Evanston Magazine

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A TRIBUTE to HECKY POWELL Legacy, Life, & Friend.


Serving The North Shore with The Finest Plumbing, Heating, Cooling And Sewer Services Since 1918. Family Owned And Operated

FEATURE 4 Yellowbrick Social Unrest and Parenting Teenagers 17

NaKorn: A Restaurant Ready to Serve & Help

20 Coronavirus Hitting the Black Community Hard


Money Saving for College with Zimmerman Wealth

8 Wellness Walk Your Way to Wellness with Dr. Sheetal DeCaria 12

Evanston Man Open Tab Cigar | Spirit of the Month

19 Evanston Woman Family Fun


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FladerPlumbing.com My Brother Hecky Powell by Dick Peach

Summer | EvanstonMagazine.net


Editor’s Letter


he world is a different place now. As I sit in the new office of Evanston Magazines Inc., I know that something feels different in the City of Evanston and I hope - the world.

Today marks the times after George Floyd was murdered by a team of rogue villains wearing the badge of officers. For those living under a rock or reading this in the future, the story is one of tragedy and caused a global reaction. No one, not even George Floyd knew that on May 26, 2020 he would be killed. Police corruption is a pandemic of its own in America. Too many times officers would abuse the privilege of law enforcement by killing the unarmed man. That abuse of power being tragic in its own right was heightened by the “way” George Floyd was assassinated.

Publisher Editor In Chief Aaron Foster Partnership with Evanston Woman .com IG Evanston_woman

The degree of callousness in the officer as he kneels on the citizens neck was in a way that could only be taught and carried out as a purposeful murderous method. The video was too much for me to watch. The method seems to be something taught in some Nazi internment camp or some death factory. Described as having “a measured weight on the veins of the neck”. This Contributing Writers method included a deliberate weight distribution on the throat factoring in “time” (8:48) . In addition to the knee to his neck the hands of the officer seemed placed in his pockets for maximum damage. What stuck the people Zimmerman Wealth so, was the fact that George Floyd begged for his life for 8 minutes and 48 Sheetal DeCaria, MD. seconds per the video taken by witnessing citizens. The begging was recorded Robert Vega and included George Floyd mentioning his dead mother. Keith Terry Heather S. Bormann I think that mentioning of his mother was the final straw and manifested the anger of all the spirits of mothers, dead and alive. The mothers were now Vivian Peters involved and they were pissed. There is always something magical in the Barbara Moss soul of a mother that is manifested when “protection” is needed. Mothers Linda Del Bosque have been reported to have lifted beyond capacity to protect. The protests happened as a result of this and spawned mothers in every corner of this earth Photographers to react. I’ve seen video of protesters in France, Iran and Germany. The Jeremy Pardoe WORLD says, “NO more”. Karen Kring This issue represents a world trying to cope with multiple pandemics, while Robert Vega survival has slowly shown the resilience of our fair city. In this issue of Evanston Magazine we submit to you our knowledge on how to keep fit Marketing Director through Dr. Sheetal’s article (Pg 8). We show further resistance in noting that Deanna Lena Elliott-Sales Director CoVID-19 further peels back the layers of the racial inequities of America. The article stating Black Folk are dying at a rate higher than others. (Pg 20) Erik Hulon - Account Executive We highlight the surviving restaurants of Evanston. The restaurant sector was one of the hardest hit sectors of America. STAY IN TOUCH afoster@evanstonmagazine.net Then there is the devastating news all Evanstonian’s never thought we would face. The death of our BBQ KING - Hecky Powell. Hecky’s restaurant was FB.com/EvanstonMagazine an institution in Evanston for 40 years. This pandemic took him from us IG evanstonmanmagazine and we will never be the same. Evanston Magazine Phone Number 773.441.4044 was blessed to have a great relationship with his best friend Dick Peach. Dick Peach had the distinction of sharing the title of Unofficial Mayor of Evanston with Hecky. The cover story is an account of their friendship. The depth of that friendship has © Evanston Magazine, All Rights Reserve historically been a human representation of “What Evanston is”.

Aaron Foster Aaron Foster

Editor in Chief EVANSTON Magazine



Summer | EvanstonMagazine.net


Social Unrest and Parenting Teenagers We are all struggling to absorb the intense and frightening social unrest that has erupted following the brutal killing of George Floyd, exposing again painful and deeply unsettling inequalities and injustices that bubble below the surface of our civil life. There are two elements of this circumstance to which we as parents can attune in understanding our teenagers’ responses and helping them navigate the turbulent waters. The Þrst is recognizing that rebellion and Þghting unfairness lie at the core of teen emotional life. The second is Þnding a way to provide guidance and assistance, even as we ourselves may feel uncertain and anxious. Challenging authority is the developmental hallmark of adolescence. Teens push against “the establishment,” whether it be parents, school, religion or indeed the political order, so that they can discover what they themselves value or believe in. It’s the primary way teenagers form their identity and it’s an exercise that fosters healthy brain growth, to boot. In a nutshell, this is why political upheaval the world over and throughout the centuries is and has so often been driven by youth. With a brain newly able to register abstractions in the world, young people are drawn to see unfairness and injustice. Very active hormones produce the energy to act against what they register. “Taking to the streets” comes naturally and meets the developmental moment. At the same time, even though they may be loath to acknowledge it, teens crave security. Pushing against a settled order propels them into a space where they may experience disorder and uncertainty. Living in that space may be important and even necessary to discover who they are and what values they wish to endorse, but equally important is that the world not crumble around them—that the order against which they push can withstand the challenge. Again, our teens may not admit it, but they need our reassurance. This is a point at which the current upheaval can pose a challenge to parents. We ourselves feel outrage, uncertainty, fear. We ourselves crave the world to be settled and ordered. What we can do that our teens can’t, however, is see the bigger picture. We may not know just what light there is at the end of the tunnel, but we do know from our own experience that we will get through to it. That sense of grounding serves as an anchor for our teens. If we Þnd ourselves too upset by the current situation to hold that grounding—and there is plenty of good reason why we might feel that way—it is important to turn to other adults for solace or assistance, whether it be family, friends, or professionals if needed. Yellowbrick remains available to you or your teen in such a circumstance. Michael Losoff, PhD Staff Psychologist Director of Adolescent Services Yellowbrick

1560 Sherman Ave., Suite 400, Evanston, IL 60201

www.yellowbrickprogram.com 866.364.2300 x233 847.869.1515 Fax



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6/18/2020 10:24:50 PM


Saving for College

A 529: An Account Specifically Made For College Savings Having children changes everything. Suddenly you’re focused on their future as well as yours. Most families want to do everything to help their children succeed, and one way is to pay for some or all of college. Let’s explore one way to save for college:

Prerequisite: Like taking a 100 level course before the 300 level course, there is a prerequisite to hit before saving for college. First, take care of yourself get comfortable with your emergency and retirement savings. After all, your child can take loans for college, you can’t take a loan for retirement. Also, most would rather pay off student loans than pay for you in your old age (trust us, we see both circumstances). If you aren’t comfortable with your retirement savings yet, review our previous article for Evanston Woman.

529 Plans College Savings Plans: If you believe you are ready to save for college, the best option is a 529 college savings plan. Why? Because any yearly investment growth is not taxed; additionally, the growth isn’t taxed if you withdraw it to use for education. That’s right, you never pay taxes on the investment growth if used for education. Another advantage of 529 College Savings Plans: if you live in Illinois, 6


you can get an Illinois income tax deduction for contributions of up to $10,000 per year ($20,000 per couple) to one of the Illinois sponsored plans. The Illinois Bright Start plan has solid investments and low costs. It is a good option for most people in Illinois. That said, each state has a 529 plan, and they don’t limit your student’s college choices. So you could, for example, live in Illinois contribute to a plan in Nevada (you would not get an Illinois tax deduction) and pay for college in Delaware. With these plans, you open an account as the owner and contribute money for a beneficiary (your child). You then invest your contributions from several choices offered within the plan. One way to approach this decision is using the age-based mutual funds offered in all plans. They have funds for children of various ages (e.g. funds for children aged 0-2 or 3-5), which are great, simple options if you don’t feel comfortable making complex investment decisions.

529 FAQs:

You can save it for a child’s graduate school. You can withdraw the money, but you will pay taxes on investment growth AND a 10% penalty. Scholarships – You can withdraw the amount of a scholarship without penalty (you still pay taxes on the investment growth). Or you can use the money for room and board and other qualified expenses. Financial Aid – Yes, a 529 plan reduces your child’s aid eligibility. However, when the assets are in your name, it reduces aid only by a maximum of 5.64% of the account value.

What else should I know? There are two types of 529 plans: prepaid tuition plans and college savings plans. We find prepaid tuition plans restrictive and normally recommend savings plans (which we described earlier). If you have questions, feel free to contact us through our website. Otherwise, we’ll talk to you again soon with an upcoming article about teaching your children how to manage money responsibly.

Extra money – If you have extra money in a 529 (a good problem), you have options: You can change the beneficiary of the account to a relative (normally from one child to another).






t was love at first sight…of his profile. The minute I saw him online I knew he was different. I still remember waiting for him to walk in the door on the first date, wondering which tall, dark and handsome man matched the picture I had seen.

Finally, he appeared dressed like a model from Banana Republic. No, literally, he was wearing the same wool pants with a black v-neck sweater over green button down shirt that was on the store mannequin. I took one look at him and said, “Ohhhh, he’s too nice. I have to set him up with someone.”


beautiful and to fit in. My low self-esteem allowed me to be with men who didn’t treat me with respect and who didn’t value the things that made me special. All of those qualities I wanted to hide from other guys were able to shine through when I met my Mr. Right. Actually, many of them were the qualities that attracted him to me. 3 dates later I was completely smitten… 4 years later we were married… 2 kids later we are still completely in love… This my love story. Now I want to help you write yours.

You see, I’d become accustomed to the “bad boy.” The kind of wayward artist/actor/writer who wouldn’t be caught dead in a chain clothing store. The kind of bad boy who would tell me everything I wanted to hear then mysteriously stop returning my calls. I never was the girl in school who was chased by boys. I never had a date on Valentine’s Day. I always struggled to feel

Summer | EvanstonMagazine.net



WALK YOUR WAY TO WELLNESS Movement and exercise has long been shown to be beneficial in managing chronic pain. For many of us, accustomed to exercising in gyms or fitness centers, the current pandemic has greatly impacted our exercise regimens. With the weather warming up, many of us are getting out of the house to take strolls around the neighborhood as a form of exercise. In fact, many healthcare providers will instruct their patients that are older, deconditioned, or suffer from comorbidities, to walk as a means of exercise and physical therapy. Walking is easy to perform, has a low risk of injury, and we do it every day. But is it enough? A study looking at 52 sedentary patients, aged 18-65 years with chronic low back pain were randomized into aerobic walking vs. active strength training for six weeks. The regimen included a 5 min warm up, 5 min cool down, and five minutes of intense walking on a treadmill. They found both groups improved to similar degrees. They also found that the moderate-intensity walking program done twice a week for six weeks improved functional performance and muscle endurance more for those suffering from chronic back pain. It is important to keep in mind that these studies are not referring to a leisurely walk in the park, but rather a brisk aerobic-style walk. The kind of walk that raises your heart rate and makes you sweat. I think that is where some patients mistakenly think that leisurely walking can replace a focused exercise program. The findings of a systematic review were inconclusive that leisurely walking improved acute and chronic low back pain. The American Heart Association recommends adults should engage in 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week. It sounds like a lot, but it can be broken down into 30 minutes a day for five days a week. Even half of that is better than nothing. So what is moderate intensity and how is that measured? According to an article primarily targeting cardiovascular fitness, maximum oxygen uptake (VO2



max) was regarded as the gold standard for the assessment of exercise quality. Based on this concept, walking speed, as well as a patient’s baseline fitness level, will determine whether a walking program will result in a significant increase in VO2 max (i.e be considered a moderately intense form of exercise). Another sign that you can use to monitor your exercise level (and one that you can actually measure yourself) is target heart rate. The American College of Sports Medicine and American Heart Association recommend you achieve 50% to 85% of maximum heart rate reserve for optimal cardiovascular fitness. If you don’t know your target heart rate, you can go to their website as a reference guide. Implementing An Effective Walking Program Implementing an effective walking program If you decide walking will be your primary form of exercise, you need to commit to doing it on a regular basis. Remember that the time spent walking, the distance walked, and intensity are vital components of your walking program. Just walking from your front door to the mailbox does not count. Slowly increase your distance every day. The Arthritis Foundation recommends starting out with 6,000 steps per day for more debilitated patients and has a Walk With Ease program online to slowly introduce yourself into a walking program. Some activity is better than none, but to truly benefit from a walking program, you need to work up to walking briskly. If you have a mostly sedentary lifestyle, start slow and don’t give up. Remember to stretch, warm up and wear supportive shoes. Also, pay attention to not only distance, but to your heart rate, and the intensity of your stride. Bottom line — any amount of activity will help you, so get started as soon as possible! Revitalize Medical Center is accepting new patients at their Glenview and Evanston locations. Schedule a consultation 847-834-4018 RevitalizeMedCenter.com Sheetal DeCaria, MD.


The Empact Of Your Philantropy Gifts to an Evanston Community Foundation (ECF) endowment by bequest or within an estate plan let people continue or increase their annual giving patterns forever. The Basics Charitable giving from assets is a valuable element of financial taxplanning strategy — and such gifts provide great satisfaction to thoughtful donors. Gifts of cash and publicly-traded securities or retirement plan assets are the easiest to transfer. Our gift acceptance policies provide guidance on a wider range of asset types and giving vehicles. Of course ECF also accepts lifetime asset transfers for donor advised funds or outright contributions to other funds. Learn more. C

Good Stewardship And Service


The Foundation can help you and your clients to find the options for charitable giving that most appeal to them and best suit their circumstances. We don’t advise donors on tax or legal matters, but we can explain just how their gift can be put to work in the community that’s been so important to them. Y




Do Something To Make A Difference!



Use our brochure — do something to make a difference! — to launch a conversation with your clients. Our Expertise Unlike national foundations offering donor advised funds under the auspices of financial services firms, we’re experts in investing Evanston’s resources to best address the challenges of our community, across a wide range of interest areas. Strategies We Support Charitable gifts timed to confer the greatest tax advantage. Additions to or establishment of endowed funds, so that today’s gifts will give and grow into the future. Establishment of donor advised funds, enabling donors to recommend the charitable use of their gifts over time. Gifts of appreciated securities or real estate, potentially reducing the burden of capital gains taxes. Bequests designating ECF in a will or trust as a beneficiary of a specific amount, a percentage, or a remainder — or of a retirement account, in order to preserve for heirs assets taxed at lower rates. Designation as a beneficiary on a no-longer-needed life insurance policy, for a tax deduction now. For more information visit evanstonforever.org Summer | EvanstonMagazine.net


Hecky Powell

“MY BROTHER” A Heartfelt Story Written by Dick Peach.

He was Hecky Powells best friend. A former member of the Leadership Evanston Steering Committee & Board. A longtime member of the Rotary Club of Evanston as president twice. Assistant Governor for the regional Rotary District. Dick has been involved with the Evanston Community Foundation as a former member of the Leadership Evanston Steering Committee & Board. past president of the Chamber of Commerce, chairman of the City of Evanston-Minority, Women and Evanston Small Business Committee, part of the West End Business Association and one of the founders of the Evanston Small Business Association. I was asked to write about the passing of a very special friend and I’m finding it very hard to express the feeling of now having a hole in my soul, and I’m not sure how I can heal that. Hecky Powell was a lot more than just a friend, a mentor, an advisor for me, we shared a very special relationship over the years we knew each other. We shared a common belief in the ability of every person to succeed at whatever they desire, if they were willing to work for it. We shared a belief in a strong work ethic as a driving force to success. We shared a passion in helping others to develop that work ethic within themselves. This is where the idea for the WE Foundation had its roots. Hecky and I had tried to get the high school more involved with the ever-growing population that was not going to be college bound out of high school. They needed guidance and direction to get into a good job that didn’t need a 4 year degree. After a decade of no progress, Hecky decided to endow the WE Foundation. He called to tell me about his plan and said “Oh by the way you’re on the new Board of Directors”. WE has become a real success story for the young people who have gone through the program. Hecky and I both are known to speak from the heart. In fact, no one ever had to guess what we actually thought about anything. Because we always told people exactly what we thought. In fact, Hecky’s, statement about everyone being a “mutt” is exactly what I’m talking about. That statement made him Evanston famous. We proudly shared the title “unofficial Mayor of Evanston” courtesy of many city 10


officials over the years because of our deep felt caring for our community, and our involvement in multiple community organizations. On a very personal level Hecky was special for me, several years back when my young son began his 3 year battle with cancer, Hecky checked in almost weekly to find out how he was doing. His focus was to know if my son, Shelley, or I need anything. Anytime we spoke on the phone the first question he would ask was how my son was doing before we began our conversation. And when we lost our son to cancer Hecky was there for me to talk to and try and make sense of my loss. Over the years I have been honored with a number of civic awards from various organizations but the one I cherish the most is the award that Hecky and Cheryl gave me two years ago on behalf of the Forrest E. Wood Foundation because it represents the shared belief in working hard for what you achieve and reaching back to help others to succeed. Now over the past few weeks Hecky has been written about in all our local papers, in social media and even as far away as the New York Times. To My Surprise The New York Times carried an article. The focusof the article was about his life and the belief that “no one succeeds on their own and we should always be willing to reach out to help others”. I don’t know what I could add to all the accolades that have been written about my friend. The one thing I can say is “Hecky was an incredibly special person, there are not many like him in this world, and I was blessed to call him “my brother”.

Karen Kring

Summer | EvanstonMagazine.net




Spirit of The Month

Casa Dragones Tequila Joven dubbed “Tastemaker’s Top Tequila” One sip of this heavenly spirit will prove to you that tequila is from HEAVEN. The flavor is dominated by smooth smoked oak and vanilla experience for the tongue. The texture is like a silk rolling down your tongue. Although its a little pricey the true tequila snob will find satisfaction as all of the senses come alive with this liquid I can only describe as “a mothers warmth.” Handcrafted in small batches in Tequila, Mexico Casa Dragones Joven is a rare style of 100% Pure Blue Agave tequila, hand-finished by gently balancing silver tequila with extra aged tequila for a complex, smooth taste that’s perfect for sipping. Take the time to find this brand and keep it in your man cave.




Cigar of The Month

Liga Privada Undercrown Maduro This cigar, released in 2011, came about because the torcedores at the Drew Estate factory were smoking so many Liga Privadas that the company was having trouble keeping inventory. The Undercrown has dark brooding, syrup, and cocoa powder notes. The wrapper tastes of hints of cognac or rum. The ’09 Verite was more earthy, savory, smooth, and delicately balanced. The Undercrown uses a Connecticut-grown stalk-cut Habano leaf (the same one used in Liga Privada T52) for its binder, and the filler is a blend of Brazilian Mata Fina and Cuban-seed Nicaraguan tobaccos. The result, as you could well imagine, is outstanding. Undercrown is chocolaty, earthy, creamy, and peppery with some of the richest tobacco flavors you can find. The construction is on par with any Drew Estate cigar, and ensures an easy draw and razor-straight burn from start to finish.

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4/14/2020 8:39:03 AM



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MISS US? WE’RE OPEN Thursday through Saturday 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

An Out-of-NaKorn Experience vol 3: Thai Thursday Pinto We are now offering our favorite comfort food in the traditional Thai Pinto style on Thursdays for dinner. Each meal feeds 2 people. All dishes reheat well, and most can be frozen and reheated at a later time.

MISS US? WE’RE OPEN Thursday through Saturday 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

NEWS!! Join us for Thai takes on brunch classics We’re excited to announce that, beginning SUNDAY, MAY 31st, NaKorn will serve Sunday brunch available between 10am-2pm. Visit nakornkitchen.com or exploretock.com/nakorn for details and to place your order! Menus & hours may change, please check our website for updates. Email any questions you may have about this experience to info@nakornkitchen.com.

1622 Orrington Ave, Evanston, IL 60201 847.733.8424 www.nakornkitchen. 16



W M b

V d c

E in


Resturants Surviving And Helping

vanston has a quickly growing population of citizens with asian backgrounds. In fact I have perseonally scene the growth as i love Asian cuisine. Well NaKorn has popped up to be in the top of the competition for the palate seeking Thia food. As a sometimes practicing vegan I tried the Grilled Mushroom with Stirred Fried Rice Noodle, with fresh kale, bean sprouts, tofu and egg its Gluten Free with vegan options plentily available! The moto states “I found Thia land in Evanston”. Stated on their website, NaKorn started with the belief that authentic Thai food should be found not only in Thailand—but here in Evanston, as well. Every bite tastes as if it contains a small vacation to thailand. NaKorn Urban Thai in Evanston is OPEN for carryout and delivery weekend dinners, and customers can find its menu offering and place orders on their. Going on four years since opening, NaKorn has stellar reviews (e.g., 4.7 on Open Table), and chefs from Michelin-starred restaurants have publicly recommended them. Also notable is the fact that, despite its 80% drop in revenue in these times, and inspired by the Buddha who said “give, even if you have only a little,” NaKorn is donating its kitchen and managers’ time to cooking for those in need. To pay for food, supplies and nonmanagement labor for this effort, NaKorn launched a GoFundMe (Giving Meals Helps Staff – Evanston - https://www.gofundme.com/f/giving-meals-helpsstaff-evanstonchicago) and raised ~$10,000 so far. With this community support, NaKorn has so far fed the elderly, the economically disadvantaged, and healthcare workers, most recently 190 free meals through Connections for the Homeless.

Summer | EvanstonMagazine.net


Celebrate With A Very

p cial Se d r a o B s e he Ce Ingredients Gouda cheese Goat cheese Fontina cheese White cheddar cheese (slices cut with star-shaped cookie cutter) Nutty cheese (parmesan or manchego) Blueberry preserves Cherries Blueberries Proscuitto Capicola Directions Place all of the above on a board with cheese knives and enjoy! 18


825 Noyes St Evanston (847) 475-4344

Family Staycation Sumer Ideas Life has thrown the world a curve ball, and since we’re not attending any good ‘ol fashion baseball games.. here are some great ideas that will bring your neighbors to the yard. Beach day’s have begun! Put away the winter blues, and jump into the summer 
 by creating your own backyard bash!

Who knew a simple, yet fun and exciting summer pleasure like swimming would be the ultimate 
 summer time in 2020. Reports show inßatable and above ground pools have made a come back, and are one of the hottest trends for summer fun.

We have all had to make some big changes to our plans for the summer, but that doesn't mean we can't still have a great summer! We are so excited to announce OUT OF OUTPOST Summer Art Club our answer to all the changes! We hope your young artists will join us for an awesome summer full of imaginative projects and creative exploration with an emphasis on reuse & sustainability! Club Registration is now open and space is limited! https://www.artmakersoutpost.com/camps/ outofoutpost

Stop by Oliver’s Toy’s located on Central Street to pick up the trendiest pool toys for all ages. While you are there.. ask the owner, Suri to point you to the direction where you will be able to get your hands on NERF balls and enjoy the ultimate sport games in the pool all while social distancing!

Fire up the GRILL! D&D Finer Foods located on Noyes is your one stop shop for all your BBQ needs. You can even add some craft beer, and 
 deli items to whip up a nice charcuterie board.

EXPLORE: THINK TEEN Evanston Library has your teen covered this. City of Evanston has agreed to to waive all fees (does not include lost books) as well as have grown the selection of genres and form for young adult and young Þction.

ALL BOYS AREN’T BLUE: A MEMOIR MANIFESTO This memoir manifesto is a must read. George M. Johnson takes us through growing up as a Black Queer boy and how different moments and people in his young life shaped who he is today. epl.org SHARE YOUR PICKS TODAY”S (All Ages) epl.org/connect/community-picks



Coronavirus Hitting the Black Community Hard

f you have visited the Evanston Library and had the opportunity to meet him you knew Mustafa was a gentle giant. Mustafa Stanley Azeem passed away May 19th from a CoVID-19 related illness. He is described as a good man who was passionate about his people. He served the youth, his community, and Evanston Library with a black dignity. He was a graduate from ETHS and stayed in Evanston as an adult. His death though is symbolic of what the coronavirus is doing to the black community not only in Evanston, also in the US as a whole. The national death percentages for the black community averages 15%. In Chicago, African American covid cases average 30% of all cases and its predicted to rise based on summer projections. The black community is contracting the virus and dying from it at much higher rates than other ethnic groups. Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson, D-Chicago, called on county officials to provide free COVID-19 testing and treatment to at-risk groups such as service workers who have to keep going out to work.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that the communities that have suffered through institutional racism and crisis for generations have certainly born the brunt of this disease,” Johnson said. “But we are very clear that this pandemic has certainly not only exposed the gross isolation of poverty in the city of Chicago and Cook County, but quite frankly the whole country.” Chicago is Evanston’s closest city. Therefore watching the infected numbers and interactions between Chicagoans and Evanstonians is imperitive. A recent interview with Chicagoan and national Comicview comedian Shawn Morgan has revealed that his family has seen 12 deaths due to Covid-19. 20


Why Is This Happening?

The answer is not so simple but the detailed observations will include poverty and lack of resources as its core. Sergirgation will be the tool used to create the divide. Since the inception of the city of Evanston has been an attractive place for hopeful and upwardly mobile African American families. Black families migrated to Evanston and changed the landscape in a great way. “A great way to map the location and progress of Evanston’s African American population is to note the location and number of Churches.” said, Dino Robinson. Robinson is the founder of Shorefront Legacy, a museum specializing in black history. Churches show progress in the black community (generalization) Evanston boasts a long list of historically high church numbers. The African American population primarily grew because the wealthy of Evanston needed Servants and paid well. The people of Evanston were then segregated into the neighborhoods marked by those churches. Race relations in Evanston were structured by a high degree of inequality that favored (and flattered) local whites and minimized conflict through patterns of paternalism and deference symbolized by the relationship of the domestic service. The policies that came out of the relationships in this system has historically oppressed the Black Evanstonian, thus leaving the less prepared to be exposed. Less heatlh care resources made it possible for a pandemic to effect the population most vulnerable our black community. Key members of the community have been exposed to the virus and some have passed on because of it. We want to keep you safe. To insure your safety direct all questions to 311.

9Round Fitness A New Leaf Natural Medicine Acu Design Health Ascension Complete Amita Orthopedic & Rehab 
 Ayres Estate Services BathÞtter Breast Thermography Center Big City Optical BioReigns, Oola ChiroOne Cool Cow Bags for a Cause Complete Chiropractic & Rehab Creative Care Management Curt's Cafe Evanston Float Center Gold Fish Swim School Hip Circle Empowerment Center Honeycomb Insurance LLC


Horizon Photography Intensive Karen Independently Driven In Fine Fettle Holistic Health Center & Wellness Boutique Kokoro Candy Liberty Mutual Insurance Mayor's Employer Advisory Council Metro Squash Mental Health America | North Shore Mary Kay with Susan Hammer Orange Theory Oasis Center for Integrated Well-Being OSTEO STRONG Presbyterian Homes Prime My Body Roosevelt University College of Pharmacy Skillz Physical Therapy Spenga Synapse Pediatric Therapy Tash Wellness for Women Total Transformation Solutions truLOCAL Tyo Birth Care Windy City Fitness
 Yellowbrick YoFresh Cafe Food Addicts Village of Schaumburg

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Summer ServiceS for HigH ScHool TeenS Yellowbrick is pleased to announce summer services for high school teenagers, designed to address mental health needs, with the capacity to integrate educational needs. Services are highly individualized based on an initial assessment and can begin at any time. They range from a limited package of outpatient psychotherapy and psychiatry to a daily Intensive Outpatient Program. The Adolescent Summer Program is designed so that services can be matched to mental health, educational and scheduling needs. Available services include: • Intensive psychotherapy and psychiatric services • Family therapy • Ongoing parent support and consultation available around the clock • Cognitively based skills development, including MBSR, DBT, Open DBT, ACT, CBT • Emotion regulation through sensorimotor mind-body integration • Educational support, including tutoring and one-on-one summer make-up courses in accordance with home school curricula • Narrative, drama, improv, and yoga as integrative therapeutic activities • Neuromodulatory interventions including neurofeedback and deepTranscranial Magnetic Stimulation • Additional support for specialized mental health needs is also available, addressing trauma, troubled relationship between body and self, including eating disorders, and substance use struggles

WHEN Assessment and Individualized Treatment available with flexible scheduling. Intensive Outpatient Program Starts June 15, 2020 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Noon - 3PM Offered via video PLEASE CONTACT Tracey Reaves, MA Coordinator of Adolescent Educational and Clinical Services 866-364-2300 ext. 227 treaves@yellowbrickprogram.com Yellowbrick One Rotary Center 1560 Sherman Avenue, Suite 400 Evanston, IL 60201

Adolescent Integrative Services at Yellowbrick can help you and your teen through these difficult times. For more information, contact Yellowbrick today. The Assessment Center @ 866.364.2300 ext. 233 Please visit out website to learn more about Yellowbrick. www.yellowbrickprogram.com

Yellowbrick is a national center of excellence specializing in the treatment of troubled adolescents, emerging adults and their families. Yellowbrick Remains Open During Shelter in Place while following all CDC Precautions and Recommendations.

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