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Grading System
written, oral or skills tests, by the fiftieth (50th) day of the quarter, unless a brief extension is approved prior to that date by the Instructor.
In some cases, a student may be registered for a course that they decide to challenge instead. In that case, the student has paid regular tuition and fees for the course, which may be refunded only if the student withdraws by the published refund deadlines; the student must also withdraw in order to avoid earning a grade. The student must make a decision early in order to challenge a course. Please consult with the Enrollment Services office about the process. Dual registration in the course and completion of a challenge for the same course results in cancellation of the credit and grade for the challenge, and the transcript will reflect only the registered course and the grade for that course.
Activity courses or courses taken previously at regionally accredited institutions may not be challenged. Courses previously taken for audit at EvCC may not be challenged. An individual course may be challenged only once. Traditional letter grades (A through F) will be issued on completion of the examination. Plus or minus grades may be utilized at instructor discretion in accordance with college procedures. Students not taking the examination will be issued an F or a V at the instructor’s discretion.
Everett Community College uses a letter symbol grading system to assess academic achievement. For traditional grades (A through F) the grade point values are:
Grade Point Value Grade Point Value
A 4.0 C 2.0 A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0 C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
B- 2.7 F 0.0
C+ 2.3
Interpretation of Grade Symbols
A(4.0)HighDegreeofExcellenceof Achievement
In relation to the standards set for the class, the student has done an exceptionally high level of work.
In relation to the standards set for the class, the student has significantly exceeded the average.
In relation to the standards set for the class, the student accomplished an average level of work and met more than the minimum requirements.
D(1.0) LowStandardofAchievement
In relation to the standards set for the class, the student did not do average work and met only the minimum requirements. Grade of D-does not meet the requirements for a degree or certificate.
F(0.0) FailuretoCompleteMinimum Requirements
In relation to the standards set for the class, the student failed to achieve the minimum requirements.
The symbols + and - may be used with traditional letter grades A through D to differentiate levels of achievement within a grade range. The + is not used with the letter grade A or F.
The following non-traditional grades are also used when appropriate:
N Audit
S Satisfactory Y In-Progress U Unsatisfactory I Incomplete V InstructorWithdrawal
V1 AdministrativeWithdrawal
W Withdrawal
Non-traditional grades (N,Y,I,W,S,U,V and V1) have no grade point value and, except for the S grade, no credit is awarded. Courses in which these grades are received are excluded from the grade point average calculation by Everett Community College. Students receiving financial assistance should inquire at the Financial Aid office regarding the effect of receiving a non-traditional grade on eligibility for assistance.
Grades of I, S, U, V, W, and Y may be evaluated differently by other colleges and universities.
N Audit
Means class attendance and participation without evaluation. Courses taken on this basis carry no credit and do not count toward graduation, and cost the same as credit-bearing classes. Students can register for classes as an audit via online registration or with assistance from Enrollment Services. Once the quarter begins, written instructor permission is needed to change the class from grade eligible to audit. It is the student’s responsibility to check their student schedule in the event a class is registered as an unintended audit.
Y In-Progress
Indicates a course has not yet officially ended, and the student is still actively involved in finishing the required work. This grade is used in courses that have an official ending date scheduled after the end of the regular quarter. The course requirements must be completed within one year of the date the Y is given; otherwise, it will revert to an F grade. An instructor may specify a completion date earlier than one year in the course syllabus.
I Incomplete
Given when a student has satisfactorily completed most of the requirements for a course but, for an unavoidable reason, has been unable to complete a specific course requirement or take the final examination. The grade is given only if previous arrangements have been made with the instructor to complete the course requirements. A written copy of these arrangements will be placed in the appropriate division dean’s office. The course requirements must be completed within one year of the date the I grade is received. Incomplete grades not made up within one year will revert to an F grade on the student transcript, and no credit will be earned.
Indicates that registration in a course has been officially canceled by the student. It is granted to all students who officially drop a class on or before the published deadline. Failure on the part of the student to withdraw officially from a class by the published deadline may result in an F grade if the student has not completed the minimum course requirements. An excessive number of withdrawals may be cause for review of the student’s academic record.
R Repeat
The notation of “R” is made next to the grade of a course which has been repeated, if the student has submitted a course repeat card.
S Satisfactory
Indicates C or higher level of achievement in a course taken on an S/U basis. The S
grade has no grade point value and is not used in the calculation of grade point average, but credit is awarded for the course. Instructor’s permission is required to take a course on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.
U Unsatisfactory
Indicates less than C level of achievement in a course taken on an S/U basis. The U grade has no grade point value and is not used in the calculation of grade point average. No credit is awarded for courses in which a U grade is received.
V InstructorWithdrawal
Given at the option of the instructor at the end of the term when a student has stopped attending class and has failed to officially withdraw. This grade may not be given after a Y or an I has been given.
A grade of administrative withdrawal (V1) may be entered on the transcript when a student is withdrawn from class as the result of a policy or procedural infraction committed by the student.
D LowStandardofAchievement
This grade is no longer used as of January 2014.
E Fail
Failure to complete minimum standards. This grade is no longer being given as of June 2012.
Final grades are available shortly after the end of each quarter. Students may see their grades by viewing their Unofficial Transcript online. For information on how to access an Unofficial Transcript, please visit Everettcc.edu/transcripts.
The deadline for requesting and submitting a grade change is the end of the quarter following the quarter in which the grade was given. In the case of a conversion of an I or a Y to a final grade given by the instructor, the deadline to request a change to the final grade is the end of the quarter following the quarter in which that final grade was given. In the case of Spring class grades, the deadline is the end of the following Fall quarter. In most circumstances, the student should direct their initial concern about a grade to the instructor. Questions also may be directed to the dean for the instructor’s division.
Students who have evidence of unfair treatment relating to their final grade may be said to have an academic grievance. Refer to WAC 132E-120-360 Academic Grievance Procedure in the Everett Community College Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for the procedure to resolve the grievance.
A grade point average (GPA) is a measure of the student’s overall academic performance. It is based upon those courses in which the student has received letter grades A through F. Non-traditional grades are excluded from GPA calculations. Everett Community College computes three separate student GPAs. 1. The quarterly grade point average is calculated by dividing the total quarterly number of grade points earned at EvCC by the total quarterly credit hours earned at EvCC. The quarterly GPA does not include credits transferred in from other institutions or EvCC credits earned during other quarters. The quarterly GPA is reported on the student’s transcript each quarter. 2. The cumulative grade point average is calculated by dividing the total cumulative number of grade points earned in all quarters at EvCC by the cumulative total credit hours earned in all quarters at EvCC. All credits earned at EvCC are included in this grade point computation, whether or not they apply to the student’s program of study. Credits transferred in from other institutions are not included in computation of this GPA. The cumulative