He Makes All Things New
Stronger than Six Years Rwanda p. 4
On the Darkest Day Samoa p. 8
New Year’s Resolutions p. 12
Missing Persons Mexico p. 14
VISION: Every Home for Christ exists to serve the Church to reach every home on earth with the Gospel.
International President | Dick Eastman Executive Director | Tim Middlebrook Editor | Michelle Matia Copy Editor | Evelyn Evans Designer | Drew Emmert Production Supervisor | Elizabeth LeCompte
Search for us online: everyhomeintl
Every Home for Christ P. O. Box 64000 Colorado Springs, CO 80962 1-800-423-5054 |
NEW BEGINNINGS by Internationa l Pre sident Dic k Ea stm a n
“Behold, I am doing a new thing...” — Isaiah 43:19 (ESV)
A Christ Group in Burundi meets for a special youth gathering.
esus changes everything. Perhaps that’s why the disciples were so often confused by the things He said and did. They were used to following religious rules, but Jesus taught a heart-centered Gospel. They were used to living with poverty, sickness and hard labor, but Jesus brought miraculous provision, healing and blessing. They were used to death being final… but Jesus came back from the grave. Jesus didn’t come to undo what God had done before. He told us Himself that He had come to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17). But that fulfillment also meant something new was happening. The temple curtain tore when Jesus died, symbolically giving God’s people direct access to Him. That was new. The Holy Spirit descended on the disciples at Pentecost, indwelling them with the power of God. That was new, too. And God sent out missionaries to invite the Gentiles into His family. That was new as well. The disciples’ heads must have been spinning — but, oh, how they must have rejoiced in it! Following Jesus is truly an adventure. With time, we learn to expect the unexpected. We can never predict what God will do next, but we can be certain of one thing: It will be very, very good. That’s part of what makes sharing the Gospel so wonderful. We get to surprise people with God’s unexpected goodness. Living apart from Him, many resign themselves to living without hope. But when they meet Jesus, everything changes. The homeless are restored. Broken marriages are reconciled. And addiction gives way to redemption. I’m so grateful to be a part of the new things God is doing in lives all around the world through Every Home for Christ. As you read the stories in this month’s Every Home magazine, I hope you’ll feel grateful to be a part of it as well. See page 19 to read about Dick Eastman’s latest School of Prayer series.
by James Holt ilonne still wondered about Jean Luc. It had been six years since they separated. Six years of peace without his impatience. Six years of rest without being berated for every small mistake. Six years without the violence. Filonne knew she had made the right decision to move back home with her parents. Finally, her heart was calm and her life quiet. And yet — she still wondered about Jean Luc. Filonne used to smile when she thought of her husband. He had loved her once. Early in their relationship, Jean Luc had been kind to Filonne, and she had high hopes for their future together. A home filled with laughter and warmth. A husband who would care for her. A marriage that others could admire. Sadly, none of those hopes had become reality. Instead, Jean Luc began drinking. Filonne was heartbroken to see the man she had married change. It was as if his love for her had been drowned in the bottles he drank from. Filonne felt less like his wife and more like an unwanted guest. Thinking of her husband no longer made her smile — it made her afraid. Filonne hoped things would improve. Maybe Jean Luc would gain control of his drinking.
Maybe, if she were the best wife she could be, his love for her would return. But those hopes disappeared the night Jean Luc became violent. The more it happened, the worse it became. Finally, Filonne fled from their home to stay in her parents’ house, and she hadn’t returned to Jean Luc since. Those first days were filled with many tears. With time, Filonne became resigned to the situation. So many years had gone by with no change in their relationship. Jean Luc continued to drink, and Filonne remained with her parents. That was simply the way things were now, and it was useless to hope that they could be different — until the day a commotion outside caught Filonne’s attention. Curious, she glanced out the window to see what was happening. Jean Luc was standing just outside her parents’ front gate. Neighbors had gathered on the street. They were as shocked to see him as Filonne was. Everyone in the community knew that her family considered this man a threat. Filonne couldn’t imagine why Jean Luc had come. After so many years, couldn’t he just leave her in peace?
“ she reached Jean Luc and looked into his eyes, she saw something she didn’t expect.”
Her younger brother, René, stepped outside and approached Jean Luc. At 20 years old, he was strong enough to handle himself if Jean Luc started trouble. Filonne watched in bewilderment as René and Jean Luc talked. When René came back inside, he was shaking his head in disbelief. “Your husband has received R W the Lord,” René told Filonne. “Now he is a changed, humble and peaceful man.” Filonne was incredulous. Did her husband think she was a fool? How could he dare to make up such a story? She refused to go out to meet him. But Jean Luc didn’t leave. He stood outside the gate all that morning. He stood there through lunchtime. And he stood there in the heat of the afternoon, still not moving. The longer he waited, the larger the crowd of curious neighbors grew. They speculated about what would happen. With a frustrated sigh, Filonne realized she would have to talk to Jean Luc. As she stepped outside the door, a wave of fear hit her. All she could think of was how much this man had hurt her. But as she reached Jean Luc and looked into his eyes, she saw something she didn’t expect. Love. Jean Luc looked at her with love. It was a look she hadn’t seen in years. A look she had forgotten. A look she thought would never return. Then, Jean Luc dropped to his knees. The crowd of neighbors gasped, and tears came to Filonne’s eyes. With humility, Jean Luc explained that a group of Christians had come to their home. They told him about Jesus, the Son of God who loved him. Jesus wanted a relationship with Jean Luc despite everything he had done — even abusing his wife. With sorrow and regret, Jean Luc realized he was a sinful man. Overwhelmed, he knew he wanted to receive the forgiveness Jesus offered. Jean Luc
repented and surrendered his life to Christ — and began a new life of freedom in Him. One of the first things Jean Luc wanted to do with his new life in Jesus was to make things right with his wife. “You can remain here at your parents’ home,” Jean Luc said. “But what I need most is D A your forgiveness for all the bad things I did to you.” For a moment, nobody said anything. Then Filonne knelt on the ground with her husband and hugged him close. The neighbors cheered. Filonne wanted to meet the people who had brought such a life-changing message to her home. Jean Luc led her to the EHC pioneer missionaries who had visited him, and Filonne listened in amazement as they explained the love of Jesus to her. Jesus cared about her unhappy marriage, and His forgiveness had utterly transformed her husband. Jesus also cared about Filonne’s broken heart, and He wanted to restore hope to her life. Filonne wanted to follow Jesus, so she gave her life to Him as well. Joyfully, she and Jean Luc finally went home together. The entire community was shocked by this unexpected change in Jean Luc — and curious about this Jesus who had changed him. As a result of Jean Luc’s testimony, Filonne’s mother and their neighbors also gave their lives to the Lord. Anyone who was skeptical about whether this change was real eventually had to admit that it was. Violence left Jean Luc and Filonne’s home for good, and their relationship became stronger than ever. They are now part of a local church where they grow in their newfound faith, and they even serve with Every Home for Christ, sharing the Gospel message that saved their marriage. When Filonne thinks about Jean Luc and all that the Lord did to bring them back together, she smiles. They have a new life in Jesus — together.
The Gospel goes forth in Rwanda, meeting some people on the road and others in fields where they work. Last year, more than 50,000 Rwandans found a new beginning in Christ.
by Josh Skaggs
our months before Rami died, Amelia was sleeping beside him on a flattened cardboard box. Most nights, they slept at the flea market and washed up in the morning at the public restroom. They worked odd jobs when they could find them, playing music at nightclubs or teaching guitar lessons. They ate what they could find. Rami was an immigrant from Holland whose social security had run out. Amelia was a Samoan with a violent family history. Sometimes, Rami called in a favor from a friend at a car rental company so that he and Amelia could sleep in one of their trucks. Rami started teaching guitar lessons to a local boy named Manasa. When he and Amelia were kicked out of the flea market one day, he called Manasa’s dad. Morgan Gegera, National Director of Every Home for Christ Samoa, answered the phone. “They explained their situation and asked if they could sleep at the EHC headquarters for a night,” Morgan remembers. “After dinner, they slept soundly until the next morning. They ended up staying for three months.” Morgan and his wife, Mele, took a special interest in Rami and Amelia. Tasked with reaching every home in Samoa with the Gospel, they also embodied the gospel message around their dining room table. “When I first saw Amelia, I knew in my heart that she needed to experience the love of God,” Mele says. “She would not be an easy person to reach because of her background. She was hard-headed and very strong-willed. But I knew that God’s love was greater than any circumstance, so we just loved her and cared for her.”
“But I knew that God’s love was greater than any circumstance, so we just loved her and cared for her.”
Morgan and Mele sit comfortably in the grass for a conversation about Jesus. They work well as a team — sometimes even wearing matching shirts! — to achieve the goal of reaching every home in Samoa with the Gospel.
“I still struggle,” Amelia admits, speaking of her growing faith. “But I trust the Lord each and every day to help me stay on the right path.”
Amelia (left) and Mele pose for a quick photo during Amelia’s birthday celebration. They’ve spent a lot of time together in the past year, as Mele supported Amelia through one of the most trying seasons of her life.
Morgan and Mele provided more than a temporary housing facility — they gave Amelia and Rami a safe haven that felt like home. They shared meals together every day, and on Amelia’s birthday they honored her with a cake and celebration. Morgan and Mele adopted the couple into their spiritual family, inviting Amelia and Rami to join their EHC prayer and discipleship meetings twice a week. As Morgan and Mele shared about salvation, grace and eternal life, Amelia and Rami brought their own thoughts and questions to the discussions. With every passing week, their hearts softened to the Gospel. Amelia came to understand that Jesus loved her so much that He endured death to save her. She could think of only one response — to dedicate her life to Him. Morgan remembers a day when Amelia’s niece came for a visit. “She testified that Amelia had changed a lot since she started staying at the EHC base,” he says. “She knew how Amelia was before.” Amelia grew up in a violent home with an alcoholic father. She escaped to New Zealand to make a new life 10
Amelia displays her birthday cake, grateful for the many tangible expressions of God’s love she’s experienced during a time of grief.
for herself, but she ended up serving six months in prison for assaulting two women. When she returned to her hometown, bad blood kept her from finding refuge with her family. In darker moments, Amelia had sometimes considered taking her own life. “I was a very bad-tempered person,” Amelia says. “I was violent. I used people. I’ve done bad stuff I’m not proud of. Since I gave my life to God, He has been changing me.” Rami was also changing. He prayed to receive salvation, and he started telling a fellow European immigrant about his newfound faith. Rami and Amelia were getting their lives together, setting out on a new path. They found a new place to live and moved out of the EHC base. A few days later, Rami died of a heart attack. His death was unexpected and tragic, overwhelming Amelia just as she was beginning to find her footing. She moved in with her parents, grieving the death of a man they had never liked. But her childhood home remained a hostile environment. When her father tried to attack her with a knife, she once again sought refuge
Morgan joins this Samoan Christ Group for a time of prayer, taking hands and sitting on woven mats with believers who span three generations.
with her EHC family. Morgan and Mele were willing to help Amelia as long as she needed it. In the midst of heartache, God was working, carving out a reservoir of hope she would later share with others who were suffering. Finding daily rhythms through her grief, Amelia stayed busy with tasks around the office. She tidied the prayer room and served refreshments at meetings. And she prayed. “She is strong in prayer,” Morgan says. “She is constantly praying for her unsaved father. This is where her strength lies.” Despite her own heartache, Amelia began going on EHC outreaches to tell people about Jesus. She joined Elizah, a pioneer missionary, on an outreach to the village of Tufulele. There, she met Samuelu, a husband and father of three young children. When Amelia and Elizah showed up at Samuelu’s front door, he had lost all perspective and felt he had no reason to live. He confessed that he was planning to commit suicide later that day. Amelia believes that God had come to Samuelu on his darkest day. She had seen God work in her own dark
Mele shares gospel literature under a gazebo while a man fans himself, listening attentively.
days, and she knew He could do the same for someone else. Amelia and Elizah shared Jesus’ love with Samuelu and his family. Moved by the great lengths to which God had gone to rescue him, Samuelu asked Elizah to lead him in a prayer to receive Jesus. He was stunned that God loved him enough to send people to his home on the very day he’d planned to die. What is equally stunning is whom God sent — a woman who had previously considered taking her own life. God saved Amelia out of death and despair, and He continues to establish her as a messenger of His salvation. The movement from death to life has not been easy, but Amelia is committed to staying the course. “I still struggle,” Amelia admits, speaking of her growing faith. “But I trust the Lord each and every day to help me stay on the right path.”
You help change lives like Amelia’s when you give using the accompanying envelope or online at
ew Year’s resolutions have reportedly been around since the ancient Babylonians. In America, making a New Year’s resolution is still a popular tradition. According to Forbes, approximately 40 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. The three most common are to exercise more, to lose weight and to enjoy life to the fullest. These are good things, but they don’t offer a lot of benefit from an eternal perspective. As we start the new year, I challenge you to consider making one or more resolutions that will enhance your relationship with the Lord or accomplish something meaningful for Him. Experts say that, in order to be successful, resolutions should be reasonable, clear and measurable. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing: 1. I will trade ___ hours of watching TV each week for time with God, reading His Word. 2. I will spend at least ___ minutes each day in prayer with my Father in heaven. 3. I will share my faith with someone at least ___ times each month. 4. I will pray each day for God to show me how I can give my time to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those He puts in my path. 5. I will give ___ percent more of my resources to my church or other Christian ministries this year. 6. I will protect my family and be a good steward of all God has entrusted to me by making sure that my will or trust is up to date and written from a biblical perspective.
Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisers.
Number six may have caught you by surprise, but it is an important act of stewardship and often overlooked in the Christian community. This is the ministry God has called me to serve in for almost 20 years. So, if you need to write or update your will or trust, why not make a New Year’s resolution to allow Every Home for Christ to bless you through our Will and Trust Planning Ministry? This ministry is a gift to you without obligation or cost. With our help, you’ll be fully prepared to visit your attorney to draft a biblical will or trust. To schedule an appointment, contact Debbie Grissett at or 1-800-423-5054.
You Decide What Happens Next Every Home for Christ is ready to help you design your will or trust, ensuring that they:
• Are biblically based • Provide for your loved ones • Bless the ministries you care about
Our Will and Trust Planning Ministry will fully prepare you to meet with your attorney to draft your documents. For more information, contact Debbie Grissett at or 1-800-423-5054. Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisers.
Behind the beautiful architecture and hillside vistas of Ciudad Cuauhtémoc is a city where hundreds of people disappear due to murder and kidnapping. Cuauhtémoc by Luis Alvaz,, CC BY-SA 4.0,
by Josh Skaggs
n the city of Cuauhtémoc, 351 people have disappeared. Abducted and often murdered under the sanction of corrupt law enforcement, more people have disappeared in Cuauhtémoc than in any other city in Mexico, according to a 2016 report from Amnesty International. This crisis is just one of many that plague the people of Cuauhtémoc. Positioned at the crossroads of drug-trafficking routes between Mexico and the United States, the city is ensnared by addiction and poverty. While some people disappear outright, countless others slip through the cracks of their community. For the people of Cuauhtémoc, neither the government nor the police can be counted on to change things. Instead, change comes from the everyday people who work hard within their communities. Enter Jorge and María Catarina Ramos. Pastors with a longstanding legacy in Cuauhtémoc, Jorge and María Catarina partner with Every Home for Christ to transform their community. They run a rehabilitation center, where they use EHC discipleship materials to minister to recovering drug addicts and men who have been displaced from their homes. Jorge and María Catarina have a heart for these young men, many of whom were abandoned by their parents. They continually seek out those in need to share the love of Jesus in a practical way. In some ways, Jorge and María Catarina are unlikely candidates for this kind of work. Health problems have confined María Catarina to a wheelchair for the past two years, and Jorge admits that his age might seem incongruous with his mission. “I am already advanced in age,” he says. “But I am committed to the Lord to keep going to the end of my strength.” Jorge visits the neighborhoods most people avoid, parts of town where drug dealers and gangs have taken up residence. He finds men who have run out of options and invites them to take refuge at the rehab center. This is how he met Sergio. Deported from the United States in 2013, Sergio was separated from his entire family and left in poverty. He came to Cuauhtémoc with nothing, looking for temporary work. Like so many young men in similar situations, he fell in with the wrong crowd and got involved with drugs.
“I cannot even describe the suffering this was to me,” Sergio says, remembering that time of separation from his family. His situation is not unique. Jorge explains: “When people arrive in Cuauhtémoc without money and without work, they take refuge in gangs to survive. This introduces them to the world of drugs and leads them to other criminal acts. They become people without any hope. They do not even love themselves.” When Sergio found his way to the rehab center, he was at the end of his rope. He missed his family. He missed the way they supported him and made him feel safe. Now, he felt it might be better to die than continue down the road he had taken. “When people arrive at the center, they come destroyed in their spirits,” Jorge says. “They feel they have no value. They no longer even feel human.” That’s when Jorge and María Catarina get to work. Coming to the aid of people the world has discarded as too poor or too dangerous to help, they offer showers, warm meals and a place to stay. They also offer a message of unconditional love. Jorge says, “When people know that Jesus loves them just the way they are and that He came to save their spirits and give them a better life, they are astonished to find out that there is someone who cares for them.” This is the message that changed Sergio’s life. As he studied the Scriptures, he encountered God’s love in a way that transformed him from the inside out. He committed his life to Jesus, and he felt something else awakening in him — a desire to help others in his situation. Sergio returned to his hometown in Oaxaca and began working with the local church to bring the Gospel to young people in his community. “On weekends, we go out to the streets and homes to evangelize,” he says. “I share my testimony and give glory to the Lord because He made me a new person.” Sergio isn’t the only one whose life has changed. Jorge and María Catarina have led hundreds of young men through the EHC discipleship curriculum, and many have gone on to reach out to others. One of the primary ways people hear about the rehab center is through word of mouth, as men whose lives have been changed invite others to experience the same transformation. Working in a city like Cuauhtémoc will always be dangerous. But Jorge plans to continue as long as he has strength. “What leads us to take the risk is the immense love that our Lord Jesus Christ has placed in our hearts,” Jorge says. “The need is great. We trust that God will continue to rescue the young for the glory of His name.” 16
First two photos: At Jorge and María Catarina’s rehab center, Sergio (in green) studies the Bible as he begins his new life in Christ. Third photo: Older members of a different Christ Group at the rehabilitation center meet to study the Bible using Every Home for Christ’s Discovery discipleship curriculum. Fourth photo: At his new church in Oaxaca, Sergio proudly displays his certificate of completion from the rehab program. He plays drums with the worship team and serves in other outreaches.
Listed at the top right of each daily request is the nation’s population, the percentage of evangelical believers (Joshua Project) and a number that corresponds with Every Home for Christ’s 2017 edition of the World Prayer Map. At the end of each prayer request is the assigned reading for the day to read through the Bible in a year.
Every Home for Christ | P.O. Box 64000 | Colorado Springs, CO 80962 | 1-800-423-5054 | |
An inspection team from the Religious Affairs and National Security offices came to a meeting run by our team and took samples of our books from our library and Sunday school classes for inspection. Please pray that God gives our team favor in the eyes of the government. (Exodus 4-6)
Pop. 68,000,000
0.5% WPM # 137
To help those who can’t read Scripture themselves, our team is running a radio program with daily Bible readings to help the illiterate grow in faith. Pray for the logistics as our team records programs and for many believers to be encouraged by what they hear. (Exodus 13-15)
Pop. 66,600,000
1.0% WPM # 89
An evangelism team has been going home to home on the island of Corsica and is strategizing how to reach every home in the capital city of Ajaccio. Pray that God opens doors for their ministry to grow and that the local churches will catch the vision of reaching every home. (Psalms 18-20)
Pop. 10,700,000
27.3% WPM # 18
Our team developed a new strategy to reach students and started working in a few schools. Students have open hearts, eager to learn about the Gospel. Please pray that our workers continue to have favor with the schools and receive invitations to share the Gospel. (Exodus 28-30)
February 2018
Pop. 14,000,000
0.2% WPM # 47
Please pray for the churches and pioneer missionaries of Saint-Louis to be bold in declaring the Gospel to the lost in their city. Pray that all the new believers will be zealous in sharing the Good News they’ve received with those in their neighborhoods. (Exodus 38-40)
Pop. 51,000,000
10.2% WPM # 16
Pastors are receiving the EHC mission with enthusiasm, and our leaders’ schedule for training is full. Praise the Lord for this zeal to reach every home with a personal witness of the Gospel. Pray that more churches will have a heart to reach the lost. (Exodus 7-9)
Pop. 900,000
23.8% WPM # 151
Our team is reaching settlement areas in the Tailevu Province, which is populated by immigrants who have brought their traditional religions with them. Pray that God works through our pioneer missionaries to reach the hearts of those chained by idolatry. (Exodus 16-18)
Pop. 204,300,000
24.8% WPM # 221
Angelina is a pioneer missionary evangelizing in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will encourage and move through Angelina, as she has faced many adversities while preaching the Gospel throughout this region. (Exodus 22-24)
Pop. 56,300,000
5.1% WPM # 136
Please pray that God will use our pioneer missionaries to bring His hope and peace to Myanmar. Due to violence, many people have fled their homes and are in need of the hope that is found only in the Gospel. (Exodus 31-33)
Please pray for our workers in the southern districts of this closed nation, where it is difficult to host trainings and services. Strict vigilance from authorities has created a lot of fear among believers. Pray that God will renew their faith daily in the face of persecution. (Psalms 21-23)
Pop. 321,400,000
26.5% WPM # 177
Please continue to pray for revival to ignite in the United States. Pray that prayer furnaces will rise up throughout the nation with day-andnight petitions for God's glory to be revealed to the lost and that many will come to salvation. (Exodus 10-12)
Pop. 17,000,000
0.7% WPM # 49
Many people hearing the Good News of Jesus want to become Christians, but social influence and fear prevent them from making the decision to fully follow Christ. Please pray the Holy Spirit opens their eyes to the eternal impact that following Jesus will have on their lives. (Exodus 19-21)
Our team has been in contact with Mr. M for more than three years. He is serious about following Jesus but feels he must be secret about it. Yet he is also talking about baptism. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will fully reveal the saving power of Christ to Mr. M. (Exodus 25-27)
Pop. 600,000
0.3% WPM # 73
Milivoje, an EHC Mobile Training Coordinator, shares literature in the city of Nikšić. This is the secondlargest city in Montenegro, with around 70,000 inhabitants and a reputation for drug abuse. Please pray for the Gospel to bring breakthrough to this city. (Exodus 34-37)
Pop. 101,000,000
12.2% WPM # 170
Please pray that the strongholds of sorcery and witchcraft will fall in the province of Siquijor as our workers take the Good News of salvation home to home. Pray that the light of God will shatter the ideology of witchcraft and that the truth will be revealed to the lost. (Leviticus 1-3)
DAILY PRAYER WATCH February 2018 16
Pop. 61,900,000
1.3% WPM # 65
Our team in Italy is seeking to reach those who are stuck in religiosity instead of a personal relationship with Jesus. Please pray that God gives them strategy and wisdom to approach people who have fallen into legalism or have become unengaged with the Church. (Leviticus 4-6)
Pop. 99,500,000
17.4% WPM # 29
Recently, there has been ethnic conflict in some areas. Please pray that God uses our workers to spread peace to the region and that many homes will be reached with the Good News. (Leviticus 13-15)
Pop. 10,600,000
0.7% WPM # 82
Praise God for the new follow-up materials being used by our team in the Czech Republic. With daily Bible readings and pieces focusing on discipleship, these materials will help grow and strengthen new believers. (Leviticus 19-21)
Pop. 15,700,000
1.6% WPM # 139
Praise the Lord for all those who have recently received Christ as their Lord and Savior. Please continue to pray for our team as they conduct evangelism outreaches all over the country, and pray that many more would come to the saving knowledge of Christ. (Numbers 1-3)
Praise God for the completion of five years of ministry in this closed nation. Our workers throughout the country will come together to reflect on what God has done in the past and plan to reach their country in the future. Pray for God’s favor over this meeting. (Psalms 27-29)
Pop. 6,500,000
2.1% WPM # 30
Praise God for the release of several pastors imprisoned for almost eight years after sharing the Gospel. Please pray that the Church will continue to be courageous in sharing the love of Jesus with the lost. (Leviticus 7-9)
Pop. 1,300,000
4.5% WPM # 98
There is a school for children with special needs in the capital city of Tallinn with many Christians among the staff. Please pray for an open door and wisdom as our workers seek to meet needs and share the Gospel with students and staff. (Leviticus 16-18)
Praise God that many souls are placing their faith in Jesus in this closed nation, even though persecution is on the rise. Please pray for these new believers to grow in their relationship with Jesus and to boldly share their faith with friends and family. (Leviticus 10-12)
The government recently passed an anti-conversion bill making it illegal to evangelize. If caught evangelizing or distributing gospel messages, one faces a massive fine and imprisonment. Please pray that the Gospel will continue to run swiftly despite this new law. (Leviticus 22-24)
Pop. 3,500,000
3.5% WPM # 103
Please pray for the evangelization of Petrunea and Camenca, villages in the Glodeni District. Pray that the Holy Spirit will soften the hearts of those our workers share the Gospel with. (Numbers 4-6)
Pop. 23,300,000
10.6% WPM # 41
Please pray for God to strengthen our workers who are focusing on hometo-home evangelism in the Akoupe District. Pray that the Holy Spirit will go before them in power to remove any obstacle to the Gospel. (Psalms 24-26)
Pop. 18,900,000
9.0% WPM # 40
Please pray for our National Director and Discipleship Coordinator as they train believers in evangelism and discipleship in the town of Ziniaré. Pray that God will use all the new trainees to bring glory to Jesus' name. (Leviticus 25-27)
Pop. 25,300,000
10.0% WPM # 8
Cult leaders confronted our pioneer missionaries and threatened to destroy the materials they were sharing on a home-to-home outreach. Please pray for boldness in our workers as they continue to reach remote villages with the Gospel. (Numbers 7-9)
2 0 1 8 S C H O O L O F P R AY E R S E R I E S
SECRET OF PRAYER’S GREAT MYSTERY SECRET OF INTIMACY WITH GOD January 20 from 9 am to noon (MST) For over 40 years, Dick Eastman has been a leading voice on the subject of prayer, teaching millions and authoring many books. In this new School of Prayer series, Deeper Secrets of Prayer, Dick will teach on offering astonishing prayers and receiving astounding answers — prayer’s great mystery.
Join us in person, or watch live or on demand at
2018 SCHOOL OF PRAYER DATES: January 20 | February 17 | March 24 | April 28 | May 12 640 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 | 1-800-423-5054 |
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