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Michel Portal & Guests
Saturday, 16 September 2023
Déméter Hall, Théâtre La Criée
21:30 - 23:00
Michel Portal: bass clarinet
Bojan Z: piano
Yazz Ahmed: trumpet
Julien Herne: bass
Eivind Aarset: guitar
Stephane Galland: drums
An undisputed iconic gure, an eternal free spirit always seeking new musical adventures, Michel Portal still has many surprises in store. The clarinettist commands respect across generations, as evidenced by this creator of musical hybrids whose career has led to the con uence of several worlds, classical and contemporary music, jazz and improvised music, representing both rigour and freedom. For the occasion, he is surrounded by his usual accomplices Bojan Z, Julien Herné and Stéphane Galland, and welcomes two of the most creative artists from the European scene. Yazz Ahmed, the young English trumpeter, is brilliant and creative, and Eivind Aarset, the Norwegian guitarist, brings his inspired electronic universe. That's why this unique concert will be a true event, re ecting the incredible abundance of creative music in Europe.
Reno Di Matteo
Anteprima Productions reno@anteprimaproductions.com