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MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics 5

(Q,NS) Introductory course. Analysis of statistical studies, descriptive methods, probability, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, correlation. For students in any major. Prerequisites: Completion of MATH 086 or HSC 086 or TS 086 or MATH 092 or MATH 096 or MATH 098 or MATH 099 (or equivalent) with a grade of C (2.0) or higher; OR placement into MATH& 146 or higher, OR permission of a math instructor.

MATH& 148 Business Calculus 5

(Q,NS) One-quarter short course in calculus. Limits and continuity, differentiation and applications, exponential and logarithmic functions, integration and applications, functions of several variables. For students in business, biological sciences, social sciences, or disciplines requiring only one introductory quarter of calculus. Students who need more than one quarter should enroll in MATH& 151. Prerequisites: MATH 138 or MATH& 141 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher OR placement in MATH& 148 or higher via an assessment OR permission of a math instructor.

MATH& 151 Calculus I 5

(Q,NS) First course in calculus sequence. Limits, continuity, differentiation and antidifferentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions with applications. For majors in engineering, science, mathematics and others requiring more than one quarter of calculus. Prerequisites: MATH& 142 or MATH& 144 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher OR placement in MATH& 151 or higher via an assessment OR permission of a math instructor.

MATH& 152 Calculus II 5

(Q,NS) Second course in calculus sequence. Integration of algebraic and transcendental functions and applications of definite integration, including areas, volumes, work, hydrostatic force and centers of mass; polar coordinate calculus and parametric equations. Numerical techniques and improper integrals. For majors in engineering, science, mathematics and others requiring more than one quarter of calculus. Prerequisites: MATH& 151 or equivalent with a grade of C (2.0) or higher OR permission of a math instructor.

MATH& 163 Calculus 3 5

(Q,NS) Third course in calculus sequence. Infinite numerical series, power series and Taylor polynomials; vectors in two and three dimensions; lines and planes; partial differentiation with applications; double integrals in rectangular and polar coordinates with applications. For majors in engineering, science, mathematics and others requiring more than two quarters of calculus. Prerequisites: MATH& 152 or equivalent with a grade of C (2.0) or higher OR permission of a math instructor.

MATH 199 Mathematics Special Project 1 - 5

Independent study projects on selected topics in mathematics. Credit to be arranged with supervising instructor. Prerequisites: Instructor permission

MATH 246 Statistical Methods in Engineering and Science 5

(Q,NS) Calculus-based probability and statistics. Probability models, conditional probability, sample spaces, independence, random variables, discrete and continuous probability distribution functions; Descriptive statistics; Statistical inference, including 1- and 2-sample hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for means and proportions, paired t test and sample size calculations; Point Estimation; Analysis of variance; Comparative experiments, tests, correlation and regression. Engineering applications are emphasized. Prerequisites: Math& 152 or equivalent with a grade of C (2.0) or higher OR permission of a math instructor.

MATH 260 Linear Algebra 5

(Q,NS) Theory and applications of matrices, matrix operations, linear systems, determinants, Euclidean vector spaces and subspaces, linear transformations and changes of bases, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. A Prerequisites: MATH& 153 or MATH& 163 or equivalent with a grade of C (2.0) or higher; OR permission of a math instructor.

MATH 261 Differential Equations 5

(Q,NS) Introductory course in ordinary differential equations. Existence and uniqueness theorems, methods of solutions of first order linear and non-linear equations, basic theory and solutions of higher order linear equations, series solutions, systems of equations, Laplace transformations and techniques; applications. Prerequisites: MATH& 163 or MATH& 254 or equivalent with a grade of C (2.0) or higher OR permission of a math instructor.

MATH& 264 Calculus 4 4

(Q,NS) Fourth course in calculus sequence. Triple integrals in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates with applications, calculus of vector valued functions and space curves, analysis of motion in space, directional derivatives, gradients and applications, line and surface integrals with applications, Green’s theorem, Stokes’ theorem and the Divergence theorem. For majors in engineering, science, mathematics and others requiring more than three quarters of calculus. Prerequisites: MATH& 163 or equivalent with a grade of C (2.0) or higher OR permission of a math instructor.

The Advanced Manufacturing Technology – Mechatronics Program is part of a cluster of programs. Five Associate in Technical Arts degrees and nine certificates in Advanced Manufacturing Technology are offered, and may be pursued on a full-time or part-time basis at Everett Community College (EvCC). In addition to the Student Core Learning Outcomes, the Program Specific Outcomes include: • Understand and explain the principal operations of the mechatronics subsystems in a complex system. • Understand how these subsystems work together. • Recognize potential or impending malfunctions, and contact expert assistance in order to keep the production line functioning, and to prevent production loss. • Perform routine, preventative maintenance; localize and identify causes and sources of malfunctions where possible. • Read and understand the technical documents, reports and outlines specific to systems and subsystems; be able to consult with experts; and be able to document malfunctions. • Work effectively as a team member and coordinate the activities with upstream and downstream operations.

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