Ca s eS t udyBui l di ng :Gl a dT i di ng sVi s i onCent r e I ns t r uc t or :MrMoha medRi z a l Moha med
GROUPME MBE RS : WongT engChun Al ea x a nderChungS i a ngY ee E v el y nS i nug r oho Hooi Wei Xi ng L i m ChoonWa h L i nY ua nMi ng
0318538 1003A78541 0318217 0318523 0311265 0318758
CHAPTER 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction
1.2 Aims and objectives 1.3 Scope of research 1.4 Hinder of research
2.2 Literature Review 2.2.1 Fire Behavior 2.2.2 Passive Fire Protection System
2.2.3 Active Fire Protection System 2.2.4 Fire Classification 2.3 Case Study
2.4 Passive Fire Protection System (PFPS) 2.4.1 Emergency Exit Signs 2.4.2 Fire Rated Doors
2.4.3 Fire Emergency Staircase
2.4.4 Fire Appliances Access
13 Road width Turning and Sweep Circles 2.4.5 Fire Evacuation Routes
2.5 Active Fire Protection System (AFPS) 2.5.1 Fire Alarm, Detection, Communication and Control
16 17 Control Panel Room Fire Alarm Control Panel Fireman Intercom System
18 Remote Handset Station
20 Alarm Initiative Devices
21 Smoke Detector High Sensitivity Infrared Detector Notification Appliances
22 23 Fire Alarm Bell Horn Loudspeaker
24 Fire Break Glass Call Point 2.5.2 Automatic AFPS
25 Water Sprinkler System Sprinkler Types and Components
26 Water Sprinkler Control Panel
27 Water Sprinkler Storage Tank Fire Pump Room
28 Fire Shutter System
31 Smoke Exhaust System
2.5.3 Manual AFPS
33 Portable Fire Extinguishers Types of Fire and Extinguishers The “PASS” word External Water Hydrant
36 Fire Hydrant System Dry Riser System
39 Car Interior Components Car Interior Components Car Interior Components Hose Reel System
41 Hose Reel System Hose Reel Tank Fireman’s Switch 2.6 Findings and Analysis
42 43 44
2.6.1 PFPS 2.6.2 AFPS 2.7 Conclusions
3.0 Mechanical Ventilation
3.1 Introduction 3.2 Literature review 3.2.1 Supply System. 3.2.2 Extract System.
3.2.3 Balanced Ventilation System.
3.3 Case Study: Glad Tiding Church
3.3.1 Exhaust fan 3.3.2 Filtering and Distributing Air | IVT
55 External Fresh Air Inlet Air Handling Unit
56 Ductwork
3.3.3 Smoke Control and Building Automation System
3.3 Rules and Regulation
3.4 Conclusion
4.0 AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM 4.1 Introduction
4.2 Literature review
4.3 Case Study: Glad Tiding Church
4.4 Centralized air conditioning system
4.5 Air-Handling Unit (AHU)
4.5.1 Blower
4.5.2 Evaporator 4.5.3 Filter
4.5.4 Fan
4.5.5 Damper 4.5.6 Compressor 4.6 Air-Cooled Condenser
4.7 Split Unit Air Conditioning System
4.8 Fan Coil Unit (FCU)
4.9 Analysis
4.10 Conclusion
5.2 Literature Review 5.2.1 Type of Elevator Elevator Hydraulic Elevator 5.2.2 Escalators
5.2.3 Travelators 5.3 Case Study
5.3.1 Elevator 5.4 Lift System
5.4.1 Machine Room-Less Elevator 5.5 Elevator Components
5.5.1 Controller 5.5.2 Emergency Lift Supervisory Panel
5.5.3 Lift Monitoring System (LMS) 5.6 Gearless Machine
5.7 Elevator Components 5.7.1 Elevator Car
94 Car Sling
95 Elevator Cabin
96 Car Operating Panel
97 Car Interior Components Car Door
98 Car Operator
99 Guide Shoes Entrance Protection System
5.7.2 Elevator Shaft Guide Rails Safety measure of Guide Rails
101 102 103 Counter Weight Suspension Cables Elevator Roping System
104 105 Landing Door Buffers in the Pit 5.8 Analysis
108 109
5.8.1 Planning of Elevators 5.8.2 UBBL BY-LAWS 5.8.3 Location
5.8.4 Escalator Proposal
5.9 Conclusion
CHAPTER 6.0 Conclusions CHAPTER 7 References
Bur r owa the a v i l yi ndus t r i a l a r e aofS e con13, P e t a l i ngJ a y a , Gl a dT i di ngVi s i onCe nt r ei sav i s ua l r e s pi t ef r omi ts t e r ns ur r oundi ng s . T hebui l di ngi sar e bui l doft heol dc hur c hf a c i l ie st oa c c omoda t et heg r owi ngnumbe ra ndt hene e dsoft heus e r s . T hebui l di ngc ons i s i tofamulpur pos eha l l , ag a r de nc ha pe l ( f orwe ddi ng , wa t e rba ps m, pr a y e ra ndme di t aon, a ndout doorf uncons ) , pr a y e rha l l s , pr a y e rc ha pe l , f unconr oomsf orme e ng sa nds e mi na r s , a ndc a rpa r k i ngf a c i l ie s . T he23, 125s qmpr e mi s e si sc onc e i v ea s l a ndma r kbui l ta sag e ni usl oc i s e ti nac onc r e t ej ung l ene i g hbor hoodc ont e x t .
S I T EARE A 17, 556S QM
1. 1Ai msa ndobj ecv es
T oi nt r oduc es t ude nt st ot heba s i cpr i nc opl e s , pr oc e s sa nde qui pme ntofv a r i ousbui l di ngs e r v i c e ss y s t e mst hr oug hr e a l l i f epr oj e c t . ( e x pe r i me na l l e a r ni ng ) T oe x pos es t ude nt st ot hei nt e g r aonofv a r i ousbui l di ngs e r v i c e ss y s t e msi nabui l di ng . T oa l l ows t ude nt st ode mons t r a t et he i runde r s t a ndi ngofbui l di ngs e r v i c e ss y s t e ms . T ode v e l ops t ude nt ’ sunde r s t a ndi nga ndf a mi l i a r i t yont hedr a wi ngc onv e n onsa nds t a nda r dsf ordi ffe r e ntbui l di ngs e r v i c e ss y s t e ms .
1. 2S c opeofr es ea r c h
T hes c opeofr e s e a r c hf ort hi spr oj e c tr e qui r e sdoc ume nt aonofbui l di ngs e r v i c e ss y s t e mst ha ti nc l udeme c ha ni c a l v e nl aon, a i rc ondioni ng , a ndme c ha ni c a l t r a ns por t aons y s t e ma swe l l a sfir epr ot e cons y s t e ms . Wea r er e qui r e dt os howe a c hbui l di ngs e r i v i c e sf unconsi nc l udi ngt hec onne consa ndpos ionofdi ffe r e ntpa r t se qui pme nt , T he n, e x pl a i nt hepr i nc i pl e sa nds y s t e msa swe l l a ss pa c ei mpl i c aonsa ndr e g ul aonsr e l a t e dt odi ffe r e ntbui l di ngs e r v i c e s .
1. 3Hi nderofr es ea r c h
Dur i ngt hee a r l ypha s e , c hoos eabui l di ng , weha v ee nc ount e r e ds omedi ffic ule st og e tpe r mi s s i onf r omCiaMa l l . Duet ot hepe r s on i nc ha r g edi dn’ tr e s pondt oourr e que s tv i ae ma i l a ndwa l k i nt ooffic e . He nc e , wee nde dupa ppr oa c ht oa not he rg r oupwhoa r ev i s ingGl a dT i di ng sVi s i onCe nt r ea ndg otpe r mi s s i ont oc ol l e c tda t af r om ope r aonma na g e r , Mr . L e eChi nChoya nda r c hi t e c t , Mr . Al v i n, whos upe r v i s et hepr oj e c tt hr oug houtt hec ompl e on. Dur i ngt hev i s i t , wea r eg ui de dbyt he m. T hei nf or maong i v e nf r omt heope r aonma na g e rha sc ov e rmos toft hea s pe c tt ha tr e qui r e d. Wema na g e dt o a c c e s st ot heACpl a ntr ooms , Ve nl aonr oom, s pr i nk l e ra ndfir efig h ngc ont r ol uni t . Al t houg h, wea r euna bl et oa c c e s st hede t a i l i nt heg e a r l e s st r a cone l e v a t ordur i ngt hev i s i t , t heope r aona l a nda r c hi t e c twe r ehe l pf ul wi t houre nqui r e sa ndque sons . T he r e f or e , wea r ea bl et oc ol l e c tv a l ua bl ei nf or maonr e g a r di ngt hes y s t e msi nt hebui l di ng s . 1
CHAPTER 2.0 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM 2.1 Introduction The actions taken in the first few seconds of discovering a fire are critical as they may help to save a person life, reduce injuries, or even the property loss. As introduction to fire safety, it will make you more knowledgeable about fire safety for at home or even at workplace. The building should comply with the UBBL and get the approval from the Bomba about the emergency planning and preparedness and understand fire behavior within its different stages.
2.2 Literature Review 2.2.1 Fire Behavior Fire is the process of combustion with the chemical reaction. It occurs between 3 fundamental needs which are oxygen in the air, some sort of fuel and heat. The fuel must be heated up until its ignition temperature for combustion to occur. This is known as the fire triangle. Combustion is during the fuel reacts with oxygen to release heat energy. The combustion is determined on the amount of oxygen available. Combustion that results in a lame is very fast and is called burning. Combustion can only occur between gasses. By removing or weakening any 3 elements of the fire triangle, it could reduce the intensity or eliminate the fire together to create burning or combustion.
Figure : The fire triangle (Source: Science learn, 2013)
2.2.2 Passive Fire Protection System Passive fire protection is also known as (PFP) in short. Passive fire protection can provide an effective alternative to active system by protecting against failure. Hence, passive fire protection is also the design of the building and infrastructure by choosing fire resistance material, isolating the fire, fire walls an doors, smoke doors, training of firefighting, signage, evacuation of the building in case of fire emergency. The benefit of passive fire protection is to trap the fires or slow down the spread of the fire such as the mushroom effect. By adopting the fire-resistant wall, doors and floors as well as protecting structures during the damage of fire meanwhile providing more time for the occupant to evacuate or reach an area for safety. 2.2.3 Active Fire Protection System Active fire protection is also known as (AFP) in short. In any case of an emergency, smoke, fire or even heat must first be detected in the very beginning to give out warnings before further actions or safety procedures can be carried out. This makes fire detection a very important element in fire protection system. There are three types of detectors namely smoke, thermal and flame detectors. The fire detection system comes hand in hand with the alarm system which can be divided into three types which are fire alarm bell, visual indicator and also voice communication. Further active fire control can be classified into automatic and manual. The water sprinkler belongs to the automatic active fire protection as it is ready at all times, responds immediately and automatically. On the other hand, fire extinguisher, water hydrant, hose reel system and dry rise belong to the manual active fire protection as they require manual handling. In fire extinguisher itself, there are water type, foam type, dry powder and also carbon dioxide where all are used to treat different types of fire. Fire extinguishers are light and easy to use, making it user friendly. External fire hydrant and hose reel system uses water as their source to fight fire and are performed by professionals such as firefighters. The differences between this two systems is that external hydrant only uses water from the water supply mains whereas hose reel system is flexible in using water from either the exterior water hydrant or the hose reel tank via the dry and wet riser pipe.
2.2.4 Fire Classification Fire is classified according to the type of fuel that had consumed by fire. Fire had categories in 6 types. Each different classes of fires required different type of extinguisher to distinguish in effective way.
Figure 2.2.4 : Table of fire classification (Source, Life saving pro, 2013)
2.3 Case Study A case study of fire protection system In Glad Tidings Church is shown for understanding of how the building is handling the fire breakout. Fire control room and firefighting system pump room are play the most important role that need to be installed in the building for fire protection purpose. Fire control room is the first contact for the occupants who need help in the church and also a place to get noticed when any part of the building is on fire. Hence, it also could contact the nearest firefighting station to come along to extinguish the fire. Furthermore, the fire control room is consisting of master control panel installed together with fireman intercom system for fire protection and CCTV monitoring panel for surveillance purpose.
2.4 Passive Fire Protection System 2.4.1 Emergency Exit Signs According to UBBL and Malaysian Standard, it stated that fire escape doors must indicated with neon green ‘EXIT’ signs above it accompanied with the emergency lights installed can be shown in figure Because once the main electrical supply has been cut off, the emergency exit sign still able to give some light to indicate the way approach to safety outdoor area of assembly point. If the building blackout without any assisting emergency exit signs of emergency light as guidance tool, it will cause panic and confusion without providing a clear directional system among the users. These signs must be illuminating 24/7 for emergencies. Furthermore, the letters must be written in block letters that sufficiently big enough to be seen and bright green to attract attention when the emergency light is active. In Malaysia, the emergency exit sign is written in Malay instead of English, the word is “KELUAR” instead of “EXIT”.
Figure : Emergency exit signage located above the doors
Figure : Emergency exit signage located above the entrance doors
Based on the figure above, the emergency exit sign is located above the fire doors and the entrance/exit doors that been directing the occupants approach to the fire escape staircase or assembling area without any surroundings disturbance which means stand-alone sign.
Figure : Emergency exit signage “KELUAR” in neon green colour
UBBL 1984 section 172 1. Every exit sign shall have the word “KELUAR” in a plainly legible letters not less than 150mm high with the principal strokes of the letters not less than 18mm wide. 2. The lettering shall be in red against a black background. 3. The exits and access to such exits shall be marked by readily visible signs and shall not be obscured by any decorations, furnishings or other equipment. 4. The sign with the reading of “KELUAR” should indicating the direction shall be placed in every location where the direction of the travel to reach the nearest exit. 5. All exit signs shall be illuminated continuously during periods of occupancy 6. The design and installation of every emergency exit sign shall be in compliance with MS983 and MS619
2.4.2 Fire Rated Door
Fire rated door is a part of compartmentalized to delay the spread of fire from one are to another. Fire door have two important functions during fire emergency, it could close act as a barrier to stop the spread of fire and when opened they provide a means of escape. A fire door is also required to provide resistance to the fire with intumescent seals to enclose the gap between the door and its frame.
Figure Double fire emergency door location on ground floor plan
UBBL 1986 Section 162 Fire doors in a compartment walls and separating walls 1. Fire doors of the appropriate FRP shall be provided. 2. Openings in compartment walls and separating walls shall be protected by a fire door having a FRP in accordance with the requirements for that wall. 3. Openings in protecting structures shall be protected by fire doors having FRP of not less than half the requirement for the surrounding wall specified in the Ninth Schedule to these By-laws but in no case less than half hour. 4. Openings in partitions enclosing a protected corridor or lobby shall be protected by fire doors having FRP of half-hour. 5. Fire doors including frames shall be constructed to a specification which can be shown to meet the requirements for the relevant FRP when tested in accordance with section 3 of BS 476:1951
UBBL 1986 Section 163 Half hour and one hour doors 1. Fire doors conforming to the method of construction as stipulated below shall be deemed to meet the requirements of the specified FRP. 2. Doors and frames constructed in accordance with one of the followings specifications shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements for the doors having FRP of half-hour 3. Doors may be double swing provided they are mounted on hydraulic floor springs and clearances at floor not exceeding 4.77millimetres and frame and meeting stiles not exceeding 3millimetres.
UBBL 1986 Section 164 Door closers of fire doors 1. All fire doors shall be fitted with automatic door closers of the hydraulically spring operated type in the proper sequence. 2. Double doors with rabbeted meeting stiles shall be provided with coordinating device to ensure that leafs close in the proper sequence. 3. Fire doors may be held open provided the hold open device incorporates heat actuated device to release the door. Heat actuated devices shall not be permitted on fire doors protecting openings to protected corridors or protected staircases.
UBBL 1986 Section 173 Exit doors 1. All exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. 2. Exit doors shall close automatically when released and all door devices including magnetic door holders, shall release the doors upon power failure or actuation of the fire alarm
2.4.3 Fire Emergency Staircase During there is fire event or any emergency event happen, It is important to ensure the occupants of the building is able to escape to a safer area or assembly point by using the fire escape staircase. According to the by law, the building should not have at least two means of exits consists of separate exits or door that leads to a corridor or other space giving access to spate exits in different directions.
Figure Ground floor plan which indicate the fire emergency staircase
Figure Right elevation which indicate the fire emergency staircase
The figure below shows the dimension of the thread and riser of the fire emergency staircase. For the riser, the dimension is 175mm, the thread dimension is 275mm and the railing dimension is 910mm. According to standard, the riser maximum should be 180mm and the thread should be 255mm.
Figure Standard rise and thread
Figure The entrance of fire emergency staircase
Figure One of the fire emergency staircase shown in the ground floor plan
UBBL 1986 Section 110 No obstruction in staircases. 1. There shall be no obstruction in any staircase between the topmost landing there and the exit discharge on the ground floor. 2. There shall be no projection other than handrails in staircases, in any corridor, passage of staircase at a level lower than 2 meters above the floor or above any stair.
UBBL 1986 Section 157 Protected shafts consisting of staircase 1. A protected staircase or a protected shaft containing a staircase shall not contain any pipe conveying gas or oil or any ventilating duct other than a duct serving only that staircase or shaft. 10
UBBL 1986 Section 166 Exits to accessible at all times 1. Except as permitted by by-law 167 not less than two separate exits shall be provided from each story together with such additional exits as may be necessary. 2. The exits shall be so sited and the exit access shall be so arranged that the exits are within the limits of travel distance as specified in the Seventh Schedule to these Bylaws and are readily accessible at all times UBBL 1986 Section 168 Staircases 1. Except as provided for in by-law 194 every upper floor shall have means of egress via at least two separate staircases. 2. Staircases shall be of such width that in the event of any one staircase being available for escape purposes the remaining staircases shall accommodate the highest occupancy load of any one floor discharging into it calculated in accordance with provisions in the Seventh schedule to these By-laws. 3. The required width of a staircase shall be the clear width between walls and rails may be permitted to encroach on this width to a maximum of 75millimetres. 4. The required width of a staircase shall be maintained throughout its length including at landings. 5. Doors giving access to staircases shall be so positioned that their swing shall at no point encroach on the required width of the staircase or landing. UBBL 1986 Section 194 Building with single staircase 1. A single staircase may be permitted in any building the top most floor of which does not exceed 12m height. UBBL 1986 Section 195 Staircase to reach roof level 2. In building exceeding 30m in height, all staircases intended to be used as means of egress hall be carried to the roof level to give access there to. 3. Rules on Staircases [Risers maximum 180mm & Tread minimum 255mm]. UBBL 1986 Section 198 Ventilation of staircase enclosures 1. All staircase enclosures shall be ventilated at each floor or landing level by either permanent openings or openable windows to the open air having a free area of not less than 1 square meter per floor. UBBL 1986 Section 202 Pressurized system for staircase 1. All staircases serving buildings of more than 45.74 meters in height where there is no adequate ventilation as required shall be provided with a basic system of pressurization-a. Where the air capacity of the fan shall be sufficient to maintain an air flow of not less than 60 meters per minute through the doors which are deemed to be open. 11
Standard of Escape Stair
Figure The recommended standard of escape stair
According to the UBBL, it state that the door swing shouldn’t be in intersect with the outside path of the travel in stair because it might block the occupant to evacuate smoothly. Firemen Staircase
Figure Firemen staircase on First Floor Plan
Figure Firemen staircase connect from first floor plan to second floor plan
This was a special staircase for the firemen to use and it was design in spiral form to shorten the distance instead of L-shape staircase. Because during there is fire event or any emergency event happen, the occupant need to use the fire emergency staircase which may block the firemen approach to upper level. To avoid this, the building required a firemen staircase with spiral to allow firemen to save the fire on upper level.
2.4.4 Fire Appliances Access The requirements for fire appliances access are the road widths, gradient, turning and sweep circles of appliances and the obstruction. It was important to allow fire truck to access the road on the side of building without any obstruction to evacuate the occupant and extinguish the fire. All access roads for fire appliances should be kept clear of any obstructions, including trees, lamp standards, etc.
Figure Fire appliances access plan on ground floor plan
The figure above shown that there road was one entrance and one exist to allow vehicle and fire truck to get in. Hence, the road is quite linear with slight angle of sweep circle on corner turn.
Figure The entrance and exist of the fire appliances access
13 Road Widths
Figure The relationship between building and the access road
According to UBBL, the access roadway should be positioned with its nearest edge a maximum of 2 meters from the face of the building and with the furthest edge a minimum of 7.5meters from the building which can be shown in figure Hence, the hard standing for hydraulic platforms should be as level as possible, and should not exceed a gradient of 1/12. Turning and Sweep Circles
Figure The turning and sweep circles with the fire track on it
According to UBBL, the width of roadway required for 6m to allow the fire truck to turning a curve corner. The turning circle must be 20.12m and the sweep circle should be 24.5m due to the long dimension of the fire track. Additional turning space should be provided where corners have to be negotiated, and sweep circles should not be obstruct red above kerb height.
2.4.5 Fire Evacuation Routes Fire exit and emergency stair should be located strategically in order to provide shortest route to a place of safety such as outside the building, if still within the building, it must be protected or isolated passageway, stairs or safe areas. According to UBBL, it state that commercial building shall have at least 2 means of exit of separated exit doors leading to corridors and providing access in different direction. Furthermore, the building should also provide direct access to the street passage-way or open steps sited to enable the evacuation of person from the vicinity of a building so that they are safe from fire or smoke.
Figure Fire emergency access and emergency stairs location on ground floor plan
UBBL 1984 Section 166 Exits to accessible at all Times 1. Except as permitted by by-law 167 not less than two separate exits shall be provided from each story together with such additional exits as may be necessary. 2. The exits shall be so sited and the exit access shall be so arranged that the exits are within the limits of travel distance as specified in the Seventh Schedule to theses bylaws and are readily accessible at all times. UBBL 1984 Section 169 Exit route 1. No exit route may reduce in width along its path of travel from the storey exit to the final exit.
2.5 ACTIVE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM 2.5.1 FIRE ALARM, DETECTION, COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL Control Panel Room The control panel room is located at the entrance of building of ground floor plan to allow firemen to handle immediately during the fire event. The control panel room consists of two main components which are fire alarm control panel which controlling fire alarm system. Secondly will be the fireman intercom system provides a two-way communication between remote areas and the fire command center in a building which are located at designated areas.
Figure Location of Control Panel Room
Figure The control panel room
Fire Alarm Control Panel A Fire Alarm Control Panel is a main controlling component of a fire alarm system. The function of this control panels is to receive signals from all the detectors and triggers caused by the presence of smoke or fire. Once the control guards receive the silent signals, they will command the nearest duty guards to check the area where the signal was sent around that zone. If the fire outbreak is caused by system error signal, it will be deactivated.
Figure Automatic Control Panel located in main control room
Fireman Intercom System Fireman intercom system has proven to be an effective way in fighting the fire in any multistory building or factory site in today safety-conscious society. It properties and lives can be save in case of fire-emergency occur. Hence, the fireman intercom system is designed using the electronic system with full automatic switching and link between master and all remotes with just one push of a button. The system has to be simple in use and user friendly because of the emergency situation during fire breakout. Hence, the fire alarm panel and fireman intercom system must be complied with MS 1747: Part 2:2004 and the approval of Bomba.
Figure Fireman intercom system
From the figure below, the fireman intercom system had divide into two categories which are hardwired version and addressable version. The hardwired version is used in small to medium size projects with up to 60 to 70 handsets compare to the addressable version is used in bigger projects where cabling cost and cabling space.
Figure The left is hardwired version and the right was addressable version of fireman intercom system
Remote Handset Station
Figure Remote handset station at staircase area on LG1 and LG2
This telephone handset is permanently installed through a building which allow fire fighter to easy communication with the main control panel during the fire emergency. The remote handset stations are located each level of staircase with provide a locked door. The firefighter’s telephone must be indicated in Malay “TELEFON BOMBA API” by using large white lettering for easy identification. To open this remote handset stations, it can open by using key or direct break the glass.
UBBL 1984 Section 239 Voice Communication System Two separated approved continuously electrically supervised voice communications system, one a fire brigade communication system and the other public address system between the central control station and the lift, lift lobbies, corridors and staircase.
19 Alarm Initiative Devices Fire detection systems are designed to discover fires early in their development when time will still be available for the safe evacuation of occupants. Early detection also plays a significant role in protecting the safety of emergency response personnel. Property loss can be reduced and downtime for the operation minimized through early detection because control efforts are started while the fire is still small. A key aspect of fire protection is to identify a developing fire emergency in a timely manner, and to alert the building's occupants and fire emergency organizations.
Smoke Detector Smoke alarms that are properly installed and maintained play a vital role in reducing fire deaths and injuries. A smoke detector is a device that senses smoke as an indicator of fire. The smoke detectors used in Glad Tidings Church work by optical detection (photoelectric). Photoelectric smoke alarms are more responsive to fires that begin with a long period of smoldering. Photoelectric type aims a light source into a sensing chamber at an angle away from the sensor. When smoke enters the chamber, light is reflected onto the light sensor, triggering the alarm.
Figure Smoke detectors located on the ceiling of the Glad Tidings Church
Figure Smoke detectors coverage area
High Sensitivity Infrared Detector The reflective infrared optical beam smoke detectors incorporates an infrared transmitter and receiver. The signal is reflected by a prism and analyzed for smoke presence. This type of detector provides economical and effective protection over large, open plan spaces with high ceiling, where ‘point type’ smoke detectors have difficulty detecting. Furthermore, this technologically advanced system has high efficiency, durable, accurate and does not require much effort for maintenance. The main hall in Glad Tidings church has a very big area with equipment, making the water sprinkler system and ‘point type’ smoke detector not suitable for it, resulting in the use of the high sensitivity infrared detector. This system is mounted on the walls so that the beam will project 0.3 to 0.6 meters below and parallel to the ceiling with lateral detection up to 7.5m on either sides.
Figure High sensitivity infrared detector in the main hall in Glad Tidings.
21 Notification Appliances Fire alarm bell Fire alarm bells are the oldest of the fire alarm warnings and are still the fire signal of choice in some markets. Although not providing the flexibility of electronic alarm sounders, bells produce a unique sound that is quite distinctive and unlikely to be confused with any other alarm. Fire alarm signal can be raised by, the break glass alarm system, automatic smoke detector system and also the sprinkler system. Fire alarm bells are divided into two categories, vibrating and single-stroke. On a vibrating bell, the bell will ring continuously until the power is cut off whereas for single-stroke bell, the bell will ring once and then stop until power is turned off and on again.
Figure Fire alarm bell together with fire break glass and hose reel at first basement
Horn Loudspeaker Working together with the fire alarm bell, the loudspeaker is used upon the confirmation of fire situation. These loudspeakers are often placed at the basement and parking lots. They’re used because they are very efficient and able to produce 10 times more sound power compared to that of a regular speaker. Therefore it is widely used for announcement and fire alarm signaling to notify and warn occupants in case of fire.
Figure A horn loudspeaker at the corner of the basement ceiling
Fire Break Glass Call Point Manual alarm call points are designed for the purpose of raising an alarm manually once verification of a fire of emergency condition exists. It is done by simply pushing the button after breaking a fragile glass screen and thus, the alarm signal can be raised. It can be activated by the person who discovers the fire to give early warning before otherdetections.
Figure : Fire break glass at Glad Tiding’s lobby
Figure Diagram of a blowout of a break glass call point Source : http://www.demcoalarm.com/products_call_point_d108.html
2.5.2 Automatic AFPS Further active fire control can be classified into automatic and manual. The automatic active fire protection it is ready at all times and will respond immediately and automatically. Some systems available are water sprinkler system, shutter gate system and smoke extraction system. Water Sprinkler System Due to the efficiency of water sprinkler system, heat, flame and smoke can be dramatically reduced. The system reacts very quickly and are highly effective and reliable. This system consists of a water supply system, providing sufficient pressure and flow rate to a water distribution piping system onto which the sprinklers are connected. Below shows four different types of water sprinkler heads. Sprinkler Types and Components
Figure Types of sprinkler heads Source : http://www.supplyhouse.com/pex/control/search/~SEARCH_STRING=sprinkler%20head
In Glad Tidings Church, the common pendant sprinkler head is used. With the water reflector at the bottom, pendant sprinkler head spreads water in circular pattern and with higher water flow rate as the water reflector is below the sprinkler orifice compared to the other types of sprinkler heads.
Figure Sprinkler head component Source : http://www.sarian.ir/Sprinkler-Head-Components.htm
Components of a Sprinkler Head Frame The frame provides the main structural component which holds the sprinkler together. Water supply pipe connects the sprinkler at the base of the frame. There are various frame styles and special coating is available for areas with high corrosive effect. Thermal_Linkage The component which controls water release. Under normal condition the linkage holds the cap in place despite the constant water pressure from the distribution pipes. However, when there is presence of heat, the thermal linkage will weaken and will release the cap, releasing the water. Cap The cap provides water tight seal. It is held in place by the thermal linkage and will fall off allowing water flow after the linkage experiences failure due to heat. Caps are made from metal or metal with Teflon disk. Deflector Mounted on the tip of the frame to break up the water stream discharging from the orifice into an efficient extinguishing pattern. Deflector styles vary from upright to pendent to sidewall depending on their types as shown in the diagram above. Proper mounting is required to ensure proper actions.
Figure Water sprinkler system Source : http://www.firefightingindia.com/fire-sprinkler-system-1.html
Figure and Figure Pump room at first level basement in Glad Tidings
Figure Flow switch connected to sprinkles and wet riser pipe
Water Sprinkler System The system used Glad Tidings is the most common wet-pipe fire sprinkler system. This system is used because it is reliable yet easy to maintain. This system employs automatic and closed type sprinkler heads connected to the water distribution piping system. With this system, the water is stored under constant pressure directly in the pipes that results in immediate activation when the sprinkler is exposed to heat. The sprinkler system is connected to a water tank and the pump system consisting of Jockey, Duty and Standby pumps which all are automatically activated upon that of sprinkler system.
Water Storage Tank The water storage tank in Glad Tidings is located side by side with the fire pump room at the first basement. The tank is made of reinforced concrete and can be seen behind the yellow scale bars in the Figure above. This water storage tank is isolated solely for the use of the sprinkler system.
Water Sprinkler Control Panel This control panel is used to monitor and control the entire system in the room. It is placed here to ease any maintenance work needed but signals will be sent to the fire control room above in case of fire.
Figure Water sprinkle control in pump room at first level basement, Glad Tidings
Fire Pump Room In Glad Tidings, the fire pump room houses all the pump systems for the sprinkle water system. The pumps involved in water sprinkler system are jockey pumps, duty pumps and standby pumps. Jockey Pump
Also known as a pressure-maintenance pump, a Jockey pump is a small pump connected to a fire sprinkler system to maintain pressure in the sprinkler pipes. This is to ensure that if a fire sprinkler is activated, there will be pressure drop which will be sensed by the fire pumps automatic controller and this will cause the fire pump to start. A jockey pump is sized for a flow less than the flow to one sprinkler in order to ensure a system pressure drop. Hence, a jockey pump is an important part of the fire pump control system.
Duty Pump and Standby Pump When one or more fire sprinklers are exposed to heat above their designed temperature, they will be activated and the sprinkler system pressure will drop. When the pressure reaches a certain level, the pressure switches will give a signal for the duty pump to start. However, if the duty-pump does not start even after the water pressure continue to drop until a second level, the standby pump will be automatically activated by the system. The duty pump can then be switched off manually via the control panel if necessary.
Figure Duty and Standby pump at Glad Tidings
Figure Jockey pump
Figure Floor plan indicating fire pump room and reinforced concrete water tank for water sprinkler system
29 Fire Shutter System Automatic fire shutter system is essential in the overall building fire strategy. The role of fire shutters is to compartmentalize a buildings into smaller spaces, preventing fire or smoke from rapid spreading at the same time allowing people to evacuate safely and help make the work of evacuation easier. Fire shutters are usually wired into the building’s fire detection system and closes automatically on the signal from the fire alarm. Modern fire shutters close at a controlled speed of 10cm/s to provide optimum time for people to evacuate and to shut the incoming fire. The motor is located at the top of either side of the door, either left open or encased in a barrel. Fire shutters are mostly available on the upper floor in Glad Tidings Church with some at the basement beside the elevator.
Figure Fire shutter on basement level in Glad Tidings
Figure Fire shutter on first level in Glad Tidings
Figure Shutter stored in a barrel with the motor exposed in Glad Tidings Smoke Exhaust System Only available at the main hall in Glad Tiding Church due to its enormous area and height. The smoke exhaust system is collaborated with the ventilation system and is further explained in ‘Smoke Control and Building Automation System’ under ‘Mechanical Ventilation’.
2.5.3 Manual AFPS On the other hand, manual active fire protection requires manual handling to use or activate. Some systems in Glad Tidings Church includes are fire extinguishers, external water hydrant, dry riser and hose reel system with the last three being interconnected. Portable Fire Extinguisher Portable fire extinguishers are manually operated appliances to either limit or stop small fires. Thery are cylindrical in shape and is usually painted red. The staffs are usually trained to be able to use fire extinguishers in case of a fire but other users can easily use it too. This is because they are light, portable and are easy to use with instructions labelled. Different types of fire divide the fire extinguishers into 5 different categories which are:
Figure Five classes of fire Sources http://www.fireextinguishermalaysia.com/Fire-Extinguisher-Types.html
According to Fire Extinguisher Malaysia (2012), the most common type of fire extinguishers in Malaysia are the ABC Dry Powder Extinguisher and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Extinguisher. These two types of fire extinguishers are used in Glad Tidings Church.
Figure Section of an ABC Extinguisher and a CO2 Extinguisher Source : http://www.marineinsight.com/marine/marine-news/headline/ different-types-of-fire-extinguishers-used-on-ships/
1. ABC Dry Powder Extinguisher Stated on the name, this tri-class multi-functional is a dry chemical extinguishing agent used on class A, B abd C fires. It is suitable for different types of fires such as fire involving flammable liquid or flammable gases making it ideal for home and vehicle usage. 2. CO2 Extinguisher The carbon dioxide (CO2) extinguisher is suitable for Class B, C and E, fire involving flammable liquids and electrical hazards. Carbon dioxode is harmless towards elctrical equipment but in not safe for wood, paper and cloths. The vapor displaces air around the fire ceasing the combustion. However, due to its minimal cooling effect, there are chances of reignition of fire if temperature incereases.
Figure Fire extinguisher at first floor in Glad Tidings
The “PASS” Word
Figure How to use a fire extinguisher Source : http://www.foxvalleyfire.com/blog/making-octobers-fire-prevention-month/
A very simple acronym is taught on how to use the fire extinguisher to the public. By simply remembering the “PASS” word with each letter is arranged in such a way are steps to properly use a fire extinguisher. There are only two types of fire extinguishers used in Glad Tidings making it easier for using with lesser complexity.
34 External Water Hydrant A fire hydrant is a water source that supplies water from underground. It is provided in most areas to enable fire fighters to use the water supply in attempts to extinguish fires. The fire hydrant system consists of pipework connection linked directly to a water supply that supplies water to all connected hydrants. Fire fighter only need to attach a hose to a hydrant and turn on a valve located underground to receive the enormous flow of water. The hose is also attached to the fire engine which has a booster pump to further increase the water pressure.
Figure Fire hydrant system Source: http://www.shahfiresafety.in/service.html
The water hydrant at Glad Tidings belongs to the 2 way fire hydrant. The body of the water hydrant is made of cast iron with copper alloy outlet and is able to withstand up to 30bar even though the working pressure is only 20bar. They are positioned at corners and spots that are visible yet least obstructed.
Figure and Figure Two-way water hydrant located at the corner within the compound of Glad Tidings Church
36 Dry Riser System Dry riser system is a form of internal hydrant for fireman to use. The system is intended for the use of fire service to provide prompt means of delivering considerable quantities of water. The system is usually installed in a fire resistant shaft. However in Glad Tidings, the dry risers are left open either standing or hanging depending on which level it is on because it only has four levels including two basements. When a fire breaks out, the infill at the ground floor will be connected to the fire brigade’s hose and the dry rise will be a mean of water transport for the use of water at respective floors inside the building.
Figure Dry riser at the first level basement
Figure Dry riser, hose reel and fire extinguisher at first floor
Figure Dry riser, hose reel and fire extinguisher at first level basemen
Figure Hose reel at lobby in Glad Tidings
38 Hose Reel System Equipped individually outdoor and together with the dry riser indoor in Glad Tidings, the hose reel system is installed for the occupants to use during the early stages of fire. This system is spread out evenly throughout the building and can be found on every level. The hose reel system consists of a hose reel pump, hose reel tank, hose reels, pipe works and valves. Hanging no more than a meter from the floor level, here are two types of fire hose reels, namely swing and fixed which both are available at Glad Tidings. The hose reels are usually of 30 meters long and is made from the finest material in order to adapt to extreme heat and withstand high pressure water.
Figure Hose reel system Source: http://dynoklang.com.my/site/index.php?cat=29&page=71
UBBL, Section 244Š: Hydraulic Hose Reels Hose reel shall be located at every 45 meters (depends on the building form). Besides, fire hose reel should be located at the strategic places in buildings, especially nearer to firefighting lobbies in order to provide a reasonably accessible and controlled supply of water for fire extinguishing.
Hose Reel Tank Located beside the pump room at the first basement, the hose reel tank only supplies water for the hose reel system separated from that of water sprinkler system. Pump is required to provide higher pressure water to various floors and is automatically activated when there is water pressure drop or flow.
Figure Hose reel water tank at first floor basement
40 Fireman’s Switch A fireman’s switch is a specialized switch that allows firefighters to cut off power from high voltage devices that pose danger in the event of emergency. Electrical devices operating over 1000V AC or 1500V DC must be equipped with the switch. The enclosure is made of non-flammable material and is painted red for easy spotting. It can also be used to operate the under voltage release or shunt trip in the main incoming breaker. Fireman uses insulated rod or axe to pull the handle to isolate utility supply to the building during fire.
Figure Fireman’s switch at first floor
2.6 Findings & Analysis Fire Emergency Staircase UBBL 1986 Section 198 Ventilation of staircase enclosures 1. All staircase enclosures shall be ventilated at each floor or landing level by either permanent openings or openable windows to the open air having a free area of not less than 1 square meter per floor.
Figure 2.6.1: Awning type of window on one of the emergency staircase
The emergency staircase in Glad tiding Church has fulfilled the requirement of UBBL, using swing window along the staircase. During the fire emergency, it also allows the smoke as natural smoke absorber and to ensure the occupant of the building doesn’t fainted and exhausted during the evacuation. Standard of Escape Stair
VS Figure 2.6.2: The recommended standard of escape stair on the left, the right was one of the emergency staircases on the church
The emergency staircase in Glad Tiding Church had managed to achieve the requirement of the standard of escape stair by comparing the figure above. To fulfill this requirement, the door swing needs to be outside the path of travel in stair. Because to ensure the occupant can be smoothly evacuate instead block by the door swing.
Fire Rated Door
Figure 2.6.3: Double fire emergency door location on ground floor plan toward basement
Based on UBBL section of 162, 163 and 164, The fire door must in a compartment walls and separating walls to act as barrier to stop the spread of fire and opened for means of escape. There were double fire emergency door connect to basement to provide resistance to the fire with intumescent seals to enclose the gap between the door and its frame. The fire rated door had provide double protection for the occupant to evacuate safely.
Figure 2.6.4: Emergency door release
Based on UBBL section of 173, all exit doors shall be open-able from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. Exit doors shall close automatically when released and all door devices including magnetic door holders, shall release the doors upon power failure or actuation of the fire alarm. In this church, it provide emergency door release for occupant to break it so that allow the occupant to leave instead been stuck in between double door. The overall active fire protection system is satisfactory and well maintained. However, there are certain criteria that were not fully obeyed by contractor.
Hose Reel System Water Tank The hose reel water tank is supposed to be painted red for ease of identification but this requirement was put aside and the tank was left to be greyish yellow in colour similar to other water tanks of different purposes.
Figure 2.6.5 Water tank for hose reel system not painted red
Pump Room Next, the pumps in the pump room for water sprinkler system were not labeled accordingly. These may cause trouble in the future during identification. The irresponsibility of the management is further proved by stating that every individual that travels into the pump room should be able to identify and differentiate every pump as worst case scenario was not taken into consideration.
Figure 2.6.6 No labelling upon pumps
Figure 2.6.7 No labelling upon equipment
2.7 Conclusion Glad Tidings Church fulfilled most of the regulations according to the Uniform Building ByLaw (UBBL). The fire protection systems in the building are fully equipped. All the equipment and machines are maintained and tested to ensure they work accordingly when there is a fire breakdown. Fire protection devices are still new as this block of Glad Tidings Church is still new. Appropriate fire protection system can be seen in most of the places in Glad Tidings. This ensures wide coverage of protection of people and property against fire. As a result, both active and passive fire protection system play very important roles to protect the building in case of emergency during fire breakdown. The role of fire protection system is to protect lives, assets and properties. Without it, a building will be in great risk and danger.
3.0 Mechanical Ventilation 3.1 Introduction Mechanical ventilation is used when natural ventilations are not enough to circulate the air inside the building; it consists of powered fans or blowers to provide fresh air into the room. To maintain indoor air quality, mechanical ventilation acts as a medium to expel stale air containing water vapor, carbon dioxide, airborne chemicals and other pollutants that can be controlled via dilution or replacement with outside air; and circulate fresh air with lesser pollutants and water vapor to circulate inside the building. However, in humid climate such as Malaysia, the mechanical ventilation specialized in removing excess moisture from the air. It is essential to keep a good maintenance of the mechanical ventilation as: a) It reduces excess condensation b) It prevents heat concentration inside a building coming from machinery lighting and people c) It preserves oxygen content whilst removing carbon dioxide d) Provide consistent fresh air into the spaces e) It is a good alternative in case of unreliable natural ventilation system f) Removes contaminants such as smoke, dust, gases and body odors by the method of dilution g) Prevents and control the growth of bacteria Mechanical ventilation consists of 2 types; Spot ventilation and energy recovery ventilation system. Spot ventilation system consists of 3 systems; namely supply system, extract system and a combination system.
3.2 Literature review 3.2.1 Supply System. The supply system (mechanical inlet and natural extract) is usually used in Boiler plant or factories. The indoor positive air pressure in maintained by keeping the indoor provided with outside air supply A supply ventilation system is the reverse of an exhaust ventilation system: Fresh outside air is pulled into the house with a fan, forcing inside air out through random openings in the building envelope. A supply ventilation system pressurizes a house. In homes equipped with forced-air ductwork, supply ventilation systems are the least expensive way to provide whole-house mechanical ventilation. Homes with supply ventilation systems still need spot exhaust fans in bathrooms and range hoods. However, a supply ventilation system can supply fresh air whether or not the home's exhaust fans are operating.
Figure 3.1: Supply Ventilation Diagram Source: http://www.greenbuildingadvisor.com/greenbasics/supply-ventilation#ixzz3qbXX7cCg
Figure 3.2 Source: http://energy.gov/energysaver/whole-houseventilation
3.2.2 Extract System. The extract system (natural inlet and mechanical extract) is mainly used in humid rooms such as kitchen, internal toilet and bathrooms, basement, attic and also crawl space. The air inside the room is constantly being replaced with fresh air from outside. The fan create a negative air pressure inside the room causing the air to move from inside the spaces towards the fan and out from the room. Mechanical extraction Ventilation also known as MEV, is a system that continuously extracts air from ‘wet’ rooms. The moist air is drawn up ducts through to an outlet at or above the roof ridge. The air is replaced by fresh air that is drawn in through background ventilators located in ‘dry rooms’ (usually trickle ventilators in e.g. window frames) and through the building fabric in less airtight buildings. Air is drawn by a centrally located (e.g. in a cupboard or loft), extract system though other systems exist using multiple fans.
Figure 3.3: Exhaust Ventilation Diagram
Figure 3.4
Source: http://energy.gov/energysaver/wholehouse-ventilation
3.2.3 Balanced Ventilation System. A balanced ventilation system (as opposed to supply-only or exhaust-only system) has two fans: one bringing outside air into the building, and the other exhausting stale interior air, resulting in roughly balanced airflows. These systems do not significantly affect the pressure of the interior space with respect to outdoors. In most balanced ventilation systems, heat—and sometimes moisture—are exchanged between the two airstreams, reducing the heating and cooling loads caused by outside ventilation air. These systems are known as HRVs (heat recovery ventilators) and ERVs (energy or enthalpy recovery ventilators). HRVs only exchange heat between the airstreams, while ERVs exchange both heat and moisture.
Figure 3.5: The diagram of Balanced Ventilation System Source:http://buildingscience.com/documents/informationsheets/info-611-balanced-ventilation-systems
3.3 Case Study: Glad Tiding Church 3.3.1 Exhaust fan Introduction and Function: An exhaust fan is a fan which is used to control the interior environment by venting out unwanted odors, particulates, smoke, moisture, and other contaminants which may be present in the air. The exhaust fan system in Glad Tiding Church provides a number of benefits, including the purifying of air from pollution and excessive heat. The fan type of Glad Tiding’s Fan Exhaust system is an axial fan, in which it moves an airstream along the axis of the fan. Air is pressurized by the aerodynamic lift generated by the fan blades, like a propeller & an airplane wing. Characteristic of Axial Exhaust Fan: -It is usually used in “clean air,” low-pressure, high- volume applications. - Less rotating mass, more compact than centrifugal fans of comparable capacity. - Higher rotational speeds, noisier than in-line centrifugal fans of the same capacity.
Figure 3.6 Exhaust Fan located outside the toilet of Glad Tiding Church
Components of system:
Figure 3.7: The components of Exhaust fan Source: http://www.bitzertech.com/products/Exhaust-Fan236820.html
Operation of system: Exhaust fans operate by electricity. The overall procedure involves an electric current which passes through the system to make the motor operate and in turn this causes the fan’s blades to move. As the fan’s motor runs the blades will start to turn. The rotation of the blades causes the hot air in the room to be pulled towards the fan and sort of absorbed. This hot air is released outside and in turn cooler and fresher air will start to fill the room. This flow of current will also reduce stagnation of air and is especially important and useful in rooms or areas which lack appropriate ventilation
Figure 3.8: An exhaust ventilation system uses fans to exhaust air from the building, creating an inside negative pressure that draws fresh air in through carefully-placed inlets. Source: https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/ae/ae-96.html
Figure 3.9: The placement of Exhaust fans at wet area such as the kitchen and the bathroom.
3.3.2 Filtering and Distributing Air | IVT Introduction and Function: Filtration and distribution of air are operations of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) process that deliver processed air at the desired flow rate, pressurization, containment, and particulate quality to maintain desired conditions in the facility or manufacturing process. Filtration and distribution system in Glad Tiding Church consist of components that ensure compliance with intended temperature, humidity, particulate levels, and other design attributes for the facility. Components of system: External Fresh Air Inlet The external air inlet in Glad Tiding Church is a pressurized fan duct located at the basement car park. The purpose of the pressurized fan duct is to introduce the filtered air from outside to the specified area required. The system consists of the installation of a fan and an electric motor mounted in an isolated compartment to suck in the external air. The outside air is captured through a shutter which consists of dampers and particle filters.
Figure 3.10: The fresh air supply located at ground floor car park, Glad tiding.
55 Air Handler Unit Air Handling Unit is a device that functioned as air circulator and regulator. The basic function of the AHU is take in outside air, re-condition it and supply it as fresh air to a building. All exhaust air is removed, which creates an acceptable indoor air quality. The AHU is a large metal box containing separate ventilators for supply and exhaust, heating coil, cooling coil, heating/cooling recovery system, air filter racks or chambers, sound attenuators, mixing chamber, and dampers. The Air handler is connected to Glad tiding’s Ductwork which distributes the filtered air through the building then returns it back to the Air Handler Unit.
Figure 3.11: The location of Air Handling Unit in Glad Tiding, Church. Easily accessible and placed accordingly to the system.
Figure 3.11: Air Handler Unit supply one and exhaust fan located at the 2 nd floor of Glad Tiding Church.
Components of Air Handler Unit: -
Filters: The main function of filters in AHU is to keep all the downstream components clean. Heating and/ or cooling elements: The function is to change the supply air temperature and humidity on the location and the application. Mixing Chamber: The function is to mix the right amount of cooler outside air with warmer return air which can be used to approach the desired supply air temperature. The mixing chamber used dampers to control the ratio between the return, outside and exhaust air. Blower/ Fan: Basically the main function is to move the air which is driven by an AC induction electric motor.
Figure 3.10: Components of Air Handling Unit Duct Work Ducts are used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) to deliver and remove air. The needed airflows include, for example, supply air, return air, and exhaust air. Ducts commonly also deliver ventilation air as part of the supply air. As such, air ducts are one method of ensuring acceptable indoor air quality as well as thermal comfort. The material used in Glad Tiding Church is galvanized steel. It is lined with duct liner made of fiber glass blankets. Components of Duct Work: -
Vibration isolators: It is inserted into the duct to isolate the transmission of the noise and vibration form the blowers that create substantial vibration. The rubberized canvas-like material allows the air handler to vibrate without transmitting much vibration to the attached ducts. Take offs: It is the downstream of the air handler, providing many individual air outlets such as diffusers and grilles. The system is designed with a main duct branching into many subsidiary branch ducts, to allow small portion of the flow in the main duct to be diverted into each branch duct. Volume Control Dampers: its main function is to adjust the volume of air flowing to various part of the system, in which both supply and exhaust dampers are to be open to minimum position because they would block some flow if they were to be open 100%. Only when in fire, the dampers will be open 100%. Turning vanes: they are installed inside the ductwork to minimize the turbulence and resistance of the air flow. The vanes functioned to guide the air so it can follow the change of direction more easily.
Plenums: They are the central distribution and collection units. The return plenum carries the air from large return grilles to central air handler. Air terminals: They are they supply air outlets and return or exhaust air inlets. Glad Tiding church mostly used grilles rather than diffusers.
Figure 3.12: The grilles placed at the main ceremony hall and praying tower in Glad Tiding Church
Figure 3.13: Diffusers supplying fresh air and Return air Grilles in the multipurpose hall.
Operation of system:
Figure 3.14: The overview operation system of air filtering and distribution. Source: http://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/hvac-process%E2%80%94filtering-and-distributing-air
3.3.3 Smoke Control and Building Automation System Introduction and Function: A smoke control system is a properly design system to inhibit the prevention of smoke movement into designated safe zones in the building or the area leading to exits. The system is a combination of fans, dampers, warning devices and other equipment to perform the containment function for any smoke event at any location of the building. Components of system: -
Fans: The fan is on and supplying air during normal occupied times, when in event of a fire, the fan goes to the reverse air flow direction – exhaust mode. Dampers: In event of fire, the damper will act differently according to the floors and fire location. A) At Fire floor, the supply damper will be closed so that the smoke is not pushed into other areas. The exhaust damper will opens up 100% to remove smoke. B) At floors immediately adjacent to fire floor, the supply damper will opens up 100% to pressurize and restrict smoke entry. The exhaust dampers closes 100%. C) At all other floors, the dampers will remain in normal operation.
Figure 3.15: Reversible fan for ventilation or smoke extraction as needed Source: http://blog.belimo.com/Blog/bid/76403/A-Method-of-DamperControl-for-Corridor-Ventilation-and-Smoke-Extraction
Figure 3.16: The smoke control system components in Glad Tiding Church
Operation of System: -
Smoke Extraction
In corridors there are jurisdictions and individual projects where corridor damper and fan systems are required to clear the corridor of smoke and prevent spread to adjacent floors. Since ventilation is also required, the two functions must be coordinated. This can be achieved with dedicated or common (non-dedicated) equipment. The smoke extraction used in Glad Tiding Church is a building pressurization system approach, in which the corridors on the fire floor are negative with the fan pulling smoke out of the floor. All other floors operate normally. They are under a positive pressure with ventilation air. Since the fire floor is very negative, the difference in pressure is large enough to prevent smoke spread to the non-fire floors.
Figure 3.17 The Smoke extraction system in section of Glad Tiding Church
Figure 3.18 Smoke Extraction System Source: http://blog.belimo.com/Blog/bid/76403/A-Method-ofDamper-Control-for-Corridor-Ventilation-and-Smoke-Extraction
Figure 3.18: Fire Smoke Exhaust Control Source: http://www.kmccontrols.com.hk/products/smoke_control.html
3.3 Rules and Regulation UNIFORM BUILDING BY -LAWS 1984 PART (III) SPACE, LIGHT AND VENTILATION 41. Mechanicals ventilation and air-conditioning. (1) Where permanent mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning is intended, the relevant building by-laws relating to natural ventilation, natural lighting and heights of rooms may be waived at the discretion of the local authority. (2) Any application for the waiver of the relevant by-laws shall only be considered if in addition to the permanent air-conditioning system there is provided alternative approved means of ventilating the air-conditioned enclosure, such that within half an hour of the airconditioning system failing, not less than the stipulated volume of fresh air specified hereinafter shall be introduced into the enclosure during the period when the airconditioning 'system is not functioning. (3) The provisions of the Third Schedule to these By-laws shall apply to buildings which are mechanically ventilated or air-conditioned. (4) Where permanent mechanical ventilation in respect of lavatories, water-closets, bathrooms or corridors is provided for and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Third Schedule to these By-laws, the provisions of these By-laws relating to natural ventilation and natural lighting shall not apply to such lavatories, water-closets, bathrooms or corridors.
3.4 Conclusion Based our findings, analysis and observation, the architects and engineers in charge of Glad Tiding Church have taken adequate action to ensure the efficiency of the mechanical ventilation inside the building. The placement of components for each system and number of units are appropriate to serve specific areas so that maximum comfort level can be sustained for the occupants whilst the building is in operation. The number of grilles and diffuser placed in each spaces are sufficient and therefore fulfills the thermal comfort inside the spaces. The zoning of each floor allow the ductwork to reach every corner of the building proficiently. They also emphasis the secure for fire protection and therefore the smoke control of the building. The Mechanical Ventilation system in Glad Tiding has achieved the optimum usage and regular maintenance has been carried out for the system to keep the building a healthy operational system. The Building by Law and ASHRAE requirements has been fulfilled for the ventilation system of the buildings and carefully thought of.
4.0 AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM 4.1 Introduction The main purpose of air-conditioning system is to achieve and maintain thermal comfort and indoor air quality of space in the building. Thermal comfort and indoor air quality is achieved by altering the properties of air by controlling the temperature and humidity of the air then distribute into spaces to create a healthy ,productive and positive environment. Malaysia experiencing tropical climate; hot and humid which air conditioning system is needed in order to keep occupant comfortable under hot weather. Furthermore, heating system is not suitable in Malaysia’s context as Malaysia does not experience 4 seasons. There are 4 types of air conditioning system; window air conditioning, split air conditioning, centralized air conditioning system and package air conditioning system. In this research paper, we are focusing on centralized conditioning system and split air conditioning system. Even in Malaysia, rules and standards need to be follow in performing air conditioning system to ensure occupant to have an appropriate and proper thermal comfort and indoor quality under Malaysian Standard (MS1525) and Uniform Building ByLaws (UBBL).
4.2 Literature Review Air conditioning system is a process of modifying the air properties by controlling the temperature, humidity, air cleanliness and air movement with air conditioning devices. The aim of using air conditioning system is to provide fresh air and improve thermal comfort and indoor quality in an occupied space. In Malaysia’s context, an achieved thermal comfort space is where having a filtered supplied air with temperature ranged from 22ᴟC to 27ᴟC, a relative humidity of 55-70% and controlled air velocity or movement. The air conditioning system works by collecting air inside the building and remove and release heat out of the building while fresh air is conditioned and distributed into the building. Refrigeration cycle took place in air conditioning where heat is extracted out from one place to another in an evaporator and release it to the outdoor with condenser. A clean and fresh conditioned air need to be supplied into the building after removing the hot air. When the heat inside the room is removed by condenser and evaporator, the air become cooler and being channel back into the building. The medium used to cool the air can be either air movement or water cooling.
Figure 4.1: Refrigeration cycle of an air-conditioner (Source: https://www.swtc.edu/ag_power/air_cond itioning/lecture/basic_cycle.htm)
Inside an air conditioner, refrigerant cycle happens with the use of refrigerant liquid. Process of continuous circulating, evaporating and condensation of refrigerant happen in an air conditioning system through pressure applied in indoor unit. Evaporation occurs at low temperature and low pressure while condensation occurs at high temperature and high pressure which this state of matter changing contribute in heat loss to the surrounding and heat gain from the warm air inside the building. Evaporation happens in an outdoor unit while condensation happens at indoor unit. The compressor will pump the gas from the evaporator and increase pressure on the air and send it to the condenser. Heat in the condenser is removed from high pressure gas which result gas to condense and become high pressure liquid. When high pressure liquid refrigerant reach evaporator, the liquid refrigerant lowered its pressure by suction of compressor. A drop of pressure in refrigerant enable it to be evaporate, loses heat and change into gas state cooling the air. The cooled air is blown out from evaporator and distribute into the building with ductwork system.
Figure 4.2: Refrigerant cycle in an air conditioner (Source: http://www.mobileair.com/refrigeration-cycle)
4.3 Case Study Glad Tidings Church uses centralized air conditioning system to distribute conditioned air due to large volume of space in the building. This system is efficient in cooling large volume spaces such as multipurpose hall and ceremony hall and throughout the building with base control by control room. Centralized air conditioning system works by distributing conditioned air with ductwork system around the building through a complex plan of diffusers from Air Handling Unit (AHU) room. The number of AHUs depends on the sufficient need of air supplying into the volume of spaces. Fan Coil Units (FCU) are air conditioning devices that are similar to air handling unit (AHU) system but appear to be in a smaller scale. In Glad Tidings Church, there are total of 2 Air Handling Unit (AHU) rooms located at 2nd floor and rooftop of the building. The reason why Glad Tidings Church have 2 air handling unit (AHU) rooms is because new building block is added to old building during the renovation for better. However, centralized air conditioning system both in new and old building are controlled in one single place; control room. Fan Coil Units (FCU) are found and function to ventilate in smaller volume of space such as office and cafeteria. Glad Tidings Church uses air-cooled system as its refrigerant cycle. Air-cooled condensers are installed and operate at the rooftop of the building and meant to be outdoor. This system cooled directly the air by blowing the air drawn by the condenser into it and expel the heat outdoor. Therefore, cooling tower is not required as the condenser are fulfilling the purpose providing cooled air.
4.4 Centralized air conditioning system Centralized air conditioning system is a split system where it offers air conditionings in multiple spaces in the building from one base location. A centralized air conditioner consist of indoor unit (fan, air filter, blower and evaporator) and outdoor unit (condenser and compressor). This system cools down, dehumidifies the air and provide fresh air into building through ductwork system. Ductwork system consisted of supply duct and return duct. Supply ducts carry conditioned air and circulate around the spaces. As the air flow around the spaces, it become warmer and flow back to base location through return ducts.
Figure 4.3: How an Air Conditioner works
Figure 4.4: Centralized air conditioning system
(Source: http://energy.gov/articles/energy-saver-101infographic-home-cooling)
(Source: http://www.insulation.org/io/article.cfm?id=IO14100 2&print=yes)
In Glad Tidings Church, centralized air conditioning system is used due to its large volume of confined space in the building that requires constant supply of air and ventilation. Clean and fresh air is being suck from outdoor and cooled down by the compressor that both located at the car park and rooftop. The cooled air first flows to the indoor unit; the air-handling unit (AHU) to be filtered to remove unnecessary substance and dust before being distributed to the building through ductwork system. The warmer air flow back to airhandling unit (AHU) through return duct that is hidden from visibility to be cool down again before return back to the building. This cycle of cooling, distributing conditioned air and returning of warmer air repeat until the building is not in used; after operating hours.
4.5 Air-Handling Unit (AHU) Air-handling unit (AHU) is the main devices in regulating and circulate the air in air conditioning system. AHU is a metal cabinet that consists of a blower, filter, fan, evaporator and damper. In Glad Tiding Church, there are 2 AHUs room found due to newly installed block after renovation. Even though, these 2 AHUs room are separated but both can be controlled at a single place, control room. The components in AHUs are important in playing their own roles in order to get a clean and cool air before it is distributed to the building. Ductwork system is connected to air-handling unit (AHU) in order to distribute and return back the air.
Figure 4.5: Blower
Figure 4.6: Air-handling Units (AHU) room at roof top level
Figure 4.7: Control board inside AHU room
Figure 4.8: Location of AHU room on First Floor Plan
Component in air-handling units (AHU) 4.5.1 Blower – an electric motor used to blow the conditioned air out of AHUs. Blower control the rate of air flow and velocity in order to create a good indoor air quality. The cooled air blown by blower will flow into ductwork system for air distribution in the building.
Figure 4.9: Blower in air-handling unit (Source: http://cdblower.com/index.php?event =Air%20Handling%20Unit%20Blowers)
4.5.2 Evaporator – the place where heat are exchange that transfer heat in order to cool down the air. Large surface area of evaporator coil allow more heat to be extract out efficiently. Liquid from condenser drop on its pressure and evaporate into gas.
Figure 4.10: Evaporator in air-handling unit (Source: http://www.indiamart.com/jinalindustri es/cooling-coils-or-evaporator.html)
4.5.3 Filter – used to provide clean dust-free of air to the building. Filter is placed inside AHUs, after the blower and all the air substance and dust will be filtered out and prevent them from flowing into the building creating a good indoor air quality.
Figure 4.11: Filter in air-handling unit (Source: http://www.globalchemmade.com/equipment/c19/1.html)
THIRD SCHEDULE (By-law 41) 6. Filtration Unless otherwise specified, where air-conditioning is mentioned herein, it shall be deemed to include air filtration down to a particle size of ten microns with an efficiency of not less than 70% arrestance.
4.5.4 Fan – used to help in process of extracting heat with evaporator. Wind is generated from turning of fan and blown on the evaporator to speed up heat loss. Various type of fan are available.
Figure 4.12: Fan in air-handling unit (Source: http://www.lowenergyairfilter.co.uk/tag/air-handling-units/)
4.5.5 Damper – used to control the rate of air flow by controlling the opening of the damper that allow air to pass through. Damper are able to stop circulating the air to unused room.
Figure 4.13: Damper in air-handling unit (Source: http://www.quickshipusa.com/compone nts/dampers-louvers.html)
4.5.6 Compressor – is used to circulate the refrigerant inside the system under pressure to concentrates the heat for easier to be extract out. This component changes low pressure gas to high pressure gas. Valves are present in compressor to control the entrance and exit of refrigerant gas during pumping operation in evaporator.
Figure 4.14: Compressor in air-handling unit (Source: http://mdpowersteering.com/airconditioning-pumps-compressors/)
4.6 Air-Cooled Condenser Air-cooled condenser is an outdoor unit mechanical device used to cool down the air by blowing the air through the coil to extract the heat out to the surrounding. High temperature and pressure of refrigerant will pass through condenser for cooling. Wind is blown through the condenser and expel the heat. Lowering the pressure and temperature will result of changing gases back into liquid state. The cooled refrigerant will flow back to air-handling unit (AHU) room to cool the air and be distribute into the building. In Glad Tidings Church, the air-cooled condenser is located at the rooftop nearby another air-handling unit (AHU) room. The reason it is installed at rooftop is because heat extracted out from the condenser will directly flow up to the sky and does not raise temperature result from heat loss from condenser at ground level. The purpose of cooling is done with air-cooled condenser alone. Therefore, no cooling tower is needed.
Figure 4.15: Air-cooled condenser diagram (Source: http://www.baltimoreaircoil.com/english/product s/evaporative-condensers/cxvb/engineeringconsiderations)
Figure 4.16: Air-cooled condenser at rooftop level
4.7 Split Unit Air Conditioning System Unlike centralized air conditioning system, split unit air conditioning system only conditions certain space of a building rather than whole building. It consisted of two units; a condenser (outdoor unit) and evaporator (indoor unit) connected by refrigerant pipe. Outdoor unit contain parts such as compressor, condenser and expansion valve that is function to remove the heat from the refrigerant. For indoor unit, it produces conditioned air and give a cooling effect inside the room. Split unit air conditioning system has flexibility advantage as in selecting rooms for cooling with desired temperature control.
Figure 4.17: Split unit air conditioning system (Source: http://growershouse.com/blog/mini-split-air-conditioner-ac-reviews-overview-for-indoor-growrooms/)
There are several split unit air conditioning found in Glad Tidings Church as there might have occupants after operating hours at a certain space. It is mandatory to have air ventilation in an occupied space even at off hours. Split unit air conditioning are located at those room that volumes are smaller than commercial building’s main spaces such as control room, offices and cafeteria.
Split Unit Air Conditioning system can be control by thermostat or remote control at will to achieve thermal comfort as it is separated from centralized air conditioning system. Compressor is located within a distance outdoor near to where Split Unit Air Conditioner is installed. The reason why a compressor is located at outdoor is to release heat result from refrigeration process. The advantages from using split unit air conditioning is it has the flexibility in controlling and to distribute conditioned air at zone that needed air conditioning.
Figure 4.18: Split Unit Air Conditioning (Indoor Unit) at cafeteria
Figure 4.19
Figure 4.20
Split Unit Air Conditioning compressor (Outdoor Unit) located at back of faรงade (Figure 4.18) and basement car park (Figure 4.19)
4.8 Fan Coil Unit (FCU) A fan coil unit (FCU) is a simpler form of air handling unit (AHU) in air conditioning system as it is economical to install than centralized air conditioning. The different between an air handling unit (AHU) and fan coil unit (FCU) is that FCU appear in smaller scale and does not need to have ductwork system in order to perform. FCU function to control the temperature in there space where it is installed and controlled by a manual switch or thermostat. In Glad Tidings Church, FCU can be found in smaller volume spaces and along the corridor to provide thermal comfort to the occupants.
Figure 4.21: Fan Coil Unit at corridor of Glad Tidings Church
8.4.4 Off-hour control ACMV system should be equipped with automatic controls capable of accomplishing a reduction of energy use for example through equipment shutdown during periods of non-use or alternative use of the spaces served by the system.
Figure 4.22: Location of Fan Coil Unit (FCU) on Ground Floor Plan
4.9 Analysis Uniform Building By-Laws (UBBL) – THIRD SCHEDULE (By-law 41)
2. Windowless rooms (1) Habitable rooms with no external walls and other enclosures shall be provided with mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning having a minimum fresh air change at the rate of 0.28 cmm per person, but in no case less than that specified in ASHRAE Standard Code 62-73. (2) Isolation wards and other such areas for infectious, contagious or other dangerous diseases shall be provided with mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning having a minimum fresh air change at the rate 0.42 cmm per person. Confined room in Glad Tidings Church has continuously exchange of conditioned air with centralized air conditioning system with supply and return ductwork system and registers.
11. Room, window, etc., air-conditioning units Where room, window or wall air-conditioning units are provided as means of airconditioning, such units shall be capable of continuously introducing fresh air. Glad Tidings Church are able to constantly provide fresh air into the building through centralized air conditioning system.
MS 1525
8.4.1 Temperature control Each system should be provided with at least one thermostat for the regulation of temperature. Each thermostat should be capable of being set by adjustment or selection of sensors over a minimum range of between 22áľ’C to 27áľ’C. Multi-stage thermostat should be provided for equipment exceeding 35/65 kWr in conjunction with 8.2.4. Thermostat are installed at the ceiling to measure the temperature of the space and keep providing conditioned air that keep the space in thermal comfort zone.
Application of EMS to the ACMV system
9.6.2 Air Handling units (AHU) Next to the chiller, the air handling units are typically the largest consumers of energy in the building. The EMS should have the facility to start and stop the air handling units based on a time schedule. For further energy savings, the cooling coil valve of the air handling units should be controlled by an intelligent controller which integrates with the EMS. Where permitted by the mechanical design of the air handling units, the speed of the fan should be decreased and the set point of the cooling valve control loop should be increased to minimise energy consumption. Glad Tidings Church has automatically control over operating hours of AHUs room and turning it off during end of operating hours to save energy and can be manually turn back on.
4.10 Conclusion
In conclusion, a centralized air conditioning system is an appropriate system for Glad Tidings Church as this system fulfil the requirement and condition to cool down a large volume of space. The air conditioning component such as air-handling units (AHU) rooms are located at appropriately in the building. All air-conditioning machines and devices are well kept in safe area and well controlled in both automatically and manually. All consideration are well made in order to not disturb occupant for activities while air conditioning services are performing. Furthermore, Glad Tidings Church complies with the by-law and MS 1525 in order to provide an air indoor quality while to achieve thermal comfort throughout the building.
CHAPTER 5.0 MECHANICAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 5.1 Introduction Since industrial revolution and when mankind started building upwards and in larger scale, mechanical transportation had since become a crucial component for the entire premise to function in the means of improving efficiency and convenience of human circulation and mobility. They commonly used in modern buildings, namely commercial, office, and residential structures having more than three stories. Examples of major mechanical transportation includes elevators, escalator and travellators. 5.2 Literature Review 5.2.1 Type of Elevator There are two types of elevator system which are the traction elevator and hydraulic elevator. Traction elevator consist of geared traction, gearless traction, and machine-room less. For hydraulic elevator, it includes conventional hydraulic elevator, holeless hydraulic elevator and roped hydraulic elevator. Traction Elevator Traction elevators are lifted by ropes, which pass over a wheel attached to an electric motor above the elevator shaft. They are used for mid and high-rise applications and have much higher travel speeds than hydraulic elevators. A counter weight makes the elevators more efficient by offsetting the weight of the car and occupants so that the motor doesn't have to move as much weight. Geared Traction Elevator Geared traction elevators have a gearbox that is attached to the motor, which drives the wheel that moves the ropes. Geared traction elevators are capable of travel speeds up to 152m per minute. The maximum travel distance for a geared traction elevator is around 76m. Gearless Traction Elevator Gear-less traction elevators have the wheel attached directly to the motor. Gear-less traction elevators are capable of speeds up to 610m per minute and they have a maximum travel distance of around 610m so they are the only choice for high-rise applications. Machine-Room Less Elevator Machine-room less elevators are traction elevators that do not have a dedicated machine room above the elevator shaft. The machine sits in the override space and is accessed from the top of the elevator cab when maintenance or repairs are required. The control boxes are located in a control room that is adjacent to the elevator shaft on the highest landing and within around 150 feet of the machine. Hydraulic Elevator
Hydraulic elevators are supported by a piston at the bottom of the elevator that pushes the elevator up as an electric motor forces oil or another hydraulic fluid into the piston. The elevator descends as a valve releases the fluid from the piston. They are used for low-rise applications of 2-8 stories and travel at a maximum speed of 200 feet per minute. The machine room for hydraulic elevators is located at the lowest level adjacent to the elevator shaft. Conventional Hydraulic Elevators Conventional hydraulic elevators have a sheave that extends below the floor of the elevator pit, which accepts the retracting piston as the elevator descends. Some configurations have a telescoping piston that collapses and requires a shallower hole below the pit. Max travel distance is approximately 60 feet. Hole-less Hydraulic Elevators Hole-less hydraulic elevators have a piston on either side of the cab. In this configuration, the telescoping pistons are fixed at the base of the pit and do not require a sheave or hole below the pit. Telescoping pistons allow up to 50 feet of travel distance. Non-telescoping pistons only allow about 20 feet of travel distance. Roped Hydraulic Elevators Roped hydraulic elevators use a combination of ropes and a piston to move the elevator. Maximum travel distance is about 60 feet. 5.2.2 Escalators Escalators are continuous conveyors designed for moving large numbers of people quickly and efficiently from one floor to another. Unlike a normal lift installation it requires waiting timed and in order to achieve a similar service a large number of lifts occupying more floor space would be required. However, an escalator can be used in conjunction with a lift, for example, between basement and ground floor where traffic is light, to avoid the need for the lift to travel to the lower floor when the demand on the upper floor is heavy. Escalators have the advantage of being reversible to suit the main flow of traffic during peak times and, unlike lifts, they are used when stationary. 5.2.3 Travelators These are similar in construction to escalators, but are intended for the horizontal movement of passengers; they can, however, be inclined up to between 12째 and 15째 to the horizontal. The moving surface is either a reinforced rubber belt or a series of linked steel plates running on rollers. The speed is about 0.6-1.33 m/s with maximum lengths of 350 m. Moving pavements are used at air terminals, railway stations and shopping centres; they can be used by the infirm, or by people with wheeled baskets or perambulators.
5.3 Case Study In Glad Tidings, the only mechanical transportation system that is found is the elevator which is used for passenger as well as a fireman’s elevator during emergency.
5.3.1 Elevator There is only two units of elevators, placed side by side and they are located at the bottom corner of the new building.
Figure Passenger/Fireman’s Elevator
During the site visit, it is mentioned that the elevators do not have any control room nor machine room therefore it is confirm that these elevators are Machine-room-less traction electric lift. Machine-Room-Less elevators are typically traction elevators that do not have a dedicated machine room above the elevator shaft. The machine sits right on top of the shaft and the controls sit beside the doors at the highest floor unit. Machine-roomless elevators are becoming more common; however, many maintenance departments do not like them due to the hassle of working on a ladder as opposed to within a room. The elevator extends from second lower ground floor to the second floor, totaled to 5 story range of vertical transportation.
UBBL 124. Lifts. For all-non-residential buildings exceeding 4 stories above or below the main access level at least one lift shall be provided. UBBL 153. Smoke detectors for lift lobbies. 1) All lift lobbies shall be provided with smoke detectors.
Figure MRL Elevator System in Glad Tidings
Figure Ground Floor Plan Showing Location of elevator
Figure Exploded Floor Plan Showing Location of elevator
5.4 Lift System 5.4.1 Machine Room-Less Elevator
Figure Evolution of Machine-Roomless Elevators source: http://ceu.construction.com/article_print.php?L=294&C=891
Figure Machine-Roomless Elevators Controller
Historically, traction and hydraulic elevators required sizeable machine rooms to store large machines, motors, or hydraulic pumps. In the 1990s, advances in technology enabled gearless machine-room-less elevators, which employ a smaller sheave and a redesigned machine that could be mounted within the hoistway itself, eliminating the need for a bulky machine room on the roof. A smaller controller room could be positioned with some flexibility near the hoistway. Also in 2011, true MRL technology was extended into hydraulic elevators, enabling those models to dispense with their full-size machine rooms. In short, with the latest advances, the elevator has become a self-contained system which is the one used in Glad Tidings
Figure Evolution of Machine-Roomless Elevators Diagrammatic comparison of Ordinary Machine room and Machine-Roomless Elevators Source: http://g03.s.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1S1EW
Architects are free to use the extra space, which can be as large as 9.2 square meter per elevator, to support their design vision in this case, the system saved as much as 18.4 square meter to accommodate the futuristic organic roof designed for Glad Tidings without the need of an extra control room and machine room above the highest floor. This also enables developers and owners to manage the building more economically as well as benefit from lower building costs. Because an elevator machine room is not just four walls, but a space that requires a complex system of lights, fire protection, and HVAC equipment, eliminating the room altogether results in reduced construction costs and time, materials, and coordination issues on the jobsite. With fewer moving parts, installation can be simpler than for conventional elevator systems, with decreased requirements for interfaces and roof penetrations. 5.5 Elevator Components 5.5.1 Controller
Firgure Controller Source: http://www.dsaquality.com/control-panels.htm
The true MRL gearless traction model has been made possible by two main factors: the compact controller innovation and the inspection/test panel. In these true MRL models, compact controllers fit inside the wall of the top elevator landing, and most necessary test and maintenance features can be concealed behind a panel in the elevator entrance to give building personnel, elevator mechanics, and city or state inspectors access to the critical items they need. This inspection and test panel typically includes a mainline disconnect accessible to building personnel who may need to cut power to the elevator. There is also a separate lockable panel which houses the service port for elevator mechanics and access to the safety circuits in case of emergency or troubleshooting. The controller is simplified and advanced version of an entire control room. It contains various of technical parameters to control the elevator such as elevator speed, power range, power supply, frequency inverter, landing method and landing accuracy(up to less than 3mm). It also has machine room temperature which will send signal to the monitor system immediately when it exceed the temperature limit. It also contains the connection system that transmit data to the monitoring system in the utility room. 90
5.5.2 Emergency Lift Supervisory Panel
Figure Lift Supervisory Panel
The lift supervisory panel is located in the utility room which is important during service or emergency. There are a display screen for the exact position of each lift as well as an intercom system to communicate with passenger who are stranded in the car in case of emergency. There are also red buttons to trigger signals for “alarm indication”, “firemode indicator”, “out of service” as well as “system on gen-set supply”, if there is any false alarm there are also two sets of green buttons for “lift in operation” or “system on normal supplty”. There are also keyholes for service or reset purposes.
5.5.3 Lift Monitoring System (LMS) The elevators are computerized and monitored in the utility room. The computer system provides constant interaction between the monitoring system and the passengers in the elevator. The system will showcase the location of each elevator 24 hours a day. When an elevator experiences a breakdown, it is immediately detected by the system and the system will notify the monitor server so that maintenance or rescue can be carried out.
Figure Dedicated elevator display computer terminals are part of the extensive control and communication equipment installed at the control room
Figure Location of Utility room which house the LMS and Lift Supervisory Penal
UBBL 154. Emergency mode of operation in the event of main power failure. 1) On failure of main power of lifts shall return in sequence directly to the designated floor, commencing with the fire lifts, without answering any car or landing calls and park with door open. 2) After all lifts are parked the lifts on emergency power shall resume normal operation.
5.6 Gearless Machine
Figure 5.6.1 Gearless Machine http://www.electrical-knowhow.com/2012/04/elevator-machine-and-drive-system.html
Gearless machine are normally used in high rise applications whereby the drive motor and drive sheave are connected in line on a common shaft, without any mechanical speed reduction unit located between the drive motor and drive sheave. They are usually used for high speed lifts between (2.5m/s) to 10 m/s and they can be also used for lower speeds for special applications. The components include the electrical motor, traction sheave or drum, direct current armature (DC motor), rotor (AC motor), brake, machine bedplate, supporting bearings and deflector or double wrap sheave: A) Electrical Motor
B) Brake
C) Machine Bedplate
Electrical Motor is used to raise and lower the elevator cab, the direction of motor rotation and speed (revolutions per minute) are directed and supervised by devices located within the elevator controller, The motor component of the elevator machine can be either a DC motor or an AC motor Traction and drum machines are provided with a mechanical brake, designed to stop and safely hold an elevator. A centrifugal force governor is provided on most elevators to guard against overspeeding (when a car travels in excess of 20% of top speed, the governor will activate a safety stop device). Safeties are installed at the bottom of an elevator car and occasionally on counterweights to provide positive emergency stopping when activated by the governor. The gear box, motor and brake may be assembled on a common bedplate. This fabricated steel structure serves to keep all parts in accurate alignment and allows one-piece shipment. Some machines have the motor and brake as an integral part of the gear case, removing the need for a separate bedplate.
D) Traction (Drive) Sheave
E) Deflector Sheave
The powered pulley connected to either the elevator drive motor’s output shaft (gearless) or to the output side of the mechanical speed reduction unit (geared). The circumference of the sheave has a series of “U” or “V” shaped grooves cut into it (as shown in below image), in which sit the elevator suspension or hoist ropes. The friction loads created as the suspension ropes pass over the grooved surface of the sheave causes motion to be transmitted from the drive motor to the elevator cab or counterweight. Pulley used to offset or direct the vertical drop or location of the steel hoist ropes running between the elevator car and its counterweight. Where the horizontal distance between the hitch point for the car and the counterweight is larger than the diameter of the drive sheave, one or more deflector sheaves are used to guide the hoist ropes.
Table 5.6 Gearless machine Components
5.7 Elevator Components Elevator has two main elements which is the elevator car and the elevator shaft. 5.7.1 Elevator Car
Figure Components of an Elevator Car Source: http://www.electrical-knowhow.com/2012/04/basic-elevator-components-part-one.html
The main components of an elevator car are: a. Car sling b. The elevator cabin c. Car Operating Panel 94
d. Car Door e. Car Operator f. Guide Shoes g. Entrance-protection system Car Sling The car sling is the framework which encloses the cab. The ropes, guides, and platform are attached to the sling. The width and height of the sling depends on the platform width and cab height respectively. A general car sling consists of: two stiles, two strike plates, a cross-head, a safety plank (called a bolster on a hydraulic equipment type), and brace rods.
Figure Car Sling Components Source: http://www.electrical-knowhow.com/2012/04/basic-elevator-components-part-one.html
Car Sling Components: a) Stiles
Stiles are two vertical channels running parallel to the rails. The stiles are connected to the crosshead and the safety plank. They provide a connecting point for one end of the brace rods. The length of the stiles depends on the cab height.
b) Safety Plank
Safety Plank is located at the bottom of a sling for a geared traction elevator. It is equipped with safety. The stiles are connected to the crosshead and the safety plank.
c) CrossHead
Cross-Head is the channels running horizontally between the stiles at the top of the sling. The cross-head is used as a counterpart to the safety planks. Besides that, the cross-head is the connecting point for the rail guides and hoist ropes. The cross-head act as the load-bearing structural element of the sling. The size of the cross-heads depends on the load of the car.
d) Brace Rods
There are generally four brace rods. One end attaches midway up each stile and the other end attaches to a corner of the platform. Brace rods provide stability for the elevator car. Besides that, they ensure that the platform is level.
e) Strike Plates
Two strike plates are mounted to the underside of the safety planks. The strike plates are the contact points between the buffer springs and car sling if the elevator car travels too far below the lowest terminal landing.
f) Sling Hitch
The car hitch plate is used to secure the ropes to the cross-head. The ropes are secured in the center of the cross-head Table Car Sling Components Elevator Cabin
Figure Glad Tidings elevator cabin
The elevator cabinet is the interior of the car where passengers stand while being transported. The cabinets are completely enclosed with openings being only the car door, an emergency trap door as well as ventilation apertures. An elevator cabinet has many choices for the finished interior materials such as stainless steel, cold rolled steel, bronze and plastic laminate.
96 Car Operating Panel Car Operating Panel is a device mounted inside a car, on which the items necessary for car operation such as Car Buttons, Door Open/Close Buttons, Alarm Button, and Inter Communication System are located. Some panels are provided with switches and buttons that are used by elevator operators and others, inside the Service Cabinet. Controls that do not concern the normal passenger are grouped in a locked compartment in the car panel. These include a hand operation switch; light, fan, and power switches; and any special control such as security and emergency device.
Figure Car Operating Panel in Passenger Elevator of Glad Tidings
The double banked car operating panel is advisable for a higher number of floors, because the single banked version would be too long. As the length of the faceplate with a double banked panel is smaller than a single banked panel, the buttons are accessible by all. A further advantage of the double banked arrangement is the possibility to insert name plates alongside the buttons. Car Interior Components Other aesthetic features that are included to enchace the experience incudes the Mirror, handrails and lightings: 1) Mirrors
Mirrors always add a special sense of space to rooms and buildings. In order to give your car more appeal and depth, one sidewall or the rear wall can be provided with a full-height safety-glass mirror.
2) Handrails
Even though your elevator travels smoothly, handrails convey a feeling of security. Stainless steel handrails match the interior and shapes of your car and can be mounted to the side and rear walls. Illuminated handrails and skirting enhance the overall ambiance of the car as well.
3) Lighting A selection of different lighting options lets you add the right atmosphere to your elevator – from warm spot light to ambient indirect lighting. You can either choose from one of the lighting solutions that comes with our interior designs or you can opt for a custom solution. Table Car Interior Components Car Door All the passenger and fireman’s elevators use center opening elevator car door. As for the freight elevator/ cargo lift, the door used is a two vertical sliding doors. The two vertical sliding doors can either be operated automatically or manually. Most elevators only have a front opening door.
Figure Center Opening Elevator Car Door
UBBL 152. Opening in lift shafts. 1) Every opening in a lift shaft or lift entrance shall open into a protected lobby unless other suitable means of protection to the opening to the satisfaction of the local authority is provided. These requirements shall not apply to open type industrial and other special buildings as may be approved by D.G.F.S. Car Operator
Figure Car Operator Source: http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Elevator-Door-Operator-Lift-CarDoor_60069892182.htmlaspx
A door operator is a motor-driven device mounted on the elevator car that opens and closes the car doors. (Electrical KnowHow, 2009) Guide Shoes Elevator car doors contain guide shoes which are devices used to guide both car and counterweight along the path of the guide rails. In addition they also make sure that the lateral motion of the car and counterweight is kept at a bare minimum while it is travelling along the guide rails. The guide shoes used in the elevators of Glad Tidings are roller guides. Roller Guides are guide shoes which use rollers that rotate on guide rails (A set of three wheels that roll against the guide rails) rather than sliding on the rails.
Figure Roller Guide Shoes Source: http://www.unitecparts.com/products/roller-guides/
Figure Drawing of Roller Guide Shoes Source: http://www.google.td/patents/US2100169 Entrance Protection System All automatic elevators, regardless of whether or not equipped with detection beams, are required by ANSI to have safety edge device on the car doors that causes the car and hoist way doors, which operate in synchrony, to reopen when the safety edge meets any obstruction. Car doors are arranged to ‘’nudge’ when almost closed or after a specific time period.
Figure Elevator car door with infrared sensor installation for safety purpose Source: http://www.mitsubishielectric.in/news-detail.php?id=36
Figure Elevator car door with infrared sensor installation for safety purpose Source: http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/elevator-parts-elevator-infrared-photocellPhotoelectric_1402131683.html
UBBL 153. Smoke detectors for lobbies. 2) Lift not opening into a smoke lobby shall not use door reopening device controlled by light beam or photo-detectors unless incorporated with a force close feature which after thirty seconds of any interruption of the beam causes the door to close within a present time. 5.7.2 Elevator Shaft An elevator shaft is the space enclosed by fireproof walls and elevator doors which houses the elevator as well as the pit. The shaft terminates at the underside of the overhead machinery space floor or at the underside of the roof.
Figure Elevator Shaft Source: http://mediacentre.kallaway.co.uk/kone-picture-library-login.asp
The main components of an elevator shaft are: a. Guide rails for both the car and counterweight. b. Counterweight. c. Suspension Cables. d. Landing doors. e. Buffers in the pit.
101 Guide Rails The guide rails of an elevator are made of steel with a ‘T’ shape. Guide rails are used to guide and direct the course of travel of an elevator car and elevator counterweights and is usually mounted on the sides of the shaft. Traction elevators use two sets of guide rails. The rails to guide the elevator car are called main rails while the rails to guide the counterweight are called counterweight rails.
Figure Elevator Guide Rails Source: http://www.electrical-knowhow.com/2012/04/basic-elevator-components-part-two.html
Figure Drawings of Elevator Guide Rails Source: http://www.liftreport.de/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,print,0&cntnt01articleid=124&cntnt01showtem plate=false&cntnt01returnid=392
102 Safety measure of Guide Rails The elevator safety gear is a mechanical device for stopping the car by gripping the guide rails in the situation of car speeding in downward direction. It is affected by a breaking action on the guide rails and for which special provisions are made so as to limit the forces on the car and counterweight to a permissible value
Figure Elevator Safety Gear Source: http://www.globalsources.com/si/AS/Ningbo-Safety/6008846709593
Figure Drawings of Elevator Safety Gear Source: http://www.google.com/patents/US8162108 Counter Weight The counterweights consist of individual flat plates of steel. The number of plates in the stack depends on the amount of weight required. The counterweights are secured within the counterweight frame by rods that run through the weights themselves. This design prevents the plates from becoming loose and falling out.
Figure Counter Weight Source: http://www.elevatorbobs-elevator-pics.com/dumbwaiters_hand_p1.html
Counterweight hitch plate is the attachment point for the other end of the ropes. The ropes are attached to the counterweight frame by a hitch plate similar to the car hitch plate. The car hangs on one end of the ropes and the counterweights hang on the other end. A Counterweight guard is located in the pit area. It is designed to protect individuals working in the pit from being struck by the counterweights as they come down. Suspension Cables Elevator cables are used to suspend and bear the weight of the elevator car and counterweight. They are generally made from thick steel wire ropes. They are used on traction elevators, and are usually attached to the crosshead and extending up into the motor while looping over the sheave on the motor and then down to the counter weights.
Figure Elevator Suspension Cable Source: http://www.explainthatstuff.com/how-elevators-work.html
104 Elevator Roping System
Figure Various Type of Roping System Source: http://www.mitsubishielectric.com/elevator/overview/elevators/systems.html
From our observation, the passenger use roping system b, with roping of 1 to 1 full double wrap high speed elevator. Landing Door Landing door is installed to connect every floor of the building to the lift shaft. Landing door works dependently in conjunction with the elevator car door. It is opened or closed by electric motors. During emergency, the landing door can be opened or closed manually like the elevator car door. The difference between the car doors and the landing doors is that the elevator car door travels through the hoistway with the car but the landing doors are fixed doors in each landing floor. The passenger and fireman’s elevator s use center opening landing door while the cargo lift uses two vertical sliding doors.
External Components of Landing Door: 1. Landing Indicator 2. Call Button 3. Fireman’s Lift Switch Safety Measure of Landing Door: 1. Hoistway Door Interlock 2. Hoistway Emergency Door Key
UBBL 152. Openings in lift shaft. 2) Landing doors shall have a FRP (fire resistance period) of not less than half the FRP of the hoistway structure with a minimum FRP of half hour. 3) No glass shall be used for in landing doors except for vision in which case any vision panel shall or be glazed with wired safety glass, and shall not be more than 0.0161 square metre and the total area of one of more vision panels in any landing door shall be not more than 0.0156 square metre.
Figure Landing Indicator
Landing Indicator is used to show the specific location and direction of the selected elevator.
Figure Call Button
Call Button is used to summon elevator to your current floor level. All elevators must have a call button installed beside them. 106
Figure Fireman’s Lift Switch Source: http://www.2n.cz/en/products/elevator-systems/lift-phones/lift8/accessories/
During emergency situation, the fireman’s lift switch is toggled to over -ride the calling system returning all the lifts to the ground floor where the switch is located. The lifts will remain on the ground floor with door open for evacuation purpose until the switch is toggled back again.
UBBL 155. Fire mode of operation. 4) The fire lifts shall then be available for use by the fire brigade on operation of the fireman’s lift switch
Figure Hoistway Door Interlock Source: http://www.electrical-knowhow.com/2012/04/basic-elevator-components-part- two.html
The hoist way door locking mechanism is used to lock each landing door mechanically. They are also interconnected electrically to prevent operation of the elevator if any of the elevator’s hoist way doors are open. If a landing door is forced open, the interlock circuit will break and the elevator will stop immediately.
Figure Hoistway Emergency Door Key Source: http://www.electrical-knowhow.com/2012/04/basic-elevator-components-part- two.html
Hoist way Emergency Door Keys are used to unlock the hoist way door interlock during emergency. UBBL 152. Openings in lift shafts. 5) Provision shall be made for the opening of all landing door by means of an emergency key irrespective of the position of the lift car. Buffers in the Pit Buffer is a device designed to stop a descending car or counterweight beyond its limit and to soften the force with which the elevator runs into the pit during an emergency. They may be of polyurethane or oil type in respect of the rated speed. There are two principal types of buffers: 1) Energy accumulation: accumulate the kinetic energy of the car or counterweight. 2) Energy dissipation: dissipate the kinetic energy of the car or counterweight.
Figure Spring Buffer
Figure Oil Buffer
Source: http://www.electrical-knowhow.com/2012/04/basic-elevator-components-part- two.html
A Spring Buffer is generally used on hydraulic elevators. These devices are used to cushion the elevator and are mostly located in the elevator pit. An Oil Buffer is another type of buffer more commonly found on traction elevators with speeds higher than 200 feet per minute. This type of buffer uses a combination of oil and springs to cushion a descending car or counterweight. They are commonly located in the elevator pit.
5.8 Analysis 5.8.1 Planning of Elevators There are only a pair of elevator in the entire premise of the 5 storey high Glad Tidings. Infront the staircase is a space of approximately 5 times 7 meters is given to ensure ease for the elevator users to travel in and out if the elevators.
Figure Lobby area of the Lift
The minimal number of elevators in this premises and position of them in the far back corner of the building significantly decrease the effectivity and efficiency of the elevators. This leads to minimal usage during non-peak hours due to its non-strategic positioning as well as inefficient usage due to prolonged waiting time during peak hours which the church can easily accommodate up to thousands of users.
5.8.2 UBBL BY-LAWS UBBL 124. Lifts For all-non-residential buildings exceeding 4 stories above or below the main access level at least one lift shall be provided. Glad Tiding is a 5 stories non-residential building with the main access of carparks under the lower and second lower ground floor of the building. In this case, two 24 passenger lift shafts was provided, therefore fulfilling the by-law requirement. All lift lobbies shall be provided with smoke detectors.
Figure Smoke Detector and sprinkle on ceiling of lift lobby
The lift lobby of Glad Tiding is installed with a smoke detector as well as several sprinkles around the compound. Therefore, the elevators are well prepared for any fire emergency. UBBL 154. Emergency mode of operation in the event of main power failure. 1) On failure of main power of lifts shall return in sequence directly to the designated floor, commencing with the fire lifts, without answering any car or landing calls and park with door open. 2) After all lifts are parked the lifts on emergency power shall resume normal operation. The elevators in Glad Tidings are incorporated with a system that during emergency or power failure, the elevators are directed to the lobby automatically. unless the firemen is in need of the usage of the elevators which can be activated through the lift supervisory penal in the utility room. The elevator can resume normal operation using emergency power generated from the emergency electrical room at the basement floor level. Therefore fulfilling the mentioned by-laws UBBL 152. Opening in lift shafts. 1) Every opening in a lift shaft or lift entrance shall open into a protected lobby unless other suitable means of protection to the opening to the satisfaction of the local authority is provided. These requirements shall not apply to open type industrial and other special buildings as may be approved by D.G.F.S. All the elevator openings of Glad Tidings will only open when they reach a protected lobby. This is for safety purpose as people might get caught between the gap of the lobby and elevator shaft. 2) No glass shall be used for in landing doors except for vision in which case any vision panel shall or be glazed with wired safety glass, and shall not be more than 0.0161 square metre and the total area of one of more vision panels in any landing door shall be not more than 0.0156 square meter. The elevators of Glad Tidings do not use any glass material as construction as the cabin compartments are totally covered from the outside. UBBL 243. Fire lifts. 4) Fire lifts shall be provided at the rate of one lift in every group of lifts which discharge into the same protected enclosure or smoke lobby containing the rising main, provided that the fire lifts are located not more than 61 metres travel distance from the furthermost point of the floor. From the Ground floor plan analysis of the 60 meters radius of the lift, it is very obvious that the blue area is out of the required range for fire rescue purposes. Therefore,
additional elevators, especially fire elevators are needed to cope with the evacuation traffic during emergency.
Figure 61m Radius from Lift on Ground Floor Plan
Figure Proposed additional lifts
Therefore it is suggested to have additional of 3 pairs of lift shafts at each corner right beside the emergency staircase which will be very effective for anyone who wish to use the elevator without having trouble to walk a long distance. This will also ease the evacuation process as well as rescue process during emergencies.
5.8.3 Location Location of lifts should be sited in the central area and take into account the proximity of entrances to the building and staircases. If the entrances to a building are not in a central position, there is still a strong case for centralizing the lifts, since their use during the day may outweigh the inconvenience of reaching the lifts at church service time and end time.
Figure Proposed additional lift at Foyer on Ground Floor
Therefore it is suggested to propose a lift shaft beside the foyer so that user that enter the premise is able to travel vertically without having to walk all the way to the existing lefts located at the back. 5.8.4 Escalator Proposal
Figure Multipurpose Hall located at the first floor.
Another proposal is to have escalator in the premise of Glad Tidings as the lifts are only able to accommodate certain amount of people at that certain time. The continuous operation of elevation and able to accommodate much more user at the certain time is perfect for the use in the large scale church especially during festive events like Christmas, Good Friday or New Year.
Figure Proposed escalator on the Ground Floor Plan
Figure Proposed escalator on the First Floor Plan
The proposed escalator is to replace the single flight staircase at the end of the new building. The reason is being the staircase is catered to the largest Multipurpose Hall of the church which can house a basketball court and 4 badminton courts at once and used for dinner events that can accommodate up to hundreds of table for events. To allow smooth traffic flow and minimal waiting time, the escalator is the greatest solution to this issue.
Figure Diagrammatic Escalator Source: http://www.robsonforensic.com/articles/escalator-anatomy-expert-diagram-to-assist-in-forensicdiscussions
Escalators are continuous conveyors designed for moving large numbers of people quickly and efficiently from one floor to another. Unlike a normal lift installation it requires no waiting timed and in order to achieve a similar service a large number of lifts occupying more floor space would be required. However, an escalator can be used in conjunction with a lift, for example, between basement and ground floor where traffic is light, to avoid the need for the lift to travel to the lower floor when the demand on the upper floor is heavy. Escalators have the advantage of being reversible to suit the main flow of traffic during peak times and, unlike lifts, they may be used when stationary. Operating System
Escalators are activated and deactivated by staffs manually. When the escalators are operating, they transmit signals to the escalator supervisory panel located in the control room. If any error occurs, red color signal will appear on the escalator supervisory panel, indicating which escalator experiences the error.
Escalator Landing Platform
An escalator landing platform is the two platforms on the top and lower level of the escalator which houses the curved section of the tracks, as well as the gears and motors which drive the escalators. The top platform houses the motor sprocket assembly and main drive gear while the lower platform contains the step return idler sprockets. The platforms allows passenger to stand on it before stepping onto the steps. An escalator truss is the structural frame of an escalator consisting of the lower section, incline section, and upper section. It is made of a hollow metal structure that bridges the lower and upper landings composed of two side sections joined together with cross braces across the bottom and just below the top. The escalator track system is built into the truss to guide the step chain, which continuously pulls the steps from the bottom of the platform towards the upper level in an endless loop. The relative positions of these tracks form a staircase as they move out from under the comb plate. The tracks are at their maximum distance apart when along the straight section of the truss. Escalator steps are solid aluminum or steel linked by a continuous metal chain that forms a closed loop. The edge of each step is connected to two wheels attached to the tracks, to enable the control of the orientation of the steps by the tracks.
Escalator Truss
Escalator Tracks
Escalator Steps
Table Escalator Components
5.10 Conclusion Vertical transportation is the medium of catalyst that allow user to mobilize in the building be it vertically or horizontally effectively and efficiently. They are the factor that enhance the user experience through circulation and transitions within the premise. Architect who are will design the vertical transportation in a way that they are able to accommodate human traffic at all time especially emergency. The elevator in Glad Tiding are able to provide fundamental convenience to user although many aspect still can be improved after doing this analysis report especially to carter to the disabled and rescue process by the firemen by following the UBBL requirements.
onc l us i on
Ov e r a l l , t hes e r v i c e ss y s t e mi nGl a dT i di ng sVi s i onCe nt r ea bi der ul e si nUBBL . T heGl a dT i di ng sVi s i onCe nt r eha st a k e ni tme a s ur et o e ns ur et ha tt heme c ha ni c a l a nde ng i ne e r i ngs e r v i c e si nt hebui l di ngc ompl yt hel a w. Y e t , t hefla wsc a nbeno c a bl ei nc e r t a i nmi nor pe r s pe cv e . De s pi t et hefla ws , t hes y s t e mss e t upi nt hebui l di ngf uncona sde s i g na t epur pos ea nda bl et oope r a t et hef uncon. Asc ons e que nc eoft her e s e a r c hc a r r yt hr oug houtt hea s s i g nme nt , wea r ea bl et ounde r s t a ndt her e l e v a nti nf or maonr e l a t e dt o me c ha ni c a l v e nl aon, a i r c ondioni ng , a ndme c a hni c a l t r a ns por t aona swe l l a sfir epr ot e cons y s t e ms . T hes i t ev i s i tnotonl yg a v eus t heoppor t uni t yt ol e a r nmor ea boutt hepur pos e sofr e s pe cv es y s t e mst ha ta s s i g ne dt ous , buti ta l s oi npi r e dust ol ooki nabi g g e rs c a l e a sade s i g ne ra bi det her e g ul aont oa l l owus e roft hebui l di nga r es a f ei nt hebui l di ngc ont e x ta nds e r v ei t sf uncons .
L a s tbutnotl e a s t , wea r eg r a t e f ul t ha tt heGl a dT i di ng sg a v eust heoppor t uni t yt ol e a r na boutt heme c ha ni c a l s y s t e ms . T he r e f or e , wea r ea b t ounde r s t a nda nde x pl a i nt hepr i nc i pl et oc ompl ywi t hr e g ul aonss e ti nourc ount r yi nr e s pe cv et oe a r c hs y s t e ms e t upi n aope r angbui l di ng . T he s ek nowl e dg et ha tweg a i nwi l l a i dusi nt hef ut ur ede s i g n.
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