Philodendrons are true tropical beauties with many different appearances, sizes, shapes and colours. Our Philodendron range contains climbing varieties, with long woody stems and highly decorative leaves and non-climbing varieties with a bushy, upright habit. They
Philodendron bipinnatifidum
Shangri La
Quick to finish split-leaf Philodendron from tissue culture
Bushy, robust plant with lots of stems
• Non-vining, self-heading variety with a compact habit
• For Europe exclusively available at Evanthia
Florida Beauty Green
Rich green, very deeply incised leaves
• Strong climbing and spreading habit
Deep green, oblong leaves with distinctive ribbed leaf veins
Non-climbing, self-heading with a compact growth habit
Similar to Philodendron Imperial Red and Imperial Green but much quicker to finish
Remarkable dark green and white variegated leaves
Climbing habit
Fun Bun
Long, slender stems with a fan of broad, green leaves on each stem
Hand-shaped leaves grow wide apart, creating lots of volume quickly
Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole
Large heart-shaped leaves and hairy, reddish stems
Climbing habit
hastatum Grey
Heart-shaped leaves with white leaf veins
Makes larger leaves as it ages
Voluminous plant, can be trained along a
Imperial Red
Densely growing, leathery leaves fan out from the centre
Colour starts bright reddish/green and turns more dark over time
Non-vining, self-heading with a compact habit
Rojo Congo
Fairy compact, tough shiny leaves
• Not susceptible to thrips
Non-climbing, self-heading in a later stage
• Strong climbing habit
Elongated, shiny leaves
Colour-changing from pale grey to dark green to metallic bluish
Philodendron melanochrysum
Long leaves with light, almost golden leaf veins and a velvet texture
Makes larger leaves as it ages
Voluminous plant, can be trained along a moss pole
Imperial Green
• Densely growing, leathery leaves fan out from the centre
• Large, oval-shaped foliage with a fresh lime-green colour
• Non-vining, self-heading with a compact habit
Philodendron Minima
Vining, with a very vigorous growth habit
Heart-shaped, deeply cut, glossy green leaves
Great for hanging baskets or trained along a moss pole
Vigorous, non-vining growth habit
Large, deeply lobed leathery leaves
Can grow to colossal size
Philodendron selloum Narrow
Long, narrow green, heavily serrated leaves
Easy care, self-heading Philodendron
Philodendron Zebra
Remarkable white stripes on dark green oval leaves
Leaf pattern intensifies with age
Non-vining, compact habit
Philodendron bipinnatifidum
Philodendron bipinnatifidum Shangri La
Philodendron Campii
Philodendron erubescens White
Philodendron Florida Beauty Green
Philodendron Fun Bun
Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole
Philodendron gloriosum
Philodendron hastatum Grey
Philodendron Imperial Green
Philodendron Imperial Red
Philodendron melanochrysum
Philodendron Minima
Philodendron Rojo Congo
Philodendron selloum
Philodendron selloum Narrow
Philodendron Zebra
Seeds Young plants from seeds Young plants from tissue culture Cut foliage