Adam Jones - Mega Events and City Branding Opportunities

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Mega Events and City Branding Opportunities Case study 2012 ADAM JONES

Mega Events and City Branding Opportunities • Hosting and staging mega events, costing billions of pounds and taking years of planning, are the most expensive branding and repositioning strategies undertaken by cities

The Need to compete • Cities have long felt a need to differentiate themselves from each other and to assert their individuality in pursuit of various economic, political or socio-psychological objectives (Kavaratzis and Ashworth 2005). • Cities are used by global capital as a basing point in the spatial organisation and articulation of production and markets (Friedmann 1986)

Construction, communication and management of the city’s image • This process predominately uses slogans, logos and promotional literature to portray a positive image of the city (Ward 1998). • This involves the considered attempt to purposefully reconfigure or re-present ideas or conceptions held individually or collectively of a city’s image (Smith 2005a). • Sport mega events are a media friendly vehicle that allows cities to achieve these objectives

London 2012 • Ken Livingston. ‘everything is set up around us becoming a more international city with many more people coming from abroad’ (Lee 2013, p. 211) • Lord Coe ‘repair the damage in one of the hardest pressed areas of the country’ (Lee 2013, p.214). • The task or opportunity of utilising London 2012 was to reconcile the conflicting themes of heritage inclusivity, youthfulness and modernity (MacRury and Poynter 2010).

Anholt’s City Brand hexagon People fit into a community

Presence international standing and status

Prerequisites what it would be like to live there

Place physical aspects

Pulse vibrant urban lifestyle

Potential economic and educational

Presence Culture, Science & Government

Place Physical aspects

Pulse How exciting

Potential Get things done

People How welcoming

Prerequisites Quality and accessibility of public services

Conclusion • Hosting the Games did facilitate the use of media coverage to publicise, and consolidating the city’s image (Gold and Gold 2008). • Reduced the time frame for urban redevelopment of the East End of the city (Derudder et al 2003) • ‘find people who appreciate my culture and with whom I could easily fit in’ (GFK 2013)

• Great Britain replaced the USA and gained first place in regard to its soft power status (Rapoza 2012). • The Olympics and…. Bradley Wiggins winning the Tour de France and Andy Murray winning the Tennis Grand Slam in New York and popular culture including the James Bond film ‘Skyfall’ played a significant role in promoting Britain and its soft power (Moban 2012).

However for how long? • London was overtaken by Bangkok as the top 2013 city destination by international visitor arrivals (Hedrick-Wong and Choog 2013) • Germany replaced Great Britain as the country regarded as processing the most soft power (Monocle 2013) • If as expected the competition between cities will continue to increase, authorities will need to evaluate the long term effectiveness of hosting expensive mega events against other city branding and positioning options.

References • • • • • • •

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