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Associate in Business (DTA/MRP
• Chemistry • Earth Science • Geology
• Atmospheric Sciences • Engineering • Physics Students earning this degree will normally transfer with junior standing and about half of the lower division general education requirements of the baccalaureate colleges and universities. Remaining general education courses may be taken after transfer and prior to completion of a baccalaureate degree. This degree enables students to concentrate on fulfilling pre-major coursework in their intended field of study. Curriculum guides for each of these tracks are available from Enrollment Services. Please note that science sequences (ex PHYS& 114-116) should not be broken up between institutions.
In addition to the specific requirements for the AS-T degree, students must: ● Complete at least 90 applicable credits with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0., and ● Satisfy the requirements as described in graduation requirements for all certificates and degrees. It is essential to work with an advisor for the AS-T degree.
Completion of a College Success Course. Completion of a Diversity Course.
ENGL& 101 or 101D English Composition I 5
Fifteen credits selected from MATH& 151, 152, 163, 254, 146; including at least one of MATH& 153, 254, or 146. Quantitative Skills courses 15
Fifteen credits from both the AAS DTA Humanities and Social Science distribution lists.
Humanities and Social Science courses 15
Courses specific to selected discipline 43-55
Choose from courses numbered 100 or above. 0-12
Minimum 90 credits required
Students interested in attending one of Washington’s universities majoring in business administration, accounting, economics, management, and other areas related to business may consider completing the Associate in Business –Direct Transfer Agreement/Major-Related Program (DTA/MRP) degree. This degree follows a pattern very similar to that of the AAS – DTA, but specifies courses that meet prerequisites for business majors. To complete this degree, students must: Successfully complete a minimum of 90 applicable quarter hours as listed in the Associate in Business Curriculum Guide,
Take courses consistent with the statewide agreement posted on the SBCTC website:http://sbctc.edu/docs/education/tra nsfer/business-dta _ mrp_ agreement _ final.p df