Action plan bear conservation 2018 Romania

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1. Introduction 5. Required actions for maintaining the favourable conservation state of the bear population in Romania The main actions for achieving the objectives of the action plan are: Objective 1. Ensuring the distribution area and the size of the population for maintaining a favourable conservation state of the brown bear species A1.1. Conservation of the brown bear habitat in Romania A.1.2. Controlling the development of anthropic areas A.1.3. Monitoring the brown bear population at national level A.1.4. Ensuring the optimal size of the brown bear population A1.5. Hunting as a measure of management of the brown bear species in Romania Objective 2. Maintaining the connectivity of the brown bear population in the Carpathian region A.2.1. Ensuring the connectivity of the brown bear population in Romania A.2.2. Ensuring the connectivity of the brown bear population in the Carpathian region A.2.3. Translocation and/or reintroduction of individuals from the brown bear species Objective 3 Prevention, control of damages and resolution of human-bear conflicts A.3.1. The functioning of certified specialists that ensure the technical and scientific support for the management of the brown bear species A.3.2. Reducing human-bear conflicts by implementation of preventive measures for reducing conflicts A.3.3. To set compensations and/or financial support for persons or entities who were or are affected by the presence of the brown bear species A.3.4. To reduce the impact of anthropic activities and to integrate the measures for conservation of the species in other fields of activity A.3.5. To prevent the conditioning and habituation of bear individuals Objective 4. Educating, raising awareness and communication on the subject of the brown bear species and its management A.4.1. Educating, raising awareness and communication on the subject of the brown bear species and its management Objective 5. Improving the legal and institutional framework related to bear management A.5.1. Improving the institutional capacity A.5.2. Improving the legal framework and applying the legal provisions

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


Objective 1 Ensuring the distribution area and the size of the population for maintaining the favourable conservation status of the brown bear species ACTION 1.1. Conservation of the habitat of the brown bear species in Romania Objectives In order to ensure the favourable natural habitat for an optimal level of the brown bear population in Romania, ensuring the circulating needs of the individuals inside the population and ensuring the optimal genetic flow inside the population; Ensuring the distribution area of the species and the quality of specific natural habitats for fulfilling the ecological requirements of the species and the long-term preservation of a viable brown bear population in Romania. Motivation Development and expansion of living areas, development and modernization of the transport infrastructure, changing the use of lands and of natural resources, represent the best activities that cause the reduction, degradation and fragmentation of specific habitats. At national level, in the last 10 years, several cases of permanent presence of individuals from the brown bear species outside the historical disribution area reported by Romania were identified, which reveals a dynamic of species distribution, for different natural and anthropic causes with a direct or indirect impact. A series of anthropic activities with an impact on favourable habitats are not properly regulated, and require the execution of studies and the implementation of management actions the results contributing to the improvement of the existing regulations for reducing the impact of anthropic activities inside favourable habitats, thus ensuring their conservation. Description

a) Mapping the distribution area of the brown bear in Romania. The mapping of the distribution area is based on the mapping of favourable habitats for the brown bear, the mapping of ecological corridors and the mapping of management areas for the brown bear. b) Regulating the application of the measures proposed and validated by the guides prepared in previous projects aimed at the conservation and management of the brown bear and of specific habitats. The regulation implies the preparation of methodological-technical norms applied to establishing the conditions/taking decisions to give approvals/permits/authorizations for plans/projects/activities affecting favourable habitats of the brown bear species for reducing/removing: o the impact of anthropic projects/plans/activities (transport infrastructure, alternative energy parks, development of residential areas, travel infrastructure, etc.);

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


o of the impact of anthropic activities (tourism, berry/mushroom picking, forest and hunting works, use of natural resources etc.) on the brown bear species, in the natural habitat. For this purpose, the Ministry of Environment is a committee of experts made of counsellors from the ministry and experts from different functional work groups, with the role of analysis and selection of information from previous guides that can be transformed into technical norms. If it is noticed that the information does not cover all the impact fields, then the committee proposes other guides that contain the necessary measures for a conservative management of the species. Based on these analyses, the Ministry of Environment issues technical rules for application of the previous guides, where necessary and that are related to the management of the brown bear species. Measures to reduce/remove the impact for each of the cases presented shall be proposed. c) Regulating the participation of the managers of hunting funds in the committees organized within the environment protection agencies for analysing projects/plans/activities that have a potential impact on the brown bear species, for approving them. o Introduction of central internal rules regulating the involvement of the managers of hunting funds to the procedure for approving different plans/projects/studies/activities for using natural resources (forest, farming, mineral resources, other natural resources etc.) and of the territory (PUG, PUZ), affecting the brown bear species, in particular and the hunting fauna in general. o Regulating the endorsement of the grazing facilities for harmonizing the farming/forest/grazing and urban plans that have a potential impact on the management of the brown bear species. o Regulating the execution, approval and implementation of the hunting management plans at the level of the hunting fund and harmonization with the management plans of natural protected areas they overlap, that have the brown bear species in the standard form NATURA 2000. d) Making a study regarding the impact of the mushroom and berry picking activities on the brown bear population. These activities will be regulated on the basis of the national/regional/county study, so that their impact is minimal on the fauna in general and on the Ursus actos species in particular – Proposal of amendment of ORDER No. 410 of 11 April 2008 (for approving the Procedure for authorizing the harvesting, capturing and/or acquisition and/or trading activities at national level or for export, of mine flowers , of plan fossils and of vertebrate and non-vertebrate fossils and the wild fauna and

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”



their import), so as to authorize the harvesting of subsidiary products of the forest is made according to the results of the study. e) Performing a study to determine the diet of the brown bear under the current conditions in Romania, for evaluating the necessary and available trophic resources. The study shall be carried out at national level for each country and the managers of the hunting funds will also be involved. Measures for improvement or of supplementation of the trophic resources will be proposed according to the result of the study. The study must take into account the areas where additional/complementary food is supplied for the brown bear species and areas that are not supplied. f) Execution and management of an online database at the level of the Ministry of Environment on the subject of conservation of the natural habitat and management of the brown bear species The database will contain under favourable habitats, ecological corridors, zoning the management of the species, area inside the built-up area, national/regional/local infrastructure projects and other data regarding the activities that might affect the habitat and the management of the species, the results of the studies for evaluating the size of brown bear population, the quality of specific habitats. g) Development of guides for evaluating the impact of anthropic activities on the bear populations The guides refer to new constructions (transport, energy, tourism), the change of the use of the land, extraction of natural resources affecting the trophic resource of the species or lead to the deterioration of the quality of habitats, including their cumulative effect. h) Execution of a study regarding the impact of the use of a new habitat by the brown bear population, compared to the use of the traditional habitat, on traditional anthropic activities developed in these areas; The brown bear species is more freuqently found outside its traditional area, where local communities are not accustomed to the presence of the species in the area and no systems for prevention or reduction of conflicts were developed, which could affect the species on the long term, by reducing its acceptance in these areas and not only. The area of the favourable habitat; Maps on the quality of habitats and risk area for fragmentation of habitats; Technical norms for reducing the impact of plans/projects/activities on the favourable habitat; Set of management/conservation measures on NATURA 2000 websites for the brown bear species;

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,


Involvement of the managers of hunting funds in the process of approval of the plans/projects/activities with a potential impact on the favourable habitat; Activities regulated by picking mushrooms and berries from the favourable habitat; Measures of improving the trophic offer of the species; Improvement and keeting the natural habitat; Online database regarding the conservation of the favourable habitats and the management of the brown bear species; Guides for evaluation of the impact of anthropic activities over the brown bear population in Romania. Ministry of Environment; Environment Protection Agencies, National Environment Guard; Institutes of Research/Universities/Organizations involved in the conservation and management of the brown bear species; Managers of hunting funds; Administrators/Custodians of natural protected areas 5 years






LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

ACTION 1.2. Objectives

Controlling the development of anthropized areas Limiting the development of anthropic infrastructure inside the habitats favourable for the brown bear species. Motivation Within the last 25 years, there has been a process of alteration of the natural habitat in areas where the built-up area was extended (vacation hourses, travel facilities and permanent residential areas), so that some bears were forced to enter in direct contact with the people from this areas, inevitably generating direct human-bear conflicts, that can lead to the reduction of the acceptance level of the species by the local communities that share the same territory with the brown bear species. Description a) Regulating the development of the built-up area in key areas for the brown bear species. Good practice guides will be prepared with recommendations regarding the use of the territory in areas known to be frequented by bears, so that these are not affected by the development of the built-up area. Identifying some compensatory measures for landowners in these areas, who are forced to take measures to limit the use of those lands. The key areas for the brown bear species are identified according to the law in force (protected natural areas frequented by the brown bear species, ecological corridors, etc.). b) Regulating the responsibility of owners and local authorities that erect/approve permanent constructions in the favourable habitat of the brown bear species, by laws. Making recommendations to include them in the urban planning regulation of special measures for constructions/fittings, undertaken by the owner and the local authority (local council, town hall, county council etc.) The local authority is bound to inform the owner about the presence of the bear and the risk of conflicts in that area. Results Good practice guides that contain in the form of recommendations a set of measures for developing the built-up area in the areas frequented by bears; Compensatory measures for land owners in these areas, who are forced to limit the use of those lands; Special measures for constructions and fittings in the favourable habitat for the brown bear species, to be included in the urban planning regulation. Preservation of the natural habitat. Preserving the bear’s natural behaviour. Reducingofdirect human-bear conflicts. Protection Agencies; National Responsible Ministry Environment; Environmental Environmental Guard; Permanent Term Emergency




LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

ACTION 1.3. Objectives Motivation


Monitoring the brown bear population at national level Determining the extent and state of preservation of the brown bear population in Romania. The main decisions for the management of the brown bear species are taken after acknowleding the state of preservation of the population and the tendency of the population at national, regional and local level. Therefore, the conservative management decisions regarding the brown bear population, must be based on scientific data regarding the size of the population and its state of preservation and dynamics. a) Monitoring the state of preservation of the brown bear population. Periodical monitoring the state of preservation of the brown bear population, every 6 years, at national level, according to the methodology targeted by the central public authority for environmental protection, for applying the provisions of art. 11 of the Habitat Directive and drawing up the country report according to the obligations set forth by art. 17 of the directive and of the international and national good practices. The monitoring should be focussed on the following categories of data required for analysing the state of conservation (population, habitats, pressures and threats): • Estimating the size and structure of the population by: annual and periodical estimation of the population, birth and death rates of the brown bear population, dynamics of the population, identifying the areas where high death rates caused by humans are registered, as well as the evaluation of the health state of the bear population; • Assessment of the quality of habitats by: periodical revision of the support capacity of habitats, variations of the distribution area (mapping inside the distribution area of the following classes: 1) presence and reproduction; 2) presence without reproduction; 3) occassional/accidental presence), mapping the areas of seasonal concentration, analysis of the national fragmentation, • Identifying pressures and threats: the classes set for reporting to the European Committee will be used and the areas where the pressures and threats will be mapped can be considered significant for the state of conservation. It is recommended that this monitoring of the size of the useful population for the evaluation of the state of conservation is based on methods based on genetic analysis that can provide highly accurate information on the size of the population. Secondly, depending on the available resources, other objectives can be monitored, for example: establishing the evolutive potential and the genetic viability and for early detection of genetic problems (inbreeding) of the bear population at national level; establishing the gene flow level of the bear population at national level.Standardization and coordinated application of the monitoring methodology at national level are key items for ensuring the quality of data.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

Creating a system that ensures the collection of the data resulting from the application of the monitoring program and of other studies regarding this species, is required for facilitating the access of the interested persons, to evaluate the efficiency of the management actions and to decide on the revision of the action and management plan for the species. b) Intensive monitoring The intensive monitoring will be periodical, at least once every 10 years, at national scale, according to the international and national good practices, by genetic studies for which data can be collected from the hunting funds and protected natural areas. Intensive monitoring involves: • monitoring the size of the population and establishing the minimum number of individuals at national, regional and county level, • establishing the evolutive potential and the genetic viability, • early detection of genetic problems (inbreeding) within the national bear population, • establishing the gene flow level of the national bear population. Colelction of data from the field after preparing sample collection protocols in collaboration with the management of hunting funds and the annual collection of samples from bears shot, captured and/or samples collected non-invasively. c) Permanent monitoring The permanent monitoring will be annually, at county, regional and national level, with data collected from the hunting funds and protected natural areas, in order to supply the following data/information: - estimating the size, structure, density of the brown bear population in Romania; - determining the permanent, seasonal and accidental nation-wide distribution of the brown bear population; - monitoring the functionality of ecological corridors/critical points; - identifying the areas with high death rate caused by humans; - identifying the areas with a high risk of conflicts, - assessing the damages caused by the bear and the cases of these damages. The permanent monitoring must be completed by: • protocols for collection of data regarding the presence of the species and invasive genetic samples, periodically updated; • annual collection by the managers of hunting funds and other competent bodies (administrations of protected areas, projects etc.) of invasive genetic samples from all samples collected/captured/injured and handed over to the scientific authority CITES in the field of hunting.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

The permanent monitoring the brown bear population in Romania is based on the annual estimation of the number of bears at county and national level, based on data collected from hunting funds using the following methods: o in spring: (1) Protocol for evaluation of the number of bears by direct observations and with the help of motion sensor cameras in areas of movement/passage and in feeding points. It is recommended the use of bear monitoring methodologies (based on collection of traces and photos) proposed in the “Guide for estimating the brown bear population” drawn up for the project LIFEURSUS – LIFE08NAT/RO/000500. In order to remove/reduce multiple counting and accounting of the same brown bear individuals recorded by the cameras of the neighboring hunting funds, a software program for identification of bears will be developed and used. (2) Protocol for evaluation of the registration and measurement of traces for avoiding the double/multiple recording by removing from counting traces of equal sizes; (3) Identifying reproductive units; o in the summer-autumn (1) Protocol for evaluation of the number of bears by direct observations and with the help of cameras with motion sensors in motion/passage areas and in where where damages and conflicts occur. In order to remove/reduce multiple counting and accounting of the same brown bear individuals recorded by the cameras of the neighboring hunting funds, a software program for identification of bears will be developed and use (2) Protocol for evaluation by registration of reproductive units, when cubs from the current year and the previous year are noticed. The evaluation is made for one calendar year, starting in spring and ending in autumn. The detailed procedure for determining the size of the brown bear population at national level will be distributed annually by the central public environmental protection authority (Ministry of Environment) to the territorial units (APMs) that will coordinate the monitoring of brown bear numbers at county level. All data that reflects the presence of the brown bear species at the level of the hunting funds will be integrated in a study for estimating the national numbers (per relevant ecological areas/categories of management areas) and by determining the maximum level of intervention in the brown bear population. As soon as the county data is centralized, proposals of a maximum intervention ceilings will be made for the hunting funds and managers. The managers will also justify the proposals made. The proposals of the managers of of the hunting funds for the maximum intervention ceiling shall be based on the level of damages and conflicts

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

recorded, the situation of the real estimated numbers in the previous year compared to the optimal ones, the tendency and structure of the population. After the result of the permanent/annual monitoring, the central environmental protection authority (Ministry of Environment), will establish the level and intervention over the brown bear population at national level, correlated with the results of monitoring the state of intensive permanent/annual conservation and monitoring. Specialized institutes/entities/organizations with qualified staff in the field of hunting and that have the technical capacity to collect, analyze and control the primary data at national level shall review of the primary data supplied by the managers of hunting funds for performing the permanent/annual monitoring study. The activity will be contracted by the Ministry of Environment, for a period that allows the performance of the activity every year. The monitoring program is adaptive, being revised as a result of newly appeared situations or to complete the necessary data for grounding the management measures. Results

State of conservation of the brown bear population; Minimum size of the brown bear population, based on genetic tests; Genetic characterization of the brown bear population; Annual forecasts and tendneici tendințe anuale ale mărimii populației de urs brun, determinată în urma monitorizării permanente; Studiu anul de estimare a populației de urs brun în România, în urma căruia Ministry of Environment poate să stabilească nivelul maxim de intervenție anuală/periodică în populația de urs brun;



Ministry of Environment; APMs; Institutions and organizations of research in the field of hunting fauna; Management of hunting funds; organizations of conservation int he field of hunting fauna; Managers/Custodians of natural protected areas. 3 years (periodically every 6 years) – Stater of conservation of the brown bear population; 3 years (periodically every 10 years) – Minimum size of the brown bear population, determined by genetic analysis and genetic characterization of the population; permanent (annual) – annual forecasts and tendencies of the brown bear population and establishing the maximum level of intervention in the population 1




LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

ACTION 1.4. Ensuring the optimal size of the brown bear population Objectives To preserve the brown bear population at an optimal level, so that the managers of the hunting funds are directly interested to be involved in measures of conservation of the brown bear species, and local communities are not affected by the presence of the species in their activity area. Motivation The optimal size is regulated by the Law on hunting and protection of the hunting fund no. 407/2006, and representing the number of specimens that belong to a species from the hunting fauna, living in a hunting fund, within a certain population structure and ensures the conservation of the species, produces minimum damages and does not imply any risk for the human population. Starting from the definition of the optimal size, the measures for management of the brown bear species shall be implemented at the level of the hunting fund and there is no regulation regarding their differentiation per areas of local or regional management, so that for ensuring the optimal size of the brown bear population in Romania, so that we must find different solutions depending on the anthropic areas and natural habitats used by the species. Description a) Determining the optimal size of the brown bear population in Romania. The optimal size shall be determined periodically, once every 10 years, depending on the supporting capacity of favourable habitats, plus the contribution represented by the supplementation of artificial food where it is practiced and the degree of acceptance of the human population measured objectively at the level of communities based on accepted national standards, so that the optimal brown bear population has a normal structure per gender and age groups, acceptable in terms of the balance with the populations of other hunting species and the damages caused to humans; b) Determining the management areas of the brown bear population at national level for ensuring the optimal size of the brown bear population. In order to ensure and maintain a favourable state of preservation, a differentiated proportional management will be performed, so as to ensure reproduction centres, movement areas in the natural environment (ecological corridors), natural recolonization areas, quiet areas and feeding areas, based on the following principles: o conservation of the favourable habitat for the species, o the interest of public health and safety, o the local/regional strategic development objectives, o prevention and reduction of damages, o ensuring an optimal size of the brown bear population by measures of rehabilitation of the trophic supply, where necessary and through the control of the size of the population. Management zoning shall be made periodically (10 years) and is a management instrument for ensuring a favourable state of conservation of the brown bear species in Romania.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

Brown bear management zoning shall be performed on the basis of the conservation objectives and criteria established so that they do not affect the favourable state of conservation of the brown bear population in Romania. The criteria for brown bear management zoning must include ecological and socio-economical considerations used for grounding the objectives sand the actions. Since the process for awarding areas involves a high level of information and a participative approach aimed at reducing social conflicts, it is appropriate to establish some objectives of conservation/management and criteria for identifying the conservation/management areas. The objectives and criteria for identifying the conservation/management areas must take into account the size of the population, the state/quality of habitats, the optimal size, the management of the historic cynegetic, the existing protected areas, the ecological corridors, the concentration areas, the conflict areas, the strategic development objectives for Romania. As a principle, some categories of areas need to be defined based on different conservation objectives that must be reached by packages of measures that can also include hunting as a management activity. National brown bear management zoning shall be based on a norm (Minister’s Order) issued on the basis of the results obtained after a scientific study. The brown bear management areas shall be identified by making a national/regional study that include the following zoning: (1) Key conservation areas, In these areas, the main measures should aim to maintain the habitat conditions, to reduce the disturbance and to minimize human activity with a potential direct impact on the brown bear species. The key conservation areas shall be identified in such a way that they contain the following categories: - national protected areas: national parks and fully protected areas from natural parks. In these areas, the hunting management is achieved by the administration of natural areas and hunting is not permitted, except for special conditions, with the approval of the scientific council, according to the law in force. - the quiet areas from the hunting funds– In these areas, the hunting management is achieved by the managers of the hunting funds and hunting is permitted according to the law in force. - special conservation areas, that have an approved management plan according to the environmental law in force (Natura 2000 sites, ecological corridors, areas with a special sectorial status – virgin forests (.).

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

- areas with favourable habitats for the winter hibernation (mainly for females). A scientific study is used to determine these areas, together with the managers of the hunting funds. The hunting funds from these areas or parts of the hunting funds can be classified as conservation areas of the genofund and properly managed, including by ensuring subsidies for the management of hunting funds (the amounts must encourage the implementation of the conservation measures). Complementary feeding can be permitted under specific, clearly defined conditions associated to some conservation objectives. In these areas, interventions in the population can be allowed only in emergency conditions or situations of risk (including for ensuring the tolerance towards the species in areas of natural recolonization, ecological corridors – favourable habitat) or in controlled conditions for re-establishing the normal structure of the population, if the results based on scientific studies, show an unbalanced sex structure. In these areas, there is a need to ensure mechanisms of subsidizing the methods of protecting households and the goods practices of habitats. For streamlining the measures for conservation of these areas, a minimum area must be defined for a habitat body that is a zoning element. (2) Areas of sustainable management: These areas can be chosen so that they also contain favourable natural habitats for the winter sleep period, for reproduction, feeding and seasonal movement and regional and national corridors where the estimated numbers are higher than the optimal numbers at the level of the hunting funds. In this areas, there is a need to take actions to increase the trophic supply of the forest, respectively berries and mushrooms and to maintain the cervid and boar population at an optimal level. A proper forest management must be provided according to the principle of rotation of forest works. The following activities are permitted in these areas: o complementary feeding in a regulated form and with clearly defined objectives, so as not to favour the artificial growth of the specimens; o exceptionally, translocations of bear specimens in line with the manager of the hunting fund and of the local authority (town hall, local council) where this action will be performed. o adjusting the densities of the brown bear specimens by hunting regulated by the central authority in charge of the management of the species.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

The maximum level and the intervention in the brown bear population by hunting in the sustainable management area is determined after the annual studies based on permanent/annual monitoring at national level, based on the primary existence data collected from the hunting funds. Hunting can be allowed within the limit of a maximum intervention level, as long as this is recommended by the results of the scientific studies, they will be planned per criteria communicated to the managers and to the public, the impact of application of the quotas is proven by the indicators assumed by the interested factors and the process of allocation of the quotas is principled, ecologically and socially grounded, transparent and does not allow any abuse. If unwanted effects appear in the sense of threatening the conservation objectives, hunting can be suspended until an improvement is noticed. (3) Conflict management areas The conflict management areas are the areas of major risk for the human population, where the history of conflicts shows a major social problem and the presence of brown bear specimens is not desired by the local communities and/or authorities. These areas contain: o residential built-up areas, travel resorts and the areas close to these; o partial areas of traditional concentration (areas with orchards and agricultural crops used by bears) during the hyperphagia season. In these areas, they must encourage (stimulate) social behaviours aimed at preventing conflicts and discouraging practices that alter the behaviour of animals. Methods of prevention of damages/conflicts in this area must be stimulated for acquiring protective equipment for animals/crops/material goods (electrical fences, specialized dogs, anti-bear trash-cans) used successfully in all countries where these are applied. Regulating complementary feeding for the brown bear species in these areas. Diversion feeding can be practiced temporarily outside the areas of risk of conflicts. The adequate management of complementary feeding for other species (boar), so that this occurs during periods of obligation by management agreements. In these areas, local authorities must ensure an effective management of domestic waste, based on the placement of these anti-bear containers/trashcans, that can be collected daily or whenever needed, so that the bears are not attracted in the residential built-up area or in travel areas.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

In these areas, intervention levels are established for relocation and/or sampling bear specimens, aimed at reducing the population, with the purpose of ensuring the safety of local communities. The planning of interventions must take into account the reduction of the population base by extracting juvenile samples or sampling females (with no cubs). The annual intervention level shall be justified according to the spatial distribution of direct bear-human conflicts, of damages, monitoring the state of conservation and annual monitoring, at the level of the region or hunting fund. The main indicators pursued will be to reduce direct bear-human conflicts, to reduce the damages and to preserve the number at an optimal level for the population. Sociological studies and analysis will be made periodically to assess the changes in the public’s attitude towards the species. Any form of support given to the fauna managers must be associated with the fulfilment of the management objective. (4) marginal areas Marginal areas area areas where some brown bear specimens appear in natural habitats or the presence of the bear is accidental and there is no reproduction. These areas can have an ecological value for the bears which are in dispersion, but the population is represented by individuals who are at the margin or outside the natural distribution area of the species. In these areas, levels of intervention can be given to the population by actions of relocation (if these specimens appear accidentally and are not an imminent danger to human health and integrity, the first option to consider would be relocation) or if necessary hunting (the specimen threatens people’s lives), established by the responsible authority outside the previously planned quotas. In these areas, any kind of feeding of the bear is forbidden. With the observation for five consecutive years of females with cubs in natural habitats, with the revision of zoning, the area can be included in one of the other three areas. The areas proposed for brown bear management zoning are informative and explanatory for the way we think zoning should be handled. Zoning will be completed after a scientific study in which an ecological analysis and a social-economic analysis will be performed in order to establish the measures for management of habitats, the bear population and human-bear conflicts for each management area.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry ”Marin Dracea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

c) Study for determining the impact of the brown bear species on the prey species (stag, deer, boar), with implications on the hunting, forest and farming sector. The study shall be performed periodically (10 years) based on the Objectives for conservation of the brown bear species and the Objectives for the hunting management of species of prey, so that the results help preserve the state of favourable conservation of the brown bear population in Romania and to ensure an adequate hunting fund at the level of the county/region. Compensating the managers in the absence of a level of intervention, where the results of the study show that there is a major impact on the species of prey. Results

The optimal size of the brown bear population in the current context of Romania; Brown bear management zoning in Romania based on a national scientific study and regulated by a norm. Study to determine the impact of the brown bear species on the species of prey; Compensating the managers who have hunting funds, where the brown bear species has a significant impact on species of prey;



Ministry of Environment, Hunting research institutions and organizations, Managers of the hunting funds, organizations of conservation. 2 years (periodically revised every 10 years)





ACTION 1.5. Hunting as a management measure of the brown bear in Romania Objective The maintenance of an optimal population of brown bear – environmentally and socially – by extraction of the population surplus (the difference between the real expected sloth and the optimum sloth), in the areas with the highest densities, by means of specific actions of hunting to create a balanced nature and to preserve the actual favorable conservation status for the population of brown bear in Romania; The prevention and the reduction of the damages and conflicts caused by the brown bear by means of controlled numerical reduction of the sloth of brown bear in the areas with potential conflicts; The acceptance of the species by the interested groups who are directly cohabitating with the brown bear, so as to ensure a real coexistence between the man and the bear. Motivation In the actual national context, the conservation status of the brown bear is a favorable one, the population is increasing, as well as the level of damages and conflicts, but the acceptance of the species in the rural communities and in some tourist areas of national interest is decreasing. In this context, hunting is imposed as a acest context se LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry ”Marin Dracea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

enforced as a management instrument that should maintain the size of the population of the brown bear at an optimal sloth accepted by the specialist in the field of hunting and by the rural and urban communities. Because of the ongoing process of restriction of the natural habitat of the brown bear in Romania, at the national level there are areas with the highest densities of bears which represent a high risk of potential loss to both people and the species (individuals in bear population). Punctually, in some areas, the phenomenon of over-population with bears, next to degradation of the natural habitat, as well as a possible destruction of the population, is the main cause of the change of the social behavior and the bear losing its fear toward humans, with direct implications over the level of damage and attacks of some specimens with appartent behavior on man. The Environment Public Authority may grant derogations for this prohibition Art. 33 par. (1) to OUG no. 57/2007, by order of the leader authority, with a prior opinion of Romanian Academy, provided that there is no acceptable alternative, and the measures of the derogation not to be at the expenses of maintaining the respectively species into a favorable conservation status in their natural habitat and only under certain circumstances. Derogations should not be granted if there is a risk of a negative impact of a qualitatively and quantitative order for the species which are subject to the derogation.


a) The extraction of the population surplus by sex and age classes through specific hunting actions The application of this measure should be annually achieved through specific hunting actions by existing legislation. The measure should be applied in the interest of protecting the wild fauna and flora, the conservation of the natural habitat and for preventing the damages to the crops, domestic animals, forest and goods; The extraction of the population surplus should be predominantly achieved in sustainable management areas (from the standpoint of the population management of the brown bear in Romania), i.e. in the natural habitats where the estimate sloth and the highest density of the population are bigger than the optimal sloth. As a result of the optimal sloth and management zone of the species there should be applied measures for reducing the highest densities of the brown bear. The reduction of the densities should be achieved by extracting the population surplus by sex and age classes through specific haunting actions under the supervision and direction of the technique personnel in the field of hunting. • Upon pooling of county data and the management of hunting funds, there should be annually made maximum intervention proposals for the brown bear, at the level of hunting funds. The maximum intervention proposals should consist in: the registered level of damages and conflicts; the situation of the actual sloth comparative with the optimal one; the population structure and the risk reduction of causing direct damages and conflicts between the man and the bear.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry ”Marin Dracea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

There should be annually made a national expert study for the estimation of the sloth of brown bears, as a result of which, the Environment Ministry should approve the maximum intervention levels in the population of brown bear.

Annually establishment, with due caution, of certain maximum intervention levels in the population based on analysis and criteria achieved by relevant competent specialists from institutions/ universities/entities.

The maximum intervention level in the population of the brown bear should be annually established up to the level of the natural growth and even beyond it (where appropriate and justified), so as to ensure the extraction of the population surplus.

The maximum annually intervention level in the population of the brown bear should be established as follows: 

in case of collection or capture of the brown bears from their natural environment, in any of their stages of the biological cycle, should be granted a number of specimens from the brown bears for a maximum intervention level established by the level of the natural growth – this is to be assigned to counties and hunting funds managers, based on the expert studies;

in case of collection or capture for the purpose of relocation, holding, transportation, trading for the purpose of restocking or reintroduction of the collected/captures species form their environment, in any of their stages of the biological cycle, as well as trading with products obtained from the bears should remain at the disposal of the Environment Public Authority which can be granted to the hunting funds managers which have paid off the maximum number of intervention or to the ones which received the maximum number of intervention.

The above mentioned collected specimens should be owned and transported from the hunting funds and only the ones which are eartagged and accompanied by copies of the hunting licenses.

The reestablishment of the hunting seasons as the management reports which should be annually made for all the data categories (quotas, applied derogations, damages, severance pay etc.)

The calendar year (which may only include two seasons) and not the season itself should become a reference system.

The establishment of certain action implementation indicators, monitored by the Environment Ministry.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry ”Marin Dracea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

Constant monitoring of the collected bears by means of biological sampling, files established by the authority in this respect displayed and centralized on the site of the environment authorities, in order to ensure full transparency. b) Hunting as a way of preventing the conflicts and damages caused by the brown bear. The application of this measure should be implemented throughout the year for the concrete conflicts analyzed by a Commission from specialists, including the representatives of the Local Environmental Protection Agency and/or National Guard Environmental – County stations. The measure should be applied for: o prevention of damages to crops, animals, forests and other property forms; o in the interests of health and public security; o for other grounds of major interest, including of social and economic nature and on grounds of prime importance for the environment. Application of this action should be established in areas where damages and conflicts have been found and should be applied on the basis of certain criteria under the surveillance of the regional/local environment authority. This action can be especially implemented in the areas of conflict management, but also in the other areas, in order to prevent the conflicts between man and bear. In these cases, the establisment of the maximum intervention level should be made based on certain annual analysis/studies which are to be applied în the following situations: o in case when certain specimens of bears endanger the public health and safety, o specimens which are often seen in domestic holdings and resorts, o specimens which are often seen in the special designed habitat for domestic animals, endangering their safety and the operating stuff, o specimens found next to the body of the domestic animals or found in the natural habitat of the fauna and wild specimens. The collection and the capturing of the brown bears should be only made with the approval of the public environment authority, on Biodiversity Directive, with prior notification and from the territorial environment agencies and county stations of the National Environmental Guard, on the basis of documents drawn up in accordance with the Government Decision no. 1.679/2008 on method of granting the compensation provided for by the Law on hunting no. 407/2006, as well as the obligations of the hunting funds managers and landlords of agricultural crops, forestry and domestic animals in order to prevent the damages and the notice of the administrator/custodian.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry ”Marin Dracea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

Of the protected natural area, as the case may be, and of proof that each copy was monitored and identified for collection and the specimens collected in these conditions should be deducted from the total number of the provided specimen. In this case, the maximum number of intervention should be established and managed by the responsible authority, considering the number and the existing incidents in the previous year, and not in relation with the optimum sloth or the population surplus. The collection and capturing of the bears should only be made under the surveillance of the technique personnel hired by the hunting funds managers for the hunting funds which do not have copies from the species of brown bear which is in management (the specie is not found in the hunting funds file). These specimens can be collected using the method ”on watch” or captured outside of the hunting seasons. The specimens collected under the above conditions could only be owned and transported eartagged and accompanied by copies of the hunting licenses.


• A population of brown bear in Romania in a favorable and optimum conservation status – environmentally, economically and socially, balanced by means of hunting, as a controlled action from a technically and scientifically point of view. • Restoration and maintenance of the hunting funds managers to keep and conserve the species of brown bear in their area of activity. • Restoration and acceptance of the bear population by the human population from the rural and urban areas where the species live. • Extraction of a population surplus by ages classes and sex through specific hunting actions which do not endanger the man or the bear. • Annual application by the public environment authority of certain derogations for a maximum intervention level in the population of the brown bear, based on an estimate study as the favorable conservation status not to be affected, but maintained at a national level. • Reduction of losses of certain specimens of brown bear, by poaching, as a result of the increased interest of the hunting funds managers to have the brown bear on the funds managed by them.


Environment Ministry; Hunting funds managers; Research institutions and organizations in the field of hunting; County Environmental Agencies.







Target 2 Maintaining the connectivity of brown bear population in the Carpathian region LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry ”Marin Dracea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

ACTION 2.1. Ensuring the connectivity of brown bear population in Romania Objectives Harmonization with the relevant sectors (transport, water, agriculture, forestry, hunting, development, tourism, exploitation of mineral resources), elaboration of procedures and implementation of specific technical measures to ensure the connectivity of the brown bear population in Romania. Motivation Romania is undergoing a process of development of road and rail transport networks as well as expansion of tourist or residential areas on the edge or within the favourable habitat, change of land use, so that the connectivity areas of the favourable habitats for the brown bear species is not threatened. Ecological connectivity changes over time and is influenced by a range of factors such as infrastructure development or land change but also natural phenomena. As such factors are subject to a permanent change process, periodic evaluation and ensuring ecological connectivity is absolutely necessary.


a) Approval of the methodology for identification and designation of the ecological corridors. Over the last 5 years, several ecological corridor projects have been implemented for the brown bear species where methodologies have been implemented to identify and designate ecological corridors at national, regional and local levels. These methodologists were delivered to the Ministry of Environment; b) Validation of regional and local ecological corridors for brown bear species. Perform technical on-site validation studies and consult with stakeholders so that they are acceptable and functional; c) Designation of ecological corridors for the brown bear species, according to art. 14, GEO 57/2007; Following the validation of ecological corridors, the Ministry of Environment submits the opinion to the Romanian Academy and designates them on the basis of GEO 57/2007 d) Develop and integrate specific management/ preservation measures to ensure connectivity in management plans of protected natural areas. Management / preservation measures will only be integrated into management plans for protected natural areas to ensure the preservation of brown bear species and ecological corridors so as to ensure that the population of brown bear populations is maintained at national, regional and local levels; e) Prepare a set of regulations, procedures and technical measures to avoid/ reduce/ compensate for the fragmentation effect of the habitats for harmonization with the other relevant sectors

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,,

(transport, water, agriculture, forestry, hunting, development, tourism, exploitation of mineral resources); f) Environmental impact assessment, including cumulative, for plans/ projects and activities carried out in areas of importance for connectivity; g) Maintain and restore the permeability of linear infrastructure elements in areas critical to connectivity, including as a measure to reduce the risk of traffic accidents/ personal safety; h) Periodic evaluation of the structural and functional ecological connectivity of the ecological corridors. An assessment of structural and functional ecological connectivity every 5 years would capture the changes in the favourable habitat and intervene with measures to preserve/ restore the permeability of the infrastructure affecting the operation of the corridors; i) Implementation of adequate land management in ecological corridor areas. In some areas of ecological corridors there is a tendency to intensify agriculture, forest exploitation, land use change, pooling of properties and fencing them on large surfaces. j) Achieve, approve and implement regional action plans for brown bear species in green corridor areas. The regional action plans for the brown bear species must respond to species preservation needs through area-specific actions designed to ensure regional connectivity and prevent the isolation of individuals. k) Monitor the functionality of critical areas within ecological corridors and adapting management measures, if any;


• Organic corridors at national, regional and local levels identified, validated and designated as ecological corridors for the brown bear species, according to GEO 57/2007 and obligatorily highlighted by the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration in the national, zonal and local plans for land planning and urbanization, cadastral plans and land books as well as by the central public authority for agriculture, in the parcel identification system; • A set of technical measures to ensure the connectivity of favourable habitats for the brown bear species, integrated into the management plans of the protected natural areas (Natura 2000), intended for the preservation of the brown bear species; • A set of technical measures for the harmonization of sectoral management - hunting, agriculture, forestry, exploitation of mineral resources,

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,

water management to ensure the maintenance/ restoration of the connectivity of favourable habitats; • Regional action plans for brown bear species; • Hunting, forestry, pastoral and water management plans containing measures to ensure the connectivity of favourable habitats; Responsible

Ministry of Environment, Local Environmental Protection Agencies, Environmental Guard, fauna research organizations, protected natural area administrators/ custodians, hunt funds management, environmental NGOs • 5 years - Validated and designated ecological corridors; • 5 years - Sets of technical measures to ensure the connectivity of brown bear population in Romania; • 5 Years - Regional action plans for the bear population in the designated ecological corridor areas. • Upon the revision of the pastoral, forestry, hunting and water management plans/ arrangements, these will be with measures to ensure the connectivity of favourable habitats;






LIFE 13 NAT / RO / 001154 FOR BEAR "Preservation of brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania"


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAĹžOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,

ACTION 2.2. Ensuring the connectivity of brown bear population in the Carpathian region Objectives Identification and reduction of borderline pressures and threats affecting the connectivity of the brown bear population in the Carpathians. Collaboration between neighbouring countries to ensure conservative management of the brown bear population at Carpathian region level. Motivation In the relevant cross-border areas (between Romania, Ukraine and Serbia) for the preservation of the brown bear species, there are not enough common brown bear population studies and management projects that could identify the situation of the bear population connectivity at Carpathian level, with small exceptions, in the Maramures area there are ecological corridors identified in a cross-border project (border open for bears in the Carpathians of Romania and Ukraine). There is no protocol for the exchange of scientific information on the management of the bear species at border level and there is little information about the situation of poaching, the area of the species immediately after Romania's borders, the connectivity areas, of the bear specimens that use both the territory of Romania, as well as of Ukraine and Serbia. Description a) Making joint projects with Ukraine and Serbia regarding the use of habitats at borders, determining the dispersion of brown bear specimens and genetic exchange in the region; b) Joint projects to identify pressures and threats at borders and to implement concrete measures to reduce and mitigate them, and in particular to control, prevent and reduce poaching; c) Developing a collaboration protocol between neighbouring countries' environmental authorities to regulate the exchange of information and knowledge on the brown bear population (size and population structure, genetic structure, distribution, etc.) and threats that endanger connectivity at the level of region as well as data on some bear specimens in research programmes/ projects (bears with GPS/ GSM/ radio monitoring systems) crossing the border; d) Implementation harmonized monitoring methods between the Carpathian countries for the comparability and use of data in order to adopt the most appropriate measures in order to achieve species management at population species level; e) Identify, validate, regulate and monitor the cross-border ecological corridors for the brown bear species between Ukraine Romania - Serbia and develop an action plan to help implement management measures to fulfil the role of these corridors in the long run; f) Prepare and implement the brown bear population action plan at the Carpathian region level.

LIFE 13 NAT / RO / 001154 FOR BEAR "Preservation of brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania"


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,



A protocol of collaboration between the national environmental authorities of the neighbouring countries on the management of the brown bear population in the Carpathians. • Collaboration projects in the Carpathian ecoregion regarding the brown bear population management in the Carpathians; • New data on the situation of the population of brown bear (movement of specimens) at the border level to support the authorities of each country in making the best decisions on population management; • Validated, designated and functional ecological corridors between Ukraine, Romania and Serbia to ensure the connectivity of the brown bear population in the Carpathian region; • An action plan of the brown bear population at the Carpathian region agreed and adopted by the neighbouring countries (Ukraine-RomaniaSerbia) and the countries of the region; • Better connectivity of the brown bear population at the Carpathian region level. Ministry of Environment, institutes and research organizations in the field of hunting, environmental NGOs, hunting funds management • 3 years - Collaboration protocol between neighbouring countries • Permanent - Collaboration and data exchange projects on brown bear population • 5 years - Designation of functional ecological corridors on the connectivity of the brown bear population in the Carpathian region; • 10 years - Regional action plan of the brown bear population at Carpathian region level agreed and adopted by the neighbouring countries. 3



Responsible Term

ACTION 2.3. Translocation and/ or reintroduction of some individuals of the brown bear species Objectives Ensure a population of brown bear with a normal structure in the Carpathian region and other regions of Europe. Motivation There are areas in the Carpathian and other regions of Europe, where brown bear populations are not well represented, and in Romania there are areas with high densities of brown bears, from which some specimens can be captured for translocation/ reintroduction in other states. Description

a) Carrying out joint projects/ protocols with the Carpathian countries and not only, regarding the transfer and/ or reintroduction of brown bear population from the brown bear population from Romania. Individuals that can be captured from densely populated areas (Brasov, Harghita, Covasna, Prahova, Arges, Valcea, etc.) in Romania.

LIFE 13 NAT / RO / 001154 FOR BEAR "Preservation of brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania"


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,


b) These transfer/ re-entry programmes can only be carried out at the request of the Carpathian states concerned and beyond, once all legal conditions have been met. c) The capture action for the translocation/ reintroduction of brown bear specimens from Romania is carried out only by the Romanian state through specialized teams and appropriately equipped, only with the consent of the managers of the hunting funds from where the capturing action takes place. d) If necessary, actions for translocation/ reintroduction of brown bear specimens can also be carried out in non-European countries after all necessary approvals/ agreements/ authorizations have been obtained. • New collaborations between Romania and the countries of Europe in terms of ensuring a stable brown bear population at Carpathian level and beyond, or refreshing brown bear populations from other countries. • Reducing high brown bear densities through capturing and translocating/ re-introducing actions at the expense of numerical reduction through hunting interventions. Ministry of Environment, institutes and research organizations in the field of hunting, hunting funds management Permanent







Objective 3 Preventing, controlling damage and resolving human-bear conflicts ACTION 3.1. The operation of accredited specialists ensuring technical and scientific support for the management of the brown bear species Objectives • The operation of the working group under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment and approved through a minister order. The working group shall support the Ministry of the Environment in order for it to make the best decisions with regard to the management of the brown bear species. The working group must ensure that the best decisions are made in order for the bear population to survive and to prevent and reduce human-bear conflicts.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,






At the moment, in Romania, the number of cases when bears come into contact with human activity is on the rise and there is no official procedure for the quick intervention of persons specializing in the field of fauna and citizen safety. This situation has led to the occurrence of a lot of damage and direct conflicts between human and bears, as well as interventions in such cases of people or entities that have no such duties and do not have the necessary knowledge and equipment. a) Ensuring the operation of the working group consisting in experts from various institutions/organizations that are involved in the management, conservation and research of the brown bear species, acting based on a legislative act, that has its own bylaws and operating regulation. This working group is also common for other species of large carnivores and has specialists from the following fields: forestry, hunting, agriculture, local/regional/national administration and environmental protection. • working group consisting in experts approved through a Minister Order, acting based on an operating regulation; • high level of expertise and support offered to the Ministry of the Environment in order for it to make the best decisions with regard to the management of the brown bear species in Romania; • reduction of the number of direct conflicts between bears and humans; • reduction of losses from amongst the bear population; • improvement of the database of the Ministry of the Environment with regard to the situation of direct bear-human conflicts. Ministry of the Environment; Institutes and organisations that perform research in the field of hunting; Cynegetic fauna managers; NGOs in the field of fauna; 1 year – creation of a committee/working group Permanent – operation of the committee/working group 1 an – training of skilled specialists Permanent – operation of the skilled specialists

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,





ACTION 3.2. Objectives



Reducing human-bear conflicts by implementing preventive measures for the reduction of conflicts Implementing programs and technical rules in the agriculture/forestry/hunting and administrative sector, for the purpose of preventing and reducing the damage and direct conflicts caused by the brown bear species. Encouraging citizens to use systems or equipment for the protection of animals, crops and goods or to use guard dogs by offering the possibility of accessing certain programs for the purchase of guard dogs or products subsidized by the Romanian state. Maintaining a high density of the brown bear species intensifies the risk of direct human-bear conflicts. A high level of human-bear conflicts creates difficulties with maintaining a positive attitude amongst the local communities in relation to the brown bear species, so that there is a risk that the tolerance for this species will decrease and the locals may start to use illegal means of reducing the density (poaching), in the absence of a functional system for compensating owners. In time, this phenomenon could lead to an impossibility of maintaining the current state of conservation of the brown bear species at a national level. a) The development and implementation of a system of subsidies, compensations and financial incentives for owners to purchase systems for the protection of domestic animals and material goods, as well as specialized dogs. The subsidies shall be similar to agri-environmental payments for other species and the compensations shall be for applying the NATURA 2000 measures. Based on criteria established by the Ministry of the Environment, protection systems (electric fences and other systems that have been successfully used in other countries) and specialized dogs that can intervene in case of bear conflicts shall be purchased. b) The regulation of a mechanism for financing land owners to establish special crops that bears can feed on that shall act as buffers. The role of buffer crops is to keep the bears within their natural habitat in order to reduce their contact with human activities as much as possible. The creation and use of wildlife fields and encouraging the cynegetic fauna managers to plant certain arborescent species with fruit preferred by the brown bear species.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,




c) Regulating and controlling grazing in the habitat favourable to the brown bear. Requesting the assessment of the potential impact of grazing on the brown bear species and its habitat, as well as monitoring the observation of the conditions imposed by the regulatory acts in the case of intensive grazing in habitats favourable to the brown bear species. d) Reducing the impact on the brown bear species caused by tourism activities and infrastructure. The assessment of the potential impact on the brown bear species and its habitats in the case of projects for the establishment, rehabilitation, modernization or expansion of the tourism infrastructure; On-site patrols in order to avoid the practice of off-road type sports, motocross, snowmobiles outside the routes approved for this purpose; Monitoring the observation of the conditions imposed through regulatory acts in the case of certain tourism infrastructure projects. e) Legal regulation of the intervention of the manager on brown bear specimens that are captive in the built-up area and developing intervention protocols for problem bears. The release of brown bears that are captive in the built-up area can also be performed by the cynegetic fauna manager, based on a service provision agreement concluded with the mayor’s office of the territorial and administrative unit where the bear that is captive in the built-up area is located. The cynegetic fauna manager can also collaborate with a regional veterinarian for the action of chemical immobilization and with the gendarmerie in order to secure the perimeter. The action of release in the closest cynegetic fauna area, with conditions favourable for the species, of bear specimens that are captive in areas other than their natural environment, i.e. in built-up areas, is not considered relocation. A functioning system of financial incentives for owners. Buffer crops installed in each cynegetic fauna area where conflicts with the brown bear species have occurred and that meets the criteria established by the Ministry of the Environment. Reducing the damage by implementing protection systems. Regulated grazing in the natural habitat of the brown bear species. Reduced impact on the brown bear species as a result of regulated tourism activities. The possibility for the cynegetic fauna manager to intervene in the case of problem bears and bears facing problems (captive in a snare), based on approved and regulated intervention protocols. Ministry of the Environment; Cynegetic fauna managers; County Agencies for Environmental Protection; National Environmental Guard; Institutes and organizations performing research in the field of hunting; NGOs in the field of fauna, Permanent

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,





ACTION 3.3. Establishing compensations or financial support for the persons or entities that have been or are affected by the presence of the brown bear species Objectives Compensation for all the damage caused by the bear species to natural or legal persons in the sectors of activity associated with the following fields: agricultural, zootechnical and forestry, for the damage caused to various material goods, as well as compensating persons attacked/injured by a bear by implementing a compensation system that is easy to enforce, based on clear rules established as a result of applying examples of best practices implemented previously. Motivation At the moment, in Romania, the number of cases of damage caused by the bear species is on the rise and the current procedure for the implementation of the compensation system is poorly enforced. The current procedure for the compensation of damage caused by bears does not include damage to material goods, or a method to compensate persons attacked and injured by a bear or the families of persons killed by bears. The faulty enforcement of the compensation system stimulates a decrease in the tolerance for the bear species amongst rural and urban communities and increases the number of cases of poaching. This leads to difficulties in ensuring the favourable state of conservation of the Romanian bear population. Description a) Supplementing the legislation by introducing provisions that ensure the implementation of the compensation system for other damage caused by the brown bear species. • Compensation for material goods owned by natural and legal persons and affected by bears, as well as compensating persons attacked and injured by bears and the families of persons who died as a result of bear attacks. Ensuring the compensation of natural or legal persons within 30 days of the decision being issued. • Proposals for the supplementation of the Law on hunting and protecting cynegetic fauna no. 407/2006 and Government Resolution 1679/2008 on the means of awarding the compensation provided by the Law on hunting and protecting cynegetic fauna no. 407/2006, as well as the obligations of cynegetic fauna managers and owners of crops, forests or domestic animals for the prevention of damage. • Implementing a transparent and efficient compensation system by optimizing the process for the assessment/approval of the payment

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,




Emergency Benefit

and making the payment to the victim, that facilitates the award of the compensation as soon as possible. • Implementing a technical assessment system in order to eliminate potential attempted fraud and human error. • Training and equipping the personnel that is part of the commission for the ascertainment and assessment of the damage; • Annual drafting and publication of a report/statement with regard to the implementation of the system of compensation for material damage and persons attacked by the brown bear species in Romania. b) Establishing a system for the compensation of cynegetic fauna managers that manage the brown bear species • The criteria for the compensation of the managers shall be subsequently established by the Ministry of the Environment. • Functional compensation system that includes damage in the agricultural, zootechnical and forestry sector; material damage, persons and cynegetic fauna species affected by the brown bear species; • Functional system for the compensation of cynegetic fauna managers, based on criteria established by the Ministry of the Environment; • Increase of the tolerance for the brown bear species amongst rural and urban communities; • Reduction of poaching for the protection of crops, domestic animals and material goods; • Increase of the interest of cynegetic fauna managers to have the brown bear species amongst the cynegetic fauna that they manage, as a result of applying the system for the compensation of the cynegetic fauna managers who manage the brown bear species. Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Fund Administration, Cynegetic fauna managers, Environmental Protection Agencies and the National Environmental Guard. 3 years – modified compensation system, including material damage and personal injuries caused (where applicable) by the brown bear species. 5 ani – Developing a system for compensating managers 2 4

ACTION 3.4. Reducing the impact of human activities and integrating species conservation measures in other sectors of activity Objectives Reducing the number of direct conflicts between humans and bears during human activities in the bear’s natural habitat and in its vicinity. Motivation Human activities in areas with a habitat favourable to the brown bear species and in their vicinity generate potential direct or indirect conflicts between

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,



humans and bears, but by offering incentives to the owners in these areas and implementing conservation measures, the negative human impact should be reduced. a) Regulating the limitation of the development of the built-up area in key areas for the bear species (protected natural areas where the bear species exists) and finding compensation measures for land owners who own land the use of which is restricted. b) Implementation of NATURA 2000 payments for land owners who own land the use of which is restricted. c) Drafting and promoting guides with regard to the assessment of the impact and measures for the reduction/elimination of the negative impact of human activities on the bear population – Guides for forestry, grazing, construction, transportation, etc.) d) Identifying quiet areas and establishing the applicable conservation measures in order to eliminate the effects due to the disturbance of the species while hibernating/raising cubs/reproducing. For this purpose, a minimum set of best practices applicable in quiet areas shall be established (limiting chases close to quiet areas, controlling grazing and stray dogs, monitoring logging during hibernation, etc.). Stimulation and promotion of the collaboration between natural resource managers (fauna, forest, agricultural land, pastures, etc.) so as to ensure the observance of the minimum conservation measures in these quiet areas. e) Integrating the species conservation measures in the hunting, forestry, agricultural, pastoral management plans, plans for the management of auxiliary forest product gathering (forest fruit/mushrooms, etc.) f) Controlling poaching (snares, poisoning, cub capture, etc.), generated as a form of owners defending lands, animals and goods, through the civic involvement of the local population. It’s necessary to initiate a national campaign to raise awareness of the importance of the brown bear species. The target audience shall consist in farmers, local communities and authorities. In order to be more efficient in the anti-poaching fight, it’s necessary to increase the information exchange between the institutions responsible for the management of the brown bear species and those responsible for the control of the observance of legal provisions, to train the staff and increase the capacity of the involved authorities. Compensation measures for land owners who do not receive building permits in key areas for the brown bear species; Natura 2000 payments for land owners within sites that are important to the community, where the use of the land is restricted. Protection measures implemented in the quiet areas for the brown bear species;

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,


Guides for the elimination of the impact caused by forestry, grazing, building and transportation activities on the Romanian brown bear population. Measures for the conservation of the brown bear species integrated in the hunting, forestry, agricultural, pastoral, fruit and mushroom gathering management plans; Reducing cases of poaching of the brown bear species by the local communities. Ministry of the Environment; County Environmental Protection Agencies; National Environmental Guard; Institutions and organizations performing research in the field of hunting; NGOs in the field of fauna; Cynegetic fauna managers Permanent






ACTION 3.5. Objectives Motivation


Preventing the conditioning and habituation of bear specimens Reducing the number of conflicts caused by habituated bears by preventing the habituation phenomenon. During the past 20 years, the bear habituation phenomenon, a phenomenon caused by the inadequate management of household refuse and other anthropogenic food sources, has intensified. In order to prevent accidents caused by habituated bears, the system for the collection of household refuse needs to be regulated so that bears no longer have access to easily accessible food sources. Access to other human anthropogenic food sources also needs to be regulated. a) Prohibiting and regulating human activities that encourage bear habituation and alter bears’ natural behaviour. These activities consist in the intentional feeding of bears by unauthorized persons, chasing with dogs, storing household refuse in the bear’s natural habitat and on its outskirts, intentionally and repeatedly going close to certain bears targeting easily accessible food sources, as well as unregulated complementary/supplementary feeding. b) Drafting and implementing measures for waste management at the level of the local communities (isolated tourism, rural or urban areas) in potential areas of conflict with the brown bear species. c) Purchasing and installing systems for the collection of household refuse such as bear-resistant containers, in areas with a high risk of conflicts, where the brown bear species takes advantage of the poor management of household refuse.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,


The criteria for the selection of the container model, the installation and entry into service of these bear-resistant containers shall be determined by the Ministry of the Environment based on a study on the necessity of using such systems for the collection of household refuse. The installation of these systems for the collection of household refuse shall take place after the local public authority (mayor’s office) signs a collaboration protocol with the company in charge of the sanitation service and the institution/entity/organization that procures the bear-resistant containers, if applicable. d) Conducting a study on the measures for reducing the accessibility of anthropogenic food sources, finalized by drafting a technical guide made available to interested parties; e) Regulation of legislative acts established by the local authorities with regard to the enforcement of sanctions on a local level for the failure to observe the measures for the prevention/reduction of bear conditioning and/or habituation; f) Regulating complementary feeding for the brown bear species (periods, locations, quantities, type of food, etc.) and correlating it with the feeding of other species (wild boar). Conducting a study with regard to the effects of the reduction or intensification of the administration of complementary food for the brown bear species. Based on this study, a set of technical rules/measures shall be drafted and implemented by the cynegetic fauna managers in the process of administering complementary food. Reduction of the habituation phenomenon by implementing an efficient system for the management of household refuse; Installing and using bear-resistant container systems in areas with the highest risk of use of household refuse by the brown bear species. Complementary feeding rules. Ministry of the Environment; Sanitation companies; National Environmental Guard; Universities/Research institutes; Cynegetic fauna managers 5 years







Objective 4 Education, information and communication related to brown bear and management of it ACTION 4.1.

Education, information and communication related to brown bear and management of it

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


THE NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE IN SILVICULTURE "Marin Drăcea" RO 34638446 Closca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV,, code 500040 tel .: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail: Str.,




Information and awareness both of interested factors, and wide public, related to different issues concerning brown bear and collaboration with interested factors, to improve the conditions of peaceful cohabitation of man and the bear, providing for conservation of brown bear in Romania. The target is to submit objectives and useful information about the bear and measures of species management, education in sense of prevention and administration of conflict situation between man and bear and communication between the interested factors to harmonise the issues concerning the administration of species, for conservation. If the opinions on how it must be managed the population of brown bear in Romania are distinct and sometimes antithetic, it is necessary to balance the opinions and information submitted. The concept of ”conservation of brown bear” is very wide and includes several kinds of actions and measures that must be enforced. The involvement of interested factors and interested factors may have a major b e n e f i c i a l e f f e c t if built a collaboration based on information and complex and objective awareness. In order to assure the understanding by the interested factors of issues concerning brown bear in Romania and determine the operation of it for peaceful coexistence it is necessary to organise several activities of information and education. a) Educational and information programs countrywide for the increase of the degree of acceptance for brown bear species. • Campaigns of information and education related to the prevention of any kind of conflict between man and bear. The interested factors must be informed and educated on the methods of prevention of damages which may be caused by bear, as well as measures which must be taken to avoid the harming of man by bear; • Campaigns of information and education on the system of granting compensations, under legislative conditions in force, if the bear causes different damages; • Knowing the system of compensation and obligations of owners may render easier the procedure and reduce the conflict situations. b) Information and awareness of public by different means related to the issue of conservation of brown bear population in Romania and actions undertaken in this respect.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

Information and awareness of the actions undertaken for the conservation of brown bear population shall increase the degree of understanding the manner of acting and need of performing it. The wide public may manifest an increased tolerance towards the bear species and the actions undertaken to conserve it if aware of the effects of some anthropic activities on the species, in general or bear conduct in particular. b) Campaigns of information and awareness of the importance of brown bear species, focusing on the main role of umbrella species that it has in the ecosystem. It is highly important that the image of bear is positive, the social structure needing a permanent information related to nature protection and of the species of wide fauna. It is important to be known that the presence of bear contributes to the maintenance of biodiversity. d) Information and awareness of the role and involvement of different entities in the issue of conservation of brown bear in Romania. It is important to be communicated the role that each entity has in the support of conservation of species and the possibility of action, under legal conditions, related to any issue targeting the bear species. The cynegetician, as manager of cynegetic fund, has the obligation to conserve all species of cynegetic interest and their life environments, including of brown bear species. The manager of cynegetic fund has specialist cynegeticians employed, directly involved in all issues on local level, related to this species. e) Promotion of civic involvement in the support of bear conservation; Wide public may support the conservation of bear population in Romania by providing different information, such as related to: presence of some bears in improper spaces, presence of traps for bears, deliberate feeding of bears in improper spaces, meeting of bears or of different signs (hints, excrements, scratches, corpses, etc.) of them in their natural habitats, cases of poaching, etc. Pursuant to information and awareness on different issues concerning brown bear in Romania, persons of wide public may contribute to the conservation of species. f) Sessions of consultations with interested factors. The interested factors play the most important role in the conservation of big carnivore species, therefore, keeping a relation of collaboration with them represents a base. The collaboration must be bilateral, that’s why it has to be performed during a periodical meeting, to reach a joint decision related to the measures to be adopted and implemented for efficient management of species. Including sessions of counselling in the programs o f national financing of education/communication projects in the field and concluding partnerships between institutions/organizations and mass media will be transparent in the decisional process.

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservation of the brown bear population (Ursus arctos) in Romania”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,


g) Evaluation of social and economic i m p a c t o n conservation of brown bear countrywide. • Prevention and reduction of conflicts between man and bear; facilitating the procedure of granting compensations. • Increase of the degree of information on actual actions performed for the conservation of species and impact of some anthropic activities on the bear. • Awareness of wide public related to the role and importance of bear. • Increase of the degree of information on the role and involvement of different entities in the issue of conservation of brown bear in Romania. • Providing an additional support in the management of species by enriching the resources of obtaining and dissemination of information. • Harmonization of the needs of interested factors with the needs which concerns the conservation of brown bear in Romania. • Identification of social and economic impact which some actions of conservation of brown bear species may have in the areas where they are implemented Ministry of Environment; County Agencies for Environment Protection, National Environment Squad; Institutes and organizations of research in cynegetics field, NGOs, Management of cynegetic funds. Permanent







Objective 5 Improvement of legal and institutional frame related to management of brown bear ACTION 5.1. Improvement of institutional capacity Objectives Efficient operation of the institutions involved in the management of brown bear species in Romania Motivation Effect of anthropic development and loss of natural habitat of brown bear countrywide, with direct consequences on management of species, and the involvement of institutions is not ruled completely, thus, the absence of procedures, infrastructure and specialised staff, which may support an active management of species. Description a) Operation and improvement of activity of work group for the conservation of big carnivores. b) Constitution and approval of teams of special intervention countrywide formed of authorised experts and providing coordination and efficient operation LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,



e) f)


Teams responsible for interventions between man and bear, to solve conflict situations in the natural and anthropic habitats or to save some of the bears captive under different forms (lath, different rooms where they entered accidentally, etc.) Increase of the number of persons and training the persons within the structures involved in the management of species. Transfer of experience from one area to another related to the management of brown bear species – and from one country to another. Training the individuals involved in the enforcement of the measures of reduction and control of damages caused by bear: • Informing the factors interested related to the attributions of the structures involved in the species management.( Local authorities / DSV/ Economic agents with activities in the habitat of bear/Police/Gendarmes) • Informing the factors of interest related to the system of compensation of damages and existing conservation measures. Performance, endowment or extension of some centres of restoration of some bears with problems (accidents, etc.) on regional level. Performance/support of development of centres (sanctuaries) with educational role for the exemplars which can no longer be recovered / left in liberty;


Conservative management of brown bear species provided by institutions, based on procedure, specific infrastructure and skilled staff; Teams of specialists authorised to interfere to save the bear from conflict man-bear situations. Operation of some centres of recovery of bears and of some educational centres related to brown bear species. Ministry of Environment; County Agencies for Environment Protection, National Environment Squad; Management of cynegetic funds. Permanent






ACTION 5.2. Objectives



Improvement of legal frame and enforcement of legal disposals Providing an efficient administrative frame, which may consolidate the system of management of brown bear species countrywide, to keep the favourable conservation status The legal frame ruling the management of brown bear species in Romania needs amendments/completions, to cover both the needs of the species, and of people. a) Amendment of legislation to render efficient and to complete the system of granting compensations for the damages caused b)

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,


b) Amendment of legislation to facilitate efficient special interventions of authorised specialists by capturing actions based on chemical immobilisation, using tranquilising substances; c) Amendment of legislation to facilitate the emergency interventions in the inside built-up area / use of fire weapons in special cases for people protection; d) Harmonisation and implementation of rules in the cynegetic and silvic f i e l d in order to include the measures of reduction of the impact of such activities on the brown bear population and specific habitats. e) Improvement of control related to observance of legal disposals and enforcement of sanctions. - Improvement of legal frame for a better collaboration between the competent institutions / bodies for the prevention and combatting the cynegetic poaching; - Increase of institutional capacity / specialisation of the staff from competent institutions / bodies in the prevention and combatting of cynegetic poaching; - Amendment of legal frame for the increase of efficiency of actions of prevention and combating cynegetic poaching, including by classifying poaching with fire weapons as crime of high social risk; - Recommendations for the criminal investigation bodies related to current problems of the management of brown bear species (poaching); Status of conservation favourable to brown bear in Romania High level of acceptance towards the species of brown bear in România Ministry of Environment; County Agencies for Environment Protection, National Environment Squad; Institutes and organizations of research in cynegetics field, NGOs, Management of cynegetic funds. Permanent





Results Responsible

6. Means for the implementation of the plan of action For the implementation of the plan of action, the essential elements are: - determining/enforcement of standard methods and protocols for the supervision and evaluation of population, for the collection of biological/genetic samples and training the individuals involved in the enforcement of such protocols. LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


INSTITUTUL NAŢIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE ÎN SILVICULTURĂ “Marin Drăcea” RO 34638446 Str. Cloşca, Nr. 13, BRAŞOV, cod 500040 tel.: 0268 419936, fax: 0268 415338. e-mail:,,

- The performance of the frame for relevant data gathering to assess the state of conservation, including the pressure and threats countrywide, and providing public access and of interested factors to such information; - Zoning the methods of management enforced to the population of bear in Romania, depending on the interests of conservation of species, of prevention and reduction of conflicts and damages caused by the species. - Determining clear criteria of control of the size of population, so as the bear population is in balance with the interests of conservation of the species on short, average and long term and with social, cultural and economic interests. - Operation of the work group for conservation of big carnivores in Romania which sustains the scientific and technical support necessary to substantiate the decisions; - Organisation and operation of the teams of intervention which may assure fast and efficient operation on site in situations of risk for local population or which need to save some exemplars of bear;

LIFE 13 NAT/ RO / 001154 FOR BEAR „Conservarea populaţiei de urs brun (Ursus arctos) din România”


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