Christopher Keschock - Economic Impact of Sport Business Travellers to Football Event

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The Economic Impact of Sport Business Travelers to a Football (Gridiron) Event. Christopher Keshock, Brooke Forester, Shelley Holden, Steven Pugh University of South Alabama, USA European Sport Tourism Conference May 2015 Limerick, Ireland

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Economic Impact Sporting Events True Economic Tourists Mobile, Alabama Senior Bowl-College FB All Stars Sport Business Travelers Methodology Results


Amount of new money entering region from hosting sporting event.  True Economic Tourists- new local spending from those residing outside impact region.  Results help convince the public whether event is good investment. 


Economic Impact Sporting Events

Spectators  Teams  Business Travelers? 

◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

Media Vendors Sponsors SGM Governing Body Officials Coaches, Scouts, Agents

True Economic Tourists

Mobile, Alabama

Sport Business Travelers- Senior Bowl

        

Random Sampling-game, ancillary events, programs Hotel Headquarters, Convention Center, Cruise Terminal, Practices, Game Day- Press Box, Tailgate, Sponsors Registered 2,452 NFL 38% Media 27% NCAA 10% Sponsors 10% Agents 9% Financial Advisors/Other 6%


Business Travelers


N=278 Registered 2,452  Group Size 1.67  Number Days 4.53  Number Nights 3.67  Outside City 95.6%  Stay 92.4% paid lodging  Years Senior Bowl 6.28


N= 436 Attendance 33,643  Group Size 3.03  Number Days 1.99  Number Nights 1.21  Outside City 69%  Stay 31.1% paid lodging  Years Senior Bowl 5.97

Business Travelers 

True Economic Tourists

Spectators 

◦ 88.1% Out-of-Towners ◦ 11.9% Locals 

Stay ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

Hotel Family/Friends Commute BB/Condo

◦ 69.3% Out-of-Towners ◦ 30.7% Locals 

90.5% 2.3% 5.3% 1.9%

Senior Bowl Visitors

True Economic Tourists Stay ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

Hotel Family/Friends Commute BB/Condo

22.5% 15.9% 53% 8.6%

Business Spending Per Day       

F&B Entertainment Retail Rental Transport Private Auto Other Expenses Tickets


$83.15 $42.07 $11.95 $47.58 $26.96 $14.19 $9.09 $234.99 $144.87

Spectator Spending Per Day       

F&B Entertainment Retail Rental Transportation Private Auto Other Expenses Tickets


$28.25 $7.82 $9.81 $5.89 $21.70 $8.92 $22.56 $104.95 $117.26

Results- Direct Spending Per Person

Business Travelers ◦ Lodging $1,312,522 ◦ Other Direct Spending $2,299,320 ◦ Total $ 3.6 Million City Fiscal Impact $180,592

Spectators ◦ Lodging $613,387 ◦ Other Direct Spending $4,869,128 ◦ Total $ 5.5 Million City Fiscal Impact $274,125

Results-True Economic Tourist Expenditures

Costs   

  

$150,000 public subsidy Use Stadium Tues-Sat $5,000 per day ($25,000) Use Convention Center for week ($10,000 per day) 4 days $40,000 Police and EMT Crowding Out- Hotel Negative Externalities Opportunity Costs

Cost/Benefit Analysis

Benefits    

 

  

Fiscal Impact $454,717 ROI 203% Free Use Public Venues ROI 111% Stadium Concessions, Parking, Vendors, SB 5 fulltime employees Parking, Local Caterers, Fan Frenzy, FCA, Fun Run $152,900 MASA given to local charities Social Impact- live to see another football game, NFL Players (Pigskin Cult) Nation-wide audience, Repeat Tourists 110 hours NFL Network NFL PERSONALITIES IN TOWN


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