Ever’man Minutes June BOD meeting 12/07/2020 Attendees: Staff – William, Joy, Thalia, Members: Hugh Ed BOD: Jena, Lynn Jackson, Eric, Tara, Dave, Kelly (All on Zoom) CDS Consultant: Thane (Zoom) Candidates: Larry Adams, Greg Burns Absent: Dr. Sandra Meeting called to Order: 6:08 pm Tara read the ends Statement Board Candidates Introduction: Larry – Works for Bullock and Tice, was project manager for both stores. Loves the co-op, looking forward to helping the co-op. Greg - Pastoring for 28 years, love helping people. Have shopped with the co-op for 20 years. Agenda Review: for Board Visionary Time – should have been Retreat review. Sep Minutes Motion: Tara 2nd: Jena Vote: All approved Open Forum: Hugh Ed – In the InWeekly Quint Studer mention shopping at the Co-op daily GM Comments:
Sales are down: Still due to Covid (UWF closed, Navy Fed Closed – 9 Mile) (Bridge Close, downtown still closed – Garden) Reused old Commercial for Holiday, will be doing another commercial in Jan Jan will be doing a celebrated for 9 mile Rd one year. Net Profit has been down, working hard to cut expense to get this inline. Had two times of losing Products: filed insurance claimed – paid Garden Street Hot Water went out: filed insurance claimed – paid New Marketing Manager Jennifer – first task was Meal in a Bag. Goal was 600, she sold 778 by marketing the event. New Sushi program with Ace has hit the floor running, doing great.
Dave, gave kudos given the everything right now
Thane noted that other Co-ops are having trouble during these times as well. Tara mentioned that people are budgeted more, reducing eating out. Jean mentioned not having Webcart at Garden, William talked about we have a call to look at other options. Jean asked about classes going in person, are we requiring Mask in the class. Also are we requiring them in the store, shopped and saw customers not wearing mask. Discussion about mask. Thane suggested to push the topic to other night, or email. Tara thought that someone should spreadhead it and get input from health and local officials.
B10: Expansion Motion: Kelly 2nd: Lynn Vote: All approved Discuss:
B: Global Constraint Motion: Dave 2nd: Lynn Vote: All approved Discuss:
A: Ends Motion: Tara 2nd: Kelly Vote: All Approved Discuss:
Eric asked about Department of Health program, still doing them, still looking at other ways to help. Doing Homeschool Field trip come to the store.
D4: Meetings – Committee Reports: Did meet to interview Candidates. Approved. Motion to appoint Greg and Larry to board as of Jan 1, 2020 Motion: Dave 2nd: Lynn Vote: All Approved
Nominating Committee: did not meet Executive Committee: did not meet Endowment: did not meet Policy Committee: did not meet Membership Appreciation: did not meet Treasurer Report:
Doing well with board budget, because have not had the expenses. Will discuss in Jan
Upcoming Events: Board Visionary:
Dave will email notes from Thane from Board Retreat. Most things aren’t possible right now due to Covid. Dave read over the notes to the group
Motion to adjourn: Motion: Tara 2nd: Kelly Vote: App approved