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Emergency Services (EMT
EDUC 251 Education in Action 1-4
(TE) Cooperative work experience in a field-based setting for education majors (see EDUC 256). Allows students to earn college credit for work experience in public school classrooms. Practical observation and work under supervision of a teacher. Students will have the opportunity to explore the teaching profession, and experience a wide variety of hands-on experiences during their placement, including observation, tutoring, facilitating learning groups and teaching lessons. If possible, students should begin their observation before the beginning of the quarter. Corequisites: EDUC 256 Prerequisites: EDUC& 202 or concurrent enrollment in EDUC& 202 or instructor permission.
EDUC 252 Education in Action 1-4
(TE) Cooperative work experience in a field-based setting for education majors (see EDUC 256). Allows students to earn college credit for work experience in public school classrooms. Practical observation and work under supervision of a teacher. Students will have the opportunity to explore the teaching profession, and experience a wide variety of hands-on experiences during their placement, including observation, tutoring, facilitating learning groups and teaching lessons. If possible, students should begin their observation before the beginning of the quarter. Corequisites: EDUC 256 Prerequisites: EDUC& 202 or concurrent enrollment in EDUC& 202 or instructor permission.
EDUC 256 Education in Action Seminar 2
(TE) Seminar to support field work in local schools (see EDUC 250, EDUC 251, EDUC 252). Student will discuss their field experiences, and participate in micro-teaching in order to apply ideas from EDUC& 202, EDUC 250, EDUC 251 and EDUC 252. May be repeated two times for credit. Corequisites: EDUC 250, EDUC 251 or EDUC 252. Prerequisites: Instructor permission or completion of EDUC& 202 or concurrent enrollment in EDUC& 202.
EDUC 270 Education Portfolio 2
Course designed to introduce education students to the electronic teaching portfolio, and assist them to document their pre-service teaching activities and fulfill professional expectations of many colleges and universities. Prerequisites: EDUC& 202 or ECE 130 or instructor permission.
EDUC& 115D Child Development 5
(SS) Build foundation for explaining how children develop in all domains, conception through early adolescence. Explore various developmental theories, methods for documenting growth, and impact of brain development. Topics addressed: stress, trauma, culture, race, gender identity, socioeconomic status, family status, language, and health issues. This course has laboratory requirements.
EDUC& 130 Guiding Behavior 3
Examine the principles and theories promoting social competence in young children and creating safe learning environments. Develop skills promoting effective interactions, providing positive individual guidance, and enhancing group experiences. This course has laboratory requirements. Prerequisites: EDUC& 115D and ECED& 120; and either ECED& 105 or EDUC& 202
EDUC& 150D Child, Family and Community 3
(D) Integrate the family and community contexts in which a child develops. Explore cultures and demographics of families in society community resources, strategies for involving families in the education of their child, and tools for effective communications. This course has laboratory requirements. Prerequisites: EDUC& 115D and either ECED& 105 or EDUC& 202.
EDUC& 202 Introduction to Education 5
(SS) Survey of historical, sociological, political and philosophical aspects of American public education. Includes investigation of the human experience of being a teacher, contemporary problems in education, classroom observations, and the application of educational frameworks to issues of teaching and learning.
EDUC& 203 Exceptional Child 3
(TE) Explore the basic areas of need that result in qualifying for special education services for birth-8th grade students. Coverage of legislation that mandates an inclusive model for exceptional learners. Prerequisites: EDUC& 115D and ECED& 120; and either ECED& 105 or EDUC& 202
See also Fire Science This course provides fundamental training required to perform as emergency service medical personnel and to become certified as an EMT. This skills-oriented course involves extensive hands-on training in the evaluation and treatment of the sick and injured. In addition to the Student Core Learning Outcomes, the Program Specific Outcomes include: • Patient assessment/management of a trauma patient • Patient assessment/management of a medical patient • Cardiac arrest management/AED • Bag-valve-mask ventilation of an apneic patient • Spinal immobilization • Long bone fracture immobilization • Joint dislocation immobilization • Traction splinting • Bleeding control/shock management • Upper airway adjuncts and suction, mouth-to-mouth ventilation with supplemental oxygen, and supplemental oxygen administration to a breathing patient • Students must also successfully complete the NREMT psychomotor examination
EMS 050 CBT: Competency Based Training for EMTs
Series of education courses on state-mandated topics following initial EMT certification to maintain and enhance skill and knowledge to meet educational requirements for recertification. CBT requires the successful completion of cognitive, affective and psychomotor evaluations following completion of each topic presentation to determine student competence of topic content. Prerequisites: Washington State re-certification requirements for EMTs.
EMS 151 Emergency Medical Technician Training 13
Designed to prepare participants in all phases of pre-hospital emergency care. Participants are eligible for the National Registry examination and the Washington State EMT-B examination upon successful completion of the course. Content includes lecture and hands-on practice in emergency care, bleeding and shock, soft tissue injuries, environmental emergencies, lifting and moving patients, HIV/AIDS education, emergency childbirth, and other topics. Prerequisites: Eligibility for ENGL 097 or higher and MATH 079 or higher, approved program application (including passing an EMS pre-test with a score of 80% or higher), and instructor permission.