Encyclopedia of #Things

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The Encyclopedia of #Things

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67 | Encyclopedia of #Things

2016 #34 Jokowi’s Jacket

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4 November 2016 The press conference held by The President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on 4 November 2016 has created a history. It was a remarkable night for Indonesia Citizen. On the day, 411 action held from the morning initiated by GNPF-MUI (The National Movement of Fatwa Guards of the Indonesian Ulema Council) and supported by various religious groups. The march was demanding Basuki Tjahaja Purnama to be prosecuted as he was accused for religion blasphemy on September 2016.

Press Conference 4 November 2016 Jokowi’s Jacket

The march attended by thousands of participants has been coloured by riot at the end of the day and a release of tear gas by the police. In the press conference by The President dressed in a fashionable, khaki bomber jacket. His appearance on the night was turning point for his fashion style. The jacket has been a trending in Twitter for several months in Indonesia. a national emblem now, a symbol of Jokowi’s turning point in fashion. He was the first President to break the conventional rule to wear batik or suit as a proper President appearance in public. 4 November is now commemorated as The #JokowiDay, and is celebrated all over the country.

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The Encyclopedia of #Things is a compilation of sensational news or trending topics and selectively picked by the team by looking at netizen’s engagement and likes throughout the a voting period of time. The team is actively collaborate with Google as a partner and work thoughout the year to award the most trending person to the person. I hope you enjoy looking at this 2010-2020 edition.


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