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Evelien Lambrechts 째 21-03-1991 Kardinaal Cardijnlaan 22 2275 Lille Belgium + 32 474 47 41 36 evelienlambrechts21@gmail.com


. Master of Science in Engineering Science: Architecture (option Urban Project) . 2012 -2015 KULeuven University of Leuven Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning (ASRO) master thesis: Urban design strategies of deviation. Towards a resilient Tietê valley, São Paulo | Waterchamber promoters: Bruno De Meulder, Yuri Gerrits, Eliana de Querioz Barbosa

Athens exchange (november 2014) Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) master thesis research (august-october 2013) in São Paulo, Brazil Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

. Bachelor of Science in Engineering Science: Architecture . 2009-2012 KULeuven University of Leuven Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning (ASRO)

. Secondary Education: Latin-Science . 2003-2009 Kardinaal Van Roey Instituut, Vorselaar

. Student Lectures, STUK, Leuven Het pad (Studio Lelijk Dorp) . 2014 The viaduct reframes (Studio Urban Project) . 2013

. Existenzweek, De Bottelarij Stella, Leuven . 2013 responsible coordinator for programme and vision (workshops, lectures, ...) web: 1213.existenz.be

. Skills: Autodesk Autocad, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Google Sketch-up, Mac OS X, Windows , MS Office, Lasercutting

. Language: Dutch (+++), French (++), English (+++), Portuguese (+)


URBAN DESIGN STRATEGIES OF DEVIATION. TOWARDS A RESILIENT TIETE VALLEY / WATERCHAMBER S達o Paulo . Masterthesis . Urban research and design p.7 CREMATORIUM LINKEROEVER Antwerp . Architectural design . p19 PONS Brussels . Public space . p.24 THE ARCHITECT HOUSE Leuven . Architectural design . p30 THE VIADUCT REFRAMES site Bodart / Leuven . Urban design . p34 CABANE . Architectural design . p41 WESTSTATION MOLENBEEK Brussels . Masterplan / Architectural design . p44 THE PATH Ieper . Urban design small scale . p55 impressions, activities, journeys of architecture . p60

link collective work: http://issuu.com/evelienlam/docs/masterpapersspii_-_designstrategies_6f125046257b60?e=11023148/12357736 link individual work: http://issuu.com/evelienlam/docs/waterchamber_urban_design_strategie

URBAN DESIGN STRATEGIES OF DEVIATION. TOWARDS A RESILIENT TIETE VALLEY WATERCHAMBER São Paulo . Masterthesis . Urban research and design 2013-2014, 10 weeks of fieldwork in São Paulo Aug-Oct 2013 (summa cum laude) fellow students for collective work : Michaël Stas, Matthias Vanhoutteghem, Benjamin Vanbrabant promoter: Bruno De Meulder co-promoter: Yuri Gerrits local-promotor: Eliana de Querioz Barbosa readers: Christiaan Nolf, Guido Geenen


The Tietê Valley


The unruly territory of the Tietê Valley in the vicinity of downtown São Paulo marks an EXCEPTION within the endless urban expansion of the city. From being a natural floodplain of the meandering Tietê River towards an industrial corridor shaped around a polluted canal, today this territory still holds the legacy of both, as it is currently in a CRITICAL STAGE OF TRANSFORMATION, erasing its structuring scars. For the past decade, generic real estate development has been relentlessly consuming large parts of the valley’s land, creating islands of isolated condominiums within a mishmash of warehouses, industrial leftovers and working class neighbourhoods. Only recently the current administration put the Valley forward as part of the city’s MOST IMPORTANT STRATEGIC REDEVELOPMENT AREA: Arco do Futuro. In the upcoming decade, the complex and fractured tissue of an industrial past will be transformed into a landscape of housing and offices, creating jobs and increasing São Paulo’s much needed housing stock near the city centre. However, São Paulo is facing other MAJOR CHALLENGES. Flash floods and bursting watercourses repeatedly restrain the city. Due to insufficient water management, the uncontrollable urban expansion, climate change and the negligence of the issues by politicians and inhabitants, these problems only escalate. And yet, the city’s administration has targeted one the most flood prone areas, the Tietê Valley, to transform into a densely populated area.

collective book: Urban design strategies of deviation. Towards a resilient Tietê Valley, São Paulo

stitching the valley, historical traces as public axes (chapter: Riverplain)



Riverplain 293

an impressive view on the Valley of Tietê, São Paulo. Nowadays the valley is the exception within the endless city of highrise. (Chapter: Tietê Valley)


The collective research consists out of six chapters and ACKNOWLEDGES THE TRUE IDENTITY OF THE TIETE’S DEPRIVED FLOODPLAIN. The first three chapters provide an analysis on the city’s water issues of the past and present, while casting a critical glance on the taken measures. After an atlas as an intermediate chapter which situates flooding and other geographical conditions within the area of research and the administrative and geographical borders of greater São Paulo, a fifth chapter depicts the past, present and future urban processes in the Valley itself, followed by an analysis of the area’s specific hydrography and water issues. The final chapter proposes a series of resilient design strategies, which have the ambition to create a framework for future phases of transformation whilst resolving current and future water issues. Four individual design projects further explore these strategies within qualitative development scenarios, each on different scales and well-considered sites in the Tietê Valley. Together they contribute to a LARGER VISION ON WATER MANAGEMENT in the Valley within the ongoing urbanization.

10 weeks of research in São Paulo, Brazil

IMPLUVIUM An exploration of the railway as redistributor of urban hydraulics. WATERCHAMBER Exploiting cavities in the fabric of Lapa de Baixo. SUTURE Etching the blueprint for a tissue in transformation [RE]TRACE Exploring the edge condition of a lost river mark.

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topography and watersheds of SĂŁo Paulo City (chapter: Atlas)

a view on the increasing floodings (chapter: Water issues)

map showing river floods (chapter: TietĂŞ Valley)

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appendix of the book: a general overview on the project of the Waterchamber. The book strongly focusses on the aspect of the chamber as a built entity, the chamber as a public space and the chamber as essential part of the solution for the current waterissues.

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Exploiting cavities in the fabric of Lapa de Baixo. As a part of the vision presented in the general work, this thesis focusses on the EDGES OF THE VALLEY, an area transforming due to the rise of uncontrolled real- estate. Those edges are the first ones whereas a new STRATEGY FOR DENSIFICATION must be implemented in order to control flash floods and minimise floodings inside the Valley. Therefore, CAVITIES are exploited by densifying and simultaneously preserving open spaces as DEPRESSION AREAS FOR STORMWATER AND PUBLIC SPACE. This is explored by the design of a Waterchamber within the fabric of Lapa de Baixo. This small scale neighbourhood is one of the oldest along the edge of the Valley and is currently facing problems due to its isolated location.

individual book: Urban design strategies of deviation. Towards a resilient Tietê Valley, São Paulo WATERCHAMBER

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‘Analysis of the important spine of the project -two neighbourhoods, two scales’ ‘Strategy - topview of the Waterchamber’ ‘Waterchamber - large scale storm water management’ (Chapter: Framing Lapa /Waterchamber) section: ‘Spaces along the axis’ : In order to integrate Lapa de Baixo within its surroundings and create accurate crossings for its strong borders, a continuation of the ‘spine of activity’ is proposed. Three spaces along this axis should become catalysts for activity. The waterchamber is the main project.



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this section provides an overview of a cascade: the heart of the Waterchamber is considered a succession of stages, guiding the water down after which it is stored, re-used, or guided towards the watershed (chapter: Waterchamber, exploiting cavities)


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the chamber (image by sketching and editing)

CREMATORIUM LINKEROEVER Antwerp 1st semester 2014 elective additional design type: architectural design mentors: Mauro Poponchini, Fatima Pombo (ref. Juliaan Lampens, House Van Wassenhove)

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The presented crematorium is situated at Linkeroever, at the border of the Schelde. The design aims to create a SPACE OF EXCEPTION where people can find ease and quitness. Therefore it creates spaces of composure by the use of straightforward architecture and drawing the attention on the natural elements as WATER, AIR AND LIGHT. The building is a U-form that nests itselfs into the riverbank and goes into relation with the tidal of the Schelde. Inside the U, two importatant volumes can be found: the formal building (the ceremonial space) and the informal part (catering and administration). By precisily placing the volumes inside the U-shape, a promenade was generated, leading a visitor to a view on the river. The whole of volumes is covered by a large shed leaving some openings for patios. The actual crematorium find its place on the watersurface, out in the openness of the river and is reached by a small path. The entire design is manufactured in concrete. White marble and wood are the contrasting materials, used in the ceromonial spaces.

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The crematorium guides the light by the use of concrete elements hanging from the shed. The design persues simplicty and considers nature (water, light, air) as the protagonist.

a view on the crematorium that nests itself inside the riverbank

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1 platform uitgang aula’s 2 pad naar crematorium 3 wachtruimte 4 bureau voor ontvangst 5 ceremoniële ruimte overhandiging urne 6 dieselgroep en koelventilatoren 7 technische ruimte 8 koeling 9 sanitair personeel 10 eetplaats technici 11 ovenruimte met geïntergreerde filterinstallatie 12 overdekt uitkijk platform 13 uitstrooipad 14 inkomhal catering 15 kleine ruimte koffietafel 16 grote ruimte koffietafel 17 opslagruimte 18 sanitair 19 cafetaria 20 uitgang richting strooiweide, columbarium, urneveld

Nivo 1

plan level 1 and section

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PONS Courthouse, Brussels 1st master 2nd semester 2013 type: public space urban analysis (collective) project elaboration (individual) mentors: Yuri Gerrits, Leo Van Broeck with: Laura Ysenbaardt, Olivier Van Calster exhibited at ASRO open studio exhibition 2013

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The megalomaniac courthouse of Brussels is a rare building in the capital’s urban tissue. This enormous building rises above the skyline and is situated at a crucial spot in the innercity, at the edge between the high and low Brussels. The contest , ‘Imagine The Future’, resulted in a range of design proposals which would transform the current under-used mastodont. Building on this competion, our assignment was to work with one of the proposals as a starting concept and rethink the spaces that define the interfaces of the building. We noticed that the surroundings of the courthouse make a downward spiral, starting from the Poelaert square towards the level of the Marollen. The main concept of the design is to CENTRALISE AND EMPHASISE THE PEARL of the courthouse, the ‘Salle des Pas Perdus’. We delink the monument from the thinner outer facade of the courthouse by taking away all the volume in between with an imaginable ‘PONSMACHINE’ that presses down

the inner volume, leaving an enormous OPEN SPACE FOR THE PUBLIC. This public space follows the same downward movement as its surroundings. It changes in atmosphere while walking down the spiral from a open towards an enclosed intime public space, at the level of the Marolles. The design of the public space exists of 3 big figures that each search for a certain relation with its surroundings.: ‘Het Bos’, ‘Het Peristilium’ and ‘Het theater’. ‘HET BOS’ is the public space presented by myself. It is situated east, along the side of the Wolstraat and a small green park/ forest. At the location of the park, a slice is taken out of the outer facade of the courthouse. This allows the small forest to expand inside the courthouse. The public space wringles itselves through the proposed trees and forms a ramp that creates space for all sorts of activities as basket, climbing, etc. These spaces of activity are horizontally ponsed inside the ramp.

section: ‘Het Bos’

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plan: ‘Het bos’ on the east and the Marollen on the west

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The ramp, as a part of the large spiral, ‘is made’ by a first ‘pons’ which is indicated by large concrete tiles. A second ‘pons’ is made in burgundy rubber en makes a soft surface for the spaces of activity: the basketball field, benches and the planting surfaces of the trees. The burgundy surfaces are embedded in the descending surfaces of concrete. By using these two types of material, there is a clear distinction between the function of spaces. Each burgundy surface is indicated by a implemented led-lighting indicating the ‘obstacles’ during evening time. Furthermore a detailed design was presented showing the used materials, as stainless steel for the draining and the handrails.

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detailing of 4 objects of the design, tree implantation in the concrete, basketball field, bench and climbing wall-box

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THE ARCHITECT HOUSE Leuven type: architectural desing 1st bachelor 2nd semester 2010 mentors: Tom Van Mieghem, Hans Verplancke exhibited at ASRO open studio exhibition 2010 publication in ASRO selection 2009-2010

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The objective of the design exercise was to generate a concept embedded in the urban context and to deal with an imposed programme in which living and working are combined. The proposed design is a house with an architecture office that expresses direct relations to the facing small square and the passing street. There is a DIVISION between dwelling and office, which both are strong entities A large wall hides the volumes and triggers curiosity. The office was interpreted as a large DIORAMA that takes the attention from the people passing by. The shape of the volume offers a green roof on top and leaves room for storage underneath. The house itself consists of 4 levels. The ‘parents floor’, the kitchen, the living room and ‘the kids floor’ on top. Each level has an outside space that acts as important extension of the inner space. The volume of the house attracts light by detaching itself from the adjacent volume and the large wall.

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the wall hides the volumes of the office and the house

the office and house are separated by an outside space /the terraces are linked to the inside space in the house

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THE VIADUCT REFRAMES site Bodart, Leuven 1st master 1st semester 2012 type: urban design mentors: Guido Geenen, Yuri Gerrits, JanVermeulen with: Laura Ysenbaardt, Olivier Van Calster presented at Student Lectures, STUK, Leuven (March 2013) exhibited at ASRO open studio exhibition 2013

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This urban project is situated at Stadspoort Bodart in Leuven. This area is dominated by the presence of a large viaduct, overflying the busy crossing. The large Bodartparking , the site of the Spit Leuven, a large supermarket and some odd housing characterises the surroundings, resulting in an UNDEFINED SPACE in the border of the city. At the time of the design a lot of speculation was going on whether the viaduct should be demolished or not and how the future of this area could look like. Therefore studio focussed on developing strategies and a spatial model for the transformation of this area. A little walk to the site marked the beginning of our design process. By looking at THE EXISTING and exploring unknown places, we noticed some patterns in the behavior of the people using the area around the viaduct. We saw how school kids were hiding under the viaduct during their lunch break or that nobody actually knows how beautiful the little forest behind parking Bodart is. We started to think BOTTOM-UP and used the existing as seeds in order to let them grow into four projects. Each intervention enlarges a potential and becomes a project that works with its environment. We can consider the viaduct as one of the most important

present potentials on the site as it can reframe the entire area. All of our strategic designs are therefore related to it; they are situated UNDER, NEXT TO OR ON TOP OF THE VIADUCT. The strength of this urban design is the fact that all of the projects can work individually as well as one big project in order to redevelop the entire area of Stadspoort Bodart. Each of the students worked on one of the four project. The following project is the one I have been working on. NEXT TO the viaduct: In this project we tried to keep into a count all the different typologies at the borders of the site. We used the current topography of the site to create 2 squares.The square situated at the Koning Boudewijnlaan is more dynamic with traffic, movement and several crossings. On this square you can drive, walk and bike underneath the building straight into the underground parking. The second square we consider the opposite of the first one. It acts as an island on it’s own as the borders of the square are very defined.A long low roof marks the border at the side of the SPIT, whereas at the side of the forest the square acts as a balcony. The concert hall acts as the connector of these 2 squares, it is the junction that holds everything together.

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next of the viaduct: the viaduct as a divider

next and on top of the viaduct: the viaduct as a connector

next to the viaduct: the square as an island of activity

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on top and next to the viaduct, the transferium with its 2 squares

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ramps, and platforms along the Dijle and a cafĂŠ with allotments underneath the viaduct

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CABANE 1st bachelor 1st semester (5 weeks) 2009 type: architectural design mentor: Liesbeth Storkebaum, Hans Verplancke

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The exercise existed in designing a small holiday house in an environment charactersid by trees. The lot is part of a grid of 15 by 15 meters on which other students had to propose their designs aswell. This design is a first step in how to deal with ‘stayin’ in specific space, how to deal with context, programme, scale and privacy. The proposed design is a destilled basic design of a small house that offers simple spaces with a strong relation between INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. The entire voume was placed on a plint leaving the house to float 0,5 m above groundlevel of the forest.

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WESTSTATION MOLENBEEK Brussels 3rd bachelor 1st semester 2011 type: urban design/ masterplan for +- 100 housing units and architectural elaboration and detailing of a part of the masterplan mentors: Goedele de Smet, Erik Van Daele, Han Vandevyvere fellow students: Tom Lanclus, Liese Van Aert, FrĂŠderique Vermeyen exhibited at ASRO open studio exhibition (June 2012)

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Sint-Jans-Molenbeek is a densely urbanised suburb of Brussels and a conglomerate of residential units amongst remnants of a past industry. The area is known for its HIGH POPULATION DENSITY and has A LACK OF PUBLIC SPACES, resulting in a very poor living quality. Near the metrostation of Molenbeek West, a triangularly shaped site is located on the verge between new and old Molenbeek. The site is surrounded with remnants of extinct industrial buildings, the Ninoofsesteenweg and the station at the head which makes a busy traffic junction. The design exercise existed in developing a masterplan at the site for +/- 100 housing units and a further elaboration and detailing of a part of the masterplan. masterplan The presence of the Ninoofsesteenweg asks for a BUFFER volume that screens of the site from the fuss of this busy road. By breaking this volume, a flow of pedestrians can be achieved on the site. The further scattering of volumes allows the emergence of various public spaces with each their own characteritics, atmospheres and mutual relations. By working with seperate volumes and not following the enclosed building block typology, the design empasizes on the VARIOUS OPEN SPACES that emerge between the volumes, each with their own characteristics and functions: the station plaza, the market, the central plaza, the playground, the collective garden and the suspended deck. The traffic junction is avoided by diving underneath the road and providing a direct underground connection with the Weststation. As such an easier and safer CONNECTION is made between new and old Sint-Jans-Molenbeek.

underground connection and tower as counterbalance for the existing high rise

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different characteric spaces and squares of the project

manipulation of a buffervolume / indication of squares / important relations with surroundigs

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Elaboration of a cluster of housing units of the masterplan. This part of the design started as a research for an attractive alternative for high density housing. We focussed on the three blocks that border the central square. This square is situated below the level of the Ninoofsesteenweg and is a CENTRAL space surrounded by shops giving access to the underground parking. The different volumes are placed in a way that small alleys are created in between the housing blocks. The entrances are located inside these alleys which create a GRADIENT between the PRIVATE/ COLLECTIVE garden and the PUBLIC square.

3 blocks surrouding the Central Plaza

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The masterplan shows an aligned plan with the different housing blocks in an orthogonal grid. The different blocks border different squares and therefore have different characteristics. We decided to treat each housing block as an INDIVIDUAL by generating its own plan and by wrapping it in a unique ‘JACKET’. The ‘jacket’ is a curtain wall which takes the pure form of the volumes. The actual building is designed with terraces integrate in the volume. Like this, the curtain wall stands totally on its own and can by designed independently. At the location of windows and terraces, the curtain wall can be manually folded. Like this a DYNAMIC FACADE is proposed, leaving the inhabitant to take care of its own privacy. For each housing block we picked a transparant material leaving a glimp of activity and showing light during nighttime. The materials also contribute and blend in with the surroundings and prevents the site from becoming an isolated island.

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concept en detaillering van vlies ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 materials in a transparant elaboration

In de uitwerking van het masterplan voor de site weststation molenbeek wil ik en mijn ontwerppartner dat de gebouwde volumes een zuiver karakter uitstralen en dus de oorspronkelijk vooropgestelde rechthoekige vorm behouden. Om dit te kunnen verwezenlijken kiezen we er voor om het gebouw ‘in te pakken’ met een vlies. Dit vlies wordt rond het gebouwde volume geplooid en bestaat uit dynamische panelen waardoor de gevel verschillende karakters kan aannemen maar nog steeds kan terugkeren naar zijn initiële gesloten rechthoekige toestand.

dynamic facade: conceptual idea of the curtain wall around a housing block

Het vlies wordt een volledig zelfdragende structuur. Het bestaat uit I-profielen die op gelijke afstand rond het gebouw worden geplaatst en waaraan dan het plaatmateriaal wordt bevestigd. Voor de detaillering van de dynamische panelen ging ik te raden bij ROB (kanteldeurbeslag) (ROBnv , Ardooie) De verschillende gebouwen in ons ontwerp krijgen ieder een ander vlies om. de gekozen materialen zijn polycarbonaat, hout en cortenstaal. De gedetailleerde gevel is deze met het vlies in cortenstaal.

detailing of the curtain walls

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facade block 1

facade block 2

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plan block 1, level 2

facade block 2, level 4

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THE PATH Brielen, Ieper 2nd master 1st semester (4 weeks) 2013 type: small scale urban design as a part of ‘Studio Lelijk Dorp’ mentors: Ward Verbakel, Wim Wambecq presented at Student Lectures, STUK, Leuven (March 2013)

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This design is part of the Studio ‘Lelijk Dorp’. The studio focused on 3 small villages (Brielen, Woesten and Elverdinge) near Ieper, along the N8 connecting Ieper to Veurne and the Belgian coast. These villages are under pressure since a new project is running to bypass the small villages along the N8 in order to reduce traffic through these villages. This intervention will result in a big CHANGE. How will this AFFECT THE VILLAGES in the near future? And how can small-scale interventions/ design make a difference? Our projects works with a small PATH in Brielen that runs from the church, through the open fields, towards a hiking path near a forest. This is where the new bypass of the N8 will be situated. While walking the path ourselves, we came up with a lot of questions: How was the path used during time? Was the path always in this place? Back home we started our research and ended up with some interesting information. The Ferraris map (18th century) showed the path, surrounded by fields and green curtains of trees and hedges. Apparently the 18th century view was a closed landscape

with an obstructed panorama. This in large contrast with the view of the Western Flanders nowadays. Secondly we discovered a STORY about Russian prisoners. In 1944 the path was used by Russian prisoners of the war who were building a launching platform for German V bombs. The platform was to be constructed in the forest at the end of the path. They used the path as a quick connection to the village to get water for the construction. After reading the story we went for a search in the forest and found the starting of the launch platform. As well we got to know people in the village who confirmed our story. Apparently the prisoners came begging for food at the inhabitants of Brielen. The path was literally the connection between the village and the launching platform. The UNWANTED was placed out of the village, far away. This is also the way we interpret the new bypass. The unwanted traffic is moved out of the villages, to the border. Today and in the future the path will remain the connection between the old and the new N8.

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Brielen, a small village aloung the N8

Ferrarismap with the path going from the church towards the forest

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With the new celebrations for World War I, most of the attention goes to the city of Ieper. The story of the path gave us the idea of incorporating the path of Brielen in the MEMORIAL OF WORLD WAR II celebrations in 2040. In the next 30 years we would like to start a yearly gathering in Brielen in order to reconstruct the original landscape by planting POPULARS along the path and create a enclosed landscape. The final phase of the project, in 2040, will start with reconstructing the LAUNCHING PLATFORM of the Germans by carrying the stones from the current path to the forest with the help of the inhabitants of Brielen. By removing the stones small pieces of the original path will emerge. The stones will be inserted in a metal structure and form a large stair to sit on at the end of the path that looks over the new bypass with a once untouched landscape behind it. The project turns back in time and starts a movement in Brielen while it also gives a critique on the current bypass.

postcard designed to inform the inhabitants of Brielen during the studio

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Hidden spaces / Heggekapel Poederlee . Brasilia , Brasil / september 2013 . Hatching by Gijs Van Vaerenbergh ism Existenz during Existenzweek 2013 . MUBE museum by Paulo Mendes da Rocha in Sao Paulo, Brasil /visited in 2013

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Belgian Landscape III by Koen Theys / 1994 . workshopspace / Existenzweek 2013 / Leuven . ‘De Bottelarij, wat vind jij?’ during Existenzweek 2013/ Leuven . Model of ‘KUBUS’ / 1st semester 2010

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E by Existenz 2013 / Leuven . No ? Future! by Jordi Colomer / 2006 . Chand Baori stepwell / Ahmedabad, India / march 2015 . Bottelarij / Existenweek 2013 / Leuven

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references: p. 21: Juliaan Lampens, House Van Wassenhove (http://issuu.com/toomas/docs/juliaan_lampens), (last consulted april 2015) p. 63-65: Existenz 2013 (https://auxpaysdesmerveilles.wordpress.com), (last consulted april 2015) p.64: Belgian Landscape III (http://www.koentheys.org/photo_pages/photo_15_00.html), (last consulted april 2015) p. 65: No? Future! (http://www.jordicolomer.com/?lg=2&id=4&prid=8&PHPSESSID=7fqfp9n6g014tnolm7b9rskr34), (last conulted april 2015)

april 2015

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