3 minute read
EMS 152 Advanced Cardiac Life Support 1
Enhanced skills for Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) providers, in treating victims of cardiac arrest or other cardiopulmonary emergencies. Knowledge and skills for treating patients in special resuscitation emergencies and conditions, and to apply for American Heart Associate ACLS certification. Advanced preparation for the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) patients. Resuscitation airway products and skills. Recognition of cardiac arrhythmias in clinical practice, with emphasis on electrocardiogram (ECG) and drug treatment knowledge. Prerequisites: Instructor permission.
EMS 153 Pediatric Advanced Life Support 1
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) skills for healthcare providers who respond to emergencies in infants and children. Successful course completion satisfies the requirements for a PALS course completion card. Prerequisites: Instructor permission.
EMS 154 National Registry Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT) Refresher Course 3
A refresher course that provides a review of basic emergency medical care based on the identified topics outlined by the DOT (Department of Transportation) and NREMT (National Registry Emergency Medical Technician). Prerequisites: Instructor permission.
Engineering courses provide preparation for Engineering transfer and Engineering Technology transfer programs or related disciplines. In addition to the Student Core Learning Outcomes, the Program Specific Outcomes include: • Demonstrate analytical problem solving skills. • Apply scientific processes. • Collaborate effectively. • Communication technical information. • Apply engineering design processes.
Faculty Advisors: M. Boeckl 425-388-9966 mboeckl@everettcc.edu G. Crowther 425-388-9480 gcrowther@everettcc.edu E. El Radie 425-259-8259 eelradie@everettcc.edu M. Fuentes 425-388-9067 mfuentes@everettcc.edu T. Fuller tfuller@everettcc.edu J. Graber 425-388-9248 jgraber@everettcc.edu C. Killingstad 425-388-9475 ckillingstad@everettcc.edu L. Mazzawi 425-259-8767 lmazzawi@everettcc.edu H. Nguyen 425-388-9190 hnguyen@everettcc.edu R. Prabhakar 425-388-9523 rprabhakar@everettcc.edu S. Singh 425-388-9373 ssingh@everettcc.edu I. Steele 425-388-9316 isteele@everettcc.edu M. Story 425-388-9590 mstory@everettcc.edu J. Trujillo 425-388-9977 jtrujillo@everettcc.edu A. Venkatachalam 425-388-9246 avenkatachalam@everettcc.edu
ENGR 111 Introduction to Engineering I: Modeling and Analysis 5
(NS) A project based introduction to engineering analysis, problem solving, and mathematical modeling. Working in teams, students will complete a series of hands-on projects designed to emphasize a systematic, analytical problem solving approach and explore the engineering disciplines at a technical level. Topics include introductory engineering concepts; engineering for sustainability; teamwork skills; the application of mathematics, physics, and chemistry in engineering; unit systems; and an introduction to spreadsheet applications. Prerequisites: Eligibility for ENGL& 101 AND eligibility for MATH 096; or instructor permission.
ENGR& 114 Engineering Graphics 4
(NS) Methods of depicting three-dimensional objects and communicating design information. Emphasis on using parametric solid modeling software as a design tool. Freehand sketching is used to develop visualization skills and as an instrument for design conceptualization and communication. Prerequisites: Eligibility for MATH& 107 or higher; OR ENG T 100, OR instructor permission.
ENGR 121 Introduction to Engineering 2: Computing and Design 5
(TE) Second course in the Introduction to Engineering sequence. Explores the role of creativity, teamwork, and communication in promoting innovative design. Includes an introduction to computing, microcontroller programming and basic parameter optimization. Students develop knowledge and skills in all areas through a series of hands-on design projects. Prerequisites: MATH& 142 and ENGR 111; or MATH& 152, or instructor permission.
ENGR 201 Fundamentals of Materials Science 5
(NS) Atomic, molecular, and crystalline structures of the materials and the relation to electrical, mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties. Introduction to materials processing and fabrication techniques. Prerequisites: CHEM& 161, AND PHYS& 241 or concurrent enrollment; OR instructor permission.
ENGR 202 Design of Logic Circuits 6
(TE) Introduction to the basic components of logic circuits. Design and analysis of combinational and sequential logic circuits using relevant theorems, mathematical models, and hardware description language. Includes exposure to modern methods and design tools. Prerequisites: MATH& 151 AND one of the following: CS& 131 or concurrent enrollment, CS& 141 or concurrent enrollment; OR instructor permission
ENGR& 204 Electric Circuits 5
(TE) Introduction to basic circuit and systems concepts. Development of mathematical models of components including resistors, sources, capacitors, inductors, operational amplifiers and transistors. Solution of first and second order linear differential equations associated with basic circuit forms. Steady state sinusoidal excitation and phasors. Prerequisites: ENGR 121, AND PHYS& 243 or concurrent enrollment; OR instructor permission.
ENGR 205 Electric Circuits Lab 1.5
(NS-L) Laboratory applications of electrical circuits principles and instrumentation. Measurement of transient and steady-state responses of electrical circuits. Prerequisites: ENGR 204 or concurrent enrollment; or instructor permission.
ENGR& 214 Statics 5
(NS) Fundamentals of engineering statics using vector notation in problem solving. Scientific calculator required. Prerequisites: ENGR 121 or concurrent enrollment AND PHYS& 241 or concurrent enrollment AND ENGL 101 or concurrent enrollment; OR instructor permission.
ENGR& 215 Dynamics 5
(NS) Kinematics and dynamics of particles; systems of particles; and rigid bodies including energy and momentum methods. Prerequisites: MATH& 152 AND ENGR& 214, both with a grade of C or higher, or instructor permission