Warning Personal Privacy Issues on Social Networking Sites
What Is Your Concern?
If you honestly answered the previous questions and find that you do care about your risk on social networking sites, your personal privacy is an issue and discussing many of the concerns, specific to different kinds of social networking sites users and how they can be addressed.
What Is Your Concern?
If you honestly answered the previous questions and find that you do care about your risk on social networking sites, your personal privacy is an issue and discussing many of the concerns, specific to different kinds of social networking sites users and how they can be addressed.
US Age Distribution
Who is facing the privacy problem?
Privacy for Users on Social Networking Sites
“Personally identify—able information” (PII) as information, which
can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity either alone or when combined with other information that is linkable to a specific individual.”
—Balachander Krishnamurthy
Visitation to the Top 7 Popular Social Networking Sites
What is a Social Networking Site?
What is Privacy?
So, What’s The Problem? Nowadays, the problem of personal privacy on social networking sites has become quite serious. People who join social networking sites are required to provide their personal information; however, the openness of this information has given rise to many security problems.
Privacy for Users on Social Networking Sites • (11) 12
US Age Distribution
Who is facing the privacy problem?
Privacy for Users on Social Networking Sites
“Personally identify—able information” (PII) as information, which
can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity either alone or when combined with other information that is linkable to a specific individual.”
—Balachander Krishnamurthy
Visitation to the Top 7 Popular Social Networking Sites
What is a Social Networking Site?
What is Privacy?
So, What’s The Problem? Nowadays, the problem of personal privacy on social networking sites has become quite serious. People who join social networking sites are required to provide their personal information; however, the openness of this information has given rise to many security problems.
Privacy for Users on Social Networking Sites • (11) 12
Privacy Concerns of American “Very Concerned”
A du lts
30% 2009 A du lts
A ge 54 to 64
36% 2010
32% 2009 A ge 54 to 64
Source • {1}
50% 2 0 1 0
What is privacy? According to privacy laws{2} in the United States, privacy is the expectation that confidential personal information disclosed in a private place will not be disclosed to third parties, when that disclosure would cause either embarrassment or emotional distress to a person of reasonable sensitivities. Information is interpreted broadly to include facts, images (e.g., photographs, videotapes), and disparaging opinions.
Privacy for Users on Social Networking Sites • (13) 14
Privacy Concerns of American “Very Concerned”
A du lts
30% 2009 A du lts
A ge 54 to 64
36% 2010
32% 2009 A ge 54 to 64
Source • {1}
50% 2 0 1 0
What is privacy? According to privacy laws{2} in the United States, privacy is the expectation that confidential personal information disclosed in a private place will not be disclosed to third parties, when that disclosure would cause either embarrassment or emotional distress to a person of reasonable sensitivities. Information is interpreted broadly to include facts, images (e.g., photographs, videotapes), and disparaging opinions.
Privacy for Users on Social Networking Sites • (13) 14
C l as s m a t e
What Is a Social Networking Site?
M y S pa c e L i n k e di n
A social network service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, (e.g., who share interests and/or activities).{3} A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web based and provide
Tw i t t e r
means for users to interact over the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Although online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service, in a broader sense, social
F a c e book
network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are groupcentered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks.
Privacy for Users on Social Networking Sites • (15) 16
C l as s m a t e
What Is a Social Networking Site?
M y S pa c e L i n k e di n
A social network service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, (e.g., who share interests and/or activities).{3} A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web based and provide
Tw i t t e r
means for users to interact over the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Although online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service, in a broader sense, social
F a c e book
network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are groupcentered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks.
Privacy for Users on Social Networking Sites • (15) 16
No.7 Classmate
to the Top 7 Popular Social Networking Sites, November 2010
Source • {4}
Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors
No.3 Twitter 89,800,000
No.6 Tagged 30,000,000
No.4 Linkedin
No.1 Facebook 550,000,000
No.7 Classmate
to the Top 7 Popular Social Networking Sites, November 2010
Source • {4}
Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors
No.3 Twitter 89,800,000
No.6 Tagged 30,000,000
No.4 Linkedin
No.1 Facebook 550,000,000
“One of the major concerns about social networking services is us-
ers’ control over the privacy of their information—or more accurately,
control over who gets to view what they publish.”
— Matthew C. Clarke
Who Is Facing a Privacy Problem? As users of social networking sites, privacy issues challenge us all; however, different groups have very different concerns. Teenagers, job seekers, employees and governments are just some of the people who have particular problems on these sites. For teenagers, they are facing the risk of being targeted by predators. For job seekers, they are facing the risk that they may lose future job opportunities. For employees, they are facing the risk of exposing their companies’ confidential information and losing their jobs. As to governments, their citizens are facing the risk that they are monitoring all the conversations on social networking sites. Generally, all of us are facing the risk of security and finance loss due to personal information exposure on social networking sites.
Privacy for Users on Social Networking Sites • (19) 20
“One of the major concerns about social networking services is us-
ers’ control over the privacy of their information—or more accurately,
control over who gets to view what they publish.”
— Matthew C. Clarke
Who Is Facing a Privacy Problem? As users of social networking sites, privacy issues challenge us all; however, different groups have very different concerns. Teenagers, job seekers, employees and governments are just some of the people who have particular problems on these sites. For teenagers, they are facing the risk of being targeted by predators. For job seekers, they are facing the risk that they may lose future job opportunities. For employees, they are facing the risk of exposing their companies’ confidential information and losing their jobs. As to governments, their citizens are facing the risk that they are monitoring all the conversations on social networking sites. Generally, all of us are facing the risk of security and finance loss due to personal information exposure on social networking sites.
Privacy for Users on Social Networking Sites • (19) 20
US Age Distribution Average Age Distribution across Social Networking Site Users Source • {5}
0 - 17 18 - 24
25 - 34 35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
25% 18%
US Age Distribution Average Age Distribution across Social Networking Site Users Source • {5}
0 - 17 18 - 24
25 - 34 35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
25% 18%
What to Do Next?
A g e • 13 -1 7
Vulner ab le
“It’s a playground with no parental supervision.’” Teenagers
—Dr. Dimitri A. Christakis.
What Draws them?
Teenagers’ Social Networking Profiles and Numbers
Case Study: Kidnap
Why Are Teenagers Vulnerable? What are kids doing to expose themselves to danger on social networking
Po p u l a r S o c i al Net wo rkin g Sit es
sites? They are sharing too much privacy information on social networking sites and they visit these sites too frequency, which arouses predators’ attentions. PEW (Internet & American Life Project){6} reports that about 50% of teenagers also use the sites to make new friends, 42% of them “sometimes” or “always” accept social networking friend requests from
Beb o
strangers. In addition, teenagers also use the sites to make social plans
M ySpace
with their friends, and sometimes to flirt.
X anga
According to the poll released{7} today, just 4% of parents say their children check their sites more than 10 times a day, and only 2% say F a c e book
their teens have posted naked pictures of themselves. Often, most of the teenager’s parents are not familiar with social networking sites and have no idea what their children do on these sites.
Vulnerable Users • Teenagers • (25) 26
What to Do Next?
A g e • 13 -1 7
Vulner ab le
“It’s a playground with no parental supervision.’” Teenagers
—Dr. Dimitri A. Christakis.
What Draws them?
Teenagers’ Social Networking Profiles and Numbers
Case Study: Kidnap
Why Are Teenagers Vulnerable? What are kids doing to expose themselves to danger on social networking
Po p u l a r S o c i al Net wo rkin g Sit es
sites? They are sharing too much privacy information on social networking sites and they visit these sites too frequency, which arouses predators’ attentions. PEW (Internet & American Life Project){6} reports that about 50% of teenagers also use the sites to make new friends, 42% of them “sometimes” or “always” accept social networking friend requests from
Beb o
strangers. In addition, teenagers also use the sites to make social plans
M ySpace
with their friends, and sometimes to flirt.
X anga
According to the poll released{7} today, just 4% of parents say their children check their sites more than 10 times a day, and only 2% say F a c e book
their teens have posted naked pictures of themselves. Often, most of the teenager’s parents are not familiar with social networking sites and have no idea what their children do on these sites.
Vulnerable Users • Teenagers • (25) 26
Personal Information that Teenagers Share on Social Networking Sites Source • {8}
Teenagers’ Social Networking Sites’ Profiles
First Name
Photos of Themselves
Friends’ Photos
Names of Their Cities
Names of Their Schools
Instant Message
Streamed Audio
Link to Blog
E-mail Adress
Last Name
Both First Name and Last Name
Phone Numbers
Personal Information that Teenagers Share on Social Networking Sites Source • {8}
Teenagers’ Social Networking Sites’ Profiles
First Name
Photos of Themselves
Friends’ Photos
Names of Their Cities
Names of Their Schools
Instant Message
Streamed Audio
Link to Blog
E-mail Adress
Last Name
Both First Name and Last Name
Phone Numbers
Case Study: Kidnap A fugitive convicted rapist has been identified as the
How Predators Use Social Networking Sites
man who attacked two teenage girls in Bakersfield in
For Kidnapping
the last two weeks, according to local law enforcement. The Sheriff’s Department said German Baeza, 26,
F i n d Tee n s
used a social networking site to meet a 15-year-old
S o c i a l Ne t w o r k i n g
girl and convince her to meet him at a fast food
D i s c u s s i o n B o a rd s
restaurant. According to detectives, he kidnapped her from the restaurant on July 20, took her to an orchard, and raped her.
Blogs E -m a i l
Police said three days earlier, Baeza tried to abduct a 14-year-old girl from a Bakersfield alley.
Ch a t R o o ms S e du c e Th e i r Ta rge t s
This case proof that making friends with strangers will bring potential danger to social networking sites
users, especially to teemagers.
Face-to -f ace Co n tact K n o w T h ei r I n t e re s t s
Ki n d n e s s L a t e s t Mu s i c
Ho b b i e s L i s t e n To A n d S y mpa t h i z e W i t h K i ds ' P robl e ms
E as e Teen ag er s ' I n h i b i ti o n s
S e x u a l Co n t e n t
Case Study: Kidnap A fugitive convicted rapist has been identified as the
How Predators Use Social Networking Sites
man who attacked two teenage girls in Bakersfield in
For Kidnapping
the last two weeks, according to local law enforcement. The Sheriff’s Department said German Baeza, 26,
F i n d Tee n s
used a social networking site to meet a 15-year-old
S o c i a l Ne t w o r k i n g
girl and convince her to meet him at a fast food
D i s c u s s i o n B o a rd s
restaurant. According to detectives, he kidnapped her from the restaurant on July 20, took her to an orchard, and raped her.
Blogs E -m a i l
Police said three days earlier, Baeza tried to abduct a 14-year-old girl from a Bakersfield alley.
Ch a t R o o ms S e du c e Th e i r Ta rge t s
This case proof that making friends with strangers will bring potential danger to social networking sites
users, especially to teemagers.
Face-to -f ace Co n tact K n o w T h ei r I n t e re s t s
Ki n d n e s s L a t e s t Mu s i c
Ho b b i e s L i s t e n To A n d S y mpa t h i z e W i t h K i ds ' P robl e ms
E as e Teen ag er s ' I n h i b i ti o n s
S e x u a l Co n t e n t
What Draws Them? Most of the teenagers know there is a privacy problem, but they still continue to visit social networking sites because they offer many benefits! Communication: Teens can make new friends who share the same interests. They also can get in touch with old friends and families’ members who don’t live in the same city. Education: They can get help with schoolwork and research on social networking sites. Other Aspect: They can keep up with new music follow the popular new media culture.
Vulnerable Users • Teenagers • (31) 32
What Draws Them? Most of the teenagers know there is a privacy problem, but they still continue to visit social networking sites because they offer many benefits! Communication: Teens can make new friends who share the same interests. They also can get in touch with old friends and families’ members who don’t live in the same city. Education: They can get help with schoolwork and research on social networking sites. Other Aspect: They can keep up with new music follow the popular new media culture.
Vulnerable Users • Teenagers • (31) 32
Privacy Education
“Social networking sites offer a world of networking, funfilled activity and instant connectivity but there is a veiled threat of danger lurking which these young kids must be made aware of.” — Manjula Pooja Shroff
What to Do Next? We can’t stop the online social networking sites trend and we can’t stop teenagers visiting these sites. Because social networking sites are the mainstream in the world, the more members use them, the more people want to join them. Instead of insisting that teenagers stop using social networking sites, we should direct their attentions to the risks of sharing too much personal information and we should give guidelines on how to protect their privacy on these sites.
Vulnerable Users • Teenagers • (33) 34
Privacy Education
“Social networking sites offer a world of networking, funfilled activity and instant connectivity but there is a veiled threat of danger lurking which these young kids must be made aware of.” — Manjula Pooja Shroff
What to Do Next? We can’t stop the online social networking sites trend and we can’t stop teenagers visiting these sites. Because social networking sites are the mainstream in the world, the more members use them, the more people want to join them. Instead of insisting that teenagers stop using social networking sites, we should direct their attentions to the risks of sharing too much personal information and we should give guidelines on how to protect their privacy on these sites.
Vulnerable Users • Teenagers • (33) 34
Parents Privacy Education
Teenagers Privacy Education
Predators Privacy Education
Solution: Privacy Education
E xa m ple
Educational Toolkits Audience: Teenagers and Their Parents
Actions Privacy Education
Privacy Education is a series of materials for teenagers and their parents on social networking sites. How teenagers protect their personal information on social networking sites? How their parents protect their kids from the trouble on these sites? What serious consequences would be if predators target teenagers on these sites? Privacy education would have some
A mou n t of P rofi l e A c t i on s
ideas for these problems. The main target users of privacy education materials are teenagers, it combines with four books, Teenagers, Parents, Predators and Actions. The first three books are used to explain the problems on social networking sites in order to aware teenagers and their parents’ attentions. For the main problem of teenagers on social networking sites is sharing too much personal information. The book Action is used to provide a series solutions for this problem. It would provide a lot of tests; teenagers can evaluate their risk and know how to keep themselves safe by these tests. The benefit of these materials are used to aware teenagers and their parents’ attention to the risk of privacy problem on social networking sites
Profile Actions
No n e
Us er o r fr iend s p o s t m ed ia Us er p o s ts tex t Fr iend s p o s t tex t Us er inter acts with fr iend p ro file Us er ad d s as s o ciatio n Us er m akes tr ans actio n
D e s c r i pt i on
Privacy Management Level Maximum Very High High Medium
and used to ask them to take action to protect themselves from risks. Low Very Low None
Vulnerable Users • Teenagers • (35) 36
Parents Privacy Education
Teenagers Privacy Education
Predators Privacy Education
Solution: Privacy Education
E xa m ple
Educational Toolkits Audience: Teenagers and Their Parents
Actions Privacy Education
Privacy Education is a series of materials for teenagers and their parents on social networking sites. How teenagers protect their personal information on social networking sites? How their parents protect their kids from the trouble on these sites? What serious consequences would be if predators target teenagers on these sites? Privacy education would have some
A mou n t of P rofi l e A c t i on s
ideas for these problems. The main target users of privacy education materials are teenagers, it combines with four books, Teenagers, Parents, Predators and Actions. The first three books are used to explain the problems on social networking sites in order to aware teenagers and their parents’ attentions. For the main problem of teenagers on social networking sites is sharing too much personal information. The book Action is used to provide a series solutions for this problem. It would provide a lot of tests; teenagers can evaluate their risk and know how to keep themselves safe by these tests. The benefit of these materials are used to aware teenagers and their parents’ attention to the risk of privacy problem on social networking sites
Profile Actions
No n e
Us er o r fr iend s p o s t m ed ia Us er p o s ts tex t Fr iend s p o s t tex t Us er inter acts with fr iend p ro file Us er ad d s as s o ciatio n Us er m akes tr ans actio n
D e s c r i pt i on
Privacy Management Level Maximum Very High High Medium
and used to ask them to take action to protect themselves from risks. Low Very Low None
Vulnerable Users • Teenagers • (35) 36
C a re le ss
“Given the implications and the shelf-life of Internet content, man-
aging your online image is something everyone should address —
regardless of whether or not you’re in a job search.”
—David Opton, ExecuNet CEO and founder
What to Do Next?
What Are the Benefits of Sharing?
Age • 18-64
Case Study: Dangerous Information
Job Seekers
Why Are Job Seekers Careless?
Dangerous Information
P o p u l a r S o c i a l Ne t w o r k i n g S i t e
More and more job seekers lose their job opportunities because of their personal information is available on social networking sites.
45% of employers reported in a June 2009 CareerBuilder survey{9} that they use social networking sites to screen potential employees, compared to only 22% of employers last year. Going forward, 11%
Tw i t t e r
Ni n g
of employers plan to start using social networking sites for the screening process. More than 2,600 hiring managers participated in the survey.
My S p a c e Facebook
C a re le ss
“Given the implications and the shelf-life of Internet content, man-
aging your online image is something everyone should address —
regardless of whether or not you’re in a job search.”
—David Opton, ExecuNet CEO and founder
What to Do Next?
What Are the Benefits of Sharing?
Age • 18-64
Case Study: Dangerous Information
Job Seekers
Why Are Job Seekers Careless?
Dangerous Information
P o p u l a r S o c i a l Ne t w o r k i n g S i t e
More and more job seekers lose their job opportunities because of their personal information is available on social networking sites.
45% of employers reported in a June 2009 CareerBuilder survey{9} that they use social networking sites to screen potential employees, compared to only 22% of employers last year. Going forward, 11%
Tw i t t e r
Ni n g
of employers plan to start using social networking sites for the screening process. More than 2,600 hiring managers participated in the survey.
My S p a c e Facebook
Dangerous Information that Job Seekers Put on Social Networking Sites Source • {10}
35% of employers reported they have
Job seekers posted provocative or inappropriate photographs or information
found content on social networking
Job seekers posted content about them drinking or using drugs.
sites that caused them not to hire the job seekers, including: 35%
Job seekers bad-mouthed their previous employer, co-workers or clients.
Job seekers showed poor communication skills.
Job seekers made discriminatory comments.
Job seekers lied about qualifications.
Job seekers shared confidential information from previous employer.
Dangerous Information that Job Seekers Put on Social Networking Sites Source • {10}
35% of employers reported they have
Job seekers posted provocative or inappropriate photographs or information
found content on social networking
Job seekers posted content about them drinking or using drugs.
sites that caused them not to hire the job seekers, including: 35%
Job seekers bad-mouthed their previous employer, co-workers or clients.
Job seekers showed poor communication skills.
Job seekers made discriminatory comments.
Job seekers lied about qualifications.
Job seekers shared confidential information from previous employer.
Case Study: Dangerous Information “You’d be surprised at what I’ve seen when researching candidates,” says Gail, a recruiter at a fortune 500 company who recently began looking up potential hires on the Web. “We were having a tough time deciding between two job seekers until I found the profile of one of them on MySpace. It boasted a photo of her lounging on a hammock in a bikini, listed her interests as ‘having a good time’ and her sex as ‘yes, please.’ Not quite what we were looking for.” “Another time I went to a job seeker’s site and found racial slurs and jokes,” Gail continues. “And there was yet another instance where a job seeker told me he was currently working for a company, yet he left a comment on a friend’s profile about how it ‘sucked’ to be laid off, and how much fun it was to be unemployed!”
Careless Users • Job Seekers • (43) 44
Case Study: Dangerous Information “You’d be surprised at what I’ve seen when researching candidates,” says Gail, a recruiter at a fortune 500 company who recently began looking up potential hires on the Web. “We were having a tough time deciding between two job seekers until I found the profile of one of them on MySpace. It boasted a photo of her lounging on a hammock in a bikini, listed her interests as ‘having a good time’ and her sex as ‘yes, please.’ Not quite what we were looking for.” “Another time I went to a job seeker’s site and found racial slurs and jokes,” Gail continues. “And there was yet another instance where a job seeker told me he was currently working for a company, yet he left a comment on a friend’s profile about how it ‘sucked’ to be laid off, and how much fun it was to be unemployed!”
Careless Users • Job Seekers • (43) 44
What Are the Benefits Of Sharing? “Just as individuals can instantly distribute to a
global audience, companies also can tap a broad pool of talent.”
—Thomas Lee
Looking for a job has never been easy, but today’s popular networking tools can be effective for finding opportunities and presenting yourself to employers. By using these sites wisely, you are likely to find a variety of career opportunities — or they will find you.
Good Example Of Job Searching
With executives from all Fortune 500 companies as members, LinkedIn is a virtual community of 65 million. Members share and search enhanced online résumés and job postings, monitor discussions and follow who else is making connections and with whom. LinkedIn not only allows job seekers to search for contacts at target companies, it also automatically scans the LinkedIn network for people who have something in common with your profile. As to job seekers, gaining the benefit of job searching is the important reason that they create profiles on social networking sites, but that’s not the only reason. Social networking site is the mainstream of the world; it provides people a lot of good services, and it becomes an important part in our lives.
Careless Users • Job Seekers • (45) 46
What Are the Benefits Of Sharing? “Just as individuals can instantly distribute to a
global audience, companies also can tap a broad pool of talent.”
—Thomas Lee
Looking for a job has never been easy, but today’s popular networking tools can be effective for finding opportunities and presenting yourself to employers. By using these sites wisely, you are likely to find a variety of career opportunities — or they will find you.
Good Example Of Job Searching
With executives from all Fortune 500 companies as members, LinkedIn is a virtual community of 65 million. Members share and search enhanced online résumés and job postings, monitor discussions and follow who else is making connections and with whom. LinkedIn not only allows job seekers to search for contacts at target companies, it also automatically scans the LinkedIn network for people who have something in common with your profile. As to job seekers, gaining the benefit of job searching is the important reason that they create profiles on social networking sites, but that’s not the only reason. Social networking site is the mainstream of the world; it provides people a lot of good services, and it becomes an important part in our lives.
Careless Users • Job Seekers • (45) 46
“In this difficult job market, online networking is an important piece of the puzzle for workers wishing to build professional relationships, and ultimately, connect with their next great job.” — Liz Harvey
What to Do Next? Create a positive online profile means making social networking sites into tools for helping job seekers. As the amount of personal information available online grows, first impressions are being formed long before the interview process begins. Job seekers need to provide positive information on social networking sites to create a good online reputation. In fact, though most of them realize this problem, they are still always careless at it, the most important thing is to attract their attention and ask them what to do and what not to do on social networking sites.
Careless Users • Job Seekers • (47) 48
“In this difficult job market, online networking is an important piece of the puzzle for workers wishing to build professional relationships, and ultimately, connect with their next great job.” — Liz Harvey
What to Do Next? Create a positive online profile means making social networking sites into tools for helping job seekers. As the amount of personal information available online grows, first impressions are being formed long before the interview process begins. Job seekers need to provide positive information on social networking sites to create a good online reputation. In fact, though most of them realize this problem, they are still always careless at it, the most important thing is to attract their attention and ask them what to do and what not to do on social networking sites.
Careless Users • Job Seekers • (47) 48
Profile supported candidate’s professional qualifications.
posted content about drinking or using drugs.
E xa m ple
Awareness is a series of desk accessories for job seekers that are used to tell them do’s and don’ts when they share information on social networking sites. As I mentioned before, job seekers always lose their job opportunities for sharing inappropriate information on social networking sites. How to make job seekers more aware at this problem? How job seekers solve this problem before they start seeking? How job seekers having clean and health profile when they are having interview? The awareness desk accessories would have some ideas for these problems.
Pen Box
No t e B o o k
Profile provided a good feel for the candidate’s personality and fit.
post provocative or inappropriate photographs or information.
Do Candidate was well-rounded.
Candidate made discriminatory comments.
show poor communication skills
Reminder Toolkits Audience: Job Seekers
bad-mouthed their previous employer, co-workers or clients.
Solution: Awareness
Candidate was creative.
Show solid communication skills
The awareness desk accessories provide a guideline for job seekers on social networking sites. They use graphic design on the surface to remind
job seekers of what to do and what not to do on these sites. The desk accessories are using the same color but different value to define different level of awareness. The darker the color it is the more important the guideline. The awareness desk accessories can be easier to help aware job seekers’ attention than posters and books. That’s because job seekers need them to prepare their interviews. They may read the books or posters for once or
twice, but they may review the desk accessories several times a day.
Careless Users • Job Seekers • (49) 50
Profile supported candidate’s professional qualifications.
posted content about drinking or using drugs.
E xa m ple
Awareness is a series of desk accessories for job seekers that are used to tell them do’s and don’ts when they share information on social networking sites. As I mentioned before, job seekers always lose their job opportunities for sharing inappropriate information on social networking sites. How to make job seekers more aware at this problem? How job seekers solve this problem before they start seeking? How job seekers having clean and health profile when they are having interview? The awareness desk accessories would have some ideas for these problems.
Pen Box
No t e B o o k
Profile provided a good feel for the candidate’s personality and fit.
post provocative or inappropriate photographs or information.
Do Candidate was well-rounded.
Candidate made discriminatory comments.
show poor communication skills
Reminder Toolkits Audience: Job Seekers
bad-mouthed their previous employer, co-workers or clients.
Solution: Awareness
Candidate was creative.
Show solid communication skills
The awareness desk accessories provide a guideline for job seekers on social networking sites. They use graphic design on the surface to remind
job seekers of what to do and what not to do on these sites. The desk accessories are using the same color but different value to define different level of awareness. The darker the color it is the more important the guideline. The awareness desk accessories can be easier to help aware job seekers’ attention than posters and books. That’s because job seekers need them to prepare their interviews. They may read the books or posters for once or
twice, but they may review the desk accessories several times a day.
Careless Users • Job Seekers • (49) 50
What to Do Next?
Age • 18-64
“Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead. ”
—Benjamin Franklin
Lose their jobs
Alternative Advertisement
Ri sky Behaviors That Employee Do On Social Networking Sites.
W h a t Wou l d Be I f Th e C on fi de n t i a l I n for ma t i on E x pos u re ?
Why Are Employees Risky?
D a ma g e d b u s i n e s s re l a t i o n s h i p and a possible lawsuit
Case Study: Confidential Information Misused
Cl i e n t s o r c u s t o me r s
More and more employees put their employers and themselves at risk by
exposing confidential information on social networking sites. For many companies, confidential information like trade secrets is what gives them an edge over their competitors.
Co mp e t i t o r s o r t h e general public Ha r m t o e mp l o y e r s ’ b u s i n e s s
The risk of losing that edge is increasing with the rising use of social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, MySpace) in business. Some, many, or all employees have access to certain private and confidential information, and those employees are blogging, tweeting, and otherwise actively engaging in social networking sites. They may be violating a contractual commitment or duty of loyalty by disclosing certain information through social media.
Repercussion of Exposure
First, if the trade secret information disclosure to competitors or the general public, it will cause irreparable harm to employers’ business. Second, there is also the potential disclosure of trade secrets information belonging to clients or customers. The disclosure of sensitive information with which employers have been entrusted could lead to a damaged business relationship, and a possible lawsuit against employers’ companies for failing to adequately maintain privacy controls. Third, employees will be fired if they exposure companies’ confidential information on social networking sites.
LinkIn P opu la r S oc ia l N e tw o r k i n g S i t e s
What to Do Next?
Age • 18-64
“Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead. ”
—Benjamin Franklin
Lose their jobs
Alternative Advertisement
Ri sky Behaviors That Employee Do On Social Networking Sites.
W h a t Wou l d Be I f Th e C on fi de n t i a l I n for ma t i on E x pos u re ?
Why Are Employees Risky?
D a ma g e d b u s i n e s s re l a t i o n s h i p and a possible lawsuit
Case Study: Confidential Information Misused
Cl i e n t s o r c u s t o me r s
More and more employees put their employers and themselves at risk by
exposing confidential information on social networking sites. For many companies, confidential information like trade secrets is what gives them an edge over their competitors.
Co mp e t i t o r s o r t h e general public Ha r m t o e mp l o y e r s ’ b u s i n e s s
The risk of losing that edge is increasing with the rising use of social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, MySpace) in business. Some, many, or all employees have access to certain private and confidential information, and those employees are blogging, tweeting, and otherwise actively engaging in social networking sites. They may be violating a contractual commitment or duty of loyalty by disclosing certain information through social media.
Repercussion of Exposure
First, if the trade secret information disclosure to competitors or the general public, it will cause irreparable harm to employers’ business. Second, there is also the potential disclosure of trade secrets information belonging to clients or customers. The disclosure of sensitive information with which employers have been entrusted could lead to a damaged business relationship, and a possible lawsuit against employers’ companies for failing to adequately maintain privacy controls. Third, employees will be fired if they exposure companies’ confidential information on social networking sites.
LinkIn P opu la r S oc ia l N e tw o r k i n g S i t e s
Risky Behaviors that Employees Do On Social Networking Sites Source • {11}
18 %
70% Unauthorized Application Use 70% of IT professionals believe the use of unauthorized programs result in as many as half of their companies' data loss incidents.
44% Misuse of Corporate Computers others without supervision.
44% of employees share work devices with
39% Misuse of Corporate Computers 39 percent of IT professionals say they have dealt with an employee accessing unauthorized
parts of a company's network or facility.
46% Remote Worker Security 46 percent of employees admitted to transferring files between work and personal computers when working from home.
18% Misuse of passwords 39 %
18 percent of employees share passwords with co-workers. That rate jumps to 25 percent in China, India, and Italy.
Risky Behaviors that Employees Do On Social Networking Sites Source • {11}
18 %
70% Unauthorized Application Use 70% of IT professionals believe the use of unauthorized programs result in as many as half of their companies' data loss incidents.
44% Misuse of Corporate Computers others without supervision.
44% of employees share work devices with
39% Misuse of Corporate Computers 39 percent of IT professionals say they have dealt with an employee accessing unauthorized
parts of a company's network or facility.
46% Remote Worker Security 46 percent of employees admitted to transferring files between work and personal computers when working from home.
18% Misuse of passwords 39 %
18 percent of employees share passwords with co-workers. That rate jumps to 25 percent in China, India, and Italy.
“The incident highlights how easy it can be for
anyone with access to confidential information
stored online to abuse it, regardless of any systems that are in place.”
— Diana Kelley
Case Study: Confidential Information Misused According to a CNN report Google did just that, announcing that it had fired one of its employees for violating privacy policies by accessing user accounts. CNN reported that the employee “used his position as a key engineer evaluating the health of Google’s services to break into the Gmail and Google Voice accounts of several children.” The conclusion reached there: “The incident highlights how easy it can be for anyone with access to confidential information stored online to abuse it, regardless of any systems that are in place.”
Risky Users • Employees • (57) 58
“The incident highlights how easy it can be for
anyone with access to confidential information
stored online to abuse it, regardless of any systems that are in place.”
— Diana Kelley
Case Study: Confidential Information Misused According to a CNN report Google did just that, announcing that it had fired one of its employees for violating privacy policies by accessing user accounts. CNN reported that the employee “used his position as a key engineer evaluating the health of Google’s services to break into the Gmail and Google Voice accounts of several children.” The conclusion reached there: “The incident highlights how easy it can be for anyone with access to confidential information stored online to abuse it, regardless of any systems that are in place.”
Risky Users • Employees • (57) 58
50% Large Companies +
Alternative Advertisement As companies realized the power of social networking, many of them established Facebook presences, blogs, and Twitter accounts to act as alternative advertising and communication methods. If your target customer isn’t watching TV or reading print or online advertising banners, but is an avid consumer of Facebook status updates, it stands to reason that companies would find ways to place their marketing messages there as part of their corporate communications program; however, some companies have identified other ways to increase the communications signal. Some employees are asked to register with online forums and social communities to monitor and engage in ongoing discussions related to a product or service. Consider a VoIP provider that wants to know what people are saying about its service. An employee may be asked to watch a few targeted social networking communities and blogs comment areas and actively promote the VoIP provider’s offering over other offerings.
75% Small Companies S ou r c e :NB R I N a tion a B u s i n e s s R e s e a r c h I n stitu te , I n c .
No t u s e s o ci al n e t w or k i n g s i t e s S m a ll C o mp a n i e s L a r ge C o mp a n i e s
Us e s o ci al n etw or k i n g s i t e s S m a ll C o mp a n i e s + L a r ge C o mp a n i e s
50% Large Companies +
Alternative Advertisement As companies realized the power of social networking, many of them established Facebook presences, blogs, and Twitter accounts to act as alternative advertising and communication methods. If your target customer isn’t watching TV or reading print or online advertising banners, but is an avid consumer of Facebook status updates, it stands to reason that companies would find ways to place their marketing messages there as part of their corporate communications program; however, some companies have identified other ways to increase the communications signal. Some employees are asked to register with online forums and social communities to monitor and engage in ongoing discussions related to a product or service. Consider a VoIP provider that wants to know what people are saying about its service. An employee may be asked to watch a few targeted social networking communities and blogs comment areas and actively promote the VoIP provider’s offering over other offerings.
75% Small Companies S ou r c e :NB R I N a tion a B u s i n e s s R e s e a r c h I n stitu te , I n c .
No t u s e s o ci al n e t w or k i n g s i t e s S m a ll C o mp a n i e s L a r ge C o mp a n i e s
Us e s o ci al n etw or k i n g s i t e s S m a ll C o mp a n i e s + L a r ge C o mp a n i e s
Social Networking Site Policy
“As an employer, you must understand the risks and take
pro-active measures to protect the private and confidential information of your company, your clients, and your employees.” — Michael Schmidt
What to Do Next? Employers should establish strong policies for ruling the use of online social networking for their employees. Social networking sites have motivated the business market and employees using social networking sites to communicate to clients also improve companies’ profit; however, the potential of leakage of confidential information on these sites by employees create a new serious problem for companies. Therefore, establishing social networking policy is necessary. In light of the legal risks associated with employers accessing of social networking sites and in light of legal limitations on employer access to employee online activity, employers should take a thoughtful and cautious approach to determine when, how, and to what extent they will monitor employees’ activities.
Risky Users • Employees • (61) 62
Social Networking Site Policy
“As an employer, you must understand the risks and take
pro-active measures to protect the private and confidential information of your company, your clients, and your employees.” — Michael Schmidt
What to Do Next? Employers should establish strong policies for ruling the use of online social networking for their employees. Social networking sites have motivated the business market and employees using social networking sites to communicate to clients also improve companies’ profit; however, the potential of leakage of confidential information on these sites by employees create a new serious problem for companies. Therefore, establishing social networking policy is necessary. In light of the legal risks associated with employers accessing of social networking sites and in light of legal limitations on employer access to employee online activity, employers should take a thoughtful and cautious approach to determine when, how, and to what extent they will monitor employees’ activities.
Risky Users • Employees • (61) 62
Social Networking Sites Policy
Policy Bulletin Board System Cases
Solution: Social Networking Site Policy
Phone Number
Social Networking Sites Policy Policy
E xa m ple
Bulletin Board System Cases
Communication Venues Audience: Employers and Employees
Social Networking sites Policy is a website that not only show dos and don’ts for employees, but also provide bulletin board system for both employers and employees to share their ideas and news on these policies. How
Phone Number
employers protect their business? How employees keep their jobs without making these mistakes? How to make both of them more aware this problem? The website social networking policy can share a good example of social networking policy for companies. With this website, both employers and employees would have a clear guideline on social networking sites. Both employers and employees can share their opinions on this website.
Social Networking Sites Policy Policy Bulletin Board System
Though there is a good example on this site, some may agree with them and some may not. Bulletin Board System on this site can be pretty helpful to solve this problem. Employers may refine some of the policies by employees’ opinions; employees may more follow the policies by realizing the serious consequences of some cases on these sites.
Phone Number
Social Networking Sites Policy
Policy Bulletin Board System Cases
Solution: Social Networking Site Policy
Phone Number
Social Networking Sites Policy Policy
E xa m ple
Bulletin Board System Cases
Communication Venues Audience: Employers and Employees
Social Networking sites Policy is a website that not only show dos and don’ts for employees, but also provide bulletin board system for both employers and employees to share their ideas and news on these policies. How
Phone Number
employers protect their business? How employees keep their jobs without making these mistakes? How to make both of them more aware this problem? The website social networking policy can share a good example of social networking policy for companies. With this website, both employers and employees would have a clear guideline on social networking sites. Both employers and employees can share their opinions on this website.
Social Networking Sites Policy Policy Bulletin Board System
Though there is a good example on this site, some may agree with them and some may not. Bulletin Board System on this site can be pretty helpful to solve this problem. Employers may refine some of the policies by employees’ opinions; employees may more follow the policies by realizing the serious consequences of some cases on these sites.
Phone Number
What to Do Next?
M onitor in g
“I accept this is an extremely difficult area. The interface
between retaining data, private security and all such issues of privacy is extremely important.”
Age • 18-64
—Vernon Coaker
Votes for Governments Monitoring on Social Networking Sites.
Big Brother Is Watching
M y O p in io n
Why Are US Government Monitoring?
Case Study:Twitter to catch Terrorists?
They monitor all social networking site conversations for protect us from terrorists, but they also create a large, serious privacy problem. Home secretary Jacqui Smith said that government needs to enforce new laws to keep track of potential terrorists, and these include giving officials the right to collect online information from social networking and online gaming sites. She also said that social networking websites, online gaming, auctions and video websites, in fact any website that offers services for free, do not keep tracking data and therefore “are a potential hotbed for terrorist activity”. M onito r S oc ia l N e twor k in g S ite s
Her new legislation means that this data is collected, but officials will only have access to the name and location of the speakers, not the content of the message. Though the governments have announced that, it still causes a serious privacy problem when they monitoring any personal content on these sites.
Monitoring Users • Gover nments • (67) 68
What to Do Next?
M onitor in g
“I accept this is an extremely difficult area. The interface
between retaining data, private security and all such issues of privacy is extremely important.”
Age • 18-64
—Vernon Coaker
Votes for Governments Monitoring on Social Networking Sites.
Big Brother Is Watching
M y O p in io n
Why Are US Government Monitoring?
Case Study:Twitter to catch Terrorists?
They monitor all social networking site conversations for protect us from terrorists, but they also create a large, serious privacy problem. Home secretary Jacqui Smith said that government needs to enforce new laws to keep track of potential terrorists, and these include giving officials the right to collect online information from social networking and online gaming sites. She also said that social networking websites, online gaming, auctions and video websites, in fact any website that offers services for free, do not keep tracking data and therefore “are a potential hotbed for terrorist activity”. M onito r S oc ia l N e twor k in g S ite s
Her new legislation means that this data is collected, but officials will only have access to the name and location of the speakers, not the content of the message. Though the governments have announced that, it still causes a serious privacy problem when they monitoring any personal content on these sites.
Monitoring Users • Gover nments • (67) 68
Big Brother Is Watching The EFF{12} acknowledges, “of course, there are good reasons for govern-
“The widescale use of social networking websites highlights the
enormity of government ambitions for a centralised communications database for the surveillance of the entire population …”
—Shami Chakrabarti
ment agencies and law enforcement officials to use all the tools at their disposal, including social networks, to ferret out fraud and other illegal conduct.” However, one memo reportedly suggests, “there’s not to prevent an off-hand comment from quickly becoming the subject of a full citizenship investigation.” Obviously this is going to be a big blow to Al Qaeda{13} who will need to stop twittering their targets to their followers and no more facebook groups for crime syndicates. Seriously you do have to wonder exactly how many terrorists they are going to catch on facebook!! Of course it’s going to knock another nail in the coffin of free expression, when everything we say, download, do or talk to is quietly assigned to a bloody big database which will probably be monitored by everyone and his dog. Just wait to when people political view, sexual or religious orientation are used by agencies to decide on adoption cases, licenses, and government jobs. So how does Mr Jones decision to join the leather fetishes group on facebook look when it appears on the printed report when he goes to renew his alcohol license? Will Miss Smith harmless but slightly unusual religious beliefs stop her getting that government job? That’s what happens when your government keeps a database and monitors people every move, there is no web site privacy. People just went a stage further with the ridiculous claim that the government will monitor social networking sites to catch terrorists.
Monitoring Users • Gover nments • (69) 70
Big Brother Is Watching The EFF{12} acknowledges, “of course, there are good reasons for govern-
“The widescale use of social networking websites highlights the
enormity of government ambitions for a centralised communications database for the surveillance of the entire population …”
—Shami Chakrabarti
ment agencies and law enforcement officials to use all the tools at their disposal, including social networks, to ferret out fraud and other illegal conduct.” However, one memo reportedly suggests, “there’s not to prevent an off-hand comment from quickly becoming the subject of a full citizenship investigation.” Obviously this is going to be a big blow to Al Qaeda{13} who will need to stop twittering their targets to their followers and no more facebook groups for crime syndicates. Seriously you do have to wonder exactly how many terrorists they are going to catch on facebook!! Of course it’s going to knock another nail in the coffin of free expression, when everything we say, download, do or talk to is quietly assigned to a bloody big database which will probably be monitored by everyone and his dog. Just wait to when people political view, sexual or religious orientation are used by agencies to decide on adoption cases, licenses, and government jobs. So how does Mr Jones decision to join the leather fetishes group on facebook look when it appears on the printed report when he goes to renew his alcohol license? Will Miss Smith harmless but slightly unusual religious beliefs stop her getting that government job? That’s what happens when your government keeps a database and monitors people every move, there is no web site privacy. People just went a stage further with the ridiculous claim that the government will monitor social networking sites to catch terrorists.
Monitoring Users • Gover nments • (69) 70
Government Monitoring Should The Government Monitor Social Network Sites? Source • {14}
70.1% No
. It is violating a person’s privacy.
29.9% Yes
. The government should monitor suspicious behavior.
Government Monitoring Should The Government Monitor Social Network Sites? Source • {14}
70.1% No
. It is violating a person’s privacy.
29.9% Yes
. The government should monitor suspicious behavior.
Case Study Twitter to Catch Terrorists?
Writing on the Whipped Senseless blog, Jason Brown, says ‘Database Britain’ has come closer to reality.” He points out that US army was reported to have prepared a paper, which included a chapter called the Potential for the Terrorist Use of Twitter. The report, which reads like spoof, is available on the website of Federation of the American Scientists. It says: “Twitter has also become a social activism tool for socialists, human rights groups, communists, vegetarians, anarchists, religious communities, atheists, political enthusiasts, hacktivists and others to communicate with each other and to send messages to broader audiences. Extremist and terrorist use of Twitter could evolve over time to reflect tactics that are already evolving in use by hacktivists and activists for surveillance. This could theoretically be combined with targeting.” Is this rampant paranoia or is there a case for monitoring social networks?
Case Study Twitter to Catch Terrorists?
Writing on the Whipped Senseless blog, Jason Brown, says ‘Database Britain’ has come closer to reality.” He points out that US army was reported to have prepared a paper, which included a chapter called the Potential for the Terrorist Use of Twitter. The report, which reads like spoof, is available on the website of Federation of the American Scientists. It says: “Twitter has also become a social activism tool for socialists, human rights groups, communists, vegetarians, anarchists, religious communities, atheists, political enthusiasts, hacktivists and others to communicate with each other and to send messages to broader audiences. Extremist and terrorist use of Twitter could evolve over time to reflect tactics that are already evolving in use by hacktivists and activists for surveillance. This could theoretically be combined with targeting.” Is this rampant paranoia or is there a case for monitoring social networks?
Terrorist Awareness
“Monitoring and regulating new media is not the answer.” —Adrian Budiman
What to Do Next? Instead of monitoring social networking sites, government should find a new way to protect people from terrorists. Generally, the existing negative side effect of progress is misuse of social networking sites. Monitoring and regulating these sites are not the best solution. People intend to use new media irresponsibly so that they can achieve their goals through other means — It’s the average users who will suffer from the effects of excessive state intervention. Social networking sites contain both good and bad information and it is ultimately up to user to decide which one to believe and form an opinion. Racial and religious insensitivity are communicated through social networking sites usually portray a minority opinion and may not be necessarily true. A good understanding of how new media works and a strong moral education will produce better results than trying to monitor and control technological progress.
Monitoring Users • Gover nments • (75) 76
Terrorist Awareness
“Monitoring and regulating new media is not the answer.” —Adrian Budiman
What to Do Next? Instead of monitoring social networking sites, government should find a new way to protect people from terrorists. Generally, the existing negative side effect of progress is misuse of social networking sites. Monitoring and regulating these sites are not the best solution. People intend to use new media irresponsibly so that they can achieve their goals through other means — It’s the average users who will suffer from the effects of excessive state intervention. Social networking sites contain both good and bad information and it is ultimately up to user to decide which one to believe and form an opinion. Racial and religious insensitivity are communicated through social networking sites usually portray a minority opinion and may not be necessarily true. A good understanding of how new media works and a strong moral education will produce better results than trying to monitor and control technological progress.
Monitoring Users • Gover nments • (75) 76
Terrorist Awareness on Social Networking Sites
You Behavior Infomation Exposure Make Friends with Strangers
Terrorist Action
Dangerous Behavior Reason
Solution: Terrorist Awareness Campaigns Awareness Audience: Governments and Citizens
E xa m ple
Terrorist Awareness is a website that is created by governments; it’s used to tell citizens how to protect themselves from terrorists when visiting social networking sites. As mentioned before, governments want to monitor all conversations on social networking sites for protecting their citizen from terrorists, but citizens will face a serious privacy problems if government do this. However, how do governments protect their citizens’ from terrorists on social networking sites without invading citizens’ privacy? The website Terrorist Awareness can show some information and news to explain who terrorists would be and how they could attack users, in order to create a clear realization of the problem. Most terrorists use social networking sites as tool to propagate their organizations and ask users to do dangerous behaiors to attack the world, they also try to attack the users who have opposite opinions to them. Terrorist Awareness also shows do’s and don’ts for social networking site users to protect themselves from terrorists. Terrorist always target users by the information they share on social networking sites and the more they share, the easier they would be attacked. Location • Map
Phone Number • E-mail • Fax
Urgent Contact
Terrorist Awareness on Social Networking Sites
You Behavior Infomation Exposure Make Friends with Strangers
Terrorist Action
Dangerous Behavior Reason
Solution: Terrorist Awareness Campaigns Awareness Audience: Governments and Citizens
E xa m ple
Terrorist Awareness is a website that is created by governments; it’s used to tell citizens how to protect themselves from terrorists when visiting social networking sites. As mentioned before, governments want to monitor all conversations on social networking sites for protecting their citizen from terrorists, but citizens will face a serious privacy problems if government do this. However, how do governments protect their citizens’ from terrorists on social networking sites without invading citizens’ privacy? The website Terrorist Awareness can show some information and news to explain who terrorists would be and how they could attack users, in order to create a clear realization of the problem. Most terrorists use social networking sites as tool to propagate their organizations and ask users to do dangerous behaiors to attack the world, they also try to attack the users who have opposite opinions to them. Terrorist Awareness also shows do’s and don’ts for social networking site users to protect themselves from terrorists. Terrorist always target users by the information they share on social networking sites and the more they share, the easier they would be attacked. Location • Map
Phone Number • E-mail • Fax
Urgent Contact
What To Do Next?
Reasons to Use Social Networking Sites
“Do social networks bring the end of privacy?”
All of Us
— Daniel j. solove
Personal Information, Sold?
13 Things You Should Know
Ignore Privacy Management
What Leads to Your Risk? Poor Privacy Setting
All So cial Net w o rk ing Sites
Case Study: Identity Theft Information Attribute
Are You at Risk? We are at risk for sharing personal information on social networking sites. Social networking websites are rising in prominence in every aspect of an average person’s lifestyle. This affects people in all spheres, whether Age • 0-65+
it’s social, academic, or professional. The information posted on social networking sites is easy to obtain because • it is an open source information accessible through general search results; • it is usually available through a weak connection. Information that can be easily accessed may include your personally identifiable information (PII), academic and work history, and social networks. Can you imagine stalkers, hackers, identity thieves, or ex-lovers getting hold of this information? Even future employers, security clearance investigators, policemen, classmates, professors, and parents may be able to view your posted information and draw specific conclusions about you as an individual, which could have negative effects.
All Users • All of Us • (81) 82
What To Do Next?
Reasons to Use Social Networking Sites
“Do social networks bring the end of privacy?”
All of Us
— Daniel j. solove
Personal Information, Sold?
13 Things You Should Know
Ignore Privacy Management
What Leads to Your Risk? Poor Privacy Setting
All So cial Net w o rk ing Sites
Case Study: Identity Theft Information Attribute
Are You at Risk? We are at risk for sharing personal information on social networking sites. Social networking websites are rising in prominence in every aspect of an average person’s lifestyle. This affects people in all spheres, whether Age • 0-65+
it’s social, academic, or professional. The information posted on social networking sites is easy to obtain because • it is an open source information accessible through general search results; • it is usually available through a weak connection. Information that can be easily accessed may include your personally identifiable information (PII), academic and work history, and social networks. Can you imagine stalkers, hackers, identity thieves, or ex-lovers getting hold of this information? Even future employers, security clearance investigators, policemen, classmates, professors, and parents may be able to view your posted information and draw specific conclusions about you as an individual, which could have negative effects.
All Users • All of Us • (81) 82
Information Attribute Profiles on Social Networking Sites Source • {15}
51.0% University
63.1% City
Political View
72.3% 18.8% Employer
38.9% Degree
Relationship Status
74.1% High School Name
Zip Code
82.7% High School Grad Year
Information Attribute Profiles on Social Networking Sites Source • {15}
51.0% University
63.1% City
Political View
72.3% 18.8% Employer
38.9% Degree
Relationship Status
74.1% High School Name
Zip Code
82.7% High School Grad Year
Th e Th i e f W i l l A s k You F or H e l p or P e r s on a l D e t a i l s
Case Study Identity Theft
How Identity Theft Occurs On Social Networking Sites
Bryan Rutberg discovered he was the victim of an identity theft scam known as the “419” or “Nigerian” ploy that ultimately ended up scamming his friends as well. After the thieves were able to steal his Facebook login and password, they changed his status to appear that he had been robbed at gunpoint in the UK and needed money to get home. They sent e-mails to dozens of friends asking “Can you just get some money to us” and “I’ll refund you as soon as am back home. Let me know please.” Some of his friends were convinced that he was in trouble, sending $600 and even $1,200 via Western Union to the UK to help him. After his family alerted Rutberg to the scam, he realized he was locked out of his account by the scammers. They even went as far as “de-friending” his wife so that she could not post a message to his wall alerting friends of the scam. He was able to resolve it the next day, but unfortunately, his friends’ generosity was lost forever.
Th e P e r s on M a k e s You Th i n k Th e y ’ re You r F r i e n d
Th e Th i e f W i l l A s k You F or H e l p or P e r s on a l D e t a i l s
Case Study Identity Theft
How Identity Theft Occurs On Social Networking Sites
Bryan Rutberg discovered he was the victim of an identity theft scam known as the “419” or “Nigerian” ploy that ultimately ended up scamming his friends as well. After the thieves were able to steal his Facebook login and password, they changed his status to appear that he had been robbed at gunpoint in the UK and needed money to get home. They sent e-mails to dozens of friends asking “Can you just get some money to us” and “I’ll refund you as soon as am back home. Let me know please.” Some of his friends were convinced that he was in trouble, sending $600 and even $1,200 via Western Union to the UK to help him. After his family alerted Rutberg to the scam, he realized he was locked out of his account by the scammers. They even went as far as “de-friending” his wife so that she could not post a message to his wall alerting friends of the scam. He was able to resolve it the next day, but unfortunately, his friends’ generosity was lost forever.
Th e P e r s on M a k e s You Th i n k Th e y ’ re You r F r i e n d
s) nd frie ur yo
o rk
nte co le ofi ns
s c
p ro
t s
a rc h e d t b e s e
rt o f a N o t p a
ac e an Hav
rk w it n e tw o
no with nt cou Ver y H igh
Minimal networks joined
h in s o c
ia l n e tw
ds frien nd a info M axim um H igh
M ed ium
Ver y Low
e nt
t ep
t a
Source • {16}
ll p
f rue
wo net
V is b le i
im ax
n s e a rc
h re s u lt
Use limited profile
M cy
a an
B lo c k a
Lim Ev
re es
n M
s o
ts (fi
lte pa m )
ce ok &
My ac e)
h e n g in
n s e a rc
r s
u b li c o e
ro f i l e, e
lot of people who ignore this important part.
h e n g in
r p
The more you hide, the less dangerous you are; however, there are still a
P ro fi le p
your information. It is another significant contributor to your overall risk.
n s e a rc
Privacy management on social networking sites controls the exposure of
No privacy settings
fi le p u b li c o
P ro
Eve e ca n v
Ignore Privacy Management
it v
What Leads to Your Risk?
c ti o n s
ly p
le y
wit h out an acc oun t
s) nd frie ur yo
o rk
nte co le ofi ns
s c
p ro
t s
a rc h e d t b e s e
rt o f a N o t p a
ac e an Hav
rk w it n e tw o
no with nt cou Ver y H igh
Minimal networks joined
h in s o c
ia l n e tw
ds frien nd a info M axim um H igh
M ed ium
Ver y Low
e nt
t ep
t a
Source • {16}
ll p
f rue
wo net
V is b le i
im ax
n s e a rc
h re s u lt
Use limited profile
M cy
a an
B lo c k a
Lim Ev
re es
n M
s o
ts (fi
lte pa m )
ce ok &
My ac e)
h e n g in
n s e a rc
r s
u b li c o e
ro f i l e, e
lot of people who ignore this important part.
h e n g in
r p
The more you hide, the less dangerous you are; however, there are still a
P ro fi le p
your information. It is another significant contributor to your overall risk.
n s e a rc
Privacy management on social networking sites controls the exposure of
No privacy settings
fi le p u b li c o
P ro
Eve e ca n v
Ignore Privacy Management
it v
What Leads to Your Risk?
c ti o n s
ly p
le y
wit h out an acc oun t
Google Buzz A new social networking sites, which was launched, quite recently is Google Buzz. The most important security and privacy flaw is trace following: “By default — the people you follow and the people that follow you are made public to anyone who looks at your profile. In other words, before you change any settings in Google Buzz, someone could go into your
Poor Privacy Setting
How many times have you visited social networking sites? How much information do you share on these sites? Do you believe they are able to protect you privacy in 100%? In fact, social networking sites put our personal information at risk most of the time. Facebook Facebook has begun rolling out its new privacy settings to all of its users. The new settings are supposed to make it easier and simpler to control your information, but the changes are drawing criticism, for example, Search
profile and see the people you email and chat with most.” MySpace Another information governance issue on security flaw and privacy of personal data, concerning MySpace is the fact that: “Backdoor in MySpace’s architecture allows anyone who’s interested to see the photographs of some users with private profiles — including those under 16 — despite assurances from MySpace that those pictures can only be seen by people on a user’s friends list. Info about the backdoor has been circulating on message boards for months.”— Kevin Poulsen
Settings, Password Protection, Publicly Available Information (PAI){17}
Changes, Friends List, Hyper Control and Facebook’s New Privacy Settings
“The flaw which affect only the IE(Internet Explorer) version of the toolbar,
are a mixed bag.
would allow a malicious website to hijack the user’s brower and potentially
Twitter Twitter also is a popular social networking site. Some of its security flaws are demonstrated in its vulnerability history. Many users have reported
their PC.”—Security Watch Security
Personal Information, Sold?
The Telegraph is reporting that social networking giant Facebook has new
problems from phishing attacks in which, some fake sites call the users to
plans for generating revenue; offering its 150 million user database as a
register, to sign in these accounts; Some user fall into the “trap” and
market research tool to corporations. Starting this spring, companies will
the give their email address. That is when phishing sites take advantage of
be able to selectively target Facebook’s members in order to research the
the user; the phishing sites obtain full access on username, password and
appeal of new products through a polling system called Engagement Ads
e-mail of the users.
as demonstrated at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
All Users • All of Us • (89) 90
Google Buzz A new social networking sites, which was launched, quite recently is Google Buzz. The most important security and privacy flaw is trace following: “By default — the people you follow and the people that follow you are made public to anyone who looks at your profile. In other words, before you change any settings in Google Buzz, someone could go into your
Poor Privacy Setting
How many times have you visited social networking sites? How much information do you share on these sites? Do you believe they are able to protect you privacy in 100%? In fact, social networking sites put our personal information at risk most of the time. Facebook Facebook has begun rolling out its new privacy settings to all of its users. The new settings are supposed to make it easier and simpler to control your information, but the changes are drawing criticism, for example, Search
profile and see the people you email and chat with most.” MySpace Another information governance issue on security flaw and privacy of personal data, concerning MySpace is the fact that: “Backdoor in MySpace’s architecture allows anyone who’s interested to see the photographs of some users with private profiles — including those under 16 — despite assurances from MySpace that those pictures can only be seen by people on a user’s friends list. Info about the backdoor has been circulating on message boards for months.”— Kevin Poulsen
Settings, Password Protection, Publicly Available Information (PAI){17}
Changes, Friends List, Hyper Control and Facebook’s New Privacy Settings
“The flaw which affect only the IE(Internet Explorer) version of the toolbar,
are a mixed bag.
would allow a malicious website to hijack the user’s brower and potentially
Twitter Twitter also is a popular social networking site. Some of its security flaws are demonstrated in its vulnerability history. Many users have reported
their PC.”—Security Watch Security
Personal Information, Sold?
The Telegraph is reporting that social networking giant Facebook has new
problems from phishing attacks in which, some fake sites call the users to
plans for generating revenue; offering its 150 million user database as a
register, to sign in these accounts; Some user fall into the “trap” and
market research tool to corporations. Starting this spring, companies will
the give their email address. That is when phishing sites take advantage of
be able to selectively target Facebook’s members in order to research the
the user; the phishing sites obtain full access on username, password and
appeal of new products through a polling system called Engagement Ads
e-mail of the users.
as demonstrated at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
All Users • All of Us • (89) 90
13 Things You Should Know What NOT To Post On Social Networking Sites Source • {18}
Your 'Risky' Behavior
Your Vacation Countdown
Your Phone Number
Your Birth Date And Place
Your Profile On Public Search
Your Home Address The Layout Of Your Home Confessionals
Your Mother's Maiden Name
Your Long Trips Away From Home Your Short Trips Away From Home Your Child's Name
Your Inappropriate Photos
P u b licizing your home a ddre ss e na ble s everyone and anyone with whom you've shared that information to see where you live, fro m e xe s to e mploye rs.
T h ere m ay b e a b etter way to s ay "R o b me, please" than posting something al o n g th e l i n es o f : 'Co u n t-d o wn to Vacati o n !
Mo th er ’s m ai de n n a me i s a n e s pe c i a l l y v al u ab l e b i t of i n for ma t i on , n ot l e a s t s i n ce i t’s o f te n t h e a n s w e r t o s e c u r i t y q u es ti o n s o n ma n y s i t e s .
I t can b e ha rd to e ra se proof of your illicit o r ille ga l a c tivitie s, a nd diff ic ult to keep it f rom spre a ding.
I d en ti ty T h ef t 911 rem i n d s s o ci al n etwo r ki n g s i tes u s er s n ev er to p o s t p h o to s th at rev eal th e l ay o u t o f an ap ar tm en t o r h o m e an d th e v al u ab l es th erei n .
W h en y o u b ro a dc a s t y ou r v a c a t i on da t e s , y o u m i g h t b e t e l l i n g u n t r u s t w or t h y F aceb o o k "f r i e n ds " t h a t y ou r h ou s e i s em p ty an d u n w a t c h e d.
If at all the number goes to some wrong person's hands, and you start getting u n wan t ed c a lls. T h ieves c ould use tha t inf orma tion to p h ys ical ly bre a k in your house .
R ev eal i n g y o u r ex act b i r th d ay an d y o u r place of birth is like handing over your f i n an ci al s ecu r i ty to th i ev es .
B y n o w, n ear l y e v e r y on e k n ow s t h a t r a c y, illicit, o r o the r wise inc r imina t ing photos posted on social networking s i tes can co st y ou a j ob ( or w or s e ) .
I de n t i t y t h i e v e s a l s o t a rge t c h i l dre n . Th e re h a v e be e n a ddi t i on a l re por t s t h a t i n s u r a n c e c ompa n i e s ma y a dj u s t u s e r s ' pre mi u ms ba s e d w h a t t h e y pos t t o s oc i a l n e t w or k i n g s i t e s . C on s u me r R e por t s a dv i s e s t h a t doi n g so will "help prevent strangers from a c c e s s i n g y ou r pa ge . "
13 Things You Should Know What NOT To Post On Social Networking Sites Source • {18}
Your 'Risky' Behavior
Your Vacation Countdown
Your Phone Number
Your Birth Date And Place
Your Profile On Public Search
Your Home Address The Layout Of Your Home Confessionals
Your Mother's Maiden Name
Your Long Trips Away From Home Your Short Trips Away From Home Your Child's Name
Your Inappropriate Photos
P u b licizing your home a ddre ss e na ble s everyone and anyone with whom you've shared that information to see where you live, fro m e xe s to e mploye rs.
T h ere m ay b e a b etter way to s ay "R o b me, please" than posting something al o n g th e l i n es o f : 'Co u n t-d o wn to Vacati o n !
Mo th er ’s m ai de n n a me i s a n e s pe c i a l l y v al u ab l e b i t of i n for ma t i on , n ot l e a s t s i n ce i t’s o f te n t h e a n s w e r t o s e c u r i t y q u es ti o n s o n ma n y s i t e s .
I t can b e ha rd to e ra se proof of your illicit o r ille ga l a c tivitie s, a nd diff ic ult to keep it f rom spre a ding.
I d en ti ty T h ef t 911 rem i n d s s o ci al n etwo r ki n g s i tes u s er s n ev er to p o s t p h o to s th at rev eal th e l ay o u t o f an ap ar tm en t o r h o m e an d th e v al u ab l es th erei n .
W h en y o u b ro a dc a s t y ou r v a c a t i on da t e s , y o u m i g h t b e t e l l i n g u n t r u s t w or t h y F aceb o o k "f r i e n ds " t h a t y ou r h ou s e i s em p ty an d u n w a t c h e d.
If at all the number goes to some wrong person's hands, and you start getting u n wan t ed c a lls. T h ieves c ould use tha t inf orma tion to p h ys ical ly bre a k in your house .
R ev eal i n g y o u r ex act b i r th d ay an d y o u r place of birth is like handing over your f i n an ci al s ecu r i ty to th i ev es .
B y n o w, n ear l y e v e r y on e k n ow s t h a t r a c y, illicit, o r o the r wise inc r imina t ing photos posted on social networking s i tes can co st y ou a j ob ( or w or s e ) .
I de n t i t y t h i e v e s a l s o t a rge t c h i l dre n . Th e re h a v e be e n a ddi t i on a l re por t s t h a t i n s u r a n c e c ompa n i e s ma y a dj u s t u s e r s ' pre mi u ms ba s e d w h a t t h e y pos t t o s oc i a l n e t w or k i n g s i t e s . C on s u me r R e por t s a dv i s e s t h a t doi n g so will "help prevent strangers from a c c e s s i n g y ou r pa ge . "
Reasons to Use Social Networking Sites There are hundreds of Social Networking Sites — places on the Internet where people meet in cyberspace to chat, socialize, debate, and network. Some examples include MySpace, Friendster, and Facebook. Regardless
of the language, culture, or the nation where the social networking sites originates, all of them share the same feature of helping people connect with others who have similar interests. One of the many advantages is that you can connect with lost classmates, lost family members or lost loves on social networking websites. Simply type in a name and you might see a picture of someone that you haven’t seen in years. You can even rekindle old romances if that is something you’re trying to accomplish. Speaking of romance, social networking websites are also great places Work
to find a date. Just search for single people in your area and, before you know it, you’ll have many messages from potential dates that might just turn into spouses later on down the line. You can certainly meet anyone you want for various purposes. Another advantage of social networking sites that’s not to be overlooked is the career advantage. By posting information about yourself and your work history, you may just get some job offers. Not only that, but you can even make sales, if you have a business. Some networking websites even allow you to buy advertising space on other people’s site pages, showing your work to many people at once. As if all of that weren’t enough, social networking sites are just a fun way to kick back and relax. You can write on your web page or post pictures on your wall. You can even compete against friends in various games that are a lot of fun.
All Users • All of Us • (93) 94
Reasons to Use Social Networking Sites There are hundreds of Social Networking Sites — places on the Internet where people meet in cyberspace to chat, socialize, debate, and network. Some examples include MySpace, Friendster, and Facebook. Regardless
of the language, culture, or the nation where the social networking sites originates, all of them share the same feature of helping people connect with others who have similar interests. One of the many advantages is that you can connect with lost classmates, lost family members or lost loves on social networking websites. Simply type in a name and you might see a picture of someone that you haven’t seen in years. You can even rekindle old romances if that is something you’re trying to accomplish. Speaking of romance, social networking websites are also great places Work
to find a date. Just search for single people in your area and, before you know it, you’ll have many messages from potential dates that might just turn into spouses later on down the line. You can certainly meet anyone you want for various purposes. Another advantage of social networking sites that’s not to be overlooked is the career advantage. By posting information about yourself and your work history, you may just get some job offers. Not only that, but you can even make sales, if you have a business. Some networking websites even allow you to buy advertising space on other people’s site pages, showing your work to many people at once. As if all of that weren’t enough, social networking sites are just a fun way to kick back and relax. You can write on your web page or post pictures on your wall. You can even compete against friends in various games that are a lot of fun.
All Users • All of Us • (93) 94
“There are three main privacy risks for users of social network sites: Total Information Awareness, dissemination to wrongdoers and no control over your identity-relevant information.”
Solution Privacy Icons
—David rip
What to Do Next? Control the personal information exposure, hide what you don’t want to post. Social-networking sites allow seemingly trivial gossip to be distributed to a worldwide audience, sometimes making people the butt of rumors shared by millions of users across the Internet. Public sharing of private lives has led to a rethinking of our current conceptions of privacy. Though some laws have been set up to release the problem, it is still unsettled. The most effective way to protect your personal privacy on social networking sites is to control your information exposure. Realize the danger of some specific information; think deeply before you choose to share them.
All Users • All of Us • (95) 96
“There are three main privacy risks for users of social network sites: Total Information Awareness, dissemination to wrongdoers and no control over your identity-relevant information.”
Solution Privacy Icons
—David rip
What to Do Next? Control the personal information exposure, hide what you don’t want to post. Social-networking sites allow seemingly trivial gossip to be distributed to a worldwide audience, sometimes making people the butt of rumors shared by millions of users across the Internet. Public sharing of private lives has led to a rethinking of our current conceptions of privacy. Though some laws have been set up to release the problem, it is still unsettled. The most effective way to protect your personal privacy on social networking sites is to control your information exposure. Realize the danger of some specific information; think deeply before you choose to share them.
All Users • All of Us • (95) 96
S oc i a l N e t w or k i n g S i t e s
P ro f i l e S e t t i n g
Name E xa m ple
H om e A ddre ss
Bir th da y
Birthday Revealing your exact birthday and your place of birth is like handing over your financial. security to thieves.
Solution: Privacy Icons An Icon System Audience: All of Us
E -m a il A ddre ss
These icons are designed to make people aware when they are sharing
Ci t y
personal information on social networking sites. As I mentioned before, a great many people are aware of the threat of sharing personal information o social networking sites; however, most of them are still not able
F a mi l y
to define the relationship between sharing personal information and the threat to us. Favor
There is a design concept for these icons. It is to design one icon using the same color but different values. For example, using red as the base
color represents different levels of important personal information, a light red would be less importance; a dark red would be the most importance.
P h o n e Nu mb e r
The icon design could help users make decisions about what kind of personal information they can share on social networking sites. M a xim u m Ve r y Hi g h H igh N or m a l All Users • All of Us • (97) 98
S oc i a l N e t w or k i n g S i t e s
P ro f i l e S e t t i n g
Name E xa m ple
H om e A ddre ss
Bir th da y
Birthday Revealing your exact birthday and your place of birth is like handing over your financial. security to thieves.
Solution: Privacy Icons An Icon System Audience: All of Us
E -m a il A ddre ss
These icons are designed to make people aware when they are sharing
Ci t y
personal information on social networking sites. As I mentioned before, a great many people are aware of the threat of sharing personal information o social networking sites; however, most of them are still not able
F a mi l y
to define the relationship between sharing personal information and the threat to us. Favor
There is a design concept for these icons. It is to design one icon using the same color but different values. For example, using red as the base
color represents different levels of important personal information, a light red would be less importance; a dark red would be the most importance.
P h o n e Nu mb e r
The icon design could help users make decisions about what kind of personal information they can share on social networking sites. M a xim u m Ve r y Hi g h H igh N or m a l All Users • All of Us • (97) 98
Take Action
Nowadays, the personal privacy problem on social networking sites has become one of the most popular topics in the world. Most people know what the problem is, but they do nothing. Social networking sites are becoming mainstream in the world, but as they become larger and larger, more and more people share their personal information. In addition, social networking sites also provide a lot of good service that have become indispensable to their users. Though it benefits us a lot, sharing personal information to the public will give rise to a great deal of serious problems, it can threaten our finances and security. Stop using social networking sites isn’t the best way to solve the problem. In fact, even though people are becoming more aware of the serious personal security risks associated with online personal networking, they still want to receive the many benefits the sites provide. So, social networking users should take action to protect their privacy information on social networking sites. The solutions would be different for different users, exploring the different privacy problems they face and finding out the best way to protect their personal privacy on social networking sites.
In the Future • (101) 102
Take Action
Nowadays, the personal privacy problem on social networking sites has become one of the most popular topics in the world. Most people know what the problem is, but they do nothing. Social networking sites are becoming mainstream in the world, but as they become larger and larger, more and more people share their personal information. In addition, social networking sites also provide a lot of good service that have become indispensable to their users. Though it benefits us a lot, sharing personal information to the public will give rise to a great deal of serious problems, it can threaten our finances and security. Stop using social networking sites isn’t the best way to solve the problem. In fact, even though people are becoming more aware of the serious personal security risks associated with online personal networking, they still want to receive the many benefits the sites provide. So, social networking users should take action to protect their privacy information on social networking sites. The solutions would be different for different users, exploring the different privacy problems they face and finding out the best way to protect their personal privacy on social networking sites.
In the Future • (101) 102
{14}“Should the government monitor social network sites?”. Msnbc. 2010. 2 December 2010.
{1}The Wall Street Journal. Jennifer Valentino-DeVries. 2010. 12 November 2010.
-privacy-jumps/>. {2}Privacy Law in the USA. Ronald B. Standler. 1996. September 1996. <http://www.rbs2.com/privacy.htm>. {3}Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jimmy Wales. 2010. 14 December 2010. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_network_service>. {4}eBiz, the eBusiness. eBizMBA Inc. 2010. 12 June 2010.
{15}“Measuring Privacy Risk in Online Social Networks”. Justin Becker, Hao Chen. 2010. 2 December 2010. <http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~hchen/paper/w2sp09.pdf>. {16}SNAPR, Professor William L. McGill, 2010. 3 December 2010. <http://socialrisk.weebly.com/step-1.html>.
{18}The Huffington Post. Catharine Smith, Bianca Bosker, 2010. 1
{5}“The Age of Social Networks”. Rian Solis. 17 March 2010. 9 December 2010
November 2010.
{6}Pew Internet & American Life Project. Amanda Lenhart, Rich Ling, Scott Campbell, Kristen Purcell. 2010. 20 April 2010. <http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/Teens-and-Mobile-Phones.aspx>. {7}Documents for Small Business & Professionals. Jill Tucker. 2010. 10 August 2010. <http://www.docstoc.com/docs/42760102/Social-networking-has-hidden-dangersfor-teens>. {8}Education. Pew Internet and American Life Project. 2010. 17 June 2010.
{9}CareerBuilder survey: CareerBuilder periodically tracks the opinions of workers and employers on a variety of topics.
{12} EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation
{10}CareerBuilder. Rosemary Haefner. 2009. 6 October 2009. <http://www.career-
{13}Al Qaeda: is a militant Islamist group founded sometime between August
builder.com/Article/CB-1337-Getting-Hired-More-Employers-Screening-Candidates-viaSocial-Networking-Sites/>. {11}“Data Leakage Worldwide: Common Risks and Mistakes Employees Make”. Cisco. 2008. 1 December 2010. <http://www.cisco.com/en/US/solutions/collateral/ns170/ ns896/ns895/white_paper_c11-499060.html>.
1988 and late 1989. It operates as a network comprising both a multinational, stateless army and a radical Sunni Muslim movement calling for global Jihad. Most of the world considers it a terrorist organization. {17}PAI: Publicly Available Information
{14}“Should the government monitor social network sites?”. Msnbc. 2010. 2 December 2010.
{1}The Wall Street Journal. Jennifer Valentino-DeVries. 2010. 12 November 2010.
-privacy-jumps/>. {2}Privacy Law in the USA. Ronald B. Standler. 1996. September 1996. <http://www.rbs2.com/privacy.htm>. {3}Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jimmy Wales. 2010. 14 December 2010. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_network_service>. {4}eBiz, the eBusiness. eBizMBA Inc. 2010. 12 June 2010.
{15}“Measuring Privacy Risk in Online Social Networks”. Justin Becker, Hao Chen. 2010. 2 December 2010. <http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~hchen/paper/w2sp09.pdf>. {16}SNAPR, Professor William L. McGill, 2010. 3 December 2010. <http://socialrisk.weebly.com/step-1.html>.
{18}The Huffington Post. Catharine Smith, Bianca Bosker, 2010. 1
{5}“The Age of Social Networks”. Rian Solis. 17 March 2010. 9 December 2010
November 2010.
{6}Pew Internet & American Life Project. Amanda Lenhart, Rich Ling, Scott Campbell, Kristen Purcell. 2010. 20 April 2010. <http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/Teens-and-Mobile-Phones.aspx>. {7}Documents for Small Business & Professionals. Jill Tucker. 2010. 10 August 2010. <http://www.docstoc.com/docs/42760102/Social-networking-has-hidden-dangersfor-teens>. {8}Education. Pew Internet and American Life Project. 2010. 17 June 2010.
{9}CareerBuilder survey: CareerBuilder periodically tracks the opinions of workers and employers on a variety of topics.
{12} EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation
{10}CareerBuilder. Rosemary Haefner. 2009. 6 October 2009. <http://www.career-
{13}Al Qaeda: is a militant Islamist group founded sometime between August
builder.com/Article/CB-1337-Getting-Hired-More-Employers-Screening-Candidates-viaSocial-Networking-Sites/>. {11}“Data Leakage Worldwide: Common Risks and Mistakes Employees Make”. Cisco. 2008. 1 December 2010. <http://www.cisco.com/en/US/solutions/collateral/ns170/ ns896/ns895/white_paper_c11-499060.html>.
1988 and late 1989. It operates as a network comprising both a multinational, stateless army and a radical Sunni Muslim movement calling for global Jihad. Most of the world considers it a terrorist organization. {17}PAI: Publicly Available Information
Name: Eva Chan ID Number: 02884810 Phone: 415-987-8893 E-mail: eva_chanyuan@yahoo.com Class: GR600 Instructor: Phil Hamlett Hunter Lewis Wimmer Language support: Jill Ballard Amy Shipley Design: Eva Chan Printer: Epson 1900 Paper: Epson Double-Side 47 bl Blinding: Eva Chan
Name: Eva Chan ID Number: 02884810 Phone: 415-987-8893 E-mail: eva_chanyuan@yahoo.com Class: GR600 Instructor: Phil Hamlett Hunter Lewis Wimmer Language support: Jill Ballard Amy Shipley Design: Eva Chan Printer: Epson 1900 Paper: Epson Double-Side 47 bl Blinding: Eva Chan