7 minute read

The Storming Cbd Market In Europe


CBD or Cannabidiol and is the second most prevalent of the ac ve ingredients to exist with Cannabis (Marijuana) and is a deriva ve of the Hemp plant, which serves as part of the family which also includes the Marijuana plant. While there are over a hundred extracts of the plant, CBD is medically proven to not cause the side eff ect of becoming ‘high’ within its users, and therefore indicates that there is little to no risk of abuse or any health consequences through its usage. This relies on purchasing from safe suppliers such as Europe’s leading supplier Labocan, and because of this availability CBD is seeing an incredible drive in demand as it becomes one of the fastest growing markets in the con nent. By Ma hew Meehan This rapid accelera on in the market has been driven across this year due to the ability of infusing the CBD into a wide range of product categories across mul ple sectors, from pharmaceu cals to cosme cs, nutraceu cals, sports therapy, medical treatments and more due to its perceived health benefi ts- such as high levels of Omega 3 and 6 which play a vital role in the crea on of infl amma on regula ng hormones, as well as organ func ons with the improved contrac on and relaxa on of the arteries. This has elevated the product to become synonymous with the need and usage of natural and eff ec ve care that takes away the exis ng s gma surrounding the current use of Marijuana, which exists as a well-documented drug seen in some loca ons as an illegal substance. However, adop on has been improved thanks to the ever-growing legalisa on and decriminaliza on eff orts of Marijuana where with it now no longer being necessary to sell it through a black market supply chain, there is now legal purchase and growth where the use of CBD products through respected brands such as Labocan is causing great expansion in the market- Europe itself is expected to see over 400% market growth over the next 4 years alone.

The slowly growing legal presence is causing the public opinion to also rise as favourability and accessibility ratings are also rising, so as the demand develops it is crucial that people are able to understand the differences in the products and which ones are the most effective for them, with the presence of the market leaders needed to lead from the front and provide trust, quality and effi ciency. Specifi cally In the European market, growth is excep onal as even though the CBD product is marketed with a medical consumption focus, recreational use is legally permitted across the majority of the con nent which allows the current market to be confi dent in its usage whilst also seeing the market share globally skyrocket to €450 million which represents 31% of the current interna onal market, a fi gure only be ered by the United States who currently represent 40% of this industry. A crucial growth sector in this con nua on will be the u lisa on of the health and wellness market where similar growth has also been experienced. As the need for new innova on develops, the market is growing by 25% annually which is worth over $1 trillion in revenue, a powerful fi gure even before considering that CBD is considered to be one of the leading trends of innova on within the area thanks to its ability to comprehend a mul tude of diff erent applica ons in diff erent forms and so the maximisa on of this will be paramount towards cannabinoid’s growth as a legi mate and everyday ingredient. With unbelievable poten al, this means that the governments around Europe are now seeing the benefi ts of not just making it legal but actually looking at how to further embed its normalcy into culture and greatly expand its reach, mostly when considering the na onal income boost available through the taxa on of CBD products. Just one example is the state of California, where in 2018- their fi rst legal year of opera ons, the state collected $345.2 million in pure tax revenue that not only makes it a valuable new facet of their economy, but also can be re-invested to fund societal re-educa on to con nue the ongoing trend that can only happen with the s gma decreased and the scope of adop on becoming almost universal. This need for change in the narra ve severely influences future implica ons, as with currently almost three quarters of usage being medical, successful promotion that increases obtainability while silencing public resistance means that within 8 to 10 years the adult usage sector will grow exponen ally, as the constant reclassifi ca on of the now socially accepted product results in it being seen as a ‘simple ingredient’. This hinges on the governmental ability to rely on prominent companies like Labocan to provide clear quality assurance in all areas, from research and development (R+D) to cul va on and development to ensure that they abide by the food safety standards provided, which Labocan already do. Being such an innovative, health driven and disrup ve global industry which possesses such raw growth potential alongside the progressive and relaxed approach taken by the various European governments, the entrepreneurs and investors are now running into the market in order to fund the significant investment needed. These millions of euros now flooding the market consequently is crea ng prosperous environment where constant new start-up businesses exist as a result of such a domino eff ect was always likely to cause. This however is not as good as it may seem, especially as it leads to an overcrowded market that suffers from poor regula on and inability to stabilise itself before the next wave of people look to capitalise on its growing success. These extensive numbers also make it impossible for the consumers to decide what they need and how to obtain it especially as in the eyes of the majority, the adop on of such products is merely a concept rather than a clear need. Because of this educa on is crucial to its future success, and the need for guidance is key. Luckily, companies such as Labocan exist who are such leaders in the European CBD market that they are crea ng posi ve ideals around its usage through its state of the art facili es which inspire confi dence, its extensive product off ering which allows CBD to be u lised however the consumer needs it to be and through their help and support which includes personal support that gives direct advice in all areas such as Sales guidance, Legal frameworks and Order fulfi lment support to businesses and buyers who still need informa ve assistance to learn and benefi t from the product and the up and coming market. This kind of innova on and educa on from such modern and accessible companies is vital to ensuring that the poten al can be realised within the rapidly developing Cannabinoid market.

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