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High School Completion
HLTH 208 Healthcare Risk Management and Liability 5
Overview of the principles of malpractice and liability insurance, the conduct of malpractice litigation, and the settlement of malpractice claims. This course will provide students with information on accurate documentation in the medical record and an introduction to the emerging liabilities facing healthcare organizations. Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 98 or above.
HLTH 210 Principles of Pharmacology 4
Addresses the forms and classifications of medications, drug actions and uses, the effects of drugs on the body systems and possible side effects of medications. Important aspects of patient safety, pharmacodynamics and medication reactions are studied. Evaluates and addresses issues in educating patients, including age, gender, disease processes and psychosocial and cultural influences. Emphasis on the fifty most commonly prescribed drugs. Prerequisites: HLTH 100 with a grade of C or higher. ENGL& 101, BUS 130 or MATH 76 or any math course numbered 86 or higher.
HLTH 211 Medication Administration 4
Emphasizes the methods and procedures used for calculating, preparing and administering medications to patients across the lifespan. Addresses safety regulations and procedures as well as the legal and administrative responsibilities involved in prescribing, dispensing and administering medications. Instructor permission required to repeat this course, one time beyond initial enrollment. Corequisites: HLTH 212, HLTH 214 Prerequisites: Instructor permission.
HLTH 212 Principles of Phlebotomy 4
Psychomotor instruction in phlebotomy procedures and techniques for students with no prior experience in drawing blood. Covers documentation, various laboratory tests, quality control and safety rules regarding lab equipment and chemicals. Corequisites: HLTH 211, HLTH 214 Prerequisites: Instructor permission.
HLTH 213 Introduction to Electronic Medical Records 2
Effective management, documentation, and communication using electronic health information. Hands-on activities to navigate through the various applications found in a typical electronic medical record system. Upon completion, students will be able to use electronic health records as a tool before, during, and after a patient encounter. Prerequisites: ENGL& 101, BUS 130 or MATH 76 or TS 76 or higher, and HLTH 100 (C or higher)
HLTH 214 Clinical Skills - Ambulatory 5
Focus on medical assisting concepts of professionalism, therapeutic communication, patient care, equipment and diagnostic procedures utilized during examinations to assist the licensed medical provider. Clinical skills include vital signs, cardiopulmonary exams, vision and hearing screening exams, preventative healthcare coaching and maternal/pediatric care. Weekly simulated clinical scenarios will be utilized. Corequisites: HLTH 211, HLTH 212 Prerequisites: Instructor permission.
HLTH 220 Phlebotomy Technician Training 5
Preparation for national phlebotomy certification examinations. Designed for those with no prior knowledge of phlebotomy procedures. Includes advanced cardiovascular anatomy and physiology, therapeutic communication, healthcare professionalism, ethical considerations, phlebotomy techniques, quality assurance, and medical laboratory information. All procedures developed from the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute. Prerequisites: Instructor permission.
HLTH 221 Phlebotomy Practicum 4
Preparation for national Phlebotomy certification examinations. Practicum allows students to integrate phlebotomy skills, quality assurance, and relevant medical laboratory knowledge into the care of patients. Includes 120 hour unpaid clinical externship at area hospitals or clinics as arranged by instructor. Prerequisites: Instructor permission.
HLTH 251 Medical Assisting Clinical Practicum 6
Provides students a safe, supervised clinical work experience, in an outpatient ambulatory setting, in which to apply didactic theories. The externship experience provides students an opportunity to put into practice their administrative and clinical skills, to foster professional growth and self-confidence in the role of a medical assistant. Students are also provided an opportunity to discuss professional concerns, events, and activities that pertain to medical assisting. Weekly seminar topics will be chosen. 160 clinical hours. Instructor permission required to repeat course. Prerequisites: Instructor permission.
HLTH 290 Certified Medical Assisting Exam Review 2
Group workshop to assist new medical assisting graduates and professional medical assistance to prepare for the national exam given by the American Association of Medical Assistance for certification or recertification. Prerequisites: Eligibility to take or recertify for national certification by the AAMA.
Adult High School Completion Program Everett Community College offers a High School Completion Program for students wishing to finish their diploma requirements. Most students within our traditional High School Completion (HSC) program are 19 years of age and older. This program evaluates previous high school transcripts and works with the students to take the classes needed to fill in the subject gaps from high school. Our High School 21+ (HS21+) program is designed for students 21 years of age and older. Just as our HSC program does, EvCC will evaluate previous high school transcripts and work with the student to fill in the subject gaps. Within HS21+, in addition to taking classes to fulfil subject gaps, a student can also show competency for subject matter in a variety of ways. To get started, a student should request their official transcripts from their previous high school, submit them to Everett Community College, and attend a Transitional Studies Orientation. In addition to the Student Core Learning Outcomes, the Program Specific Outcomes include: • Students taking High School Completion classes will successfully complete their course requirements in order to complete their diploma. • Increased access to High School Completion advising for international students.
N. Benedetti 425-388-9377 nbenedetti@everettcc.edu T. Davies 425-388-9194 tdavies@everettcc.edu J. Nanfito 425-388-9108 jnanfito@everettcc.edu HSC 012 High School Arithmetic Review and Problem Solving 5
Review of basic concepts and applications of whole and decimal numbers in daily life. Emphasis is on building skills and problem solving. Prerequisites: Instructor permission
HSC 014 High School Mathematics for Life and the Workplace 5
Review of basic concepts in mathematics with applications in everyday life and the workplace. Prime factorization and operations on rational numbers, and applications using ratios, proportions, and percents are included. Not intended for ABE students. HSC 014 is competency based. It is possible for a student to earn fewer than 5 credits. Equivalent to MATH 70. Prerequisites: Ability to perform whole number arithmetic.