Beginner’s Guide to Meditation: The Complete List ( 2019 )
Meditation – Let’s get you started! ‘You have reached the most in your life and achieved everything you ever wanted with ultimate satisfaction, from being successful to being respected and buying your dream home. But you are wrong and I’ll tell you why’. Each day that you spend is it fruitful enough? Each day you spend footslogging, with the anxiety and stress to maintain your status be it work or society, is it helping you mentally? Are you one of those people who rely on addiction to overcome the stress of life? Sit back and relax as you travel through a very self-awakening and motivating journey that’ll help you lead a life with satisfaction and happiness. It is proven that “Meditation inspires social connections, improves empathy and kindness, increases helpfulness, and increases resilience and mental endurance, and even a single brief meditation session boosts positive feelings and decreases stress”. If you haven’t practiced meditation technique ever, now this is the chance to get up and work not for money but for your mind and soul. Getting yourself clothes, going for fancy dinner or a small vacation is only one-moment happiness does it make you feel stress-free forever? Recreating and finding your inner peace is the best thing you can invest in. Save your resources for now and try this method to pull yourself out of a toxic and unhealthy lifestyle. There are successful people who overcame their issues with the help of meditation, for example, Oprah Winfrey and many others.
Meditation for beginners – Benefits There are some benefits of meditation you need to know before you start your journey to enlighten your body, mind and soul
Meditation has some underlying and unbelievable benefits to our body, mind and soul. It helps to recover and recreate oneself entirely to a new person. Meditation helps one overcome physical, mental and emotional issues. All it needs is a few minutes of your day to put away the heap of stress, anxiety and negativity around you. It is one of the oldest methods carried out by saints to keep away all the negative vibe from them.
Meditation helps in the formation of a positive aura around you, this doesn’t let you fall sick mentally and physically. It holds a lot of scientific benefits to the human body as well. Believe it or not, meditation has grown among people around the globe, due to the spiritual powers and benefits it carries with it
Effective Tips So here are few effective tips that’ll help you invest in a method of self-achievement. Start with the 2-minute rule: This sounds quite easy, doesn’t it? Meditation doesn’t demand an hour of your everyday busy schedule. To get started follow a 2 min rule. Start with 2 minutes every day and slowly increase the minutes as per your convenience. Within a month or two you would be meditating for 30 minutes which is absolutely awesome! Make it a morning habit: Start your day with positivity and peace. Procrastinating is something which humans are very prone to, so instead of doing that make it a habit to meditate right in the morning.
Don’t worry about ‘how’: There are people who are sure to start but get caught in the mystery of how to do it. Don’t worry about the way you do it, if you have music or not, do it anywhere you are comfortable sitting at. A chair, couch or bed. It doesn’t matter as long as you are doing it. Check your sentiments and thoughts: With each session check how are your body and mind feeling. The thoughts you are going through during the time of meditation. If you are tired, or distracted o angry or maybe at peace. Start again when you wonder: There are high chances of you wandering away from meditation in your own thoughts. Take a deep breath and start all over again. This might sound like a huge task but the end results are fruitful.
Accept the emotions arising: While meditating you will feel a lot of emotions, just accept it and continue. You might feel angry or happy, whatever it is just relax keep breathing and go on. Discover yourself: As your sessions pass by you will slowly peel each and every layer of emotion and discover yourself. It is a beautiful feeling because now you know yourself inside out and that you are your own best friend Notice the light, sound and the aura: To keep yourself even more focused, notice and meditate with a small outlet of light in your room or to some environmental sound. Start noticing the positivity around you and the strong aura it creates.
Find a community: This allows you to connect with people like you. With sheer interest in meditation. The company keeps you persistent. With positive people, you live positively. Smile when you’re done: Pat your back and congratulate yourself for doing something that will restore your inner peace and happiness.
Doesn’t it feel relaxed just by reading these mere steps to happiness and a peaceful life? Strive yourself and challenge yourself to live healthy, it is you, who can make a change. It takes a lot of patience and effort to do meditation every day, but once you start doing it your body and mind will show you the benefits. Reduced anger and frustration, your behaviour will be more kind and you will be at peace with your feelings. “Only you have the key to the lock of your life, open it today and free yourself from all the barriers”. Meditation needs patience, start today and end up living happily for the rest of your life. Related Article: Meditation for Healing: Is Meditation actually Beneficial?