Euro Weekly News - Costa de Almeria 28 February - 6 March 2019 Issue 1756

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Voted Best

ISSUE NO. 1756

28 Feb - 6 March 2019

Newspaper in Spain 2017 & 2018


ATTRACTING more visitors year-round from 11 different European countries is the basis of a new Almeria Provincial Council initiative to boost the provincial tourism sector. The council has put out to tender a €440,000 contract to run a May to November campaign aimed at the British, Scandinavian, Icelandic, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Dutch and Portuguese markets. Provincial Tourism Delegate Fernando Gimenez explained the company putting in the successful bid will have to promote the province as an all-round holiday destination, with actions orientated to the characteristics of what the provincial administration identifies as five different market groups. The company will also have to organise excursions and guided visits around different parts of the coast and inland areas. The delegate said the goal is to lure more than 100,000 visitors from the 11 countries this year, with a particular emphasis on expanding tourism outside the peak summer season. Describing the initiative as ‘an important investment,’ he said the council hopes the campaign will encourage people to see Almeria as an ideal holiday destination at any time of year and help change the seasonal nature of tourism in the province, bumping up international visitor numbers and the average length of visitor stays.

GUARDIA CIVIL arrested a woman in Mojacar on suspicion of offering cosmetic treatments without the recognised certification to administer these kinds of procedures in Spain. The detention of the 57year-old UK resident followed last month’s operation Rellenos in Garrucha and the arrest of a Russian woman in connection with reports from two women they had suffered an adverse reaction from injections of hyaluronic acid in the lips. The Guardia suspect the latest woman to be arrested of giving treatments like lip and Botox injections in various locations in Spain over the last decade, prearranging appointments with clients in hotels and beauty salons.

CREDIT: Almeria Provincial Council website

Year-round tourism push

PROMOTION: Expanding tourism outside the peak summer season is one of the main aims of the initiative, said Provincial Tourism Delegate Fernando Gimenez.

Beauty bust CREDIT: Guardia Civil

ARRESTED: When officers located the woman in a Mojacar hotel she was carrying a bag full of items. When officers located the woman in a Mojacar hotel she was carrying a bag containing items related to cosmetic treatments with labels in English and Russian; the bag contents included bottles of Botox and syringes pre-filled with hyaluronic acid. She also had a bunch of consent forms in English for

various different cosmetic treatments. Guardia reported

the woman told them she is a qualified doctor, but said their investigations showed she is not registered with the provincial Official College of Doctors and she had not advised the authorities of her temporary stay in Almeria. They also reported she did not have documentation from a regional Health Department for the medications or to carry them without a prescription.



28 February - 6 March 2019

Businesses bracing for Brexit

NEWS EXTRA Brits buying property THE British topped the list of foreigners acquiring properties in Almeria in the final quarter of 2018, according to College of Registrars’ figures, accounting for 16 per cent, followed by German, French, Belgian, Italian and Swedish.

Good start THE year got off to a good start for the provincial tourism sector, the number of visitors up 2 per cent in January on the same month last year to 38,700, according to National Statistics Institute figures.

Drug boat ALMERIA Port put up for auction for just over €190,000 a boat used to smuggle 16 tonnes of hashish. The authorities seized the boat in the Alboran Sea in 2017, the National Court awarding it to the State.


SUSPICIOUS: The four air-conditioning units and constant comings and goings raised the Guardia’s suspicions leading to a raid on the property (inset).

Plantation raid A GUARDIA CIVIL raid on a property in Llanos de Vicar led to the discovery of an indoor marihuana plantation and the arrest of the occupant. Operation Terso began in November on the back of information indicating the drug was being grown illegally somewhere in the area. The fact the two-storey house had at least four air-conditioning units raised

t h e G u a r d i a ’s s u s p i c i o n s . S u b s e q u e n t stake-outs revealed the upstairs windows were always kept closed and covered, and there were continuous comings and goings. The Guardia found around 300 marihuana plants, along with equipment commonly used to cultivate the drug in indoor plantations. There was also an illegal connection to the power supply.

ALMERIA companies with UK trade and tourism interests bracing themselves for the knock on effects of Britain’s departure from the EU should be reassured the government has a ‘contingency plan’ in place, in the event of a hard Brexit, an Industry Ministry representative told the provincial business community. Speaking at The Spanish Company in the Face of Brexit seminar in Almeria City last week, External Trade Inspection, Certification and Technical Assistance Sub-director, Alicia Sanchez, said the Cabinet had approved measures aimed at minimising the impact of the UK’s exit from the EU on businesses and a possible increase in customs bureaucracy. But she did warn there could be some initial disruption if there is a hard Brexit. Businesses should not be alarmed, but should be prepared for any Brexit scenario, was the common message from experts speaking at the seminar. Almeria Chamber of Commerce president Diego Martinez pointed out the UK is the third most important market for Almeria’s agriculture sector exports, Almeria Provincial Business Confederation President Jose Cano reporting the province ended 2018 with sales in Britain of €400 million, while imports were just €9.5 million. Cano also said British tourists accounted for 619,000 overnight stays in Almeria last year, spending an average of €65.5 a day. The seminar was organised by the Secretary of State for Trade, the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, the Customs Department and the Secretary of State for Tourism.


28 February - 6 March 2019

School grub


THE CSIF public workers union has called for schools in Andalucia using outside caterers to run canteens to employ their own staff instead in order to improve the service and employees’ working conditions. Some 170 schools in Almeria currently contract private catering companies.

Disgrace THE Almeria Mesa del Ferrocarril platform pushing for better rail infrastructure in the province described the Almeria to Sevilla route as ‘disgraceful.’ The 400-kilometre journey currently takes seven hours, much of it by bus, due to line interruptions created by works on the Granada high-speed line.

Desert risk AROUND 35 per cent of the province is at risk of advancing desert, according to agronomist, and desertification and climate change expert Jaime Martinez Valderrama. He said agriculture and tourism are the main factors contributing to the problem due to the sectors’ demand for water.

Older mums THE number of women aged over 35 giving birth annually at Huercal-Overa hospital has tripled in the last 20 years, going from around 100 in 1999 to 340 last year. The number of annual births increased from 850 20 years ago to 1,059 in 2018.

Evaluation THE European Parliament Petitions Commission accepted environmental activists’ request to send a delegation of experts to Palomares to evaluate and report on the decontamination of land affected by radioactive material from bombs dropped when two US air force planes collided above the province in 1966.

Busy week THE Provincial Council had a busy week promoting the Costa Almeria as a tourist destination to national and international markets. A council delegation was at the Ferie for Alle in Denmark, the most important tourism fair in Scandinavia, and at the Navartur tourism fair in Navarra.

REGIONAL CENTRE: Sevilla City is the capital of Andalucia.

Focal point SEVILLA CITY is home to some of the most impressive landmarks in Spain and it will be the focal point of festivities to mark Andalucia ’s reg io n al holida y toda y (Thursday). Sevilla City is the capital of Andalucia. It is home to the Catedral de Santa Maria de la Sede (Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See in English, pictured) as well as the region’s Junta and parliament. The Mosque-turned Cathedral lies at the heart of a city which has not

only been central to Andalucian history, but also to that of Spain itself. The area was first settled by the Phoenicians. It was later conquered by the Romans, Visigoths and then the Moors who left their mark on the city with the Giralda, now the Cathedral’s bell tower. King Ferdinand III of Castilla captured the city in 1247. A golden age followed, fuelled by lucrative tra de links w ith the A me ric a s which made it one of the most important cities in Spain.

Almeria counts, Junta head says “ALMERIA is going to have a nearly permanent presence on the Andalucia government’ political agenda.” This was the pledge from the new Popular Party President of the Andalucia regional government, Juanma Moreno, during his first official visit to Almeria. Moreno met with Almeria City mayor Ramon Fernando-Pacheco and Roquetas de Mar mayor Gabriel Amat during his Friday visit, commenting that now he is head of the

Junta de Andalucia, Almeria “is really going to count.” He said the time had come for “a new style of government, closer to all Andalucians,” accusing the previous Socialist administration of having “little interest” in the province, and maintaining he was touring the regional capitals to find out what problems exist in the municipalities. In terms of specific pledges, Moreno included working to make the completion of the Almanzora motorway a “reality.”

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A devastating plague in 1649 and the loss of American trade to other cities began centuries of decline before the arrival of the IberoAmerican Expo in 1929. The Plaza de España, now one of the city’s best-known landmarks, was built for the Expo. Sevilla City was named the Andalucian capital on June 30, 1982, a little more than a year after Andalucia was granted its Statute of Autonomy which is celebrated today.



REGULARS INSIDE News 1 - 24 Finance 26 Leapy 30 Time Out 43-46 Letters 50 Health & Beauty 52-53 Social 54-55 Property 63-71 Pets 72 Classifieds 74-75 Motoring 76-78 Sport 79-80

Violent muggers nabbed GUARDIA investigations into a violent mugging in Roquetas de Mar resulted in the arrest of two local men. The Guardia launched Operation Comanisfas after the victim reported two individuals had set upon him in the street on New Year ’s Eve as he and a friend were about to go into a nightspot. He said they pushed him into a secluded area, where they repeatedly punched and kicked him and yanked at his clothing, even after


he fell to the ground. The two aggressors ran off when passers-by saw what was happening and went to help the victim, alerting the Guardia and the emergency services. He needed hospital treatment for severe trauma and a possible leg fracture. It was only later the victim realised his attackers has taken €1,300 in cash he had had in an inside jacket pocket, his earnings from a job.

The total number of news and features which appeared in Issue 1755 of the Euro Weekly News Costa de Almería edition, including 101 local stories.


28 February - 6 March 2019


Easter campaigning break

AGENDA: The meeting looked at the monitoring of active cases and risk level assessment for victims.

Gender violence focus PROTECTING victims of gender-based violence was the central focus of a workshop hosted by Mojacar Local Police. Officers working with the VioGen monitoring and protection programme for victims of this kind of violence were joined by government Sub-delegation Gender Violence Unit head Raquel Contreras, Mojacar councillor for Public Safety Emmanual Agüero and by members of the Guardia Civil. The workshop, which is held annually, looked closely at the work being carried out in Mo-

jacar on risk level assessment and follow-up on victims and any children involved in gender-based violence cases. The overall aim is to offer increased protection and assistance to anyone facing the problem. The meeting also covered issues like raising awareness of the issue among young people and adults. VioGen is a comprehensive system for monitoring gender violence cases created by the Interior Ministry’s Secretary of State for Security in 2007, which outlines an extensive plan of protection measures.

The Mojacar Local Police Unit participating in the system is the only one in Andalucia with the training to deal with all levels of gender-based violence, ranging from so-called ‘unappreciated’ cases all the way through to ‘high-risk.’ Mojacar police force was also the first in Almeria Province to create a specialised gender violence unit. The officers’ work aiming to eradicate all kinds of genderbased violence and violence against children earned them the Andalucia regional government’s Menina Award.


CONTACT: Jackie Butcher: 642 454 311

POLITICAL parties in Huercal-Overa should give election campaigning a break during the Easter Week celebrations, Mayor Domingo Fernandez said. The council leader put the suggestion to the spokespersons of the Municipal Socialist Group, Marisa Perez, and Ciudadanos, Gines Navarro, at a meeting last week, the party representatives agreeing the priority should be to respect the brotherhoods’ and associations’ hard work throughout the year and the immense amount of organisation which goes into the Easter processions. The mayor proposed no election posters along the procession routes and not using public spaces for campaigning. “Easter is the jewel in our crown and most of the town works on it in one way or another, making up part of the processions, others behinds the scenes,” Fernandez commented. “All residents in the municipality are in a brotherhood, and we are not prepared to overshadow these days with the electoral campaign,” he continued. “The government team considers that the different religious and processional acts should not be pushed into the background by campaign acts, and of course the image of our processions should not be electoral posters. We have therefore expressed this opinion to the different political groups in the plenary meeting, so they support us and pass this on to their political parties.” Huercal-Overa’s Easter Week has had National Tourism Interest status since 1983 and attracts thousands of visitors to the town.

Far-right breakthrough featured in New York Times THE far-right Vox party’s victory in El Ejido in the recent regional elections is the focus of a feature in the New York Times. The newspaper’s Spain and Portugal correspondent Raphael Minder talks about the rise of Vox and their hopes of making significant gains in April’s national election. ‘Vox will now have a chance to test its appeal on a national stage,’ Minder writes. He makes an analogy between the area’s transformation from a once impoverished part of Spain to the prosperous centre of the provincial intensive agricultural sector where Vox first took root, adding: ‘The most important seed growing along Spain’s southern coast may be that of Vox, Spain’s first farright party since the end of the Franco dictatorship in 1975.’


Council ordered to compensate Brits ZURGENA Council must pay the nearly €650,000 in compensation to seven British couples for damages related to illegal planning permission, an Almeria court has ruled. The compensation relates to the couples’ purchase of properties in the Los Cabreras area of the municipality. In 2005 the administration at the time issued building licences to the promoter to build the houses based on a favourable report provided by the then municipal architect. The couples bought offplan, but it turned out the land was classified as ‘no-urbanisable’ (not designated for building), and the properties were never completed. In 2017 the Almeria Provincial Court ruled the exmunicipal architect and Zurgena Council had to compen-

Working on image REPAVING and water network upgrades underwa y i n Ni j a r a re part o f a pl a n t o present the best possible image of the village to tourists, Mayor Esperanza Perez said. The m a y o r sa i d th e council aims to attract more visitors following Nijar’s acceptance into the Prettiest Village in Spain network.

sate the British couples, maintaining if there had not been a favourable report on the project, construction would never have started, the purchase contracts would not have been signed, and the couples would not have handed over any money. The provincial court has now clarified that the local authority is liable for the misdeeds of any person, entity or business it contracts to work for them, and requires the current council to find the necessary funds to pay the compensation. A statement from Zurgena local authority stressed the council decision taken in 2005 ‘is completely unconnected with the action and decisions of the current municipal government team.’ The administration does however accept it must re-

spect the court ruling, Zurgena mayor Luis Diaz telling the Euro Weeky News, “The council, with the court, is going to establish ways of paying so that public services are not compromised, and in this way meet the requirements of the law, which is our obligation.” Commenting on the news, Abusos Urbanisticos Andalucia - NO (AUAN) President Maura Hillen told the Euro Weekly News, “I am very pleased for the seven British couples, some of whom are members, that have spent over a decade in the courts seeking compensation for deposits paid on properties that were never completed. “In my view it is right and proper that an administration should be held responsible for its failings rather than the victims of those failings.”

28 February - 6 March 2019




28 February - 6 March 2019

Your local reporter… … your voice in Almeria

Budget in the bag

PRIORITIES: The mayor said the council wants to assist entrepreneurs, recent graduates and local traders.

Cathy Elelman

687 633 888

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THE 2019 Huercal-Overa municipal budget is in the bag following council plenary session approval. Finance Councillor Antonio Lazaro said this year’s €17 million budget is based on providing public services, controlling public expenditure and looking for improvements and savings while taking into account criteria of stability, balance and financial sustainability. The main features of the 2019 budget the council said

are a reduction in taxes, an increase in social services and public safety, the maintenance of basic services, establishing new necessary services, increasing investment, transparency, debt control, balanced accounts and savings on expenses. Among the investments the mayor, Domingo Fernandez, highlighted are the access road to the hospital, installing LED public lighting, upgrades to water and drainage networks, the mu-

nicipal music school, public heritage initiatives, improvements to children’s play areas, and road resurfacing. Other priorities for this year the mayor said are assistance to new entrepreneurs and traders and creating work experience opportunities for recent graduates. “This is a budget which is going to continue making Huercal-Overa improve, with good management and investing responsibly,” the mayor maintained.

CELEBRATION: The children marked the regional holiday by tucking into a typical Andalucian breakfast.

Tasting tradition PUPILS at the Mojacar primary school enjoyed a real taste of tradition, celebrating Andalucia Day with a typical Andalucian breakfast. The more than 350 children tucked into bread with fresh tomato and olive oil laid on by Mojacar Council and the school in their morning break time. The local Catering College had prepared the 30 kilos of tomato, and parents pitched in to organise tables and to make sure every child got their share. The children were marking the regional holiday a few days early due to the February 28 overlap with carnival celebrations, but they got into the full Andalucia Day spirit, dressing up for the day in traditional costumes or with accessories like flowers, neckerchiefs, hats and caps. Mojacar Culture Councillor Raquel Belmonte described the regional day breakfast as a great way to encourage the youngsters to keep popular traditions alive and to appreciate local produce and the Mediterranean diet.


28 February - 6 March 2019

Something for everyone IT’S s e t t o b e a sp r i n g o f culture and entertainment in Huercal-Overa. Culture Councillor Belen M artin e z h a s u n v e i l e d a varied programme of events betwee n n o w a n d Ju n e , commenting, “We are aiming to reach the whole public, involving people of all ages.” Highlights include a tribute to l e g e n d a r y Sp a n is h rock band Heroes del Silencio at t h e Te a t r o Vi l l a o n M arch 1 5 a n d a p e rfo rmance o f Gi se l l e b y th e Moscow Ballet at the same venue on May 10. Younger members of the family can look forward to the mu si c a l s T h e Ju n g le Book: Mowgli’s Adventure on March 16 and Rapunzel on April 27. There will also be several exhibitions this spring, including Pl a y m o b i l fro m May 2 to 22 and works by the Women’s Centre workshops from June 12 to 28. Further notable dates are

the c a rniva l c e le bra tions this w e e ke nd. Tomorrow Friday will be devoted to children, with a junior street parade and all sorts of goings on in the festival marquee in Plaza Mayor. The Saturday will be the grown ups’ turn to get into the carnival spirit, with a grand procession and live music and dancing. The council will be staging events on March 7 and 8 to ma rk Inte rna tiona l Women’s Day, and between A pril 22 a nd 26 to c ommemorate World Book Day a nd Inte rna tiona l D a nc e Day. There will also be a number of pre-Easter events, notably the Lent Concert in the Plaza de la Constitucion on March 17. VARIETY: Culture Councillor Belen Martinez said the cultural programme had been designed to have broad appeal.



Food fair back THE Almanzora Gourmet food fair will be back in Cuevas del Almanzora this spring. The local council has announced that following the success of last year’s event there will be a second edition of the fair over the weekend of April 5 to 7, with the participation of some of the province’s main food producers, and the collaboration of the Cuevas Business and Traders’ Association and the Levante Almeria Friends of Wine Association. Cuevas mayor Antonio Fernandez said he hoped Almanzora Gourmet would become a benchmark event.


28 February - 6 March 2019

C of E diary dates THERE are several important Anglican Church events in March. On Tuesday there is the Shrove Tuesday and Beetle Drive at the Alhambra Chapel in Albox from 2.30 to 4.30pm. For tickets, priced €5, contact David Price on 950 167 894. On March 20 there is the Lent lunch and palm cross making at the Mojacar church, to be held at the church warden’s home at 1.30pm. Donations are welcomed: contact Pam Carter on 667 947 573. Then there is the Alhambra Church service and Lent soup lunch on March 28 at 11am.

Women’s Day art AN exhibition of art students’ posters marks the beginning of events in Huercal-Overa to commemorate International Women’s Day on March 8. Mayor Domingo Fernandez and Equality Councillor Belen Martinez inaugurated the exhibition of 39 designs by sixth-formers at the Cura Valera Institute, which runs throughout March at the municipal library. A jury made up of institute representatives picked Araceli Portela’s poster as the design to represent the Wo m e n ’s D a y e v e n t s a n d

activities. The local authority’s International Women’s Day programme includes workshops, Zumba and flamenco master classes, storytelling and theatre for children, and a formal commemorative act on the day itself.

TOP DESIGN: The jury selected Araceli Portela’s poster to represent the March 8 International Women’s Day commemorations.


Busy March for Mojacar RBL THE Mojacar branch of the Royal British Legion has a whole bunch of events lined up for March. Tomorrow (Friday) there is an evening fish and chip quiz at Badger’s in Mojacar. The next branch meeting on Thursday March 7 will be at Sensations in Mojacar at 11.15am, with speaker Sue Parmenter from Saving our Coastline. The branch social meeting will be at the Maramar near the Mojacar MACS shop on Friday March 21 at 11.15, and on Friday March 29 there will be an afternoon quiz at Bar Stop in Turre. For more information about the events contact Barbara on 622 207 774, r b l m o j a c a r. s o c i a l It is not necessary to have served in the Armed Forces to be a member of the Royal British Legion. For more information contact the Secretary Christine White on 697 887 362.

10 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019

NEWS EXTRA Wind power increases A TOTAL of 23,484 megawatts of power was generated by wind turbines in Spain in 2018, an increase of 392mw or almost 1.7 per cent on 2017 levels according to the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE).

Flu cases THE amount of flu cases in Spain stood at 158.1 per 100,000 inhabitants from February 11 to 17, according to the Carlos III Health Institute which showed a decline in infections which peaked in January.

Fruit threat SHARP swings in temperatures in Huelva Province are damaging strawberry crops there, the Phytosanitary Alert and Information Network of Andalucia (RAIF) said, adding large amounts of fruit had been thrown away as a result.


Brit Benidorm holiday death THE son of an 81-year-old British woman claimed a holiday company failed to give proper support to her after she fell from a wheelchair in Benidorm and died days later. Craig Deegan, son of Christine O’Hagan, told B ritis h me dia his mothe r broke her hip and fractured her skull after falling from her wheelchair in January. She fell the day before she was due to return to Britain and died at around 6.30am on February 1. Deegan said staff on the TUI customer helpline were unable to help his m o t h e r a n d t h e f a m i l y, telling them there was no one available to speak Spanish. A TUI UK spokesperson

CLAIMS: Mrs O’Hagan was pronounced dead at around 6.30am on February 1. said: “Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Ms O’Hagan at this v e r y s a d t i m e . We a r e i n

direct contact with her family to address their concerns and offer our support.”

12 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019


Advertising Feature - Interview FOR Caroline Smith, relocating to the Costa Almeria with her young family was a dream come true. And as the founder and owner of Grupo Platinum Estates, she loves that her company helps clients share the dream of enjoying a great quality of life in a privileged area. Originally from Solihull, when Caroline discovered this area on a chance holiday it gave her the drive to make living abroad a reality. She had already built up an impressive curriculum, predominantly in finance and customer service. She was employed in the mailroom for Barclays Bank by the time she was 16, working her way all the way up to bank manager. She then become a financial advisor for various financial institutions, before a complete career change and serving in the police force for five years. She then returned to the world of finance, as a mortgage broker, and after moving to Spain she worked in finance and property for several years. All this experience served as the ideal basis for launching her own estate agency here in 2010. Caroline had realised there was a gap in the market for a company


Sharing the dream, doing what she loves! which listens and helps find the right property, combined with a service which helps clients find the best financing options if necessary. Grupo Platinum Estates is therefore an estate agency providing a full range of services to vendors and buyers, as well as rentals, but additionally providing reliable financial assistance. Caroline believes her financial and customer service-focused background also sets Grupo Platinum Estates apart. Right from the beginning she has put a strong emphasis on providing a top, profes-

sional service, but also a personal one, treating each client as an individual. For Caroline there is no strict division between business and personal life. Going to work and meeting new people is a pleasure, and many of the company clients become friends. That doesn’t mean there isn’t time in her life for other inter-

DREAM: Moving to the Costa Almeria has been a great move for Caroline and her children.

ests: She is very involved in the local community, notably the Casa Teja occupational centre for the disabled, sponsoring the local football team and the walking football team, and stays fit walking, going to the gym and playing paddle tennis. Being able to multi-task is a great asset for any business owner she says, and she’s convinced women are stronger in this respect, able to successfully take on additional opportunities. But she also recognises having the support of friends and family is key. Talking of family, moving to the Costa Almeria has also been great for her children. Now in their early 20’s, Brooke and Drew are, Caroline says, “Well-grounded, multilingual, love the life here, and have great prospects for the future.” Both help in the business and will, Caroline says, hopefully take over the reins one day. Believing in yourself and your ideas should be the first step, Caroline advises anyone considering following their own dream and starting a business. Above all else she stresses, “Do something you’re passionate about!”

14 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019

Young scientists SPANISH government ministers approved the creation of the country’s first academy for young scientists on Friday. Plans for the Young Academy of Spain include giving representation to scientists under 40. The academy is set to give young researchers a means to publish their work. Recent data showed more than 12,000 Spanish scientists have left the country to work abroad since 2010.


Heat death warning AROUND 12,000 people could die every year from excessive heat by 2050, up from about 1,400 curr e n t l y, u n l e s s a c t i o n i s taken on climate change according to a health expert. Julio Diaz, of the Carlos III Health Institute, said the death toll could rack up around €50 billion in social and economic costs. He was speaking at a meeting organised by the Health and Ecology Ministries on the impact of pollution where he urged officials to act on climate change. “ We m u s t a c t t o h e l p protect those at risk, such as pregnant women, with preventative plans,” Diaz said. Maria Luisa Carcedo, S p a i n ’s H e a l t h M i n i s t e r, said the issue of pollution was a “priority” for health officials. “If we do not address

POLLUTION CALL: Heat deaths could spike due to pollution. this issue and do not consider pollution detrimental to health, the situation will get worse,” Carcedo said. Air pollution also leads

to increases in deaths from heart and lung diseases, more babies being born underweight and premature, Carcedo added. It comes as the most re-

cent data from the European Environment Agency showed there were around 38,600 premature deaths caused by air pollution in Spain in 2015.

16 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019


Court challenge A BRITISH expatriate pro-Remain group’s head said she is ‘very disappointed’ after Britain’s High Court refused an appeal over Leave groups breaking electoral spending rules during the 2016 referendum campaign. Sue Wilson, head of Bremain, said hearings at the Court of Appeal had shown there was a need to review the 2016 referendum result. Wilson is the lead claimant of the UK in EU Challenge, a legal appeal launched with backing from expatriates in Spain, France and Italy. “We still believe another referendum is likely and hopefully this will be conducted in a fair, legal and honest manner under increased scrutiny,” Wilson said. The Court of Appeal’s Lord Justice Hickinbottom and Lord Justice Haddon-Cave ruled in favour of an earlier decision not to permit an appeal. The court heard from Jessica Simor QC, acting on behalf of the claimants, that it was unreasonable for Prime Minister Theresa May to proceed with Article 50. It comes after an Electoral Commission referred Leave campaigns to police after finding they spent more than the legal limit during the 2016 campaign.

Month to go By Joe Gerrard EU officials said recent meetings with Britain’s prime minister have been constructive, while concern over a no-deal Brexit continued to plague Westminster politicians ahead of Withdrawal Day a month tomorrow (Friday). A spokesperson for European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said ‘good progress’ was made in talks with Theresa May in Egypt. They met on the sidelines of an EU League of Arab States summit in Sharm El Sheik which ended on Monday. Separately, Spain’s Foreign Minister Josep Borrell said officials in Brussels were drawing up a Brexit Accord to convince British MPs to back the Withdrawal Agreement. The document is a legal text which offers assurances on the Northern Irish backstop, a sticking point for many British politicians. But it did not mean the EU would renegotiate the Brexit deal itself, Borrell said. It comes as the resignations of


BREXIT EXTRA Medicine planning BRITAIN’S government has set up a hub in Belgium to stockpile medical supplies to ensure no shortages in the NHS if Britain leaves the EU without a deal on March 29.

Flight waits

CLOCK TICKING: May and Juncker have met for talks. Conservative MPs Anna Soubry, Heidi Allen and Sarah Wollaston and their defection to the new Independent Group rocked May’s party last week. All left in protest over the government’s handling of Britain’s departure from the EU, and have pledged to back parliamentary efforts to rule out a no-deal. A further three Conservatives, Margot James, Richard Harrington and Claire Perry, have also threatened

to quit the party unless a no-deal is ruled out. They and others have called for Brexit to be delayed if MPs reject May’s deal. Opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said his party would now back a second referendum if the deal is voted down. It came as Parliament debated Britain’s exit strategy going forward yesterday (Wednesday). May has said she will once again put her deal to Parliament on Tuesday March 12.

HOLIDAYMAKERS travelling from Britain to Spain could be made to wait five hours or more at airports in a no-deal Brexit scenario, according to a study from consumer group Which? adding Alicante would likely see the longest delays.

Study funds SPAIN’S Secretary General of Universities Jose Manuel Pingarron has called for calm after other EU countries told Erasmus students to consider studying in countries other than Britain due to uncertainty over funding in a no-deal scenario.

Brexit: Driving abroad is changing By Mark Nolan ALTHOUGH much of the situation still remains unclear, the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

(DVSA) of the British government has issued a stark warning for drivers to get ready now for any impending changes. For example, if you hold a UK licence and are driving in a European country, then you will have to satisfy the requirements set aside for the country you intend to drive in. For example, according to the DVSA, if the UK leaves the EU without a deal on March 29, you might need an International Driving Permit (IDP) to drive in EU and the European Economic Area (Nor-

way, Iceland and Liechtenstein). After Brexit, in the event of no-deal, you will need a ‘1949 permit’ to drive in Spain, Iceland, Malta and Cyprus on holiday. These International Driving Permits (IDPs) can be obtained f r o m P o s t O ff i c e s i n t h e UK. You may also need to update your vehicle’s insurance documents, by ensuring you have a ‘green card’ accompanying your existing paperwork. Green cards are an international certificate of motor insurance. If the UK leaves

the EU without a deal, drivers may need a green card as proof of third party motor insurance. You should contact your insurer for more information and to get a card. In addition, from March 29, if the UK leaves the EU with no deal, you may need to display a GB sticker on your vehicle, even if you already have an EU standard number plate which features the EU flag with the GB label, that will not be sufficient. Want to know more? The U K g o v e r n m e n t ’s B r e x i t website has information and updates on everything you should do to prepare: Brexit.n You can also register for alerts and further information about Brexit at the w e b s i t e h t t p s : / / w w w. g o v. u k / g u i d ance/prepare-to-drive-inthe-eu-after-brexit#stay-in formed.

18 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019


Connecting women across Spain By Tara Rippin AWARD-WINNING Costa Wo m e n w a s l a u n c h e d b y founder Ali Meehan in 2010, and is now the largest social and business networking community for women living in or planning on moving to Spain. Connecting women from across Spain the organisation now boasts 7,500 members of 64 nationalities. In fa c t , t h e n e t wo r k in g group c u r r e n t l y a t t rac ts more than 30 new members each week. Ali said: “Our motivation at Costa Women is to connect, i n sp i r e , e n a b l e a n d suppor t wo m e n i n th e ir journe y t o a n d a r o u n d Spain. “We have social events, coffee m o r n i n g s, b o o k clubs, evening get-togethers, parties and business networking events.” Both on Facebook and on the w e b si t e (w w w. c o s ta, there are local groups i n 2 7 d i ff ere n t places across Spain. And the website itself has 155 groups for across Spain, the most popular of which are: *Hello we are New - for members to introduce themselves *Moving to Spain - offers an array of advice and tips *Save Money in Spain with weekly advice and tips from MoneySaverSpain *A monthly photographic competition with a theme, sponsored by Currencies Direct. A li ad d e d : “ We h a v e a blog page where members can create and add their stories and informative articles, and under classifieds, members can post their own adverts for businesses, items to sell, swap or donate.

“We also started a buddies’ scheme, for new arrivals to connect with other women in their area.” Costa Women is offering a free ebook to download, Spain & Me, which is filled with stories and advice from the members about living in Spain.


A nd a c omprehensive training course covering everything anybody needs to know about moving to Spain has been created at, also sponsored by EWN Media Group.


ALI MEEHAN: Creator of Costa Women which aims to inspire, enable and support women in Spain.

Women supporting women THIS year’s Costa Women’s conference to mark International Women’s Day will support two causes close to the heart of those involved - Knitted Knockers and the Association of Women Survivors of Gender Violence, AMUSUVIG. Costa del Sol’s Knitted Knockers’ volunteers make handmade soft, comfortable, knitted prostheses, for women who have undergone a mastectomy or lumpectomy. They are made using 100 per cent cotton yarn and non-allergenic filling, and provided free of charge. Conference organiser, Ali Meehan, said: “We have supported Knitted Knockers since the association was created three years ago. The handmade breast prosthesis can make such a difference to women’s lives at a time they have just started the cancer survival journey. These knitters are an army of workers for good.” Maria Bailey set up the Costa del Sol branch of American organisation Knitted Knockers for personal reasons. “I have had breast cancer. Through early detection I did not have to have a mastectomy, but my mother did. I wanted to share and enlighten people.” After reading about a Knitting Knockers’ group in Spain, Maria decided ‘this is it.’ And three weeks ago they donated their 1,000th knitted knocker. The Costa del Sol team of at least six knitters sends out up to 20 knitted prostheses a week, and not

KNITTED KNOCKERS: Part of the dedicated team, Margaret Stevenson, Audrey Carr and Maria Bailey, which make knitted prosthesis (inset). just in Spain, as far afield as Australia and the Philippines - all made possible through donations. “This is the third consecutive year that Costa Women has supported us. We are extremely grateful,” said Maria. To find out more, email: info.spanish or visit www.kkscostadel *See next week’s edition for more about AMUSUVIG.

Secrets of success EURO WEEKLY NEWS MEDIA GROUP is the proud sponsor of Costa Women’s seventh International Women’s Day conference next Friday (March 8). The superb business networking event will continue its annual focus of #MakeItHappen, and is being held at Marbella’s Andalucia Lab in collaboration with 1230 The Women’s Company. In addition to offering a brilliant opportunity for women on the Costa del Sol to swap ideas, make new contacts and give tips, a highly skilled and knowledgeable list of speakers has been lined up. And bringing it all together will be MC for the day, Social Media Trainer, Fiona Catchpowle aka #AskCyberGran. Costa Women founder, Ali Meehan said: “Imagine what you can gain from all this expert advice and help. Expect inspiration, motivation and new ways for thinking about your business.” Ti c k e t s a re available via

For more info visit our website:

For more information on how to get involved visit:


28 February - 6 March 2019

EWN 21

Five things you may not realise about UK inheritance tax As inheritance tax revenue continues to soar for the UK Treasury year-by-year, it seems more families are getting caught in the net. For expatriates, it can be especially difficult to know where you stand with UK inheritance tax. With rates at 40%, it pays to understand your position and what you can do to minimise exposure for your heirs. 1. You could still be UKdomiciled Even after many years of living abroad, you could still be considered UK-domiciled, bringing you into the firing line for inheritance tax. This could be the case, for example, if you still hold UK assets or show intentions to return one day. While it is possible to adopt a domicile of choice in Spain by severing all ties with the UK, domicile law is extremely complex and you need to keep up-to-date with changing rules. For the best outcome here, seek specialist, personalised guidance.

By Gerald Turner, Partner, Blevins Franks 2. It affects UK assets and potentially your worldwide estate For UK domiciles, UK inheritance tax applies to your worldwide estate. Even if you are not UKdomiciled, any British assets attract UK inheritance tax, now including UK residential property owned through a corporate structure (‘enveloped’). 3. A new relief was recently introduced… Previously the only available inheritance tax relief was a

£325,000 nil-rate band (£650,000 for couples). But since April 2017, the ‘residential nil-rate band’ or ‘family home allowance’ has provided extra relief when passing on a main home to direct descendants. Starting at £100,000, the tax-free threshold rises each year until it reaches £175,000 in 2020/21. It will then track inflation. As with the standard allowance, you can transfer any unused balance to your spouse/civil partner, making a total potential threshold for a couple of £1 million by 2020/21. 4. …but it has limitations To be eligible for the allowance, the property must be recognised as your main home you must have lived in it at some point. It is only available on one property that is passed directly to children or grandchildren. Homes owned indirectly through certain trusts, for example, may not qualify.

Disappointment for job hunters SPAIN’S embassy in The Hague received 487 complaints last year from Spanish temporary workers employed by Dutch firms. Undefined work schedules and accommodation on campsites far from their place of work did not correspond to what recruitment companies promised, they claimed. Luis, a 40-yearold Spaniard who eventually returned home to Barcelona, believed he would be living approximately 10 kilometres from his place of work at the Netherlands’ postal service Post NL. Instead, he lived on a campsite two hours away in Belgium, for which he and two others each had to pay €100. It had no WiFi and was three kilometres from a supermarket. “I didn’t get paid every week and sometimes it would be two months before I saw a payslip,” Luis

revealed. Ana, a 44-year-old from Cadiz, worked for an IT wholesaler and said that the

hardest part was being treated “like a lump of meat” by the employment agency.

Estates worth over £2 million have a lower threshold, and those valued over £2.25 million (in the 2018/19 tax year) are not eligible at all. Note that your entire estate is counted here, not just property. 5. Your home could tip you over the threshold Residential property accounts for more than a third of a typical estate liable for inheritance tax. As house prices have risen, so has the number of estates that fall outside the tax-free thresholds - and the amount payable. If, for example, combined assets exceed the £2.4 million value threshold for the property relief in 2020/21, the £175,000 allowance could be replaced by a £70,000 inheritance tax bill. Additionally, the standard relief - frozen at £325,000 since 2009 - has not kept pace with inflation in the way that the value of property or other assets has.

However, there are ways to mitigate UK inheritance tax. Expatriates can use Spanishcompliant investment structures or trust arrangements, for example, or acquire a domicile of choice overseas. An adviser with specialist, cross-border expertise can help you establish your domicile status and how UK inheritance tax interacts with Spanish gift and succession tax. With good estate planning, you can structure your wealth to take advantage of all reliefs available and ensure your legacy ends up in the right hands without leaving your heirs an unnecessarily large tax bill. Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; individuals should seek personalised advice. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at

22 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019


FRANCE THOUSANDS of protestors took to the streets of cities across France last week to rally against a rise in anti-Semitic attacks as a group of French lawmakers proposed criminalising opposition to a Jewish state, or antiZionism.

Attack rallies

Drugs trial THE trial of nine defendants accused of smuggling hundreds of kilograms of cocaine from the Caribbean to the French Riviera has opened in Aix-en-Provence, with prosecutors seeking prison sentences of up to 30 years for some of them.

CONCERNS: Protests were held in France.


Family row

Law change

HUNGARY’S ambassador to Sweden has been called in for meetings with the Foreign Ministry in Stockholm to diffuse a row over Hungary’s new policy to encourage couples to have more children which ‘reeked’ of the 1930’s, one Swedish official said.

SWEDEN’S Social Affairs Minister Lena Hallengren has proposed changing disability laws to recognise that breathing and feeding are basic needs, so that people who struggle with both become legally entitled to receive help.



Protest arrests

Arms ruling

POLICE in Limburg have arrested three Green Party European Parliament Members (MEPs) along with 11 other activists in connection with a protest held at the Kleine-Brogel airbase against the stockpiling of American-made nuclear bombs there.

A STUTTGART court has handed down suspended jail sentences of 17 and 22 months for two former employees of the Heckler & Koch weapons maker after finding them guilty of illegally selling more than 4,500 assault rifles to several Mexican states.

Strike impact

Cancer test

ONE of Belgium’s largest trade unions has said companies should be aware that general strikes held earlier this month were a ‘key event,’ with the FGTB adding future pay talks should be taken seriously to avoid further industrial action.

SCIENTISTS at Heidelberg University Hospital have developed a new blood test able to detect breast cancer in women’s blood before it becomes visible to current scanning technology, lead researcher Professor Christof Sohn said.


Church ‘slavery’

Assault trial

DUTCH parliament members have debated findings from an official inquiry into allegations the Catholic Sisters of the Good Shepherd used around 15,000 women and girls for forced labour between 1860 and 1987, with some claiming the government knew about it.

A UTRECHT court has cleared the owner of a Hilversum ice cream parlour of assault after hearing she hit a youth with a mop when a group of young people hurled abuse at her in the presence of her twoyear-old son.



Body probe

Race coming

POLICE officers in Harstad have launched a probe after the body of a woman in her 50’s was found in the Berseng area of the town last Thursday morning, with investigators treating her death as suspicious.

THE Tour de France bicycle race is set to visit Denmark in 2021, according to Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen who said the news was a ‘dream come true’ that had come from years of hard work.

Abuse verdict

Four jailed

A COURT in Bergen has jailed a 48-year-old defendant from Hordaland for 16 years after finding him guilty of paying a Filipino woman to make her three-year-old daughter perform sex acts on her three-month-old brother which the man watched on his computer.

A COPENHAGEN court has jailed three men for one year and nine months and another for one and a half years after finding them guilty for throwing petrol bombs at the Turkish Embassy in the Danish capital in March last year.

24 EWN


Wreck of 2,000-year-old ship

IT is two months since the first electric charging point went live in La Nucia, with three charging stations now available to plug into. There’s even more good news though, as for their first year of being operational, they will be free of charge to use. That means you have just 10 months to get your free electricity topups. The idea of offering free charging is to encourage residents to switch from combustible fuel models to electric or hybrids. The campaign was financially supported by a grant from the Regional Institute of Business Competitiveness, the IVACE in Valencia, who paid around twothirds of the €35,000 bill for their installation.


Homeowners denounced A TO TA L o f 2 2 A l i c a n t e Province homeowners have b e e n d e n o u n c e d b y o ff i c e r s from the Guardia Civil environmental protection group, SEPRONA, for urban and regional planning irregularities. Inspections across the province were carried out using helicopters, with 31 properties being identified for further investigation. Through the inspections, offi-


With six editions on the Spanish Costas and Mallorca we cover the main expat areas of Spain - take a look at what is happening around our regions.


Free electricity: For cars!



28 February - 6 March 2019

A ROMAN ship dating back to the first or second century has been discovered by underwater archaeologists at the bottom of the sea in Mallorca. The wreck, from the High Empire era, was transporting construction materials and is the first recorded vessel found with this type of cargo on the island. In a statement, Consell de Mallorca vice president, Francesc Miralles, said: “These works are an opportunity to learn more about history, and the authority is committed to ensuring the integrity of these sites against the risk of pillaging.” CERAMICS: Ceramics found at a Roman ship wreck site. The discovery was made thanks to the work of the Underwater Archaeological wooden examples of naval architecture. Charter of Mallorca investigating the waters The findings have been added to the between Cala Castell cove and Pollensa port. charter of Mallorca which manages, During the search, the team also located a researches and conserves underwater second modern period vessel with preserved cultural heritage.

cers established whether the land was being used for its correct purpose, environmental laws were being adhered to and correct licences and permits were in place. During the search, it was discovered that many of the properties had been built illegally on non-developable protected land. The areas affected include Hondon de los Frailes, Pilar de la Horadada, Orihuela, Petrer and Alicante City among others.



Each case will be analysed separately, with owners facing fines of between €500 and €500,000. Seprona has warned prospective property and land buyers to ensure they check the classification of the land they are building on first.


Bridge fall death A DRIVER in his 50’s has died



EWN online this week 121,054 Page views

POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think the EU’s decision to block Spanish farright meetings at the EU Parliament in Brussels this week violated those group’s right to freedom of speech and assembly?

*For week 20 - 27 Feb 2019


Woman tries to harm baby

after his car veered off a bridge and fell at least 50 metres near Marbella. Emergency services including police officers, firefighters and medical personnel were sent to the bridge on the A-7 motorway outside Istan after several witnesses told them of the fall. Personnel began looking for the man’s car which had fallen off the bridge into a green area full of bushes near the mouth of the River Verde. Firefighters were able to get into the vehi-




CORRECTIONS At the EWN, we pride ourselves that reports are accurate and fair. If we do slip up, we promise to set the record straight in a clear, no-nonsense manner. To ask for an inaccuracy to be corrected. Email:





HEAT WAVE: Sizzling temperatures soar to 28 degrees in Spain this weekend


After Spain’s Foreign Minister refused to back a US call for more troops in Syria, do you think it’s time for NATO countries including Britain to end their involvement in the country’s civil war?

No 17%

A WOMAN in Axarquia has been accused of trying to throw her child into a ditch with running water. The alleged incident took place in Velez-Malaga when a 33-year-old woman is said to have tried to toss her 15-dayold baby into a gulley on the side of a road next to the El Ingenio shopping centre. Police said a patrol car saw the group walking along the side of a main road together before the accused turned to her partner with an aggressive attitude, forcing the boyfriend to call on the woman’s parents to intervene. Her parents reportedly later told police their daughter then held her baby by the feet and tried to throw her into a ditch. Police said: “The grandparents of the baby, upon arrival, managed to prevent this and t h e n o ff i c e r s a r r i v e d t o t a k e control of the situation and take the young mother into custody.”



Yes 83%

cle, but the driver was dead by the time they pulled his body from the car. Initial police inquiries suggest the man was driving from Cadiz to Malaga when he lost control o f h i s c a r a n d v e e r e d o ff t h e road at kilometre 177. He is believed to have been a foreign businessman who w o r k e d i n M a r b e l l a ’s P u e r t o Banus, but this has not been confirmed.


BENIDORM BLAZE: Eight injured and around 240 evacuated after hotel fire IT’S HOT: Spain had a sizzling weekend.



THEFT WARNING: Police in Spain issue robbery reminder to all holidaymakers and homeowners




Cash set for railway plan SPAIN’S Development Minister has proposed spending almost €16.9 billion to finish a cross-border railway line due to run into Portugal and France. Jose Luis Abalos said almost €13.5 billion of the funds would go towards laying new tracks for the Atlantic Corridor. A further almost €3 billion would be spent on upgrading existing lines, the minister added. The amounts floated show the ‘enormous magnitude’ of the project, needed to modernise a rail network which risks becoming obsolete, Abalos said.

€33.8 billion

28 February - 6 March 2019 The size of Spain’s trade deficit in 2018, according to data from the Industry and Trade Ministry which showed the figure rose by 36.8 per cent compared to the previous year.


business & legal

Telefonica profit rise

Government green bonds SPAIN’S prime minister has announced plans to spend €47 billion on tackling climate change, with some of the money set to come from new ‘green bonds.’ Pedro Sanchez said the spending package aimed to make Spain carbon neutral by 2050. It came as part of a raft of new measures proposed to tackle climate change, but approval is unlikely due to the snap election on Sunday April 28. Sanchez said the proposals, which are seen as a statement of intent on policy if he wins the election, were necessary and achievable. “Ecological transition will be achieved with consensus and co-operation and by

By Joe Gerrard listening. As always, we will implement measures with the agreement of companies and workers’ representatives,” the prime minister said. Government sources said the green bonds would allow spending in renewable energy to be financed by investors. The introduction of such bonds would signal to investors that the government is committed to environmental sustainability, the sources added. The bonds are part of measures which officials said would generate business opportunities worth more than €200 bil-

lion during the next decade if they are passed. Around €47 billion of that would come from local, regional, national and EU investment, government sources said. Government forecasts claimed efforts to move the economy towards green energy would increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by between €19.3 and €25.1 billion from 2021 to 2030. Officials said the proposals would help to reduce Spain’s dependence on imported fossil fuels to meet energy demands. Spain imports about 74 per cent of its energy, 20 percentage points above the EU average.

MADRID-BASED telecommunications company Telefonica made more than €3.3 billion in net profit in 2018, an increase of 6.3 per cent on the previous year. News of the increase sent company shares rising in value by 0.8 per cent. The company has confirmed that dividends of 20 cents per share will be paid in June and December 2019. This year’s remuneration policy is set to remain at 40 cents per share. Telefonica president Jose Maria Alvarez-Pallete said the company’s profit making was ‘solid and consistent.’

Power firms contract fine SPANISH regulators have slapped fines totalling €70,000 on two power companies after finding they broke rules on contracts for new customers. The National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) ruled Iberdrola Clientes and EDP Energia breached regulations on customers changing their suppliers. Iberdrola Clientes committed four infrac-

tions and EDP Energia one, with the offences classed as minor by regulators. They fined Iberdrola €40,000 and EDP Energia €30,000. The CNMC said: “Electricity and gas providers must comply with the requirements established by law when entering into contracts, especially when dealing with vulnerable customers.” Regulators said Iberdrola Clientes failed to have documents covering customers who wanted to swap suppliers. The CNMC acted against EDP Energia after one customer complained about a supplier change without their consent.

PENALTY: CNMC fined Iberdrola €40,000.


Services growth COMPANIES in Spain’s service sector saw an average increase in turnover of 6.1 per cent in 2018, the fifth year of growth in a row and the second highest jump in 12 years according to National Institute of Statistics (INE) figures.

Firm buyout RUSSIAN investor Mikhail Friman has presented a bid to buy Spanish supermarket chain Dia for 67 cents a share to the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) regulator.

New centres A TOTAL of 17 new shopping centres are set to open in Spain by 2021, according to the Association of Centres and Commercial Parks (AECC) which said they would increase the total area covered by such places by around 650,000 square metres.

Spain productivity fall THE productivity of the Spanish economy fell by 4.5 per cent from 1995 to 2017, while that of the eurozone rose by 1.4 per cent, according to a new study. The BBVA Foundation and Valencian Institute of Economic Research’s (IVIE) study found declines happened both through pre-recession years of growth and during the crisis from 2008 onwards. Spanish productivity only began to pick up in

2014 during the post-recession recovery. It grew by 2.7 per cent from 2014 to 2017, the study showed. The report said: “The low results achieved by the Spanish economy in terms of productivity affects its ability to converge to the per capita income levels of the most developed countries.” The report called for more investment in research and development and education.

28 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019




PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) COMPANY Anglo American 2,065.50 75.70 Associated British Foods 2,282.00 -41.00 Admiral Group 2,178.50 7.50 Ashtead Group 2,054.00 14.00 Antofagasta 961.40 32.20 Auto Trader Group 465.10 1.40 Aviva 427.30 5.30 AstraZeneca 6,175.50 79.50 BAE Systems 468.25 3.45 Barclays 156.53 -4.25 British American Tobacco 2,893.00 52.50 Barratt Developments 560.50 -15.30 BHP GROUP PLC ORD $0.50 1,835.60 48.20 Berkeley Group Holdings 3,769.00 -57.00 British Land Co 582.00 1.20 Bunzl 2,464.00 -64.00 BP 539.60 0.70 Burberry Group 1,966.00 29.50 BT Group 227.65 -3.25 Coca-Cola HBC 2,654.00 13.00 Carnival 4,367.50 -3.50 Centrica 123.70 2.55 Compass Group 1,719.00 -15.50 Croda International 5,084.00 14.00 CRH 2,390.00 -30.00 DCC 6,585.00 -30.00 Diageo 3,017.50 -8.50 Direct Line Insurance Group 353.75 2.45 Evraz 556.10 24.70 Experian 2,054.00 16.00 easyJet 1,302.50 2.50 Ferguson 5,362.50 -6.50 Fresnillo 1,001.00 10.60 Glencore 314.98 14.48 GlaxoSmithKline 1,536.30 -1.70 GVC Holdings 636.75 -6.25 Hikma Pharmaceuticals 1,694.50 45.50 Hargreaves Lansdown 1,718.75 26.25 Halma 1,499.00 3.00 HSBC Holdings 625.00 1.90 Hiscox 1,593.50 -1.50 International Consldtd Airs Grp 645.90 1.50 InterContinental Hotels Grp 4,619.25 34.25 3i Group 950.60 5.00 Imperial Brands 2,601.50 0.50 Informa 719.80 -1.60 Intertek Group 5,154.00 60.00 ITV 133.10 -0.20 Johnson Matthey 3,183.00 29.00 Kingfisher 234.50 -4.50

% CHG. NET VOL 3.80 27,925.19 -1.76 18,358.92 0.35 6,319.89 0.69 9,681.64 3.47 9,151.71 0.30 4,342.28 1.26 16,467.93 1.30 77,115.79 0.74 14,823.60 -2.64 27,547.07 1.85 64,966.46 -2.66 5,823.90 2.70 37,758.30 -1.49 4,942.58 0.21 5,546.28 -2.53 8,518.60 0.13 108,858.56 1.52 7,939.94 -1.41 22,924.65 0.49 9,641.09 -0.08 8,310.91 2.10 6,793.53 -0.89 27,526.27 0.28 6,672.99 -1.24 19,648.05 -0.45 6,496.75 -0.28 73,221.92 0.70 4,834.50 4.65 7,619.96 0.79 18,496.67 0.19 5,149.80 -0.12 12,459.00 1.07 7,317.35 4.82 42,068.70 -0.11 76,395.26 -0.97 3,745.79 2.76 3,969.58 1.55 8,007.92 0.20 5,677.60 0.30 125,396.42 -0.09 4,594.60 0.23 12,788.39 0.75 8,287.74 0.53 9,202.53 0.02 24,925.87 -0.22 9,027.97 1.18 8,214.91 -0.15 5,359.03 0.92 6,104.04 -1.88 5,057.94



Land Securities Group 875.90 Legal & General Group 273.10 Lloyds Banking Group ORD 60.07 London Stock Exchange Grp 4,508.00 Micro Focus International 1,860.50 Marks & Spencer Group 288.80 Mondi 1,896.00 Melrose 175.13 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets 231.65 National Grid 860.35 NMC Health 2,764.00 Next 4,970.00 Ocado Group 887.00 Paddy Power Betfair 6,075.00 Prudential 1,565.25 Persimmon 2,277.50 Pearson 885.70 Reckitt Benckiser Group 5,880.00 Royal Bank of Scotland Group 255.70 Royal Dutch Shell 2,401.25 Royal Dutch Shell 2,413.50 RELX 1,761.25 Rio Tinto 4,475.00 Rightmove 478.73 Rolls-Royce Group 974.80 RSA Insurance Group 539.40 Rentokil Initial 340.65 Sainsbury (J) 234.40 Schroders 2,716.50 Sage Group (The) 660.00 Segro 647.20 Smurfit Kappa Group 2,252.00 Standard Life Aberdeen 236.95 Smith (DS) 333.90 Smiths Group 1,446.00 Scottish Mortgage Invstmnt Trst 495.00 Smith & Nephew 1,445.50 Spirax-Sarco Engineering 6,730.00 SSE 1,185.25 Standard Chartered 617.55 St James's Place 961.20 Severn Trent 2,033.00 Tesco 224.25 TUI AG 833.70 Taylor Wimpey 163.28 Unilever 4,182.75 United Utilities Group 852.80 Vodafone Group 140.74 John Wood Group 530.60 WPP Group 848.80 Whitbread 4,892.50

CHANGE(P) -3.50 2.50 -0.26 -1.00 6.00 -2.10 21.00 5.13 1.80 5.35 -22.00 -15.00 -16.60 -5.00 35.25 -182.50 2.30 -89.00 0.50 -8.75 -5.50 -4.25 83.00 0.23 -6.80 -0.60 -1.55 1.00 25.50 2.00 5.20 14.00 2.95 -3.00 15.00 4.60 15.00 -35.00 -4.25 4.65 4.80 13.00 -1.85 11.10 -3.97 -72.75 2.80 -0.46 -5.60 2.20 -14.50

% CHG.


-0.40 0.92 -0.43 -0.02 0.32 -0.72 1.12 3.02 0.78 0.63 -0.79 -0.30 -1.84 -0.08 2.30 -7.42 0.26 -1.49 0.20 -0.36 -0.23 -0.24 1.89 0.05 -0.69 -0.11 -0.45 0.43 0.95 0.30 0.81 0.63 1.26 -0.89 1.05 0.94 1.05 -0.52 -0.36 0.76 0.50 0.64 -0.82 1.35 -2.37 -1.71 0.33 -0.33 -1.04 0.26 -0.30

6,528.57 16,141.89 42,753.13 15,704.18 7,688.85 4,726.20 6,889.44 8,244.46 5,438.70 29,088.20 5,817.41 6,862.61 6,293.96 4,766.57 39,708.63 7,809.31 6,934.23 42,167.19 30,681.95 106,741.01 90,614.56 34,673.02 56,179.29 4,280.25 18,580.31 5,540.40 6,321.71 5,153.06 6,082.26 7,143.09 6,950.58 5,327.80 5,868.14 4,623.28 5,704.75 7,210.13 12,522.60 4,985.39 12,157.29 20,287.93 5,049.00 4,786.01 22,128.41 4,849.01 5,493.25 49,817.97 5,779.00 37,734.54 3,647.60 10,659.89 8,887.21


1.15291 Units per €

US dollar ...............................................................1.13476 Japan yen ............................................................125.586 Switzerland franc ..............................................1,13397 Denmark kroner ...............................................7,46130 Norway kroner .................................................9,74632 • Tel: +34 950 478 914 THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER



PRICE 107,440 172,970 424,050 138,680 119,390 50,110 45,280 78,420 196,000 192,390 139,250 52,490 136,600 105,000 183,170 80,770 110,970 84,760 42,960 100,250 131,020 127,770 267,110 56,920 145,870 70,430 99,550 115,250 209,350

CHANGE% CHANGE 0,78 0,83 1,12 1,91 1,55 6,47 -0,14 -0,20 0,21 0,25 1,42 0,70 -1,26 -0,58 0,77 0,60 -0,18 -0,36 0,30 0,57 1,02 1,41 2,10 1,08 0,87 1,18 -0,45 -0,47 0,20 0,36 1,18 0,94 1,43 1,56 0,96 0,81 1,95 0,82 0,47 0,47 0,92 1,20 1,15 1,45 0,27 0,71 1,37 0,77 1,30 1,87 -0,06 -0,04 0,16 0,16 0,84 0,96 0,76 1,58

VOLUME(M) 90.612 947.430 239.582 79.816 228.127 252.039 193.255 332.266 72.907 217.310 126.550 247.858 366.358 343.959 141.208 210.032 872.276 106.694 248.329 250.783 34.509 110.106 256.302 235.196 255.298 76.228 289.219 171.812 120.544






Most Advanced DMC Global Inc. The Trade Desk, Inc. Zillow Group, Inc. Roku, Inc. Zillow Group, Inc. Estre Ambiental, Inc. Universal Display Corporation Voyager Therapeutics, Inc. iQIYI, Inc. Cardtronics plc Extraction Oil & Gas, Inc.

$ 48.72 $ 197.73 $ 44.28 $ 64.47 $ 43.71 $ 2.10 $ 145.77 $ 13.12 $ 27.70 $ 31.25 $ 4.52

13.29 ▲ 37.51% 47.24 ▲ 31.39% 9.24 ▲ 26.37% 12.99 ▲ 25.23% 8.65 ▲ 24.67% 0.40 ▲ 23.53% 27.29 ▲ 23.03% 2.44 ▲ 22.85% 4.94 ▲ 21.70% 5.26 ▲ 20.24% 0.71 ▲ 18.64%

$ 83.65 $ 5.07 $ 34.95 $ 33.94 $ 10.35 $ 4.03 $ 10.60 $ 3.22 $ 19.25 $ 9.51 $ 66.43

114.43 ▼ 57.77% 3.90 ▼ 43.48% 13.23 ▼ 27.46% 6.55 ▼ 16.18% 1.61 ▼ 13.46% 0.52 ▼ 11.43% 1.34 ▼ 11.22% 0.40 ▼ 11.05% 2.17 ▼ 10.13% 1 ▼ 9.51% 6.91 ▼ 9.42%

Most Declined Inc. Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc. The Kraft Heinz Company Anika Therapeutics Inc. Casa Systems, Inc. NII Holdings, Inc. Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. PHI, Inc. Arvinas, Inc. Constellation Pharmaceuticals, Inc. BioTelemetry, Inc.


28 February - 6 March 2019

EWN 29

30 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019

LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT AS most of you are well aware, both I, and of course the EWN, are extremely passionate advocators of free speech. ‘I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it’ - an’ all that. This policy has led, over many years of scribble, to earn me in some quarters the title of Mr Marmite! Well, be that as it may, I will continue to write what I think and truly feel, until I either keel over or this great publication orders me to desist. Which brings me to this week’s gripe. It concerns the report that last week a 19year-old Ukip student was suspended from his university for declaring, during an open debate on immigration, that he ‘didn’t think immigrants should automatically have access to a free NHS.’ He also stated that he would ‘never eat at Subway because they sold Halal meat,’ which he branded as ‘barbaric.’ The University of Central Lancashire accused him of making ‘offensive and inappropriate comments’ and suspended him for the rest of the academic year. Well, to my mind, while actually being denied a large chunk of his education for what was basically his right of free speech


Passionate about free speech

RIGHTS: Everyone has a right to free speech. is, irrespective of his views, bad enough; it was however the rest of the statement that I found most disturbing. The university spokes ‘person’ then went on to declare that the young man could return to his studies in September, providing he signs a ‘good conduct agreement’ and... wait for it.... Takes a ‘diversity training course’!

Now if a statement like that doesn’t send shivers up the spine nothing will. This whole directive positively reeks of indoctrination and blackmail; Orwell’s 1984 and Red Chinese brainwashing techniques also come to mind. What they are almost unbelievably telling this young man is, come around to

our way of thinking and we’ll give you your life back! Well I think it’s a disgrace and undoubted denial of his human rights. And while we’re about it, I could actually suggest many thousands of potential customers who would qualify for a ‘diversity training course.’ Unfortunately, I can’t see any government having the courage to implement any ruling of this nature. Ah well, it’s obviously only for those who don’t have the resources to ‘bite back.’ On a lighter, but still somewhat serious note; just as a matter of interest, I recently took the online official test for British citizenship. Result? Just about scraped through! I actually found some of the questions more than a touch difficult. If all the successful applicants for citizenship in the UK were able to answer even 50 per cent of these test questions, I promise to eat every word I’ve ever scribed - Just saying! Try it yourself. I’ll be interested in the results. Will you be accepted, or have to go back where you came from? Just Google up ‘British Citizen test.’ Good luck. Keep the faith Love Leapy.

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

32 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019


34 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019

Nora Johnson

Breaking Views Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to

THE 1960’s children’s TV show ‘Stingray’ (remember that?) always began with the promise: ‘Anything could happen in the next half-hour!’ What was true of science fiction over 50 years ago appears to apply to modern British politics today. A deal is done, but it isn’t. This groundhog day ‘deal’ pattern is now well established; a deal must be done this week, or possibly next week, or maybe the one after. In fact, Theresa May’s entire negotiating strategy seems to boil down to this: the UK is standing on a window ledge, threatening to jump. And if the EU27 don’t give her everything she desperately hopes will satisfy Boris and Jacob (Rees-Mogg), then the UK will jump. The threat is that the UK’s severely injured body will damage the EU27’s immaculately tarmacked car park, below. And a lot of, err, mess for the EU27 to clear up. UK politics has become so irrational, hasn’t it? ‘Brexit means Brexit,’ ‘They need us more than we need them,’ ‘Easiest trade deal in history.’ It’s as though everyone’s got political dementia. Meanwhile, Mrs May is constantly back and forth petitioning the heads of the EU27 for Irish backstop concessions to avoid a hard border. What next, a petition to the Pope to be

St Theresa of groundhog day; or Brexit DEAL OR NO DEAL: Theresa May is hoping for a good outcome after negotiations. made St Theresa? Whichever party anyone supports or whether they voted Leave or Remain, is there anyone happy with this poker game the government’s seemingly bent on playing? Not that Corbyn could do much better than what Mrs May (hamstrung by Rees-Moggs’ group and the Neolithic DUP) has accomplished (or not). Since her government assumed power, our currency’s devalued, car manufacturing’s on the skids, the property market’s faltering, research establishments are leaving Britain, some companies part-vacating the UK to establish subsidiaries and personnel in Europe and numerous restaurants closing

down because nobody can afford the bills. (But whether or not Mrs May’s much vaunted ‘deal’ does succeed, maybe best to stockpile Marmite and a few other essentials just in case!) P.S. Wonder if the Irish PM is in touch with Trump on how to build a border wall? Nora Johnson’s psychological crime thrillers ‘The Girl in the Woods’, ‘The Girl in the Red Dress’, ‘No Way Back’, ‘Landscape of Lies’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Soul Stealer’, ‘The De Clerambault Code’ ( available from Amazon in paperback/eBook (€0.99;£0.99) and iBookstore. All profits to Costa del Sol Cudeca cancer charity.


LEGALLY SPEAKING Do they pay wealth tax? We were encouraged by your advice in an earlier column that we should not be paying Spanish wealth tax after paying it for many years. However, our tax consultant tells us we are still required to pay these taxes every year. We have paid again this year as we were unsure on conflicting views. We own a property in Spain and use it for holidays. Could you offer any clarification on wealth tax? RAO (Email) Perhaps you are confusing wealth David Searl You and the Law tax with other taxes. A in Spain non-resident property owner is liable for three taxes on his Spanish property. 1) The Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles. This IBI is the annual municipal real-estate tax, often known as the ‘rates.’ 2) The non-resident property owner’s imputed income tax. A small percentage of your value is attributed to you as imaginary income, and you are then charged a real tax of 19 per cent. 3) Finally, there is the Impuesto sobre el Patrimonio, or wealth tax. If your property is in Andalucia, you have an exemption of €700,000. If you and your wife each own half of your property, you have €1.4 million of exemption.

Send your questions for David Searl through lawyers Ubeda-Retana and Associates in Fuengirola at, or call 952 667 090.


by Robert Shallis THERE is no other person in the world better qualified at being you than you. You are unique and have so much potential. Sadly, much of this potential is unexpressed; we tend to disappear into society becoming anonymous, leaving others to break the mould and achieve remarkable things in their lives. Are others just lucky? Handed better opportunities? We witness new heights and successes being reached, hear amazing stories of people beating the odds and achieving what seems to be the impossible. So, why not us? Well, we are all capable of achieving incredible things in our lives and the first step is by truly believing you can. Life is a journey and when we have self-belief, magical things happen. However, we must accept that mistakes will be made along the way, as of course the path will be fraught with challenges. Everyone makes mistakes and those who say they don’t, probably don’t try anything. So, how do you start believing in yourself? Firstly, change your philosophy, be the person you want to be by visualising the outcome you want, change

28 February - 6 March 2019

EWN 35

Believe in yourself!

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: Your thoughts influence your life. your self-image to one of positivity. We all have a self-image, our imagination is a wonderful thing which you can start to use in a more positive way. Dismiss any reasons why you cannot achieve something and think of the many reasons

why you can. Be persistent with your new self-image as this demonstrates faith in yourself. Hold a constant positive image of the person you want to become until it becomes habitual. Thinking positively or

negatively are habitual ways of thinking, so be mindful of this. With work, you can change your self-image and change your world. Marcus Aurelius one of the most respected Emperors in Roman history once said ‘a man’s life is

what his thoughts make of it.’ Our self-image has been built up over a lifetime, formed from our successes and failures and the way people react to us. It is our own perception of the type of person we are. If you perceive yourself as a failure, then no amount of positive thinking will work, as it’s not consistent with how you see yourself. Once you have a consistent healthy self-image you will feel good and be more confident and start to achieve more. So maybe now is the time to make a choice and take a leap of faith. Work on yourself, as you deserve it as much as anyone. Believe you are capable of much more. Do not concern yourself about making wrong choices, these are learning opportunities which will steer you, correcting you towards your destination. Opportunities are all around us and you’ll be amazed at how they will start to present themselves once you see yourself achieving them. We are reflections of our thoughts, and our thoughts create our daily reality. If you can change your thoughts, you can change your life.

36 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019


11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Wanted Down Under Revisited 12:45pm A1: Britain's Longest Road 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One; Weather 2:30pm BBC London News; Weather 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Shakespeare & Hathaway Private Investigators 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Best House in Town 5:30pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six; Weather 7:30pm BBC London News; Weather 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm MasterChef 10:00pm Death in Paradise 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:30pm BBC London News; Weather 11:45pm Question Time 12:45am This Week

8:15am Best House in Town 9:00am The Great British Sewing Bee 10:00am BBC News at 9 11:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pmBBC Newsroom Live 1:15pm Politics Live 2:00pm Think Tank 2:45pm An Island Parish 3:15pm Full Steam Ahead 4:15pm Rise of the Continents 5:15pm Wild Burma: Nature's Lost Kingdom 6:15pm Antiques Road Trip 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Great Indian Railway Journeys 8:00pm Saving Lives at Sea 9:00pm Back in Time for School 10:00pmThe Parkinson's Drug Trial: A Miracle Cure? 11:00pmBetter Things 11:25pmRace Across the World 11:30pmNewsnight 12:10am Weather 12:15am Millionaires' ExWives Club 1:15am MasterChef

8:00pm Beyond 100 Days BBC News teams in Washington DC and London report on the events that are shaping the world. 8:30pm Top of the Pops Gary Davies presents the edition first broadcast on 14 May, featuring performances by Tom Jones, Starship, Johnny Hates Jazz and Labi Siffre. 9:00pm The Human Body: Secrets of Your Life Revealed 10:00pm Wild Swimming 11:00pm Apples: British to the Core 12:00am The Secret Rules of Modern Living: Algorithms 1:00am Top of the Pops 1:30am Time Shift

7:25am Cheers 8:45am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:40am Frasier 11:10am Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:05pm Undercover Boss USA 1:00pm Channel 4 News 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm A Place in the Sun 5:00pm A New Life in the Sun 6:00pm Escape to the Chateau: DIY 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News Includes sport and weather. 9:00pm Child Genius 10:00pm Three Identical Strangers 11:40pm 24 Hours in A&E 12:40am Gogglebox 1:40am Safe at Last: Inside a Women's Refuge

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm James Martin's Great British Adventure 4:00pm Tenable 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Tonight 9:00pm Emmerdale 9:30pm Australia with Julia Bradbury 10:00pm In the Line of Fire with Ross Kemp 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London 11:45pm Britain's Busiest Motorway 12:10am Tenable

7:20am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 8:10am You've Been Framed! 9:00am Emmerdale 9:25am Coronation Street 10:25am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20am Superstore 12:15pm You've Been Framed! 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 10:00pm You v Chris and Kem 11:00pm Family Guy 11:30pm Family Guy 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am American Dad! Animated series about Stan Smith, a hapless CIA agent.

7:00am Classic Coronation Street 7:55am Heartbeat 9:00am Murder, She Wrote 10:00am Judge Judy 11:25am On the Buses 12:30pmRising Damp 1:05pm George and Mildred George and Mildred Roper plan a move to middle class suburbia. 1:40pm Heartbeat 2:45pm Classic Emmerdale 3:15pm Classic Emmerdale Kathy turns up at Emmerdale in her new car. 3:50pm Classic Coronation Street 4:55pm Midsomer Murders 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Midsomer Murders 11:00pmLaw and Order: UK 12:00am Law and Order: UK

8:15am 9:10am 10:15am 11:20am 12:25pm 1:30pm 2:35pm 3:40pm 4:45pm 5:50pm 6:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm

11:00pm 12:05am 12:10am 1:45am 2:45am

3:35am 3:50am

Kojak Quincy, M.E. Minder The Sweeney The Professionals The Avengers Kojak Quincy, M.E. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney The Chase Football Genius Football Genius Gordon, Gino and Fred: Road Trip Enemy of the State FYI Daily Enemy of the State Minder Better Late Than Never The guys head to Berlin to investigate Henry's roots. World of Sport ITV4 Nightscreen Text-based information service.



9:40am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:55am Shimmer and Shine 10:05am The Secret Life of Puppies 10:15am Jeremy Vine 12:15pm Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm The Killing Game 5:00pm Friends 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 9:00pm Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 10:00pm Who Needs a Man When You've Got a Spray Tan? 11:00pm Rich Kids Go Skint

1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One; Weather 2:30pm BBC London News; Weather 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Shakespeare & Hathaway Private Investigators 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Best House in Town 5:30pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six; Weather 7:30pm BBC London News; Weather 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Celebrity Mastermind 9:00pm A Question of Sport 9:30pm EastEnders 10:00pm MasterChef 10:30pm Mrs. Brown's Boys 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News; Weather 11:35pm Guardians of the Galaxy

7:30am Escape to the Country 8:15am Best House in Town 9:00am River Walks 9:30am Great Canadian Railway Journeys 10:00am BBC News at 9 10:30am Athletics 3:00pm An Island Parish 3:30pm A Taste of Britain 4:15pm Natural World 5:15pm Wild Burma: Nature's Lost Kingdom 6:15pm Antiques Road Trip 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Athletics 11:00pm QI 11:30pm Newsnight Analysis of the day's events, presented by Kirsty Wark. 12:00am Weather The latest weather information. 12:05amLa La Land 2:00am Better Things

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Top of the Pops 9:00pm Top of the Pops: 1982 Big Hits 10:00pm Soft Cell: Say Hello, Wave Goodbye 11:00pm Synth Britannia 12:30am Top of the Pops 1:00am Arena 2:00am Top of the Pops: 1982 Big Hits A compilation of some of the biggest hits of the year, celebrating the genres of soul, reggae, jazz... 3:00am Arena A look at Hawaiian influences on US roots music, including the invention of the steel guitar. 4:00am Soft Cell: Say Hello, Wave Goodbye

6:00am Sky Sports News All the news from the Premier League and beyond. 7:00am Good Morning Sports Fans Bitesize 7:30am Live European Tour Golf Day one of the Oman Open in Muscat on the European Tour. 9:30am LPGA Tour Golf Day one of the HSBC Women's World Championship from the Sentosa Golf Club in Singapore. 11:00am Live European Tour Golf 2:00pm Live PGA Tour Featured Groups 8:00pm Live Premier League Darts 11:30pmCricket Day two of the first Test as New Zealand take on Bangladesh in Hamilton.

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25amThe Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm James Martin's 4:00pm Tenable 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:30pm Vera 11:30pm ITV News 12:00am ITV News London The latest news and weather from London and the South East. 12:15am Through the Keyhole 1:15am Tenable 2:05am Jackpot247

7:00am The Planet's Funniest Animals 7:20am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 8:10am You've Been Framed! 9:00am Emmerdale 9:55am You've Been Framed! 10:25am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20am Superstore 12:15pm You've Been Framed! 1:15pm Emmerdale 2:15pm You've Been Framed! 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 10:00pmThe Fast and the 11:05pm FYI Daily 11:10pmThe Fast and the Furious 12:10am Family Guy

7:25am Classic Coronation Street 7:55am Heartbeat 9:00am Murder, She Wrote 10:00am Judge Judy 10:30am Judge Judy 11:00am Judge Judy 11:25am On the Buses 12:00pm On the Buses 12:35pm Rising Damp 1:05pm George and Mildred 1:40pm Heartbeat 2:45pm Classic Emmerdale 3:15pm Classic Emmerdale 3:50pm Classic Coronation Street 4:20pm Classic Coronation Street 4:55pm Midsomer Murders 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Paul O'Grady for the Love of Dogs 9:30pm Doc Martin 10:30pm Doc Martin 11:35pm A Touch of Frost 1:40am Endeavour

7:25am 7:55am 8:20am 8:45am 9:10am 9:40am 11:10am

12:05pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am

7:15am 8:25am 9:25am 10:30am 11:35am 12:45pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:25pm 8:00pm 12:00am 1:30am 1:35am 2:15am 3:10am 3:35am 3:45am

Cheers Cheers Cheers Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Escape to the Chateau: DIY The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Child Genius Gogglebox The Last Leg The Big Narstie Show

9:20am Floogals 9:40am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:55am Shimmer and Shine 10:05am The Secret Life of Puppies 10:15am Jeremy Vine 12:15pm Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm Sinister Surrogate 5:00pm Friends 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Sacred Ireland: Holy Land 9:00pm Secret Scotland 10:00pm Meghan and the Markles: A Family at War 11:00pm Most Shocking Celebrity Moments 2018 2:00am Teleshopping

The Avengers Kojak Quincy, M.E. Minder The Sweeney Darts River Monsters River Monsters The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Darts The Usual Suspects FYI Daily The Usual Suspects Better Late Than Never The Car Chasers World of Sport ITV4 Nightscreen

7:00am Good Morning Sports Fans Bitesize Round-up of the sports news with live analysis and comment plus extended interviews 7:30am Live European Tour Golf 9:30am LPGA Tour Golf Day two of the HSBC Women's World Championship from the Sentosa Golf Club in Singapore. 11:00am Live European Tour Golf The second day of the Oman Open in Muscat. 2:00pm Live PGA Tour Featured Groups 8:00pm Football 11:15pm The Debate Live 12:15am Cricket

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.

38 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019




7:00am Breakfast 11:00am Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30pm Nigellissima 1:00pm Football Focus 2:00pm BBC News; Weather 2:15pm Cycling 4:00pm Bargain Hunt 5:00pm Final Score 6:30pm Impossible Celebrities 7:20pm BBC News 7:30pm BBC London News; Weather 7:40pm Pointless 8:30pm All Together Now 9:40pm Casualty 10:30pm Would I Lie to You? 11:00pm BBC News; Weather 11:20pm Match of the Day 12:45am Man Like Mobeen Sitcom about a reformed drug dealer trying to look after his younger sister. 1:05am Notes on a Scandal

4:45am This is BBC Two 7:45am All Over the Place Asia 8:15am Wild and Weird 8:30am Absolute Genius with Dick and Dom 9:00am Top Class 9:30am The Dog Ate My Homework 10:00am Nature's Microworlds 10:30am Athletics 2:00pm Rick Stein's Long Weekends 3:00pm Food and Drink 3:30pm Escape to the Country 4:30pm Back in Time for School 5:30pm The Great British Sewing Bee 6:30pm Athletics 10:15pm Live at the Apollo 10:45pm Women's Football USA v England. 12:45am Mayans M.C. 1:55am Mayans M.C. 2:50am The Lighthouse 4:25am This is BBC Two

9:00pm Japan: Earth's Enchanted Islands 10:00pmTrapped 10:50pmTrapped 11:35pmTop of the Pops 12:10am Top of the Pops 12:40am Soft Cell: Say Hello, Wave Goodbye 1:40am The Girl From Ipanema: Brazil, Bossa Nova and the Beach Katie Derham examines the story behind Antonio Carlos Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes's song. 2:40am EMI: The Inside Story 3:40am On Camera: Photographers at the BBC The working practices, lives and opinions of some of the greatest photographers of the last 60 years.

7:10am King of Queens 7:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:25am Frasier 9:40am The Big Bang Theory 11:00am The Simpsons 12:55pm Four in a Bed 3:35pm A Place in the Sun 4:35pm Sun, Sea and Brides to be 5:35pm Location, Location, Location 6:35pm The Secret Life of the Zoo 7:30pm Channel 4 News Includes sport and weather. 8:00pm Child Genius 9:00pm Independence Day: Resurgence 11:15pmDirty Grandpa 1:15am Sing Street Musical comingof-age comedydrama starring Ferdia WalshPeelo and Lucy Boynton. 3:05am The Last Leg

7:00am Milkshake! 11:05am Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:25am Cruising with Jane McDonald 11:35amDaddy Day Camp 1:20pm Friends 1:50pm Friends 2:20pm Friends 2:45pm Friends 3:15pm Friends 3:45pm Blended 6:00pm Bargain- Loving Brits in the Sun 6:55pm 5 News 7:00pm Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 8:00pm The Yorkshire Vet 9:00pm Edwardian Britain in Colour 10:00pm Henry VIII's Wives: Divorced, Beheaded, Survived 11:50pm Comedy Gold: Les Dawson and Other Entertainers 1:15am French and Saunders

7:00am Breakfast 9:40am Match of the Day 11:00am The Andrew Marr Show 12:00pm Sunday Politics London 12:30pm The Big Questions 1:30pm Homes Under the Hammer 2:00pm BBC News 2:10pm Weather for the Week Ahead 2:15pm Songs of Praise 2:50pm Bargain Hunt 3:50pm Money for Nothing 4:50pm Escape to the Country 5:50pm Pointless 6:35pm BBC News 6:50pm BBC London News; Weather 7:00pm Countryfile 8:00pm Antiques Roadshow 9:00pm Call the Midwife 10:00pm Baptiste 11:00pm BBC News 11:20pm BBC London News; Weather 11:30pm Match of the Day 2 12:35am The Apprentice USA

8:35am Countryfile 9:30am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:00am Athletics 2:00pm Live Cycling 5:00pm Inside the Factory 5:55pm Coast 6:25pm Race Across the World 6:30pm Athletics Coverage of the latest athletics championships and tournaments. 9:00pm Top Gear 10:00pm Race Across the World 11:00pm Eight Go Rallying: The Road to Saigon Four teams of celebrities compete in the Endurance Rally Association's Road to Saigon event. 12:00am Top Gear: Extra Gear Spin-off going behind the scenes on the motoring show. 12:25am Insert Name Here 12:55amCafe De Flore

8:00pm Britain's Outlaws: Highwaymen, Pirates and Rogues 9:00pm Info not available 10:30pm Faithfull: The Marianne Faithfull Story 11:30pm The Secret World of Haute Couture 12:30am Spike Milligan: Love, Light and Peace A portrait of the comedian, as told in his own words and featuring home movie footage. 2:00am Britain's Outlaws: Highwaymen, Pirates and Rogues 3:00am The Culture Show Alastair Sooke tracks down women involved in the pop art movement of the 1950s and 60s.

7:15am The Big Bang Theory 8:30am Frasier 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30am Sunday Brunch 1:30pm Info not available 2:30pm The Simpsons 3:00pm The Simpsons 3:30pm Robin Hood 5:15pm Over the Hedge 7:00pm Channel 4 News 7:30pm Escape to the Chateau 8:30pm Ice Age 10:00pm Traitors 11:00pm 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 12:00am Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell and Back 12:55am Ride Upon the Storm 2:00am Good People

7:00am Milkshake! 10:50am Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:00am Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:15am Make You Laugh Out Loud 11:40am Police Interceptors 12:40pm Friends 1:10pm Friends 1:40pm Friends 2:10pm Friends 2:40pm Friends 3:10pm Rich House, Poor House 4:10pm Rich House, Poor House 5:10pm Around the World by Train with Tony Robinson 6:10pm The Fifth Element 8:25pm 5 News 8:30pm The Man From U.N.C.L.E. 11:00pmDie Hard with a Vengeance 2:15am High Street TV Teleshopping

8:30am Scrambled! 8:35am The Tom and Jerry Show 8:50am The Powerpuff Girls 9:10am Toonmarty 9:30am Ultimate SpiderMan v the Sinister Six 10:05am Teen Titans Go! 10:25am Saturday Morning with James Martin 12:30pm Dancing on Ice 2:20pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:30pm ITV Racing: Live from Doncaster 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm ITV Evening News 6:20pm ITV News London 6:30pm You've Been Framed! 7:00pm The Chase: Celebrity Special 7:55pm Small Fortune 9:00pm The Voice UK 10:25pm The Jonathan Ross Show 11:25pm ITV News 11:40pm Creed 2:05am Jackpot247 4:00am WOS Wrestling

7:00am You've Been Framed! 7:25am Emmerdale Omnibus 10:00am Coronation Street Omnibus 1:00pm Celebrity Catchphrase 2:00pm The Voice UK 3:25pm You've Been Framed! 4:30pm Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang 5:30pm FYI Daily 5:35pm Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang 6:40pm Despicable Me 2 7:45pm FYI Daily 7:50pm Despicable Me 2 8:40pm Jurassic World 9:40pm FYI Daily 9:45pm Jurassic World 11:00pm Family Guy 11:30pm Family Guy 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am American Dad! 1:00am American Dad!

6:45am 7:00am 7:20am 7:45am 8:15am 8:45am

7:00am The Professionals 8:05am The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 9:20am The Return of Sherlock Holmes 10:30am ITV Racing: The Opening Show 11:30am Columbo 1:30pm Darts 6:00pm Pawn Stars 6:30pm The Car Chasers 6:55pm River Monsters 8:00pm Darts Coverage of the Darts UK Open Championships. 12:00amKiller Elite Action thriller remake. 1:05am FYI Daily The latest news from the world of entertainment. 1:10am Killer Elite Action thriller remake. 2:20am Minder

7:00am LPGA Tour Golf 9:00am Live European Tour Golf 1:30pm Football Southend United take on Barnsley at Roots Hall in Sky Bet League 1. 4:00pm Cricket The Windies meet England in the fifth and final ODI in Gros Islet. 6:30pm Football West Ham United welcome Newcastle United to the London Stadium in the Premier League. 8:30pm Cricket The Windies meet England in the fifth and final ODI in Gros Islet. 1:00am Cricket

8:20am Mr. Bean: The Animated Series 8:30am Scrambled! 8:35am The Tom and Jerry Show 8:50am Ben 10 9:10am Mr. Bean: The Animated Series 9:30am Project Z 10:05am Teen Titans Go! 10:25am ITV News 10:30am Parveen's Indian Kitchen 11:30am This Morning On Sunday 12:30pm Ainsley's Caribbean Kitchen 1:35pm ITV Lunchtime News 1:45pm The Voice UK 3:10pm You Only Live Twice 5:25pm ITV Evening News 5:45pm ITV News London 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Dancing on Ice 9:00pm Endeavour 11:00pm ITV News 11:15pm Martin Clunes: Islands of America 12:15am The Junk Food Experiment

7:00am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 7:10am You've Been Framed! 7:35am Emmerdale Omnibus 10:15am Coronation Street Omnibus 1:10pm Catchphrase 1:55pm You've Been Framed! 2:25pm Honey 3:25pm FYI Daily 3:30pm Honey Dance-based drama. 4:20pm Spy Kids 3: Game Over Action movie starring Antonio Banderas, 2003. 5:20pm FYI Daily 5:25pm Spy Kids 3: Game Over 6:05pm Minions 7:05pm FYI Daily 7:10pm Minions 7:55pm Clash of the Titans 8:55pm FYI Daily 9:00pm Clash of the Titans 10:00pmIbiza Weekender 11:00pm Family Guy 12:30am American Dad!

7:00am Rising Damp 7:25am Rising Damp 7:50am George and Mildred George and Mildred Roper plan a move to middle class suburbia. 8:25am George and Mildred 8:55am Heartbeat Nostalgic police drama series set in a 1960s Yorkshire village. 10:00am Heartbeat 11:00am Love Your Garden 12:05pm Carry on Behind 1:55pm Midsomer Murders 3:55pm Midsomer Murders 5:55pm Agatha Christie's Poirot 7:00pm Midsomer Murders 9:00pm The Durrells 10:00pm The Durrells 11:00pm Grantchester 12:00am Grantchester 1:05am Wire in the Blood

7:00am Pawn Stars 7:25am World Superbike Highlights 8:25am The Return of Sherlock Holmes 9:35am The Return of Sherlock Holmes 10:45amHow the West Was Won 11:50am FYI Daily 11:55am How the West Was Won 1:45pm Darts 6:00pm The Car Chasers 6:30pm The Car Chasers 7:00pm The Car Chasers 7:25pm The Car Chasers 8:00pm Darts Coverage of the Darts UK Open Championships. 12:00amAmerican History X Gritty drama. 1:05am FYI Daily The latest news from the world of entertainment. 1:10am American History X

7:00am Live LPGA Tour Day four of the HSBC Women's World Championship from the Sentosa Golf Club in Singapore. 9:00am Live European Tour Golf 12:30pm Live Renault Super Sunday 3:00pm Live Renault Super Sunday Fulham host Chelsea at Craven Cottage in the Premier League. 5:00pm Live Renault Super Sunday 8:00pm Live PGA Tour Golf Day four of the Honda Classic from the PGA National Golf Club in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. 12:00am Cricket

9:20am 9:50am 11:50am 1:50pm 3:50pm 5:50pm 8:00pm 10:00pm 12:00am 2:00am 2:25am


ITV3 Nightscreen Judge Judy Judge Judy Rising Damp Rising Damp George and Mildred George and Mildred Carry on Doctor Midsomer Murders Midsomer Murders Midsomer Murders Agatha Christie's Poirot Midsomer Murders Midsomer Murders Midsomer Murders Classic Emmerdale Classic Emmerdale Kate loses her baby. Joe blames Mark for causing the miscarriage. Classic Emmerdale

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.

42 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019



MONDAY - 4 MARCH 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six; Weather 7:30pm BBC London News; Weather 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Inside Out London 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Panorama 10:00pm Warren 10:30pm This Time with Alan Partridge 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm Regional News and Weather 11:35pm Fleabag 12:00am Jerk

4:45pm The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 5:15pm Wild Burma: Nature's Lost Kingdom 6:15pm Antiques Road Trip 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Great Indian Railway Journeys 8:00pm Top Gear 9:00pm Only Connect 9:30pm University Challenge 10:00pmLouis Theroux: The Night in Question 11:00pmCunk on Britain 11:30pmNewsnight 12:10am Weather

8:00pm Beyond 100 Days 8:30pm On Hannibal's Trail 9:00pm Coast 10:00pmA Very British History 11:00pmThe Birth of Empire: The East India Company 12:00am Citizen Jane 1:20am The Search for the Lost Manuscript 2:20am Big Sky, Big Dreams, Big Art: Made in the USA 3:20am Into the Wind 3:50am A Very British History

3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm A Place in the Sun 5:00pm A New Life in the Sun 6:00pm Escape to the Chateau: DIY 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Dispatches 9:30pm The Secret Lives of Slim People 10:00pmFamous and Fighting Crime 11:00pmFlights From Hell: Caught on Camera 12:00am Skint Britain: Friends Without Benefits

3:15pm Concrete Evidence: A Fixer Upper Mystery 5:00pm Friends 5:30pm Friends 6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News 8:00pm Gallagher Premiership Rugby Highlights 9:00pm Traffic Cops Documentary series about Britain's traffic police. 10:00pmAround the World by Train with Tony Robinson

3:15pm Shakespeare and Hathaway 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Best House in Town 5:30pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm Shetland 11:00pm BBC News 11:25pm Regional News 11:30pm Weather 11:35pm Eating with My Ex 12:05am Growing Up Gay

3:45pm Who Do You Think You Are? Celebrity genealogy series. 4:45pm The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 5:15pm Mexico: Earth's Festival of Life 6:15pm Antiques Road Trip 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Great Indian Railway Journeys 8:00pm Saving Lives at Sea 9:00pm Inside the Factory 10:00pm The Great British Sewing Bee 11:00pmThe Mash Report

8:00pm Beyond 100 Days 8:30pm On Hannibal's Trail 9:00pm Scotland: Rome's Final Frontier 10:00pmBurma with Simon Reeve 11:00pm Women's Football England v Japan. 1:15am Top of the Pops 2:15am The Man Who Shot Tutankhamun 3:15am The Body Beautiful: Ancient Greeks, Good Looks and Glamour 3:45am Awesome Beauty

1:00pm Channel 4 News 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm A Place in the Sun 5:00pm A New Life in the Sun 6:00pm Escape to the Chateau DIY 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer 10:15pmDerry Girls 10:45pmHome

3:20pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm The Kyle Files 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Who Wants to be a Millionaire? 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London

1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed Gold! 9:00pm You've Been Framed! 10:00pmFamily Guy 11:00pmThe Stand Up Sketch Show

1:40pm Heartbeat 2:45pm Classic Emmerdale 3:15pm Classic Emmerdale 3:50pm Classic Coronation Street 4:20pm Classic Coronation Street 4:55pm Midsomer Murders 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Endeavour 11:00pmScott and Bailey 12:00am Scott and Bailey

3:00pm Kojak 4:00pm Quincy, M.E. Another investigation for the California coroner. 5:00pm Minder 6:05pm The Professionals 7:10pm The Car Chasers 7:45pm Snooker 11:30pmTraining Day 12:30am FYI Daily

12:00pmFootball Centre 1:00pm Football Centre 2:00pm Sky Sports News 3:00pm Sky Sports News 4:00pm Sky Sports News 5:00pm Sky Sports News 6:00pm Sky Sports News at 5 7:00pm Sky Sports News at 6 8:00pm Football 11:15pmThe Debate - Live 12:15am Sky Sports News All the news from the Premier League and beyond.

5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Call the Cleaners 9:00pm This Time Next Year 10:00pm Who Wants to be a Millionaire? 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London

4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm You've Been Framed! 10:00pmThe Fast and the Furious 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pmThe Fast and the Furious 12:10am Family Guy

2:45pm Classic Emmerdale 3:15pm Classic Emmerdale 3:50pm Classic Coronation Street 4:20pm Classic Coronation Street 4:50pm Midsomer Murders 6:55pm Heartbeat 7:55pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Midsomer Murders

7:45am The Avengers 8:55am Kojak 9:55am Quincy, M.E. 11:00am Minder 12:00pm The Sweeney 1:05pm The Protectors 1:45pm Snooker 5:30pm The Professionals 6:35pm The Sweeney 7:45pm Snooker 11:30pmTremors 12:30am FYI Daily 12:35am Tremors 1:30am River Monsters 2:00am The Sweeney 3:00am Lethal Weapon

11:00am Sky Sports News 5:00pm Sky Sports News 6:00pm Sky Sports News at 5 7:00pm Cricket 11:00pm The Debate - Live 12:00am Sky Sports News 1:00am Sky Sports News 2:00am Live WWE Late Night Smackdown 4:00am Sky Sports News 5:00am Sky Sports News All the news from the Premier League and beyond.

7:55am Heartbeat 9:00am Murder, She Wrote 10:00am Judge Judy 10:30am Judge Judy 10:55am Judge Judy 11:25am On the Buses 12:00pmOn the Buses 12:30pmRising Damp 1:05pm George and Mildred 1:40pm Heartbeat 2:45pm Classic Emmerdale 3:15pm Classic Emmerdale 3:50pm Classic Coronation Street 4:20pm Classic Coronation Street 4:55pm Midsomer Murders 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Lewis 11:00pmVera 1:00am Law and Order: UK 2:05am Law and Order: UK

7:00am Football Rivalries 7:10am The Car Chasers 7:45am The Avengers 8:55am Kojak 9:55am Quincy, M.E. 11:00am Minder 12:00pmThe Sweeney 1:05pm The Protectors 1:45pm Snooker Coverage of the Snooker Players' Championship. 5:30pm The Professionals Action-packed drama series about two criminalintelligence agents. 6:35pm The Sweeney 7:45pm Snooker Coverage of the Snooker Players' Championship. 11:30pmTremors 12:30am FYI Daily 12:35am Tremors 1:30am River Monsters 2:00am The Sweeney

7:00am Good Morning Sports Fans Bitesize 8:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 11:00am Sky Sports News All the news from the Premier League and beyond. 12:00pm Sky Sports News 1:00pm Sky Sports News 2:00pm Sky Sports News 3:00pm Sky Sports News 4:00pm Sky Sports News 5:00pm Sky Sports News 6:00pm Sky Sports News at 5 7:00pm Cricket 11:00pm The Debate Live 12:00am Sky Sports News 1:00am Sky Sports News 2:00am Live WWE Late 4:00am Sky Sports News All the news from the Premier League and beyond.

Lies Gone Viral Friends Friends 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Wild Britain: Our Wonderous Rivers 9:00pm The Yorkshire Vet 10:15pm London: 2000 Years of History 11:15pmThe Bachelor 12:20am Michael Jackson's Face

WEDNESDAY - 6 MARCH 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Crimewatch Roadshow Live 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Wanted Down Under 12:45pm A1: Britain's Longest Road 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Shakespeare and Hathaway 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Best House in Town 5:30pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm Shetland 11:00pm BBC News 11:25pm Regional News

9:00am Great British Menu 9:30am Grand Tours of Scotland's Lochs 10:00am BBC News at 9 11:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pmBBC Newsroom Live 1:15pm Politics Live 2:00pm Super League Show 2019 2:45pm Ray Mears Goes Walkabout 3:45pm Who Do You Think You Are? 4:45pm The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 5:15pm Mexico: Earth's Festival of Life 6:15pm Antiques Road Trip 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Great Indian Railway Journeys 8:00pm Saving Lives at Sea 9:00pm Inside the Factory 10:00pmThe Great British Sewing Bee

8:00pm Beyond 100 Days 8:30pm On Hannibal's Trail Series in which three Australian brothers - Danny, Ben and Sam Wood 9:00pm Scotland: Rome's Final Frontier 10:00pmBurma with Simon Reeve 11:00pm Women's Football England v Japan. 1:15am Top of the Pops 2:15am The Man Who Shot Tutankhamun 3:15am The Body Beautiful: Ancient Greeks, Good Looks and Glamour 3:45am Awesome Beauty

10:10am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:40am Everybody Loves Raymond 11:10am Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:05pmUndercover Boss USA 1:00pm Channel 4 News 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm A Place in the Sun 5:00pm A New Life in the Sun 6:00pm Escape to the Chateau DIY 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm The Great Celebrity 10:15pmDerry Girls 10:45pmHome 11:15pmGogglebox 12:20am First Dates

7:00am Milkshake! 10:15am Jeremy Vine 12:15pmNightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 1:10pm 5 News 1:15pm Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 2:10pm Access 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:20pm Lies Gone Viral 5:00pm Friends 5:30pm Friends 6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News 8:00pm Wild Britain: Our Wonderous Rivers 9:00pmThe Yorkshire Vet 10:15pmLondon: 2000 Years of History 11:15pmThe Bachelor Reality series. 12:20am Michael Jackson's Face 1:15am The Last Hours of Michael Jackson

6:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm James Martin's 4:00pm Tenable 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Britain's Brightest Family 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Who Wants to be a Millionaire? 11:00pmITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pmITV News London 11:45pm Peston

7:00am The Planet's Funniest Animals 7:20am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 7:45am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 8:10am You've Been Framed! 9:00am Emmerdale 9:25am Coronation Street 10:25am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20am Superstore 12:15pmYou've Been Framed! 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:45pmThe Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 10:00pmThe Fast and the Furious 11:00pmFYI Daily

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.



Trivia from around the world *** The first electronic computer, ENIAC, weighed more than 27 tons and took up 1,800 square feet. *** Only about 10 per cent of the world’s money is physical, the rest exists on computers. *** Doug Engelbart invented the first computer mouse in around 1964 and it was made of wood. *** More than 5,000 new computer viruses are released every month. *** Around 70 per cent of virus writers are said to work for organised crime gangs. *** More than 80 per cent of the emails sent every day are spam messages. *** Typewriter is the longest word that you can write using the letters only on one row of a computer keyboard. *** The IBM 5120 from 1980 was the heaviest desktop computer ever made, weighing around 105 pounds, as well as a 130-pound external floppy drive. *** For eight years, the password for the computer controls of nuclear missiles in the United States was 00000000. *** Computer companies HP, Microsoft and Apple were started in a garage.

Women’s wit


Saturday February 23



AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) Don't chance your plans being disrupted by ill health. Get any problems sorted out now even if you think they are 'nothing'. When you are feeling good it is easy to take that for granted. Fresh foods and air mean more at the moment than making an extra few pounds. Allow others to become involved and give a hand when energy is low because you can easily repay the favour later when your own energy levels are high.

PISCES (February 20 - March 20)

DID YOU KNOW? The Genesis Device demonstration video in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan was the first entirely computer-generated movie sequence in cinema. The studio that made it went on to become Pixar, now one of the most successful studios in history, producing movies including Cars, Up, and Finding Nemo.

World of English

The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter if it is on a gang section, a football field, an army, or an office.”




Tuesday February 19












Friday February 22





Saturday February 23

Sunday February 24

















33 50






Thursday February 21









Appetency - a longing or desire, or a natural tendency or affinity. From a Latin word appetencia, first found in English the early 17th century.

Dwight D Eisenhower

Saturday February 23

In this your birthday month, your mind is positively buzzing with ideas. There has been so much progress in your personal life during the past year that it is hard to believe. However, you are capable of being very dynamic and single-minded. This is why, now, you may be patting yourself on the back. Keep colleagues on your side by taking a particular interest in them.

STAR TREK: The first computer-generated movie sequence.



Famous quote

Generally speaking, men are held in great esteem in all parts of the world, so why shouldn’t women have their share? Soldiers and war heroes are honoured and commemorated, explorers are granted immortal fame, martyrs are revered, but how many people look upon women too as soldiers?” Anne Frank








JOKER: 6 821 832




JOKER: 8 312 662

ARIES (March 21 - April 20) There are moments of boundless energy which really urge you to 'get up and go'. Make use of this at work, where most progress is to be made this week. Be you a politician, pensioner or anyone in between, the opportunities are there to be had. Slow progress on the love front should not see you fretting. At the moment, the priorities are elsewhere. Putting down roots and establishing your position are paramount.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) Bring more zip to your life by putting the spotlight on your health. Getting out and about lifts the spirits, while perking up the diet with new foods brightens the system. As energy levels come up this week, be aware of what is happening around you. A chance remark in conversation may bring to light a really great idea for improving your finances. Romance is not exactly sparkling but you have your eye on this area.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) The chance to travel seems exciting but can be made even more so by including a few people who are on your wavelength. So busy have you been on the more mundane aspects of life that the 'big picture' may have faded into the background. An early holiday or weekend break opens the mind and gives impetus to any personal plans. Don't be shy when with members of the opposite sex because they have much to offer you spiritually.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23)



An authority figure may also be seen as a possible romantic attachment. Your talents and charm serve you well when approaching this person. Opportunities need approaching with eyes wide open, however, because they could be time-consuming and disruptive. Nothing is for nothing,

though, and maybe you feel that it will all be worth the effort in the longer term. Financially, keep the ball rolling and contacts current.

LEO (July 24 - August 23) Keeping up the activity level physically is really in your best interests this week. It is a pivotal point where your resolutions in this area could fail. With life very busy, it is still important to retain your priorities. A new year promise broken may still be restarted without trauma, just determination is needed.

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) Does someone in the family need your attention? Don't begrudge time spent with them, even if you are busy. Consider what you would want others to do if you were in the same position. After all, you love a challenge so see this as a bit of a juggling act. Bringing humour into the equation makes such a difference midweek when you wonder where it is all going.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) With your enthusiasm socially at a peak, now is the time to get involved with anything that takes your fancy. A project involving music or painting will give you the chance to make new friends. Children and young people fill your time for a lot of this week and certainly give you a reason to smile. Organising a trip, possibly abroad, brings the chance of romance.

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) This week will see more progress on a health issue. Maybe you have recently given up something or taken to the gym. Recent weeks may have conspired to upset your best efforts. It is never too late to make a fresh start, though, especially right now. Someone who gives your confidence a boost also leads you to believe that anything is possible.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) Avoid like the plague people who would dampen your spirit. It may not be deliberate but, if you are near repressed or depressed people, it may rub off. Find positive, active people to be near. If you have not started a form of exercise, then now is as good a time as any. Make it group activity if you want more social contacts. When meeting someone new do not dismiss them out of hand.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) Romance will find you this week if only you are in the right frame of mind. You may be inclined to refuse social gatherings that hold no prospects for you, but don't close the door on anything. The right kind of companions are sometimes found in the strangest places. It is cosy to stay at home but life is all about progress, not stagnation.

44 • 28 Feb - 6 March 2019





Across 1 Doctor with little work in the fall (4) 3 Lump of rock broke the radio set (8) 9 Wrestle madly and suffer in heat (7) 10 Bill from Microsoft for supplying Access? (5) 11 Puzzling out some jargon (5) 12 Aprons designed for clergyman (6) 14 Part of flower, extremely sweet, with new name (6) 16 Going up, like US money (6) 19 Small change for a constable (6) 21 The belief is that I am God returning (5) 24 Mysterious characters confused nurse (5) 25 Company chief ordered to get a small house (7) 26 After remaking bed, Doris undressed (8) 27 Refuse in the garden yard (4) Down 1 Show daughter is nearby (8) 2 Once a stormy sea (5) 4 Scratch sweetheart following fight (6) 5 Found idea germinated, showing keen interest (5) 6 Effect of comet crash after half an hour (7) 7 Vessel for someone very attractive (4)

8 In a large book, hospital involved (2,4) 13 Arty gets revised plan (8) 15 Sums worked out, not a sum (7) 17 Seated transport is dignified (6) 18 Some mediocre chefs in nursery (6)

Code Breaker

20 Italian sauce made from ripest oranges (5) 22 For example turns on boy in clearing (5) 23 Poke with end of sharp stick (4)

Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 3 represents C and 17 represents B, so fill in C every time the figure 3 appears and B every time the figure 17 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

Across 1 Small handgun (6) 4 Spanish sparkling wine (4) 8 Investigate thoroughly to see if true (5) 9 Identical in quantity (5) 10 Early form of bicycle (10) 13 Strong desire to travel (10) 17 Relating to sound or sound recording (5) 18 Rugged box (5) 19 Arrange or order by classes or categories (4) 20 To pick out from a number by preference (6)

English - Spanish

Across 7 Comportarse (6) 8 Zanahoria (6) 9 Esperanza (4) 10 Transferir (8) 11 Fencing (sport) (7) 13 Rodillas (5) 15 To polish (5) 17 Pañales (7) 20 Skill (8) 21 Cantar (4) 23 Imán (6) 24 Balancín (6)


Down 1 Young dogs (4) 2 Range (5) 3 Be obliged to pay or repay (3) 5 Light shade of blue (5) 6 Napping (6) 7 Diffusing warmth and friendliness (6) 11 Nocturnal wildcat of Central America and South America (6) 12 Perspires (6) 14 Lowest or most unsuccessful point in a situation (5) 15 Frighten (5) 16 Strike repeatedly (4) 18 Stick used in snooker (3)

The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.

Down 1 Veil (4) 2 Carrera (6) 3 Hora de acostarse (7) 4 To throw (5) 5 Cárcel (6) 6 ¡Ven aquí! (4,4) 12 Cacerola (8) 14 To have a wash (7) 16 Tener la intención de (6) 18 To own (6) 19 Décimo (5) 22 Ordenado (4)





The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (DEPOSE) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.


LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION 1 Dreamy 2 Mumble 3 Laymen 4 Bronze 5 Bamboo 6 Vagary 7 Blonde 8 Grubby 9 Regain 10 Nobody 11 Travel 12 Dyeing 13 Dugout 14 Inland 15 Edging 16 Candle 17 Indigo 18 Triune 19 Onrush.


Boggled How many English words can you find in the Boggled grid, according to the following rules? • The letters must be adjoining in a ‘chain’. They can be adjacent horizontally, vertically or diagonally. • Words must contain at least four letters and may include singular and plural or other derived forms. • No letter may be used more than once within a single word, unless it appears twice. • No vulgarities or proper nouns are permitted.


How many English words of four letters or more can you make from the nine letters in our Nonagram puzzle? Each letter may be used only once (unless the letter appears twice). Each word MUST CONTAIN THE CENTRE LETTER (in this case N) and there must be AT LEAST ONE NINE LETTER WORD. Plurals, vulgarities or proper nouns are not allowed.

Fill all the empty squares using the numbers 1 to 9, so that the sum of each horizontal block equals the ‘clue’ on its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the clue on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.

TARGET: • Average: 23 • Good: 33



• Very good: 47 • Excellent: 60

SCORING: 4 letters: 1 point 7 letters: 5 points 5 letters: 2 points 8 or more letters: 6 letters: 3 points 11 points

Average: 14 Good: 19 Very good: 27


Excellent: 35

toby tosh duos dubs dock docks dockside docs dosh bock bocks bosh bosie pubs coup cobs cosh chic chief chid chide chin chins chino choice soup soupy sock scot shied shin shoe shoed shod side cock cocks cisco cedi cede feed hied hide hoed iced echo onside inch inside ions disk disbud disc disco dish dicot dice dicey deco defy

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION ache acre cafe care chef cure each ecru face fare fear hare hear race rhea urea chafe facer farce reach chafer chaffer CHAUFFEUR

CREDIT: Google.

QUICK Across: 1 Supple, 4 Lags, 7 Syria, 8 Ahead, 10 Greedy, 14 Add, 15 Hybrid, 18 Hyena, 19 Adapt, 20 Mare, 21 Remedy.


Down: 1 Sash, 2 Partridge, 3 Leave, 5 Sudden, 6 Lazy, 9 Eliminate, 11/12 Dry ice, 13 Mayhem, 15 Hoax, 16 Blaze, 17 Stay.





1 Misers, 4 Creeds, 9 Dormice, 10 Wager, 11 Seems, 12 Lanyard, 13 Greengrocer, 18 Snapper, 20 Intro, 22 Limbo, 23 Netball, 24 Modest, 25 Adults.

1 Comb, 3 Calabaza, 9 Ciruela, 10 Alarm, 11 Maybe, 12 Llorar, 14 Eighty, 16 Armada, 19 Dibujo , 21 Pulga, 24 Lilac, 25 Thinner, 26 Pasteles, 27 Esas.



1 Medusa, 2 Serve, 3 Reissue, 5 Rowan, 6 Engrave, 7 Strode, 8 Belligerent, 14 Rearmed, 15 Omitted, 16 Asylum, 17 Koalas, 19 Plots, 21 Trail.

1 Cucumber, 2 Mercy, 4 Amable, 5 Abajo, 6 Azafata, 7 Army, 8 Cement, 13 Palabras, 15 Grillos, 17 Repair, 18 Bottle, 20 Uncle, 22 Lungs, 23 Slap.

App of the week Photo motion NEW app StoryZ Photo motion allows smart phones-users to create motion movies from their still shots. The technology helps photos come to life with the use of an animated double exposure effect, which combines static imagery with overlay video. This photo animation suite is equally suitable for beginners as well as experts, creating effects, including GIFs, animated movies or moving portraits.

QUIZ: HI-DE-HI All the answers begin with either HI or DE 1. Easter Road is the home ground of which Scottish Premiership football club, founded in 1875? 2. Also called ‘belladonna’, which poisonous bushy Eurasian plant has drooping purple flowers and black cherry-like fruit? 3. The songs Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Now You Has Jazz and Well, Did You Evah! all featured in which 1956 American romantic musical comedy film? 4. Israelites, 007 (Shanty Town), It Miek and You Can Get It If You Really Want were all UK hit singles for which Jamaican ska, rocksteady and reggae singer-songwriter and musician? 5. What is the name of the American politician, diplomat, lawyer, writer and public speaker who served as the First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001? 6. Thought to have been hidden by the Essenes or a similar Jewish sect shortly before the revolt against Roman rule, what name was given to the collection of Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts discovered in pottery storage jars in caves near Qumran between 1947 and 1956?

7. What was the name of the legendary 16th-century North American Indian teacher and chieftain, who was the hero of an 1855 narrative poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow? 8. What name is given to the science or technique of dating events, environmental change and archaeological artefacts by using the characteristic patterns of annual growth rings in timber and tree trunks? 9. Which range of high mountains in northern Pakistan and Afghanistan form a westward continuation of the Himalayas? 10. Which desert area that is part of the Mojave Desert in eastern California and southwestern Nevada, contains the lowest point in North America? Not a lot of people know that... with the filming of the BBC television sitcom Hi-De-Hi initially taking place during spring, Jeffrey Holland (Spike Dixon) spent so much time in the camp swimming pool during production of series one that he was treated for hypothermia.


LAST WEEK’S SOLUTIONS • 28 Feb - 6 March 2019



Credit: Amazon UK



















TODAY: MAX 119, MIN 10-S




Fri - 18 12 - Cl Sat - 19 11 - C Sun - 18 10 - S Mon - 18 10 - Sh Tues - 19 10 - Sh Wed - 19 10 - S

Fri - 19 11 - S Sat - 18 11 - Cl Sun - 18 10 - S Mon - 17 11 - C Tues - 16 10 - Sh Wed - 17 10 - Cl

Fri - 18 6 - S Sat - 18 7 - S Sun - 17 7 - S Mon - 16 8 - Cl Tues - 15 8 - Sh Wed - 16 9 - S

Fri - 17 4 - Cl Sat - 16 6 - S Sun - 15 5 - Cl Mon - 14 4 - Cl Tues - 15 4 - Cl Wed - 16 4 -Cl









Fri - 17 10 - Cl Sat - 17 10 - Cl Sun - 18 9 - C Mon - 18 10 - Cl Tues - 18 10 - Sh Wed - 19 10- Cl

Fri - 19 12 - S Sat - 20 10 - Cl Sun - 20 11 - S Mon - 20 12 - Cl Tues - 20 14 - Sh Wed - 20 13 - Cl

Fri - 19 10 - S Sat - 17 5 - S Sun - 17 6 - Cl Mon - 18 8 - Cl Tues - 17 7 - C Wed - 17 8 - Sh

Fri - 14 5 - S Sat - 15 6 - Cl Sun - 16 9 - S Mon - 16 8 - Cl Tues - 16 7 - Sh Wed - 16 7 - Cl

S: Sun

Cl: Clear

C: Cloudy





Sh: Showers

ROQUETAS Th: Thunder

Sn: Snow


Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.

series 7th Heaven. She has since gone on to receive Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominations for acting. • Brooklyn Beckham, Instagrammer; March 4, 20 The famous son of parents David and Victoria Beckham, Brooklyn Beckham has since gone on to achieve celebrity status in his own right through a series of modelling contracts, high-profile celebrity girlfriends, and a thriving Instagram account. • Eva Mendes, Actress; March 5, 43 This successful actress, who has two children with fellow actor Ryan Gosling, began her career in the late 90’s with a series of roles in B films, including Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror. She went on to achieve larger roles in films Training Day, 2 Fast 2 Furious and The Other Guys.

Word Ladder WIDE


Move from the start word (WIDE) to the end word (LOAD) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time.


• Ainsley Harriott, Chef; February 28, 62 went platinum in late 2009, before subsequent This well-loved culinary icon has been a regular on singles and albums went on to make Bieber one British screens since early musical success with an of the best-selling singers of all time. early-nineties hit record, World Party, with the • Jon Bon Jovi, Singer; March 2, 57 The leader of eponymous rock band, Jon Bon Calypso Twins. Formed by Harriott and a school friend, the act went on become regular performers Bon Jovi. Jovi, the singer has enjoyed success since 1983 on London’s stand-up circuit before Harriott when he founded the group. Since then, the icon became a chef, going on to present Can’t Cook, Won’t has gone on to release 12 studio albums with his band, as Cook, and Ready Steady Cook. well as two solo albums. Bon Jovi has also dipped his toes into the acting world, in Moonlight and Valentino. • Justin Bieber, Singer; March 1, 25 Newlywed Bieber is a Canadian singer-songwriter • Jessica Biel, Actress; March 3, 37 discovered by talent manager Scooter Braun after Bieber Jessica Claire Timberlake, as she is officially known since posted YouTube videos of himself covering songs. After marrying singer Justin Timberlake in 2012, is a successful American actress who secured roles in television drama signing to RBMG records in 2008, the singer’s first album



Euro Weekly News strives for accuracy, but cannot be held responsible for any errors in published forecasts

This week in history

IN this new novel by author Lucinda Berry, a young couple desperate for a child of their own finally get what they want with unsettling consequences. Christopher and Hannah, a happily married surgeon and nurse with outwardly perfect lives, are missing a child in their lives until one day Christopher finds Janie, an abandoned six-year-old, at their hospital. The surgeon forms an instant connection with the child and convinces Hannah to take her in. Janie proves not to be the perfect child, however, increasingly forming a strong bond to Christopher while lashing out against Hannah in increasingly distressing ways. As Christopher refuses to see Hannah is suffering, and denies Janie is manipulating him, Hannah becomes increasingly isolated from her family. Already at breaking point, a revelation about Janie’s past may be enough to push Hannah and Christopher over the edge.



The perfect child

• 1692 - Witch hunt In Salem Village in Massachusetts, Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba, an Indian slave from Barbados, are charged with practising witchcraft. • 1899 - Aspirin out German pharmaceutical company Bayer patents aspirin, using acetylsalicylic acid made from a chemical found in the bark of willow trees, and making the medicine a household name. • 1932 - Kidnapped In 1932, Charles Lindbergh III, the 20-monthold son of aviation icon Charles Lindbergh, is kidnapped from the family’s home in Hopewell, New Jersey, with the perpetrator leaving a muddy footprint behind. • 1953 - DNA discovered Cambridge University scientists, James Watson and Francis Crick, discover the chemical structure of DNA, determining it is made of a double-helix structure. • 1966 - Lennon controversy Musician John Lennon sparks his first major controversy in America five months after giving a quote to an English newspaper saying the Beatles were, ‘Bigger than Jesus.’ • 1987 - Sinking A British ferry leaving Zeebrugge, Belgium, capsized, drowning 188 people, leading to a safety procedure investigation, led by Lord Justice Barry Sheen, which found the ship was lacking the necessary safety mechanisms.


Endeavour CREDIT:

TIME OUT Almería


THIS pre-cursor to Morse is now in its sixth episode and more popular than ever. In this series, it’s 1969, and things seem bleak with Morse - played by Roger Allam - and his crew separated across Oxfordshire. A series of grisly crimes - including the death of a young girl making her way home from school, cut brakes lines, a deadly campaign of gossip and rumour in a picturesque village and a murder at the Bodleian Library - to bring them back together. This season brings Morse’s former adversary, DCI Ronnie Box (Simon Harrison), and his sidekick, DS Alan Jago (Richard Riddell), into the gang, forcing them to work together to battle crime and corruption.


No added sugar Mike Senker In my opinion Views of a Grumpy Old Man I AM always pleased to receive your emails about my articles. In fact, over the years, I’ve had a few hundred and most of them I reply to and nearly all of them are positive or jokey. One person regularly sends me poems. Of course, all the emails have an address so I can just hit reply and that’s it. But this week someone decided to send the owner of EWN a letter telling them how sick I am. I don’t think they were referring to my aches and pains. I think they meant I am sick in the head. They then went on to insult the owner for giving me space to rant. This, of course, was because I had a go at that crook Trump. The thing which fascinated me was the fact that the letter was anonymous. There was no name, no signature,and no date, nothing. It was just a piece of paper with their rant on it. So, in their world, they can anonymously say what they like, and to be honest, it was a bit weird and rambly, but I can’t or shouldn’t be allowed to have my column

anymore because they are a Trump devotee and I hit a nerve. So my friend; next time be a big boy or girl and put your name to it then we can discuss things like adults. The world we live in now is full of keyboard warriors who hide behind made-up handles on social media and I’m sure it upsets some people, but not me! I have diabetes and I am always trying to work out what I can and can’t eat. I know that eating chocolate and sweets is a no-no. What I find confusing are items which have ‘no added sugar.’ The term means that the manufacturer has added no sugar to the product. But certain products labelled ‘no added sugar’ contain a large amount of natural sugar (canned fruit is one example) and/or other carbohydrates. Many products labelled ‘no added sugar’ contain artificial sweeteners. Manufacturers can use the term ‘sugar-free’ if the product has less than 0.5 grammes of sugar per serving. But keep in mind that as your servings go up, so does the sugar. For example, three servings of sugar-free jelly will contain 1.5 grammes of sugar. Perhaps most important, remember a product may be low in sugar but still very high in other carbohydrates. All very confusing!

28 February - 6 March 2019

EWN 47

48 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019


Advertising Feature

Brexit: Deal or no-deal, what does it mean for travellers? Christina Sharp GLOBELINK INTERNATIONAL

AS we motor full-throttle towards March 29, 2019, even those who’ve miraculously escaped Brexit discussions find themselves embroiled in how daily life might be impacted after Britain leaves the EU. So just what will Brexit mean for travel and holidays? Right now, it’s business as usual if you’re travelling before March 29. If you’re travelling after this date, both the UK government and Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) state that it’s OK to do so. Their premise is ‘deal or no-deal,’ flights will still operate between the UK and EU, and a visa won’t be required for short-term travel. The sad fact remains that until we know what’s finalised, it’s all ‘ifs and buts’ for now. However, here’s a round-up of travel Brexit questions answered.

Will flights operate? Yes. In a no-deal situation, the European Commission and UK government agree that UK airlines can still operate between the UK and EU and vice versa. If a deal is reached, then flights will continue unchanged until December 31, 2020. Will ferries run? Ferry and cruise services will continue operating, as most rules are international and not EU based. Will my passport be valid? If no-deal, the rules for travel will change after Brexit. You’ll need at least six months left on your passport from your date of arrival, if your passport is issued by the UK, Gibraltar, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, or Jersey. This rule doesn’t apply when travelling to Ireland. Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Romania may have different entry requirements, so check first at Will I need a visa to travel to the EU? If the UK leaves with a deal, you won’t need a visa to travel in the EU until at least December 31, 2020. If

no-deal, the rules change after Brexit. You still won’t need a visa after March 29, 2019 for ‘short stays’ in the Schengen area, or elsewhere in the EU. A short stay is anything up to 90 days in any 180-day period. Check vice when travelling to Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria, or Cyprus. Is my European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) valid? An EHIC allows EU citizens access to state medical care when travelling in the EU. In the event of a deal, the status quo is maintained and UK citizens’ rights continue until December 31, 2020. If no-deal, then UK registered EHICs will no longer be valid.

Will my driver’s licence be valid? Brits living in the EU should exchange their UK licence for a local EU issued licence before March 29, 2019. Otherwise, you may have to take a new driving test in the EU country you’re living in if there’s nodeal. Short-term visitors to Europe might need to obtain an International Driving Permit (IDP) to drive in the EU (apart from Ireland). Should I buy travel insurance? The best way to protect yourself against unforeseen holiday mishaps is by getting travel insurance as soon as you book your trip. Check the pre-existing medical conditions terms, espe-

cially given the EHIC situation we might face. Visit dance/uk-nationals-travelling-to-eu-essential-information for more information. This article is based on information as of Feb 8, 2019 from ABTA and the UK government. Globelink Travel Insurance: for people living in the EU. Visit, or call (UK) +44 1353 699 082 or our Spanish link line 966 265 000. One final word: thanks to one of our readers for pointing out that Marques de Riscal is grown in Álava and not Tajo, and the Serrania in the south.

BREXIT CHAOS: There is still uncertainty regarding the Brexit deal.

50 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019

YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE - YOUR OPINION Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website:

Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.

EWN - a winning team! I WOULD like to take few minutes to write to you to let you know that both yourselves (Michel and Steven Euesden - EWN owners) and your team have given us excellent customer service throughout our time with you. You both know your business and what works for the individual or company that you are working with to get the best for them. Your advice and guidance has without a doubt been invaluable and with the suggestions and changes made to our current campaign and that of our coming campaign we have made a vast improvement in both brand awareness and sales with not only our funeral plans, but that of our expat services such as health and general insurance. You can only put your continued success and growth down to your work ethic and ethos, thank you for your personal attention and all the time and effort your team put into us. Emma Quantrill Operations Director Golden Leaves International

Language lesson IN the article Unique Language (EWN, issue 1755) it is stated that the Spanish language has its roots in Latin...’ and also has Arabic influences.’ And that’s all... Wrong! Though it was Christianity that put an end to classical Greek culture and the fact that your newspaper is a Christian newspaper, it is not enough reason to exclude the Greek language as one of the most important roots of the Spanish language. Professor Samuel Gili Gaya wrote that Hellenisms were a traditional and permanent source of the Spanish lexicon and ‘the Romans had in their vocabulary many ancient Greek voices.’ In addition, the Latin writers took as a model the Greek works. There are also less important sources: Tagalog, Hebrew, Aramaic, etc. As a Spanish writer I would appreciate correcting the mistake made in the pages of your newspaper. JMF Santana

Parking woe I PARKED in a very quiet road next to an identical van while both van owners were living in an adjacent hotel. I was fined for having a van which I had kitted out for occasional camping, while the other was not! I had not slept in the van for the previous month! What sort of by-law allows such ridiculous nonsense? Graham Griffiths

SUNSET: A magnificent sight from my apartment window.

A stunning sky I HAVE to say that Spain has some magnificent natural sights to rival anywhere in the world. On my travels I have seen striking mountains, impressive gorges and stunning forests, but sometimes you really don’t have to move very far, just turn your gaze skywards. This beautiful sunset picture was taken from the window of my holiday apartment in Avenida Gamonal in Arroyo de la Miel. David Anderson


All letters by email or post should carry the writer’s address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published.



Price of inaction SINCE two-year-old Julen fell down an illegal well to his death in Andalucia in January, Spain has been forced to confront its illegal hole problem. Wells dug without permission have been shown as not only lethal, but widespread. The government estimates there could be more than one million across Spain. That is an average of more than 123 for each of Spain’s 8,124 villages, towns and cities. Provincial and regional authorities have already begun trying to seal off illegal holes to avoid a rerun of Julen’s death. Three were sealed in Asturias’ capital Oviedo this week and the Junta de Castilla y Leon’s Finance Spokesperson Pilar del Olmo said her authority would spend €100 million doing so. Action comes none too soon. If the government’s estimates are accurate, then it is frighteningly lucky that someone was not hurt or killed sooner, or that more lives have not been claimed. It goes to show that rules on planning, health and safety, much maligned as restrictive and pedantic, serve a vital function. Had prospectors followed those rules, tragedy may not have visited Malaga Province and we would be bringing you our view on something else this week. David Serrano, the owner of the land which harboured the well that claimed Julen’s life, has now been charged in connection with the two-year-old’s death. Julen’s death is the price of inaction. The cost may mount further if nothing is done to curb illegal wells.

Now we want to hear your views. YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE - YOUR OPINION Readers who have missed correspondence can see all letters - which can be edited before publication - posted on:

Costa del Sol entertainer Bunny Lane dies Only recently heard that Bunny was no longer with us. I had many great nights in Bunny’s in Iris where we have an apartment. He and KT and Peter were amazing, was so sad when Bunny’s closed. Sending my condolences to Phil. Maureen

Spanish universities cancel Erasmus grants before hard Brexit possibility Brexit is going to create a negative impact which is something inevitable. I think Spain should work harder and emphasise how it can attract international students (esp from Asia, Middle-East and even from North America). Spain has one of the top universities in the world and the quality of education and professors are excellent and of high standard. If the government along with educational professionals introduce more universities that can offer different courses taught in English then I won’t be surprised if they surpass Germany or even France in terms of receiving more international students. Pupils are crazy to study in Spain because of the food, sports, culture, and even social life, but two things might have been issues for many to change their minds : 1. Language and 2. Lack of jobs. Think again, it is not too late. Andrew It hardly matters whether Erasmus is closed for certain to British students. Applicants to these grants from the UK have already faced rejected applications for almost two years following the referendum. Julie

COMMENTS FROM EWN ONLINE Yup - unfortunately peeps in the UK just didn’t think of the real knock-on effect of their vote. I’m sure there will be another programme hashed out over time, but it’s gonna be a pain for those wanting to study European languages. Jennifer

Best and worst Spanish supermarkets In the matter of price v quality v availability, Mercadona is hard to beat. Alan

Corte Ingles is ok, but overpriced, unfortunately.


Health expert warns of 12,000 heat deaths a year in Spain without climate change action And they still burn everything on the fields. Every day the Orba Vally is covered in smoke and smog but nobody does anything about it. Just always blame the cars. Renato

Spain strikes deals with African countries to control migration Good luck to the powers that be on this.


Not one mention of Mercadona which I think is the best all round supermarket. Value for money and good quality. Elsewhere you’re mainly paying for popular branded goods where Mercadona’s own brand are perfectly fine! Nick

Morocco will be very grateful - for the thousands of highly educated migrants who would otherwise have made their way to Britain or Germany who - we are always told - are desperate for their skills ! PM

My supermarket habits have changed since I moved inland as I was a Carrefour girl, sporadically shopping at Supersol and Mercadona , rarely Lidl, and never Aldi. Now I’m inland, and it’s Mercadona, Lidl, Aldi and Dia in that order, Don Market were great but have moved due to a new Carrefour which is okay, but the fresh produce isn’t great... or what I bought wasn’t too good out of the packaging. So it was back to Lidl and Mercadona. I rate Mercadona number 1. El

BREXIT: Brits could pay €60 for EU travel after Spain blocks fee waiver over Gibraltar This is absolutely WONDERFUL news. It’s absolutely IMPERATIVE we are put on the visa-required list. We are far too high-risk a country to be put on the EU’s visa exempt list. Gayle

HEALTH& Beauty 52

by Julie Day THE number of people suffering from diabetes worldwide has risen from 108 million in 1980, to more than 425 million in 2017. The US has the greatest number of diabetics, at almost 10 per cent of the population, followed by the UK, Canada and China. Diabetes is now the seventh most common cause of death, and studies say two out of every three people with diabetes will die early from heart disease or a stroke. Traditionally, diabetes generally only affected people over the age of 60, but now it is common to

28 February - 6 March 2019

to read more visit

Looking at diabetes see people in their 30’s and younger with the disease, and the rise in the number of diabetic young children is steadily increasing. What is diabetes? In short, diabetes is a defect in the body’s ability to convert blood sugar into energy. In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas stops producing or is unable to produce enough insulin, a hormone the body needs to regulate the blood sugar levels, ensuring they are not too high or too low. Insulin is responsible

for delivering the sugar (glucose) from the bloodstream into the liver, muscles, fat and other cells so it can be used for fuel. In Type 2 diabetes, the body does not respond normally to insulin, and cannot use it effectively. It begins to overproduce the hormone to make up for it, but over time the body can’t produce enough insulin to maintain blood sugar levels at a normal rate, leading to excessive amounts of glucose in the body which can’t be used. Symptoms Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes include extreme thirst, frequent and excessive emptying of the bladder, constant hunger, weight loss, mood swings, tiredness, weakness, nausea, wounds which are unable to heal quickly, recurring infections and blurred vision. The symptoms of Type 2 are similar to those of Type 1, but

not as obvious. This often means a late diagnosis of the disease, meaning the patient could have already had it for several years. Additional symptoms include hunger, especially after just eating, a dry mouth and headaches. Health problems If diabetes is not treated or controlled it can lead to numerous health conditions including heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, glaucoma, nerve destruction and amputation of the feet. Over time, excessive sugar in the blood destroys the body’s blood vessels and nerves, and restricts blood and oxygen flow through the arteries and veins. A reduction of blood flowing to the heart, or a blockage in the arteries, can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Studies show people with diabetes are twice at risk of developing heart or cardiovascular

Kate Broadhead Health and Lifestyle coach CRAVINGS have a lot to answer for. They are often the downfall of any weight loss regime and the knock-on effect can be ultimate failure. Everyone has their weaknesses. My best friend can’t turn down a family-sized bag of Walkers crisps. Many people are chocoholics. My weakness is full-on carbs; a baked potato with cheese and butter is pure heaven to me! So how do we stop cravings from leading us astray? Two things: 1) If you desperately want something, plan it into your day and work the rest of your meals around it. With carb cycling, you have a certain flexibility as no foods are banned, they just have to be eaten in moderation, and to a set limit for your weight. 2) Create guilt-free goodies which contain healthier ingredients, thus allowed to be eaten more freely! Two of my most popular recipes are peanut butter protein bites and coconut chocolate balls, both of which are made with natural sweeteners and flour alternatives. They also taste great!

disease than people without diabetes. Causes of diabetes Research generally shows there is no single cause of diabetes. There are, however, several important contributing factors. Researchers agree the most common contributing factor of developing diabetes Type 2 is obesity, closely followed by stress. People with high blood pressure, high levels of LDL cholesterol and a high body mass index are more at risk, and it has also been found most diabetics are deficient in magnesium and zinc, minerals which aid the body’s ability to use insulin and to heal wounds. Prevention While traditional doctors advocate the use of pharmaceutical drugs (much to the delight of the pharmaceutical companies who are profiting), studies have also shown supplements

and lifestyle changes will help to control, or even reverse, diabetes. As stress is a major disease-forming factor; a contributor to many illnesses, not just diabetes, it is vital to eliminate stress from our lives. Patients must control their weight and exercise, such as walking an hour every day and avoiding high glycaemic index foods such as processed carbohydrates and sugar, is essential. Studies also show that magnesium and zinc supplements will help. Low magnesium levels for example, are associated with insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, and decreased insulin secretion. This means by increasing magnesium levels, the body will become less resistant to insulin and be able to use it properly. Other minerals and supplements known to aid in the prevention of diabetes include B vitamins, vitamin E, chromium, iodine, cinnamon and coenzyme Q10.

Treat yourself!

CURB THE CRAVINGS: Switch ingredients for guilt-free treats. Sweet cravings often occur in the afternoon, a couple of hours after lunch when the fatigue can kick in and you get the ‘crash’ which leads you to make an unhealthy choice. These sweet snacks are perfect for this as they contain natural energy sources and are perfect with your afternoon coffee! (black of course!) Milk substitutes are very popular now and are so versatile; if smoothies are your thing, blend almond milk with berries and ice for a delicious filler which tastes way too

good to be healthy! For savoury treats, cheese is welcomed on carb cycling; just be careful to choose a low carb, high fibre cracker to be its partner! Visit Kate’s successful Facebook group on cyclingforbeginners or follow on Instagram @carbcyclingqueen For personal coaching please email her on

HEALTH & BEAUTY BETWEEN festive events, visiting family, and cold temperatures, winter can feel like one of the longest seasons. So why not celebrate its departure with a well-deserved, home pampering session? Best attempted in the evening when relaxation benefits should result in an uninterrupted night’s sleep, a DIY pampering session can lower stress and restore dehydrated, stressed-out hair and skin. Begin by running a warm bath - shown to help lower stress hormone levels - containing a favourite oil or scent. Try a specially designed bath soak such as Herbivore’s Soaking Salts (€15.86 for 227g from One hundred per cent natural, this relaxing product contains salts to hydrate and soothe skin. As you soak away your stress,

Pure bliss take advantage of half an hour to yourself to pay attention to one of the more neglected areas of the body; the scalp. Dampen hair before gently massaging IGK’s Low Key Cleansing Walnut Scalp Scrub (£31/€35.51 for 147ml) onto the head until the product dissolves, before adding more water for a rich lather. This mini-massage helps you unwind as well as detoxing the scalp of any product build-up, and can be used once a week in

place of shampoo. Next, apply a hydrating mask such as Instant Coconut Hair Mask (€5.95 for 100ml from As it takes effect, treat your body to the same glow-inducing exfoliation and slough off the day with a gentle exfoliator such as Haeckels Exfoliating Vegan Seaweed Block (from £4/€4.59 from www.haeck Doubling up as a hydrating seaweed soap and specially-made in Margate, England, this block uses peppercorns and crushed coriander seeds to provide a natural scrub. After rinsing off, snuggle up in something comfortable and treat your skin to a mask. Patchology Flashmasque (from €7.05 from www.revolvecloth is available in four varieties; Hydrate, Illuminate, Soothe, and Milk Peel.

28 February - 6 March 2019

EWN 53

U p d a t e o n f o o d , d r i n k , e n t e r t a i n m e n t s , w h a t ’s o n a n d w e e k l y h a p p e n i n g s



28 February - 6 March 2019

to read more visit

SOMETHING DIFFERENT: Bake in the oven topped with breadcrumbs and parmesan.

Chicken Moussaka HAVING processed a couple of excess cockerels which had started to fight here at Olive Tree Farm, I was trying to think of something different I could use the meat for. Whilst Moussaka is usually made with minced lamb, I thought this might be a good opportunity to make use of the rich dark meat. I did make the recipe up, and made it twice just to make sure, so you can rest assured it has been well tried and tested! • Ingredients 600g finely chopped chicken breasts (or minced chicken) Olive oil for frying 1 medium white onion finely chopped 2 cloves of garlic grated 1 400g tin chopped tomatoes 1 380g box tomato fritada pisto A couple of good pinches of oregano A splash of red wine 2 medium sized aubergines sliced thinly A couple of handfuls of coarse salt Unsalted butter about 80g 500 ml milk 45g plain flour 120g grated cheddar cheese

OLIVE TREE FARM was set up about four years ago with the intention of achieving a level of self sufficiency. We have poultry for meat and eggs, goats for milk, rabbits and small pigs for meat and harvest our 70 olive trees each year for oil. We also grow a variety of fruits and vegetables. Salt and black pepper 120g of breadcrumbs Parmesan cheese • Method Pre-heat the oven to 200ºC. Sprinkle salt over the slices of aubergine and leave for around 15 minutes, this removes excess liquid from them. Tip the aubergine into a sieve when the juices start to run out, rinse well under a cold tap to

remove the salt, and then dry on kitchen paper. Set aside. Heat a large thick based frying pan and add two tablespoons of olive oil. Brown the cubed chicken in three or four batches, remove from the pan and set aside. In the same pan add your onion and garlic and soften on a gentle heat. Add your tomatoes and tomato fritada and then stir though the browned chicken. Add the oregano and leave to simmer for about 20 minutes, uncovered so the liquid reduces a little. Season to taste at the end of cooking time. Meanwhile, heat another frying pan, and fry the aubergine in olive oil in batches, turning them over so both sides are slightly brown. Set aside. For the Bechamel sauce… Melt the butter in a saucepan over a low heat. Add the flour and beat well using a whisk. Cook for three mins, stir constantly, taking care not to let it burn. Warm the milk, then add it slowly while stirring to avoid lumps. Cook over medium heat four to five mins. Remove from the heat and blend the Cheddar cheese into the sauce. Grease a baking dish. Add half the meat, then layer half the aubergine on top, add the rest of the meat, and top with remaining aubergine. Pour the Bechamel sauce over the top and sprinkle with breadcrumbs and a sprinkle of Parmesan. Bake in the centre of your preheated oven for 30 minutes, until the top is golden and bubbling around the edges. Leave to stand 10 mins before serving.


28 February - 6 March 2019


THE Duchess of York had her arms full of orchids and a suit cover emblazoned with an ‘S’ as she left a hotel in Madrid last week. But the ex-wife of Princess Andrew, Sarah Ferguson, 59, still managed to greet fans who had gathered to see her. The brief city break was no doubt welcomed after a hectic few weeks. She visited Sierra Leone earlier this month with her charity Street Child, which helps children in poverty get an education. Fergie visited a village and spent time with young pupils in the classroom. Posting pictures of her visit to her Instagram account, which boasts 169,000 followers, she wrote: ‘Such a privilege to be welcomed so warmly by children at this school in Port Loko, Sierra Leone, which has been helped by my charity. ‘It breaks my heart that 121 million children don’t have a chance to go to school which is why I am here to launch Street Child’s campaign to build or renovate 1,000 schools and give an education to 100,000 children.’ And prior to Sierra Leone, the Duchess let her hair down at a friend’s party in Copenhagen, Germany.

CREDIT: @SarahRheDuchess Twitter

Fergie’s fleeting visit

GLAM: The Duchess fits fun around fundraising.

EWN 55

56 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019

TECH FOR THE TIMID BACK in the day, I thought I could game the exam system with a muchtouted new technology: sleep-learning. A tape recorder (remember them?) with a timer, squawked a continuous loop of my study material through a desperately uncomfortable speaker under my pillow. What I got out of it other than a bruised ear, was massive sleep deprivation and trouble staying awake for the actual exam. Any actual learning was probably from having to recite the material onto the tape in the first place. Sleep-learning quickly fell into disrepute when researchers announced it was ‘impractical and probably impossible.’ But today like millions of others, I still rely on bedtime technology; now to actually get me to sleep and never mind the Valium. Brits who haven’t managed to nod off by 00.48 UK time often swear by the poetically soporific ‘shipping forecast’ to dust their eyelids. My own remedy is much simpler

Dreaming of electric sheep There’s a (n)app for that, says serial insomniac Terence Kennedy

and more flexible: smartphone by the bedside, preloaded with BBC podcasts, and one comfortable earphone. Dry-as-dust history analysis ‘In Our Time’ is a guaranteed Horlicks; the hilarious ‘News Quiz’ absolutely isn’t. Extreme aficionados go one step further, downloading ‘the world’s most boring podcasts’ to do the trick; from monotonous recitations of that least-read famous book, James Joyce’s

‘Ulysses,’ to tide tables delivered with no inflection, to ‘Game of Drones’ (yes, really), to two people you don’t know and don’t care about discussing their relationship at excruciating length. Of course the object of the exercise is to stop the onset of the mindclutter which can haunt us all in the wee small hours when no amount of sheep-counting works. There is another approach for the hard-of-sleeping: white noise, a syn-

thetic noise source for sound masking. Hit the Google or Apple store and there are dozens of white-noise-type apps - many free - and if you prefer something less hissy than white noise itself, take your choice falling asleep to the clacking of a railway carriage, a purring cat, the gentle pitter-patter of rain on the roof, or even the rumble and whine of an airliner cabin, but without the chicken or beef. Sleep inducement apart, these apps are a blessing in another way; a boon to those of us who can’t concentrate in noisy spaces. Driven to distraction by your colleague’s whine, the crackle of a nearby TV or the ceaseless song of the Hoover? Grab a decent pair of isolating over-ear headphones and work obliviously instead to anything from Metallica to Beethoven’s Tenth. Which does indeed exist by the way, though even Ludwig’s staunchest fans wish it didn’t.


Terminal boredom THE astonishingly popular American ‘Sleep with Me’ is unlike any podcast you’ve ever heard. Each episode is designed to get more boring the longer you listen, a sort of interestingness decrescendo. And it must be working, given it gets nearly three million downloads a month. In a recent episode, its deadpan presenter describes in mind-numbing, droning detail, how to build a birdhouse; for one hour and 17 minutes. Other topics shuffle from children’s fairy stories as told by an entirely disinterested parent, to no-holds-barred descriptions of the narrator’s latest holiday. And lest you might feel you’ve missed a gem, there are currently 738 of the darn things to download. Good night, sleep tight, and make sure the earphones don’t bite.

Behind THE MUSIC V L James | | Facebook: @vljamesinfo

Mark Hollis: Talk Talk WHILE sitting and thinking about what to regale you with in this week’s column, news started to come through on Facebook that singer Mark Hollis had died. Hollis was a singer, musician and songwriter for the band Talk Talk. For people my age who were buying records in the early 1980’s, Talk Talk were not a massive band in commercial terms, but boy did they make some cracking records. Mark Hollis formed Talk Talk in 1981 with Paul Webb and Lee Harris. The band would quickly achieve chart success with synth pop singles Talk Talk and It’s My Life.

MARK HOLLIS: Former Talk Talk singer and songwriter.

Popular in the UK and across Europe, Talk Talk were very well received by the critics and sold records in very respectable numbers, but never achieved the really massive sales of some other bands of the time; 1985’s Life’s What You Make It was a fantastically moody epic, driven by a heavy piano riff. But what made the Talk Talk sound was the pure, passionate and unique vocals. When Talk Talk came on the radio you knew it was them. There was no mistaking that voice. Hollis’ death won’t make massive headlines, but thanks for the music Mark.

58 EWN


28 February - 6 March 2019

Donation to deserving cause THE Almanzora Group of Friends has donated part of the proceeds from its 2018 monthly quizzes to a very deserving cause. Group president Shelagh Copeland presented a cheque to volunteers at Caritas, the Catholic Church’s official organisation in Spain for charity and social relief, at the Parroquia de Santa Maria branch. Accompanying Shelagh was Group of Friends Spanish Liaison Officer Francine Sanchez, together with parish priest Don Rafael and Caritas branch head Gregorio Moreno Sanchez. The Caritas charity provides food for families in difficult circumstances and with no other support. There are two Caritas branches in Albox; as well as Caritas de la Parroquia de Santa Maria near the town hall, there is Caritas de la Parroquia de La Loma in Plaza San Francisco,

which together provide food for about 160 families. Those in need of assistance register with the local authority in order to have access to the food bank. “We hope to do more fundraising in the future for this very deserving cause, but in the meantime they would be very grateful for anything individual members can offer in the way of food or cash donations,” Shelagh commented. She also stressed that food

should be non-perishable items. Both branches of Caritas are open on Wednesday and Thursday; the La Loma branch from 11.30am to 1pm on both days and 5.30-10.30pm on Thursday. The Santa Maria branch from 11am to 1pm on both days. The charities also welcome donations of clothes for the needy; donations can be made in the red bins located around Albox town.

Corruption case review THE Supreme Court will review sentences ordered by a provincial court for eight suspects in connection with the so-called Costurero urban planning corruption case in Zurgena, after the accused lodged an appeal. They include Candido Trabalon, Zurgena mayor from 2003 to 2011, and former Urban Planning councillor Manuel Tijeras. The court is due to look at the case next week.

60 EWN


28 February - 6 March 2019

Cowboy ceilidh AGE SUPPORT ALMANZORA is organising a somewhat original fundraising event, combining a traditional St Patrick’s Day ceilidh with line-dancing. The cowboy ceilidh promises not only dancing, but also cowboy-themed games, a raffle and plenty of laughs. Geoff ‘the kid’ Murrell, fiddlers and friends will provide the music, and ‘calamity’ Lynn will be caller and explain the moves. Get out the checked shirts and cowboy boots and get on down to La Parilla in Albox on Saturday March 16, the fun getting underway at 7pm. Tickets priced €5, including a light supper, are available from the Age Support shop in Albox.

Town hall moving ALBOX Town Hall is on the move. The local authority is in the process of moving all the furniture and documentation from the town hall building in Calle Rosario into its new home, the recently renovated convent close to the Plaza Mayor. A mammoth task, the move itsset

to be completed this week, and on Friday the council is staging an open house at its new headquarters to let members of the public take a look round. There will then be an official inauguration of the new premises next Monday at 6.30pm.

Road works go-ahead ROADS and lanes in Velez-Rubio are set for upgrades. The provincial council has awarded contracts for two projects. One covers widening and resurfacing the road connecting the A-92 dual-carriage with Fuente Grande, an area with many farms. The second involves improving the surfaces of 11 streets and three country lanes, at a cost of €330,000. The council said the aim is improving road safety and traffic fluidity and guaranteeing the maintenance of basic underground infrastructure, like water pipes, power and telephone cables.

62 EWN


28 February - 6 March 2019

FACE farewell to founder member FACE (Fundraising in Arboleas, Caring for Everyone) founder member Adele Wrigglesworth is leaving the charity. Adele and her husband Kevin are moving back permanently to the UK to be close to family. The idea to launch FACE goes back to 2003 when Adele’s mother registered her to take part in the MacMillan Biggest Ever Coffee Morning initiative. Adele had never done charity work before, but with the help of friends and neighbours she accepted her mother ’s challenge and set about organising her first ever charity event, held in her garden in Los Garcias, Arboleas. Over the following couple of years the event grew, taking over the whole street. However, it was felt that money raised in Spain, should

ADELE: Will be greatly missed by the charity. remain in Spain. With help from Arboleas council the present day FACE charity was born. Adele was elected the first president, a position she held for over nine years. Adele gave up her position as president to spend more time in the UK with family, especially her grandchildren, but continued serving on the FACE committee as an honorary member when in Spain. It was under Adele’s leader-

ship that in July 2015, FACE was nominated and won a prestigious award at the sixth Annual Almanzora Valley Awards for its charity work, the first time a British charity had been put forward for one of these recognitions. Adele will be sorely missed by FACE and the present committee, and the many people who have worked with her in the past. All those who have benefited from the money Adele has helped to raise over the years will also be sorry to see her go. To find out more about FACE, to make a donation, or if you are interested in joining this dedicated group of people, contact them on their website, email them at or see the FACE Facebook page. Alternatively you can telephone 634 306 727.



28 February - 6 March 2019


Look no further for a home. 9-page special starts here...



Highest house prices in 10 years A

S most people are aware, house prices have been gradually rising for the last couple of years, which for those trying to sell their property, is something they have been wanting for years. According to a study published by the College of Property Registrars in February, figures show during the last quarter of 2018, house prices rose by 8.2 per cent from the previous year; the biggest increase in house prices in the last decade. The study also revealed since property prices began to recover in 2014, after six years of falling steadily, they have now

accumulated a growth of 29.78 per cent. In spite of this, house prices are still cheaper now than in 2007 at the height of the property boom; 16 per cent lower than they were back then when they reached their highest. Property sales Confirming data released by the National Statistics Institute (INE), the College of Property Registrars pointed out the high number of property purchases which took place in 2018 - a total of 516,680 - making it the first time in 10 years that more than half a million properties were sold in Spain. Regions By regions, the greatest num-

ber of properties were sold in Andalucia (100.907), followed by Cataluña (81.577) and the Valencia Region (78,604). However, the study also revealed that during the last three months of 2018, property purchases slowed down in 39 of the 50 provinces, with more purchases having taken place in the same period in 2007. Increased lending The rise in property prices also gave way to an increase in the amount of money lent by the banks for new mortgages. During the fourth quarter of last year, banks granted 2.79 per cent more money for new mortgages than they had done in the previ-

ous three months (July to October). This was the sixth consecutive quarter in which the amount of money banks lent out, went up. The average amount of credit

year and exceeded 65,400 operations. This figure constitutes 12.64 per cent of all property sales in Spain for 2018. Despite the uncertainty over Brexit, British buyers continued

GOING UP: House prices are at their highest in 10 years. granted per property loan in the last quarter of 2018 was €129,092, with greater amounts being given only in Madrid (€196,458), the Balearic Islands (€171,977), Cataluña (€149.786) and País Vasco (€148,745). Foreign buyers The interest shown by foreign purchasers remained stable last

to be the top purchasers of Spanish real estate last year and represent 15.54 per cent of the total of foreign buyers – double that of any other nationality. Following the Brits were the Germans, with 7.48 per cent of all purchases made by foreign buyers and the French, with 7.39 per cent.

64 EWN


28 Feb - 6 March 2019

URING the property boom, which for most seems like a very long time ago, the demand for various types of property was very different to how it is now. Due to the way in which property prices had risen to extortionate heights, the proliferation of the demand for small houses and apartments of one or two bedrooms was only natural. House prices were so high that the average family could only afford a property of small dimensions, and anything bigger was way out of their reach. For example, between 2005 and 2008, almost 80 per cent of properties which were being built consisted of one or two bedrooms, a further 10 per cent were studios; barely 15 per cent were able to boast three bedrooms, and those with four hardly existed. During the property boom, two-bedroomed properties became the star product on the market, with studios and onebedrooms also faring well. Even three-bedroomed properties were much smaller than they are these days. Back in the day, a property with three bedrooms would have had a total

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Buyers demand more space

SPACE: Property buyers today are demanding a greater living space. area of approximately 80 square metres, while today 130 square metres is more likely the norm. Today, the demand is now for a larger property. Everyone wants more living space. And it

has been noted that the profile of the buyer has also changed during this time. The main people buying these larger properties are families who already own a home but who want to buy a bet-

ter one which is also larger in size. These days, the same amount of money will get purchasers a lot more for their money. Now, there is a much greater

interest from buyers around the ages of 36 - 45, whereas before potential buyers were much younger or much older. These new buyers don’t want to buy their first home; they want to improve on the one they have, or move from rented into a property they themselves own. During the property boom, it was virtually impossible to sell a large property, however, with today’s prices, the situation has changed. Professionals in the real-estate sector, even in big cities, have seen how larger properties are literally flying off the shelves. As is often the case nowadays, more and more people are starting to work from home, so not only do buyers require bedrooms to sleep in, but they also need extra room for an office or study. With regard to new builds currently under construction, their size is reflected in this recent new demand for a larger property. Although new buildings in the centre of large cities are still relatively small, due to the fact that large families choose to live outside of the city, properties on new developments outside of town are much bigger than they used to be.

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28 Feb - 6 March 2019


66 EWN

28 Feb - 6 March 2019

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Advertising Feature by API Inmo Investments

Property of the week 169,000 euros

Unique penthouse in Vera Playa THIS is without any doubt one of the most beautiful apartments for sale at the moment in Vera Playa! This unique penthouse is reachable by lift, and enjoys a terrace of 60m2 and a 105m2 roof terrace with shower, pergola and a completely enclosed tower room with glass curtains. Both terraces are very private with open views to nature, the mountains and even Mojacar village. The penthouse has an entrance hall, spacious lounge/dining room with pellet stove, a separate kitchen fully fitted with all appliances (steel coloured) granite worktop, and a utility room with washer, dryer and water softener. Furthermore there are two double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes and two bathrooms, one being an en-suite off the master bedroom. The owners have completely renovated both bathrooms, turning them into comfortable spaces with a contemporary touch. From the entrance hall and lounge you have access to the large private terrace (60m2), partly covered and

OUTDOOR SPACE: The stunning roof terrace and communal swimming pool. equipped with a sun awning. From the terrace you have access to the 105m2 roof which the owners have converted into a fantastic chill-out area with an outdoor shower and several different corners to either enjoy sunbathing or reading in the shade. The roof terrace is the ideal place to enjoy Spanish life with friends and family. Part of the terrace is converted into a third bedroom with toilet and sink, an ideal room for guests. An underground parking space and

storage room are also included in the price. This gated complex is located 700 metres from the beach, with large gardens, swimming pools and a children’s play area. There is easy access to the beach, restaurants, bars, shopping centre and Puerto Rey sports centre. An excellent opportunity with great rental potential! • Top floor with 60m2 terrace and 105m2 roof terrace • Lift • Pellet stove and air-conditioning

• Parking space and storage • 700m from the beach • Outdoor communal pool • Children’s playground An absolute must see! Selling price: €169,000. For more information or a viewing you can contact API by phone on 950 460 874 or email info@almeriaprop or pop in to the office at Ronda de las Buganvillas no.42 in Vera Playa (between Luces and the bike shops).

API is a certified real estate company specialising in selling beach properties (Mojacar to San Juan de los Terreros) and project management of new builds (follow up by a qualified building engineer). They offer a large variety of properties, ranging from small budget apartments to large front-line beach villas. All properties have the correct paperwork. If you are considering buying or selling a second home on the Costa Almeria, contact API.

Your Belgian estate agent at the coast!

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28 Feb - 6 March 2019


68 EWN

28 Feb - 6 March 2019

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28 Feb - 6 March 2019


28 Feb - 6 March 2019

By Julie Day


INCE the end of the economic crisis in Spain, the demand for property has gradually increased, and they have now returned to fairly healthy levels. Many foreign investors opt to purchase property in major cities and traditional tourist destinations, where it is certain that their purchase will bring them a healthy profit on their investment. According to a study by, four out of every 10 Spaniards on the other hand, are considering moving home and relocating to rural areas or small villages. This is mainly for financial reasons, as people want to find cheaper properties and improve their economic situation in the long term. A total of 60 per cent of those surveyed said that moving to the countryside, back to the village where they were born or to a rural location would be beneficial for their finances, making them better off. Not only is property less expensive, but the cost of living is cheaper as well. Another motive for making the

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Rural option more appealing CREDIT: PIXABAY

70 EWN

RURAL APPEAL: A growing number of young Spaniards are choosing to live in rural areas. move away from the big cities is family. This could be because a couple are thinking of having

children and want them to grow up in a safe and healthy environment, or because they need

space to house an elderly family member. In addition, with the type of

work and jobs continuously evolving, a huge number of people now work online or from home. For this reason, rural areas have seen a huge increase in people between the ages of 35 and 45 who are buying up property and settling down to work and bring up their family. With a growing number of people fed up with rising property prices for buying and renting property in large cities, in addition to the amount of crime, unemployment, traffic, pollution, stress and other negative factors associated with living in a big conglomerate, living in the countryside has become more attractive than ever, as is living in smaller coastal communities. As people realise the importance of being healthy in body, mind and spirit for a happier life, living in a large city just doesn’t cut it any more. There are even those who have left well-paid city jobs and who now have their own thriving business in the countryside producing and manufacturing traditionally handmade environmentally friendly, organic products. The most popular regions with those looking to move to rural areas, are Galicia, Castilla-La Mancha and Murcia.

Advertising Feature GOING out of their way to provide an unbeatable service to buyers and sellers, sits right at the heart of the First Choice Almeria way of doing business. This long-established estate agency has just opened a new office in an excellent easy-tofind location on the ground floor of Mojacar Playa’s central Parque Comercial, giving it an even higher profile, and already attracting significant numbers of new clients and enquiries. First Choice Almeria offers buyers an outstanding range of properties in Mojacar and the surrounding areas, including off-plan all along the coast. They have exclusivity on sales on a great complex in Carboneras on behalf of an important Madrid developer; a real vote of confidence in the agency’s reputation. First Choice Almeria does everything possible to make acquiring a new home stressfree and straightforward. The highly experienced, profes-

First Choice Almeria

Going the extra mile

NEW PREMISES: The new office in Mojacar. sional and multilingual team dedicate time to helping each client decide on the exact area and property which best suits their budget and wish-list, advising and guiding throughout

the purchase process. The agency’s after-sales service is exceptional, extending not only to helping clients sort out essential matters like bank accounts, currency exchange

Parque Comercial Mojacar Local 38, (ground floor, next to jewellers) - Mojacar Playa 950 615 561 -

and solicitors, but just about anything for which buyers appreciate assistance; water, electricity and internet providers, building work, pool installations, furniture; even organising the rental of properties on clients’ behalf. It’s all part of the package. As if this weren’t enough, clients buying with First Choice Almeria are given a fantastic UK TV system with a year’s free subscription, plus they offer free upgrades like higher quality worktops with purchases on some new developments. Now First Choice Almeria has added another interesting string to its property-related service bow, offering highquality, beautifully designed kitchens at very competitive prices; the company’s premis-

es on the first floor of the Parque Comercial next to the notary is currently being transformed into a kitchen showroom. One of the main attractions of this agency for vendors is its extensive contacts with potential buyers. This includes a strong presence in the affluent Channel Island market, where they exhibit at property fairs there annually. In fact, the agency is currently looking for new properties to add to its books to include in the magazine which it publishes regularly, and will be taking to a Channel Island property fair later this year. First Choice Almeria also collaborate with many other agencies, meaning a very high potential client pool for each property.

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28 Feb - 6 March 2019



Costa de Almería

28 February - 6 March 2019



Why choose HouseSitMatch? MEET Tattie the cat, who knows how to get attention no matter who is in charge at home. Actually, Tattie is the boss and every house-sitter who visits his domain knows that pretty quickly. The advantage of having house-sitters at home, is that your pet will get attention, because the house-sitter is a guest in their home. And Tattie loves to remind you that no matter who you are, you are the guest and must pay homage.

When you go away it can be a worry about what to do with your pets. Having a house-sitter at home means that you can have peace of mind knowing your animals can stay in their own environment, minimising any separation anxiety when you are away from them. If you’re interest in housesitting, either as a house-sitter or a home and pet owner get in touch. We’d be delighted to answer any questions you might have.

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TATTIE: Always looking for attention.

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74 • 28 February - 6 March 2019



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EWN 75

MOTORING MOTORING FACT FROM March 8 to 10, Madrid’s Cristal Pavilion of the Casa de Campo exhibition site, will roar to the sound of engines and be immersed in the smells of rubber and leather, as for the eighth time the now-famous motorcycle trade show, MotoMadrid 2019, will be held. The exhibition itself will showcase the products from 35 famous motorbike brands, whilst the satellite pavilion will host a range of live and dynamic activities such as professional stunt rider displays, speed racing and even a minimoto display! With more than 200 exhibitors and 20,000 square metres of space to explore, spread out over three floors, the event will be overflowing with products and service suppliers for both the professional and amateur biker. Just about every known brand will be at the show; prestigious in the industry cal-

76 • 28 Feb. - 6 March 2019


MOST new cars would be far quieter were it not for digital sounds and other devices installed by manufacturers to give them the roar associated with classic petrol engines.

Let’s mo-to to Madrid!

endar, nobody would want to miss it, including the likes of Suzuki, Peugeot, Lambretta, Royal Enfield, Harley Davidson, BMW Motorrad, KTM, Ducati, Aprilia, Norton, CF Motorcycles, Benelli, Triumph, Indian, Yamaha, Sym, Piaggio, Guzzi, Daelim, and Keeway, and dozens

of suppliers of accessories, spare parts, clothing and more. Some of the industry’s latest machines will be put on display, including the brand new Indian FTR 1200 and 1200S, the Aprilia RSV4

1100, the BMW C400 GT, the Ducati Multistrada 1260 Enduro or the Triumph Scrambler 1200 in its XC and XE versions, which will be on show for the first time, even before the dealers have seen them. Plus, if you fancy testing one of the newest machines on the market yourself, you can book a test ride with many of the dealers. This must be done in advance, and you must hold a valid licence for the vehicle you are asking to test. For more information, visit the website,, where you can also find links to their social media platforms to keep up-to-date with the information live in the run up to the event.

MOTOMADRID: Prestigious in the industry calendar.


ROAD TEST by Nick Fletcher SMALL hatchbacks are big sellers, and there are a bewildering number available in this crowded market sector which is dominated by Ford and Volkswagen, though there are other strong rivals which have their own plus points; such as the Toyota Yaris. Yaris has two major advantages over its class rivals: it scores higher than most for reliability, and is also available as a petrolelectric full hybrid, unique in the small car sector. Prices start at €14,833 (£12,995) for well-equipped entry models, and there are eight different trim levels. At the top of the range is the Yaris GRS, a distinctive hi-spec hybrid which comes with features such as sports seats and sports steering wheel, black styling accents, larger alloy wheels and stiffer suspension. Powered by a 98hp 1.5litre four-cylinder petrol engine and electric motor, and mated to slick CVT auto

28 February - 6 March 2019

EWN 77

Toyota Yaris GRS Hybrid YARIS GRS: A smart, practical hatchback.

transmission, the GRS has an attractive cachet. Its smooth acceleration gives a 0-100kph time of 11.8 seconds and top speed of 166kph (103mph). Average fuel economy is 19.8kpl (56mpg) and its emission figure is low at just 89g/km. Neat and nimble to handle, in city traffic it can be driven on electric power on-

STATS PANEL Model: Toyota Yaris GRS Hybrid Engine: 1.5-litre petrol with electric motor Transmission: Electric CVT Auto Performance: 0-100kph 11.8 seconds, top speed 166kph (103mph) Economy: 19.8kpl (56mpg) Emissions: 89g/km

Model tested is UK-specification and equipment levels and prices may vary in other markets.

ly. Light steering makes parking an easy process, and on the open road at higher speeds it is very planted on the corners. The firmer suspension on this version is still comfortable on smooth surfaces though it will jolt on potholes. Standard kit on the GRS is extensive, and includes

air-conditioning, cruise control, rear spoiler, multi-media touch-screen, rear-view camera, front parking sensors and safety features including pre-collision system, lane-departure alert and tyre pressure warning. This version costs €22,641 (£19,835). The cabin offers good accommodation for four adults and the 286-litre boot is larger than on the previous Yaris model and can expand to 768 litres by folding the rear seats, though the load floor is not flat. The dashboard is laid out in simple straightforward form with wellplaced dials and switches for maximum ease of use. Yaris is a smart, practical hatchback with nice driving dynamics, and while the GRS version is aimed at a niche sector who perhaps prefer a more sporty image, there are enough other models in the range to please almost everyone.

78 EWN

28 February - 6 March 2019

ELIMINATING the driver would result in fewer incidents on the roads, but although that might be an aim for the next generation - not something which is going to happen overnight - it is something vehicle manufacturers are working towards. One of the latest innovations towards that aim is the socalled ‘connected car,’ which, by means of a variety of computerised components, effectively gives the driver a ‘sixth sense,’ according to the developers. Through the latest 5G (fifth generation of mobile phone connectivity) technology, it is possible to provide predictive information to drivers to ‘streamline and improve their decisions.’

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Drive with a sixth sense TECHNOLOGY: Used to streamline and improve drivers’ decisions.

The urban infrastructure, other vehicles, and even other road users can all feed information to vehicles, which can be assessed and calculated in a fraction of a second, and according to the test data, ‘with 5G technology at the wheel, the risk of accidents could be reduced by 68 per cent.’ By traditional driving methods, the vehicle can only re-

spond to information observed by the driver, but by using the technology already available, ‘the car will receive information about the urban environment before the driver sees it,’ according to Cesar de Marco, responsible for the 5G Connected Car project at SEAT. The connected car is able to detect pedestrians, cyclists and obstacles, so that drivers get predictive information which allows them to improve their decisions, and re-

act in a shorter time. For example, pedestrians are detected by the presence of sensors connected to the traffic lights. These already exist and are used in some places in Spain, warning drivers in advance through ‘intelligent’ road signs. “The information can now be sent to the 5G network and then to the vehicle so it informs the driver. In the case of cyclists, since they move faster we can use other technologies such as electronic devices added to the bike and small indicators on the urban infrastructure to accurately detect the presence of the bicycle,” says Marco. According to EU data, more than 80 per cent of pedestrian and cyclist incidents involve another vehicle, such as cars, lorries and buses. With the arrival of 5G, the risk of incidents could be reduced by 65-68 per cent, according to studies by the international association 5GAA.


28 February - 6 March 2019

EWN 79

La Liga Review

ATLETICO MADRID celebrated their first victory over Villarreal since 2015 on Sunday as the returning Alvaro Morata put a perfectly struck left-footed volley into the bottom corner. Since rejoining his boyhood club in January, he has seen two stunning shots ruled out by the video assistant referee (VAR). But there was no taking his first goal for Atletico away from him and the Spain international delighted the crowds as he celebrated by making the referee’s VAR signal. The 2-0 win was secured by a late strike from Saul Nigeuz, moving the club back to within seven points of La Liga leaders Barcelona. Post-match, Morata,who is on loan from Chelsea, told Spanish sports newspaper AS, that Atletico will not give up in the title race until it is mathematically beyond them. He said it is “very hard to hurt us” adding that “Barcelona are a great team but we’ll fightu ntil the end, as

CREDIT: Alvaromorata

VAR drama and a Messi masterclass

VICTORY: Alvaro Morata celebrates first goal for Atletico Madrid.

SPANISH motorcycle rider Alex Rins bested rival Maverick Viñales on the second day of the Qatar MotoGP pre-season test on Tuesday. Rins, who rides for Suzuki, beat Yamaha’s Viñales by 0.057 seconds. Rins’ lap time was 1:54.593 seconds. The victory comes ahead of the Qatar MotoGP Grand Prix on Sunday March 10. Rins said it was a good result for himself and Suzuki. Spanish KTM rider Pol Espargaro set a time of 1:57.978 seconds during the first hour of the test. Ducati’s Danilo Petrucci later bested the time with 1:56.247 seconds before clocking 1:55.365 seconds, putting him four-10ths clear of Honda’s Marc Marquez. Rins began to make his mark about two hours into the car, clocking

FULL THROTTLE: Rins came out on top in Qatar.

Rins on top

long as there are points to play for.” On the flip side, VAR benefited Real Madrid in their 2-1 win over Levante on Sunday. Los Blancos have criticised its implementation previously, but are not likely to moan now after both goals came from the penalty spot via VAR, and the second one withstood a review despite an apparent dive from Carlos Casemiro. Karim Benzema struck a wellplaced determined ball from the spot, and Gareth Bale tucked away the winning penalty after Roger Marti equalised. But rather than celebrating, the stony faced Welsh forward, who had just come on as a substitute, shrugged off teammates and jogged back to the centre circle. After the game, manager Santiago Solari insisted Bale was ‘ecstatic’ after scoring, adding that he was ‘thrilled’ with Bale’s performance, which was vital after Nacho was sent off.

Meanwhile, worries about Lionel Messi’s fitness levels were blown away as he put in some mesmerising displays against Sevilla on Saturday. Before the weekend, he had scored 33 times in 36 appearances against Sevilla, and keeping up the momentum, the Argentine netted a stunning hat-trick and assisted to help his side to come from behind twice in a 4-2 win. The hat-trick was the 31-yearold’s 50th in an incredible career for both club and country and was his 44th in Barcelona colours. Barca’s fourth goal came from Luis Suarez in the 93rd minute and Sevilla’s Jesus Navas and Gabriel Mercado also made the scoresheet. It wasn’t such a great result for Valencia who frustrated fans once again on Sunday away to Leganes. They took an early lead and looked comfortable, only to concede an 89th minute equaliser. In the second division, Almeria celebrated a 3-1 win over Cordoba.

a time of 1:55.263 seconds. Petrucci then became the first rider to break the 1:55 barrier with a time of 1:54.953 seconds. Viñales, who performed well in the first test race on Saturday, set times of 1:54.781 seconds and 1:54.650 seconds. Rins secured the 1:54.593 win as the test entered its final two hours. He managed a total of 47 laps to Viñales’ 52. There were five Spanish riders in the top 10 of the test. Rins was followed by Viñales in second, with Marquez coming fifth with 1:55.004 seconds, Aprilia’s Aleix Espargaro sixth with 1:55.173 and brother Pol 10th with 1:55.255. H o n d a ’s J o r g e L o r e n z o c a m e 1 8 t h i n t h e test, clocking a time of 1:55.742 and improving on his result on Saturday by 1.4 seconds . It c o m es af t er he m i ssed a t est i n Sepang, Malaysia, due to injury.

CREDIT: Alex Rins, via Twitter

New cup format THE Spanish football federation wants a ‘final four’ format to decide its Super Cup. The cup is currently played in a one-game final between the Spanish league champion and the Copa del Rey winner. Now, federation president Luis Rubiales wants to include the runner-ups in both competitions. He told Spanish press the tournament would be played outside of Spain at the beginning of the season, and that the changed format could start as soon as next season. Rubiales added that the proposal will be made during the federation’s general assembly, but didn’t reveal which country would stage the tournament’s new format. Last year’s final was played in Tangier, Morocco, and was won by Barcelona who beat Sevilla.



ATHLETE Laura Pintiel beat the record for the under-18 60 metres in Zaragoza on Saturday, clocking a time of 7.5 seconds which is also Raquel Fraguas’ current record for the Aragon region.

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Position secure SPANISH skeleton racer Ander Mirambell has secured his place in the sport’s 2019 to 2020 World Cup at the final 2018 to 2019 race in Canada despite suffering from back injuries. Mirambell clocked the 23rd and 25th best time at the Bob and Skeleton World Cup in Calgary on Saturday and Sunday respectively. It marked a comeback for the

skeleton racer who earlier scored a time of 5.58, coming bottom of the table. Mirambell said he had achieved his objective with the result that landed him a place in the World Cup. He had had a bad start made worse by back problems, he added. “I’m now looking for a physio to pamper my back before the World Cup,” he said. Mirambell clocked 5.32 on his second to last run on the track, seven-10ths behind the fastest time of 4.89. The skeleton racer’s back problems came on top of temperatures of minus 17 degrees which caused blades to stick to the ice.

28 February - 6 March 2019

Spain routs Russia TRYING TIME: Mirambell was racing in Canada. Mirambell said physiotherapy should get his back ready for the World Cup of the 2019 to 2020 season. The 2018 to 2019 Skeleton World Cup began with a race in Sigulda in Latvia on December 3. Competitors have since raced in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the US and Canada. Two Russians, Alexander

Tretiakov and Elena Nikitina, won the competition overall with 1704 and 1663 points respectively. Britain’s Marcus Wyatt came sixth overall with 1288 points. It comes ahead of the World Championships in Whistler in Canada’s British Columbia province which starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday March 9.

THE Spanish women’s rugby team has qualified for the final of the European Championship after beating rivals Russia by 41 points to nil in Madrid on Saturday. Spain will face either Germany or the Netherlands for the tournament final in Madrid’s Central Stadium on Saturday March 30, depending on which side wins Saturday March 9’s Amsterdam semi-final. The final will come just over a year after Spain beat the Netherlands 40 points to nil in 2018, winning them the tournament. Spain scored seven tries to Russia’s zero on Saturday and also managed three conversions. Maria Garcia scored the Lionesses’ first try within the first five minutes, with Patricia Garcia converting it to put Spain at seven points to nil. Maria Losada scored the second in the 24th minute, followed by Maintane Salinas with the third and Lourdes Alameda with the fourth. Paula Requena bagged the fifth try, followed by Monica Castelo and Iera Echebarria who scored the last to close the game at 41-nil.

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