Euro.Scout.Info Introduction 13th European Guide and Scout Conference to Open in Two Weeks Brussels, Belgium, 17 - 21 July 2010 Preparations for the biannual Flower Carpet in Brussels are well under way and its just a pity that participants of the European Scout Conference will miss this impressive display of Belgian art and craftsmanship: the festival will only take place a month after our own event. But even so, the city‟s main square is considered one of the most impressive and largest ones in Europe, and it‟s just a stone throw away from the Conference venue. While you may be checking your baggage, staff and members of the European Scout Committee are finalising the documentation and programme elements, while the host committee is busy reviewing logistical and other arrangements. All relevant information is available on the Europak website ( as well as on the Conference website ( In addition, a special Conference blog has also been setup at, where you can find useful background information ( (Photo ©
Areas of Work Educational Methods The Academy is Back: Welcome to Athens in October 2010 Athens, Greece, 26 – 31 October 2010 After the two very successful editions of the Academy (Mollina, Spain, in 2008, and Kralupy, Czech Republic, in 2009), the event will again take place in 2010 and this time the venue will be Athens: a return to the real origin of the Greek Akademia! In the frame of such an inspiring background, participants from all around Europe (and beyond) will meet from the 26 to 31 October to learn, share and discuss Scouting and youth related issues. Following the pattern of previous Academies, participants will be able to join and leave the event any time during the week and attend such sessions, which they find to be most interesting and beneficial to their personal development. Once more, the sessions will address a wide range of transversal topics and problems currently facing associations across the Region. Experts from NSOs/NSAs and from outside Scouting will contribute by sharing their theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Some notable innovations for the Academy 2010:
The Academy 2010 is jointly organized with WAGGGS – many new inputs and an even wider range topics; There will be fewer sessions but these will be offered more than once – more participants can attend a given topic; “Dissemination sessions” – aimed at helping participants to share what they learned with their NSOs/NSAs/MOs; “Exhibition” – providing NSOs/NSAs/MOs space to share best practices and projects, including achievements and challenges; available resource material will be collected and shared; Funding support – the European Scout Region has obtained financial support from the European Youth Foundation ( and the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission ( ensuring and facilitating the participation of NSOs/NSAs from South East Europe and Eurasia Region (EYF grant) and of the other European associations who had been partners in the funding application under the YiA grant. Part of the financial grants will support the organisation of the event itself.
An official invitation and presentation of the Academy 2010, including all relevant information will be circulated with next month‟s Europak. Information will also be available on a special website at as of 7 July 2010. (Photo © Victor Ortega /WOSM 2007)
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Euro.Scout.Info | Issue 81 | June 2010 Scouting Nederland to Launch Project on Recognition Recognition of Learning has two aspects: the formal and informal. The formal side is about speaking the same language as the labour market and the education system, about getting formal recognition of the personal development offered within Scouting. The informal side is about giving volunteers in Scouting the tools to develop their careers, to build their capacities and self-esteem and to give them control of their own development inside and outside Scouting. Scouting Nederland is currently planning a project aiming at “Recognition of Learning in Scouting”. The project has several aims: To stimulate the sharing of good practice about recognition in all countries in Europe. To contribute to the general awareness that volunteers in Scouting can benefit a lot from their Scouting competencies. To contribute to the European Year of Volunteering 2011. Scouting Nederland invites all National Scout Organizations to join them in this European-wide project in order to stimulate recognition of learning within Scouting. A meeting will be organised during the forthcoming European Scout Conference in Brussels, when the project will be presented in more detail and partnership agreements concluded with interested other NSOs. (Photo © Victor Ortega / WOSM 2007)
Training Commissioners and Leader Trainers Ready to Meet Guadarrama, Spain, 17 – 19 September 2010 More than 30 National Training Commissioners and Leader Trainers will be attending the forthcoming Training Commissioners Network Meeting, which will be held at Complejo Cultural Residencial Fray Luis de Leon, Guadarrama, outside Madrid (Spain), from 17 to 19 September 2010. Additional applications are still expected from NSOs and NSAs who are signatories to the partnership agreement, which will hopefully provide financial support through the Spanish Youth Agency. A special web site has been set up for this event at where a lot of useful information on training – and not just about the Network Meeting – is available. (Photo © Complejo Cultural Residencial Fray Luis de Leon 2010)
Development and Support Successful Grant Applications Allow Support for Eurasian NSOs Attending European WOSM Events In the framework of the ongoing cooperation between the European and Eurasia Regions of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), the European Regional Office has recently obtained two grants from the European Youth Foundation. These grants will facilitate the participation of Eurasian NSOs at the forthcoming Academy (Athens, Greece, 26 – 31 October 2010), as well as the organization of a Study Session entitled “Tell the Story! Better communication to strengthen youth organisations”, planned to take place at the European Youth Centre of the Council of Europe in Budapest during the first half of 2011. These successful grant applications once again illustrate the fact that external funds from European entities (European Union, Council of Europe, and others) are accessible and available for Scout projects and that WOSM is seen as a reliable partner working on issues, which are relevant to young people and youth organizations. For more information on current funding opportunities offered by the European Youth Foundation, please consult the EYF website at Details about study sessions and the Council of Europe‟s related work on youth issues is available on Do not hesitate to contact Nicoló, the European Regional Office‟s Funding and Project Support Officer, at, should you have specific questions. (Photo © Victor Ortega / WOSM 2007; logo © Council of Europe)
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Relaxed Visa Rules for Participants of “Youth in Action” Projects Good news for all participants from Partner Countries participating in “Youth in Action” projects hosted in a country within the Schengen-area: The European Union (EU) has recently adopted a new Visa Code, which subsequently came into force on 5 April 2010. The new EU Visa Code contains new provisions for “airport transit visa” and “short-stay visa” (valid for up to 90 days during any six-month period). Citizens of third-party countries, who normally require such visa, should now obtain a consular appointment within two weeks and a final decision only 15 days later. In addition, a number of categories of travellers will not need to pay anything to obtain their visa: School pupils, graduate and post graduate students as well as their accompanying teachers participating in a study or educational training abroad; Representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), aged 25 years or younger, participating in seminars, conferences, as well as sport, cultural or educational events organised by NGOs. The Schengen-area currently comprises 22 member states of the European Union as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The United Kingdom, Ireland, Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus are not part of that area and different visa rules may apply. The European Regional Scout Office will ensure that all participants attending events organised by WOSM under the framework of the “Youth in Action” programme are adequately and timely informed. Useful background information is available at the following websites: (Logo © European Commission/Youth in Action 2010)
Relationships and Funding Exchanging Volunteers or Professionals of NSOs/NSAs? – It’s Possible! With the “Youth in Action” Programme A new call has just been circulated under the Council of Europe‟s “Youth in Action” programme, inviting interested partners to apply for grants under “Action 4.3. – „Youth Support Systems‟ – Support to youth workers‟ mobility and exchanges”. This new call presents an excellent opportunity for NSOs/NSAs interested in developing joint projects with other NSOs/NSAs. Costs for exchange of professionals or volunteers for a maximum of six months will be covered by the Programme. The following objectives will have to be met by successful bids:
to give youth workers the opportunity to experience a different working reality in another country, to gain a better understanding of the European dimension of youth work, to improve youth workers‟ professional, intercultural and language competences, to promote the exchange of experiences and approaches to youth work and non-formal education in Europe, to contribute to developing stronger and more quality partnerships between youth organisations across Europe, and to strengthen the quality and the role of youth work in Europe.
The European Regional Office strongly encourages NSOs and NSAs to seriously consider applying for a grant under this title, even if though it is limited to applicants based in Programme Countries of the “Youth in Action” programme. The deadline for submission is 22 October 2010. Do not hesitate to contact Nicoló, the European Regional Office‟s Funding and Project Support Officer, at, should you have specific questions or need assistance. (Photo © Victor Ortega / WOSM 2007)
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Life of the Movement European Region KISC-Cocktail at the European Scout Conference Brussels (Belgium), 20 July 2010 The history of the Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC), situated in the heart of the Alps in Switzerland and one of WOSM‟s World Scout Centres, began in 1923 when the Founder of the Scouting, Lord Baden-Powell had a dream of creating a permanent MiniJamboree, where Scouts from around the world could meet. Today, 12‟000 young people visit KISC each year and live a true international Scouting experience. You can learn more about KISC by visiting a special exhibit organised on the occasion of the 13th European Guide and Scout Conference in Brussels this summer. The traditional reception for KISC members, conference delegates and guests will take place on 20 July 2010. (Photos/Logo © KISC 2010)
“Scout Yacob”: Scout Pilgrims on the Road to Santiago de Compostela Any year, in which the feast of Saint James (25 July) falls on a Sunday, is known by Catholics as “Saint James Year”. 2010 is such a year, and the Portuguese Scouts of CNE have launched a special project to mark this occasion: “Scout Yacob”. Expecting a large number of Scouts taking part in pilgrimages on the Portuguese Route to Santiago de Compostela, CNE has put together a wide range of practical, historical and educational tools enabling Scout pilgrims to experience the spiritual and cultural dimension. Participating groups are also invited to take part in a special “challenge” by completing a number of tasks and by sending in a report about their activity. The international team of CNE has created a special website where all useful information and specific programme tools are available: (Logo © CNE 2010)
Woodbadge Course in Serbia Open to NSOs from the Balkan Region Like many NSOs/NSAs, the Scout Council of Vojvodina (North Serbia) has been organising Woodbadge courses for several years. But these courses are a little different: apart from Serbian Scout and Guide leaders, participants come from a number of different countries of the Balkan Region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYRO Macedonia, Montenegro). The course is organised by the Sea Scouts of Kanjiža on the banks of the River Tisa and the programme therefore includes a full day of sailing and other water bound Scouting activities. Experiences leader trainers from the Region constitute the training team, which is completed by two members of the staff of the European Regional Scout Office. If you are interested to attend this course, then mark your calendar: the basic module will take place from 23 to 30 August 2010; an advanced module for those, who have successfully attended the basic course, will take place from 24 to 29 August 2010. For detailed information, please contact (Photo © European Scout Region 2010)
Swiss Scouts and Guides Look Back on Successful Launch of their “Scouting: It’s more” Campaign Commuters travelling on trains on 22 February 2010 through Geneva, Bern and other large cities in Switzerland were met by smiling Scouts and Guides offering fresh chocolate muffins, while the big overhead screens on the platforms raised additional awareness by asking passers by whether they had already done their daily good deed. The activity not only marked the birthday of the Founders of Scouting and Guiding, but also the launching of this year‟s image campaign of the Swiss Scout and Guide Movement. The campaign builds on the fact, that daily good deeds still constitute one of the “clichés” by which the Scout and Guide Movements are identified and recognizes, that each good deed receives positive reactions and represents a small contribution which should otherwise be offered without thinking. The confrontation with the “cliché” of the good deed also wants to draw the public‟s attention to wide range of other activities and merits Scouting continues to offer after 100 years: its educational programme and activities, its pedagogical approach and its training system. The campaign will receive even more visibility in September when more than 20‟000 young people from Switzerland, including a large number of Scouts and Guides will demonstrate their engagement in and for society during “Action 72 hours”, an activity organised by the Swiss National Youth Council ( (Logo © MSdS 2010)
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Reminders and Deadlines 13th European Guide and Scout Conference 20th European Scout Conference 13th European Guide Conference Brussels, Belgium, 17 – 21 July 2010 And don’t forget to check information available on International Evening and Exhibition Booth at 13th European Guide and Scout Conference Brussels, Belgium, 17 – 21 July 2010 New deadline for registration: 5 July 2010 – Europe Market at 13th European Guide and Scout Conference Brussels, Belgium, 19 July 2010 New deadline for registration: 5 July 2010 – Open Call for Regional Volunteers European Scout Region, Triennium 2010-2013 Deadline for applications: 31 July 2010 Academy 2010 Athens, Greece, 26 – 31 October 2010 Deadline for registration: 30 September 2010 – (accessible after 7 July 2010)
Useful Information
Stay in contact World Scout Bureau European Regional Office Switzerland
P.O. Box 327 Rue Henri Christiné 5 CH-1211 Geneva 4 Switzerland
Avenue de la Porte de Hal 38 BE 1060 Brussels
Tel: FAX: Email:
(+41 22) 705 11 00 (+41 22) 705 11 09
Euro.Scout.Info | Issue 81 | June 2010
Tel: FAX: Email:
(+32 2) 534 33 15 (+32 2) 534 16 54
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