Evangelist magazine no. 4/09

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Evangelist John 4:35 (NLT) But I say wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest

No 4 :: December 2009 :: www.evangelist.dk

Power School student visiting Uganda

When the burdens gets too heavy Report

Live web-tv in Gørløse


Happiness is not found in pills God gave me a new identity Never turning back

evangelist · published by the independant Organisation „Evangelist“, founded by Christian and Karen Hedegaard. evangelist · has a nationwide network of partners, who gather two times annually. Partners support the work with prayer and gifts.If you want to become a partner you can contact Evangelist at + 45 48 21 82 00.


Service in Zion’s Temple, a Rwandan church in Copenhagen.

Wedding in Tulsa, USA, September 2009. Christian Hedegaard walks pastor Josephine Mukamazimpaka up the aisle to Fred, who is waiting at the altar.

evangelist · is inspired by the international Faith Evangelistic Ministry led by Evangelist Teresia Wairimu, who is our personal supervisor and mentor. If you want partner with details: Bank: IBAN: SWIFT: Account no:

Two guitarists at all night prayer in Gørløse, October 2009.

to support the ministry and us please use the following Danske Bank DK78 3000 3543 566306 DABADKKK 35433543566306

evangelist · the newsletter is free and published four times a year. With name or address change or cancellation of the magazine please notify Evangelist.

Christian Hedegaard preaching at All Around Cowboy Church in Sealy, Texas. Praying for the sick. Revival meeting at Port St. Joe, Florida, November 2009.

Responsible publisher Christian Hedegaard Editoriel Staff Karen Hedegaard · kh@evangelist.dk Eva Maria Jørgensen · et@evangelist.dk Anette Meiner-Madsen – am@evangelist.dk Benedikte Justesen Photografers Jon Henriksen, Evangelist Media, a.o.


November 28 Partner Dinner in Jylland

Printing Trykcentralen, Viby J. Advertising Jonatan Hansen · 48 21 82 00 info@evangelist.dk Enquiries about Evangelist Evangelist Postboks 179 · 3400 Hillerød www.evangelist.dk · 48 21 82 00 Frontpage photo Power School students Hans David and Gerner had a fantastic trip to Uganda. Read about their eventful journey on page 24-27.


Meetings on the Faroe Islands

at Hotel Legoland

Layout mail@giraffe.dk Circulation 4.500 stk.

Christian Hedegaard was Ron Kenoly’s guest in the studio at TBN, Trinity Broadcasting Network.

February December 28 -31 Christian Hedegaard preaching

January 1 - 11

Christian Hedegaard preaching in USA.

at the New Year Conference in Mandela National Stadium in Kampala, Uganda.

Visiting Childcare Danmark in Uganda and Faith Evangelistic Ministries in Kenya.

More info? www.evangelist.dk

family? Who is your

When Jesus saw His mother next to the disciple He loved, He said to her: »Woman, there is your son. « After that He said to the disciple: »There is your mother.« From then on the disciple brought her home to himself (John 19:26-27) Several years ago in Tabita’s Hus we had a schizophrenic girl who had come to seek help. She was saved, delivered from evil spirits and healed of epilepsy! The change was obvious to everyone. The girl’s father, who never took any interest in her while she was mentally sick, suddenly began to contact her, wanting them to become close ”family”. He bought her presents, invited her out and wanted her to move home. The girl had difficulty turning down the offers. She longed for her father’s compassion and love, and one day she left Gørløse and moved home. But her father let her down again. That was so hard on her that she was admitted to the psychiatric ward. We kept in contact with her and several years later she visited the rehab centre Bakkebjerg and decided to move back. She lit up when she visited us and we arranged that she should move in the next weekend. But that was not to happen! A few days later she was found dead in the mental asylum. The cause of death was unknown, but it was most likely due to an overdose of medicine, like in so many other cases. Many times I have experienced how people, who have been destroyed by their family, go back to the family because of a bad conscience. And maybe even with God’s word about “you shall honour your father and your mother”. But to honour your father and your mother does not mean that a young girl should go back to that father who

has destroyed her childhood because of alcoholism and lending her out to other men. You can honour your father and mother in other ways. To honour your father and mother does not mean to live one’s life on their terms, or that you have to visit them every other weekend. The word “honour” means to love, appreciate and respect one’s parents. When reading the Word of God it is easy to see that Jesus had a very relaxed relationship to His family. For example, in Luke 8, verses 19-21 where Jesus’ mother and brothers, tried to get hold of Him. They stand outside the door wanting to see Him, but apparently Jesus does not have time to see them at that moment. ”My mother and my brothers are the ones who hear the Word of God and act on it” He said and continued teaching, healing the sick and so on. We know that God established the family as an institution, but we see how Jesus was focused on one thing, that was to do the will of His Heavenly Father, no matter who stood outside the door

knocking: Luke 10, verses 37-38, “anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, anyone who loves a son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Jesus said: >>Truly I tell you, no-one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age, homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields— along with persecution—and in the age to come eternal life. (Mark 10, verses 29-30) We often see how people who get saved have problems with their unsaved family. That is quite common because you cannot expect that people who don’t know God will applaud when light comes in and reveals the darkness. Off course they react when the light, Jesus Christ, throws light on incest, drunkenness, unfaithfulness, lies and deceit. The clash is inevitable, but if you stand firm, without compromising your standards the first time you meet conflict, you will see how the situation will turn around, and people around you will get saved. The day you were saved

you became a child of God and part of God’s family. You got homes, brothers, sister, mothers and children and fields. You got a totally new life, where you don’t have to have a bad conscience or an unhealthy dependence on the family you were born into. You belong to a new family and you no longer have to be bound by your biological inheritance, because Jesus took your place, dying on the cross, and breaking all the generational curses. Jesus lived this way. . He honoured His heavenly Father but at the same time He knew how to honour His earthly mother: Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, ‘Woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. (John 19:25-27) Jesus was a fulfilment of the Law. He did not go against His Father’s commandments of honouring, loving, appreciating and respecting His parents. But He didn’t compromise His mission either. He met His mother at the cross and looked after her needs. At the cross she got a new family. And that is what you and I get as well. It is at the cross where new relations are established and the old relations are re-established. This is where you can lay down your bad conscience, the burden over your unsaved family members and the pain over that family you maybe never had. At the cross you find the family of God, Jesus brothers, sisters and mother. In His service

Christian Hedegaard Evangelist due to the grace of God

Introduction · 3

Direkte live web-tv fra Evangelist studiet i Gørløse:

Success with

“Final Call” Every Sunday night at 10-12pm, Evangelist is broadcasting live web-TV from the studio in Gørløse. While broadcasting, a phone and chat line is open for prayer requests or questions. We stopped by one Sunday, where two people called the studio and got saved. Text Peter Elias Østergaard


To be able to send TV live through internet, is not news anymore, however in Evangelist, it is one of the newest projects, which started back in June 2009 as an extension of Bubbers TV-show; “Denmark according to Bubber”. The program was seen by a lot of people, and many got curious and asked questions regarding Evangelist and Christianity. Our skilled mediapeople saw the opportunity to contact the Danish people through live webTV, and with the experiences from recording and uploading videos from Prayer Nights and Alternative Summer festival, they began working on “Final Call” which premiered June 2009. It is no secret, that in order for the program “Final Call” to succeed, people had to have an encounter with the

Evangelist Media living God who has the power to save and transform lives – a criteria that was fulfilled the first day of broadcasting, where people who called in, were saved and healed. Joseph Berg, Pastor of Powerhouse and Evangelist Christian Hedegaard were in the studio, ready to minister to people and later, several hosts, incl. Moses Hansen, have joined the team.

Ready for take-off One of the hosts from “Final Call” is 47 year old Michael Garnfeldt, who has many years of experience working with TV. Michael is hosting this Sunday, when I am visiting the studio. I arrive about 15 minutes before the program is starting, and the first thing that hits me is the cosy atmosphere in the studio. Michael Garnfeldt and his faithful

cameramen are chatting about how they will be filming, and a couple of young people, who are in charge of the chat this evening, are also there, carrying their laptops. The time is now 9pm and Michael bids welcome to the program, where the viewers are invited to call or email their prayer requests, or whatever they might have on their heart to say. As the night slowly progresses, Michael and his wife, Anita speak about the freedom we can have when we give our lives to Jesus Christ – a subject that is emphasised by the different guests visiting the studio through the evening. The first guests in the studio are the married couple Henrik and Mona, and especially Henrik can speak of a very hard life of alcohol abuse, which did

not end until Henrik chose to go into rehabilitation at Vildkildegaard, close to Herning. Later the Greenlandic girl Maria visits the studio, and can also speak of a very hard life, not as an alcoholic, but as a girl who has experienced awful things in Greenland, but who experienced total freedom from a mental sickness, when she came to Evangelist a few years ago. Maria tells Michael and the viewers, that she is now taking an education.

Viewers call in Michael invites the viewers to call in through the night. The first one to call in is “Hanne”, who tells us that she has different kinds of pain due to, amongst other things, an accident she experienced when she was a

Reactions from the viewers Prayer request A woman writes the studio during “Final Call” with a prayer request: I am tortured by spirits of suicide and am day and night “pushed” to take my own life. I do not know the reason for this – but I am “deadly” exhausted, I never get rest. Thank you for your outstanding work with TV and more. Anonymous Pain went away My wife and I have been watching your fantastic program this evening, as we

4 · Live tv

often do. I have had pain in my leg for several days, but when Lena Løbner told us to lay our hand on the sick places of our body, I put my hand on my leg and now I can walk again with no pain… Thank you great people! C. F. Troelsen Thank you for Prayer Night! Greetings from a woman who was watching the Prayer Night on web-TV: For the first time in a long time I had the pleasure of laughing, and felt,

when Joseph was preaching, that he touched my spirit. I felt the fire inside me grab a hold of me again! Come on, that was “power preaching” that moved things. We need more of that in our churches, encourage running with the fire from Heaven, hallelujah! Thank you for Prayer Night! Love, Ruth No more criticism Shortened letter to Christian Hedegaard after the TV-show with Bubber and Evangelist

I will start by telling that I, some time ago, had “joined the club ” of speaking badly of you. But after the TV-show “Bubber and the Evangelist” I began praying that the criticism would end. Now I have looked on your website and listened to all the recordings with you and Bubber, amongst other recordings. I still see a strong preacher, a person who wants the best for others, and one who gives what has been given to him by God, for nothing. With all my heart I ask for your forgiveness for what I said earlier. All my love, Ulla N.

Michael Garnfeldt with the Evangelist staff in front of the “OB-truck” in Gørløse. Here they will produce weekly TV to local networks, starting November 1st.

child. Michael asks her if she knows Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. She does not, but would love to. Once again a prayer is said, this time with “Hanne” as a participant. She gets saved and possibly also healed during broadcasting of “Final Call”. The program gets more and more interesting to follow. After this

wonderful call, Peter comes into the studio, and tells very openly of how he – despite growing up in a Christian environment – for years had been bound by pornography, and in periods of time visited prostitutes almost daily. During the conversation, we hear that Peter today is a happy family father, who has laid his past behind him.

A call from Belgium It is always exiting when the phones ring in “Final Call”. In one night we received three calls from a foreign country. One of them was Birgit Christensen who watches web-TV in Belgium. Birgit Christensen has been following “Final Call”, and has been on the chat for many months. She lives and works in Belgium, but is occasionally in Denmark visiting family – and during a family visit, she came by Evangelist with her daughter. -Everything was arranged online. I was invited to drop by when I was in Denmark. It was a special experience.

At first I did not think it was possible, because the woman who invited us was in for surgery. But it happened and we were picked up and driven back to the airport. Amazing how the Christian family and love for others overcomes all, Birgit says. After the visit Birgit sends an email to us with her testimony. -I always believed in God and have experienced on several occasions that God has spoken very clearly to me or protected me. In high school there were many Christians in my class, however it did not attract me. Then my aunt

The night is ending but before it does, Nickolas and Eljakim drop by the studio. They can both tell a powerful story of how God has intervened and given them a purpose in life. Eljakim used to be a “gameaholic”, which means he was addicted to games. Again a call comes through and this time it is a young guy, who lives a

life where he escapes into a world of gaming through cyberspace. Michael again asks questions about if this young man knows Jesus. When the answer is no, Michael also invites him to be saved and the young man chooses to make Jesus as Lord of his life, not the computer.

and two cousins got radically saved, but still it was not for me. No one was going to tell me anything. I could make my own decisions. Even when my friend was saved in a foreign country I rejected the idea! Birgit thought the idea of Christianity was “wacky” and fanatical” and that the Christians were “judgmental and narrow-minded”, until one day sixseven years ago, when she was in front of the computer and asked God to show her the way. She got saved in the Adventist Church and ended up in

a local Pentecostal Church where she was baptized. -Even though I live in Belgium, I am still in contact with my former church and with a lot of other Christians – and the latest “cool” thing is that the internet and Evangelist have started broadcasting TV every Sunday evening, which I now watch, she says and finishes: -I am deeply grateful to God for His patience and long walk with me and His plan and intervention at the right time, when He knew it was time, not when I wanted to decide. I cannot imagine a life without God!

Live tv · 5

Healed on web-tv

The Gospel out through web-TV:

Benno Drangå called in on “Final Call”, wanting prayer for his thrombosis in the leg. He was healed and now watches live webTV every Sunday night.

Portrait of Michael Garnfeldt, who, as from November 1st, will be in charge of the production of three hours of Christian TV to eight regional TV-stations together with the coworkers of Evangelist.

When Benno Drangå from Faroe Islands called “Final Call” one Sunday night in August, it was with a wish for prayer because of a bad leg. He had just been at the doctor who said he had a thrombosis, and the leg was yellow, green and blue and he was definitely unable to walk. - Actually it was my wife who called, and then she passed on the phone to me. I had great pain in my right leg, and the leg was swollen. I had not walked for 10-12 days and it seemed there was no explanation why it hurt so much. I had not fallen or hit it in any way so the doctor came to the conclusion that it was a thrombosis in the leg and sent me for an x-ray, Benno says. That Sunday Benno called in and was supposed to go to an examination in Torshavn the next day, but he did not need it after all. - Joseph Berg and Christian Hedegaard were in the studio and prayed for me, and then Christian told me to get up and go for a run in my village. I did and when I came back I was healed. It did not hurt anymore and the leg looked normal. The healing happened in the living room of Benno and Susanne and can be watched on www.evangelist.dk, where the media department has edited the clip from “Final Call”. - Do you believe Jesus can heal you, Christian Hedegaard asks and continues: - Can you put your hand on your leg? Are you ready to receive the power of God? Hereafter you hear that Benno gets up, runs around and calls the studio an hour after to tell that his pain is gone. - It was so overwhelming, that we started laughing. The Holy Spirit hit us at home in our house, and the same happened at the studio in Gørløse and on the chat, where many were watching online, while the program was on. I have received many reactions to this. Also afterwards, where people have been watching the clip on the Evangelist website, he says.

Frequent guest on the chat Benno now watches live web-TV every Sunday night. - We replaced regular TV Sunday night with web-TV, he says - At least the evenings I am home. Benno works as a fisherman and sails for a company with long liners, mostly on the ocean around Faroe Islands and Iceland. Depending on the weather, he is gone for 12-14 days and home for 2 days, so he does not see much of his family. - Right now I am home because of a work injury, Benno explains. When he is on the ocean, he cannot follow things online, but he hopefully will be able to at some point, says a man who is a frequent guest on the Evangelist chat. - I am not always chatting myself, but then I sit and watch, which I really benefit from, he says and tells of times in his life where the chat has been his “lifeline” and given him hope when he almost gave up. - We are many who follow the Evangelist website, also during the Alternative Summer Festival. Actually it was during the live transmission of Alternative Summer Festival I called the hotline -We replaced regular the first time and had a very good talk with one TV with web-TV Sunday of the co-workers. After that, I started visiting the chat, and I attended the first Partner Dinner evening, Benno says. on the Faroe Islands, he says. Evangelist 6 · Live tv

Text Peter Elias Østergaard


When you make Christian TV, it is all about making a connection. Not just technically, but spiritually, between God and people. That has to be the motivation behind all Christian TVwork, and it is exactly this that makes Michael Garnfeldt and the other media people continue producing tape after tape, week after week. A couple of days after “Final Call”, I was invited for coffee and a talk about webTV in the house of Michael Garnfeldt in his family home in Gørløse. Michael tells of his experience with making Christian TV and how it started: - I always had the ability to dream and picture things. As a very young man I had a vision while praying. In the vision I saw myself in a place, sending “signals” up to the sky, and then they came back and hit different places in Denmark first, then later the same thing happened in Europe. I know I have a calling to produce Christian TV and radio, at first to the Danes, but later to the Europeans. Actually this was how it all started, Michael starts by telling me.

Office-machinery-mechanic In his youth, Michael Garnfeldt lived in Aarhus and thought he was going to be a radio mechanic He was strongly taken by electronics and Hi-Fi, but also had a longing to communicate and spread the Christian message. - At that time I took an education as an office-machinery-mechanic. I do not think the education exists today, but that was when you sent typewriters to be repaired. But that was not the direction I wanted to pursue, he says. - I was involved in the Apostolic Church in Aarhus. While being there I became unemployed at one time and was in a meeting with the Employment Services. They asked me about my interests and offered me the chance to work at the University radio in Aarhus. I was there a little under a year and learned a lot about making radio, and then I took a course in sound and acoustics, before I landed at Horsens

Evangelist Media

Klar til optagelse. Michael på taget af OB vognen foran hallen i Gørløse.

Disciple School where I came to know Erling Ilsøe. Erling Ilsøe, “the grand old man” of Christian TV in Denmark, became the one to activate Michaels “TV-abilities”, for here he was thrown into making live TV. Not as a host, but as a technician, because that interested him the most. Horsens, KKR and “Livets Ord” After about a year, the school closed in Horsens, but Michael kept looking for jobs in the media world and was employed with KKR in Copenhagen. - It was a very exciting time where I learned a lot about making TV, everything from children’s shows to more evangelical programs, he remembers. In 1985 he went to Sweden to visit his brother who was attending “Livets Ord” bible school in Uppsala. The bible school made a big impression on Michael, and when he thought he needed more “spiritual armour”, he became a student at the school. - How about the media work, did you put that behind you? - Not for long, because without my school leader knowing anything about my background, my name was suddenly mentioned and I was asked to be in charge of all sound/TV at the school! - Did that become your living, while attending school? - No I was actually a volunteer, so I had to look for more work aside of my school, he deepens. In his search for paid work, he went to Sweden’s Radio in Stockholm, and here he had a weird experience: - The man who met me and was


blackout in Gørløse

supposed to show me around introduced me as “the new guy from Denmark’s Radio”. I had never been on DR, and had of course never said to them that I was from there. It was very mystical, but the bottom line is, that I got the job between 650 other applicants! I worked there during the rest of my time at bible school, which was 2 years!

More media work At bible school Michael got to know his wife, Anita. They got married and decided to move back to Denmark and help Michael’s brother starting a church in Copenhagen. They were there for 14 years, and here Michael too was involved in media work and tells of how, amongst other stories, a man came and gave the church media equipment worth 1, 5 million kroner! - How did you end up here with Evangelist? - We felt we needed to leave. At first we did not know where to, and we were actually in another church for four years where we did not experience we could be used. It became a walk in the desert for us, but one day we bumped into Christian and Karen Hedegaard at a cinema, and afterwards we were invited for coffee. That became the start of the road out of the desert and into Evangelist. We did not come to start up media work, but to join the community. Actually I was forbidden access to all media work in the beginning. I am very happy for that today, because my relation to Evangelist became even stronger because it was not based on performance, Michael says.

Now it is happening! Michael returns to the beginning, where he had the vision of “signals” to the sky. And while he speaks he realizes that the vision is coming true right now: In front of the studio in Gørløse, a big “OB-truck” stands, owned by Michael Garnfeldt’s TVcompany, Purity Media Broadcasting, which produces the programs for Evangelist Media: “Final Call” for the website and “Transformation”, programs for Visjon Norge. - Right now we are sending live web-TV every Sunday from 9-12pm and starting November 1st, we get the chance of broadcasting on eight regional channels. I hope someday to be able to broadcast TV through VIASAT and Canal Digital, so everyone who has a parabolic receiver, can watch our programs. The dream for the future is, and will always be an independent TV-station, and I believe in that very much, he ends.

Michael og Anita Garnfeldt.

Live tv · 7

Father of 4 freed from depression:

Happiness is

not found in


-The things you go through in life, affect you more than you know, Martin Froholdt tells. He was depressed, self-destructive and on anti-depressive medication, when he came to Evangelist with his wife Chanette and their 3 children. That was 2 years ago. Today he is a father of 4 and free. Text Anette Meiner Madsen Photo

The time is 19.30 and it is quiet in the little home. The sound of soft instrumental music can be heard from the children’s room, where Josva, Naomi and Silla-Maria are asleep. Martin says, “ so there is more peace over them, and they will not fight.” I have invited myself home to the Froholdt family in Skævinge, on North Sjælland. On the table there is home baking and coffee. Chanette is sitting on the sofa with their newborn little boy, he is only 6 days old. Martin sits beside her. They are smiling. Martin has had a busy week. He is a plumbing fitter and is taking further education, to to become a plumbing installer. It takes 2 years. Earlier this day he delivered a project he has been working on for some time now, and next week another assignment has to be delivered before Christmas. Martin is planning to start his own company. Chanette just completed her education, before she gave birth, six days ago. “The education, has been stretched 8 · Testimony

Jon Henriksen

over 3 pregnancies”, Chanette smiles. It has required self-discipline, but it is good to be finished. “Wow”, I think, what a surplus of energy! But I know that the surplus of energy and the peace that there is now in the family has not always been there. Depression belongs to the past. - I have been thinking of the depression that Martin had, Chanette says. - I almost didn’t notice that Martin was depressed at that time….

Division in Church and Family Our conversation today is most about Martin, who 2 years ago, was depressed and self-destructive, on anti-depressive medicine, fighting against suicidal thoughts. When you hear his story you wonder how it went so wrong, because Martin has always been a Christian. He went to the Pentecostal church every Sunday, with his mom, dad, and his 2 siblings. His grandma and grandpa were living in the same house as they were, and they were a part of the family, so it was safe and good, until division occurred

When Martin smiles it is difficult to imagine that he has been depressed and has had thoughts of suicide. in the church, and it broke Martins world. Suddenly his family stopped going to the church, where he grew up. He couldn’t see his friends anymore, and for a period his family went to many different churches, which made Martin rootless. - But I held onto God, he

remembers. He was active in youth work, but he didn’t have many friends his own age in the church, aside from his brother, who was two years older than him. But instead he had many friends outside the church. After 9th grade he was tired of school, and was offered a place in a special educational school.

The Froholdt Family on the sofa with their 3 children. Their little brother is new born and was allowed to sleep, when the photographer came by.

He made many new friends, even if he was different and didn’t smoke or drink alcohol. When Martin was 19, he experienced division again, but this time it was in his family, when his parents wanted to get divorced. - My world totally cracked ! I was shocked, we were Christians, and divorce didn’t exist in my world! We didn’t accept such things. 3 weeks later Martin moved out. He couldn’t stay at home any longer. - I needed to find out what I believed in. My parents’ faith couldn’t carry me any longer, Martin tells. While he was living at home, he was under his father’s rules, and didn’t drink alcohol. Now he was his own master, and began to go to parties, on Thursday and Friday. It became many parties and a lot of alcohol, also during the week. When he started work training and got an apprenticeship, more beers were drunk, also on the job. Suddenly alcohol tasted good. It was a period with a double life, because on Sundays he was an usher in church. He held onto church, because he had a job to do there.

Met Chanette in Africa At one time Martin went on a trip to Morocco with the youth in the church, and it was here he met Chanette, she was from a church in Copenhagen. - My priest invited me along, and can you believe it, I thought it was a beach vacation, so I said yes. I had saved lots of money. On the train from Holstebro to Copenhagen airport, I found out that it was a missionary trip. We would be visiting Christians who were persecuted. Ok, I thought, the sun is there in Africa, at least. Martin tells, how the trip to Africa changed his life. Here he met Chanette, she was a radical Christian, and then he met God. It was a long time since he had experienced God speaking to him, but in those days he received a new calling and a sense of clarity in his life. Although they were attracted to each other, they didn’t talk about feelings. Chanette made it clear to Martin what was required of him, if he was to be her husband. - She said, that if I was satisfied with my relationship to God and didn’t long

for more of Him, we could end it now. She knew what she wanted and had high standards. “If you’re not serious, I don’t want to waste my time”, she said. From then on I stopped going to parties and I stopped drinking, and I totally stopped looking at other girls. Martin says. Chanette looks at Martin and says: - Yeah, I didn’t know that you were drinking, at all. Alcohol firstly became an issue at our wedding, where we agreed that there shouldn’t be any alcohol at all, she says. Martin and Chanette were engaged for six months, and married after a year. Chanette moved from Copenhagen to Holstebro and the couple involved themselves in church, especially with the youth. Martin was involved in many things.

Constant bad conscience After a couple of years they got their first boy, Josva, and he became the centre of the family: - It required changing my priorities, and that was difficult, Martin remembers.

- Being in church gave me energy. I felt that I couldn’t be spared, neither at home nor in the church, I was constantly living with a bad conscience. 2 years and 4 months later Naomi came to the world, and now Chanette demanded that I gave up even more of my work in the church. I, myself, felt that I was living, when I did something for God, you know in church. My family didn’t have highest priority, my wife complained, and I thought that she wasn’t being fair. Martin tells more: - I was working from 7-16 as a plumber. Some mornings I drove to work and thought everything was dark and sad, and it became worse and worse. I drove 15 km every day to go to work, and I began to plan where I should drive over the edge. I was so tired of my life and it seemed like it would be a relief, if I could end every thing. I happened to mention to my doctor, that I felt sad. I often had accidents at work, I hit myself and fell down. My doctor tested me, and I was depressed and self-destructive. The injuries meant that I didn’t have to take responsibility for meeting all the Testimony · 9

God had spoken to Martin and given him a word to stand on. The desert should become a fertile field. It was time to bloom again, and indeed, Powerschool was a fantastic time. - It was such release to go as a couple, every day, to be taught God’s word. Those 3 months could be a bit longer in our opinion, they say.

Drop the Anti-depressants

Martin reads a story for Noah.

expectations that people had of me. I kept my dark world to myself. Of course Chanette asked how I was. I couldn’t hide my bad mood. Fine, I said. There is nothing wrong. See to it you get happy again, she said. Why are you always in a bad mood at home? - Actually, my life functioned very well, even though Martin was depressed. Where I came from, was much worse than a depression, and she alludes to where she grew up. There was divorce and violence, and the authorities, many times, tried to take the children away, and put them in foster care. - I believe that my childhood has hardened me. However I had experienced Gods presence and healing so many times, that Martins depression couldn’t take away my courage, Chanette tells seriously.

Words of knowledge set him free

demons. I was from the Pentecostal church, Martin tells and continues: - While Chanette was praying, I was looking at the homepage, and I saw a clip of “Changes” on Web-TV. At the time some of our friends in the church split up. The wife and the children went to Gørløse, and the man stayed home. I was talking a lot with him, and he really wanted his family back. One Sunday evening my friend called me. He wanted me to drive him to Vildkildegaard, where Evangelist had their summer festival. He needed to go there so they could pray for him. It ended up that it was me that went forward for prayer that night. Christian Hedegaard finished his preaching and I heard he said something about depression. I went forward and there was more than one person praying for me. I began to cry, and I cried for one and a half hours. Suddenly I went totally nuts inside my head. At the same time I couldn’t move, it was like I was frozen. I couldn’t call on Jesus. I was exploding inside, but I couldn’t move, and I heard myself screaming. It was very scary. Suddenly it was gone, and I could say my prayer to Jesus. When I came to myself, there only were a few left in the hall, they were

cleaning. The next day I put worship music on, I hadn‘t been able to do that for a long time, and I began to read my bible. After 3 evenings I knew that we should go to Powerschool, as a family.

God in Gørløse Martin and Chanette decided to sell their house, but just as they had made their decision, the TV documentary “God in Gørløse” , was shown, and it stopped our journey. - Chanette had the thought that you should break all contact to your family, if you wanted to be in Evangelist in Gørløse, something she didn’t agree with. We talked to some people we knew, who had been at Powerschool and because of the insider information we got, we became calmer, they tell. Martin had been to a prayer night, and he felt at home from the moment he came through the door. He didn’t doubt for one second his decision. - We told our church, that we had chosen to go to Powerschool, and they blessed the family even if they didn’t understand them. At this time they had just got their third child, Zilla-Maria, she became the youngest student of that semester.

Martin tells how Chanette tried to put him back on track: - Chanette thought that something new should happen in our lives. She said what about Powerschool? She had been to meetings at Vildkildegaard, and seen the homepage. I rejected it. I was against anything to do with Fra optagelserne til Operation X, hvor Morten Spiegelhauer var på besøg på Evangelist kontoret. 10 · Testimony

The second day at Powerschool God spoke to Martin about his antidepressive medication, that he should drop them, and rub on God’s word instead, which he did. - After that I experienced a happiness and a freedom I haven’t seen or felt before. Martin remembers. - Many things came into the light at Powerschool. The things you experience in life affect you more than you know. Just like the first time we were at Summer Festival at Vildkildegaard, I’ve been set free many times - it has been scary, but really such a relief to experience it. Martin and Chanette have chosen to live in Skævinge after Powerschool ended, and today they are involved in Evangelist, where they have been Teenage leaders at the Summer Festival, and in Powerhouse church in Gørløse. But this time our priorities are different, marriage and family come first , Martin emphasises. - God has called Chanette and I to work with teenagers and children. In our church we have many children and teens, and they need people to direct them, to teach them, and create a good fellowship for them, which is what we have done. Right now we have 4 children. There is nothing more meaningful for us, as parents, to see our children grow up, and have a close relationship to their father in heaven. Our 4 children are a precious gift God has given us. That is why I know that the most important work I am doing right now for God, is in our church at home, as a family, where I am a dad for my children, Martin ends. Chanette nods. And if the children had been here they probably would have done the same. The Froholdt family is okay, and Martin does not need antidepressant medication anymore to get through the day. Happiness can’t be bought in pill form, but it is found in the presence of God. True happiness can only be found in God.

路 11

Vibeke’s walk out of rejection and fear:


gave me a new


The walk was long and crooked and mostly uphill, says 64-year old Vibeke Gylden who after many years of struggling with fear of man and psychological problems has learned to receive the love of God. She didn’t believe she was loved; however this isn’t true any longer. After two terms at Powerschool, God gave her a new identity. Tekst Eva Maria Jørgensen Foto

Jon Henriksen

Suddenly I experienced many changes in my life, and one day I thought: “What on earth is going on? I really need a sign!” Immediately after having had this thought, the telephone rang. I answered it, and someone played a song for me. It sounded good. Having listened to it once, a girl asked whether

I would like to hear it again, and I said “yes please”. However, I wasn’t able to hear the lyrics, so having listened the second time I said: “Could you please tell me what the woman is singing about?” She replied: “It’s a Swedish woman singing that “Jesus loves you”!”, and then she hung up.

Previously she suffered from the fear of man – to-day she has courage to stand in front with the microphone as part of the worship team! 12 · Testimony

Vibeke Gylden shares from one of the experiences involved in bringing her from being an atheist and later interested in New Age, to an encounter with Jesus. However the walk she had to walk was long and crooked and mostly uphill.

A spectator at the war of her parents Vibeke Gylden is 64 years old and is sitting smiling whilst sharing deeply at the kitchen table. We start right from childhood. My father was very hot-tempered and got into arguments with his employers all the time, and then he was either sacked, or he quit his job. As a result of that I spent the whole of my childhood moving from one place to another, in both Denmark and Sweden. Also after starting school we only stayed for 3-6 months, in some of the places, Vibeke recalls. This meant that as time passed she gave up trying to make friends at school and lived a lonely and withdrawn life. At home she was an only child and spectator to her parents’ cat and dog fights, and she didn’t have anyone to confide in.

I had a huge fear of man which has followed me ever since. And as I grew up and became a teenager it manifested as direct attacks of fear, where my hands would be shaking badly, and I would nearly be paralyzed by fear. I knew that I needed help and went to see a psychologist for the first time at the age of 17, she shares. Even though Vibeke had so much fear in her life, she also had a strong desire to travel. Therefore she went to London for 18 months to work at a hospital, cooking breakfast for the patients, and cleaning. Whilst in London she also met her ex-husband, and used her training as an office clerk, to work at a Danish international company, and later on at a couple of English companies. Her stay in London lasted for 10 years altogether. I had such a deep and desperate yearning to be loved that I didn’t make a good choice of husband. I didn’t know what to look for! We had two children together; however after seven years I fled to Denmark with both my children, she shares.

Thoughts of suicide Back






Vibeke tells about her walk out of fear, inferiority complex, and rejection.

accommodated at Vibeke’s parent’s tiny house while Vibeke’s world fell completely into ruins. My psyche had always been frail, however now everything became just too much for me. I was admitted to a psychiatric ward with a severe depression and stayed there for about six months, the first two months of that time in total darkness, the very worst time of my life. I couldn’t bear to see my children or be with my children during this time, because I feared that I would never be able to take care of them. All I could think about was how to commit suicide in order to flee from the hopelessness; Vibeke remembers who at the time was in the middle of her thirties. Little by little her life started moving forward again. We settled down in Thisted, because I didn’t want my children to grow up without roots, like I had. I had become fed up with office work, so I started training to be an auxiliary nurse. However life was not at all easy. I had to stay at home many times, because the fear was so huge that I didn’t dare to leave our flat until after dark, she explains. She also had problems with her oldest

child, a daughter. They were fighting and arguing, and Vibeke didn’t know how to handle her. With help from a school psychologist and a stay at a boarding school the situation improved for a while. I just have to face the facts and acknowledge that I have let my children down many times, and I have made a lot of mistakes. However I didn’t know any better at that time. My father was an alcoholic, and as time passed I also became more and more dependent on alcohol to get rid of the inner pain, just once in a while, Vibeke explains.

Strange with prayer and worship The job as an auxiliary nurse was very demanding because she still had a huge fear of man. Therefore she tried working night shifts for one year, hoping to be able to cope with the job better. One of the good things about the job was that she met a former missionary who began contacting her. When I was at home sick she began calling me to find out how I was doing. No one else did. She also asked if I would like her to come and visit me, and I agreed, because I felt very lonely

and both my children were at boarding school and were moving on in their life. Sometimes I visited her at her house, and they said grace and sang worship songs. To me this was very strange, she smiles. After a colleague made some comments on how hard it really was to be an auxiliary nurse, Vibeke suddenly felt her strength disappear. She didn’t have the energy to fight any more but went home from work and fell completely apart. I thought that I could never go back again. This really frightened me a lot, because then what? Both as far as money and my life altogether was concerned. “Now I really need a counselor”, I thought. However I didn’t have anyone to turn to for advice. A few years later I realized that the Holy Spirit heard my cry for a counselor. It was in this period of my life that things started changing, Vibeke explains.

With her hand I the air Having paid a visit to a New Age depth-psychologist who wasn’t able to show her a way out, she went to see her local doctor who put her on sick leave. Now Vibeke started being

relieved of the burdens in her life. I remember feeling as if the world went from black and white to color. Suddenly I could sit for hours looking at a rose, because it was so beautiful. This was very new to me, as if I had never been able to really see the beauty of things before. I also started writing poems, 30 altogether where I was able, in a way, to express my thoughts. However after the 30 poems that source dried out. This was a very special period of my life, and it was during this period too, that I one day asked for a sign. And I received that strange phone call telling me that Jesus loves me, she smiles. Vibeke’s missionary friend had invited her from time to time to come to church with her. Vibeke thought it was a bit too much. However one day she was invited to an open meeting with an African preacher. Vibeke smiles: I agreed to come along – if only I could sit right at the back of the hall, she remembers. During the meeting the preacher, Tunde Bolanta started receiving words of knowledge for people. At one time he spoke of a lumbar region getting healed. Testimony · 13

I always firmly believed that I was no good, and that I was worthless. And this is actually a lie and deception and a false identity. Suddenly I realize that I am sitting there with my hand in the air, Vibeke explains and continues: I don’t know how it happened. I didn’t make it happen. The preacher asked everybody who raised their hand to come forward. That was the last thing in the world I wanted to do. However as I had a fear of authorities I had to come forward. Having been prayed for Vibeke was still standing up front – she didn’t know what she was supposed to do next. Therefore she also joined in a prayer for salvation. I only realized afterwards what had happened. And I was disappointed that there was no thunder and lightning. However when I looked to my missionary friend, I could see that she was smiling widely to me. Afterwards I asked her: “Have I been saved now?” And she replied “yes”, Vibeke smiles.

Desire for freedom Vibeke decided to start going to church after this meeting, and she knew that she needed to learn more about God. I had no confidence in God at all in the beginning, but I knew that I had to find out who He was and to get to know the Bible, too. I quickly became aware of the spiritual world and realized that I needed to understand more of how it worked, and what the battle was against. Especially because I was so bound, she shares. At church Vibeke met the girl who had phoned her and played the song. It turned out that the girl was 11-12 years old, from a Christian family and alone at home. She wanted so much to tell somebody about Jesus, that she had looked up.randomly, a number in the telephone directory, and played the song which wasn’t at all coincidental!

At the Summer Festival When Vibeke was saved she was nearly 50 years old, and it has been a difficult and long process for her to understand that God loved her. I was unable to accept that I was someone worthy to be loved, she concludes. Vibeke’s spiritual growth led her on the track of Robert Bwalya who is 14 · Testimony

known for his ministry of deliverance from demonic powers. And Robert Bwalya was the reason that she came to the Summer Festival. Here she heard Christian Hedegaard speak. He testified about a young girl who was mentally ill, and how they had given her the Word of God to hold on to when battles were going on in her mind. This hit something in Vibeke. It became clear to me that I needed to learn to use the Word of God “to stand on”. I enrolled for the Powerschool several times without being able to go, because I couldn’t afford it after all. However I had this yearning to go somewhere where I could learn to make use of the Bible in my mental and soulish battles, she explains and continues: The second time I had to say no thank you to the Powerschool I experienced God asking me whether I was willing to let go of my flat for His sake. I told Him that I wasn’t there yet, but I welcomed Him to make me ready for that.

Still practicing In January 2008 Vibeke left for Zealand with peace in her heart and attended the Powerschool the first time. She knew it would be challenging for her to be in a close community, however she had a strong desire to have her fear of man broken. The things I especially remember from my first Powerschool term were the leaders’ transparency and willingness to even share their own mistakes with us. And then I started practicing being social, Vibeke smiles, takes a sip of water and continues: I am still practicing! The Powerschool also offered a study tour to exactly Robert Bwalya’s church in Zambia where Vibeke had a lot of the negative things she had had transferred from her family broken, and at the same time she was given the possibility to share her faith and her testimony with a lot of people. I became aware that some of the things we battle with and find impossible to have victory over could be generational curses. Things that have been transferred down the family

If only I had known this much earlier, Vibeke thought, as she finally came out into freedom. However better late than never. No matter how old you have become, there is always hope!

line. However these things can be broken, she explains.

Vibeke was useful after all After a break of one year from the Powerschool Vibeke became aware that she needed “another round”. That’s why she attended the spring Powerschool term 2009. I experienced that I had had this huge fortress inside of me of fear, inferiority complex, and rejection which had been so difficult to penetrate. And it had been so difficult for me to receive love. However, already at the beginning of my second term at the Powerschool the Words from Genesis that I was created in the image of God started working and coming alive to me. They revealed that all the problems and negative thoughts that had always been part of my life had become my identity, Vibeke says and continues: I always firmly believed that I was no

good, and that I was worthless. And this is actually a lie and deception and a false identity. As soon as I was able to see clearly I rejoiced happily while at the same time thinking: “If only I had known this much much earlier!” However, better late than never! There is always hope! Because there is hope! No matter how old you have become. I had to come back to position zero and find out who God says really says that I am, if I am not the person I thought I was. One of the most important Scripture references to me is Romans 12 verse 2 that says that we need “to be transformed by the renewing of our minds”. And we all need that. Because our minds quickly get “polluted” by the things we go through, Vibeke explains concentrated and closes: I would love to help others who are bound by the things that I was bound by. Because there is always hope!

路 15

Salvation and


on the Faroe Islands

Hundreds were taking part at the meetings, when Evangelist were on the Faroe Islands. Former Powerschool students arranged the meetings held in September, with Evangelist on the Faroe Islands, where Christian Hedegaard, Joseph Berg and Lena Løbner with team, were preaching the word of God, from Klaksvik in the North, to Tvøroyri in South. The meetings started with Partner Dinner on the 17th of September, at “Hotel Færøyar” in Torshavn. 85 people were signed up and all in all 100 people, including the team from Denmark took part, and were in great expectation. Evangelist supplied information about their work, followed by several items, including testimony from a former Powerschool student, who had been on a mission trip to Iran, and a testimony from a woman, who was saved through Evangelist chat. During the dinner there were clips from webtv , where a Faroese called in and experienced an instantaneous healing. There was also oppportunity to ask questions, especially related to the current media allegations concerning

child abuse and quacksalvery. Lena Løbner led the worship, Christian Hedegaard was preaching, and many people experienced the power of God during the intercessory prayer.

Joseph Berg in Tvøroyri After that, the team split up into two teams to continue the meetings, Friday and Saturday in both Tvøroyri and Klaksvik. Joseph Berg continued preaching in Tvøroyri. The meetings were held at a bar, 40 people came to the first evening service, and about 75 the following evening. People were prayed for, led to salvation, delivered and healed, and Joseph Berg used the afternoons to teach the word of God. - It was “new earth”. No one could remember when there had been revival meetings like that , Joseph Berg tells. It was actually Christian Hedegaard who was supposed to preach, but he needed to go back to Denmark, to take part in a funeral. Fortunately

Testimonies from the women’s meetings New Meeting with Jesus I had not had a daily fellowship with Jesus for a very long time, and I had lost the peace and joy from Him. I did not have the strength or courage to seek him, pray to him, neither could I praise him. I could not see that there was hope for me, everything was so dark in my mind. Lena was walking around praying for people at the last meeting, she came and laid her hands on my head, and commanded all darkness 16 · Faroe Islands

to disapear from my mind. And it did, at once! HALLELUJAH! Now I can pray to Jesus again, I can sing and praise him and look forward with hope in my heart, cause He has victory! Rannvá Lydersen Saved and renewed We thank Jesus that he sent you to the Faroe Islands at the right time, we thank you for your open message about Jesus. We are very happy and saved and newly falling in love, it is so

Joseph Berg at revival meeting in Tvøroyri.

lovely and indescribable that it could happen. My story is too long to explain, I received Jesus when I was 17 years old, and again later. Thank you for your book “Vend Din Skæbne/ Change Your Destiny”, I gotta read it again. Arnold and Henrid Thank you a lot Thank you a lot, Lena. Anne, Joan, Louise and Susanne. Thanks, because you wanted to come and encourage us! Thanks for all you gave us in Christ Jesus, our Saviour. We hope that this will encourage you, that it was not in vain that you came! Una and Asta

Something released The women’s meetings with Lena Løbner were all amazing! I already felt God doing something inside of me at the Partner Dinner, on Thursday evening. I felt His love, peace and joy, much stronger inside of me. I just knew that God wanted to do something good! We had a meeting Saturday, with the young people, and Lena asked me to say something to the young girls. I did not know what to say, but when I stood up I felt the Holy Spirit taking over what I said. I felt something deep inside of me, came out, and went directly into the hearts of the girls! God is just so good! I was

Lena Løbner speaking to the women in Klaksvik.

Christian Hedegaard preaching at the Partner Dinner in Tórshavn.

Full house, 85 partners at Hotel Foroyar.

Food for everyone, delicious buffet.

Joseph Berg was able to go there with his team. The former powerschool student, and singer, Sølva Ford also was part of the team. She told about what God had done in her life, which was a very strong testimony.

in Getsemane. - Amazing to see, both men and women standing in line , to get prayed for! After the message they anxious to get prayed for. Asta Beck adds: - At one of the meetings Lena told us to anoint the other women with “the oil of joy”, and then a person told afterwards that she had felt a wind blowing towards her, and she felt the Holy Spirit filling her up. The one who had anointed her did not feel anything, so it was a personal greeting! evangelist

Womens meetings in Klaksvik Asta Beck tells about the meetings with Lena Løbner in Klaksvik: - We experienced the power of God so strongly and encouragingly here in Klaksvik. Lena is truly worthwhile to listen to and follow. She rests completely in the leading of the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit felt on us. The women from the Danish team had some really wonderful testimonies, and it touched our hearts. It all just came naturally under the leadership of Lena, she says. Sunday, Lena was at another meeting in another church at Eysturoy preaching. And again there was full house at the evening service

so encouraged by Lena and her team! Something was released in me. I just ate of what Lena had to say and give! God is just SO good! Thank you Lena, that God uses you like he does! Irena Matras A new person My spiritual life totally changed through Lenas meetings on the Faroe Islands. I was in an evil circle, where I was up and down all the time. I was so tired of it, that the joy in Jesus was less and less. But at the last meeting, Lena came and laid her hands upon my head, and I felt that something was released! I felt like a new person!

Especially for the young The Majgaard Brothers gathered hundreds of people at their youth meetings in Klaksvik and Runavik. After the meetings on the Faroe Islands in September, three young evangelists, the brothers; Silas, Benjamin and Joakim Majgaard, went to the Faroe Islands in October, to have youth meetings. They were amazing meetings, and the spirit of God was in action, about 200 young people were met by God. The brothers were each preaching, and there were many words of knowledge and prayers for the sick who were healed.

Free from Cigarettes

The joy of the Lord is growing from day to day! Leila Heinesen Peace, joy and a meaning I experienced God telling me to be agressive for his presence and not to give up, just before I got there! Then when you get there, the joy breaks through and you can not hide it! At the same time you have peace and find the meaning of life! Simona Bringsberg

Rebekka Larsen was taking part in the meetings on the Faroe Islands with the Majgaard Brothers, and she was set free from an addiction to cigarettes. - I have been saved for 10 months, but I have not known if I should quit smoking or not. I was smoking, it hurt inside of me, but I did not have the courage to stop. I did not dare to ask my friends about the smoking, cause I did not know if they knew that I was smoking. I was embarrassed about it, and had never heard anyone talk freely about it in my church. So I prayed to God all these months, to send a person with the answer, she tells. - I have been smoking for six years, and the longest I hadn’t smoked was 12 hours! Rebekka had not planned to go the meetings with the Majgaard Brothers, but went anyway.When I was sitting there at the meeting, I felt that something powerfull was going to happen, and it was kind of freaking me out. In front of all the people I knew, who did not know that I was smoking, I had to admit that I had a problem that I wanted to get rid of. It was a tough decision, but it was my answer to prayer, and I had to act! It was amazing, and I went to the rest of the meetings! I was baptised with the Holy Spirit the day after! It was so good, and i felt free and nearer to the Lord! I have not been smoking since that day, I have been speaking in tongues every day, and I have so much love in my heart! Now I’m no longer afraid of telling the truth to people, a happy Rebekka says. evangelist

Faroe Islands · 17




Cecilie Falk was a happy and hardworking girl until her world broke down and everything inside her “exploded” two years ago. She started to skip school, inhale lighter gas and cut herself. She lost all her hope for a future, but in the middle of all this she found God. Text Benedikte B. Justesen Photo - Hi! Cecilie says cheerfully through the phone. Cecilie Falk is 16 years old and is studying at HHX in Hillerød which she enjoys very much. When you talk to her you feel her joy. She is a teenager with a lot of ambition, but that’s not how it has always been: Two years ago she moved very suddenly from Holstebro to Sjælland with her mother and siblings due to some problems. From that on a lot of bad things happened. Her parents got divorced, her grades and effort in school went down and she also began to cut herself. The darkness was overwhelming her, and she began to believe that she didn’t have any future. But then Jesus came.

A sensitive girl - My childhood was actually very good. My parents were Christian, but there were just some problems which didn’t always make life easy. Of course everybody gets hurt, but I was a very sensitive girl. I took everything people said to me personally and I was very strict about small things. But the real problem was that I never talked to anybody about it. It just kept growing inside and in the end it just became too much for me, Cecilie says briefly.

To Sjælland - I had no idea we were moving to 18 · Testimomy

Jon Henriksen Sjælland. We were over there to visit some family members, but then my mother suddenly had to visit Lena Løbner from Evangelist. My siblings and I stayed with our family members until she returned. When she did she told us that we were going to spend the rest of the weekend in a little village called Gørløse. When the weekend was over we had to stay a little longer, and a little longer, and in the end we figured out that we were not going back to Jylland, Cecilie notes. Her parents were getting a divorce, and that’s where Cecilie’s world broke down. - It happened so fast, so everything that had stored up inside exploded and resulted in many problems, Cecilie says seriously. - I still didn’t talk to anybody about it. Instead I started to change behaviour and get really cold and careless. I seriously didn’t think that there was a future for me anymore.

The school Cecilie continues: - Actually I have always been a good student. The teachers always liked me, and I got high grades. I actually still liked going to school, I just thought it was pointless. I seriously believed that I didn’t have any future, and that’s why I didn’t want to go to school anymore. I even started to inhale lighter gas in the toilets, and that does not exactly

increase your ability to learn new stuff, Cecilie says and laughs lightly. - I also started to cut myself in my arm. I had so much pain inside, and I just couldn’t handle going to school or doing anything else! That’s why I started to skip school. A lot. Before all this I would never dream about skipping school, but now I did it almost every day.

Change - The change first came slowly, but then very fast Cecilie explains. - The atmosphere and the people in Evangelist affected me a lot, so I began to believe that I maybe had a future anyway. I started to read a little bit in my bible, come to a meeting every now and then, and sometimes I got prayed for. January 2008 became a point of no return for Cecilie. She met Jesus very strongly under the week of praying and fasting, which Evangelist has in January. Every evening there was a meeting with worship, teaching and prayer. - God just entered and met me with so much power! I cried for a long time and felt God being very close to me, Cecilie says. - I had been very frustrated and going from one side to another, because I deep down inside was very afraid to die. In January I decided to choose life! God told me that I had a future, and

nothing can ever change that! I really felt that something had changed, and slowly I started to be happy and feel good again.

Battles - Off course I fought a lot to keep this in the time to come, Cecilie answers when I ask her about her battles. - Victory does not just come by itself, its something you have to fight for and hold on to. I had my days where I was way down, when the thoughts about having no future returned, but because I had made a decision and had cut my old life off it just couldn’t stay inside me like before, Cecilie says. - I also started to talk with the leaders in Evangelist about what I was going through, thinking and feeling. This was a new situation for me, but I experienced how it helped to let it out, and therefore the thoughts didn’t have much power over me anymore.

A new girl - In school I also changed dramatically. Now I didn’t inhale lighter gas anymore, and that made me think clearly and be more able to learn. My grades went up again slowly and I didn’t skip school any more. All those things I managed to keep behind a mask have now come out, and I got my faith and trust back! And if there is anywhere I’m not going, that is back! Cecilie finishes happily.

” Victory does not just come by itself, its something you have to fight for and hold on to. I had my days where I was way down, when the thoughts about having no future returned, but because I had made a decision and had cut my old life off it just couldn’t stay inside me like before” Testimomy · 19

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Det er Kristendom C.S. Lewis klassiske undervisningsbog om hvad kristendom er og ikke er. Af en velskrivende og logisk tænkende personlighed. 205 sider

Englevagt 108 rørende og oprigtige beretninger om menneksers møder med engle. Fortællingerne giver et blik ind i den åndelige verden. 185 sider

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Den Himmelske Mand Trods tortur, forfølgelse og fængsel skriver broder Yun her sin oplevende og inspirerende historie. 366 sider

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk Den allernyeste oversættelse af Bibelen genoptrykt i 2008. Denne nye udgave er ikke blot oversat ord for ord, så grundsproget er gengivet korrekt, men benytter et moderne dynamiske oversættelsesprincip, hvor fokus er på forståelsen af teksten, som samtidig er tro imod modtagersproget . Her i paperback udgave med forklarende noter og en introduktion til hver af Bibelens 66 bøger. 1368 sider

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Evangelist gets noticed in schools :


from scoliosis Every week Evangelist gets inquiries from school students who would like to visit our office and make assignments about Evangelist. Read this extract from an assignment made by two school students from the Aarhus area. Their visit ended up with one of the girls getting healed from scoliosis -a curvature of the spine. How is it possible that when you meet Evangelist they seem so obliging and positive and then they are in the news over and over again with one negative story after another? To answer this question and more, two school students from the Aarhus area decided to visit during the spring of 2009. They wanted to use Operation X (Danish TV documentary revealing fraudulent firms) and Bubber’s visit to Goerloese,as their starting point. Bubber is a Danish TV host very openminded and objective, his visit was also filmed and showen on Danish television. Another question which also seemed important was the question of divine healing. How is Evangelist able to influence the minds of people, to make them believe that God is healing them, thorough the hands of another person? -It seems totally impossible that something like this is possible. When doctors have found defects and concluded that they are never to be corrected and then suddenly the defects are healed. That puzzles the mind of every person, because it seems supernatural and impossible!, the girls say. Nevertheless this was what they experienced, because one of the girls suffered from scoliosis, a curvature of the spine. You are not able to cure this disease unless you get a radical operation. If your legs are not the same length, then this can be causing the scoliosis.

Ordinary people The students came to the office in the morning, where they met the head of the office, Joshua Skov and Silas Majgaard, who both answered questions. From th e front p age of th - We expected to meet people by two s e assign chool stu ment ab totally different than us. We do dents. out Evan gelist w not know what we had imagined, ritten positive towards Evangelist, and that maybe that they could not speak without quoting the Bible all the we cannot imagine that they would time, or that they would be dressed in be involved with things like violating out and left the two school students totally different clothes, or maybe that children or monetary fraud. puzzled. they would have supernatural things - In one way this can not be true, standing around in every corner. my leg is not able to grow longer on We were picked up in a ordinary Ford Miracles do happen! Mondeo at Hilleroed bus station, and When the conversation turned to command. But I felt it myself and I am then we drove to the headquarters in miracles one of the girls mentioned pretty sure that it really happened. Now Goerloese. It looked like an ordinary that she had a curvature of the spine. we believe in miracles, but without building, the only thing that stood out The two evangelists naturally offered being on the edge of jumping out into was a quotation from the Bible on the to pray for the problem to disappear. anything together with Evangelist, outer wall. They seemed like ordinary The one student went out of the room they write in their assignment. and very friendly people. They told and the other sat down on a chair, and - That you can be healed from jokes and made a little fun of other expressed her scepticism before they incurable diseases should not logically be possible. It seems impossible that people and in general they seemed began praying for her. to have a great time. We were served -When you looked at my legs you people doomed to death because pizza and Pepsi Max for lunch... could easily see the difference. The of disease can suddenly be healed. The meeting is described in a positive left one was shortest, and it has to be Though we ourselves have experienced tone: said that I really was sitting correctly this “force”. We do not believe that it The evangelists were obliging and on the chair, and I did not do anything can be explained or proved. Things seemed very pleasant. to try to “cheat”. I did not really believe happen and we believe that people They were able to explain almost all that it was possible. They put their are too complicated to ever be able the critical things we had heard, and hands on my leg and began speaking to find an explanation for these they seemed convincing. Still, there with “the gift of tongues” and also a miracles. Evangelist will never be able must be a reason why the stories little in normal Danish. Hereafter I felt to convince everybody that they are have begun. M Perhaps, because in a pricking sensation in my leg, and in telling the truth, and that they have Denmark people are afraid of their my knee it felt like bubbling. They said God on their side. People have to strong beliefs, and then people try to something like “Heal her disorders and believe for themselves and follow their heart, they conclude. find a logical and realistic explanation. her back, I command you...” evangelist But at the end we agreed that we are During the prayer the shorter leg grew Young Evangelist · 21

What do you when everything around you


We are living in a time where everything around us is shaking. The things that used to be safe are not safe anymore, not in the big world or in our own daily life and no one knows what lies ahead. The weather is crazy, there are climate change and earthquakes, financial crisis, banks are collapsing, house prices have fallen, , influenza epidemics, persecution of Christians , rumors of war etc, just as Jesus prophesied, that would be some of the signs of His return. Text Karen Hedegaard Photo

Evangelist Media

The Bible talks of these shakings being like labour pains. The closer to the birth we are, the more intense are the labour pains. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, but you don´t have to fear, quite the contrary. The faith in your life has to be the power that will carry you through, that will carry you through all the tribulations of the world and lead you to the goal of faith, the salvation of the soul and eternal life. Faith comes from what is heard in the power of the word of God. When everything around you is shaking you can be completely safe as a child of God. The only thing you need to stay focused on is the word of God so that you may keep the faith. Without faith you will not make it. That is exactly why Satan is in such a hurry to “sift” the word of God out of our lives and to steal our faith.

The parable about the sower Do you remember the parable about the sower that went out to sow his seed? When Jesus has to explain the parable to his disciples He tells that the seed is the word of God that has to be planted generously everywhere. Some will be sown on a rock, some will be sown on the wayside and be trampled down and some will be sown amongst 22 · Teaching

thorns and some will be eaten by the birds and then there´s the good seed that will be sown in the good ground and yield a hundred fold. Luke 8,15 “But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience.” Please notice the word patience. It is patience that is also producing the fruit and it is by the fruit of patience we will inherit Gods promises and it is patience you need in this time. Without patience it will not happen. When Jesus comes and sows the word, then his opponent Satan will come right afterwards and take the word out of our lives. Jesus is coming with the sowing machine and Satan is coming with a big sieve to sift and shake the word out of your life, that Jesus has spoken. Satan is always coming in the same way, as the same “old snake” with the same “old tricks”. As in the garden of Eden he will question the word of God: “Did God really say that?” and steal the word, so that it will not bear fruit. Sow doubt about your healing, your blessing, your congregations’ fellowship, your brothers and sisters, so that you will end up far away from the life God had planned for you and finally lose your salvation.

Think about this the next time everything shakes around you. Close every hole and make sure that the word remains in your heart. Be patient and do not allow the word and thus the faith to disappear out of your life. Keep the word in patience. Do not give up when you are on the halfway mark but endure and stay firm!

Jesus will not let you down When Satan comes to “sift” then Jesus will pray for you that your faith will not “fail”: Luke 22,31 “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat.” Verse 32, “But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to me, strengthen your brethren.” Jesus said all this to Simon Peter immediately before Peter denied him in the courtyard of the high priest. Everything was shaking around Peter at that time and the battle was about the word that Jesus had sown in his life. The Word saying that Peter was the rock and that God would build His church out from Peter’s life. Peter’s faith was challenged. He had confessed Jesus was Christ, God had revealed that to him, but when the shaking came and Jesus was captured and given over to his executioners,

then it was like Satan “siftet” the Word out of his life. When everything was shaking it was no longer the faith, but the fear that was talking. Peter denied Jesus not just one but three times and when he realized what he had done he went outside and cried bitterly. Try to imagine how Peter must have felt. Just think about it, he had betrayed his best friend, his King and Savior. The word disappeared, the faith disappeared and Peter´s boldness disappeared. There was nothing left, only the old Peter who went back to fishing, his old profession. He found the boat with the nets and sailed away from land , shocked over what had happened and probably also disillusioned. He thought that Jesus would be the man, who would save Israel. He was the radical disciple who was ready to go the whole way, make a way for revival and conquer the land. He would heal the sick and cast out evil spirits, he would live in blessing and abundance and see the breakthrough of the kingdom of God. He had had the biggest dreams and the greatest confessions of faith, but in one single night Satan managed to tear down all the faith in his life! I understand why it was tempting for Peter to give up the call and return to his boat. The circumstances had been

so overwhelming that quitting seemed like the easiest option. But Jesus prayed for him that his faith would not fail and when Peter went out fishing, he met the resurrected Jesus who even gave him a meal!

Do you love me? God’s congregation is full of disciples like Peter who have experienced being “siftet”. Many are sitting disappointed and disillusioned and do not attend church any more because Satan has filled them with the lie that “it is too late” or “it will never happen”. Many listen to the lies instead of the promises in the word of God, they let themselves be frightened by circumstances, and act out of fear, instead of looking with the eyes of faith trusting that God is telling the truth. But Jesus is above the circumstances. “Do you love me?” he is asking Peter (John 21, 15-21) not only once, but three times. Why, you may be thinking? Couldn´t he hear it the first time? Yes, but Peter needed to confess his love to Jesus once again. Like Peter had denied him three times, he now had the opportunity to answer three times so that every sin and shame could be covered by the love of God, and the relationship between Peter and Jesus could be made new.

Heart relationship

Karen Hedegaard

When you are shaken by different circumstances it can be hard to come with big confessions of faith. It can also be hard to immerse yourself in the Word and pray, even though you know it is the right thing to do. You remove yourself from the fellowship and perhaps don´t feel like being with Christian brothers and sisters. Jesus knew that when He met Peter on the beach. He knew that Peters faith had suffered a blow, but love was still living in his heart. That is why Jesus asked about Peters heart, not his faith. God has given us faith and love like “two legs” we can walk on when everything is shaking around us. When we cannot believe we can love and when we don´t feel we can love, we can still believe. Faith is working through love (Gal. 5,6) and the greatest of these is love (1.Cor.13,13). Thanks to this meeting with Jesus, Peter recovered again. He returned to the Word, to the faith, and to the calling over his life to build the church of God, Gods kingdom on earth. If he

hadn´t met Jesus again on the beach, we would never have had a church today. Peter was a changed man. From being bound by fear and denial, followed by fear and rejection, he was met by the love of Jesus, the perfect love that casts away all fear. Jesus only needed to say three words three times, “Do you love me?” – and Peter didn´t have to explain everything. He only needed to say: “You know that I love you.”

What do you do when it is shaking? For Peter this experience of the grace of God reached a completely new depth in his life. He came so far down, so that God could lift him up and he was given what he needed, so he could reach out even further. Faith is being tested, tried , and made authentic, but only if we allow God to take us through the process ,and meet us . After Calvary Peter came in a completely new version, which meant that he on the day of Pentecost he could stand in front of thousands, to speak the word of God with a boldness, not based on his own revelations and fine confessions of faith, but based on a new experience of the grace of God in his life, so that he could strengthen his brothers. We all need this experience to be able to stand firm through the shaking that takes place in the house of God and all over the world in these years. Everything is pointing toward Jesus is coming back soon, but the question is ; will He find faith on earth on the day He comes? . Luk 18,8: “When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on earth?”. The word of God talks about us keeping the faith: 2.Tim 4,7: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me, but also to all who have loved and welcomed His return.” No matter how much it is shaking, keep the faith and finish the race. This is the time to see the promises of God be fulfilled in the time to come. Be patient. Do not give up, but give thanks and give time. The word of God is without fault!

Teaching · 23

Power School student visiting Uganda

When the

burdens gets too heavy A girl aged five carries her little sister of eight months on her back, because their mother and father have left them. Now they have to live with their alcoholic grandmother. We want to take them home with us but it is unrealistic. How do you react as a Dane to such a deep distress? Text

Sigrid Laursen

Photo CCD

The feeling of distress, pain and powerlessness is overwhelming, when you as a Dane come to Uganda and see the conditions there. A journey to a totally different world, where Danish rules, norms and values are nowhere to be found. The fight for survival involves babies, children, youth, adults and not least of all the elderly. They are often left behind being responsible for all the grandchildren, because the parents have died of aids, or have given up, to now seek happiness with a new partner with no motivation to protect their own children. It is very overwhelming to sit with the knowledge of such great distress in one country, one city, or in just one little family. Actually I was reminded that God must be carrying an enormous pain and distress. I couldn’t cope with more than one or 24 · Child Care Denmark

two children at a time.

Children without parents On the journey there were some experiences, which touched me deeply and fill my thoughts. For example the meeting with a five year old girl, that has to carry her little sister of eight months on her back, because her mother and father had left her and now she had to live with her alcoholic grandmother, who also had a handful of other grandchildren in the same situation. The punishment of not doing it was a beating. But who should comfort, feed, tuck in, listen to, bath and help them? We tighten the knot on the cloth bound around the young girl, which was used to carry her younger sister. She was stiff and frightened.

Her eyes showed a lot of fear. She climbed up on my lap and was allowed to sit there for a long time, she was obviously very exhausted because of the heavy burden, the heat and the need for water and food. The baby was very weak and dehydrated. We had a bottle with water that we poured into her. She drank 75 percent of the bottle. She got some strength and ate a packet of biscuits with her sister. It was better than no food at all! Then we stood there with two little children and wanted to take them home with us. But that was unrealistic. But how do you hand them over with the knowledge that they are in mortal danger? We agreed that we had to go the grandmother to talk with her. She herself was an old woman in deep distress, without hope and with a lot

of children to provide for.. We saw her distress and worries, as to how she should handle all the work at the field by herself, and at the same time manage the house and six children. She was clearly influenced by alcohol. I felt anger before I met her, because she neglected her grandchildren, but when I saw her, the mercy of God came to me. God is so good, he truly loves every human and has a way to reach every heart. We were allowed to pray with her, hold her hand, and encourage her to seek her comfort and strength in Jesus. We made sure that some food and medicine were brought out to the family. She was truly thankful, because we had visited her in her need. I carried the baby of eight month in my arms. She was so lovely and not worried about the injustices of the world

The writer of the article, Sigrid Laursen, wanted to take the little baby and her big sister with her home.

Child Care Denmark 路 25

More travel experiencies Gratitude The best parts of the trip to Uganda were visiting the jail, the orphanages and the old people. The thing that was special about the jail was that the prisoner’s worship was so real and they were so happy, even though they were locked up. The thing, which was special about the orphanage, was holding the babies and feeling that you gave them something, by holding them. The thing that was special about visiting the elderly, was that they had nothing and when we asked what we should pray for, they wanted help so that the water could run in a well, because they could not fetch water themselves. I was really touched by that visit, it was the only couple we saw holding hands, they were happy for each other and God. On the trip I learned to be thankful, also in the little things and to face the challenges when they arrive. Friðbjørg Joensen, Faeroe Islands

Lunch with freshly caught fish on the table. To the left you see Friðbjørg.

I could not cope with more than a couple of children at a time, says Sigrid Laursen, who was the leader of the trip to Uganda in October 2009.

When the burdens... around her. I can only pray that she may survive, in spite of the hard odds.

The heart of God for humanity That was the need, which I could contain in my heart and do something about right away, but then there were all the other children, who stood all the way around with just as many unimaginable needs. I’m not talking about the latest computer games or skateboards, but basic things like parents, love, care, security, a place to live, food and so on. Again I realize how much pain and grief there is in the heart of God for every human and for entire nations. We left the grandmother’s house with a feeling, that we had influenced them, perhaps for a lifetime, with a love that they had never seen or knew existed. It reminded me of my childhood, my 26 · Child Care Denmark

continued from page 25

family was in deep distress, and some Christians came by they showed us love and they had the surplus energy to smile and to speak faith into our lives. Something that gave us hope and faith, to believe that things could be different. That is exactly what I see the work of Child Care Denmark does for people. People are given faith to believe that there is a way. There is hope. Jesus is alive and cares for them. All the sponsored children, who get education, food and medical help, also get great hope and faith for the future. It is practical Christianity to take care of orphans and widows in their need. I have great respect for the work that they do down there. They are submitted to God and they have got hold of the Father’s heart for some of the most vulnerable people on earth. One more time, thank you a thousand times for another unforgettable trip!

More Valuable than Gold For the first time in my life I was allowed to tell a sick woman, who was at the hospital, about Jesus. Later she received him as her personal saviour! I had never really tried to preach before, I also did that in Uganda. We talked to quite a lot of young people, between the ages of 15 and 20. Sharing my testimony in front of about 500 prisoners really stretched my limits. But to experience the joy that people get, when you tell them about Jesus and how much He loves them, is more valuable than gold.. It is awesome to se how God can use you, if you just are willing to let him take over. It has been challenging, but at the same time a fantastic experience, because it feels like I have been growing incredibly spiritually, in these two weeks. I have known Jesus all of my life. But I must say that I never ever had such a great gratitude, for being born in this part of the world. I have never felt as good in my life, as I do right now.. Hans David Poulsen, 23 years old, Faeroe Islands

A group of children who are listening, while one of the Power school students shares the word of God.

Visiting sponsored child The days passed by so quickly, which made it hard to keep up. But we had a good time down there and people took good care of us. We saw many Africans who did not own anything, they were so poor, that it was hard to believe. They were in such good spirits and they were thankful, even though they were poor. We were visiting schools and hospitals, prisons and churches. Wherever we went we were well received. They gave us what they had and it was so far removed from Danish standards, but they gave us the best. The poverty made a big impression on me. I had the privilege to visit my sponsor child, a girl aged six, she had a little sister aged two and they lived with their mother and father. The state of their house was very bad, so now I am working on being able to bless them with a house. We visited a school with 500 children, I was allowed to talk to them. It was the first time I had ever spoken to such a great gathering, very exciting. We have seen a little part of Uganda, on a Safari trip, which I have dreamed of since I was a little boy and been to schools and prisons. It has been a life changing trip, which has made a huge impression on me. I would like to go back some time. Henrik Jørgensen, Ringsted The joy of giving! We experienced that people in Uganda are much happier to hear about Jesus than we are used to, well, generally they are much happier and grateful. One day we went to a school and showed a Jesus movie – many received Jesus. After that, one of the children asked me if I wanted to be her sponsor. Of course I fell for it and became her sponsor. We visited the family, which includes the girl of six years old, her little sister and their mother, the father had left them. To see the joy it gave them by visiting them and giving them so little, is amazing. You truly feel happy and blessed when you give. I think there is a great joy in receiving, but a greater joy and blessing in giving. Jan Olskær

Jan experienced the joy of giving! To make a difference 19 days with Power school down in Uganda and at Child Care Denmark. So many experiences, so many impressions, impossible to describe with so few words. Should I try? Banana palms, poverty, AIDS, a beautiful country, children that wave and shouts “Mzubgu” (which means “white man”, which means all Homo sapiens are by definition millionaires, which means a ticket out of misery). Ugandan time (means plus/minus 4 and a half hours), fertility, kindness, a lot of colas, animal- and birdlife, Marabou-storks, trash in every street, stench. Well that was not just a few words, but the meeting with Uganda, has made an unforgettable impression on me, which is far from digested. Among the many experiences there was a visit with a pastor, and his congregation, way out in the bush. People there lived in little cottages made of clay and had beaten clay floors, with cockroaches as frequent guests.

“Mzungu, mzungu”! There are just as many needs as there are children and it can be hard to see where to start… The pastor has about 100.000 shillings (300 hundred Danish kroner) to live for every month. Himself, his wife and his five children. (to enlighten you, one litre of milk costs 750 shillings and one litre diesel costs 200 shillings). They live in a room measuring 9 square feet! In spite of the extreme poverty, they are filled with a lot of hope and love. They are on fire for Jesus , and during our visit, six new people received the Lord of lords. One was quite embarrassed because we are spoiled because of our welfare system and suddenly I understood, that we have the opportunity to make a difference. And that is what I intend to do… The fellowship of God I want to mention the fellowship and point that out, even though there are other things to talk about. The fellowship was awesome. I was on a team with young people and we had a lot of fun. I was the only Dane together with to Faeroese. For an example we had a five hour trip to West Uganda. We had to kill time, so we sang songs in Danish, English, Swahili and Faeroese. We took pictures of our legs and teased each other. Maybe it sounds strange, but we laughed so much on that trip. And on the way home we had a goat with us in the back of the bus, that was also “maaking” laughter, when we drove home over the bumpy road. The fellowship between both teams, the workers and the volunteers was totally incredible. There was a great harmony and acceptance of each other. Love, that was undeserved. It was very relaxing and at the same time we had fun also during our practical tasks. I will never forget the fellowship and I must thank God for the good memories, when his love just flowed between us. Thank you to the Uganda Guys and thanks for God‘s fellowship. Kirstine Rasmussen

www.childcaredenmark.dk Child Care Denmark · 27

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En kristen skole som går andre veje. Vi er ikke en fægteskole, men på vores skole bliver vi alligevel uddannet som en Musketér. Vi lærer at kæmpe for vores egen fremtid med dygtige lærere ved vores side. Vi er fire år gammel og har klasser fra 0- 9 klasse. Hvis I har brug for inspiration til at starte jeres egen skole, så kontakt os. Vi er lige midt i processen.

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