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Associate in Nursing
Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0,
Complete the prerequisites for the major with a grade of at least C, and Satisfy all requirements described earlier in graduation requirements for all certificates and degrees.
ENGL& 101 or 101D English Composition I 5 ENGL& 102 or 102D or English Composition II or 5 CMST& 220 Public Speaking 5
MATH 138 or Applied Algebra or 5 MATH& 141, 142, 144 Precalculus
MATH& 148 or Business Calculus or 5 MATH& &151 Calculus I
Fifteen credits from the AAS DTA Humanities distribution list. Maximum ten credits from any distribution area; no more than five credits in foreign language or performance arts. Humanities courses 15
Ten credits in economics; five credits other than economics from the AAS DTA Social Science distribution list. BUS &101 recommended.
ECON& 201 Micro Economics 5
ECON& 202 Macro Economics 5
Other Social Science course 5
5 credits in statistics; 5 credits each from the AAS DTA Natural Science distribution lists Part A and Part B. No more than 10 credits from any one discipline on the AAS DTA Natural Science distribution list.
*MATH& 146 Intro to Statistics 5 Part A (lab course)
Part A or Part B 5
ACCT& 201 Principles of Accounting I 5 ACCT& 202 Principles of Accounting II 5 ACCT& 203 Principles of Accounting III 5 BUS& 201 Business Law 5
Choose from courses numbered 100 or above.
Elective course 5
Students interested in attending one of Washington’s universities to complete an RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing completion degree may consider completing the Associate in Nursing –Direct Transfer Agreement/Major-Related Program (DTA/MRP) degree. This degree includes general education requirements and prepares a student for licensure as a registered nurse through Washington state. To complete this degree, students must:
● Successfully complete a minimum of 135 applicable quarter hours as listed in the Associate in Nursing
DTA/MRP Curriculum Guide,
● Take courses consistent with the statewide agreement posted on the
Washington Student Achievement
Council website: https://www.wsac.wa.gov/sites/def ault/files/2016.06.15.NursingDTAMRP. pdf
● Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0,
● Complete the prerequisites for the major with a grade of at least C, and
● Satisfy all requirements described earlier in graduation requirements for all certificates and degrees.
Students completing this degree should note that certain universities and colleges may have additional requirements for admission to the institution that are not prerequisites specifically identified in the DTA requirements. Some schools may also have higher minimum GPA requirements or require a specific minimum GPA in specific courses or sets of courses. Students should contact their intended transfer institution early in order to learn about any unique requirements.
ENGL& 101 or 101D English Composition I 5 ENGL& 102 or 102D or English Composition II or 5 ANTH& 260D Cultural Anthropology 5
MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics 5
Fifteen credits. Courses listed are required. Final 5 credits are embedded in Nursing Core requirements below. PHIL& 101, 110, 115, 215 or 267 5
CMST& 210 Interpersonal Communications 5
15 credits. Courses below are required. Final 5 credits are embedded in Nursing Core requirements below. PSYC& 100 General Psychology 5 PSYC& 200 Lifespan Psychology 5
30 credits minimum. Courses below are required. Final 5 credits are embedded in Nursing Core requirements below. CHEM& 121 Introduction to Chemistry 5 BIOL& 211 Majors Cellular 5 BIOL& 231 Human Anatomy 5 BIOL& 232 Human Physiology 5 BIOL& 260 Microbiology 5
1NURS 110 Nursing Therapeutics I: Intro to Nursing & the Client 11 NURS 114/PHIL 114 Ethics & Policy in Healthcare I 2
NURSINGCORE CURRICULUM – QUARTER 2 NURS 120 Nursing Therapeutics II: Chronicity & Rehabilitation 8 NURS 125/PSYC 125 Psychosocial Issues in Healthcare I 2 NURS 126/NUTR 126 Nutrition in Healthcare I 2
NURSING CORE CURRICULUM – QUARTER 3 NURS 130 Nursing Therapeutics III: Acute Illness 12 NURS 136/NUTR 136 Nutrition in Healthcare II 1
NURSING CORE CURRICULUM – QUARTER 4 NURS 210 Nursing Therapeutics IV: Family Health & Reproduction 11 NURS 214/PHIL 214 Ethics & Policy in Healthcare II 1 NURS 216/NUTR 216 Nutrition in Healthcare III 1
NURSING CORE CURRICULUM – QUARTER 5 NURS 220 Nursing Therapeutics V: Multi-System Disorders 9 NURS 225/PSYC 225 Psychosocial Issues in Healthcare II 2 NURS 226/NUTR 226 Nutrition in Healthcare IV 1