January 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

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Board Meeting Minutes January 25, 2021 6:00 pm Online meeting


ADMINISTRATIVE Dave DeBlander called the meeting to order at 6:04 PM. There were enough members for a quorum. Board members present: Larry Adams, Dave DeBlander, Lynn Jackson, Tara Jones, Jena Melançon, Eric Schneider, and Dr. Sandra “Sandy” Winborne; Kelly Oden joined us at 6:30 PM. Thane Joyal of Columinate, Ever’man General Manager William Rolf, and staff members Matt & Joy were also present. Tara read the Ends Statement. Jena asked for the date on the January agenda be corrected. Lynn moved to accept the November & December minutes with its date edited as wel. Sandy seconded this motion. The motion carried unanimously.

II. OPEN FORUM Hugh Ed expressed concern that class schedule locations & board meeting times be clear on future calendars. He also expressed concern about parking lot markings, electric car monitoring, grocery pricing headers in the vegetable section, and cleanliness in the men’s room.

III. GM REPORT GM Comments William updated the board on recent sales. All are down due to the pandemic & lack of bridge between Gulf Bridge & Pensacola. Sales and profits are both in the red. William continues to keep a close eye on things. An in-depth budget will be examined in the closed-door session. William pointed out that staff has made changes to the board budget & Eric voiced opposition to staff changing the board budget. Dave suggested this conversation continue during the board budget review. All agreed. William gave the board an update on staff members, new staff selection, and the health of the ailing tree in the parking lot. Eric encouraged William to look at a native tree to replace it.

Dave gave an update on the floor in the community room. His company will be working to make the concrete floor appear to be marble. The store is not eligible for the second round of PPP as per the guidelines we did not have a reduction in income of 25% or more in any one quarter in 2020 compared to 2019. B-6 Communication to the Board Tara moved to accept B-6. Dave seconded this motion. unanimously.

The motion carried

B-9 Board Logistical Support Tara moved to accept B-9. Sandy seconded this motion. Eric asked about board access to files & William shared a new system would be in place in the near future as staff is currently investigating options. The motion carried unanimously.

IV. BOARD SELF MONITORING D7 Governance Investment: All roles are understood. There was no discussion. Committee Reports: Committees did not meet. Treasurer Report of Board Budget: The budget for the endowment fund & CCMA travel were removed from the board budget. William explained this was in part a staff error and the sums removed for years prior should not have been. Kelly agreed with Eric that the removal of funds from this year should not have been done at this time without board approval. The Kelly, Eric, Jena & William discussed what happened and why. The board & William agreed the funds will be returned to the board budget so the standard operating procedure is followed. Event Attendance Planning: Nothing was discussed. V. BOARD VISIONARY TIME Board conversation touched upon several topics during this time: • The board discussed engaging the immediate neighborhood around the downtown store and other community organizations in general. • Jena received permission from the board to delete old board member applications from the board email account. • Sandy shared a request for a former employee to be recognized. • Sandy, Dave, Kelly, Jena, and Eric discussed the idea of forming a new committee focused on community involvement. Sandy volunteered to do some initial outreach in February. Thane volunteered to find example committee charters from other organizations.

VI. ADJOURNMENT Sandy motioned to adjourn, and Tara seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The board is grateful to Thane for use of her Zoom account. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM. Respectfully submitted,

Jena Melançon Secretary for the Ever’man Cooperative Board of Directors

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