Caragea-President of European Council on Tourism and Trade will play host to representatives from 30 European countries and other tourism stakeholders in the region to discuss policy priorities and set the agenda for ECTT in the world in 2015-2016. A special attention will be paid to one of the fastest-growing segments of the global tourism industry, mega events like WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION and World Capital of

ment of like WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION-mega events.

Culture and Tourism. The main priorities for European tourism identified by the This paraphernalia designation can play a key role in the development of tourism destinations, helping to improve their image, opening new tourism markets, diversifying the product offer, encouraging and fostering job creation and socioeconomic development. The European leaders in charge of tourism and the international experts will discuss about issues related to WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION status: How to optimize the economic and social impacts of mega tourism events (like WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION and World Capital of Culture and Tourism) on tourism destinations? Legacy of mega tourism events- like WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION: How to best develop destination brands and

European national tourism organizations include: the development of cultural destinations and carving transnational products, in order to enhance regional cooperation declared European Tourism President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea..


THE LEADER OF EUROPEAN ACADEMY MIRCEA CONSTANTINESCU IS CLOSING THE 2015 WORLD TOURISM AWARDS COMPETITION The European Council on Tourism and Trade Awards, created with the help of European Tourism Academy, are recognised as the flagship awards for the global tourism sector. The awarded countries, cities and personalities are selected in line with the policies, priorities and programme of work of European Council on Tourism and Trade, including the European Council on Tourism and Trade-Code of Sustainable Tourism and the principle standards set in the European Council on Tourism and Trade development pledge. This countries and personalities represent some of the best examples of tourism leaders from around the world, that through their exceptional actions and potentials initiatives have placed themselves and their nations on the rostrum of the sector. European Tourism Academy Director-Academician Mircea Constantinescu, officially announced the closing of competition for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2015. We have received the final application and we have concluded the peer revision and we will be ready to outline our recommendation for the General Reunion of European Council on Tourism and Trade at the end of June 2015. We are sure that this year, like the previous year`s, our decision will elicit the enthusiasm of travelers from all around the world and we hope that the winner for 2015 will enjoy the same popularity as Laos: who received more than 3 million tourists in the last period and Zimbabwe, who become the best African destination, surpassing in growth all the heavy weights of tourism in the region, concluded Academician Mircea Constantinescu. In total 31 countries placed their candidatures for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2015 and 16 cities placed their hope on being designated as WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM.

Academician Mircea Constantinescu receives the final candidature for 2015 World Tourism Awards-World Best Tourist Destination and World Capital of Culture and Tourism.


EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE GENERAL ASSEMBLY SELECTS WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2015 WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD had become a center of international tourism recognition in the last span of time. After obtaining the highest world tourism accolade in 2012, the nation island of Trinidad and Tobago becomes the only Caribbean nation that registered tourism increase in the region. In 2013 People Democratic Republic of Laos registered a plus of over 1,5 million tourists in the first year and a 7% increase in GDP, due to mounting tourism revenues and Zimbabwe: the 2014 winner rose from zero to hero, in tourism statistics after snatching the world best tourism destination designation.

28 countries representatives analyzed the candidatures for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2015

This string of tourism success stories made 29 countries to start registering their candidatures for WORLD BEST TOURIST

for last year.

DESTINATION AWARD in 2015 more early than ever. (two


more countries adding their name to the list in a nick of time

also crossed the 3 million tourist bench mark, surpassing all the

making the total of candidatures to go up to 31).

countries in the region in terms of tourism, concluded Acade-

The meeting of world tourism leaders had chosen the clear and undisputed winner of tourism industry for 2015. The country that achieved international recognition is The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia crowned as WORLD BEST

mician Mircea Constantinescu. Afterword, the debate on the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015 started at the indication of ECTT PresidentProfessor Dr. Anton Caragea.

TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015. On June 25, 2015 the General Assembly of the European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT), has taken under consideration the list of candidates for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2015. Academician Dr. Mircea Constantinescu, Director of European Tourism Academy presented the list of candidates and the list of reports and accompanying reports for each of the 31 countries registered candidatures. Professor Dr. Mircea Constantinescu presented also the figures regarding previous award winner for 2014-The Republic of Zimbabwe who become the most sought after destination and the number one country in Africa, in term of tourism growth

On the front the voting urne Professor Dr. Anton Caragea MA, FINS, ETA present the report: ETHIOPIA: THE LAND CHOSEN BY GOD!


EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE GENERAL ASSEMBLY SELECTS WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2015 On the debate for the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2015, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) presented a report titled: ETHIOPIA : THE PERFECT CULTURAL DESTINATION; THE LAND CHOSEN BY GOD ! He proposed ETHIOPIA as the winner of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015 and as receiver of the FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION distinction for 2015. The report noted the reasons for awarding WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015 PRIZE to ETHIOPIA: • The excellent preservation of humanity landmarks such as: ruins of the city of Aksum- the heart of ancient Ethiopia, Fasil Ghebbi- the residence of the Ethiopian emperors during the

Palestine, Russian and Malaysian Ambassadors flanking President Anton Caragea and Senator Florin Constantinescu

16th and 17th century, Harar Jugol- 82 mosques, 102 shrines, and unique interior design in the townhouses, Lalibela- holy site encompassing eleven medieval stone carved churches from the 13th century, Konso Cultural Landscape (containing 55 kilometers of stonewalled terraces and fortified settlements), Lower Valley of the Awash-where humanity made his first steps and where was found the Eva of all mankind-Lucy

• The rich cultural and historical legacy of Ethiopia is not confined to the previous presented list: new prominent landmarks are added such as: Sheik Hussein Religious, Cultural and Historical Site, Melka Kunture- Paleolithic site in the upper Awash Valley, Gedeo Cultural and Natural Landscape, Bale Mountains National Park, Sof Omar Cave- the longest cave in Ethiopia at 15.1 kilometres long; and the longest system of caves in Africasacred for Islam and for local Oromo population. In order to fully grasp the natural potential of Ethiopia natural parks and natural reservations we must look at the potential of Simien National Park garnering mountain peaks, deep valleys, and sharp precipices dropping about 1,500 m. • The ambitious plan drafted by the Government of Ethiopia under the name of Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). Tourism as a tool for poverty eradication, for local community development and for economic independence is a successful

fossil’s, Lower Valley of the Omo also containing fragments pertaining to early humanity development and the fossils of Homo Gracilis.

strategy carved by H.E. Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn. Community based, social oriented tourism, promoted by Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, is a perfect way of sharing

All this sites where recognized as being of world significance

revenue, growing income and supporting marginal and rural

and registered as UNESCO World heritage monuments.

communities development. The way in which social-tourism has become the base for local economic development, providing benefits to communities, makes social-friendly tourism, the



Handshaking and smiles on the venue of European Council on Tourism and Trade: tourism is going well ! is the motto. lesson that today-the REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA is offering to the world.

Concluding the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015 ceremonies • The preservation of outstanding historical and cultural heritage in the form of the former capital of the Kingdom of Ethiopia, the Gondar cultural complex , an ample palatial complex

• Giving tourists access to outstanding and pristine nature and

from the 13th Century, offering a pungent presence of one of

the opportunity to explore nature, to contribute to ecological

the African greatest empire.

preservation, and the opportunity to visit extraordinary places.

• Today, Gondar castle complex offers tourists bound for Ethio-

All these regions and national parks, are a model of achieving

pia an open air museum with a rare collection of historical and

ecological and green tourism that must be recognized through-

archaeological treasures that educate and enrich the world.

out the world.

• The REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA is also a perfect center for safari

The ongoing development and protection of cultural, reli-

and adventure tourism, offering large areas suitable for this

gious and historical shrines of the Republic of ETHIOPIA ,

special kind of tourism, and the necessary infrastructure to

the transformation of Lalibela into a historical and spiritual

welcome the adventure seeker, its safety and peace, makes the

centre, offering to the visitors a glimpse into rich culture

country, one of the world’s top adventure destinations.

and heritage of peoples of ETHIOPIA.

• Keeping alive community blending traditions, allows tourists

Lalibela is the land of faith and miracles that must be pre-

and visitors to be part of the ETHIOPIA unique people’s ethnic

sented to the world as a center of religious and faith signifi-

fabric, which offers the possibility for an enriching cultural ex-

cance equal to Jerusalem only in the world.

perience, are all achievements that make the REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA a perfect cultural class destination.

Lalibela must be the center of religious pilgrimage and cultural tourism offering to world tourists the complex healing experi-

Mr. Mihai Prundianu, Chairman of the Trade Mission of the

ence of cultural legacy, religious special atmosphere and faith

ECTT, marked the necessity that, out of the regular order, to

imbued air.

have another African country declared as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION in sign of continuity for last year and as



Smiles and the good EUROPEAN DIPLOMATIC WINE from COTNARI on the venue of European Council on Tourism and Trade appreciation mark forPresident Robert Gabriel Mugabe , the current President of African Union and Zimbabwe Tourism Minister-Walter Mzembi.

THE FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION in 2015. The meeting was also presented with the Official Invitation, from the Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn of the REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA via the Minister of Culture and Tourism Mr. Amin Abdulkadir, for a delegation of high ranking officials of the European Council on Tourism and Trade, to present the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD in Addis Ababa,

This year we have to select another African country to mark

in person, to His Excellency Prime Minister of REPUBLIC OF

Europe and world solidarity with Africa and Africa`s Union


President Robert Mugabe.

and outstanding personality in world tourism, today.

It is appropriate for Europe to express its commitment to, and

Concluding the debate, Professor Anton Caragea, President of

appreciation for, Africa by crowning ETHIOPIA as THE FAVOR-

the European Council on Tourism and Trade marked the impor-


tance of the moment the most impressive world tourism prize

NATION FOR 2015 stated Chairman Mihai Prundianu.

was entrusted to ETHIOPIA.

Senator Ionel Agrigoroaiei, Director of European Parliamentary

The safety of the country and the huge hospitality potential of

Committee in the European Council on Tourism and Trade and

Ethiopia is revealed by the acceptance of the invitation for a

Senator of Romanian Parliament stated the opinion of all pre-

familiarization visit of high ranking members of European

sent at ECTT conference and declared that the REPUBLIC OF

Council on Tourism and Trade to the ETHIOPIA.

ETHIOPIA is the deserving candidate, with a perfect record of promoting social-friendly tourism, ecological and poverty reduction strategy based on tourism, and asking for a unanimous vote in favor of the REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA. President Dr. Anton Caragea asked for a vote and European Council on Tourism and Trade decided, unanimously, to award WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015 TITLE TO REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA and to declare REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA-

Ethiopia is, from today, a perfect, safe and outstanding place to visit, the country`s gates are opened and all world tourism experts expressed their confidence in the potential and future of tourism in ETHIOPIA, concluded Professor Anton Caragea, President of the European Council on Tourism and Trade. OFFICE THE PRESIDENT OF EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE (ECTT)



The Office of the President of European Council on Tourism and Trade announced that H.E. Prime Minister of Ethiopia Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn has being consecrated as a WORLD

unified market, but are making every person in the world to have two countries: the one of his birth and the one of his choose.

LEADER OF TOURISM and as a member of European Tourism

The world recognizes that Trade, Travel and Tourism are part of

Academy for his “recognition of the role and significance of

the international life and each and every one of our citizens

tourism on world stage�.

became a world ambassador and a central actor on world stage.

Here is the integral message addressed by H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-ECTT President and Academician Mircea Con-

No country, interested in development, international recogni-

stantinescu in congratulation for Ethiopia`s tourism achieve-

tion, economic growth and a prosperous life for his citizens, can


remove herself from the international tourism and trade arena.

We have the pleasure of informing you that: in unanimity, the

Trade and Tourism are the key pillars for countries and billions

Academic Board of the European Council on Tourism and Trade

of people, worldwide, in their efforts to achieve fully their live

(ECTT) has elected you as a honorary member of EUROPEAN


TOURISM ACADEMY, in your capacity as a WORLD LEADER OF TOURISM for your recognition of the role and significance of tourism on world stage.

European Council on Tourism and Trade, as a driving force in the international promotion of tourism as a tool for development and international cooperation, is selecting the world lead-

In XXI century Tourism had become more than an industry,

ers to become a part of his structure and to raise a unified voice

more than an integral part of the life of billions of people, tour-

and position on the global tourism agenda.

ism had become an intricate part of the countries international image, had become a part of diplomatic life and a public opinion key factor.

Today, the Government of Ethiopia is recognizing the importance of tourism as a key facilitator for the country development and international promotion, creating exemplary struc-

Tourism, Travel, Trade and Investments are interconnected and

tures like Tourism Transformation Council, investing in infra-

are uniting today`s countries, not only in a globalized world and

structure and capacity building, creating a special team under


WORLD TOURISM INSTITUTION EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE RECOGNIZE AS WORLD LEADER OF TOURISM HAILEMARIAM DESALEGN ETHIOPIA`S PRIME MINISTER Your Excellency leadership for destination promotion and management and protecting the cultural, natural and historical patrimony of the country. The world leaders that are offering such a special attention to historical patrimony of their country and use it, and preserve it for the benefit of the future generation, who grasp the importance of tourism as the most important part of diplomacy, international relations and raising national profile on world arena, must be supported and commanded and offered as a general example. Your Excellency stated that your “aims are to build on Ethiopia’s natural, historical and cultural resources to strengthen the tourism sector, identify pressing value-chain gaps and intervening to allay these gaps based on tangible and scientific studies jointly with the private sector and the international tourism community. Together, we will work hand in hand to make tourism one of the leading economic sectors of our country and Ethiopia a top destination in Africa” This statement and practical measures put in place, made your country succeeding in the 2015- WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATIONAWARD competition and be accepted as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for your rich past and cultural prowess. This is a momentous achievement for ETHIOPIA that is due to your exertions. In your new capacity, as the representative of ETHIOPIA on world tourism and on international cultural stage, we hope that the World will benefit now from your public exertions and support in creating a new world community based on peace, development and tourism as the pillars of international cooperation. Prof. Dr. Anton Caragea, MA, FINS, ETA Academician Mircea Constantinescu PhD, Phil Dr.


EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE FAMILIARIZATION VISIT ALONG SILK ROAD IN KAZAKHSTAN A rich cultural program was carved for European delegation benefit with sightseeing including: State Museum of History, Almaty Art Gallery, city landmarks and a tour of winter sports facilities of Medeu and Shymbulak. In an interview with Khabar Television, President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea praised Almaty development as the perfect gate for tourists wanting to enjoy the rich culture of Kazakhstan and to basket on perfect tourism facilities offered by city hotels. The tour continued into the province of Chimkent (Shymkent), where the delegation visited the historical landmarks, holds constructive dialogues with provincial governors and inspected tourist facilities of the area.

ECTT President Anton Caragea recieves the SHYMKENT STAR from Akim of Shymkent-Mr. Darkhan Satybaldy

The highlight of the visit was the on-site discovery tour of incredible city of Turkistan (24-26 April) with the world famous Khoja Ahmed Yasawi Mausoleum, Friday Mosque, Otrar ancient city archeological site, the splendid Aristan Bab Mosque, and participation in a special ceremony honoring one of Ka-

Silk Road has always being the destination of choice for luxury and culture oriented tourists and a fabulous journey thru time and spaces.

Aristan Bab, monument from XIV century, an architectural landmark and religious lynchpin in Kazakhstan

Between 20 to 29 April 2015 a European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) high level mission has toured Kazakhstan, in order to help transforming the heart of Central Asia, as Kazakhstan is better known, in the new Frontier of Silk Road experiences. European Council on Tourism and Trade is the promoter of Silk Road concept in Europe and the world, with an accent on presenting the historical and tourist potential of Silk Road nations of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. The ECTT President and his tourism and diplomatic delegation had start the Silk Road discovery tour in Almaty, the city apples

zakhstan spiritual fathers (Aristan Bab) and Baba Ragham Mosque.

as is world renowned, the candidate city for World Winter

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea highly praised in a Television in-

Olympics in 2022.

terview Turkistan incredible mixture of culture, tradition, his-

The delegation had being presented by the Governor of the

torical patrimony and perfect tourism potential.

region (Akim) with an overview of the city developments plans

Turkistan is incredible, is vast and rich in everything that a cul-

and touristic opportunities.

tural program can offer to you and is well preserved.






KAZAKHSTAN The tourism and cultural relations between Europe and Turkmenistan had entered into a new phase with the presence of the 5th European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) delegation in Turkmenistan.

The delegation toured Turkmenistan touristic facilities and hot

European Delegation leaders at the gates of Turkistan

spots in the framework of the annual ECTT visit during 6 to 12 April 2015.

The tourists should flock to this place, as this is the main stop over on Silk Road and Turkistan monuments had served as

Under the leadership of H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea,

templates for all later Silk Road construction.

President of European Council on Tourism and Trade, the European tourism delegation had marked the continuous develop-

One cannot say: I visited Silk Road, without spending quality

ment of the tourism cooperation between Europe and Turk-

time in Turkistan, concluded President Caragea.

menistan. During the latest five cultural delegation` s European

The European tourism body-ECTT tour experience concluded in Almaty, with a press conference, highlighting the importance of European-Kazakhstan tourism cooperation and opportunities for Kazakhstan to join European Council on Tourism and Trade. Kazakhstan had embarked in a huge promotion campaign on world tourism stage, in preparation of World Expo 2017 to be held in Astana, and Silk Road program developed with European Council on Tourism and Trade can be extremely beneficial for the country tourist potential, suggested the European Tourism Academy Director-Mircea Constantinescu. This is even more relevant, as European Council on Tourism

Turkmenistan President –Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and European Council on Tourism and Trade President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea

and Trade support was instrumental in Astana successful bid for World Expo 2017 and today this cooperation is continuing

Council on Tourism and Trade has contributed with ideas and

and enriching in perspective.

information’s to important tourism, cultural and academic

Europe and Kazakhstan, shoulder to shoulder in tourism promotion, can develop and give a world resonance to the Silk Road Program for XXI Century, was the opinion of European Council on Tourism and Trade leader-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

events held in Turkmenistan under the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov supervision such as: Oguznama International Conference , Ethnography Congress of Turkmenistan , International Congress of the 15 Anniversary of Turkmenistan Neutrality , Turkmenistan in the Epoch of New Revival and finally the International Congress dedicated to life and work of world



During next year (2016) visit to Turkmenistan H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade promised that the familiarization trip will concentrate on Awaza tourist potential and will direct an awareness campaign for this region. Turkmenistan Minister of Foreign Affairs who hosted the European Council on Tourism and Trade familiarization trip to country express his appreciation for the long term support and commitment offered by European Council on Tourism and Trade for tourism activities in Turkmenistan and for promoting the high standing of the country in the world and for promoting Turkmenistan as a safe and cultural first class destination in the

President Anton Caragea received by the President of Parliament of Turkmenistan


renamed Turkmen poet: Nurmuhammet Andalip. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation visited the world heritage UNESCO site of Kunya-Urgench where they participated at the festivity dedicated to the great Turkmen poet Nurmuhammet Andalip works and visited the world renowned monuments of Sultan Tekesh, Sultan Ahmad and famous Sufi philosopher Nedjmedin Kubra. The European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation was received by Turkmen Parliament Presidency and hold talks at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Economy of Turkmenistan.

The parties had agreed on intensifying the bilateral relation, the tourism relation`s between Turkmenistan and European Council on Tourism and Trade being considered as excellent and was emphasized the need to foster economical cooperation dimension on bilateral relations. During the dialogue with Turkmen authorities H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade was presented with the framework of State Committee for Tourism of Turkmenistan who was established in 2012 and to the significance of the Committee for the Awaza National Tourist Zone.

Turkmenistan and Ashgabat –the perfect places on Central Asia visited by European Council on Tourism and Trade President



Photo montage by Nicolae Nicolae



Outstanding natural beauty, dramatic landscapes and ancient culture have given Ethiopia the title of the World’s Best Tourism Destination for 2015. The European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) made the announcement recently, awarding the honour to Ethiopia from a total of 31 nominated countries. Ethiopia has nine UNESCO World Heritage sites, which were heralded by the commission, attributing to their success.

Breaking News: Ethiopia voted world best tourist destination for 2015 by European Council on Tourism & Trade

In its application for the award, the Ethiopian government identified tourism as a key area if it is to tackle poverty. “Ethiopia is the deserving fully this prize.. The country’s highlights include the monolithic rock-hewn churches at Lalibela; the Simien Mountains National Park, a Unesco World Heritage Site that is home to a number of endangered species, including Ethiopian wolf and walia ibex; and the otherworldly Danakil Depression, with its colourful sulphur and salt lakes.

The country has been praised for its outstanding natural beauty, dramatic landscapes and ancient culture, leading the European Council on Tourism and Trade to select it out of 31 countries as this year's top holiday spot. Visitor numbers in the country have increased by 10% over the last decade, according to the Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Last year, more than 600,000 tourists visited Ethiopia, attracted by its fertile national parks, 3,000 year-old archeological history and nine UNESCO world heritage sites. Tourism contributed an estimated 4.5% to the country's GDP last year, generating nearly a million jobs and over two billion dollars in revenue, according to the World Bank..

Ethiopia will keep on developing the tourism area and utilization it as a methods for political participation with different nations, he said. Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn accepted for him the honorary membership of European Tourism Academy insignia and on behalf of people of Ethiopia accepted the diploma and the globe as official signs of World Best Tourist Destination and Favorite Cultural Destination designation.



Turkmenistan and Ashgabat –the perfect Ethiopia has been adjudged winner the by European places on Central Asia of visited 2015 World BestCouncil TouristonDestination award Tourism and Trade President and the Favourite Cultural Destination Distinction for 2015 by the General Assembly of the European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT). According to the council’s report issued last month, the reasons for awarding World Best Tourist Destination Prize to Ethiopia were the excellent preservation of humanity landmarks such as the ruins of the city of Aksum, the heart of ancient Ethiopia; Fasil Ghebbi, the residence of the Ethiopian emperors during the 16th and 17th centuries; Harar Jugol, 82 mosques, 102 shrines, and unique interior design in the townhouses; Lalibela, the holy site encompassing 11 medieval stone-carved churches from the 13th century; the Konso Cultural Landscape (containing 55 kilometres of stonewalled terraces and fortified settlements); the Lower Valley of the Awash where humans took his first steps and where was found the Eva of all mankind, Lucy’s fossils; the Lower Valley of the Omo which also contains fragments pertaining to early human development and the fossils of Homo Gracilis. All the sites were recognized as being of world significance and registered as UNESCO World heritage monuments.

It is time to brush up on your Amharic, the national language of Ethiopia, because the African nation has been named as the World's Best Tourism Destination for 2015. It was given the award by the the European Council on Tourism and Trade, who praised its outstanding natural beauty, dramatic landscapes and ancient culture. Thirty-one countries were considered for the illustrious award this year, with Ethiopia coming top of the pile.

On the landmark occasion, of the universal proclamation of World Best Tourist Destination for 2015, a top ranking delegation from European Council on Tourism and Trade was invited for a discovery tour of Ethiopia, the receiver of this year most influential tourism designation.

Remarkable landscapes, a wealth of wildlife viewing opportunities and fascinating historical sites are drawing an increase number of foreign visitors. Upmarket tour operators Kuoni and Scott Dunn have both tipped the destination as a place to visit in 2015, while an African safari contact recently told me: "Everyone in the industry seems to be heading to Ethiopia for their holidays."


European Tourism Academy is welcoming a new member MR. HAILEMARIAM DESALEGN Prime Minister of Federal Democratic Republic of ETHIOPIA

Upcoming Events for European Tourism Industry September 2015—Professor Dr. Anton Caragea will lead an ECTT delegation to Danube Delta-World Natural Protected Area September 2015—WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM CEREMONIES in Tbilisi, Georgia September 2015—WORLD TOURISM DAY celebration at European Council on Tourism and Trade. Diplomatic trip. October 2015– INTERNATIONAL TOURISM FAIR of European Council on Tourism and Trade November 2015—INTERNATIONAL WINE FAIR 2015 and selection of EUROPEAN DIPLOMATIC WINE FOR 2016 December 2015—The General Meeting of ECTT in Bucharest –Palace of Parliament

EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE (E.C.T.T.) 22 Franceza Street Bucharest,Romania 0040213157730 ph 0040213157730 fax email

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