Portfolio 2023

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Evan Kriswandi Soendjojo


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I am a passionate architect and urban designer, graduated from the University of Sydney, under the Australia Awards Scholarship, a prestigious scholarship from the Australian Government for the next global leaders to pursue study, research and professional development. Throughout my previous study and career, I have challenged myself to explore all of my potentials and passion in architecture and urban design. I have consistently sought innovative design solutions in every project and the result can be seen in my portfolio where I have developed skills for research, design strategy, and high capacity for aesthetic resolution. My biggest dream is to use my skills and knowledge to help built happier and better cities to live, work and play for future generations.

issuu.com/evankriswandi/ m. evankriswandi@gmail.com t. +66 610 219819 // +62 811 867 8383 (Wa) linkedin.com/in/evan-kriswandi/ id: evankriswandi
profile contact

“The city has always been a happiness project”

Charles Montgomery “Happy City” 2013
West Residence | Nusantara Westmead 2050 | Sydney Hi-Tech Garden City | Karawang Kota Baru Keandra | Cirebon The Radiant | BSD Sustaining Granville | Sydney MRTJ Phase 2B | Jakarta NCC | Bali Cisadane Waterfront | Tangerang Oxford Street | Sydney Simpulima | Banjarmasin
Bobo Hotel | Jakarta

Residential Precinct

Principal: Mr. Sibarani Sofian | Founder & Director | URBAN+

Project Manager: Ms. Vallin Tsarina | Associate Urban Designer | URBAN+

Project Type: Residential Precinct Urban Design Guidelines

Client: Indonesia Ministry of Public Works and Housing

Location: IKN Nusantara (Indonesia New Capital City in Kalimantan Island)

Site Area: 90,53 ha

Period: August - December 2021

Nusantara West Residence ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++

Indonesia is building a new capital city from the scratch. It is a huge challenge but also a rare opportunity to build an ideal city with the best practice standards of urban design. This project is in the phase of making urban design guidelines for one of the earliest precincts to be built, which is the residential precinct for government officials and their families. The aim is to guide the design and construction of each district, block and parcel will correspond with the ultimate vision of the IKN Nusantara master plan, which is Inclusive, Sustainable, Smart & Resilient Capital City Residential Areas. Thus, the guideline will bring the living transformation of the Indonesian people which focuses on developing quality housing that is inclusive, smart, collaborative, compact and based on the 10-minutes city concept, which also respects the natural condition of the site.

Transit-Oriented Development

Principal: Mr. Sibarani Sofian | Founder & Director | URBAN+

Project Manager: Mr. Wagiono Bustami | Senior Urban Designer | URBAN+

Project Type: Transit Oriented Development Urban Design Guidelines

Client: PT MRT Jakarta

Location: North Jakarta

Site Area: 165.02 ha

Period: June - December 2020

MRT Jakarta Phase 2B

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This following project is a unique opportunity to transform the densely populated urban area in North Jakarta to be redeveloped as a new transit-oriented development with the advent of the new MRT line and stations. This project comprises three distinct urban design guidelines for three stations, which are Mangga Dua, Marina Ancol and Ancol Barat Final Station. But, in this portfolio, only one station is featured, which is Ancol Barat which also serves as a train depot. The site is unique because it is a compilation of a former industrial ditrict, dense ‘kampung’, private residential development and also a ‘prime’ waterfront. So the vision of this project is to create a lively, resilient and sustainable seaside transit-oriented development with ample public open space in the waterfront area to reconnect Jakartans with their precious natural surrounding, the Java Sea.


Rencana Titik Stasiun Rencana Trase MRT Fase II B Jalan Eksisting
0 200 400 600 800 1000 m
Rencana Trase MRT Fase II A Jalur Kereta Eksisting Delineasi Kawasan


= View dari Stasiun ke Laut = View dari Bangunan ke Laut = View Axis Jalan ke Laut = View dari Bangunan ke Tengaran = Bangunan Tengaran Gambar Tampak Barat KBT Ancol yang memperlihatkan Skyline Bangunan yang bergradasi semakin mendekati laut semakin rendah
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Peta Kunci
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Disclaimer: Rendereing made by third party hired by URBAN+

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Industrial Park

Principal: Mr. Sibarani Sofian | Founder & Director | URBAN+

Project Manager: Mr. Wagiono Bustami | Senior Urban Designer | URBAN+

Project Type: Industrial Park Detailed Master Plan

Client: Undisclosed

Location: Karawang

Site Area: 1386.57 ha

Period: March - December 2020

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Hi-Tech Garden City

This ambitious project aims to build a new hi-tech sustainable and integrated industrial park in Karawang, West Java, Indonesia. The massive site area gives a perfect opportunity to not just develop rows of factory and warehouse buildings, but also a residential area for the workers and executives as well as commercial and recreational area for them to work, live and play in an integrated area, minimizing the need for commuting. The diversity is also applied within the industrial development itself with the mix of small, medium, and big industrial complexes and warehouses. The master plan layout and design aims to optimize the smooth circulation and the challenging contour of the site, with the vision to create an Integrated & Efficient Industrial Development with a Vibrant Neighbourhood in a Garden Setting

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Disclaimer: Rendereing made by third party hired by URBAN+

Strategic Plan

Unit Coordinator: Dr. Pranita Shresta | Director of Urbanism | University of Sydney

Tutor: Mr. Rouzbeh Loghmany | Lecturer | University of Sydney

Project Type: Academic Unit of Study

Institution: University of Sydney

Location: Sydney Metropolitan Area, Australia

Site Area: 9.66 km2

Period: March - June 2019

Westmead 2050 ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++


Liveable River City

will be an attractive and well-integrated city that celebrates nature, heritage and culture, thus catalysing sustainable growth and innovation

The following project takes a closer look at Westmead, its history, and unique characteristics and presents an ambitious strategic plan for transforming the area into a dynamic, world-class city and second CBD for Sydney. Beginning with a thorough investigation of Westmead’s context, demography, and position relative to the existing Sydney CBD, a vision is proposed to make Westmead in 2050 an attractive and well-integrated city that celebrates nature, heritage and culture, which could further catalyse sustainable growth and innovation. To achieve that vision, 5 themes are formulated, which are Economy, Community and Culture, Liveability, Connectivity and Ecology. Each theme has several objectives which are explained in details with action plans that follow.

STRATEGIC OPTION 1 Double Economic Powerhouse City Provide jobs first 5.1 Strategic Option 1 People come to work & live Provide more amenities Stage 1: 2020 - 2025 Stage 2: 2025 - 2035 Stage 3: 2035 - 2050 Image: Westmead Hospital Source: Delloite 2016 STRATEGIC OPTION 2 Liveable River City Make it attractive first 5.2 Strategic
2 People come to live & work Provide more jobs Stage 1: 2020 - 2025 Stage 2: 2025 - 2035 Stage 3: 2035 - 2050 Image: Artist Impression of Parramatta River Source: City of Parramatta 2017

Enhanced Public Transportation Network

• Westmead Metro City Circle Metro with 6 stations

• North expansion of Parramatta Light Rail

• City circle bus routes

• More frequent bus routes serving east and west residential areas

• Connection to Sydney Metro West and Northwest Link

New TOD Precinct

• Proposing community-based living

• New research centre for Westmead

H&E precinct expansion

North Wentworthville

• Dedicated key-workers and student accommodation

• Existing school expansion

• Tree canopy improvement

Priority Precinct

Art & Innovation Hub

• Redevelop light industrial land

• Low-rent spaces for artists and start-ups

• Expansion of community-based living

• New theatre

• Many events and programs

North Parramatta

• Connected with more frequent bus routes

• Connected to Parramatta Lake

• New school

Economic Priority Area

Westmead H&E Precinct Expansion

Local Centre

Night Time Economy

Art & Innovation Hub Precinct

Enhanced Cultural Programming

Multilingual Signage Pilot Area

Heritage Adaptive Reuse

Westmead Botanic Garden

Special Cultural Buildings

Artist Studio and Start-ups Office

High Density Housing

Medium Density Housing

Urban Farm

Key-workers & Student Accomodation

New School Expansion

Community-based Living

Westmead Transport Hub

Light Rail

New Bus Routes

Metro City Circle

Sydney Metro West

Sydney Metro Northwest

River Revitalisation

Parramarra Park Revitalisation

Endangered Vegetation Protection

New Park

New Habitat for Flora & Fauna

Existing Green Space

Urban Heat Island Mitigation

Swale Graden

Tree Canopy Improvement

Pedestrian Access to Parramatta Lake


Precinct Design

Unit Coordinator: Ms. Deena Ridenour | Senior Lecturer | University of Sydney

Tutor: Mr. Ben Nacard | Senior Associate Urban Designer | Oculus

Location: Granville, Sydney Metropolitan Area, Australia

Project Type: Academic Unit of Study

Institution: University of Sydney, City of Parramatta, Cumberland Council

Site Area: 332,045 m2

Period: August - November 2018

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Regional Context Diagram

Key Issues

• Granville is located in the south east of Parramatta. In the recent council amalgamation, the precinct is divided into two councils. The northern part of the railway is included in the City of Parramatta Council, while the Southern part belongs to the Cumberland Council. This becomes a constraint for formulating an integrated plan for the whole precinct because each council has its own plan.

• The location makes Granville the first precinct that is included in the Parramatta Road Corridor Plan.

• There are four major destinations surrounding Granville which could potentially attract people to visit or live in Granville, which are the Parramatta CBD, Sydney Olympic Park, Auburn Botanic Garden and Merryland Town Centre.

Sydney Olympic Park Westmead Cycle Auburn Botanic Garden Western Sydney University Parramatta Park
CUMBERLAND COUNCIL Granville Parramatta CBD S2 M91 N60 908 Merrylands Auburn 3km 2km 1km Existing Open Space Parramatta Road Corridor Town Centre Train Line and Station Main Centres Bus Route Council Boundary 0 150 300 750 1500m


Integrated north and south town centres by connecting diverse small centres into one big prominent centre with a distinct identity and a sense of community that the residents proudly to call ‘HOME’


To create an integrated town centre with a unifying character of the place

To connect Good St and South St with direct pedestrian link.
To improve the landscaping and safety of the parks, creek corridor and public spaces
Adding a bridge on the east side of town centre Creating a pedestrian alongside the park Proposing new pedestrian link and crossings around the town centre Creating green boulevard on the Hutchinson and Jamieson St Transforming Good Street and South Street into commercial shared space Amalgamating the north and south blocks to create a superblock Enlarging the Memorial Park into Regional Park Pop-up Market on the Granville Boys High School Creating rooftop gardens over the superblock Improving the Duck Creek corridor

Council Boundary

Town Centre Boundary

Rail Line

Existing/New Bridge

Heritage Buidlings

Active Frontages

Structure Plan

New/Improved Through Site Links

Existing/Proposed High-Rise

Existing/Proposed Medium-Height

Existing Low-Height

New Shared Space

New Plaza Over Railway

Mixed-use Development

New Car Parking

New Green Space

Existing Basketball Court

Residential Boulevard

New Pedestrian Boulevard

Improved Creek Corridor

Existing/New Pedestrian Crossing

0 20 40 100 200m

Rooftop Gardento create amenity for high density

Superblock Massing Diagram - responding to the site and amenity
Jeanne Hachette - Ivry Sur Seine Generic Form Terraced Form Organic Form Namba Park - Osaka

Highlevel Quantification

Total Area : 332,045 sqm

Residential Yield : 766,005 sqm

Non-residential Yield : 329,375 sqm

Open Space Area : 95,556 sqm

Community Use : 20,472 sqm

Total Dwellings : 8,511 dwlg

Total Jobs : 13,175 jobs

Granville has a big problem. It is divided by a major railway, LGA borders and unconnected plans on both sides of the railway. So the brief is to make an integrated precinct with one unifying vision for Granville that balances the future needs for growth and the preservation of local heritage and unique low-rise suburban character of the precinct. The design approach includes urban densification, mixed-use integrated transport oriented development, maintaining fine urban grain, preserving the urban heritage and upgrading the local park into a regional park with greater amenities for a better quality of life.

Street Design

Unit Coordinator: Ms. Gabriela Fernandez | Senior Urban Designer | City of Sydney

Tutor: Dr. Pranita Shresta | Director of Urbanism | University of Sydney

Location: Sydney, Australia

Project Type: Academic Unit of Study

Institution: University of Sydney

Site Area: 81.23 m2

Period: March - April 2018

Oxford Street ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++

Major Achievements Major Problems

Mix Land Use

Vehicle Domination

Late Night Management

Closing Stores

Preserving Heritage

Divided Squares

Unique Community

Lack of Green Space

Relatively Small Blocks

Lack of Shades

Oxford Street is one of the unique streets in Sydney with distinct characters and charms. One factor that contributes to its liveliness is the mix land use that could generate diversity from the commercial, cultural and residential area. Nevertheless, there are some discernable problems such as vehicle domination, lack of green space and lack of shades to protect people from the weather condition. Therefore, the vision is to enhance the vibrancy and liveliness of the whole Oxford Street by integrating Oxford Street as one ‘Shared Space’, adding more green space area and applying urban art as shades. The shared space may claim the street from vehicle domination to pedestrians which would unite the street as a place and thus make people move around from one part to another more easily. Adding more green space area would enhance the liveliness and aesthetic of the street as well as providing the shades from sun heat. Applying urban art as shades in the squares would also activate it in unfriendly weather condition, thus inviting people to spend more time in this place, rather than just passing by.

Vision Statement

To enhance the vibrancy and liveliness of the whole Oxford Street at the various times of day by these three key objectives:

2. Adding More Green Space Area

1. Integrating the Oxford Street from Crown St. to Comber St. as one ‘Shared Space’

3. Applying Urban Art as Shades

Structure Plan

Green Space

Vertical Garden Recommendation

Adding Trees Recommendation

Canopy Recommendation

Landscape Nodes

Shared Space

Public Plaza

Pedestrian Network


Suburb Residential

Principal: Mr. Ari Widio Prihananto | Principal | Monokroma Architect

Collaborator: Mr. Dadan Adriansyah | Urban Designer | Rupaidea

Project Type: Consulting Work

Client: PT. Tulus Asih

Location: Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia

Site Area: 100 ha

Period: January - December 2017

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Kota Baru Keandra
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This is a new integrated residential development in the outskirt of Cirebon. This new complex will host subsidized housing as well as commercial housing for middle-class families along with its public facilities. The city of Cirebon is growing and drawing more people from the surroundings. There is a significant demand for landed houses. A progressive developer in Cirebon wants to meet those demands and has an ambitious vision to acquire up to 100 hectares of land to develop a new residential complex with a unique concept. Located just beneath the mountain, the site has challenging contour. There is a grand entry statement at the front to welcome the visitors before they see a stunning farm and hill scenery. The masterplan will be fulfilled by lavish greenery to create a resort ambience.

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++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ultimate masterplan 100 ha
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Urban Landmark

Principal: Mr. Ari Widio Prihananto | Principal | Monokroma Architect

Collaborator: Mr. Andreas Yanuar Wibisono | Lecturer | Universitas Pelita Harapan

Project Type: National Competition

Organiser: South Kalimantan Government

Award: 4th Prize

Location: Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Site Area: 904.04 m2

Period: October - December 2017

Simpulima ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++
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This is a national competition to design a landmark in the centre of Banjarmasin city that was the location of the old governor office building. This venue is intended to become a new landmark to attract more tourists to the city. The old governor office which sits on the site will be preserved as a heritage building. The site is near the Martapura river which has great potential to be integrated with the design, but a busy street separates the site with the river. In the larger context of Banjarmasin, the city lacks attractive tourism venue, so it is a great potential to design something stunning for the city which will make the citizen proud of their hometown. The design proposes a monumental design concept in a sculptural form of a sleek tower rising from the water 80 meters into the sky. The form symbolises the five historic rivers that formed Banjarmasin in the beginning. A viewing platform in the sky so people will be able to see the city edges as the city grows. This venue will integrate the old governor office as a museum, as well as add a new amphitheatre for cultural performance, a culinary centre, and the biggest urban park in the city. It will be an amazing public space for the people of Banjarmasin.

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Art + Cultural Centre

Principal: Mr. Ari Widio Prihananto | Principal | Monokroma Architect

Collaborator: Mr. Andreas Yanuar Wibisono | Lecturer | Universitas Pelita Harapan

Project Type: National Competition

Organiser: PT. Jimbaran Hijau

Award: 2nd Prize

Location: Jimbaran, Bali, Indonesia

Site Area: 36,180 m2

Period: October - December 2016

Nengah Cultural Center

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Bali is rich in local culture that is very attractive to the international world

The philosophy of Bali is reflected in its ornaments, zoning, architecture, and rituals that always remind Balinese of its historical roots.

The traditional values of Bali becomes the basic principle for its society, preventing it to lose its identity in the midst of technological advancement

Utama Platform 2 7467.5 m2

Utama Platform 1 16271.7 m2

FUTURE Madya Ground Floor 17356.5 m2

The population and information distribution becomes easier nowadays. It makes universal values distibution unavoidable

Global Imagination

The development of civilization is always preceded by the development of the imagination. Architecture can learn from the values of the past, but must also contribute to provide many possibilities for the future.

Rapid technological developments influence the way society thinks. Architecture should be able to follow these developments.

Utama Utamaning Madya Madya Nista PRESENT Nistaning Madya Nistaning Nista Madyaning Nista Utamaning Nista Madyaning Madya
Local Memory Modernization


Complex Enclosed

Ornamental Historic Platform Simple Open plan



2nd & 3rd Floor:

Museum of Nusantara

Art and Culture

1st Floor:

Museum Soekarno

1st & 2nd Floor: Exhhibition room with optimum lighting

Ground Floor:

Museum of Modern Art

Ground Floor: Exhibition opening, discussion room, exhibition room with more open space

Amphitheater is the core that blend dichotomy of traditional and modern values, between spectators and performers

1st Floor: Indoor Theater

Utama Museum Madya Nista Gallery Amphitheater Theater Head Body Leg
4 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Restaurant 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Artist's Inn Amphitheater School Workshop Indoor Theater Office Mushola Gallery Museum Temple Museum Office Lobby Canteen Treatment Pond


In every building, visitors can feel the change from modern to traditional ambience using vertical circulation


Traditional ambience

Visitors feel authentic Balinese Ambience

Ground Floor Modern Ambience

Visitors feel Balinese modern ambience

Basement Service Area

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This competition invites architects to design a new art and cultural centre in the heart of Jimbaran that reflects the richness of Balinese architecture alongside contemporary design style. A developer in Bali wants to preserve and promote the local Balinese culture by designing a new art and cultural centre for young people from around the world to learn and practice the richness of Balinese culture in a contemporary way of promoting popular culture. The design proposes a concept that confronts old traditional values with modern imagination in one place. With an open platform, the contemporary style on the ground floor is separated from the Balinese style in the first and second platform. The intention is to make the complex looks traditional from afar or bird-eye-view, but when people enter the ground floor, they are suddenly welcomed by very contemporary architecture and interior. When they go up, the will once again feel the exotic Balinese village ambience. The master plan is arranged according to “Sanga Mandala”, an ancient Balinese principle of home master planning. The modern part is an open plan and always be flexible to change, while the traditional part will always be preserved as a remembrance of its cultural richness.


Supervisor: Mr. David Hutama | Department Head | Universitas Pelita Harapan

Project Type: Undergraduate Final Project

Institution: Universitas Pelita Harapan

Award: Finalist | National Final Project Competition | ITS Surabaya

Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Site Area: 10,000 m2

Period: August 2014 - July 2015

Bourgeois Bohemian Hotel

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This final project intends to create variations of spaces and rooms which could be explored by the users. The main target user of this hotel is the ‘Bourgeois Bohemian’ people. It is the term coined by American sociologists David Brooks in his book “Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class, and How They Got There” in 2000. They are new the upper class in urban societies with high income and high education who has specific characteristics. After summarising those characteristics, the programs of space, site criteria, and design guides are derived. Those parameters then guide the evolution of form and programming of this five-star hotel. The challenge is how to accommodate those specific requirements alongside the complex standards of five stars hotel as well as public regulations and environmental concerns in Jakarta.

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CBD Masterplan

Supervisor: Mr. Realrich Sjarief | Principal | RAW Architecture

Project Type: National Student Competition

Organiser: PT. Sinarmas Land

Award: 2nd Prize | Masterplan Category

Location: BSD City, Banten, Indonesia

Site Area: 180,000 m2

Period: July - September 2014

The Radiant ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++
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This competition invites young architects to design a masterplan of a central business district of new development on the outskirt of Jakarta. The developer running this competition wants to develop the prime piece of land as the CBD. With 5 Floor Area Ratio but only 15 floors maximum height, this competition seeks a design that could optimize the economic value as well as aesthetic and environmental objectives. The master plan is designed to make the area as the brightest spot in BSD City to attract as many people who pursue a brighter future. The Radiant determines to create an exuberant space, full of life and vitality with large open space area so that the office workers could easily refresh themselves at lunch or after works and interacting with people around the area. The masterplan is carefully composed to enhance delightful working, living and recreational experiences. It envisions to be the crown jewel of the BSD City as well as the grand entrance to the region.

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Precinct Design

Unit Coordinator: Dr. Susinety Prakoso | Lecturer | Universitas Pelita Harapan

Tutor: Dr. Bagoes Wiryomartono | Lecturer | Universitas Pelita Harapan

Project Type: Academic Unit of Study

Institution: Universitas Pelita Harapan

Location: Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia

Site Area: 320,000 m2

Period: January - April 2014

Cisadane Waterfront ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++




This is an urban design project for the revitalisation of a riverbank to create a new urban centre for vibrant public space, thriving commercial area, and centre of art and culture. Urban life in greater Jakarta area is now concentrated mostly in the shopping malls. Consequently, malls are becoming too crowded especially on weekend. This project aims to offer an alternative of a safe and interesting public space for mingling, socialising and trading. In 32 ha area, a masterplan of waterfront complex is designed with a waterfront dining district, landed townhouses, high-rise condominiums, offices, shophouses, luxury houses and a grand convention hotel.

1 2 1 10 11 10 3 7 8 9 6 4 3 3 2 5 4 12
1. Convention hotel 2. Office 3. Shophouse 4. Landed Townhouse 5. Mainstreet 6. Public School 7. Skatepark 8. Luxury House 9. Condominium 10. Waterfront F&B 11. Marina
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12. Amphitheater


The Marina is developed to become moreplayful & intersecting






The long frontline of the waterfront with identical shophouses can cause boredom and dissorientation. People could have difficulty to locate where they are. To solve this, some nodes are created, which are a Marina, an Amphitheater, a Skateboard Track, a Floating Restaurant, a Pedestrian Circle Walk and a Perfomance Stage.

Marina simplified and refined

Some greeneries are generated in the middle of the plaza based on the pattern line to place some trees as natural shades and some benches for the people to rest


The twisted shophouse arrangement intends to respond to the site and surrounding nodes and also serves as visual effect on the joint of the twisted building blocks.

The Skateboard Track is omitted in the second skecth because it blocks view from the shophouses to the river Standart linear shophouses arrangement Pedestrian bridge to the mainstreet
draft 1 draft 2 draft 3

Initially the parking lots are planned in front of the shophouses. But, when the arrangement is changed to organic curve, the number of the parking lots decreases because of the irregular form. The solution is making a basement for parking so that the gound floor could be utilized for outdoor cafes

This shophouse block is parted by the pedestrian bridge so it is omitted in the next phase of the draft

The Skateboarding Track is provided again with larger site so there will be more tracks. This place functions as public facilities for youngsters from the neighbourhood to play and socialize


The street form corresponds to the organic shophouse arrangement

Stiff linear arrangement will look not resounding the form of the river as the site. So the masterplan is composed in an organic shape. It is intended to be more communicative with its surrounding and smoothly blending with other elements of this masterplan.

draft 4 draft 5 draft 6
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m. evankriswandi@gmail.com t. +66 610 219 819 wa. +62 811 867 8383 Thank you ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++

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