Waterchamber_Urban design strategies of deviation. Towards a resilient Tietê valley. São Paulo

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Author Evelien Lambrechts Promotor Prof. Dr. ir. Bruno De Meulder Co-promotor Yuri Gerrits Local Promotor Eliana Rosa De Queiroz Barbosa Readers Guido Geenen Christian Nolf

Urban design strategies of deviation. Towards a resilient TietĂŞ valley, SĂŁo Paulo Waterchamber Evelien Lambrechts

Eindwerk aangeboden tot het verkrijgen van het diploma Master in de Ingenieurswetenschappen: Architectuur Promotor Prof. Dr. ir. Bruno De Meulder Co-promotor Yuri Gerrits Local promotor Eliana Rosa De Queiroz Barbosa

Academiejaar 2013-2014 Master in de Ingenieurswetenschappen: Architectuur

Š Permission for Use of Content: The authors herewith permit it that the present dissertation be made available for consultation; parts of it may be copied, strictly for personal use. Every other use is subject to strict copyright reservations. Particular reference is made to the obligation of explicitly mentioning the source when quoting the present dissertation’s results. Leuven, 2014 All images presented in this booklet are, unless credits are given, made or drawn by the authors.

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K.U. Leuven Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen


Master’s thesis file

Student: Evelien Lambrechts


Urban design strategies of deviation. Towards a resilient Tietê valley, São Paulo. Waterchamber

Abstract: The uncontrolled densification and verticalization of urban settlements in the city of São Paulo have resulted in increased impermeability of its soils. Therefore, the city is tackling large water issues and is facing challenges in the near future. Despite this accomplished fact, the city targeted the Valley of Tietê, one of the most flood prone areas of the city, as most important strategic redevelopment area. A set of resilient design strategies, presented by the vision ‘Riverplain’, explores the effect of water management and topographical manipulations to guide the future transformation of this area and to assure the coexistence of water and people. As a part of this vision, this thesis focusses on the edges of the valley, an area transforming due to the rise of uncontrolled realestate. Those edges are the first ones whereas a new strategy for densification must be implemented in order to control flash floods and minimise floodings inside the Valley. Therefore, cavities are exploited by densifying and simultaneously preserving open spaces as depression areas for stormwater and public space. This is explored by the design of a Waterchamber within the fabric of Lapa de Baixo. This small scale neighbourhood is one of the oldest along the edge of the Valley and is currently facing problems due to its isolated location.

Thesis submitted to obtain the degree of Master in Engineering: Architecture.

Promotor: Prof. Dr. ir. Bruno de Meulder Co-promotor: Yuri Gerrits Local promotor: Eliana Rosa De Queiroz Barbosa

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my gratitude to the people that have made the outcome of this thesis possible. To Bruno De Meulder, promotor, for his critical comments and reflections. To Eliana Rosa de Queiroz Barbosa, for sharing her knowledge about S達o Paulo, interesting insights and her help and friendship during our stay in this incredible city. To Yuri Gerrits, co-promotor, for his guidance, insights and motivation during the past year. To Christian Nolf, for his comprehensive knowledge and clarifying insights on water problematics. To Guido Geenen for his direct and helpful remarks in the beginning of this process. To VLIR, OSA and ASRO for the financial and institutional support that made our stay in S達o Paulo possible. To my family and especially my mom for the given opportunities and their inexhaustible support that made me persist in finishing this year of work. To my friends for the sincere interest and support. Special thanks to Luis Guilherme Milioni, for his true friendship and guidance in S達o Paulo. Finally, I would like to thank Benjamin, Matthias and Micha谷l; my companions during this year. For their friendship, the interesting discussions and shared knowledge.

PREFACE São Paulo, ‘a cidade sem fim’, ‘the endless city’. Living in this metropolis for two months was a truly striking experience. São Paulo seemed a concrete jungle of high-rise with no endings. While walking around, the lack of open space, accessible green space and well designed public space became clear. Spending time in this city, a little spot of green open space was highly appreciated. We noted that people often desperate search for a creative solution to this shortage. A small selfmade bench beneath a tree in the street or the recent installation of small (size of a parkinglot) corners of public space along some avenues in the city centre are just one of the many examples. Besides people gather in organisations and plead for a greenification of the city. Walking around in the Valley of Tietê at a rainy day made clear that this plea is crucial for the future of this city. During a heavy shower, the concrete impermeable soils, immediately turn into water surfaces causing floods at worst. Nevertheless the city targeted the Valley of Tietê, one of the most flood prone areas of the city, as most important strategic redevelopment area for the near future. It is against this background that this thesis, as a part of the proposed vision of Riverplain, focusses on stormwater management inside the fabric on the edges of the Valley in order to decrease flash floods. This by exploiting cavities in the existing fabric. Open spaces as depression areas for stormwater and public space are guaranteed by proposing an alternative for the uncontrolled densification.

Acknowledgement Preface


13 Valley in transformation Exploring tissue Strategy

Framing Lapa The edge Lapa Two neighbourhoods Isolated by infrastructure Spine of activity Village in decay

Waterchamber Water spaces Spaces along the axis Bridge/Redistributor Dyke/Wetland Waterchamber Chamber/ morphology Waterchamber/ water management Waterchamber/ public space


Stages of transformation Conclusion

16 20 22

25 26 30 36 40 42 44

51 52 54 56 58 60 64 74 92


108 110

1. Prologue challenges of a near future




Valley in transformation


Today São Paulo finds itself at a critical junction. Only recently the current administration put the Valley of Tietê forward as part of the city’s most important strategic redevelopment area: Arco do Futuro. In the upcoming decade, the complex and fractured tissue of an industrial past will be transformed into a landscape of housing and offices, creating jobs and increasing São Paulo’s much needed housing stock near the city centre. However, São Paulo is facing other major challenges. The densification and verticalization of urban settlement have resulted in increased impermeability of soils. Flash floods and bursting watercourses repeatedly restrain the city. Due to insufficient water management, the uncontrollable urban expansion, climate change and the negligence of the issues by politicians and inhabitants, these problems only escalate. And yet, the city’s administration has targeted one the most flood prone areas, the Tietê Valley, to transform into a densely populated area. Studio São Paulo II focuses on the future prospects of the Tietê valley and acknowledge the true identity of the Tietê’s deprived flood plain by the presented analysis on the current conditions and processes in the Valley. A series of resilient design strategies, captured in the vision of the Riverplain, have the ambition to create a framework for future phases of transformation whilst resolving current and future water issues. This thesis explores one of the presented strategies: a densification of the safe edges of the valley while managing stormwater by accurate interventions in the existing fabric.




i1 p27

i2 p27

i3 p27

secton strategy p. 22 - 23

Prologue 19 border Arco do Futuro

7 0


Exploring tissue


São Paulo presents it selves as a mishmash of urban fabric. One can distinguish 3 main tissues: The high-rise grid (i3), the low-rise grid in transformation (i1) and the ‘jardins’ (i2). The jardins are the neighbourhoods that were planned as garden cities. These are often the more noble neighborhoods characterized by large walled plots containing private gardens. The high-rise grid of São Paulo determines the image of this city. This seemingly endless vertical concrete world, started developing in the early 50’s along Avenida Paulista and spreaded while the city boomed. Nowadays the city centre consist of mainly high rise that spreads it selves, transforming the neighbouring low-rise fabric. Groups of plots are bought up by developers replacing it by large scale real-estate. Isolated buildings claim private space and ignore their surroundings. Mostly the whole plot is taken by large parking floors turning its back to the street. This pattern of prioritizing private open space over public space is deeply embedded in the regulations of Sao Paulo’s planners. Additionally there is the growing middle class of this city that likes to live in the ‘safe’ walled high rises, demanding security fences and private open space. This leaves no room for those walking on the other side of the high walls on the sidewalk. Nevertheless this fabric in transformation still has the opportunity to transform in a resilient way, providing open space for the public and greenification. But therefore the city should come up with guidelines for new real-estate developments. The area of focus of this thesis, lying at the edge of the Valley, is part of this low-rise fabric that currently starts undergoing major transformations. Therefore this thesis presents an exemplary project for a resilient transformation of those parts of the city.



i3 21



Prologue 23

border Arco do Futuro


Riverplain is the vision for a resilient Tietê Valley that acknowledges the true identity of the Tietê’s deprived floodplain. It presents urban design strategies that focus on sustainable water management in accordance with the area’s underlying identity and upcoming developments. The area of focus, Lapa de Baixo, meanly has to deal with flash floods. Within the vision of Riverplain the main function of this area is to slow down the run-off water. This by the creation of small scale detention zones that together create a ‘sponge-function’ to hold the water as long as possible. At the same time the opportunity to purify the polluted run-off water for re-use is seized. The area should be enclosed by a redistributor conducting the run-off water from the higher neighbourhoods into specific zones of the floodplain and a dyke protecting the area from exceptional floods within the floodplain. These figures are defined by the main strategy of Riverplain.

2. Framing Lapa village on the edge


The edge

Lapa is one of the oldest neighbourhoods of São Paulo, known for its industrial history related to the railroad. It was this infrastructure, situated at the edge of the floodplain that gave rise to Lapa to a great extent. Therefore this neighbourhood settled it selves, touching the wetlands of the Tietê in the north and later on blending with the surrounding fabrics in the south. It was one of the first neighbourhoods outside the city centre. [1] [1] PREFEITURA DA CIDADE DE SÃO PAULO, Lapa- Eoluçao Historica , Departamento do patrimônio historico São Paulo, 2006.

Planta geral da cidade de São Paulo, 1905

ref. SSP II A history p. 74


Framing Lapa


Framing Lapa 29 areal view on Lapa, 1958


The origins of this area go back to the early days of São Paulo. Ever since the Jesuits settled in the region in the 16th century, the area was inhabited by small groups of people; small agricultural practices occupied the fields. Later on, in the beginning of the 19th century, an increase in sugarcane production heralded São Paulo’s boom. Lapa started to grow slowly and the quality of the clay on the banks of the Tietê made little growth and development in the area possible; potteries and small ceramic industries emerged. The presence of the railroad induced fast change and growth; all the way to the west the areas around the railroad became urbanized and industrialized. Agriculture practices had made room for industrial development, the farms began to be allotted. From the 20th century on, pioneering industries benefited from the proximity of both railroad and river, and later of the Marginal Tietê. Many immigrant workers, mainly Europeans, occupied the banks of the Tietê and train related workers and employees nestled in the neighborhood. Nowadays a lot of inhabitants of this area are descendants of those people.


Halfway the 20th century Lapa Alto developed itselves as an important commercial neighborhood with the Mercado da Lapa and the shopping street of Rua Doze de Outubro as key elements of the area. Today it is still a very busy neighbourhood and linked to the important connection towards the west. [1] [1] PREFEITURA DA CIDADE DE SÃO PAULO, Lapa- Eoluçao Historica , Departamento do patrimônio historico São Paulo, 2006.

Rua doze de outobre, 1979

Framing Lapa 31

Station of Lapa

the green areas near Lapa, 1920

Mercado Municipal in Lapa Alto



Framing Lapa


Framing Lapa 35

Lapa today

Lapa is a vibrant and mostly residential area. The fabric exist of a mix of mainly small housing plots and small industrial and commercial plots. The railroad carves through Lapa and divides it into Lapa de Baixo (‘Low Lapa’, situated above the railroad in the picture) and Lapa Alto (‘High’ Lapa situated below the railroad in the picture). The upper edge of the village touches the industrial area, the former floodplain of the Tietê river. ref. SSP II

i2 p45

i1 p44


i3 p45

housing plots industrial plots commercial plots

Framing Lapa

Two neighbourhoods, two scales

Based on a section the two characters and the diversity of Lapa de Baixo and Lapa Alto is denoted.

Railroad zone This fenced area forms a no-mans land in between the two neighborhoods. The railroad is a physical border that only can be crossed through a small tube or a small bridge. Lapa station is located at the northern edge and part of Lapa de Baixo. Being a large fenced zone in between, the railroad is experienced as a large obstacle that time and again needs to be overcome. (i1)

Lapa Alto Medium scale commercial buildings are part of the picture of Lapa Alto. This neighbourhood is experienced as an transition area between the small scale of Lapa de Baixo and the large scale of other parts of the centre of SĂŁo Paulo. This is the result of the large scale real-estate projects that pop up in between the medium scale housing and commercial plots. (i3)


Lapa de Baixo Historical small scale housing and small scale industry defines the image and character of this neighbourhood. The northern border of this area, the edge of the former floodplain, nowadays is transformed into a wall of large scale industry, protecting the small scale grid from the adjacent industrial zone of the TietĂŞ Valley. (i2)

38 i1 - Rua William Speers, Lapa de Baixo - railroad as border between ‘low’ and ‘high’ Lapa

Framing Lapa 39

i2 - Rua Antonio Fideles, Lapa de Baixo - typical small working-class house

i3 - Rua Trajano, Lapa Alto - commercial buildings mixed with housing and a new residential tower in the background



40 planned metro Avenida Ermano Marchetti industrial plots

Framing Lapa

Isolated by infrastructure

i2 Large industrial buildings 41

In the 80s the edge of the neighbourhood was marked by a new large road that was constructed throughout the floodplain of the Tietê Valley. Avenida Marquês de São Vicente is a large axes, parallel to the Tietê River. Therefore it reduces the pressure on the Marginal Tietê and gives access to the main roads entering the centre of São Paulo. Avenida Ermano Marchetti is one of those corridors that connect the northern part of the city with the city centre. This large road folds itself around the edges of the neighbourhood of Lapa de Baixo. It reinforces the edge of the small scale fabric that was onces made by the natural flood plain. Along this road, big boxes of medium scale industry were established. Together with the road they create a wall of big infrastructure around the small scale neighbourhood of Lapa de Baixo. When driving along Avenida Ermano Marchetti, no one notices this hidden village. In the future a planned metroline along this road will strengthen this figure. The metroline will make the connection between lines in the south and north of the Valley of Tietê. At the northern border of Lapa de Baixo, a metrostation is planned. This metrostation adds up with the vision of Riverplain which proposes metrolines and stations along axes and important crosses of the floodplain. ref. SSP II,

i1 Av. Ermano Marchetti




commercial plots


Framing Lapa

Spine of activity?

ref. i p 34

i2 Rua Tenente Landy, Lapa de Baixo 43

Rua Doze de Outubro is the most important street of Lapa Alto. This street is a busy axis throughout the fabric of Lapa Alto. It is the commercial hart of the district and offers a range of medium scale shops. The street ends perpendicular to the railroad were nowadays a narrow tunnel for pedestrians makes the connection with Lapa de Baixo. Previously this was the level crossing for cars until the moment the bridge, as part of the Avenida Ermano Marchetti, was built. After crossing the railroad, Rua Doze de Outubro continues in Rua Tenente Landy. This road starts with some small shops that go along with the presence of the station of Lapa. Upwards, the street transfers into a more quiet street with normal small scale housing and the large scale industry towards the large avenue. This spine that crosses both Lapa Alto and Lapa de Baixo is considered to be the backbone of Lapa. The crossing of the axes with the railroad is one of the busiest places in Lapa. Lapa station, the triangular building of the Mercado da Lapa and the second triangular shaped building of Martins Ferreira Industrias contribute to the identity of this area.

i1 Rua Doze de Outubro, Lapa Alto


44 a view on Lapa de Baixo with its church and a large cavity of a former bus parking at the left side

Framing Lapa ref. SSP II


The railroad and the large avenue that surround the neighbourhood make that Lapa de Baixo is an exceptional area in the valley of Tietê and São Paulo. Because of its strong borders and isolation this piece of land is considered as a patch in the fabric of the valley. It has the character of a historical village with a strong identity. A small church, some old bars for locals and the oldest primary school of São Paulo contribute to this atmosphere. Most of the inhabitants are descendants of the immigrated families that came to work in the industry related to the railroad. Nevertheless this seemingly exceptional image has a negative side. The neighbourhood doesn’t really has a defined centre whereby it is sometimes experienced as a disoriented space. Because of its bad connection towards the upper vibrant side of Lapa and a lack of public facilities and public space, houses are put up for sale and younger people are leaving this neighbourhood. In addition, abandoned plots that have no relevant function anymore are often left open like this for a long time. Examples of this are a small abandoned football field at the edge of the village, an abandoned large busparking in the centre and other empty plots that are sometimes used as a temporary parking lot. AALB (Associação dos Amigos da Lapa de Baixo) is a local organisation, owning a house in this neighbourhood, that tries to have a positive outcome on the village of Lapa. It provides help for the inhabitants and organizes activities to keep Lapa de Baixo a vibrant neighbourhood.

former bus parking area, a large cavity in the centre of the neighbourhood 46

Framing Lapa 47

building in decay

cavity used as parking



Framing Lapa ref. SSP II

Waterchamber, the project that will be presented in the following chapter, will frame Lapa de Baixo within the large vision of the Riverplain. The proposed strategy and concepts will be exemplary for other sites situated in the edges of the Valley of TietĂŞ. They will present a solution to the water issues that those areas are facing. Simultaneously the project is embedded in the fabric and conditions of Lapa de Baixo and a reaction on the presented analysis. Therefore it focuses on exploiting the existing cavities and the potential for a resilient transformation and densification. This transformation is strengthened and embedded along a strong figure, an extension of the spine of activity throughout the patch of Lapa de Baixo. This extension is marked by two conceptual projects that will define the future identity of the patch of Lapa de Baixo and its relation to Lapa Alto and the flood plain.


3. Waterchamber exploiting cavities

52 section p. 53 section p. 56

ref. SSP II Riverplain p.282

ref. SSP II Riverplain p.288

With the redistributor and the dyke along its borders, Lapa de Baixo only takes into account the storm water that directly touches ground in the neighbourhood. It is considered a large catchement area holding the water as long as possible within its borders before redirecting it into the floodplain. As a result less water will directly end up in the river causing less floodings and problems. Waterchamber is an examplary project that exploits a cavity inside the existing fabric and garantuees space for storm water management. Water will be catched , purified ,stored and reused within the project or will be conducted to the wetland situated at the lowest area of the neighbourhood inside the dyke.

Current situation

vision Riverplain TietĂŞ River

Lapa de Baixo


Being situated at the edge of the Valley, Lapa de Baixo often has to deal with the run-off water from the higher city. Water is guided by the topography of the watershed towards the lower TietĂŞ Valley and its river. Water collected in Lapa Alto will pass Lapa de Baixo. Being part of the scenario presented by Riverplain, a redistributor is proposed parallel to the railroad. This armature captures the water coming from Lapa Alto and conducts it accurately into the floodplain. Secondarily a dyke will be constructed, following the Avenida Ermano Marchetti which will be elevated on top. This results in a safe and continuous crossing of the Valley. The dyke will protect the existing tissue from riverfloods .


Water spaces

Spaces along the axis

In order to integrate Lapa de Baixo within its surroundings and create accurate crossings for its strong borders, a continuation of the ‘spine of activity’ is proposed. Three spaces along this axis should become catalysts for activity around the axis and procure a better integration of Lapa de Baixo in its context. The central and main space is generated by Waterchamber. The project exploits the cavity of the empty bus parking along the axis and transforms it into an ‘urban’ and ‘stormwater’ depression area. Two accompanying projects strengthen the extension of the spine of activity by creating defined spaces at the borders. Therefore they integrate the Waterchamber within the fabric of Lapa de Baixo. ref. Framing Lapa p.44



Waterchamber 55



Bridge / Redistributor ref. Framing Lapa p. 44

In order to extend the axis of activity from Lapa Alto towards Lapa de Baixo, the current invisible and claustrophobic tunnel at the end of Rua Doze de Outubro is replaced by a pedestrian bridge that strengthens the view along the busy shopping street towards Lapa de Baixo. This slender bridge is accompanied by a small square underneath the ramp. The ramp folds itself around the large tree that nowadays already marks the end of the busy street. The bridge ensures a safe crossing, gives access to the railway platforms and enables a view on the underlying water structure, the redistributor, and the surrounding neighbourhoods. By creating this view a larger awareness by the users of its surroundings is encouraged. Standing on the bridge the view on the tower of the ‘Waterchamber’ draws the attention to the continuation of the axis.





ref. Framing Lapa p. 42


This project is a key element in the storm water management of the neighbourhood of Lapa de Baixo. The northern flank of the dyke protects the neighbourhood from riverfloods while the southerm flank holds the water, catched inside the patch of Lapa de Baixo by storing it in to a large wetland. When the capacity of the wetland is exceeded, the water is redirected towards the flood plain. The water will be conducted by a small existing creeck that crosses the dyke. Besides the water management function, the dyke and its wetland are off strategic relevance for the continuation of the spine of activity. Just as the bridge, this project generates an easy crossing linked to a public space of strategic relevance. A wide tunnel, underneath the now elevated Avenida Ermano Marchetti is linked to a large integrated parking and a proposed metrostation for the planned metroline that follows the infrastructure of the dyke. Alongside the dyke, the wetland is surrounded by the large industrial boxes, forming a quayside along the wetland. The industrial boxes have the potential for transformation into public functions linked to the water side. The box along the axis will be used as an in- and outdoor sport area. This function is ideal for its location along the metroline and will strengthen the axis of activity. Troughout this project, along the dyke and the wetland, running and clycling tracks are constructed.



Waterchamber This project proposes to exploit the open space made by an abandoned bus parking. This cavity can become a green public space with an integrated storm management design. In order to guarantee this open space for the future, a morphological strategy was applied. This Waterchamber, situated along the spine of activity has the potential to become the beating heart of Lapa de Baixo. Waterchamber is a first project necessary to minimise the flood problems facing the Valley of TietĂŞ and to provide the much needed green/open spaces for public leisure.

100 100mm

60 0




62 Waterchamber, a cavity along the spine of activity - view from Lapa de Baixo (north) towards Lapa Alto (south)




Waterchamber 65

chamber an enclosed space in the body of an organism; a cavity






100 m 100 0


The creation and preservation of open space is the key to tackle waterissues and the issues of public space on a small scale. Therefore, a new range of development rules should be proposed by São Paulo’s planning department to overcome the uncontrolled building boom that leaves no space for greening, permeabel surfaces or public space. Therefore a morphological strategy is presented in order to generate a waterchamber. Open space must be guaranteed by the creation of a solid volume that surrounds the open space. This volume must cling itself to the adjacent fabric and like that generate a solid volume together. The old fabric will blend with the new one, whereby a valuable mix will define the new image of the neighbourhood. The identity of the original fabric will be respected whereby São Paulo will keep the identity of different neighbourhoods rather than becoming one monotonous city of concrete high rise. By providing housing along the edges of a building block and option for public functions with their entrances at the inside of the block, the continuous permeability is ensured and will be prevented that yet again a gated community is designed. The public buildings that are positioned inside the open space are designed on pilots, garantueeing a free permeabel surface in order to maintain the function of the waterchamber as a permeabel area for storm water management.




70 new volumes blend with the existing fabric

Waterchamber 71 The topography of the streets have an impact on the way the Therefore the new building volumes extend the existing fabric





Waterchamber 75

waterchamber an enclosed space to collect water




Capacity of the chamber

The waterchamber’s main function is the capture and temporary storage of stormwater. The chamber uses a range of watertools in order to gain capacity and slow down the water. When the water level inside the waterchamber exceeds its limits, the water is redirected by green gullies towards the lower wetland at the border of the neighbourhood.


Waterchamber 79

dwelling - small

building - medium

waterchamber - large













Waterchamber - large scale storm water management

After the water is catched by the surrounding buildings, excessive water is conducted towards the central cascade by gullies. This cascade exist of 4 stages. The first stage is a green lawn, surrounded by a gully. The gullies keep the lawn waterfree for most of the time and therefore the lawn is the ideal open space for leisure. The following two stages, are areas for infiltration and filtration by a a fibrous root system. Finally the water is stored inside the lowest stage of the cascade. This detention pond is linked to a water tower , pumping the water out of detention pond. It provides the building block from irrigation water in times of drought. Tabs are installed inside the chamber to maintain a green chamber inside the concrete fabric. This has a positive effect on the storm water catchment inside the chamber. When the water exceeds the capacity of the detention pond, the water is guided by green gullies towards the wetland of Lapa de Baixo.




community roof garden

green lawn



back yard



The heart of the Waterchamber is considered a succession of stages, guiding the water down after which it is stored, re-used, or guided towards the watershed of Lapa de Baixo. This section provides an overview.


gully towards wetland of Lapa de Baixo



vegetable gardens

detention pond

water tower and tab




Waterchamber scenarios 1. Normal day Gardens and cascade are open for use. The stored water in the water pond, water tower and small cisterns are used for watering of the inner chamber in order to stimulate greening of the Waterchamber.

Waterchamber 91

2. Rainy day The roofs of the Waterchamber catch the rainwater and store it into the small cisterns, water pond and water tower . The cascade is still accessible as a public space but a larger capacity is in use.

2. Heavy shower The roofs of the Waterchamber catch the rainwater. Because of the large amount of water, the water is conducted to the gullies and rain gardens, after which it is send into the cascade. When the capacity of the Waterchamber is exceeded, the water is conducted towards the wetland of Lapa de Baixo.


Waterchamber 93

waterchamber an enclosed public waterspace in the body of an organism




96 area 1: The most accessible area of the Waterchamber is designed in relation to the surrounding streets and present public functions, providing an extension of the public street inside the chamber.

entrance public building public function in public function out continuously accessible public space / green space

Waterchamber Roof This structure is a multifunctional outdoor room. It is a covered square, mainly designed for outdoor festivities. The back entrance of AALB is presented towards this area. The structure consists of 3 levels. The ground level and first floor can serve as parking building whenever no activites are organised. The roof consists of a large community garden. This structure is enfolded by a green wall that controls the accessibility into the structure and other spaces of the Waterchamber.


ref. Framing Lapa p 45

Village square This platform gives an overview on the Waterchamber and is proposed to be a new square for the neighbourhood, located along the spine of activity. At the corner of the building block, a slender tower marks the presence of the Waterchamber. The tower has a setback, creating an open space along the street that marks the opening towards the inner chamber. Public functions at the main floor of the building, flank the square.


Waterchamber 99 the square and structure with the roofgarden on top





Waterchamber 103 a view on the deck





4. Aftermath

Stages of transformation



an enclosed space in the body of an organism; a cavity


The presented project, the Waterchamber, is strongly embedded in the neighbourhood of Lapa de Baixo. Due to its location, along the spine of activity, it is presented as a new centre, providing a large open space. At the same time it is considered the first project in a line of waterchambers providing open space and storm water management on a small scale. The scheme presents a possible scenario of a continuation of the process during time.

an enclosed space to collect water

water space


an enclosed public waterspace in the body of an organism

public space



stage ...


stage 2


stage 1


The presented project (the Waterchamber, Dyke and Bridge) generates a structuring armature within the fabric of Lapa de Baixo. It connects the isolated neighborhood with its surroundings and creates a new centre. The continuation of the spine of activity is a first step for future developments. At the same time, a new attitude towards water is adopted. Rather than being the cause of large problems, water is considered to be the cornerstone for open space, public space and green space. The water chambers will define the future representation of the neighbourhood.


As a part of the vision presented by Riverplain, this strategy can be applied in other patches along the edges of the Valley of TietĂŞ and exploit cavities inside the transforming fabric.





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IMAGE CREDITS All images presented in this booklet are, unless credits are given, made or drawn by the author.

PREFACE p.12 painting PREFEITURA DA CIDADE DE SÃO PAULO, Lapa- Eoluçao Historica , Departamento do patrimônio historico São Paulo, 2006.

PROLOGUE p.16 aereal image São Paulo- Brazil, (http://megaconstrucciones.net/?construccion=sao-paulo), [last consulted 26-05-2014] p.23 areal image high-rise URBAN CHANGE, 2008, (http://urbanchange.eu/2008/05/28/sp-aerea-paulista/), [last consulted 16-07-2014]


areal image jardins WIKIPEDIA, São Paulo, 2014, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/São_Paulo#mediaviewer/File:Passeio_de_ Helicóptero_em_São_Paulo24.jpg), [last consulted 16-07-2014] areal image low-rise Fotografias Aéreas, 2010, (https://www.fotografiasaereas.com.br/banco-de-imagens/sao-paulo/trem-no-bairroda-lapa-sao-paulo/#!prettyPhoto), [last consulted 22-05-2014]

FRAMING LAPA p.28 map SÃO PAULO URBANISMO, Planta da Cidade de São Paulo 1916, São Paulo, 2013. p.30 aereal view Geoportal, 2008, (http://www.geoportal.com.br/). [last visited maps, 2008, 15-03-2014] p.32 old pictures PREFEITURA DA CIDADE DE SÃO PAULO, Lapa- Eoluçao Historica , Departamento do patrimônio historico São Paulo, 2006. p.34 old picture PREFEITURA DA CIDADE DE SÃO PAULO, Lapa- Eoluçao Historica , Departamento do patrimônio historico São Paulo, 2006. p.46 André Lucas Almeida-Fotografia



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