5 minute read
• Developmental Education students will be able to move into college-level classes within 1-2 quarters to pursue their degrees and successfully complete their programs of study.
Faculty Advisors: K. Schwab 425-388-9052 kschwab@everettcc.edu
DEVED 84 Introduction to College Reading 3-5
Designed to improve students’ reading knowledge, skills and abilities in order to prepare for college courses that require reading. Emphasis on reading using metacognitive processes, preparing for and taking part in discussion groups, and building fluency and vocabulary. Equivalent to TS 84. Credit cannot be earned in both DEVED 84 and TS 84.
DEVED 094 Reading and Thinking for Academics I 3-5
This course is designed for students who desire improvement and basic skill building for success in college-level reading. Emphasis is on reading comprehension, vocabulary development and improved speed.
DEVED 095 Study Skills for College Survival 5
Focus on college success and basic study skills. Course is designed for the student who is returning to school or is seeking ways to survive in college. Identify learning styles, manage time, utilize student support services, read textbooks, take notes, take tests, and use library and Internet resources. May be repeated two times for credit.
DEVED 96 Computer Comfort 5
Designed for students who need basic computer confidence and skill building. Emphasis is on basic computer skills and learning strategies to help students succeed in college-level classes. No prior computer experience is necessary; recommended for students who are new to computers and hesitant about today’s technology as used in college classrooms. May be repeated two times for credit.
DEVED 99 Bridge Learning Modules 1-2
The Bridge Learning Modules will offer 1-2 credit modules in pre-college level reading, learning strategies, study skills support, and basic computer technology for academic success in college classes. It is designed for all students needing or desiring extra learning strategies, reading skills, and study skills support in their college courses. May be repeated two times for credit.
DEVED 100 Sharpening Your Study Skills 1-2
Focuses on skill sets that concentrate on textbook reading, memory techniques, test taking, note taking, and more effective study strategies for rigorous academic courses of study. Emphasizes practical methods to work successfully through difficult material in lectures and textbooks.
DEVED 101 Reading Academic Textbooks 2
Course is designed to improve critical reading, comprehension and recall as applied to college textbooks. Application and evaluation of a variety of strategic textbook reading, note-taking, and vocabulary building practices. Utilization of textbooks as instructional tools to increase comprehension and prepare for tests. Students should be concurrently enrolled in a content course at the 100 level or above with reading-intensive required course material. May be repeated two times for credit.
DEVED 103 Reading, Speed, Vocabulary Program (RSVP) 1-2
A diagnostic, computer-based reading class focusing on comprehension, vocabulary development, and reading speed. May be repeated two times for credit.
DEVED 104 Reading and Thinking for Academics II 3-5
Recommended for capable readers who want to advance their comprehension, vocabulary skills and speed as well as develop critical thinking skills and enhance their confidence in college reading assignments.
DEVED 105 Study Skills for College Success 5
Focus on study skills required to excel in college courses and four-year university classes. Course emphasizes strategies to comprehend college textbooks, materials, and lectures. Covers study strategies and techniques, and methods to manage time effectively, improve memory, reduce test anxiety and prepare for tests, improve note-taking, and use library and Internet resources. College-level reading score or completion of DEVED 104 with a grade of C or higher is strongly recommended. May be repeated one time for credit.
DEVED 144 Reading Fitness 4
Designed for college-level readers who want to challenge and enhance their reading comprehension skills, verbal and written vocabularies and communication skills, and critical thinking skills. A variety of textual material is presented for the widest possible transfer of skills to other college courses, the workplace, and in lifelong learning. This interactive course may include walking discussion groups outside the classroom. May be repeated one time for credit.
DEVED 182 Service Learning 1-2
Service Learning combines the opportunity of volunteerism with academic applications of social, economic, and political issues important to the local community. Provides for real-life application of skills and knowledge that extends learning beyond the classroom and into the community. May be repeated up to six credits. Prerequisites: Instructor permission.
Theatre courses emphasize the development of knowledge and skills in theatre appreciation, history, acting, and production. Advanced students may develop special projects in directing, play writing, and technical theatre to complete their degree program. Internships are also available for work performed in a professional environment. The majority of theatre courses satisfy the Humanities or Humanities – Performance graduation distribution requirement. These courses support the Student Core Learning Outcomes with particular emphasis on the following: engage and take responsibility as active learners, communicate effectively and think critically. In addition to the Student Core Learning Outcomes, the Program Specific Outcomes include: • Critically evaluate musical or theatrical performances, using terminology specific to the discipline. • Describe the historical, social, and aesthetic context of theatrical or musical works. • Demonstrate skills and technical proficiency in a selected area of performance (acting, vocal music or instrumental music). • Demonstrate performance skills through participation in student recitals or theatrical productions.
DRMA 100 Rehearsal, Production and Performance 2-5
(HP) Active participation in a theatrical production. Course registration follows the audition, interview and selection process. Students enroll in 2-5 credits depending upon the performance role commitment or technical crew responsibilities. May be repeated two times for credit. Prerequisites: Instructor permission following audition and casting.
DRMA& 101 Introduction to Theatre 5
(H) Introduction to significant forms and styles of theatre; nature of dramatic event; theatre as artistic expression; basic trends and movements in theatre; origins, organizations and nature of theatre productions; and functions of playwright, producer, director, actor, critic, audience, designer, and technicians of the art form.
DRMA 102 Beginning Acting 5
(HP) Techniques and terminology of various approaches to acting including the Stanislavski method. Includes introduction to definitive theater exercises, improvisation, character development, scene analysis, and culminates in rehearsed and performed scene work.