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Cultural & Enrichment Tours What better way for you to get to know your students, and for them to build great interpersonal skills and cultural understanding than to take them on a trip. Whether your goal is learning or rewarding, let us help you organise a trip that will create memories to last a lifetime.
London y 2 Day It inerar
London 3 Day It inerar y
Fr om
of the the heart from r rail into o n o h d c n a o co L of ravel by ue view ights s iq n in u a Day 1: T a erience ndon’s m p o L x E st l. a a th p it l is e cap trave d Show r, as you West En in A g . e the wate in n is mes Cru r first eve most on a Tha d off you e n u th f ro o e to ay som perfect w e your pick from The Lion tak wn, from ked. to in s London, ce erforman a and Wic popular p laddin to Matild A d rk n a King orpe Pa either Th If you’re to y it c e . f th res ead out o rld of Adventu r Day 2: H bring you n Wo to to t g n a in s w s d f the n o a e t n n o or Che e in m ke part r enrich ta fo t g o n in re k u y o h is lo le w life then can meet eal the subject to shops. Students ey rev th s a rk o ce park’s w ce-to-fa ure and experts fa ting a leading leis industry , there are ra rs e e p k o e e ehind thrill-se e th r secrets b alore to b o g F . s d game usiness n b a m s s e ri d u ri r . to e te sters, wa turn journey hom roller coa the re re fo e b d enjoye
Disneyland Par is® 3 Day It inerar y
rah are Both Lynsey and Sa tting the ball awesome. From ge us up, to rolling and booking ements of our organising all the el y and trip, their flexibilit in e credible. professionalism ar South Essex College
Very helpful, easy to contact. Speedy responses and very accommodating. Gr eat trip, well organised. Thank yo u. St Johns Marlborou gh
Our partn er we’ll secu ship means re your p laces before se ats even go on sale and g uarantee your flight pric e won’t c hange
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Paris, o the heart of coach right int king by al el W av Tr ed 1: id y Da on a Gu and head out sh.Take a cruise drop your bags gli En or ch en y in Fr oard Tour of the cit ng to the on-b r Seine listeni along the Rive commentary. llent e of Paris’ exce ur pick from on ee D’Orsay us M , Day 2: Take yo re uv lleries; the Lo nasse museums or ga the Montpar iences. Climb y. cit e th er ov or Cite des Sc s fabulous view Tower for some n re of a Parisia skills the atmosphe your language Day 3: Soak up t ou st te n ca you e re ag he st w ck t, ba ke a mar . Enjoy ith with the locals s and finish w tre and converse ea th lar pu Paris’ po . es itl tour of one of bt su sh with Engli a performance e time and mphe with fre e Arc de Trio re you board fo be s Day 4: Visit th ee ys e Champs El shopping on th return home. the coach and
Fr om
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eps! that never sle wn in the city y do h sk e uc th To in 1: y Da back up bags and head ate St re pi Drop off your Em e the top of th for views from g! in Build TV and Movie ur day with a yo n New gi Be 2: y Da ed look at the r a light-heart . en re Sites Tour, fo sc on ade familiar York venues m to it is impossible illion artworks e m Th 3 at ith s W ht 3: lig Day ion high ew the collect rk. Pa l ra nt see it all, so vi Ce h a walk throug Met, then take d Memorial an ct at the 9/11 fle e re tim to e ee m fr Ti e Day 4: joy som of Liberty. En home. ad he u yo see the Statue re fo e shopping be and last minut and in the UK, tired orning arrival m rly Ea 5: y Da inspired!
Day 1: Tra vel capital. Wh by coach or rail into the heart of at better w ay to start the London th your trip to an by spen ding some embankm time on th ent with a e ride on the fantastic v London E iews of the ye for city. After pre-theatr wards, enjo em ya Show. You eal and experience a West End can choose fr world’s mo o m a g re at selectio st popular n of the performan ces. Day 2: No tr ip to Londo n would be without a visit to Ma complete dame Tuss London’s m auds, one ost popula of r tourist at 400 wax w tractions. orks of cele See over brities, po and actors liticia , all developmen of which are in const ns, pop stars ant t. Transpor t yourself darkest m back to the oments in the capita Tower of l's history Lon at the The actors, show don or London Du ngeons. L s, three rid ive es and inte effects en sure that y ractive spec ou face you ial this uniqu r fears hea e ninety m d on in inute exper ience. Day 3: Get a last glim pse of Lon a Thames don’s Cruise bef ore the retu main sights on rn journey home.
Paris 4 Day It inerary
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Day 1: Arrive in Disneyland Paris where th check-in at yo ere’s time to ur hotel befo re heading ou the Disney V t to explore illage®, follo w ed one of the Vill by evening m age eateries. eal in Day 2: Start yo ur journey in to the storyb Disney in Mai ook world of n Street, U.S .A®. Then, tu and saddle up rn the page for some serio us Take flight in to Fantasylan fun in Frontierland®! d® where Disn and princess es are real. Or ey princes charter a cour past and live se into the extraordinar y visions of the Discoveryla future in nd®! Head ov er to Buffalo West Show Bill’s Wild for dinner an d live entertai nment. Day 3: Spend your last day in the Walt D Studios® Pa isney rk where it's lights, camer everywhere, a, 360° Magic all the time! St ep through th Gates and let e Studio your imaginat ion soar. Tim yourself in th e to immerse e never-endi ng, always-fa world of mov scinating ies, animatio n and televisi you’ve enjoye on. Once d a few more ho urs of thrillin take some last g rides, -minute phot os and some shopping befo souvenir re leaving for home.
New Yor k 5 Day It inerary
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£139 Lil le C hr istmas M ar k 2 Day It inerar y ets
Day 1: Le ave rail to Lille early morning to tr avel by co . Spend th ach or e afternoo town and n explorin the wond g the e rf The centr u l C h ri st e of old Lil m le is a maze as Markets. with won of mediev derful cho al lanes colate sho ps. See the ci ty at nigh t wit decked ou t with deco h its 90 wooden ch alets rations, fe nativity fi stiv guri regional cu nes. Experience th e foods and e variety linary spe of cialities L during th ille has on e festive p offer eriod. Day 2 : En joy around Pla everything the fest ival has to ce Rihou r in the to offer shop the v wn ast range of local pro ’s centre as you gifts. See ducts and the Ferris ori Wheel tu square as rn in the m ginal we ain tree before ll as the 18 metre h igh Christ the return mas journey h ome.
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My Tour Manager Our market-leading portal is a masterclass in tour organisation. My Tour Manager is a tour organiser designed to save you time and enable you to keep on track with your trip admin. Trip paperwork online and in one place Personalised tour checklist detailing what you need to do and by when Download free resources and templates
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was It was user friendly. I was it t bu t firs at d concerne one so easy that even some ld cou me as as technophobic sily ea it ge mana ity Cyst Vale Commun College
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Travel Smart With The EST Travel App The EST Travel App is the secure on tour app for groups travelling with European Study Tours – it’s free and is personalised to your tour. Gone are the days of carrying bundles of paper. Download the app to your mobile device and you’ll have instant access to everything you’ll need whilst you’re away. Worried you’ll have no signal or concerned about data usage? It’s available offline.
We’re With You All The Way With Locate My Trip Locate My Trip is the easy, convenient way to trace your group’s location, and has been specifically designed to provide reassurance to both parents and teachers You can log in and locate your group’s whereabouts - where you’ve been and your current location You and European Study Tours can react quickly to travel issues and other events which may affect your tour plans
The app was excellen t, all members of staff downloaded the app and it made organising where we needed to be and when very easy. I would definitely recommend the app to anyone travelling wi th EST Ormiston Horizon Ac ademy
t - all Perfection throughou te, ura acc s information wa e Th ar. cle d an up to date, app is cool! South Essex College
Easily provide parents with relevant information should travel plans be affected We investigated six companies and EST provided by far the best value for money with impressive organisation and support structure. Thank you very much for making this an outstanding trip for every member of our party - Beech Hall School
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Travel With Confidence
As founder members of the School Travel Forum, and Learning Outside the Classroom accredited, we are fully committed to providing the highest possible safety standards for all our customers.We adhere to rigorous safety management standards and are externally verified each year. Risk Assessments Choosing us as your travel partner will save a considerable amount of work, show due diligence and demonstrate good practice. With our experienced auditors and regular safety training, we are able to make accurate and informed decisions on the suitability of your tour components. Teacher Inspection Visits We understand the importance of being as well prepared as possible which is why we provide the perfect opportunity to explore your destination before taking your group away. We provide two nights’ accommodation for two staff for you to familiarise yourself with the hotel and perfect your itinerary. “The management team at EST are very proactive in their approach to health and safety”
We Share Our Knowledge and Experience With You Our knowledgeable and experienced team have travelled the world seeking out the essentials for your next trip and are keen to pass on other teachers’ recommendations on the best options for your group, and help create the next generation of internationally-minded students. As part of our personal service for each group leader, we give you a dedicated Tour Consultant and Tour Planner ensuring an effortless booking process. Make Your Trip Rewarding For over 35 years our trips have inspired hundreds of thousands of imaginations and have also helped students improve their attainment and reach their potential.
% that rated good or excellent 99.6%
Ease of contact helpfulness Safety Management 98.8% & Risk Assessment advice
Knowledge of the subject programme/ destination
General Attitude
Itinerary Planning
98.3% 97%
“The first-hand experiences of learning outside the classrooom can help to make subjects more vivid and interesting for pupils and enhance their understanding. It can also contribute significantly to pupils’ personal, social and emotional development.” Ofsted
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New Year Offers Up to £40 off per person if you book by Easter 2019!
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