Introduction ..................................................... 3
mush brand ����������������������������4 The MUSH Story ............................................. 5 Heritage and Culture........................................ 7 Brand Promise .................................................. 8 Brand Essentials ............................................ 10 Brand Hierarchy ............................................ 11 Our Product Promises ................................... 12
tAbLe oF cOnTeNtS
mush identity ���������������������� 17 The MUSH Logo ......................................... 18 Product Names.............................................. 22 MUSH Colours ............................................ 23 Typography ................................................... 30 Photography.................................................. 31 Iconography ................................................. 35 Illustration .................................................... 36 Infographics .................................................. 37 Lay out .......................................................... 38 MUSH Cats .................................................. 39 MUSH Cat Colours ...................................... 40 Co-branding.................................................. 41
brand voice ������������������������� 42 Tonality ......................................................... 43 Spelling ......................................................... 44 Social Media Guidelines ................................ 45 Social Media Photography Guidelines ........... 46 Registered Trademark .................................... 47 examples of usage ���������� 48 In-Store Materials .......................................... 49 Packages ........................................................ 50 Campaigns/Ads ............................................. 51 Clothes and Accessories ................................. 52 Contact Info.................................................. 53
InTrOdUcTiOn Dear reader, We have created the MUSH Brand Book to be our guide for building one consistent MUSH Brand. This guide helps both us and everyone who deals with MUSH understand the origin and the core values of the MUSH Brand. Furthermore, it introduces the best ways of getting the most out of the MUSH Brand. Moreover, the purpose of the guide is to provide guidelines for everything we do. We aim at ensuring that our brand maintains a consistent look and feel – no matter where in the world it is seen.
Whether you are new to MUSH, or have known
BARF feeding is a natural and species-specific way
us for longer, you know that there is something
of feeding dogs. This means feeding them just raw
very special about this brand. Coming from a small
meat, bones and vegetables. We want dog owners to
Finnish town, we want to preserve our heritage and
have the best possible dog nutrition available and do
passion for making dogs healthier and happier. The
what they believe is right for their dog. We give peo-
information in this guide helps keep the MUSH
ple something to believe in – not something to buy.
Brand focused and unique. It is a tool that allows us to speak with one voice.
Take care, Magnus Pettersson
I believe it is important to mention the basics of
CEO of Oy MUSCH Ltd.
BARF feeding, as our brand has BARF feeding at its
Pietarsaari, Finland 2013
core. BARF is a concept that stands for “Biologically Appropriate Raw Food”, or “Bones And Raw Food”.
mUsH bRaNd
ThE MuSh StOrY In the beginning, dogs ate meat, bones, organs, vegetables and fruit. A few decades ago, we started to feed them grains as well. However, it’s not what dogs were meant to eat. Sometimes we run too fast and life just gets too hectic. We ask ourselves, how on earth did we end up here? But there are places in our world, where the pace is slow, where tradition rules and where wisdom is passed on from generation to generation. Our dog food comes from that kind of place. Since the 1980s our company, located in the small town Pietarsaari, on the lowland plain in western Finland, has been producing natural raw-frozen dog food. This type of dog food is commonly known as BARF, Bones And Raw Food. We say no to grains in our products, and we can assure you that you won’t find additives, preservatives, or any other kind of suspicious stuff in our dog food.
mUsH tImElInE
Today, BARF feeding is becoming increasingly popular all over the world with dog owners who want to take the best care of their pets by giving them proper nutrition.
Commercial dry and wet dog food become increasingly popular.
1993 Since canines have existed, raw meat and bones have been a major part of their nutrition.
The world’s first large scale manufacturing of dog biscuits begins.
tHe bEgInNiNg oF tImEs 1980
1990’s Stig’s cousins start producing cooked dog food at Torp Frys factory under the name of MUSCH.
the MUSh Story beginS!
The founder of MUSCH, Stig Snellman has the idea of producing dog food made out of raw meat and bones. His dogs love BARF and he wants to expand production, but nobody believes in his idea.
Dr. Ian Billinghurst popularizes the concept of feeding dogs Biologically Appropriate Raw Food and the concept of BARF is born.
Stig‘s vision finally comes true. He buys the MUSCH Brand name and starts producing raw dog food with his two sons.
The MUSCH BARF® product line is launched. New consumer packaging is developed that allows BARF to be sold to individual dog owners.
MUSCH has an active community of 70,000 fans on Facebook.
MUSCH BARF® Products are launched in Sweden.
The factory burns down in a fire and the production of MUSCH is stopped.
MUSH launches complete bite size BARF Meals under the product name MUSH B.A.R.F. Vaisto®. Oy MUSCH Ltd changes the company name: the new name is Oy MUSH Ltd.
The most important customers are kennels, sled dog owners and hunters.
Magnus Pettersson, the current CEO and Stig’s son in law, joins the company.
MUSCH becomes part of the Snellman Group.
HeRiTaGe aNd CuLtUrE Our heritage began in the 1980s with the dream of feeding dogs natural food. In the beginning, we were a small family-owned business that believed strongly in what we were doing – even if nobody else did. We worked hard because we knew that were doing the right thing. We have our own factory in the middle of the agricultural landscape in Pietarsaari, Finland. Our brand has its roots in the small town feeling of rural Finland. The work culture at our factory inspires a positive attitude and teamwork. We have a strong focus on product development and we take scientific results into account when developing our products.
BrAnD PrOmIsE we are dedicated to b�a�r�f� because it’s naturally best for your dog�
nO nOtHiNg.
JuSt rEaL mEaT aNd bOnEs.
Our slogan is not just a catchy phrase. It communicates what we believe in and who we are. We truly want to give dogs the best food there is. You won’t find any suspicious extra stuff in our dog food – we only use the best raw natural ingredients. We simply say: No nothing. Just real meat and bones. And this is what it means: No nothing. We say no to grains, and we can assure you that you won’t find additives, preservatives or any other kind of suspicious stuff in our dog food. Just real meat and bones. We only use high quality raw meat and bones in our products. We are always honest and transparent in ever ything we do. When possible, the slogan is used in combination with the logo. Never use any other slogan or change the slogan in any way.
BrAnD EsSeNtIaLs
nO nOtHiNg.
We oNlY uSe hIgH qUaLiTy rAw mEaT aNd bOnEs iN oUr pRoDuCtS. We aRe aLwAyS hOnEsT aNd tRaNsPaReNt iN eVeRyThInG wE dO.
JuSt rEaL mEaT aNd bOnEs. 10
We sAy nO tO gRaInS, aNd wE cAn aSsUrE yOu tHaT yOu wOn’t fInD aDdItIvEs, pReSeRvAtIvEs oR aNy oThEr kInD oF sUsPiCiOuS sTuFf iN oUr dOg fOoD.
AlL oF oUr pRoDuCtS iNcLuDe 90–96 % rAw mEaT, bOnEs aNd oRgAnS.
to understand our brand hierarchy. Most importantly, we are building a consistent MUSH Brand and therefore everything that we do is based on the values of the MUSH Brand.
rEtAiL sPeCiAl sToReS
MaStEr BrAnD
The structure of a brand – like a family tree – helps
® mUsH b.a.r.f. bAsIc Basic product brand for pet stores
® mUsH b.a.r.f. VaIsTo Product brand for pet stores
mUsH vAuHtI® Product brand for retail stores
OuR PrOdUcT PrOmIsEs The following statements are the product promises that guide us in producing 100 % natural dog food.
we say yes to transparencyďż˝ We set high quality standards for our products, and we demand that our suppliers do the same as well. Food origin matters, and therefore we get most of our ingredients from local farmers that we trust.
What does transparency mean to us? We are proud to work with many high quality suppliers to bring your dog the most natural dog food that there is. Most of our ingredients come from the lowland plain in western Finland. Our main ingredients, pork, beef and chicken, come from farms close to our own factory in the middle of the agricultural landscape in Pietarsaari, Finland. The turkey originates from Finland as well. We also have our own slaughter house in Pietarsaari. This way we can ensure that every part of the production chain meets all of our high standards. The lowland plain provide soil for great crops as well. Our vegetables also originate from there, even though we occasionally import lettuce due to seasonal shortages. The salmon is from Norway and the reindeer comes from Finnish Lapland, of course. Last but not least, we only use ingredients that comply with the appropriate regulatory requirements for food safety.
we say yes to natural�
What does natural mean to us? We believe that dogs are carnivores and that their natural food is raw meat, bones, organs and vegetables. We don’t believe that grains are part of a dog’s natural food. We have gathered a lot of first hand experience with this type of feeding over the years, and
We simply believe that raw meat, bones, organs and vegetables are the most natural things to feed your dog. You won’t find additives, preservatives or grains in our dog food.
we also take part in a research program through the University of Helsinki where we find out more about how different ways of feeding affects the dogs. When it comes to the production of our dog food, we don’t heat or cook the BARF products, we just mix the ingredients. We know it’s hard to believe, but our products do not include any additives or preservatives either. Our products really are as unprocessed, real and fresh as manufactured products can possibly be.
we say yes to raw-frozenďż˝ Our products are raw-frozen and therefore less processed. This way the natural nutrients are preserved as well as possible in our products.
Why are raw-frozen products beneficial? We believe that the best food for your dog is raw, and therefore we skip the numerous processing stages that dry/wet dog food goes through. By producing rawfrozen products, we ensure two important things: that the natural nutrients of the ingredients are preserved and that no artificial nutrients are added. The product will surely be as fresh and natural as possible when it reaches the end user. Our production process has high standards and follows all of the Evira regulations. Our efficient production team has extensive experience in the food production industry and knows what it takes to produce high quality products.
we say yes to complete� Every meal has a balanced amount of raw meat, bones, organs and vegetables. It’s never been easier to give your dog a complete BARF meal.
Why do we produce complete meals? Our products are developed in close collaboration with dog owners, dog experts and researchers. Producing complete meals is a way for us to ensure that your dog gets everything that is needed to maximize the vitality and health of your pet. Every meal has a balanced amount of raw meat, bones, organs and vegetables. We also want to give you an opportunity to give your dog variety, and therefore all meals include meat from three different animals. The products are suitable for all breeds, and you can be sure that your dog will get all the nutrients it needs. By producing complete meals, we want to make BARF feeding as easy as possible.
mUsH iDeNtItY
ThE MuSh LoGo Our logo is our most valuable asset so treat it with the respect it deserves. It is the most immediate representation of our brand. Please use the logo in all communication related to the MUSH Brand. You can download the logo file at www.mushbarf. com/branding.
LoGo – FoLlOw the preferred way to use the mush logo is in mush orange� every attempt must be made to do this�
use the grey version of the logo in black and white materials�
The original MUSH Logo
The black & white
with the clear space.
MUSH Logo.
always leave clear space around the logo to maximize its visual effectiveness� nothing should intrude into this
lOgO – aVoId We’re not a rules and regulations kind of
company, however there are some things we don’t approve of, for example incorrect usage of the MUSH Logo: 1. Never change the logo’s orientation. 2. Never change the proportions of the logo.
3. Never change the colour of the logo. 4. Never add any strokes or other effects to the logo. 5. Never use the logo on a background that is too similar to the logo orange. See that the logo is
always clearly visible. 6. No parts of the logo should be transparent.
BrAnD NaMe The inspiration for our brand name comes from the sled dog command “MUSH�. It is a command used by the mushers to get the sled dogs running. Sled dogs were among the first dogs enjoying our products. Good feedback from the mushers encouraged us to develop our products even further so that each and every dog could have a healthy and natural diet. Follow: The preferred way to use the brand name is in combination with the logo. When it is not used in combination with the logo, always capitalize the letters and spell it correctly. Avoid: Never write the brand name with small letters. Mush. Never misspell the brand name. MUSCH/MOSH.
PrOdUcT NaMeS MUSH B.A.R.F. Vaisto® Vaisto is Finnish for instinct. The idea of instinct is strongly connected to BARF because the dog’s “vaisto” tells it to eat meat, bones, organs and vegetables. Nothing else. You will find the MUSH B.A.R.F. Vaisto® products in pet stores. MUSH B.A.R.F. Basic® This is our basic product line. It consists of different MUSH B.A.R.F. Basic® products that allow you to create your own combination of the basic BARF components: meat, bones, organs and vegetables. You will find MUSH B.A.R.F. Basic® in pet stores. MUSH Voima® MUSH Voima® is our big consumer product line. The products allow big consumers to create their own combination of the basic BARF components for working dogs who require a lot of energy at their activities. You will find MUSH Voima® in pet stores. MUSH Snacks® MUSH Snacks® is our snack product line.
MuSh CoLoUrS The MUSH colour palette is inspired by the natural shades of the beautiful Finnish landscape. Our colours communicate our personality – we are bold, honest and down to earth. Staying true to the MUSH colour palette allows us to reinforce the brand characteristics and build brand recognition wherever the customers meet and experience the brand. Please choose the appropriate values for the medium in which you are working (CMYK for print and RGB
MUSH Orange
for digital content). The MUSH colour palettes that
Pantone 151 C
are compatible with Adobe Creative Suite are avail-
CMYK: 0, 60, 100, 0
able for download at
RGB: 255, 130, 0
HEX #FF8200
tHe mUsH pRiMaRy cOlOuR
sEcOnDaRy CoLoUrS
The MUSH primary colour is MUSH Orange – the
The secondary MUSH colours consist of different
optimistic and highly visible tone used in the MUSH
cool natural shades of blue and green. They are used
Logo. Use this colour sparingly. Do not dilute the
to support and highlight the MUSH Orange. To
visual effectiveness of our logo by using too much
keep it simple and stylish, please select only one set
orange elsewhere.
of colour tones at a time to complement the MUSH Orange. The exact colour values of the secondary MUSH colours can be found on the following pages.
MUSH Winter Blue 1
SeT 1
Pantone 2130 C CMYK: 78, 51, 0, 0 RGB: 85, 118, 209 HEX #5576D1
MUSH Winter Blue 2 Pantone 2129 C CMYK: 69, 35, 0, 0 RGB: 95, 141, 218 HEX #5f8DDA
MUSH Winter Blue 3 Pantone 2128 C CMYK: 49, 20, 0, 0 RGB: 152, 182, 228 HEX #98B6E4
MUSH Winter Blue 4 Pantone 2127 C CMYK: 30, 8, 0, 0 RGB: 184, 201, 225 HEX #B8C9E1
MUSH Finnish Blue 1
SeT 2
Pantone 285 C CMYK: 90, 48, 0, 0 RGB: 0, 114, 206 HEX #0072CE
MUSH Finnish Blue 2 Pantone 279 C CMYK: 68, 34, 0, 0 RGB: 65, 143, 222 HEX #418FDE
MUSH Finnish Blue 3 Pantone 284 C CMYK: 59, 17, 0, 0 RGB: 108, 172, 228 HEX #6CACE4
MUSH Finnish Blue 4 Pantone 291 C CMYK: 38, 4, 0, 0 RGB: 155, 203, 235 HEX #9BCBEB
SeT 3
MUSH Archipelago Turquoise 1 Pantone 313 C CMYK: 100, 0, 11, 2 RGB: 0, 146, 188 HEX #0092BC
MUSH Archipelago Turquoise 2 Pantone 312 C CMYK: 88, 0, 11, 0 RGB: 0, 169, 206 HEX #00A9CE
MUSH Archipelago Turquoise 3 Pantone 310 C CMYK: 48, 0, 9, 0 RGB: 106, 209, 227 HEX #6AD1E3
MUSH Archipelago Turquoise 4 Pantone 304 C CMYK: 34, 0, 6, 0 RGB: 154, 219, 232 HEX #9ADBE8
MUSH Polar Turquoise 1
SeT 4
Pantone 3262 C CMYK: 76, 0, 38, 0 RGB: 0, 191, 179 HEX #00BFB3
MUSH Polar Turquoise 2 Pantone 3252 C CMYK: 49, 0, 23, 0 RGB: 42, 210, 201 HEX #2AD2C9
MUSH Polar Turquoise 3 Pantone 3242 C CMYK: 44, 0, 20, 0 RGB: 113, 219, 212 HEX #71DBD4
MUSH Polar Turquoise 4 Pantone 324 C CMYK: 35, 0, 14, 0 RGB: 156, 219, 217 HEX #9CDBD9
MUSH Summer Green 1
SeT 5
Pantone 3405 C CMYK: 88, 0, 68, 0 RGB: 0, 175, 102 HEX #00AF66
MUSH Summer Green 2 Pantone 7480 C CMYK: 75, 0, 71, 0 RGB: 0, 191, 111 HEX #00BF6F
MUSH Summer Green 3 Pantone 7479 C CMYK: 56, 0, 58, 0 RGB: 38, 208, 124 HEX #26D07C
MUSH Summer Green 4 Pantone 7478 C CMYK: 28, 0, 25, 0 RGB: 155, 227, 191 HEX #9BE3BF
MUSH Forest Green 1
SeT 6
Pantone 361 C CMYK: 77, 0, 100, 0 RGB: 67, 176, 42 HEX #43B02A
MUSH Forest Green 2 Pantone 360 C CMYK: 63, 0, 84, 0 RGB: 108, 194, 74 HEX #6CC24A
MUSH Forest Green 3 Pantone 359 C CMYK: 40, 0, 50, 0 RGB: 161, 216, 132 HEX #A1D884
MUSH Forest Green 4 Pantone 7486 C CMYK: 28, 0, 45, 0 RGB: 188, 225, 148 HEX #BCE194
TyPoGrApHy Typography is a key aspect of communicating a unified MUSH identity. Use Mocha Mattari for headlines. When using the Mocha Mattari font in big display sizes, please make sure your row height is not too big – the text rows should be laid close to each other so the reader can get the connection. Use Per-
Adobe Garamond Pro Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890 Adobe Garamond Pro Bold Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890
manent Marker for subheadlines and illustration text.
Adobe Garamond Pro Italic
In print materials use Adobe Garamond Pro for body
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm
text. In web applications use Georgia for the body
Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
text. You can download the fonts at www.mushbarf.
com/en/brand-book-mush-identity/typography Mocha Mattari
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890
Georgia Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890
Georgia Bold
Permanent Marker
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm
Aa bb Cc Dd ee Ff gg hh ii Jj Kk Ll Mm
Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
nn oo Pp Qq rr Ss tt Vv Ww Xx yy Zz
Georgia Italic Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890
PhOtOgRaPhY The style of the photography should have a consistent look and feel. Only professional photography should be used and the imagery should reflect the MUSH brand characteristics – close to nature, genuine and authentic. The photos are vibrant, with a twist of rawness that comes from the mushing adventure. They also represent the demanding and distinct conditions of the rugged Finnish landscape. We don’t necessarily show dogs in all of the pictures. The pictures can also depict Finnish landscapes or specific aspects of Finnish nature because these things are connected to where our natural and healthy dog food comes from. The dogs in the pictures are healthy, happy and active. People play a secondary role in the photos – the main focus is always on the dog(s). The photography guidelines also apply for video.
hErItAgE The photos used to illustrate the MUSH history, culture and heritage should carry a lot of feeling. We want to show the picturesque landscapes of the Pietarsaari countryside, the rustic feeling of the MUSH brick house factory and the commitment of the MUSH employees who give their best each day for the well-being of the dogs.
mUsH vIdEoS The MUSH videos are approximately 3 minutes long documentary films that feature the MUSH Team, MUSH producers and the dog owners with their dogs feeding on BARF. The films tell openly and transparently about MUSH pet food production process, origins of the ingredients and work culture at MUSH. Style of the videos is very much the same as in the MUSH photographs. See the videos on MUSH’s YouTube channel:
pRoDuCt pHoToS Sometimes we wish to show the MUSH B.A.R.F.速 product packages, or the products in detail or even some dogs enjoying the MUSH B.A.R.F.速 products. In this case, only the official MUSH product photos should be used. The product photos for catalogues etc. can be downloaded at branding.
IcOnOgRaPhY The MUSH iconography is simple and easy to understand. We use a variety of iconography. For example, ingredient and product promise symbols, badges & stamps and navigational elements. The icons should always be simple and iconic – the detail in the elements should be minimal. Only use the MUSH approved iconography. The iconography is copyrighted – only use the MUSH Icons in MUSH related communication. Download the approved materials at
bi b.a.r.f .–
IlLuStRaTiOn The MUSH illustrations follow the same style as the iconography – it should be simple in style and the detail in each illustration should be minimal.
ood aw f er
lly appropr a c i g iat olo
InFoGrApHiCs We think infographics are a great way to communicate complex ideas in a simple way. The MUSH infographic style is clean and simple. If possible, use typographic elements with simple geometric forms. Avoid using detailed and complicated drawings – the role of an infographic is to simplify information, not to make it more complex.
lIhAa, lUiTa jA sIsÄeLiMiÄ kÖtT, bEn oCh oRgAn 37
% 6%
kAsViKsIa gRöNsAkEr
LaY oUt In all of the MUSH materials – web and print – we follow a special MUSH grid. The modular grid is based on the rectangular shape of the MUSH Logo. This means that all the elements on a page, poster, webpage, etc. should fit inside the grid. You can download the grid template at branding.
MuSh cAtS When talking about the MUSH Cat food we use the MUSH Cat logo. It’s similar to the primary dog logo, but of course depicts a cat instead of a dog. Also, the MUSH cats have a slightly different colour palette from the dogs (see the exact color values on the next page). Otherwise all the same guidelines apply for the cats. The use of pictures and videos follow the same rules as those with the dogs.
MuSh cAt cOlOuRs The MUSH cat colours consist of different natural shades of brown and gray. They are used to support and highlight the MUSH Orange. To keep it simple and stylish, only use one set of colours at a time.
SeT 1
MUSH Sand Gray
MUSH Sand Gray 1 Pantone Warm Gray 9 C CMYK: 48, 46, 52, 12 RGB: 131, 120, 111 HEX #83786f MUSH Sand Gray 2 Pantone Warm Gray 7 C CMYK: 43, 40, 45, 4 RGB: 150, 140, 131 HEX #968c83 MUSH Sand Gray 3 Pantone Warm Gray 5 C CMYK: 35, 32, 37, 1 RGB: 172, 163, 154 HEX #aca39a MUSH Sand Gray 4 Pantone Warm Gray 2 C CMYK: 21, 19, 23, 0 RGB: 203, 196, 188 HEX #cbc4bc
SeT 2
MUSH Granite Gray
MUSH Granite Gray 1 Pantone 431 C CMYK: 67, 52, 45, 17 RGB: 91, 103, 112 HEX #5b6770 MUSH Granite Gray 2 Pantone 430 C CMYK: 55, 40, 37, 4 RGB: 124, 135, 142 HEX #7c878e MUSH Granite Gray 3 Pantone 429 C CMYK: 38, 27, 27, 0 RGB: 162, 170, 173 HEX #a2aaad MUSH Granite Gray 4 Pantone 428 C CMYK: 24, 16, 17, 0 RGB: 193, 198, 200 HEX #c1c6c8
cO-bRaNdInG MUSH Co-branding strategy Co-branding with for example a big pet store chain is a great opportunity for both of the brands. MUSH gets a good position inside the store and preferably also on a webshop with a lot of traffic. The consumers who are already buying the chain’s private labels get to know MUSH plus the facts behind the production process of the products. Co-branding creates a a brand that redeems all the MUSH promises: high-standard, natural and less processed products that are easy to use. We do co-branding only with the MUSH B.A.R.F. BasicŽ product range. It is important that the cobrand can give business value for MUSH. MUSH co-branding partners are allowed to use MUSH brand assets only in the case that it is clearly communicated that the product is made by MUSH.
ToNaLiTy We are down-to-earth, honest, caring and bold in
of our key goals when it comes to communication.
what we say and do. When we say something we
We never give vague explanations and we open up all
mean it. This doesn’t mean that we do it in an arro-
parts of the production chain. Our communication
gant way though. We want to stay true to our herit-
is built around giving truthful information about our
age, so we see our customers as family and we speak
company and our products.
to them in a friendly and respectful way. We also see our company and our stake holders as part of our community, therefore we always speak about “we” and “us”. Avoid using passive form and third person.
We only use meat from Finnish farms in our products. The beef and pork is delivered fresh from the Snellman factory in Pietarsaari and the chicken raw material comes straight from the Atria factory in
We believe in BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw
Nurmo. The reindeer meat comes from northern
Food or Bones And Raw Food). Our products are
Finland and the salmon comes from Norway. A
developed in close cooperation with specialists and
complete list of the ingredients can be found here. Avoid:
The raw material we use is of high quality and meets
According to the dog food manufacturer Oy
all the food standards.
MUSCH Ltd BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food or Bones And Raw Food) is the most suitable dog food option for any kind of dog. The MUSH product range is developed in close cooperation with specialists and dog owners.
Follow: We simply believe that raw meat, bones, organs and vegetables is the most natural food for your dog. You won’t find additives, preservatives or grains in our dog food.
dog owners.
mediately understand what we mean.
Avoid: Before starting with BARF feeding make sure that you have consulted your veterinarian. It’s important to get all the proportions right. The BARF feeding consists of 60–70 % meaty bones, 30–40 % meat and organs and 10–20 % fruits. It is also recommended that you give your dog fruit and milk products. And always, always remember. We are truly interested in the well-being of dogs and we genuinely want to help dog owners give their dogs the best dog food
The BARF feeding concept is still unfamiliar to most dog owners and we want to inform and educate the consumers about BARF in a clear way. We have Finland’s leading BARF experts on staff at MUSH, but this certainly does not mean that we speak like a
One of our brand guidelines is to be transparent in
University Professor or a multinational corporation.
everything we do. Therefore, transparency is also one
We speak in a way that allows any dog owner to im-
there is.
SpElLiNg Correct spelling is important because attention to detail helps create a trustworthy image of the company. There are a few things that we are extremely picky about. We want our company name and product names to be spelled correctly. Always write the company name MUSH with big letters. When it comes to the acronym BARF, we write in two ways. It can be written either with dots or without, but it should always be written with big letters. If for some reason you need to spell out BARF, it is an acronym for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food or Bones And Raw Food. Follow: Here at MUSH we are dedicated to BARF because it is naturally best for your dog. Avoid: Here at Mush we are dedicated to barf...
SoCiAl MeDiA GuIdElInEs We love our brand and we want that passion to be reflected in everything we do. Therefore: We are superb communicators. We engage with the community. We are there 24/7.
use your own name in your reply. It’s even a good idea to use a smiley every now and then. Follow: Hi Lisa! Thank you for your question about our products. We only use pork and meat from Finnish farmers, and all our products are made in Finland. Have a great day! :) MUSH/Josua Avoid: Hi. A complete list of the ingredients for the MUSH products is found on the MUSH website.
We are organized.
Responding to Negative Posts
We measure what we do.
It’s easy to make a mountain out of a molehill when
We are flexible.
it comes to negative posts. Try to avoid a crisis, stay
We are dedicated.
calm, but prepare yourself for the worst. Sometimes
We know what, when and how.
it may be best to let the community answer first.
We don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.
When you answer a post, remember that everything
We don’t swear.
is subjective, and you are to be honest, open, em-
We are friendly.
pathic and respectful as a community manager. Al-
And above all: We make content that is informative, trustworthy and fun to share. We also like to be personal when it comes to responding to our customers. It’s ok to address customers with their first name and we recommend that you
ways use facts, if you don’t know something for sure, just admit it and find the correct answer by asking some of your colleagues.
with this in mind. If necessary, follow up on issues using private messages or emails. After the situation
Keep the interest groups up-to-date on what is hap-
is solved; offering support and giving free gifts is
pening. Try to see the situation from the customer’s
always a good way to keep the negative people happy.
point of view. Try to evaluate the consequences of
Learn from what happened and ask for forgiveness, if
your actions and optimize your communication
SoCiAl MeDiA PhOtOgRaPhY GuIdElInEs Always include a photo or video in the post. They help your post get noticed. In social media, the rules for photography and videos are a little more relaxed. Again, the main point is still that the dogs are active, healthy and happy. Do not post pictures of overweight, sick or skinny and unhappy dogs. We do not post pictures of dressed up dogs or dogs wearing sunglasses or other human things. We simply don’t think it’s funny.
ReGiStErEd TrAdEmArK We value our brand. We have bought the rights to our logo, our brand name and our product names. Therefore, always use the registered trademark sign in its appropriate place. Follow: Make sure that the registered trademark symbol 速 is included in the MUSH Logo. MUSH B.A.R.F速 is the correct category name. MUSH B.A.R.F. Vaisto速 is the correct product category name for pet stores. MUSH B.A.R.F. Basic速 is the correct product category name for basic products sold in pet stores.
oF uSaGe
In-StOrE MaTeRiAlS Through our in-store materials we want to communicate that there is something very special about our brand. We come from a small Finnish town and we want to preserve our passion for making dogs happier and maintain our heritage. Our in-store concept is designed to contribute to the whole interior of the store. The design of our freezers is simple and eye-catching – becuase of the bright MUSH orange it can be seen even in a crowded store environment and it’s clearly visible from far away too. Our other in-store elements – such as the posters and the product guides – depict the rugged Finnish nature and the husky dog connection of ours.
PaCkAgEs Above all, our package design is informative. It’s based on typography and the use of symbols. Our packaging communicates the main values of our brand and visually displays the main ingredients of our products. Each of our product categories uses a different colour so it’s easier for the customer to differentiate between the products.
CaMpAiGnS/aDs All MUSH campaigns and ads follow the MUSH visual guidelines.
ClOtHeS aNd AcCeSsOrIeS MUSH clothing uses the brand colours – different shades of blue or green. The design of the clothes and accessories is simple – we mainly use only the logo and the MUSH slogan text for branding.
CoNtAcT iNfO If you want to find out more about the MUSH branding guidelines, please go to