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EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TOURISM Quarterly Journal of Tourism Information ISSUE 4 YEAR 2011

General Manager: Nicolae Nicolae


Trinidad& Tobago P.2 Tajikistan P.9


WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD CEREMONY HELD IN PORT OF SPAIN On 19 October 2011, in the framework of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade official delegation visit to Republic of Trinidad and Tobago , Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade bestow upon people and government of Trinidad and Tobago the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD for 2012 and declared Trinidad and Tobago as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for 2012. The impressive ceremony held in Port of Spain, capital of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago was held under the auspices of Minister of Tourism, Honorable Rupert Griffith and under the High Patronage of Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar – Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago . The most important touristic event of the year, the announcement of the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2012, had attracted a large audience of ministers, parliamentary and tourism professionals eager to find out the reasons for selecting Trinidad and Tobago as the winner of the prestigious award for next year. .

In august 2011 a delegation headed by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea sustained a detailed and fruitful discussion and finalized agreements with Minister of Tourism and Sport of Tajikistan Mr. M . Nematov. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea had appreciated that Tajikistan is offering to the world an example of an economy in full development , with impressive hydro power projects like Rogun that will benefit the all Central Asia region and beyond, with plans to exploits ore and precious stones mining fields, that will make Tajikistan an attractive economy in full development , key elements that are underlined by a democratic and stabile political climate..


On 19 October 2011, in the framework of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade official delegation visit to Republic of Trinidad and Tobago , Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , President of

European Union Council on Tourism

and Trade bestow upon people and government of Trinidad and Tobago the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD for 2012 and

ecologically friendly and opened to cultural values. Finally, in the long awaited moment, Professor Union Council on Tourism and Trade, had un-

Why is Trinidad and Tobago a success story in tourism ?

veiled the reasons for proclaiming Trinidad and

Among the reasons for awarding WORLD BEST



for 2012.

TOBAGO the report outlined:

Dr. Anton Caragea, President of


declared Trinidad and Tobago as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for 2012. The impressive ceremony held in Port of Spain, capital of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago was held under the auspices of Minister of Tourism, Honorable Rupert Griffith and under the High Patronage of Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago . The most important touristic event of the year, the announcement of the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2012, had attracted a large audience of ministers, parliamentary and tourism professionals eager to find out the reasons for selecting Trinidad and Tobago as the winner of the prestigious award for next year. The spectacle was opened by a traditional Trinidad and Tobago dance full of fire and spirit fallowed by a presentation of important achievements obtained in tourism by Trinidad and Tobago during last year, presentation held by Minister of Tourism, Honorable Rupert Griffith. Speeches where held also by Professor Dr. Mircea Constantinescu –Director of European Tourism Academy who praised Minister of Tourism impressive results that are highlighting Trinidad and Tobago as a powerful cultural and tourist center in the world. In the same line Dr. Petru Lificiu, Vice-President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade had underscored the significance of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION as an instrument in promoting free and fair tourism,

- Respecting cultural patrimony and traditions in

Among the reasons he emphasizes the cultural

offering to tourists a possibility to participate in

and historic values preserved by Trinidad and

impressive paraphernalia festivals such as: Holi,

Tobago, the abundance of natural reserves, protected areas, and ecologically friendly tour-

Hosay, Divali, Corpus Christi, Eid Al Fitr and special Tobago Heritage Festival Tobago Fest and Trinidad GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH etc.

ist programs. In the applause of the assistance Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime

Keeping alive spiritual traditions , integrating tourist

Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad

and visitors in the atmosphere of the islands ,

and Tobago received the WORLD BEST TOURIST

offering possibility of an enriching cultural experi-

DESTINATION AWARD for 2012 on the behalf of

ence are achievements that transform Trinidad and Tobago in a spiritual destination of first hand.

people and government of Trinidad and Tobago.

- Promoting Trinidad and Tobago environmental protection, especially East Coast natural patrimony

In her speech Honorable Kamla Pershad Bisses-

of wetlands, beaches and ecological and geographi-

sar emphasize the decision taken by here gov-

cal biodiversity that make Trinidad and Tobago

ernment to believe in the future of Trinidad and

unique in the region. Supporting a new concept of

Tobago as a tourist destination, to support de-

tourism friendly to nature, with low nature impact and preservation of natural biodiversity and protec-

velopment of tourism as an alternative way of

tion of endangered species and areas, especially

economic development and expressed here

rainforest eco-climate.

gratitude towards European Union Council on

- Offering to tourists not only cultural experience or

Tourism and Trade delegation for support and

relaxation opportunities but also the possibility to

trust in the future of tourism in Trinidad and Tobago.

explore nature , to contribute to ecological preservation and the opportunity to observed in Tobago the impressive Forest Reserve are model achievements in ecological tourism that must be world

Under an explosion of applause



Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of

- The continuous development and protection of

Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

cultural and historical patrimony of Trinidad and

ask for a vote of thanks and obtained a unanim-

Tobago, the transformation of Port of Spain in an

ity of appreciation for her dedication in promoting tourism and obtaining the prestigious

historical center offering to the visitor a glimpse into rich culture of Trinidad and Tobago and Caribbean heritage.


- Offering to the tourist a large area of cultural and

for 2012 for her country and people.

ecological impressive programs such as: Wildlife Photography in places such El Tucuche Reserve,

The ceremony had concluded with the presen-

Valencia Wildlife Sanctuary, Caroni Bird Sanctuary.

tation of the new television spot carved by Min-

Cave exploration (in splendid places such as Gas-

istry of Tourism to promote in 2012 the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION – Trinidad and Tobago.

paree Caves).Cycling, Hiking (Argyle Waterfall –a special destination), Kayaking (Paria bay and Tobago area).

WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IS A NATIONAL PRIDE FOR TRINIDAD TOBAGO Honorable Prime Minister Kamla Pershad Bissessar speech at WBT Destination Award Ceremony I am indeed truly humbled and deeply honoured to be standing here today to accept,

verse and rich natural, cultural and built heritage.

on behalf of the People of Trinidad and To-

This People’s Partnership Government is

It is anticipated that this award will

bago, the World’s Best Tourism Destination

seriously committed and dedicated to the

open us to untapped European mar-

Award for 2012 from the European Union

development of the tourism industry in Trini-

kets that are perhaps weary of the

Council on Tourism and Trade. A non-

dad and Tobago. Tourism is an incredibly

traditional leisure destinations and

governmental organisation, this body has a

important pillar in our national economic

desire a more exciting vacation ex-

wide ranging membership of tourism repre-

diversification effort.

perience. An important opportunity

sentatives within the European Union.

that this award presents is a platWe are not paying “lip service” to the indus-

We were also declared the World’s Favour-

form to advance the commitments

try as some may have done in the past. For

ite Cultural Destination in 2012 by the Euro-

of the Economic Partnership Agree-

too long tourism has been looked down on

pean Union Council on Tourism and Trade.

ment (EPA). As many of you may or

as a second class service sector. We recog-

may not be aware, in 2008 Trinidad

nise that tourism is a business and fiercely

and T obag o, along w ith its

competitive. Tourism requires skills, talent,

neighbours in the rest of the region,

enterprise and more importantly the sup-

embarked upon a reciprocal trade

port of government. The award of World’s

agreement with one of our largest

Best Tourist Destination for 2012 is impor-

trading partners – the European

tant for several reasons.

Union (EU). The signing of the EPA

It is my understanding that this award was unanimously given to Trinidad and Tobago primarily for our history of impressive cultural festivals, environmental conservation and biodiversity protection amongst other factors. It is not an award that is traditionally given to well-established tourism destinations but it is the highest honour awarded to nonEuropean Union countries that have embraced sustainable tourism as a tool for cultural and social development and that respect and preserve their cultural and natural heritage. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the European Union Council on Tourism and Trade for having us join other distinguished winners of this award such as the United Arab Emirates, Syria and South Koreea. But moreover, I thank the Council for recognising what most of us fail to acknowledge and value. And this is … Trinidad and Tobago is brim-full with tourism potential.

Firstly, it facilitates the formation of closer linkages with Europe for tourism, trade and

signalled a shift in our trade and economic development.

investment possibilities. The European conti-

We are now required to open our

nent, as in its colonial past, is a formidable

markets to Eastern Union manufac-

trading partner especially with the fall of

turers and service providers; but the

communism and the rise of new economic

EPA also provides market access for

powers. Europe is, and will certainly con-

our country’s export of services to

tinue to be, a cornerstone for our interna-

the European Union.

tional business. The Economic Partnership AgreeThe economic and social advancement of

ment also speaks to specific disci-

this beautiful twin island Republic of ours

plines on tourism services because

depends to a large extent on how well we

of its importance to the social and

develop and harness our resources. And one

economic development of the Euro-

such untapped resource is that of tourism.

pean Union and the Caribbean.

The award of World’s Best Tourist Destination will significantly assist in branding destination Trinidad and Tobago globally. We must change the perception of our country

We are not the traditional sun, sea and surf

in the overseas markets. We must celebrate

destination. What differentiates us from the

our country and work hard to sell our coun-

rest of our Caribbean neighbours is our di-

try abroad.

These rules are complemented by a commitment to legally binding open market conditions for each other. For instance, the Europe Union has made commitments for travel agencies, tour operators, tourist guides services.

EYE ON IT New World Ambassador for Natural Area Named On 13 December 2011 on United Nations Headquarters in Romania was unveiled the special initiative on protecting natural areas of

Trinidad and Tobago a perfect tourist destination.

United Nations Development Program ( UNDP) .

Trinidad and Tobago, on the other hand, have

and sacrifices of our tourism community ‌ the

On this occasion Professor Dr. An-

made commitments in relation to hotels and

stakeholders in our midst. The last few years

ton Caragea was presented with

restaurants, marina services and spa services.

have been quite challenging for all in the tour-

the appointment of Goodwill Am-

ism industry. The EPA also includes measures that would

bassador At Large for the World

make it easier for European Union investors to

But rest assured that the tourism industry will

Natural Protected Area. Professor

invest in the Trinidad and Tobago. This award,

get the backing it needs.

Dr. Anton Caragea was empowered

then, will provide a platform to attract increased investment and to promote growth and

But we cannot do it alone. We have all to work

development in the tourism sector.

together. The private sector in the lead but with government acting as a facilitator; supporting

The Economic Partnership Agreement is, there-

every step of the way.

and protection program`s regarding protected natural area and to represent on world stage the necessity issues related to: integrat-

fore, rendered more relevant, more strategic and more focused on deliverables.

to speak on behalf the ecological

I want to urge you to continue working with

ing environment into develop-

commitment, energy and enthusiasm for the

ment , environment and finance,

betterment of the tourism industry. I thank you. God’s richest blessings on us all.

local development, climate change, sustainable energy, ecosystems and biodiversity, ozone and cli-

Honorable Prime Minister Kamla Pershad Bissessar

mate , climate strategy etc.

Honorable Prime Minister Kamla Pershad Bissessar receives WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD for 2012. The World’s Best Tourism Destination award will, moreover, engender a measure of national pride amongst our citizenry and raise the level of public confidence in Trinidad and Tobago as a tourist destination. We should be proud of our country and its tourism potential. We have so much to be proud of, so much to share with each other, and so much to show off to the rest of the world. Let us not doubt or question our intrinsic value. In closing, ladies and gentlemen, I must take a moment to publicly acknowledge the hard work

UNDP Country Representative had presented the UNDP plans for World Natural Protected Area main features: The natural environment is the foundation on which poverty reduction efforts and sustainable development must be built. Poor people everywhere depend critically on environmental assets and energy resources for their livelihoods and well-being. It is widely recognized that recent and ongoing global shocks, food, fuel, financial, climate change, have linkages, if not in some cases direct lineage, to environmental issues related to the use and management environmental systems and services. Therefore, mainstreaming environment and sustainable development, including climate change, in national development planning and implementation is central to UNDP`s poverty reduction and Millennium Development Goal mission.

Why is Trinidad and Tobago a perfect tourist destination? by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea Among the reasons leading to awarding WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2012 title to TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO the report take under consideration: - Respecting cultural patrimony and traditions in offering to tourists a possibility to participate in impressive paraphernalia festivals such On 19 October 2011, in the framework of European Union Council

as: Holi, Hosay, Divali, Corpus Christi, Eid Al Fitr and special Tobago

on Tourism and Trade official delegation visit to Republic of Trini-

Heritage Festival Tobago Fest and Trinidad GREATEST SHOW ON

dad and Tobago , Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , President of Euro-

EARTH etc.

pean Union Council on Tourism and Trade bestow upon people and government of Trinidad and Tobago the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD for 2012 and declared Trinidad and Tobago as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for 2012. The fallowing are extracts from the speech presented on this occasion. Your Excellency Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago .

Keeping alive spiritual traditions , integrating tourist and visitors in the atmosphere of the islands , offering possibility of an enriching cultural experience are achievements that transform Trinidad and Tobago in a spiritual destination of first hand. - Promoting Trinidad and Tobago environmental protection, especially East Coast natural patrimony of wetlands, beaches and ecological and geographical biodiversity that make Trinidad and To-

Esteemed members of the Government and Parliament of Republic

bago unique in the region. Supporting a new concept of tourism

of Trinidad and Tobago , dear guests and member of diplomatic

friendly to nature, with low nature impact and preservation of

corp ,

natural biodiversity and protection of endangered species and areas, especially rainforest eco-climate.

It is may great honor and privilege to stand today, before you, honoring a country that is becoming a WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINA-

- Offering to tourists not only cultural experience or relaxation op-


portunities but also the possibility to explore nature , to contribute to ecological preservation and the opportunity to observed in To-

Tourism must be based on values such as nature preservation, cul-

bago the impressive Forest Reserve are model achievements in

tural patrimony and history conservation for future generation and

ecological tourism that must be world appreciated.

exactly for this need we have carved WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION as an international recognition of the country that are

- The continuous development and protection of cultural and his-

respecting this values .

torical patrimony of Trinidad and Tobago, the transformation of Port of Spain in an historical center offering to the visitor a glimpse

It is always a pleasure when I have the occasion to meet and con-

into rich culture of Trinidad and Tobago and Caribbean heritage.

gratulate a representative of tourism industry that change the face of his country tourism and of the region and helped to build a new

- Offering to the tourist a large area of cultural and ecological im-

future for a tourism that is respecting the values .

pressive programs such as: Wildlife Photography in places such El Tucuche Reserve, Valencia Wildlife Sanctuary, Caroni Bird Sanctu-

In a world crowded by images, without a form and substance , we

ary. Cave exploration (in splendid places such as Gasparee

come today to honor a CULTURE , in a world that is loosing the true

Caves).Cycling, Hiking (Argyle Waterfall –a special destination),

values, we come today the honor a real TOURISM VALUE, in a time

Kayaking (Paria bay and Tobago area).

in which to many speak and do not act for natural preservation , we come to honor a NATURAL PARADISE , we come to honor the Re-

We believe in a people that want to develop his country and we are


glad to observe that the Government of Trinidad and Tobago also believe in his people.

We are all here friend`s of humanity, of cultural tourism , in search for the countries and tourism values that are offering to all the

We are believing in the future of Trinidad and Tobago and we are

tourist of the world the possibility of a safe, pleasurable and

proud to see the Government of Trinidad and Tobago is also invest-

enlightening tourist experience .

ing and believing in the future of Trinidad and Tobago.

Why is Trinidad and Tobago a perfect tourist destination? by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea -continuing TION ? They will make 2012 a better year not only for tourism but for all the country. For all this reasons Is my privileged to award Your Excellency We are believing that despite shortcomings and problems, in Trinidad and Tobago there is the will to overcome this issues and to step into a new way, a new future, and we are honored to see the government of Trinidad and Tobago shaping this future. This is a prize that was always destined to unite peoples’ in pride, not to divide, to create a filing of pride and to inoculate a desire to strive for a better future, and I hope this will be the case for Trinidad and

as representative of tourism of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago the award for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2012. This title is an international recognition of your work for Republic of Trinidad and Tobago until today, in the service of tourism, culture and natural resources preservation and for people of Trinidad and Tobago, but is also a challenge because now we are expecting your services in the future benefit of the world tourism.

Tobago also.

May this award be transformed in a sup-

For all this reas ons

port for developing

European Union Council

t h e i n te rn a t io n a l

on Tourism and Trade

standing of Trinidad

decided, unanimously,

and Tobago, for a

to award WORLD BEST

sustainable tourism


and development and


in a base for further


success for beautiful

and to declare TRINI-

Trinidad and Tobago?


We congratulate Mrs.


Prime Minister and people of Trinidad

This speech was written after reviewing dozens of reports and publications of scientific value, but it was lacking

and Tobago for this outstanding achievements.

the knowledge of a major value of Trinidad and Tobago: the

Photo 1. Professor dr. Anton Caragea speaking at World Best


Tourist Destination Award for 2012 in Port of Spain

During our stay we have meet the people of Trinidad and To-

Photo 2 Minister of Tourism of Trinidad and Tobago-Mr. Rupert

bago: on the streets, on the islands, working in tourism indus-

Griffith receives the Membership Certificate from European

try, learning the art of panyard, or learn to dance blending Af-

Tourism Academy ( from left executive President of European

rica, South America and Europe in a fiery spirit. To them is

Union on Council on Tourism and Trade—Mr. Petru Lificiu ,

dedicated most of all the prize: to people of Trinidad and To-

Director of European Tourism Academy-Professor Dr. Mircea

bago , they are constructing a future in which nobody will ask

Constantinescu )

Why is Trinidad and Tobago –WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINA-

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES WILL BE A LONG TERM PARTNER FOR EUROPEAN UNION COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea Beside the dense official meetings program, the European Union Council on Tourism and Trade delegation enjoyed a sophisticated cultural program destined to offer a glimpse of United Arab Emirates extraordinary achievements in the latest 40 year of independence. The highlights of the cultural program included a participation Between 25 November -4 December 2011 an European tourism delegation chaired by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade ( ECTT) , attended the 40-th National Day Celebration of United Arab Emirates in Abu Dhabi, at the invitation of United Arab Emirates National Media Council .

at an Omani Classic Music Concert, hosted at Emirates Palace by H.H. Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan , a visit to Burj Khalifa –the world tallest building from Dubai , a safari experience of dune traveling , a visit at Zayed University where Prof.dr. Anton Caragea held a dialogue with the students, professors and academic core of the university and a visit at the splendid Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque.

The presence of a European Union Council on Tourism and Trade

The visit of the European Union


Council on Tourism and Trade

United Arab Emirates National Day

delegation in United Arab Emirates

became a regular event in the last

is yet another demonstration of the

years and a proof of the deepening

ever deepening ties between Euro-

ties between Europe and United Arab

pean Union Council on Tourism and


Trade and United Arab Emirates

The ECTT delegation held meetings

after the country was declared as

with: H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed


Al Nahyan – UAE Minister of Foreign

TION in 2010.

Affairs, H.E. Omar Abdullah, Depart-

It is a rare occasion and a friendship

ment of Economic Development of

declaration when European Union

UAE, Central Bank Governor – H.E.

Council on Tourism and Trade at-

Sultan Nasser Al Suwaidi , H.E. Saqr

tend National Day Celebration of

Ghobash, Minister of Labor, H.H.

another country and this is a sup-

Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoon – Chairman of the UAE 40-th National Day Committee , Dr. Sultan Al Jabber CEO- Masdar City , H.E. Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak , General Secretary of Abu Dhabi Environment Agency.


demonstration of the

brotherly spirit that unites Romanian and United Arab Emirates ( UAE). Finally the European Union Council on Tourism and Trade presence on 2 December-the National Day of Emirates is an evidence of continuous support for the UAE outstanding

Also European Union Council on Tourism and Trade attended

tourism achievements and positive model offered to the world,

the open speech and meeting with people of Dubai of H.H.

stated prof.dr. Anton Caragea , President of European Union

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum – Vice-President

Council on Tourism.

and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai and was invited at launch by H.H. Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan – Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research at his palace.

Photo 1.-Prof. dr. Anton Caragea opening Tourism Academy in Abu Dhabi Photo 2– Sheik Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi-Mithrab (interior view )

WORLD TOURISM DAY MESSAGE by Taleb Rifai UNWTO Secretary General The theme of this With 940 million tourists crossing international borders in

year’s World Tourism

2010, never have the world’s peoples and cultures been drawn

Day, “Tourism – link-

together as now. Through tourism, millions of people are

ing cultures”, high-

brought closer every day.

lights the powerful role of tourism in

World Tourism Day (WTD) 2011 is taking place under the

building international

theme Tourism – linking cultures and is a celebration of tour-

understanding and

ism’s role in breaking down barriers across cultures and foster-

mutual respect.

ing tolerance, respect and mutual understanding. In our often divided world, these values represent the stepping stones to-

There is no better

wards a more peaceful future.

way to learn about a

Promoting and developing tourism with a view to contributing

new culture than to experience it first-hand. Tourism offers a

to economic development, international understanding, peace,

wonderful connecting thread between visitor and host com-

prosperity, and universal respect for human rights and funda-

munity. It promotes dialogue and interaction. Such contact

mental freedoms for all is at the heart of UNWTO’s mandate.

between people of different backgrounds is the very founda-

Every people and every place possess a unique culture. Experi-

tion for tolerance. In a world struggling for peaceful coexis-

encing different ways of life, discovering new food and customs

tence, tourism can build bridges and contribute to peace.

and visiting cultural sites have become leading motivations for travel, and as a result, a crucial source of revenue and job crea-

Tourism’s contributions to development also advance the

tion, particularly for developing countries. Income from tour-

cause of global solidarity. At a time of profound global eco-

ism is often redirected towards the safeguarding of these sites

nomic uncertainty, tourism’s ability to generate socio-

and even the revitalization of cultures.

economic opportunities and help reduce the gap between rich and poor, is more important than ever.

Yet tourism growth brings serious responsibilities to minimize any potentially negative impacts on the cultural assets and

I encourage all involved in tourism to embrace the ten princi-

heritage of mankind. The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, a

ples of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. These guide-

set of universal values, principles and standards, guides tour-

lines for sustainable and responsible tourism development,

ism’s development so that it is sustainable, ethical and respon-

approved by the UN General Assembly in 2001, are based on


the proven interaction between tourism and peace, human

Ultimately, tourism is an economic sector based on human

rights and understanding.

interaction, exchange and dialogue. WTD 2011 is a call to all

World Tourism Day is an opportunity to reflect on the impor-

those involved in tourism to act in a way that is conscious and

tance of tourism to global well-being. As we travel, let us

respectful of culture, which promotes intercultural dialogue

engage with other cultures and celebrate human diversity.

and ensures that local communities fully participate in, and benefit from, the development opportunities of tourism. We look forward to celebrating the cultures of the world with you. Taleb Rifai– Secretary General of WTO

On this observance, let us recognize tourism as a force for a more tolerant, open and united world. Ban Ki-moon-Secretary-General-United Nations




European Tourism Academy is welcoming a new member RUPERT GRIFFITH Minister of Tourism Trinidad and Tobago

Upcoming Events for European Tourism January 2012—Professor dr. Anton Caragea will lead an ECTT delegation in Sudan January 2012—Professor dr. Anton Caragea will lead an ECTT delegation in Kazakhstan February 20102—Professor dr. Anton Caragea will lead an ECTT delegation in Turkmenistan March 2012– Professor dr. Anton Caragea will lead a n ECTT delegation in Tajikistan March 2012—Professor dr. Anton Caragea will lead an ECTT delegation in Turkmenistan March 2012—the Opening of Tourism Academy Courses of ECTT in United Arab Emirates

EUROPEAN UNION COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE ( E.C.T.T.) 22 Franceza Street Bucharest,Romania 0040213157730 ph 0040213177730 fax email

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