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Welcome Center
*Please note that returning students are welcome to make appointments for academic/educational counseling. Appointments: For further information about CSS or to schedule an appointment with a counselor, please contact us: ● Email: counseling@everettcc.edu ● Phone: 425-388-9263 ● Office location: Parks Student Union, 3rd floor ● CSS webpage: EverettCC.edu/CSS CSScounselors: CSS counselors are experienced professionals who provide short-term holistic counseling to support student success. They are Washington State Licensed Mental Health Counselors and many also teach Human Development courses on a broad range of topics including Career and Life Planning, Stress Management, and Human Relations in the Workplace. Counselingsessions:Counseling sessions are generally 50 minutes long. Sessions are confidential unless students give consent for information to be sharedorin emergency circumstances as outlined in RCW 18.19.180, Washington State’s legislation governing confidential communications.
Counselingthemes: Students frequently address topics such as these in counseling sessions:
● Educationalcounseling: setting educational goals; improving college success skills; choosing a program of study; overcoming barriers that have led to low grades or academic probation etc. ● Careercounseling: exploring career interests and options; engaging in career research, assessment, * and/or decision making; connecting career interests and goals to relevant coursework etc. *There is a small fee for some career assessments.
Others are available free of charge.
● Personal&mentalhealth
counseling:addressing interpersonal relationships; anxiety; family issues; depression; loss and grief; identity; financial/food/housing insecurity; culture shock; isolation; substance use; suicidal ideation; health concerns; trauma; many other themes impacting daily life and/or success in school. ● Urgentconcerns:short-term interventions for students experiencing acute distress and/or immediate barriers to well-being and academic success. ● Academicadvising:advising for undecided students and students planning to major in Human Services; assistance with educational planning, general transfer advising, and informal transcript evaluation.
Counselors assist students with referrals to relevant campus and community resources.
Consultation&Outreach:Counselors offer consultation and psychoeducational training to faculty and staff. They participate on campus committees and sponsor/contribute to campus programming about current educational, cultural, and wellness issues.
The campus Welcome Center is located on the main floor of the Parks Student Union. Staffed by Student Ambassadors, the Center provides general information on how to navigate the campus, helps to connect students and visitors with appropriate campus departments. The Center also provides student ID cards, as well as computers for registration and other student needs. Have a question? Stop by or email us at welcomecenter@everettcc.edu.