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College Academy (ORCA). Other Learning Communities are organized around a specific interest, such as nonviolence, the stress of social problems, or cultural awareness. Still other Learning Communities link a skill-focused course (e.g., English Composition) with a content-focused class (e.g., Geology). Some advantages of taking a Learning Community are: ● Since more than one course is shared with the same classmates, the result is a friendly, supportive learning environment in which friendships are easily made. ● Learning Communities increase opportunities to learn more effectively. Assignments are coordinated between the courses, which helps students to manage their time and earn better grades. ● Instructors often focus on a central theme or question. This helps make class discussions and assignments more interesting and stimulating. ● Students learn how to build connections between ideas and disciplines. This not only supports the linked courses, but benefits future study, work, and life situations also.
● Options to learn about and gain skills for the work world are offered through the Service Learning component of some learning communities.
Learning Communities are linked classes, and students seeking to drop one class and not the other must receive written instructor permission to remain in the class. For descriptions of Learning Communities offered each quarter, see the college’s online class schedule.
The Enrollment Services office provides primary entry services to prospective students. Enrollment Services coordinates admission, assessment/testing, and the registration processes. You can also discover more about Everett Community College on our website at EverettCC.edu. Email inquiries may be sent to admissions@everettcc.edu.
To attend Everett Community College through regular admission and registration, a student must be a high school graduate, have earned a GED, or be at least 18 years of age by the first day of the intended start quarter. Special admission requirements for students still in high school or under the age of 18 are described below.
Persons who wish to attend EvCC while still in high school may be considered for enrollment through Running Start, CTE Dual Credit, College in the High School, and Special Admission for Underage Students. See those sections on the next page for more information about those options. All options require some advance planning and application. Students age 16 and over who meet the provisions of “Title III- Adult Education Program” may enroll in certain adult basic education classes for the purposes of improving basic skills or completing their high school diploma or GED or participating in English Language Acquisition classes. Note: There are special admission requirements for international students. Please refer to International Student Admissions for more information.
Note: Some college programs may require a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent for admission.
To gain admission and continue enrollment, a student must be competent to benefit from the curricular offerings of the college as described by the EvCC’s Satisfactory Progress, Low Scholarship and Academic Probation policies, and by demonstrating conduct that in not disruptive to the
learning environment but is consistent with the purpose of the institution.
The Get Started checklist is available on EvCC’s website at EverettCC.edu/GetStarted, and in handout form to assist students in navigating college processes.
Find the right one for you! EverettCC.edu/Pathways
Your acceptance email or letter will include your ctcLink Student ID number. EverettCC.edu/Admissions
Learn about your funding options. EverettCC.edu/WaysToPay
New students must complete orientation before registering for classes. EverettCC.edu/Orientation
Most students need math and English placement before registering for classes. Visit Everettcc.edu/placement for a list of placement options.
6.CompleteEntryAdvising&Selecta Pathway
Students are required to complete entry advising before selecting first quarter classes. See hours and contact information: EverettCC.edu/Advising
Register and pay in person or online through ctcLink. See payment deadlines at EverettCC.edu/Deadlines
NewStudents:Applications for new students are accepted any time, though we recommend applying at least three months in advance of their intended starting quarter. This will ensure time to complete the “Get Started” steps and be ready to register at the start of open registration. For more information, visit EverettCC.edu/GetStarted. If it has been more than 4 quarters since a student has applied but never attended, the student will need to re-apply and complete a new application.
Students who maintain continuous enrollment do not need to re-apply for admission each term; instead, they receive current student registration access times to register for each upcoming term. Students who have been absent more than four quarters and wish to return need to complete a new application and may register during Open Registration. Please see our Important Dates and Deadlines calendar.
Returning students can find out more information online at EverettCC.edu/Returning.
AdmissionProceduresforSelective Programs
Admission to the EvCC does not guarantee admission to a particular program or course. Students should consult the program’s website or curriculum guide for specific admission requirements for major fields or programs of study. Curriculum guides are available at EverettCC.edu/CGuides.
AdmissionProceduresforTransfer Students
New transfer students should follow and complete the Get Started at EverettCC.edu/GetStarted. Students should request official transcripts from other colleges attended to be mailed to the Enrollment Services office at Everett Community College. It is your responsibility to contact other institutions and request that transcripts be forwarded to the Enrollment Services office. It is also a good idea to request an additional unofficial copy for your personal records. Your transcripts are used for advising purposes. If you have college credits that you would like applied toward your EvCC degree
program, we will evaluate your transcripts upon your written request. A Transfer Credit Evaluation Request form is available at EverettCC.edu/StudentForms. See also the section below on Transfer Credit Policies.
EvCC does not count previous grades or credits taken at other institutions in determining registration priority. Admissible students are sent information about placement, orientation, advising, and registration. See below.
New students who wish to register more than seven credits or who are planning to enroll in classes with Math and/or English prerequisites, must obtain English and Math placement prior to registering for classes. Placement requirements assist students and advisors in selecting the right courses for student success. Please visit the placement page for additional information at Everettcc.edu/Enrollment/Placement.
At all Washington community and technical colleges, system policy states that, a student who qualifies for entry into a Math or English class, either through course completion or local skills assessment, will be considered to have equivalent placements in those disciplines at every community and technical college in the state even if the course titles may not be exact equivalents. Placement reciprocity is embedded in the placement process here at EvCC.
As part of the entry and registration process, orientation and advising are available to newly admitted students. Orientation is mandatory for all new students and some students who have participated in off-campus college-level courses while still in high school. Students may complete orientation online at their own pace. Entry Advising is mandatory for all new students. Advisors aid students in planning their class schedules, selecting a pathway, and identifying goals and success strategies. Degree-seeking students are recommended to meet with their faculty advisor. Visit EverettCC.edu/Advising for information about entry advising and for a list of majors and programs that are exempt from the entry advising requirement.
New degree-seeking students are required to take the college success course. Students may choose between Coll 101 College Success or STEM 101 College success in STEM. During entry advising, students will be advised into the appropriate college success course for their goals.
Everett Community College welcomes qualified international students. The International Admissions Team will answer questions about the application process and provide services during enrollment. Applications are accepted for all quarters. To apply as an International Student, email the following to intadm@everettcc.edu: 1. Submit an International Student Application(available at EverettCC.edu/International). Aviation, Avionics, Cosmetology and Welding majors have additional admission requirements. 2. Submit official transcript(s) of courses and grades from secondary school (high school) and from college or university, if attended. Students who have not graduated from high school will generally attend the High School Completion program. 3. Submit a current (within the last six months) financial statement certifying the ability to pay for the costs of education and accommodation in the United States for at least one academic year (nine months). 4. Submit $40 non-refundable application fee. This may be paid via U.S. check, money order, or credit card.
5. Submit TOEFL or other English placement alternatives, if available. EvCC does not require prior placement, however, students
who have taken alternative English placement tests may be able to use their scores for class placement. The complete list of placement is available online at EverettCC.edu/International. 6. Submit a copy of the student' s passport photo page 7. If you are an international student currently attending college in the United States, you must also submit a Transfer In Verification Form (available at EverettCC.edu/International), a copy of the visa page of your passport, and a copy of all previously issued I-20s. EvCC is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant students. Inquiries should be addressed to: Everett Community College, International Education Office, 2000 Tower Street, Everett, WA 98201-1390, U.S.A. Send email to intadm@everettcc.edu. Our website has additional information for international students, including local information, homestay and student housing options, student activities, and more. Go to EverettCC.edu/International.
DualCreditProgramsandUnderage Admissions
EvCC has a variety of options for students currently in high school, or in some cases no longer in high school, to participate in college courses.
The Running Start program provides tuition-free, college-level courses for high school juniors and seniors to take at one of our EvCC campuses or online. Credits earned through EvCC may be used to meet both high school and college requirements. While attending college classes, services and activities, except financial aid and athletics, are available.
To qualify for Running Start, a student must: ● be under 21 years of age; ● be enrolled as a junior or senior in a Washington state public high school; ● have earned less than enough credits for a high school diploma as of the beginning of the year; and ● submit Running Start application online with qualifying placement documentation.
Interested students should contact their high school counselor to discuss the Running Start program. Information is also available at EverettCC.edu/RunningStart.
College in the High School (CHS) is a cooperative program between local school districts and the college. EvCC’s College in the High School program is accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, nacep.org. The CHS program allows high school students the opportunity to earn EvCC college credit while simultaneously earning their high school credit for approved advanced high school courses. The courses are taught by qualifying high school teachers who work closely with EvCC faculty mentors to ensure that the work that the students perform in the high school course is equivalent to the EvCC course. The courses are transferable to most universities and are often related to Advanced Placement offerings in the high school. Students pay a flat fee and receive college credit and grades upon successful registration with the college. Questions about
the College in the High School program may be directed to 425-267-0150, or go to EverettCC.edu/CHS.
High school students can earn college credit for successfully completing high school courses taught in their high school through EvCC’s CTE Dual Credit program. High school students register in select vocational and technical courses which meet performance standards and are eligible for college credit. Registration is completed through the SERS for CTE Dual Credit.