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Tammy Tamayo

2  EVB Magazine February 2013

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February 2013 EVB Magazine  3

2 0 1 3 M a r ke t i n g S t r at e g i e s A business is an ultimate source of income. The income gen-

The other part of a fantastic marketing strategy to

erated through any kind of business depends on various

increase the business is doing the marketing of the

things. demand, supply, popularity and quality are some of

company to the best and in an optimum manner.

the aspects which rule the income of a business. Nowadays,

Advertising is an art that has been used since ages for

competition is stiff and companies fight neck to neck liter-

marketing a business and a good advertisement can

ally in a cut throat battle to survive. Survival though is not

do wonders to a business and help it increase by leaps

easy and all the organizations have to adapt the changes

and bounds. Advertisement is one of the most crucial

and to the latest trends of the business and keep reinvent-

aspects of a marketing strategy, an advertisement is

ing themselves with the need of time. Various strategies are

the representation of the business in front of the pro-

needed to be adopted by the organization to be able to keep

spective clients and thus it should be totally true and

generating sufficient amount of income through their busi-

be interesting for the viewer. An advertisement should

ness. Marketing is one such strategy which helps to the core

compel a client to enquire more about the business

of any business and boosts to flourish the business in all the

of the company and opt for it. So, an advertisement

possible ways.

can literally even help revive a stagnant business and increase with flourish an expanding business.

A Marketing strategy is not only for survival but also for initial inception, evolution and further development of the business. It has been imminent from the past that a good marketing strategy has gone a long way in flourishing the business to become a great one. Franchises all over the world have marketing consultants to have their image shown properly in the best manner so as to invite people to be their client and multiply the profits earned through their business. Not only the big firms all over the world but production companies in movies also take help of some fantastic marketing strategies to help earn their movies more at the box office. Thus, having a good marketing strategy is a must for any business owner to increase his business and earn optimum profit from it.

Connecting with people is an essential thing about the marketing strategy of a business. Having a website

A marketing strategy also has various things involved in it.

is must for all the businesses and no company can

One of these is brand integrity. Brand Integrity is one of the

afford to go forward without having a website which

most important aspects for business of any kind. A good brand

would a total setback of marketing strategy in today’s

integrity sows a great brand value and entices the client to

competitive world. A website for a given business

opt a branded thing over a non branded one and also attracts

should be as informative as possible for the business

the customer to the item of a better brand integrity. For any

and try to clarify all the doubts and questions in the

business to boast of good marketing strategy, it must have an

mind of the client if any. Not just a website but compa-

admirable brand integrity which should lure the prospective

nies should also resort to connect to their prospective

client every single time to for the given brand. To strategize

clients through various social networking sites and

for a better brand integrity the companies need to lay strin-

thus boost their marketing strategy to increase their

gent principles about their quality and to deliver what they

business. A marketing strategy if applied properly can

say and being adherent to their policies for it. Showing value

make a business increase at the most amazing of the

for the client’s money and commitment towards the client is

growth rates as it has become as good as the spine

one of the most necessary aspects of a marketing strategy to

of a business and in today’s world a good marketing

improvise upon the Brand Integrity of the given business.

strategy is the need of every business.

February 2013 EVB Magazine  5

AS A HOSTESS: A Pure Romance Party is.... The perfect excuse for you and your closest friends to relax, catch up, have a few laughs, and even act a little silly. The easiest way to throw a birthday party. Completely free! A way to get free product.

AS A GUEST: Pure Romance is about providing a one-of-a-kind experience. A Pure Romance party is better than a store. A Pure Romance party is a place for you and your friends to have your questions about intimacy answered in a comfortable and safe environment. A Pure Romance party is your chance to have a look at the latest in romance enhancement products. A Pure Romance party is where you get to ask, “What is THAT for?”

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February 2013 EVB Magazine  7

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Cindy Hall

8  EVB Magazine February 2013

Featured Business........

Origami Owl Living Lockets are custom designed by YOU with Charms that tell your story and represent the things you love most in life. Origami Owl Jewelry is more than a necklace... it’s something that touches people’s hearts. I fell in love with this product for just that reason. My name is Tammy Tamayo, Senior Team Leader/ Designer with Origami Owl. I am a 40 something business woman with a passion for inspiring people to believe in themselves to build their own business. I love all things girly! Pink, heels, bling, heck anything that sparkles has my name written all over it. When I found Origami Owl and saw those sparkling lockets, I knew I had to find out more. Origami Owl tells a story and allows people to show their journey in life through a beautiful piece of jewelry. I love sharing that with people and helping others tell their story or design one for that special person.

Tammy Tamayo Create a Living Locket, Host a Jewelry Bar Experience or Join Origami Owl and become an Independent Designer TODAY.... you decide what works best for you! I love sharing the dream with people and traveling their journey with them. Now there is my story, what I love, how I love to inspire people to believe that they can do anything. Let’s begin this next part with YOUR story, what is your story? Whether you wish you purchase an Origami Owl Living Locket, have a girls night Jewelry Bar or start your own adventure, I truly want to hear all about it and help you create a work of art with your Origami Owl Living Locket. OUR MISSION is to be a FORCE FOR GOOD; to LOVE, INSPIRE+ MOTIVATE women of all ages to reach their DREAMS + EMPOWER them to make a difference in the lives of others.

February 2013 EVB Magazine  9

10  EVB Magazine February 2013

History of Valentine "Day"

Every year, the fourteenth day of

the month of February has millions across the world presenting their loved ones with candy, flowers, chocolates and other lovely gifts. In many countries, restaurants and eateries are seen to be filled with couples who are eager to celebrate their relationship and the joy of their togetherness through delicious cuisines. There hardly seems to be a young man or woman who is not keen to make the most of the day.

prohibited marriage for young men

The modern St. Valentine’s Day celebra-

and was executed by the latter.

tions are said to have been derived from

During the lifetime of Valentine, the

both ancient Christian and Roman tradi-

golden era of Roman empire had

tion. As per one legend, the holiday has

almost come to an end. Lack of qual-

originated from the ancient Roman festival ity administrators led to frequent civil of Lupercalis/Lupercalia, a fertility cel-

strife. Education declined, taxation

ebration that used to observed annually

increased and trade witnessed a very

on February 15. But the rise of Christian-

bad time. The Roman empire faced

ity in Europe saw many pagan holidays

crisis from all sides, from the Gauls,

being renamed for and dedicated to the

Slavs, Huns, Turks and Mongolians

early Christian martyrs. Lupercalia was

from Northern Europe and Asia. The

no exception. In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius

empire had grown too large to be

turned Lupercalia into a Christian feast

shielded from external aggression

day and set its observance a day earlier, on and internal chaos with existing February 14. He proclaimed February 14

forces. Naturally, more and more

to be the feast day in honor of Saint Valen- capable men were required to to be tine, a Roman martyr who lived in the 3rd

recruited as soldiers and officers to

century. It is this St. Valentine whom the

protect the nation from takeover.

modern Valentine’s Day honors.

When Claudius became the emperor, he felt that married men were more

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia,

The reason behind all of this is a kindly cleric named Valentine who died more than a thousand years ago. It is not exactly known why the 14th of February is known as Valentine’s Day or if the noble Valentine really had any relation to this day. The history of Valentine’s Day is impossible to be obtained from any archive and the veil of centuries gone by has made the origin behind this day more difficult to trace. It is only some legends that are our source for the history of Valentine’s Day.

emotionally attached to their fami-

there were at least three early Christian

lies, and thus, will not make good

saints by the name of Valentine. While

soldiers. He believed that marriage

one was a priest in Rome, another was a

made the men weak. So he issued an

bishop in Terni. Nothing is known about

edict forbidding marriage to assure

the third St. Valentine except that he met

quality soldiers.

his end in Africa. Surprisingly, all three of them were said to have been martyred on

The ban on marriage was a great

14th February.

shock for the Romans. But they dared

It is clear that Pope Gelasius intended to honor the first of these three aforementioned men. Most scholars believe that this St. Valentine was a priest who lived around 270 AD in Rome and attracted the disfavor of Roman emperor Claudius II who ruled during this time. The story of St. Valentine has two different versions - the Protestant and the Catholic one. Both versions agree upon Saint Valentine being a bishop who held secret marriage ceremonies of soldiers in opposition to Claudius II who had

not voice their protest against the mighty emperor. The kindly bishop Valentine also realized the injustice of the decree. He saw the trauma of young lovers who gave up all hopes of being united in marriage.

February 2013 EVB Magazine  11

He planned to counter the mon-

Meanwhile, a deep friendship had been

By the Middle Ages, Valentine

arch’s orders in secrecy. Whenever

formed between Valentine and Asterius’

became as popular as to become one

lovers thought of marrying, they

daughter. It caused great grief to the

of the most popular saints in England

went to Valentine who met them

young girl to hear of his friend’s immi-

and France. Despite attempts by the

afterwards in a secret place, and

nent death. It is said that just before his

Christian church to sanctify the holi-

joined them in the sacrament of

execution, Valentine asked for a pen and

day, the association of Valentine’s Day

matrimony. And thus he secretly per- paper from his jailor, and signed a farewell

with romance and courtship contin-

formed many marriages for young

message to her “From Your Valentine,” a

ued through the Middle Ages. The

lovers. But such things cannot

phrase that lived ever after. As per another

holiday evolved over the centuries.

remain hidden for long. It was only a legend, Valentine fell in love with the

By the 18th century, gift-giving and

matter of time before Claudius came daughter of his jailer during his imprison-

exchanging hand-made cards on Val-

to know of this “friend of lovers,” and ment. However, this legend is not given

entine’s Day had become common in

had him arrested.

much importance by historians. The most

England. Hand-made valentine cards

plausible story surrounding St. Valentine

made of lace, ribbons, and featuring

While awaiting his sentence in

is one not centered on Eros (passionate

cupids and hearts began to be cre-

prison, Valentine was approached

love) but on agape (Christian love): he

ated on this day and handed over to

by his jailor, Asterius. It was said that was martyred for refusing to renounce his

the man or woman one loved. This

Valentine had some saintly abilities

religion. Valentine is believed to have been tradition eventually spread to the

and one of them granted him the

executed on February 14, 270 AD.

power to heal people. Asterius had a blind daughter and knowing of

American colonies. It was not until the 1840s that Valentine’s Day greet-

Thus 14th February became a day for all

ing cards began to be commercially

the miraculous powers of Valentine

lovers and Valentine became its Patron

produced in the U.S. The first Ameri-

he requested the latter to restore

Saint. It began to be annually observed

can Valentine’s Day greeting cards

the sight of his blind daughter. The

by young Romans who offered handwrit-

were created by Esther A. Howlanda

Catholic legend has it that Valentine

ten greetings of affection, known as Val-

Mount Holyoke, a graduate and

did this through the vehicle of his

entines, on this day to the women they

native of Worcester. Mass. Howland,

strong faith, a phenomenon refuted

admired. With the coming of Christianity,

known as the Mother of the Valen-

by the Protestant version which

the day came to be known as St. Valen-

tine, made elaborate creations with

agrees otherwise with the Catholic

tine’s Day.

real lace, ribbons and colorful pic-

one. Whatever the fact, it appears that Valentine in some way did suc-

tures known as “scrap”. It was when But it was only during the 14th century

Howland began Valentine’s cards in

ceed to help Asterius’ blind daughter. that St. Valentine’s Day became definitively a large scale that the tradition really associated with love.

caught on in the United States.

When Claudius II met Valentine, he was said to have been impressed

Today, Valentine’s Day is one of the

by the dignity and conviction of the

major holidays in the U.S. and has

latter. However, Valentine refused

become a booming commercial suc-

to agree with the emperor regarding

cess. According to the Greeting Card

the ban on marriage. It is also said

Association, 25% of all cards sent

that the emperor tried to convert Val-

each year are “valentine”s.

entine to the Roman gods but was unsuccesful in his efforts. Valentine refused to recognize Roman Gods and even attempted to convert the

“For this was on St. Valentine’s Day, When

emperor, knowing the consequences every fowl cometh there to choose his fully. This angered Claudius II who gave the order of execution of Valentine.


12 EVB Magazine February 2013

Edible Arrangements – 85 W. Combs Rd. #112 Edible Arrangements of San Tan Valley is located at 85 W. Combs Rd. Suite 112 in the Fry’s Shopping Plaza. The Manager, Desiree Castro, has been in charge of this franchise for about a year now. From the piles of paperwork stacked on her desk, waiting to be filed, to the arrangements out on the production line waiting to be created, she does it ALL. What makes this franchise stand out from others? “Teamwork, friendly employees, and a clean, uplifting atmosphere are some of the first things that you will notice upon entering our store.” says Desiree. Although she has only been working at this location for one of the three years that they have been open, many drastic changes have taken place. Organization, better customer service, and a feeling of togetherness are just few of the great changes Desiree has brought into this establishment. “Before I came, everything was pretty disorganized and the way things were being run was very insufficient.” Desiree is always bettering the business by getting their name out there, whether it is through business expos, deals on Facebook, or even postcards that are sent out to current and potential customers giving them discounts on arrangements and boxes of dipped fruit. Another awesome treat that Edible Arrangements offers are seasonal arrangements. They have many Fall and Halloween related arrangements that are available right now! The store hours are Monday through Friday: 9am to 7pm, Saturday: 9am to 3pm, and Sunday: 10am to 2pm. They offer weekly specials on their website www.EdibleArrangements.com and EXCLUSIVE deals and discounts to their Facebook fans at www.facebook.com/EdibleArrangementsOfSanTanValley All in all, if you are looking for a unique gift or treat for a loved one, friend, or family member, choose Edible Arrangements of San Tan Valley where they ‘Make life a little sweeter.’

Desiree Castro and her childrenEdible Arrangements Manager

By Adam Fisher

October 2012  EVB Magazine  13



14 EVB Magazine February 2013

Customized with your logo, design or lettering. Get the best prices and service.

BLING BLING BABY GlitZZed, the best Genuine Swarovski Crystal and rhinestone Embellished Apparel and Accessories in the world and on the web. GlitZZed has been a sparkling light in the “Rhinestone” world. Whether it’s fashion or fine, Swarovski Crystal Embellished Apparel and Accessories has always been our passion as well as our business. Every season we will entice, excite and seduce you with stunning collections of exquisite designs from the creative talents of our clients to our very own creativity. GlitZZed is not about traditional classics. We look for truly original and of-the-moment design. GlitZZed is about uptown girls and downtown girls.

special day. This is one of my many can dos and always willing to help out.

can WE let the community know that we are here? Well, that’s our mission.

I also currently maintain 16 websites as a Freelancer called CarriesKreations. I love to be able to design and create.

Wikipedia stated that San Tan Valley has 81,321 community residents, which isn’t considered “small” anymore, but we want them to know that just because we don’t have a store front doesn’t mean we can’t provide what they are looking for and provide great service.

I’ve been privileged to meet a lot of wonderful people in San Tan Valley. With me what you see is what you get. I consider myself honest, reliable, loving, outgoing, and I have a great personality. I do not involve myself in elementary drama or gossip. I’m here to raise my kids and hopefully build a successful business. I created a Facebook group page called the East Valley Homebased Business group on June 26, 2012 and within 24

Difference is we don’t have the huge overhead that comes with renting the vacant overpriced slim picking “boutique” buildings out here in STV. I personally would love to have my own boutique someday. Who knows maybe someday I will.

Dress up glamour and dress down cool. We invite you to create your own individual style with us. It’s all about the mix, the match, the YOU! GlitZZed. com is a place where fashion takes a front seat. We want you to have fun, shine, and GlitZZ.



I do know this, I WILL NOT GIVE UP. I always try to remember everyone you meet, talk to, smile at, or associate with IS A POTENTIAL CUSTOMER, treat others as you want to be treated, kindness and honesty keeps you and the people that you surround yourself with hopefully the same. If not…. at least you know YOU were!

Poss i

hours the group had 258 members. I never in a million years would have imagined a group of close to 500 members. I just wanted to reach out to others in the same situation I am in. On July 6th I was asked to help organize a vendor mixer, was going to be 6 women showing off their products (like a Tupperware party) well it ended up being 62 vendors at the Poston Butte High School Gymnasium. We now have two events coming up: November 3, 2012 from 9-3pm called the East Valley Business & Craft Fair and December 15, 2012 from 9-3pm called the SANTA Valley Holiday Business & Craft Fair. Both events will also be held at the Poston Butte High School Gymnasium.

End less

Born in Frankfurt, Germany (Army Brat, daughter to a Sargent Major, whom is in Afghanistan as we speak, granddaughter to an Air force Vietnam Veteran) raised in practically every Army base known, but my true home is New Jersey. Was my very first home when my mom and dad moved back. I still have my family there and I’m very fortunate to be able to visit them at least twice a year. One of my main reasons for naming my home based business GlitZZed- is the name was also “born” in Germany which means showiness; flashiness: “a garish barrage of show-biz glitz” glitzy, flashy, showy, glitter, glitzen, to shine, from Old High German Language, I added an extra Z for the uniqueness of my personality and I LOVE the meaning! It fits PERFECTLY!”

Mother of three wonderful children, and wife of eleven years. I moved to Johnson This leads to the Magazine you are now Ranch in 2006 from Dallas, Texas. To be viewing. As a home-based business, honest looked really close on the map funds are very tight. I spend most of my to where my family in Gilbert currently reside. A work transfer and having family out here in Arizona landed me in San Tan Valley and has been my home ever since. At first it took some getting used too, HUGE city to a one-way-in, one-way-out, one gas station “town” (at the time). I eventually got used to it and I truly love it out here. business funds on product, and I can I organized many events in Dallas, and barely afford the high priced newspaseem to have an “act” for it, pretty much per Ads, or radio commercials. So I have comes naturally to me. I really enjoy created the East Valley Business Magaworking with others and help create their zine also known as EVB Magazine. The intention is to be so very affordable for the ones just like me that cannot afford advertising BUT desperately need it. How

February 2013 EVB Magazine  15

Sugar Rush


Cake Company

All my cakes are made fresh from scratch at home in SanTan Valley, AZ. Whatever the occasion may be a wedding, birthday, anniversary or just a craving for delicious sweets.

We can provide a beautiful cake or cupcake that will make your special event Business Cards a memorable one. From simple to elegant our cakes will satisfy your every need. Posters


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CALL TODAY 602-309-7061

16 EVB Magazine February 2013

“Taking Care of Business Since 2005” www.SanTanChamber.com


Facebook: @SanTanChamber Twitter: @SanTanChamber Established in 2005, The San Tan Valley Chamber of Commerce’s mission is to promote and support the San Tan-area business community. To do this we promote the Chamber and our member businesses, while also providing the tools and resources our members need to grow their business. The San Tan Valley Chamber of Commerce has an After Hour Mixer the second Thursday of every month from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at various locations and a General Membership Meeting the fourth Thursday of every month from 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. at the SRP Service Center. Please come as a guest and see what the San Tan Valley Chamber of Commerce can do for you and your business.

Advertise in EVB www.evbmagazine.com or info@evbmagazine.com

February 2013 EVB Magazine  17

SweetHearts Wish List?

Gift ideas for celebrating this 2013 Valentine’s Day occasion might be divided into three areas: Gift ideas for men; gift ideas for women; and gift ideas for kids, and others.

a. Valentine’s Day gift ideas for men: It is necessary to understand some personal things and preferences in your man to be able to know what gifts to buy him for romantic occasions like Valentine’s Day. Is your man a sportsman, a working student, a top business executive, an artist or a bookman? What are his preferences, and what are his styles? Knowledge of these would help give you the needed 2013 Valentine’s Day gift ideas you need. But then, the following are gift ideas you could give to men: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Men’s fragrances Fashion wears Wallets Exotic wristwatches Books and CDs Ties, and bows

b. Valentine’s Day gift ideas for women: Women generally love soft and emotional gifts, and it might also be a good idea if you knew what your special someone loves and would like to have among others. You could consider the following 2013 Valentine’s Day gift ideas for your woman: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Jewelleries Flower bouquets Chocolate and vanilla creams Perfumes and body sprays Fashion wears and accessories Customized cards

c. Valentine’s Days gift ideas for kids: Kids don’t often miss out on the excitements of Valentine’s Day, and it might be a good idea to consider the following gifts to buy for kids during this romantic period: 1. Stuffed toys 2. Story books 3. Educational CDs/DVDs 4. Chocolates and vanilla creams 5. Special hand-made crafts 6. Educational games, cards, and dresses etc. d. Valentine’s Day gift ideas for others: You might find it necessary to express your love and appreciation to your boss, landlord, driver, workers, neighbours, and associates during this period. In addition to the above listed gift ideas, you might equally consider the following and even modify them to suit your particular needs and situations: 1. Customized and personalized gifts 2. Embroidered kerchiefs with names and events embroidered or embossed. 3. Handcrafted baskets 4. Flower bouquets 5. Customized cards 6. Exotic plants like bonsai, orchids, poinsettias, lilies, cactus, and tulips etc.


EVB Magazine February 2013

October 2012 EVB Magazine  19



20 EVB Magazine February 2013

Michelle, is a two time Lips survivor of breast cancer who has taken Eyeliner her personal trauma and turned it into a positive attribute. She is an experienced nurse and permanent cosmetic artist who has clients from all Permanent walks of life. Michelle Make-up has furthered her talent by becoming renowned in breast restoration and repigmentation. Breast Areola Re-Pigmentation surgeons refer their patients to Michelle for Eyebrows Beautification by Permanent Reflections... the final step in their journey. Her warmth Scar Relaxation Skin Needling and compassion shines through putting Hair Simulation her clients at ease. Eye Lash Extensions Michelle is a truly a magnificent light at Permanent Reflections utmost desire is your beautification!...... Don’t delay book your appointment today! the end of the tunnel leaving the patients feeling alluring and beautiful once again


February 2013 EVB Magazine  21

BOO DAZZLE Boodazzleboutique@

Gmail.com facebook.com/BooDazzle1

22 EVB Magazine February 2013

located in the Fry's Marketplace Plaza at the Corner of Combs and Gantzel 85 W. Combs Road, Suite 111 Queen Creek, AZ 85140


Stacey Tardif, who owns Sweetie Peaz Frozen Yogurt (along with her husband Dan) worked in property management previous to purchasing their business. She was inspired to open because she just wanted to work somewhere where people were happy to see them, not wanting to complain. “I have the best job in the world. People come to celebrate their birthdays, wedding proposals, graduations, first days of kindergarten. It really is good stuff, “expressed Stacey. Stacey continues, “Our business is unique in that we really do strive to provide the highest level of customer service while having one of the cleanest frozen yogurt stores around. We also love supporting the community through fundraisers. Being locally owned and operated, this is our community too and we want to see it be the best!” When asked what is the businesses “claim to fame?” she simply stated, “We only offer cool things, LOL! Honestly, everyone has a different love! Whether it is cake batter (my personal favorite) with Reese’s or fruit or the sorbet or plain old vanilla, we can find something for everyone!”

Their greatest success so far is that they just feel blessed they are open another day and that is a true success to them. For advertising and marketing we love our Facebook fans. People get special discounts by liking us! You can find us at www.facebook.com/Sweetiepeaz. Also look for us on the web at www. sweetiepeaz.com or email us at info@ Sweetiepeaz.com. Sweetie Peaz is named after Stacey and Dan’s daughter because she used to call her “my Sweetie Pea” when she was little. There is something amazing about owning your own business, but there are some days when Stacey is like, “Can’t I just have a Friday, too?” Of course, then she is reminded just how lucky she is! The Tardif’s have a mobile side of the business at Sweetie Peaz as well. For larger events, we can come out and sell frozen yogurt at your event. We even hosted our FIRST birthday party at the store in September of 2012!! We gainfully employ 8 fabulous people. We are open Mon-Thurs-11:00 am10:00 pm, Friday and Saturday 11:00 am-11:00 pm and Sunday 12:00pm9:00pm. Hope to see you HERE!

February 2013 EVB Magazine  23

Scrubs & More Boutique S c r u b s

Have you visited Scrubs & More Boutique yet? If not what are you waiting for? Sandy Short, owner of Scrubs & More opened the boutique in February, 2009 which is located at 85 W. Combs Road, Suite 102 in the lovely quaint town of San Tan Valley. Don’t let the name fool you though as we don’t just stop at SCRUBS. We sell EMT clothing, Litmann scopes, blood pressure cuffs, a vast plethora of medical supplies, jewelry, hand painted wine glasses, salt lamps, shoes, candles, sunglasses, luggage, knives & jewelry boxes/holders. And, if that’s not enough we got bling baby, purses, belts, body jewelry and much, much more.. We also do silk screening and embroidery! If you can’t find it here, then we can get it for you. That is the way we do an “AND MORE” boutique. We are open seven days a week for all your shopping needs. Our hours are Monday-Saturday, 10AM-7PM and Sundays, 11AM-5PM. Jeri Fisher, Store Manager has been a great store promoter, utilizing Facebook for daily deals, coupons, contests, give-a-ways and crazy, spontaneous deals. For example, Jeri will update everyone on Facebook by posting with such excitement something like, “for the next 15 customers to come visit me you will receive 50% off 1 item in the store. “

Jeri Fisher Store Manager at Scrubs & More

Jeri’s generosity in allowing small businesses to also advertise their products and services on their Scrubs & More “Group” page is a great way to reach out to and for other small businesses, simply by extending and allowing them to display their products and crafts, which in turn leads to purchases at the store. “I just love to meet new people and help others when I can,” Jeri stated. Ms. Fisher truly enjoys working at Scrubs and “after hours” she relaxes by spending time with her family. Speaking of family, was it mentioned that her son Adam is also employed at Scrubs & More? Jeri considers Scrubs her second Rud Molore Perostin henibh ex elesto commy nostrud home, not only because it’s her place of employment, but because she has put her heart and soul into making the boutique a successful, fun and great place to work and shop. Have you visited Scrubs & More Boutique yet? If not, what are you waiting for?

P u r s e s

Please visit our ONLINE STORE located at www.scrubsnmoreofaz.com for all of your clothing needs!! We can get you ANY uniform you desire! (School, Police, Waitress, Chef, Leisure, Polos, plus any/all accessories!) Follow us on Twitter @ScrubsNMoreOfAz or Facebook us @www.facebook.com/ScrubsNMoreBoutique

CUSTOMER REVIEW: “As a new resident of San Tan Valley, I happened upon

Scrubs & More and instantly thought it was attire for hospital workers. Boy was I wrong! This store is super organized, clean and has many “hidden treasures.” I personally have my eyes on the colorful cowboy hat with sequins. I highly recommend this cute little boutique. There honestly is something for everyone. ~Stephanie Lynn Keefe~


24 EVB Magazine February 2013

February 2013 EVB Magazine  25

It’s Our Biz W/ Carrie Interviewing Local Businesses throughout the east valley as well as local community events... Want to be on the show? email Carrie@KQCX.com Promoting Local T S E B e h T




ONLY on THE STORM KQCX.com Every Sunday 4-6

26 EVB Magazine February 2013

Tiffani Cluff

928 951-0124 www.beanzthingz.com tiffanicluff@yahoo.com


Shop Local San Tan Valley

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All you have to do is follow five simple steps to create your own perfect look. Choose a color, add a bag, clutch, accessories, and jewelry to create a style that’s all your own. These bags are smart AND stylish with the intelligent interior!!




Shop your LOCAL Vendors by visiting




A Unique Online Virtual Reality Boutique Mall

LaBella Boutique

So Unique.. “Why call a geek, when you can hire a professional?”



Facebook: @MyBizNow Twitter: @MyBizNow

LaBella Boutique, owned and operated by Karen Winter & her daughter Lacey Stanek opened their doors to the public in August, 2012. Located at 22240 S. Ellsworth Road, Ste. 101 in Queen Creek just South of Ocotillo (on the West side of the road just South of the old post office), this unique boutique offers quality clothing that caters to women & teens of all shapes and sizes.

We moved back into town but our hearts were in Queen Creek and returned here a few years ago. We love the small town feel even though it is growing. Since moving to Arizona, I met a wonderful man that is very supportive of our dream of owning our own boutique. Lacey has been married to her husband, Frank for almost 2 years and they have a 7 month old boy named Kayden, who grandma (that’s ME!) loves to spoil daily! Rounding out their family is Frank’s 10-year old son Dominic and a 7-year old daughter

Since 2000, we have been providing individuals and businesses, small and large, with the tools to succeed at home, in the office and online. We provide a full line of technology solutions including: xx PC Support and Repair xx Remote and On-site Assistance xx Network Setup and Maintenance xx Wired and Wireless Setup and Repair xx Custom PC Builds xx Software and Computer Training xx $8.99/yr Domain Names xx Hosting xx Website Design and Re-Design xx Web Stores xx Merchant Accounts xx Graphic Design

LaBella Grand Opening We carry sizes XS to 3X in our shirts & tops; 0 to 19 in our LA Idol jeans; we have up to size 22 in one of our other brands of jeans; we carry handbags of various sizes and styles, rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and hats from various vendors. Our pricing ranges from $3.00 to $55.00. We are always looking to change up our inventory as we really like to keep things fresh and new!

named Payton. My parents have also moved permanently to Arizona, so it is priceless to have all of my immediate family here to spend time with and to share the joy of opening our boutique. Lacey and I love traveling, family vacations/get-togethers, going to the races, doing crafts and just trying new things and meeting new people.”

Our goal is to support other local home-based businesses and home party businesses using our boutique to spotlight their products. We are not just a storefront. We are a traveling boutique, participating in a number of local events and fundraisers. We truly enjoy traveling and meeting all the wonderful shoppers out there.

We are also online at: labellaboutiqueaz.miiduu.com or you may email us at: labellaboutiqueaz@gmail.com *An additional item that helps make us unique is that we are a boutique * A little bit about the owner: “I am originally from a small town in Iowa, raising my daughter Lacey as a single mother. We moved to Arizona 21 years ago with only what would fit in my car which mostly consisted of kid’s toys and our family poodle. Lacey and I have been in Arizona ever since. We lived in Queen Creek when Queen Creek didn’t even have a grocery store.

xx Printing

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Follow Twitter: @ SanTanValleyAZ Complete with headline local, county and state news, events and happenings around the area, business listings, classifieds, school updates, homes, health and pet tips, sports and much much more! What can you do for FREE on SanTanValley.com? List your business in the directory, add community events to the calendar, sell your personal items in the classifieds and more! Get community updates throughout the day directly to your phone by texting FOLLOW SANTANVALLEYAZ to 40404 and never miss out on anything again!

Joanne Moser




We have yet to have had our official grand opening but this awesome event is officially scheduled Saturday, September 8th, 2012 from 9AM-4PM. We certainly hope to see you all there! Our hours of operation are Wednesday through Friday, 4PM7PM; Saturdays 9AM-7PM and Sundays from10AM- 7PM.

February 2013 EVB Magazine  27

Wed-Fri 4PM-7PM

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Leona Fields

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10AM- 7PM

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Proudly serving Queen Creek, Most of San Tan Valley and S.E. Gilbert since 2005. Fields4Dogs is a professional in your home pet sitting service. Insured ,Bonded, Pet CPR and CPR/First Aid Certified, with over 15 years of experience. Fields4Dogs Pet Sitting Service, LLC

480-677-3437 www.fields4dogs.com

28  EVB Magazine February 2013

Heartbeat Health and Safety D.P.O.AZ

Like fingerprints, dental imprints are unique to every person, so bite impressions serve an accurate method of identification--not even identical twins have the same bite characteristics. A Tooth impression also captures saliva, which is a powerful source of human scent, thus making the wafer effective for scentdog tracking. The saliva also provides a DNA sample. One of the greatest fears of parents today is that their child will get lost or, worse yet, be abducted. Indicative of this concern is the fact that to date, 34 states have implemented AMBER Alert systems that issue state-wide public alerts about missing children. Dental DNA imprints give your DNA information for your child. A few of dollars and a few minutes is a small investment to make for the huge return of being able to assist

or treating, attend parties, and eat yummy treats. Halloween isn’t like any other day, and all the wonderful things that make it special and exciting can also lead to problems that might be unpleasant or even dangerous. A little bit of planning ahead of time can make a huge difference in making sure that everybody has a great time. These tips will help parents ensure that their children stay protected and have a healthy holiday season:

1. Talk to your kids before a family outing or event. Make a rule that you must always be able to see them and they must always be able to see you. It may sound simple, but keep reminding them periodically; especially if you think they’re getting restless.

2. Map out your plan. Designate a route before your kids begin trickor-treating, and make sure they stick to it. Take the long way ‘round. Have your kids trick-or-treat in areas where there are a lot of people around. They should also avoid taking short-cuts through alleys and parking lots.

3. Remain visible. Dress your kids in a bright costume so others can see

a mom with kids or a cash register person. With older children, agree on a “meeting place” ahead of time, in case you become separated. Teach them if stranger approaches says,” I know your parent come with me”, Ask for the code word while standing a safe distance away from them. It is best to have the child find help, than to have a stranger approach them. Parents should make a code word that only your family uses. Tell your child never to leave the mall or store to go looking for you, no matter what anyone tells them. Remind your child that you would never leave until you are reunited.

6. Try tick-or-treat-friendly homes. Ensure your kids only visit houses with lights on. And, you might also suggest the houses they visit have some sort of Halloween decoration on the porch. Stay outside. Make sure your kids don’t go inside someone’s house. They can get their candy from the porch.

7. Discuss age-appropriate safety issues with your child in a calm, nonfearful manner. Replace the word “strangers” with “tricky people.” Let your child know that it isn’t what people look like that makes them unsafe; it’s what they ask a child to do that makes someone “thumbs down.” Kids have been known to leave with a stranger because “he seemed nice” or “she didn’t look like a stranger.”

8. Make sure that your child knows your cell phone #

9. Quality-check treats. Check your authorities in tracking a missing child or making a positive identification. Dental DNA Imprints provides a unique record that can give parents greater peace of mind.

Price Kit: $15 Includes: 1-Picture ID with finger print on back 1- Description information document 1-wafer and safe keep baggy

instructions and procedure will be provided by me I am a Licensed Dental Health Professional Heartbeat Safety Tips: For many families, autumn events like Halloween and harvest day are fun times to dress up in costumes, go trick

them. Be sure to remember what they are wearing If their costume is dark, have your kids wear reflective strips or carry a glow stick or flashlight. Don’t cover the face. Instead of masks, have your kids wear make-up so they can see well.

4. If visiting the shopping malls, consider using a cute harness for toddlers who are prone to running off. There are lots of fun ones out there that look like a lion’s tail or an elephant’s trunk. Your child’s safety is most important, so don’t worry about what others think.

kids’ candy before they eat it. Throw out any candy that is not in its original wrapper or looks like it has been tampered with. Always feed children a big meal before they go trick-ortreating, so they won’t be tempted to eat any candy before bringing it home for inspection. As if being full has ever stopped any kid from eating free candy!

10. Parents should have an up to dated picture ID, finger prints, medical/dental records records and a tooth print impression with DNA So let’s get ready and practice safety measures this season!

C h i l d

5. Teach your kids that if they ever become separated from you, they should look for a “safe stranger” for help. Some examples include


October 2012 EVB Magazine  29

30 EVB Magazine February 2013

Tina Cobb

www.pinksprinkles12.com A NEW Direct Selling Company selling innovative home fragrance, where Consultants can own their own business for under $200 and reap the benefits of being the first to join this new ground floor opportunity!

Description Pink Zebra is a Direct Selling Company that offers income opportunities for independent Consultants throughout the United States through high quality innovative home fragrance technology. Customers may purchase products through www.pinksprinkles12.com may host a party through a Consultant and earn FREE products.

Products include Candles, innovative Sprinkles, Simmer Pots, Re-sealable Reed Diffusers and other home dĂŠcor products.

Pink Zebra Independent Consultant Tina Cobb (480) 264-3759 www.pinksprinkles12.com Open 24/7 Change Your Fragrance, Change Lives

February 2013 EVB Magazine  31

TAZZ’s BoutIque

Tina Cobb (480) 264-3759

32 EVB Magazine February 2013

Recipe TIME Ingredients

1/2 cup butter, softened 1/4 cup shortening 1 1/4 cups sugar 2 large eggs 1/3 cup milk 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice Icing Green and orange liquid food colorings Preparation 1. Beat butter and shortening at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy. Gradually add sugar, beating well. Add eggs and milk, beating until blended. 2. Combine flour and next 3 ingredients. Add to butter mixture, beating at low speed just until blended; stir in lemon rind and juice. Divide dough into 4 equal portions; wrap each in plastic wrap, and chill at least 2 hours or up to 6 hours. 3. Roll 1 dough portion to a 1/4-inch thickness on a lightly floured surface. Cut with a 3-inch heart-shaped cookie cutter, and place on lightly greased baking sheets. Repeat procedure with remaining dough portions. 4. Bake at 350째 for 8 to 9 minutes or until lightly browned on bottoms. Let cool on baking sheets 2 minutes; remove to wire racks, and cool 20 minutes or until completely cool. 5. Remove and reserve about 1/4 cup Icing. Tint remaining Icing with green food coloring. Spread green-tinted icing on tops of cookies. Tint reserved 1/4 cup Icing with orange food coloring, and spoon into a zip-top plastic bag. Snip 1 corner to make a small hole; pipe dots on cookies. Note: To make ahead, bake and cool cookies as directed. Do not frost. Place in airtight containers, and freeze up to 1 month. Thaw and frost as directed. Prep: 30 min., Chill: 2 hr., Bake: 9 min. per batch, Cool: 22 min.

February 2013 EVB Magazine

Prep Time: 35 minutes Cook Time: 25 minutes Total Time: 1 hour Ingredients: 1 pkg. 2 layer cake mix, any flavor 1 envelope Dream Whip dry whipped topping mix 1 cup cold water 4 eggs 2 cans prepared frosting, any flavor Chocolate chips or red hot candies

Preparation: In large bowl, combine cake mix, whipped topping mix, water, and eggs and beat until blended. Then beat for 4 minutes at medium speed, until batter increases in volume. Pour into greased cake pans, using 1 9� SQUARE pan and 1 9� ROUND cake pan. Cool in pan 10 minutes, then remove to wire racks to cool completely. Place square cake layer on serving tray, with one point facing toward you. Using some of the frosting, attach each half circle of cake to two adjacent sides of square cake, forming a heart. Finish frosting cake. Draw heart shapes on the frosting using chocolate chips or red hot candies or red icing. 12 servings


34 EVB Magazine October 2012

February 2013 EVB Magazine  35

Andy and Antonia (Toni) Murbach along with their five children (shown above) are ready to go with their dream of opening a children’s resale store in San Tan Valley, they will call it Frank N Stitch! Frank N Stitch will be accepting spring and summer items beginning February 17, 2013. FIRST and ONLY children’s resale store in San Tan Valley! Frank N Stitch will offer three services buy, sell, and consign. Signing and receiving the keys just recently, Toni and Andy will begin setting up Frank N Stitch. I was told Andy will begin the flooring and Toni will enjoy decorating the store. They are truly excited about their new family adventure. You can always keep up with Frank N Stitch by following them on Facebook. com/frankn.stitch.7 or their website www. franknstitchstore.com. Allow us to also mention that they have been running a successful home-based business called Jumper Rentals. They have been providing the valley with bounce houses, sumo suits, and water slides. They recently added a Boxing Ring and a Jousting Bounce Arena. Like always you can follow them on Facebook.com/pages/ Jumper-Rentals/483174418385493 or on their website www.jumperrentals.net. I think it’s safe to say they definitely know the industry!! Recently leaving her full time job, working for the state to create her dream, Toni is so excited to be opening Frank N Stitch in early March. With the support of her friends, family, and community Frank N Stitch looks to be a great hit in San Tan Valley. Toni also started the Facebook group QC & STV Children’s Clothes & Stuff facebook. com/groups/252618611514605, with over 300 members it’s definitely a great children’s Facebook group. We congratulate the Murbach family for moving forward and providing San Tan Valley and surrounding areas with a Children’s Resale Store. We wish you nothing but success!

36 EVB Magazine February 2013

Survived the Holidays Now what?

Do you have big plans for 2013? Maybe you want to start your own business, change careers, or nab a big promotion. Maybe you want to grow your business or learn a new skill. It’s easy to make big goals this year, but bringing your plan to fruition takes hard work.

you can chew. Maybe your dream is to start a business and make a million dollars. Focus on the first goal, start your own business. By keeping each goal within reach, you’re setting yourself up for success and before you know it, you’ll have gotten farther than you ever dreamed possible.

If you’re looking to set new professional goals in 2013, it’s important that you set yourself up for success. And that means setting the right kind of goals. Here are six tips for setting business goals that will stick this year:

3. Set specific goals

1. Drop the all-or-nothing New Year’s resolution Now that we’re past the very start of the year, let me say it: setting goals shouldn’t be limited to January 1. In fact, focusing on the all-or-nothing, once-a-year framework of the New Year’s resolution can be a recipe for failure. One study found that 80% of people who make New Year’s resolutions eventually break them, and 33% break them within January. And once a New Year’s resolution is broken, what then? Do you wait until next year? So put away the calendar: you can make important goals any time of the year. 2. Set attainable goals Being realistic is one of the most important lessons in goal setting. Yes, dreaming big is noble, but nothing can break your momentum more than trying to bite off more than

The more specific your goal, the greater your chance for success. Too often, people create vague resolutions like “I want to save money” or “I want to be healthier.” These type of goals are too nebulous and don’t provide you with any guidance on how to make it happen. Here’s an example. A vague goal might be “I want to get more customers this year.” A more effective goal gets down to the nitty gritty details… something like “I will do 5 cold calls each week.” The key is to put the focus on your own actions. You can’t necessarily control whether you land a new client, but you can control the steps you take to earn their business. 4. Set “bite-sized” goals Most important goals can’t be accomplished all at once. Here, success depends on breaking down a big goal into a series of smaller steps that let you track your progress. If you are serious about wanting to make things happen, then identify all the smaller steps involved and assign deadlines to these sub-goals. Keep your

momentum up with little rewards for completing each sub-goal and always remind yourself how each task fits into the larger picture of your overall goal. 5. Share your goals Studies have shown that making your goals public increases commitment and accountability – which are both critical to increasing the chances you’ll attain your goal. This doesn’t mean you need to share your goal with everyone you know on Facebook or Twitter. In fact, it might be more effective to find a goal partner or group where you can check in every so often for support and to discuss your progress and any challenges you’re facing. 6. Visualize your goals If you are unfamiliar with the term ‘visualization,’ it’s the process of creating visions (either through mental imagery, pictures, or vision boards) of what you want and how to make it happen. This technique is often used by athletes to improve performance by first imagining the process of achieving a certain feat, such as hitting a golf ball. If you want to put visualization to work for you, take a few slow, deep breaths and visualize your goal with as much detail as possible. The more clearly you can picture a goal, the closer and more tangible it will seem. While some people use vision boards or maps to visualize

their goals, I take a slightly different approach. Each year I write a letter to myself focusing on everything I want to accomplish. However, I write the letter as if it were already the end of the year and everything has been accomplished. By writing out this future reality, I help bring my goals to life. Then, at the end of the year, I send this letter to myself and see what I actually accomplished. In conclusion Achieving your goals isn’t necessarily a matter of willpower. Rather, it’s about creating the right kinds of goals…ones that are specific, possible, and put you in control of the final outcome. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t reach a goal right away. You may need to step back and think about how you can create even smaller subgoals to get you there. And remember, you created this goal because it’s important to you. Don’t let it slip away. Article provided by corpnet Thank you so much :)

February 2013 EVB Magazine  37

3 Main

38 EVB Magazine February 2013

Call Now Many Rings To Choose From!

Debbie's Creative Obsession 913-638-7720



February 2013 EVB Magazine  39

40 EVB Magazine February 2013

February 2013 EVB Magazine  41

Virtuous Skin is a studio of professionals specializing in the art of permanent make-up, body art, piercing and custom illustration/ painting/ airbrush art services. We know beauty is skin deep, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The body is your temple, so we are the specialist that will beautify your vessel... beautify your SKIN.


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Products * Services and so much more...

42 EVB Magazine February 2013

Wraps By Jess Want to look and feel younger? How about Tone, Tighten and Firm your body? Expect "ultimate" results with this amazing 45-minute body Applicator!

The Ultimate Body Applicator is a non-woven cloth wrap that has been infused with a powerful, botanically-based formula to deliver maximum tightening, toning, and firming results where applied to the skin. I know it sounds too good to be true, but It Works! Choose Your Target Area: Tummy/Body $25 Facial $25

Contact me to: - To schedule a party! - Find out how to get a free wrap - Schedule a wrap session!

Hollywood’s best kept secret! Featured in the Emmy’s swag suite!

For more information check out https://jesscummings.myitworks.com Email: skinnybyjess@gmail.com Phone: 623-980-6857

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