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Developmental Education
CJ 224 Professional Communication Skills 5
Overview of effective communication processes for criminal justice professionals including verbal and non-verbal communication, interviewing and interrogation methods, courtroom demeanor. Prerequisites: CJ& 101 or permission of Criminal Justice Coordinator.
CJ 226 Criminal Justice Report Writing 5
Introduction to writing modern law enforcement reports. Includes techniques of writing in a clear, concise and accurate manner, the use of standard police forms, and the rules of disclosure. Prerequisites: CJ& 101 or permission or Criminal Justice Coordinator and completion of ENGL& 101 with a grade of C or higher.
CJ 232 Profiling Criminal Behavior 5
Provides students with a general understanding of the theory and purpose profiling criminal behavior. Not intended to teach students how to become “profilers,” but an introduction to the theory and practice of profiling. Critical discussions of the use of profiles in the criminal justice system. Prerequisites: CJ& 101 or permission of Criminal Justice Coordinator.
CJ 233 Police Through Mass Media 5
Examines public perception of criminal justice through film, television, and other forms of mass media. Both historical and current interpretations are studied to gain an appreciation of the symbolic interaction that occurs between the professional career field and popular culture. Prerequisites: CJ& 101 or permission of Criminal Justice Coordinator.
CJ 234 Family and Domestic Violence 5
Examines the relationship between criminal justice and social service systems that deal with family and domestic violence, and how the criminal justice and social service communities work to provide a multi-agency approach to this devastating issue. Prerequisites: CJ& 101 or permission of Criminal Justice Coordinator.
CJ 235 Criminalistics and Trace Evidence Lab 5
Laboratory-based curriculum applies scientific concepts unique to the specific forensic science requirements of the criminal justice system. Concepts include crime scene reconstruction, legal integrity of scientific evidence, and individualization of physical evidence. Prerequisites: CJ& 101 or permission of Criminal Justice Coordinator.
CJ 236 Capstone in Criminal Justice 5
Encapsulates the student learning as reflected in the development and delivery of a culminating project related to a contemporary issue in the criminal justice field. Prerequisites: Permission of Criminal Justice Coordinator.
CJ& 240 Introduction to Forensic Sciences 5
(TE) History of forensic science, overview of the forensic sciences including pathology, dentistry, anthropology, entomology, psychology/psychiatry, fingerprints, DNA, blood stains, questioned documents, accounting, ballistics, toxicology, explosives, and cybertechnology. Course will explore the use of forensic sciences in investigations, adjudications, convictions, and exonerations. Prerequisites: Completion of ENGL 98 with a grade of “C” or higher or eligibility for ENGL& 101.
CJ 241 Victimology 3
Examination of relationship between victims and various components of the criminal justice system. Topics include history of victim’s rights movement, assistance programs, patterns and trends, interaction with law enforcement, rights and remedies in the court system and advocacy. Special focus given to victims of specific offenses such as stalking, domestic violence, hate crimes and sex crimes involving adults and children. Prerequisites: Successful completion of ENGL& 101 with grade of C or higher.
CJ 242 Organized Crime 3
Focuses on theories and the evolution of traditional organized crime in America. Examines new and emerging organized crime groups and their relationship to domestic criminal enterprise. Prerequisites: Successful completion of ENGL& 101 with grade of C or higher.
CJ 243 Ethical Dilemmas in Criminal Justice 5
Exploration of legal, moral and social implications of ethical dilemmas in criminal justice, including police use of deadly force, police discretion, victimless crimes, surveillance, enforcement of unpopular laws, use of informants, plea bargaining, judicial discretion, capital punishment, cultural norms of sub-groups and dilemmas they present to criminal justice practitioners. Prerequisites: CJ& 101 or permission of Criminal Justice coordinator. Completion of ENGL 98 with a grade of C or higher or eligibility for ENGL& 101.
CJ 244 Current Issues in Policing 5
Issues related to the accountability of the police to the electorate through the political process. In addition to focusing on the governmental setting for police work, police policies and practices, and current political issues in municipal police agencies, this course considers contemporary issues of importance to line-level police officers and administrative personnel. May be repeated two times for credit. Prerequisites: CJ& 101 or permission of Criminal Justice Director.
CJ 250 Cooperative Work Experience 1-5
Supervised field experience a variety of criminal justice agencies. Students’ hourly commitment during the quarter will depend on the number of credits pursued and the specifications of each position and Special Project agreement between each supervising instructor and student. Prerequisites: CJ& 101 and instructor permission.
CJ 251 Cooperative Work Experience 1-5
Supervised field experience a variety of criminal justice agencies. Students’ hourly commitment during the quarter will depend on the number of credits pursued and the specifications of each position and Special Project agreement between each supervising instructor and student. Prerequisites: CJ& 101 and instructor permission.
CJ 252 Cooperative Work Experience 1-5
Supervised field experience a variety of criminal justice agencies. Students’ hourly commitment during the quarter will depend on the number of credits pursued and the specifications of each position and Special Project agreement between each supervising instructor and student. Prerequisites: CJ& 101 and instructor permission.
The College Developmental Education program is for students who need to improve study techniques and learning strategies, academic computer skills, reading speed, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical reading, writing and thinking skills. Courses are offered at two levels (pre-college and college) and provide individualized assistance for students who want to succeed in their college and career goals and need to become more academically competitive. In addition to the Student Core Learning Outcomes, the Program Specific Outcomes include: